Page 1: Easy Ways To Speed Up Your WordPress Website

By Naveen Puli


Easy Ways To Speed Up Your WordPress Website

Google and most of the search engines rank fast loading sites instead of Slow loading sites.

If you are looking for Speed Up Your WordPress Website then this post is a good one for

you. Even Google announced that site speed factor added into their algorithm.

So we need to decrease our website load time to overcome site rankings and less traffic to

your site. On the internet, there are many ways to optimize the site speed but in this post, you

can get some easy ways. WordPress speed optimization is essential for bothSEO and User


Does Site Speed Matter?

Website speed and page load times are important for both search engine rankings and user

satisfaction, so optimizing your site’s performance is key. When a person lands on your site

for the first time, you only have a few seconds to capture their attention to convincing them to

hang around.

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By Naveen Puli


Check your site speed with the help of some tools like below:


Pingdom Tools

Google PageSpeed Insights


Easy Ways To Speed Up Your WordPress Website

Website loading speed is one of the major SEO ranking factors. I think many people already

achieved the fast loading time. But here I have gathered some best ways on website speed

optimization below. After reading this article anyone can improve the loading time and

increased traffic.

1. Select the best Hosting Provider

The most important one is Best host to improve our site speed. Not only load speed but also

this is crucial our valuable data security. If you have a reliable hosting brand, then you will

get many benefits. Selecting the best hosting can increase your sales and improve your SEO.

There are many different types of WordPress hosting such as Free, Shared, VPS,Dedicated,

and Managed WordPress hosting. You can also get more details about this on WPBeginner.

After choosing proper web host then we have to pick a plan, so it pays to understand the

differentiating factors, and importantly what actually matters and what doesn’t.

A hosting provider, who provides 100% uptime, free daily backups, money back

guarantee and offers scalability then it is called best web host.

My suggested web hosts are:




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By Naveen Puli


2. Try to use fast loading theme or framework

Many themes have unwanted scripts and flash elements. So you have to select the best theme

which is loading quickly.

If we purchased premium themes, then it is good regarding proper code like javascript. I

noticed Thesis Theme Framework is an incredibly robust framework that won’t slow you

down with excess plugins or custom edits.

We can also get themes from Themeforest, Mythemeshop and Thrive themes. So think

once before you select the theme or framework.

3. Install Effective Cache Plugin

Many plugins are available for WordPress, which can be useful for fast loading blogs. One

of the most common types of the plugin is cache plugin. These cache plugins create a cache

of the static file of your blog posts, and when a user access the post it serves it directly from

the cache folder.

Serving a post from cache folder will make the post load faster than without the cache. Just

install & activate the proper cache plugin with available options then it will start the caching


Some of the best Cache plugins are:

W3 Total cache

WP Super cache

WP Fastest cache

Quick cache

WP Rocket

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By Naveen Puli


My recommended cache plugin in is WP Rocket because this plugin creates an ultra-fast load

time, essential for improving Search Engine Optimization and increasing conversions. But

this costs around 39$ for a single site license.

4. Optimize your Images

We can optimize our WordPress site images with the use of some plugins like WP Smush-It.

Yahoo! Has an image optimizer called that will drastically reduce the file size of a

picture without reducing the quality. WPMU Dev has taken over the development of the plugin recently.

It is very complicated to compress images one by one. But above plugin do this process to all

of your images automatically. automatically strips meta data from JPEGs and removes unused colors from indexed


Tiny PNG is another great tool, which allows also strips un-used colors for lossy


The Lazy Load plugin allows you to only load images above the fold when a new visitor

arrives at your site.

Some of the best Image Optimize plugins are:

WP Smush


EWWW Image Optimizer

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By Naveen Puli


5. Use Content Delivery Network (CDN)

CDN‘s store our data on their own fast loading servers. When a visitor requested your site

data then these content delivery networks deliver the resources from their servers also. CDN

servers are located in all over the world that why they deliver data rapidly from their nearest


What is CDN?

A content delivery network or content distribution network (CDN) is a globally distributed

network of proxy servers deployed in multiple data centers. The goal of a CDN is to serve

content to end-users with high availability and high performance.

Some of the best CDNs are:




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By Naveen Puli


My suggested Content Delivery Network is CloudFlare. Because this is totally free and

setup is very simple. Also, this stops attacks such as Brute-force, SQL Injection,

andhacking attempt. While changing hosting, no need to wait for DNS propagation.

CloudFlare saves server bandwidth and this is a cutting-edge CDN provider. Almost all high

traffic websites now use a CDN for their static content.

6. Optimize Your WordPress Database

It’s a good practice to clean up & optimize WordPress database. You can just use some

plugins to optimize your database (spam, post revisions, drafts, tables, etc.) to reduce their


Why does the database need cleaning?

