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Life is the art of drawing sufficient conclusions from insufficient premises.

Dear Reader,

Bakrid Mubarik!

It’s always the written word that sets your brain in motion. In this case, it read that email was old fashioned. Imagine, what does somebody like me do, who is still catching up with the nuances of email? I am determined this time around to not play catch up with technology, but to take the plunge headlong. It’s the morning of 27th December 2010. The Acads team pours in and over a cup of coffee, I talk about the future of technology and before we know we hit upon the idea of starting the academic blog for the Hyderabad campus. This idea took a bigger shape and meaning when all sat around brainstorming.

Here is what we hoped to achieve with this blog. To stay connected with students and to build on the feeling of belongingness amongst all of us. To deliver information that is real time and valuable. The information that we sought to disseminate was that of class and exam scheduling, attendance and exam scores, important reads, campus events, student initiatives and the like. To simplify tasks of my team and of the students. To be engaged in constant dialogue, to know what works and what doesn’t. To keep in mind what the medieval French scholar Pierre Abelard meant when he said, ‘The beginning of wisdom is found in doubting; by doubting we come to the question, and by seeking we may come upon the truth.'

Our blog www.seekacads.blogspot has been operational since the beginning of this year and with repeated attempts, endless demonstrations in classes and monotonous rehearsals the idea of a blog as a communication tool has been internalized by the students. It took tremendous patience and faith on our part to keep the idea afloat and not give up. We cherish our blog and take pride in its co-creation as a team.

This issue has an article dedicated to Steve Jobs. He unleashed his power of innovation and brushed away every ugly product to give us aesthetically superior products with an infallible idea. Human beings by nature are inventive and creative. With passage of time, they either hone those skills or do away with them afraid of the risk of failure. The one who persists in asking questions and who is not afraid of change will in their life be rewarded with their innovation.

I would like to share with you Steven Johnson’s link on youtube; Where Do Good Ideas Come From ?. Hope that you enjoy watching it. Johnson provides the complete, exciting, and encouraging story of how we generate the ideas that push our careers, our lives, our society, and our culture forward

Happy Reading & Watching.



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Sports at Glance The Grand Prix of

India Pg-07

The inspiring story INDIRA NOOYI






Case Study Of Labour Issues In India –Maruti

Suzuki Pg-12

The inspiring story of

Dabbawalla PG-09

What went wrong

with NAN0 PG-15

Random thoughts

culture at glance pg-17

Philanthropist PG-03

Freeky test PG-27

Crucibles E-ZINE

Next month

Page 4: E-Zine Vol 4


This man never graduated from college in fact he never got into graduation. He dropped down from the college in just six months and joined classes at Reed, while sleeping on the floor in friend’s rooms, returning Coke bottles for food money, and walking seven miles every Sunday to get good meals at the Hare Krishna temple which he loved a lot.

If he had not dropped in from college, the Mac would have never had multiple typefaces or proportionally spaced fonts and since Window just copied the MAC it is likely that no personal computer could have had them. Now don’t tell me that you still unable to identify the person to whom the context is referring to. Steve along with Wozniak and Ronald Wayne founded apple with two thousand dollars.

In just ten years company grew to two billion dollars with four thousand employees, with MAC launched, he said that a best thing happened to him

‘’ got fired from his own company’’.

He felt that heaviness of being successful was replaced by lightness of being a beginner again.

In next five years he started Next, Pixar animation and created finest animated movies, soon Apple bought next and Steve returned to Apple. One never gets a second chance to make a first impression but it’s true that first impression is not the last chance to make a good impression. Steve always loved

what he did and found what he loved and that made all the difference.

He had passion not only for his work but even in approaching death he lived each day certainly as his last day thinking that someday it may turn true. He made a choice and proved it every time with passion. He gave his best shot and always deserved to get better every time. He fought pancreatic cancer even without knowing what it is, it’s true that it will be enough if a doctor knows what it is, and I mean to say Steve almost died but made his mind not to quit as he wanted give more to society.

Time was limited for him, he wasted no time in leaving other ones else life, nor leaved with the results of other people’s thinking. He never let the voice of other people’s opinion always followed the inner voice. Always had courage to follow his hearts which lead him to become what he truly wanted to become. He signed off leaving the message

‘’ stay hungry and stay foolish’’

As all innovation is an act of foolishness until it is invented. The world rarely sees someone who has had the profound impact Steve has had, the effects of which will be felt for many generations to come.

