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Page 1: Easy ride

Easy Bike

Easiest Way to Rent

Page 2: Easy ride

Cheapest and most enjoying way to

travel in small areas

Page 3: Easy ride

It is not always easy to find a rental office

In case of a mechanical failure, user have

to find a solution by himself

Page 4: Easy ride

The main purpose of this study is

› to create a website and a mobile app.

find the closest rental store

calculate the total distance travelled and the

calories burned

integrate with social media to publish where

the user is or what did he do

Page 5: Easy ride

Phase 1

› Choose pilot areas in a city where cycling is


› 3 options

Buy 10 bikes per each location and rent

Contract with rental store

Pay for bulk and sell to users - *Win-Win Model

Commission from rental stores per each user

that is guided by Easy Ride (No entrance Fee)

Page 6: Easy ride

Phase 2

› Expand to other cities that have potential for

bike rentals

Phase 3

› Expand to other countries that have

potential for bike rentals

Use the same account for all cities and