If your WordPress website has been online and active for a while, your database will have

accumulated a lot of information. By cleaning up and optimizing your WordPress database,

you can shave valuable seconds off your site loading time.

Plus, getting rid of all that extraneous data will give you more storage space, in case your

hosting plan is very limited.

Some of the best WordPress Database optimize plugins are:


WP Sweep



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My suggested WordPress Database plugin is WP Sweep. Because it has below features.

1. One click deletes spam & comments in trash

2. Clean up post revisions

3. Clean up duplicate meta-data

4. Auto-drafts

5. Transient Options

6. Unused terms

More Speed Optimization Ways:

Use Less Plugins:

Always maintain limited plugin because sometimes they become cumbersome and

counterproductive. Try to use plugins like P3- Plugin Performance Profiler to detect which

plugin slow down your site.

Put The CSS On Top & Javascript At The Bottom:

If you want your site to load faster, place your CSS at the top of the section and JavaScript at

the bottom. Allow the browser to load your CSS first so that users can see the content on your

site load. Users won’t find themselves staring at a blank white page.

Disable Hotlinking:

Hotlinking is nothing but it’s a form of bandwidth theft. So basically they use your servers

with your content on their site. And as a result, your server gets loaded with no benefit to you

whatsoever. To overcome this just add below code to your htaccess file.

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By Naveen Puli



RewriteEngine on

RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^$

RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^http(s)?://(www\.)? [NC]

RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^http(s)?://(www\.)? [NC]

RewriteRule \.(jpg|jpeg|png|gif)$ [NC,R,L]

Specify expires header to static resources:

This will cut your load time significantly for your regular users. Means after making changes

your site you or your visitors may not see the changes. So we will specify the period after

which the cache on your server expires.



ExpiresActive On

ExpiresByType image/jpg “access plus 1 year”

ExpiresByType image/jpeg “access plus 1 year”

ExpiresByType image/gif “access plus 1 year”

ExpiresByType image/png “access plus 1 year”

ExpiresByType text/css “access plus 1 month”

ExpiresByType application/pdf “access plus 1 month”

ExpiresByType text/x-javascript “access plus 1 month”

ExpiresByType application/x-shockwave-flash “access plus 1 month”

ExpiresByType image/x-icon “access plus 1 year”

ExpiresDefault “access plus 2 days”


Disable Pingbacks and Trackbacks:

Trackbacks and pingbacks are used to let you know that someone else has put a link to your

post on another blog or site. Trackbacks are manual, and pingbacks are automatic, they both

end up in your comment moderation.

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By Naveen Puli


Try to replace PHP with static HTML, when necessary:

This one is a little bit advanced but can drastically cut down your load time if you are

desperate to include page load speeds.

Combine Your Images Into One:

We can combine these images into one big file which contains all images which will reduce

the number of HTTP requests and create a far more efficient process.

My website speed after using Optimization Ways:

You can check my site current load speed at GTMetrix result after optimization. I got this

speed with the help of below methods. These methods are suggested by Vishal Sharma.

A faster website/blog always means a better Satisfaction for the Visitor. If you site reloading twice,

then you may lose visitors or drop in rankings. So, I have decided to share my experience with you at


It is good to remove bad or unwanted plugins to improve loading speed. These methods are

really helpful in Speed Up Your WordPress Website.

WP-Rocket: First I have installed WP Rocket plugin instead of WP Super Cache and WP

Super Cache. Because I find WP-Rocket performance to be better than W3 Total cache and

what I liked most about WP-Rocket is it’s easy to configure.

WP-SmushIt: High-resolution images that are unnecessarily large in file size can drastically

slow down page speed. So we will always optimize our images regularly. Wp Smush

plugin do this work for us and this plugin reduce the image file size and improve


WP-Sweep: Always clean up your unused and duplicated data on your site. WP-

Sweepplugin will clean up and optimize your database by removing the post revisions,

unused, spam comments and much more.

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By Naveen Puli


Activate the CloudFlare: I have already mentioned above CloudFlare is my

suggestedCDN for your blog. This is entirely free, and you don’t need any technical

knowledge. Enabling CloudFlare is easy and within a short period, it will start work. Simply

follow below screenshots for better results.

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By Naveen Puli


After Optimization:

Conclusion: Now it’s your turn to Speed Up Your WordPress Website by above

optimization ways. This combination of tools and software should help create the fast site

without spending a penny.

I think this post will be helpful for your website for fast loading. If you have any optimization

ways not mentioned in this post, then feel free to share with me via the comment section.

If you are unable to optimize your Wordpress website then you can contact me for this

service. I will provide it with the help of Vishal Sharma.

Read more interesting posts like this at Effective Information.

Good Luck!