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    It is now the distant future, within the Galactic Century. Through a period of ages,

    mankind has spread across said galaxy, colonizing numerous star systems in distant

    planets and artificial colonies. Each world and colony varies in characteristics some are

    highly developed in technology and order, while others are generally lawless and parallelto the third world. It has !een said that the total num!er of inha!ited planets and systems

    in each sector would !e the same as that of the stars in the night sky. "nd while there are

    countless galactic nations, there is !ut one which holds near a!solute power and authority

    throughout the stars# the Earth $ederation. The Earth $ederation, or simply E$, is the

    largest and oldest state in the galaxy, evolving from mankind%s collective homeworld of

    Earth. &ost of the civilized galaxy comes under the $ederation flag, and those who do

    not recognize its authority with !oth fear and respect. In spite of its vastness, the

    $ederation is run !y a single chief of state, a 'resident, and a (enate on the $ederation%s

    capital world, while its power is kept !y the massive Earth $ederation (tar $orce. Even

    so, the Earth $ederation is considered a )ust government with !enevolent leadership !y

    many. *nfortunately, the times were far from tran+uil, as the galaxy would soon !e faced

    with a dangerous adversary# the eon Empire. -nce having !een a !ackwater $ederation

    colony world in a distant sector, eon was soon transformed into one of the wealthiest,

    most industrialized and influential planets within the galaxy. This was made possi!le

    through the usage of genetic engineering and augmentation of the original colonists%

    descendents so that they may adapt to their new environment far more easily. owever,

    this process soon !ecame a social normality on eon in the following years, which

    proved to !e controversial throughout the rest of the galaxy as genetic tampering was

    normally illegal, !oth within the $ederation and the other nations.

    $or this and many other reasons, on $e!ruary /0, GC //10, former $ederal (enator

    2ismarck von 3aikun declared eon, its star system and the entirety of its sector

    independent of the $ederation, esta!lishing the eon Empire with 2ismarck himself as its

    first Emperor. To keep their independence, he also esta!lished a full military force, the

    eon Imperial Guard, which was tasked with keeping the system defended against

    outside invasion and developing advanced weapons that could all easily counter any other

    military force, namely (tar $orce. &ost in the galaxy took this as a war in the planning

    stages, !ut in spite of this, the 3aikun lineage would still maintain good relations with the

    outside galaxy, thus ensuring two hundred years of peaceful coexistence. That is until4une 5, GC /067, when the last Emperor of the 3aikun line, 3ietrich, was assassinated !y

    a terrorist attack alongside the eon Chancellor, 3egwin von a!i. -ne of the assassins

    was apprehended !efore he could commit suicide via intoxication, and according to the

    planetary police force%s official report, the man was a non8augmented offworlder, as well

    as a anti8eon fanatic and vigilante. This caused the !enevolence of eon to increase

    greatly, with some even !elieving the assassin was a $ederation agent. This is where the

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    real tension !egan.

    " mysterious will denoted 3ietrich%s successor as 3egwin%s eldest son, Gihren, who

    immediately took the throne with little opposition. "fter esta!lishing himself Emperor,

    thus ending the von 3aikun line of rulership, Gihren immediately altered the government

    so that his family would !ecome the ruling monarchy, and his !rothers and sisters9ishiria, 3ozul, Garma and &iharu were all put into positions in the regional

    governments shortly after assuming the titles of 'rinces and 'rincesses. To make sure no

    one would challenge his power, Gihren secretly purged all mem!ers and followers of the

    3aikun 3ynasty, although 3ietrich%s son and daughter, 'rince Casval and 'rincess

    "rtesia, were a!le to escape the slaughter !y slipping out of Imperial space. The other

    nations were naturally opposed to the new Emperor and his actions, which were in ma)or

    contrast with the von 3aikuns% peaceful ideals of coexistence. In retaliation, several

    nations, with the $ederation acting at the spearhead, esta!lished a supply em!argo that

    legally prevents any of their affiliated sectors from trading with or supplying the Empire.

    owever, the Empire was a!le to circumvent this with its own resources. "t this, the

    $ederation would then make direct sa!otage and assassination attempts on eon%s leaders.

    owever, these would cause no change in the aspiring new government%s rise to power.

    This all heightens to (tar $orce and other national guard forces !eing put on high alert for

    hostilities, with patrol groups !eing sent )ust outside eon territory to make sure nothing

    along those lines would occur.