For those of us lucky enough to be with him, it’s been an insanely great honor. We will miss Steve immensely















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Ever wonder how to be influential and reach the top of the world? Here’s the inspiring story of CFO of PepsiCo and the Fortune / Time magazine’s most influential women in the world – the Chennai born Indra Krishnamoorthy Nooyi.

It’s a simple story of a powerful woman. It’s about an Indian girl who came from conservative Chennai to pursue her higher studies in the US with little amount and no safety assurance. If she failed, she failed herself badly. A story of this determined girl, who while studying in Connecticut, worked as a receptionist from midnight to sunrise to earn money and struggled to put together US$50 to buy herself a western suit for her first job interview out of Yale, where she had just completed her masters. Incidentally, she wasn’t comfortable trying out a formal western outfit and ended up buying trousers that reached down only till her ankles.

Rejected at the interview, she turned to her professor at the school who asked her what she would wear if she were to be in India. She replied that it would be a sari, the professor advised her to “be herself” and stick to what she was comfortable with.

She wore a sari for her next interview. She got the job and has followed this philosophy for the rest of her career. She’s

been herself, never tried to change her basic beliefs, derived strength from her traditions and believed in who she is. As she says,

“I’m so secure in myself. I don’t have to be an American to play in the corporate life.”

She worked hard and in time was counted as one of the most powerful women in the world by Forbes. In this edition of ‘My Story’ we present Indra Nooyi, President & Chief Financial Officer PepsiCo, Inc – a story that is both inspiring in its simplicity and grand in its achievement.

It all began years ago in Chennai, where she studied hard in school to get her grades. She remembers how her mother would, after meal every day ask Indra and her sister what they would like to become when they grow up.

They would come up with different ideas and their mother would reward the best idea each day. It forced Indra to think and dream for herself. It was this dream that led her to be a part of the 11th batch of IIM Kolkata.

After two years of work with Johnson & Johnson and Mettur Beardsell in India, it was this fiery urge that took her to America in 1978, when she left India with barely any money to pursue a management degree from the prestigious Yale Graduate School of Management.

Starting off with Boston Consulting Group in 1980, she knew it would be harder work for her than others for two reasons – one, she was a woman and two; she wasn’t an American but an outsider.

She spent six years directing international corporate strategy projects at the Boston Consulting Group. Her clients ranged from textiles and consumer goods companies to retailers and specialty chemicals producers. Six years later, she joined Motorola in 1986 as the vice-president and director of corporate strategy & planning. She moved to a sea Brown Boveri in 1990 and spent four years as vice president (corporate strategy & planning). She












“Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower’’



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was part of the top management team responsible for the company’s U.S. business as well as its worldwide industrial businesses, generating about one-third of ABB’s $30 billion in global sales.

An interesting tale surrounded her joining PepsiCo in 1994. At that time she also had an offer from General Electric, one of the world’s best run companies under Jack Welch. The Pepsi CEO Wayne Callloway, in a bid to lure her, told her, “Jack Welch (GE’s legendary boss) is the best CEO I know, and GE is probably the finest company. But I have a need for someone like you, and I would make PepsiCo a special place for you.” Nooyi agreed.

She broke the glass ceiling when she was appointed senior vice president, corporate strategy and development after joining PepsiCo in 1994 but she knew that getting there was one thing while staying there was another. As she says, “If you want to reach the top of a company, I agree that it can only happen in the United States, but you have to start off saying that you have got to work twice as hard as your (male) counterparts.” Not only did she work harder than her counterparts, she also made her way up the ladder to become President and Chief Financial Officer of PepsiCo, and was also appointed as a member of board of directors of PepsiCo Inc – which she assumed in 2001.

Nooyi was 44 when she joined PepsiCo. Ever since, she has been involved in every major strategic decision the company has made in the last few years. That includes the drive to spin off PepsiCo’s fast food chain in 1997, acquiring Tropicana in 1998, and the US$ 13 billion move to acquire Quaker Oats.

PepsiCo chief Roger Enrico announced her elevation following the Quaker acquisition saying,

“Indra’s contributions to PepsiCo have been enormous and she will make a great President. In addition to her new role as President and CFO, Indra will also be nominated for election to the Pepsi board. She is a terrific addition to our world-class board and her perspective will be invaluable.”

Indra attributes a lot of Pepsi’s success to its great employees. She believes that a company remains great when there is a strong competitor, like Coke. She believes if you have no competition, a company will atrophy. Nooyi has a unique formula that keeps her work-life balance. She feels that you must have an extended family at work to give you that balance. To keep a company running at top speed, you need to attract the best employees.

