Page 1: EASTER SUNDAY OF THE RESUR- RECTION OF THE LORD Church … · What are our own Saturday tombs? Jesus has the power to open them all. That is our invitation, this day most of all

Church of Saint Anthony APRIL 1, 2018



4 Union City Rd., Prospect, CT 06712 Website:

Parish Center Office Hours: Mon & Tues 8:30—4:30; Wed 8:30—4:00; Thurs 9:00—2:00; Fri 8:30—4:00

Regardless of your present

religious affiliation or status

in the Catholic Church, your

marital situation, personal

history or struggles, disabil-

ity, age, background, race,

ethnicity, or sexual orienta-

tion, you are invited, wel-

comed, respected, loved and

encouraged to be a part of

Mission Statement

St. Anthony Church is a parish

where God’s love nourishes the

soul to actively minister to peo-

ple and share the joy of the

Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Christ is risen and life reigns!

~ St. John Chrysostom ~

Page 2: EASTER SUNDAY OF THE RESUR- RECTION OF THE LORD Church … · What are our own Saturday tombs? Jesus has the power to open them all. That is our invitation, this day most of all

Saint Anthony Church—April 1, 2018 Page 2 Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord


Saturday—March 31 3:00—3:45 Confessions, or by appointment (call the office)

Holy Saturday Solemn Vigil of Easter

12:00 Noon 8:00 PM

Blessing of Food in Front Church Foyer Stanley Popowski, Sr., req. by David and Joy Popowski

Sunday—April 1 Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord

7:30 AM 9:30 AM 11:15 PM

Al Fried, req. by his Wife and Family Edward Wisniewski, req. by his Family Anniv. Rem. of Edward Mulcahy, req. by his Wife, Children, & Grandchildren

Monday—April 2 7:30 AM Rosary

Tuesday—April 3 7:30 AM Rosary

Tuesday within the Octave of Easter 8:00 AM James Phelan, req. by Beth Whelan

Wednesday—April 4 7:30 AM Rosary

Wed. within the Octave of Easter 8:00 AM Gere Dinkle, req. by Joe Thompson

Thursday—April 5 7:30 AM Rosary

Thurs. within the Octave of Easter 8:00 AM St. Anthony Parish Family

Friday—April 6 7:30 AM Rosary

Friday within the Octave of Easter 3:00 PM Birth. Rem. of Lise Marie Cassella, req. by Claudette M. Sadoques

Saturday—April 7 3:00—3:45 Confessions, or by appointment (call the office)

Sat. within the Octave of Easter 4:30 PM Peter and Nancy Prestipino, req. by Family

Sunday—April 8 Second Sunday of Easter

7:30 AM 9:30 AM 11:15 PM 1:00—3:00 PM

Magdalena Zelvis, req. by the Southard Family Carmaine (Carey) Miele, req. by the Mikulski Family Ryan Eustace, req. by the Carlos Family Confirmation rehearsal students and sponsors

Monday within the Octave of Easter 8:00 AM NO MASS TODAY

Visit our website at for information on Sponsor Certificates for Baptism and Confirmation. For infor-mation regarding the Sacraments of Baptism, Marriage, or the Sacrament of the Sick, please call Lisa at the Parish Center.


Rev. Grzegorz (Gregory) Jaworowski Deacon Domenic Stolfi OFFICE STAFF: 203-758-4056; Fax 203-758-4594 Lisa White, ext. 10, Administrative Assistant to Fr. Gregory email: [email protected] Charlene Carriero, ext. 12, Bulletin Editor/Parish Registrations email: [email protected] Edwin Kotchian, ext. 15, Director of Music email: [email protected] Hours are Mondays 11:30 a.m.—1:30 p.m. David Byrne, ext. 17, Volunteer Coordinator email: [email protected] Pat Vlamis, ext. 14, Communications Coordinator email: [email protected] Evelyn Kiley, ext. 16, Pastoral Minister Diana Veneri, 203-758-6404, Stewardship Committee email: [email protected] FAITH FORMATION: 203-758-4848 Katie Blinstrubas, ext. 13, Director Primary Youth Formation email: [email protected] Andrea Brown, ext. 19, Director Secondary Youth Formation email: [email protected] STEPHEN MINISTRY Lisa Stanley/Robin Sills, ext. 26, Stephen Leaders email: [email protected]