    "nd finally it all came to a single cataclysmic event that would shake the galaxy. -n

    4anuary 0rd, GC /055, the eon Empire officially goes to war, launching invasion forces

    into multiple territories. owever, through one of Gihren%s power plays, no war

    declaration was delivered to any of the nations, thus allowing the eon forces to attack or

    harass any garrisons that were in proximity to Imperial territory, well !efore any warning

    could !e received. This causes a large num!er of losses for the defending nations at the

    !eginning, there!y allowing eon to invade deep into their respective territories and

    em!roil the whole galaxy into a war of con+uest. Thus !egan the $irst Galactic :ar.

    The war, which would last for a long while !ecame !oth the first ever human conflict on

    the galactic scale and the single largest and most devastating conflict of the era in the

    num!er of military casualties, civilian deaths, and devastation across the galaxy. 3uring

    the fierce fighting of the first few months of the war, the eon war machine remained

    unchallenged. 'lanets were either con+uered and su!)ugated +uickly or they were wiped

    out through the usage of weapons of mass destruction, which were used indiscriminately.

    Even the vaunted (tar $orce would !e una!le to respond to this great !litzkrieg in time,

    and when it did the forces deployed could only hurt the eon forces, not defeat them.

    3uring this period of fighting, !illions upon !illions of humans, !oth civilian and soldier

    were killed, wiping out a large percentage of the human population in the galaxy. "nd it

    only grew worse from there.

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    Two years into the fighting, eon pressed its advantage !y staging invasions on key

    worlds, utilizing its superior technological advances, namely the more advanced aku

    series of mo!ile suits. $ortunately for the $ederation and other defenders, the civilized

    galaxy was vast enough that, while the eon war machine was far from exhausted, it

    would at least !e slowed down, allowing its enemies to regroup and retaliate. The

    $ederation would the first to do so !y launching the top secret 'ro)ect ;, a weapons

    development operation that would forever revolutionize the mo!ile suits itself.

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    mining colony that was at the far end of the galaxy, a place where life went on !ut very

    few things happened, which was precisely what those who settled in (hangri8=a%s metal

    confines wanted.

    "t least, that would have !een the case had it not !een for the $irst Galactic :ar. ?ot too

    long ago, for reasons that were unknown to the civilian population of the colony, theEarth $ederation had chosen to esta!lish a !ase in (hangri8=a, which was properly

    defended !y a small (tar $orce garrison. $or the most part, the $ederation%s occupation

    went smoothly the $ederals did well not to a!use their welcome and left day to day

    administration of (hangri8=a to the local government, and although the military facilities

    were integrated into the community, very few incidents had occurred under the

    $ederation%s watch. 2ut in spite of that, many citizens were still concerned with the idea

    of the $ederation !eing so8close to their homes, as not only did many !elieve the $ederals

    were there to stay, !ut there was also the possi!ility that the eon would take notice and

    choose to strike. "nd it was precisely on that 4une of the year 05@ of the Galactic Century

    that those fears !ecame truth. The day had started out like any other, as !oth the $ederals

    and the civilians went a!out their !usinesses without hassle, and operations across the

    colony proceeded as they were intended. 2ut as the day continued on, certain events

    !egan to unfold, starting with what appeared to !e three transparent silhouettes moving in

    space toward the colony. *pon approach, the silhouettes, appearing humanoid in design,

    corrected their positioning so that they could touch down on the colony with what

    appeared to !e feet, !efore one reached down and opened a near!y access hatch. The

    three phantoms su!se+uently descended down the shaft into the colony.

    /BAA hours. Though it wasn%t exactly the midpoint of the day, like it would have !een in

    the (ol (ystem where all of mankind had originated from, it was still the collective

    interior ay, "muro en)oyed a fair amount of li!erties that any other

    of his profession and rank would have killed for. 2ut unfortunately, even he couldn%t have

    gotten out of the dressing down he had received for totally destroying a drone target

    mo!ile suit, which were as vital to a weapons pro)ect as environmental suits were to

    people who worked outside the colony%s walls. "s long as the drones could !e repaired !y

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    some means, "muro was free to do whatever he wanted to them in com!at simulations,

    !ut this time he had accidently o!literated one !y shooting its fusion reactor, and so when

    it detonated it took the rest of the unit with it as well as created a fairly large crater in the

    test range. (ince then, 'ro)ect ;%s military overseer, =ieutenant Commander 4ean8'aul

    2ouchard, had instilled upon him the ather, it was his prosthetic

    fist that left a mark upon the young =ieutenant when he did not immediately answer one

    of the man%s rhetorical +uestions. Even now, "muro could still feel the !ruise that had

    !een left !ehind, as well as taste his own !lood against his cheek. $ortunately he had not

    lost any teeth from the exchange, and his cheek had not swelled at all, although there was

    a distinct red mark where the steel knuckles had made their impact. "t that point, "muro

    would have loved to go at the man himself, !ut the gulf !etween their ranks was too

    much for him to get away with. (o he took the !low, answered 2ouchard%s +uestion, and

    left when he was ordered to like a good little soldier.

