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  • 1. Easter inRomania By Macarena Rivera 6B

2. The celebration of theResurrection of Christ isan interesting experiencefor anyone who wants tocome to know Romania. 3. Where is Romaniain EuropeMap of Romania 4. The beauty and uniqueness of the Easter in Romaniahas been particularlycelebrated in thevillages. 5. Fascinated bythe peasants, beautifully dressed intheir natinal costumes. 6. Children are the happiest of alllooking for their gifts and colored eggs in the newly grown grass. 7. Photos of Easter EggsThey are thecitizens whoown theireggs areproduced,they can do At the end of thewith realparty make a bettereggs oregg contest done. 8. Tables filled with all kinds of good food andbeautiful painted eggs create a festive atmosphere. 9. Typical foods of Romania 10. Everywhere around thechurches, inthe hills or theplains, people light bonfiresand singpraises to our Savior. 11. They usually makemasks to wear themat night in the fires 12. The origin of the eggsEaster eggs represent the origin of life. 13. So Easter is celebrated in Romania