Servers’ Schedule

April 7th and April 8th

4:30 pm P. Rosato, A. Rosato, E. Jorge

7:30 am L. Jenkins, M. Rigali, T. Zemaitis

9:30 am D. Beutel, E. Beutel, T. Muharem, A. Muharem, N. Muharem

11:15 am M. Lisowski, N. Santovasi, A. Lisowski, K. Lisowski





Due to the early submission of the bulletin, these collections will be posted in the bulletin the weekend of April 8th.


There will be no Mass on Monday, April 2nd and the

Parish Offices will be closed.

Page 3: EASTER SUNDAY OF THE RESUR- RECTION OF THE LORD Church … · What are our own Saturday tombs? Jesus has the power to open them all. That is our invitation, this day most of all

Saint Anthony Church—April 1, 2018 Page 3 Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord


Faith Formation Website:

Question of the Week: Just a little history of the name of


1. Family Formation: April 3rd & 5th. Please note the week is changed due to spring break.

2. Family Mass: April 8th at 9:30 a.m. Please note the week is changed due to spring break.

3. Final Family Mass is in May/ Answer: In almost every language except English, the name for this annual memorial of the Resurrection is some form of the word “Passover” (for example, Pasch, from the Hebrew word Pesach, “Passover”). When Christianity arrived in the north countries its springtime celebrations of the Resurrection received a new name from the Teutonic people, a name used today by English speaking people: Easter. At one time it was thought that this name came from an Anglo-Saxon spring god-dess, Eostre. This is how Venerable Bede (d. 735) explained it. However, there is doubt that such a goddess ever existed. A better explanation lies in people’s misunderstanding of a Latin phrase for Easter Week, week “in white vestments” or garments of the newly baptized (in albis), thinking it was the plural of alba in the Latin idiom for “dawn.” This was trans-lated in Old High German as eostarun. Regardless of the ex-act origin of the term, the symbolism remains: Christ is the sun that rises at dawn—in the east. (Catholic Customs and Traditions, a popular guide, Greg Dues)

April 7th—2nd Sunday of Easter

First Reading: Acts 4:32—25 (life of Christians) Responsorial Psalm: 118:2—4, 13—15, 22—24 Second Reading: 1 John 5:1—6 (belief in Jesus) Gospel: John 20:19—31 (appearance to the disciples)

April 1st– Easter Sunday

The Lord has risen; It is true! Proclaim it to the world! Pray for an increase in vocations to priesthood and religious life. If you are considering a vocation to priesthood or religious life, call Fr. Michael Casey, Director of Vocations, Archdiocesan Pastoral Center, Tel. 860-761-7457, e-mail [email protected] or visit the web at

Confirmation Doves

Confirmation doves for our Confirmation students are on the bulletin board in the vestibule of the church. Please take one to pray for these young people as they make their final preparation for the Sacrament. If you choose to give a gift, please return it to the Parish Center—not the church, by Wednesday, April 4th.

First Communion Lambs

Lambs with the names of our First Communion students are on display in the vestibule. Please take a lamb and keep that child in your prayers as he/she finishes preparing for the reception of the Eucharist. If you choose to give a gift, please return it to the Parish Center—not the church, by Wednesday, May 2nd.

Two Easter Egg Hunts will be held following the 9:30 and 11:15 Masses on Easter Sunday. Each child will collect 6 eggs that spell S-A-V-I-O-R. When they find the letters they will receive a goody bag!

We are very grateful to the students who partici-pated in the Living Stations of the Cross on Fri-day, March 23rd. They gave generously of their time and talent to serve their church! Thanks to

all the parents as well for driving your children on Sunday nights! God bless all of you!


Rehearsals: Sunday, April 8th from 1—3 pm, students and sponsors. Monday, April 9th from 6—8 pm, Student only. Confirmation Mass: Tuesday, April 10th. Mass begins at 7 p.m.