    "rrogant !astard. "muro thought with disgust, trying to ignore the dull pain in his cheek.

    ?ot wishing to think any further a!out 2ouchard or 'ro)ect ; for the time !eing, he

    decided to concentrate on a pair of children playing with a aro ro!ot toy. The two

    children, likely a !rother and sister, were laughing and giggling as the little green !all

    rolled across the ground and spouted random phrases in a high pitched electronic voice.

    "muro himself couldn%t help !ut smile inside at the display he himself had a aro when

    he was a kid, which he played around with and tinkered with its inner mechanics, the

    !orn engineer that he was. Good memories all around. owever, he wasn%t so distracted

    that he hadn%t detected something was flying at him at great speed. $or reasons "muro

    couldn%t explain, even as a child, he had a certain +uality to him that allowed him to

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    redhead walked over and sat down right next to the test pilot on the park !ench, also

    putting down a sack lunch !etween them.

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    managed to keep "muro from getting arrested with her statement to the colonial police

    and, !eing a doctor at one of the local clinics, also patched up his wounds with a fair

    amount of skill. "fter that event, they had formed something of a uni+ue relationship in

    which $raw looked out for the introverted technophile that was "muro >ay as well as

    help him develop his !adly needed social skills.

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    to - of the !attlecruiser ood !y the time the war started. *nfortunately, the ood had

    !een one of the first victims of the eon, having !een struck !y enemy forces !efore it

    could realize a war had even !egun thanks to the eon never making a war declaration,

    and so 2right effectively lost his first ship !efore he could have ever took full command.

    "s luck would have it though, someone !ack on Earth thought 2right was a promising

    young officer Hhe graduated fourth in his class at (tar $orce "cademy and so landed his

    next service on the "rk >oyal, again serving as - under Captain 'aulo Cassius.

    ?aturally, 2right had !een foolish enough at the time to !elieve it would have !een

    smooth sailing from there.

    The 2attle of "rcturus proved him wrong. It had !een one of the !loodiest engagements

    of the war at this point, as the "rcturus system%s proximity to the (ol (ystem, and

    therefore Earth, made it an attractive target for occupation for the eon and a system that

    the $ederation could not afford to lose to them. The $ederation had won that !attle and

    forced the eon to give up their attempt to take the system for themselves, !ut at a great

    cost. 2oth 2right and the "rk >oyal had survived that !attle, !ut only due to a decision

    that 2right knew would have marked an early end of his career. "t the least he figured he

    would have !een at !est transferred off the ship and to a desk )o! somewhere on Earth,

    while at worst faced a court martial for cowardice, if not a full dishonora!le discharge

    from the !at. Instead, much to his great surprise upon his return to Earth, they gave him a

    two rank promotion, making him one of the youngest officers, if not the youngest period,

    to reach the rank of Captain. "nd !ecause most of the experienced commanders had

    perished during that !attle, thus leaving very few talented ship drivers to replace Captain

    Cassius with, 2right was given full command of the "rk >oyal instead. 2right wasn%t

    sure at the time whether to feel proud or sick for his unprecedented luck and !olsteringcareer in the face of a second disaster.

    &any die, and those that survive get promotions and pay raises. 2right surmised as he

    walked down the corridor from the !ridge, su!consciously straightening the commissar

    cap on his head alongside the grey greatcoat he wore with his (tar $orce uniform. >eality

    was vindictive like that.

    2ut now !ack to the present. :hile 2right wasn%t sure he deserved her, he could not have

    gotten a !etter command than the "rk >oyal. The thirteenth of the $ederation%s &idway8

    class fleetcarrier line, hull designation C;8/0, the "rk >oyal was one of the rarest, most

    powerful and overall finest vessels in the galaxy. "s a carrier, she was designed to !e a

    transport and command vessel for mo!ile suits as opposed to a standard direct com!at

    ship, although she had more than enough armament to fill that role if necessary. &uch of

    the ship%s hull was converted to make use of several hangar and launch catapult decks,

    while the space left !ehind used weaponry, which rounded out to eight !eam cannons for

    long8range !om!ardments, forty standard !eam phalanxes for close8in firepower and

    forty missile launchers which could fire a variety of pro)ectile types. "s well, the !ridge

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    tower had !een expanded from regulation size so that it could incorporate a Com!at

    3irection Center for most modern ships, the role of com!at direction could !e carried

    out on the main !ridge alone, !ut !ecause &idway8class carriers held a larger num!er of

    suits than average, full C3Cs like those from old "3 era warships !ecame necessary.

