
Early Fighting in the North

► Boston remained the center of conflict the first year

► Green Mountain Boys at Ticonderoga

► The British had a large supply of cannons at Fort Ticonderoga

► Led by Ethan Allen,

the Green Mountain

Boys attacked the fort

and gained control

of the arsenal

The Battle of Bunker Hill

The Battle of Bunker Hill

► First major battle of the American Revolution

► Although a loss, it proved the Americans could fight bravely

Last Efforts for Peace

► The Second Continental Congress met in 1775

► The Second Continental Congress established the Continental Army

► George Washington of Virginia would be their leader

► A southerner would widen

support for the war

► Wealthy and experienced

Washington’s commission asCommander in Chief of the American Army

Washington’s commission asCommander in Chief of the American Army

A Final Appeal to the King

☻ Delegates also sent King George III the Olive Branch Petition

(It pledged their loyalty, but asked to repeal the Intolerable Acts)

► King George III was furious and he vowed to bring the rebels to justice

Redcoats Leave Boston

► George Washington orders cannons captured at Fort Ticonderoga to be brought to Boston

(They were placed on Dorchester Heights overlooking Boston harbor)

► When he saw the cannons, General Howe knew he could not overpower the Americans

► In March 1776, General Howe orders the British to sail from Boston to Canada

Critical Thinking

1) Do you think that the organizers of the Boston Tea Party would have ended their protests against the British if Parliament had repealed the tax on tea? Explain.

2) List the events discussed in sections 1 and 2 in order of importance in bringing about war between the colonies and Britain.

3) (Challenging) John Adams said: “The revolution was in the minds of people, and this was effected from 1760 to

1775… before a drop of blood was drawn at Lexington.”

What did Adams mean?