Palm Sunday ENCOUNTER the RISEN CHRIST We prayed, fasted, and gave alms—and now we celebrate Easter joy! Our Len-ten Journey with CRS Rice Bowl ends as we encounter our Risen Lord. We reflect on our brothers and sisters we have walked with, and we commit to bringing Easter joy to each person we meet in our daily lives. Please return your Rice Bowl to the Parish Center either in person or by putting it in the collection

basket on Sunday. Do not leave them in the church. Chil-

dren may return them to their catechist. They are due

back by April 7th.

All: What “stones” block people’s rising to new life?

Page 4: EASTER SUNDAY OF THE RESUR- RECTION OF THE LORD Church … · What are our own Saturday tombs? Jesus has the power to open them all. That is our invitation, this day most of all


Christ is risen indeed! We have arrived at the penultimate feast on the Church's calendar, the cause of our joy and our hope. Life has defeated death. Sorrow and suffering do not have the last say. In the resurrection of Jesus we see many reasons to rejoice. Not only has Jesus conquered the specter of visible death, but he restores to us graced life. On Holy Saturday, Jesus descended to the dead and delivered the just souls into heavenly paradise. What are our own Saturday tombs? Jesus has the power to open them all. That is our invitation, this day most of all. May resur-rection joy fill your heart, your family, your workplace, and your community. Happy Easter!

Saint Anthony Church—April 1, 2018 Page 4 Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord


If you can volunteer one Monday per month, please call Jean Beard at 203-758-5375. Team #1 April 2nd: Charlene Carri-ero, Betty Lukeski, Sandy Riley, Millie Santoro. Kitchen Helpers: Nancy Clement, Erminia DeBastiani, Bill & Theresa Lund, Edna Sobireski, Marlene Wentworth, Beth Whelan. No cleanup helpers.

Doors Open at 6:00—Bingo Starts at 7:00

Jackpot #1: $125.00

Jackpot #2: $150.00


We need more volunteer helpers to work one (1) night per month cooking, working the counter, or helping with sales and the floor. Please call Jean Beard at 203-758-5375 to help. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.


If you would like to learn how to run the game, please call

Dave Bosco at 203-565-4756.


…..THOSE WHO ARE ILL: We welcome the opportunity to be

informed of any of our parishioners who are ill or hospitalized.

Contact the Parish Center at 203-758-4056, or email at

[email protected].: Marshall Anderson, Susan

Blondis, Judy Bridges, Melissa Burgett, Richard Calabro, Sr., The-

resa Ciuccoli Carley, Patricia Corbin, Al Costa, Dawn Flohr,

Dolores Fusco, Lois Gallo, Donald Guerrera, Kristien Hertel, Candy

Johnson, Tracy Kearcher, Eva Grace Kelly, Zachery LaChance,

Louise Lestage, Brianna Pereira, Ann Rasch, Charles Rowland,

Christine Saunders, Don Scacco, Meghan Shields, Ann Sullivan,

Michael & Allison Tuohy, Mary Zarrella, and Michael Zwack.

Please note that in order to keep our prayer list up to date, we

will remove names monthly unless otherwise notified. Thank you

for your help and cooperation.

It sometimes helps to talk …. Stephen Ministers are excellent listeners! … Are the events that impact your life leaving you stressed, feeling down, grumpy, lonely, and/or feeling a sense of powerlessness? Perhaps talk-ing to family or friends just hasn’t worked, or has worn them out. Having the support of a Stephen Minister to listen without judgment can help you get through it. Stephen Ministers are trained and supervised to accompany you during difficult times in your journey of life, providing help, hope, and healing. To learn more about how a Stephen Minister can support you or someone you know, call the Parish Center or email [email protected]. There is no obligation and all information is

Thanks to all who participated in the Palm Sunday procession. Special thanks go to Kelly Cronin for providing the donkey;

also to the parish youth who were Jesus and the disciples.

Wheelbarrows, shovels, rakes, and of course—you! Saturday, April 7th from 9 am to 1 pm we will be spreading mulch in the garden beds around the church. If you have an hour to

give, or 4, any help is appreciated. Rain date is April 21st, same time.