    "nd to top it off, since the hull was large and heavily armored, the ship could afford

    larger living spaces for the crew, thus making it look like a cruise ship compared to other

    $ederation vessels. Com!ine all of these things together into one single vessel, and the

    "rk >oyal was a dream come true for any captain to command. Taking all this in, 2right

    once again wondered why they had sent this ship and her crew on what was essentially a

    glorified delivery run. :hile he imagined that 'ro)ect ; had produced one of the most

    powerful weapons for the $ederation yet, or at least some sort of advantage over the

    eon, was it really worth sending a whole carrier for $ortunately 2right had !ecome

    experienced enough since taking command to know when to ask +uestions a!out the

    mission and when not to ask +uestions a!out the mission, and this was the latter. Thus, all

    he could do was follow his orders and hope it would !e a milk run, although he himselfwas prepared for the worst to happen. "t least he thought he was.

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    his (tar $orce uniform, as if ru!!ing away invisi!le lint.

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    again.oyal, it was said her skills were second only to those of her command officer,

    Commander (leggar, who managed to !est her three times out of five in the simulator

    while (ayla was considered gifted, (leggar =aw was outright phenomenal if not plain

    more experienced. "nd even then, eon had aces that would give !oth of them a run for

    their money, something (ayla did not appreciate in thinking. 2ut perhaps what made

    people the most mystified a!out (ayla &ass was her mysterious !ackground. Though

    (ayla had very clear goals and motivations when it came to the war and fighting the

    eon, she did not share any of it with others, not even those in her s+uadron. In fact, she

    didn%t even share her !ackground or where she had !een !efore )oining her official

    record claimed that she was !orn on Earth, specifically in 'aris, to a pair of !ankers who

    travelled to )ust a!out every corner of the galaxy for potential !usiness, and as such (ayla

    had grown up always on the move from one planet or space colony to another. :hile thiswas far from the darker truth of (ayla &ass% origins, there was one thing that was

    accurate# she spent a good portion of her life moving from one place to another,

    something that never changed when she )oined (tar $orce.

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    (ayla looked up and around her room, trying to search for the source of the pressure that

    she had )ust felt. owever, as she searched for its origin point further, she felt that the

    pressure wasn%t coming from the ship or in the colony. Instead, it felt as though it were

    coming from the space outside, a long distance away from the colony, almost at the edge

    of the system a single presence in the depths of space, like a specter in the shadows,

    waiting in darkness. "nd in that darkness, she thought she

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    "s (hangri8=a was the only point of civilization in the entire 3urga (ystem, space was

    very much open throughout the area. Though there had !een several attempts to create

    other mining colonies around the other gas giants, there were very few people in

    existence that desired the life of a gas miner and so there was e+ually little reason to

    follow on those pro)ects. 2ecause of that fact and many others, commerce to and from

    (hangri8=a was few and far !etween, as aside from the trading convoys that came every

    so often to provide the colony export goods from other worlds, the system could have

    !een likened to a ichthofen, were little more than ripples in space, their cloaking devices active and

    !ending the light and radiation around their hulls to keep them invisi!le to !oth sensors

    and eyesight. Cloaking technology had !een one of the most innovative inventions eon

    had achieved, as even to this day there were very few countermeasures to use against it,and advances in technology made it so that they could !e utilized on smaller craft,

    namely mo!ile suits, as well. 2ut if one looked closely enough, one could see the dagger

    shaped outline of the >ichthofen and the slimmer outlines of the triplet 3resdens against

    the !ackdrop of space. It would have !een an eerie sight had there !een anyone around to

    see the four ghostly silhouettes.

    -n the !ridge of the lead ship, the >ichthofen, there was something of a tense

    atmosphere. Though the ship was cloaked, the crew felt no less uncomforta!le !eing

    close to an enemy !ase, especially when they didn%t know )ust how aware its garrison

    was. "s such, each one of the operators were on full alert, anticipating the worst tohappen while hoping for the !est. "midst all those gather however, there was one that

    seemed to !e at relative ease despite the proximity to the enemy outpost, showing no sign

    of weariness or discomfort in his prominent form. That very same man had )ust now

    exited the tur!olift and was making his way toward the front of the !ridge, nota!ly

    dressed in his trademark crimson uniform, which held rank pips that designated him as a

    Captain in the eon Imperial Guard. "nd while no one was capa!le of reading his eyes,

    as they were hidden !ehind a silver maskLhelmet, it was apparent that this man was

    gazing over the colony with the eyes of a predator stalking the kill.

    ichthofen%s executive officer, who was easily distinguished

    !y his uniform greatcoat and peaked cap, nodded in agreement toward his C-.

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    Intelligence claims 'ro)ect ; !egan only months ago.