At PepsiCo she has ensured that employees actually balance life and work. She views PepsiCo as an extended family and everybody at the company is there to help in every way possible.

Sometime ago, when Indra was traveling, her daughter would call the office to ask for permission to play Nintendo. The receptionist would know the routine and ask: “Have you finished your homework? Have you had your snack? OK, you can play Nintendo for half an hour”. She then left a voice message for Indra saying “I gave Tara permission to play Nintendo”. Unheard of in most corporations, it’s a team Indra has built up at PepsiCo which knows each other so well.

Despite the monumental successes of her career, Indra Nooyi remains a quintessentially Indian woman who has combined the high-octane energy of her job with the calm, collected demeanor required to manage the equally central responsibility of a mother and a wife.

She lives with her husband and two daughters in Fairfax County, Connecticut. If you ever visit her Connecticut home, do remember













“Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower’’


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to take your shoes off before entering. If you forget, at least remember to take them off before entering the large puja room where a diya is lit and the inviting air of incense greets you. She keeps an image of Ganesha in her office, and in fact, some PepsiCo officials visited India and received similar images besides being told of the Hindu belief about Ganesh being the symbols of auspicious beginnings. Many of them now keep images of Ganesh in their offices! Nooyi attends PepsiCo board meetings in a sari; for she believes that the corporate world appreciates people who are genuine.

At work, Nooyi is in the pressure cooker world of intriguing business maneuvers and frenetic multi-million dollar moves but when she enters her home, it is like entering a sanctuary of calm.

She says Carnatic music plays in their home 18 hours a day, and the feeling is much like being in a temple. Does she think her religious convictions help her to do a better job in the corporate world? “I don’t know about a better job, but it certainly makes me calm,” she says. There are times when the stress is so incredible between office and home, trying to be a wife, mother, daughter-in-law and corporate executive. Then you close your eyes and think about a temple like Tirupati, and suddenly you feel ‘Hey–I can take on the

world.’ Hinduism floats around you, and makes you feel somehow invincible.”

Is it tough being a mother and a corporate executive? Nooyi admits it is difficult, “You can walk away from the fact that you’re a corporate executive, but you can’t walk away from the fact that you are a mom. In terms of being a mother and a corporate executive, the role of mom comes first.”

She believes that her husband has been a great source of strength for her Nooyi said on a perkier tone, “Always pick the right husband. I have a fantastically supportive husband”. Who sees her through tough times? “My family does believe in God”. If all else fails, I call my mother in India when she’s there–and wake her up in the middle of the night–and she listens to me. And she probably promises God a visit to Tirupati!” Nooyi has always seen the world through the prism of her mother’s faith and beliefs and calls her the guiding light in her life.















“Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower’’


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Formula One (F-1)

Coming after the Commonwealth Games (CWG) that became synonymous with public loot and messy organization, the hosting of India's first ever Formula One (F-1) Grand Prix has been a story of refreshing contrast. By most yardsticks – a 95,000-strong near-full capacity crowd on Sunday's main race, a 5.14 km-long track that experts judged as more than meeting global standards and, above all, very well managed despite the jammed roads leading to the venue – it was a successful event. And unlike the CWG, which hardly saw any of the top sportspersons participating (for good reason, perhaps), the Buddh International Circuit (BIC) was a serious affair. It had all the big names in racing, from Sebastian Vettel and Jensen Button to Michael Schumacher and our own Narain Karthikeyan.

One way to explain the above divergent experiences would be to showc07ase India's private sector, which today has proved its ability to efficiently execute large infrastructure projects and events such as the F-1 Grand Prix. The comparison with sloppy government undertakings and sporting bodies headed by venal politicians couldn't be more obvious (though, the CWG also provides a case of taxpayers' money lining private

pockets). While the credit to the F-1 show's success goes largely to its promoter in India – the Jaypee Group – one cannot also ignore the role played by the Uttar Pradesh (UP) Government under Ms Mayawati.

Indian icon Sachin Tendulkar, a die hard motor sport fan, waved the chequered flag at the end of the race. Among other cricketers present are Mahendra Singh Dhoni, whose love for speed is all too well known, Yuvraj Singh, Virat Kohli, VVS Laxman and England's Kevin Petersen. Tennis star Sania Mirza was also at the event. Bollywood is represented by Shah Rukh Khan, Arjun Rampal, Hrithik Roshan, and Abhishek Bachchan. Among politicians, Arun Jaitley, Kapil Sibal were at the circuit.