Archbishop’s Annual Appeal (AAA)

The Archbishop’s Annual Appeal provides help to those in need! Together we can and do make a profound difference in the lives of many individuals and families in a way that ex-ceeds anything we could hope to achieve on our own. Please consider supporting this important initiative. Every gift makes a difference.. Such organizations such as St. Antho-ny’s Hope Ministry received funding from the Appeal’s Vi-cariate Outreach Program which serves our local neighbors.

Peter’s Pence Collection

Next week we will take the Peter’s Pence Collection which pro-vides Pope Francis with the funds he needs to carry out his chari-table works around the world. The proceeds benefit our brothers and sisters on the margins of society, including victims of war, oppression, and disasters. Please be generous. For more infor-mation, visit

Page 5: EASTER SUNDAY OF THE RESUR- RECTION OF THE LORD Church … · What are our own Saturday tombs? Jesus has the power to open them all. That is our invitation, this day most of all

Saint Anthony Church—April 1, 2018 Page 5 Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord

Jesus is Risen

“Why do you look for the liv-

ing among the dead? He is

not here, but has ris-

en.” (Luke 24:5) What does it mean that Jesus is risen? It means that the love of God is stronger than evil and death itself and that

the love of God can transform our lives and let those desert places in our hearts bloom. God’s love can do this! Jesus did not return to his former earthly life, but entered into the glorious live of God with our humanity, opening us to a future of hope. He no longer belongs to the past, but lives in the present and is projected towards the future. God’s newness appears to us as victory over sin, evil and death, over everything that crushes life and makes it seem less human. Let the risen Jesus enter your life. Welcome him as a friend, with trust: he is life! If up till now you have kept him at a distance, step forward. He will receive you with open arms. If you have been indifferent, take risk. You won’t be disappointed. If following him seems diffi-cult, don’t be afraid, trust him, be confident that he is close to you. He is with you and will give you the peace you are look-ing for and the strength to live as he would have you do. ~ Pope Francis ~

Jesus, help me welcome you more fully into my life

and follow you each day.

Safe Families for Children is a movement fueled by compassion to keep children safe and families intact. We rely upon host families and a network of support to open their arms, their hearts, and their homes. Safe Families create extended family-like supports for desperate families through a community of de-voted volunteers who are motivated by faith to keep children safe and keep families intact. In many situations, parents or guardians may be incapable of providing a safe and caring envi-ronment for their children, putting them at risk of abuse and ne-glect. In the past, extended family or neighbors stepped in to help families in crisis by caring for their children for short peri-ods of time. Today, however, many families are socially isolat-ed, and their extended family is nonexistent, unavailable, or una-ble to help. Ways you can get involved: Be a Host Family—voluntarily host children in your home on a temporary basis. Be a Family Friend—encourage and support host families and families in need. Be a Resource Friend—Provide goods and services to families in need. Be a Family Coach—help families in need reach their goals and provide encouragement to host family. Michelle Montague SFFC Connecticut

Brewing and Blessing—Men’s Evening Retreat

Wednesday, April 11th, 6—9 pm Presenter: Dr. Brandon Nappi Offering: $40 (includes dinner) Men all over the world are seeking to create a more conscious brother-hood. To be courageous and spiritu-

ally awake is our greatest calling as men and as human beings. In our festive evening featuring fellowship, laughter, learning and a beer tasting with Spencer Brewery (Spencer, MA), which cele-brates the ancient Christian monastic tradition of craft brewing, we’ll explore male spirituality. Walking the spiritual path with integrity takes both courage and humility. We’ll examine how we as men can support one another as we cultivate a stronger an deeper life in the Spirit. Come together as men of faith to listen and respond to the wisdom of God and the experience of one an-other. Please register online at: Holy Family Passionist Retreat Center, 303 Tunxis Rd., West Hartford, CT 06107 Call 860-521-0440 for information or go to [email protected]/

Pro-Life Thought of the Week

God says to both (male and female) “Fill the earth and subdue it (Gen 1, 28).” Not only does he give them the power to procreate as a means of perpetuating the human species through time, he also gives them the earth, charging them with the responsible use of its resources. Letter to Women, #8—Pope John Paul II

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Pope Francis’ Prayer Intention for April

Universal: For those who have Responsibility in Economic Matters—That economists may have the courage to reject any economy of exclusion and know how to open new paths.

Catholic Academy of Waterbury

Registration is now open to all. CAW is the newly created school opening in September at the Blessed Sacrament campus

at 386 Robinwood Rd. in Waterbury. A re-sult of the combination of St. Mary and Blessed Sacrament Schools, the school will be open to students in grades Pre-K, 3—8. Catholic Academy will feature the STREAM Education Initiative which utilizes a hands-

on approach to instruction through Science, Technology, Reli-gion, Engineering, the Arts and Math. Call 203-753-2574 (St. Mary) or 203-756-5313 (Blessed Sacrament. For further infor-mation on an upcoming Open House, please contact [email protected].

Carolyn’s Place Pregnancy Care Center Annual Meeting

Wednesday, April 4, 2018 The meeting will be held at the Basilica of the Immaculate Conception, 74 W. Main St., Waterbury and will begin at 5:30 pm with a Mass celebrated by our founder, Fr. Robert Rous-seau, followed by the meeting in the church hall at 6:30. All are welcome—and encouraged to bring a friend.

Healthy Tip from Chesprocott—Be Sun Safe

Everyone thinks about sun safety during the summer or at the beach. But it’s im-portant to protect yourself all year long—even on cloudy and hazy days. The sun, as well as tanning beds and sun-

lamps, gives off an invisible kind of radiation called ultraviolet (UV) rays. Too much exposure to UV rays can damage your skin and eyes, and lead to cancer. The hours between 10 am and 4 pm are the most dangerous for UV exposure no matter the temperature.

It’s never too early to start planning your high school ex-perience. We invite all 6th,

7th, and 8th grade students as well as transfer students and their families to join us at Holy Cross for tours and presenta-tions at 6:15 and 7:30 pm on the 2nd Tuesday of each month: 4/10, and 5/8. For more information and to confirm your at-tendance, contact Terri Ann Parks at 203-757-9248 or [email protected] or visit our website at

American Red Cross

Give Blood—Help save lives.


Prospect Firehouse—Social Hall Friday, April 6th

8:30 am to 7:15 pm To schedule your lifesaving appointment please visit REDCROSSBLOOD.ORG or call 1-800-733-2767 Streamline your donation experience and save up to 15 minutes by visiting to com-plete your pre-donation reading and health history questions on the day of your appointment.

Annual Archdiocesan Mass of Remembrance

St. Thomas the Apostle Church

872 Farmington Ave., West Hartford, CT

Tuesday, April 24th at 5:30 p.m.

The Mass of Remembrance is a time for reflection on the lives of our children who

have died from any cause. The causes are numerous but the resulting emotions of pain, longing, and sorrow are the same. Perhaps one of the most misunderstood and often overlooked losses is of miscarriage. Too frequently it is seen as less than other deaths of children, but for those who have experienced miscarriage, it is no less painful. Parents wish these children to be remembered and the Mass of Remembrance provides this opportunity. Please join us in praying for children who have died by miscarriage, illness, or any cause, and for their fami-lies. Refreshments will be served following Mass. Contact the Pro-Life Ministry at 203-639-0833 or 203-213-5079 for info.

Religious Emblems Programs

All Cub, Boy, Venture, and Sea Scout Leaders are invited to learn about the religious emblems programs available for all Catholic Boy Scouts: Light of Christ, Parvuli Dei, Ad Altare Dei, Pope Pius and Adult Awards. Training for Catholic Girl Scouts is also available. April 7, 2018 from 8:30 am—12 pm St. Thomas Seminary, Bloomfield $10 per person Go to our website: to register

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Page 8: EASTER SUNDAY OF THE RESUR- RECTION OF THE LORD Church … · What are our own Saturday tombs? Jesus has the power to open them all. That is our invitation, this day most of all