Red Bull's Sebastian Vettel won the Indian Grand Prix with a clear victory over his rivals on the circuit. Jenson Button of McLaren finished second while Ferrari's Spanish driver Fernando Alonso came third.

Ferrari's Massa failed to complete the inaugural Indian GP after his collision with Hamilton as Vettel continued to lead the race after the completion of 48 laps Reigning Formula One champion Sebastian Vettel pits out of the lead to take on soft tyre’s. He came out still in first place to lead the race.

At Lap 24, all went wrong for Hamilton and Massa as they came together. Hamilton had a run alongside Massa going into the corner but Massa turned in on him resulting in a collision. Hamilton took a pit stop for a new front wing while Massa continued.

Sahara Force India's Adrain Sutil, who started the race from eighth position, was at the tenth position after the completion of 30 laps. Meanwhile, India's Narain Karthikeyan, who drives for Hispania Racing, started at the 23rd position jumped to 17th position. Vettel continued his good run as he led the race after 10 laps followed by Mclaren's Jenson Button. Earlier, the roar was deafening as India's first Formula One Grand Prix got off to a spectacular start at the Buddh International Circuit in Greater Noida on Sunday.











“Winning isn't everything, but the will to win is everything.”


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Red Bull's Sebastian Vettel, who had burned the track with a timing of 1:24.178 min to win the qualifiers on Saturday, led the racers at the spanking new circuit that had in attendance a host of celebrities ranging from eminent sportspersons and popular film stars.

Vettel, who stormed to his 13th pole of the season on Saturday, has already secured the drivers' championship.

McLaren's Lewis Hamilton clocked 1:24.474 min on Saturday, just behind Vettel, but a penalty imposed on him on Friday meant that he dropped three places down to fifth. So, No. 2 is another Red Bull racer Mark Webber, followed by Ferrari's Fernando Alonso, and McLaren's Jenson Button Tributes to motor sport stars Dan Wheldon and Marco Simoncelli -- both killed in race accidents this month -- figure prominently on the helmets of several drivers at the Indian Grand Prix.

However, other than the main race, the biggest attraction of the day was the grand parade of the drivers in vintage cars. Thousands of fingers kept clicking the cameras and spectators tirelessly waved at their favorite drivers at the royal convoy of cars went around the track to herald the historic sporting event in the country.

“When you start out in a team, you have to get the teamwork going and then you get something back.”

Michael Schumacher

Sandeep Kumar












“Winning isn't everything, but the will to win is everything.”


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I think life is full of surprises and though I was in the valley of decision whether to attend the lecture by Mr. Pawan Agarwal of the Dabawallas Education Centre or not, I was happy to be attending the session. By the way, I’d like to introduce myself, but not before apologizing for the delay in posting this piece of info. I’m Benjamin Taylor from the PGP/FW batch and I’d like to brief you about this mesmerizing lecture that one would not forget for a long time.

It was coincidence that I bumped into Kanchan Ma’am the day before the lecture and she persuaded us to attend this lecture which would help us in many ways. This session was held on 20/10 at the University of Hyderabad, Gachibowli, hosted by CII and an NGO who christened themselves Young Indians.

The charismatic Mr. Pawan was once a student of the University of Hyderabad. Further, he has completed his PhD in the logistics and supply chain management of the working of the Dabawallas in Mumbai. He cast a spell on us with his simplicity and vibrance throughout the whole session. He is currently doing another PhD on the distribution and delivery system of the paperwallas in Mumbai. It is heartening to know that similar to the hard-working Dabawallas, these paperwallas work through the night collecting, sorting and delivering newspapers in time such that the Mumbaikars get to glance through the latest news with their favourite cup of coffee.

I believe that the ‘Being Human’ concept is perfectly followed by the Dabawallas. This is because each of them cares for the health of the thousands of office-goers and they deliver fresh home-made food from the employee’s house to his office so that he might not have fast food or canteen food which is both expensive and not good for the body. The concept of the Dabawallas was started way back in 1890 by a charitable trust. It currently has 5000 employees working with an average literacy rate of 8th grade. Each Dabawalla covers an average distance of 60-70kms one way through the local trains and deliver around 2,00,000 Dabbas(lunch boxes) everyday. This makes it 4, 00,000 transactions everyday which adds upto 120 million or 12 crore transactions every year. Such a lot of transactions would raise questions in our mind about their efficiency levels. However, they maintain an impeccable error margin of 1 out of 16 million transactions (i.e. one box being delivered to the wrong person or reaching them late). They believe in the mantra ‘Error is horror, so don’t look in the mirror, it is danger’. Since they’re not well versed in English, one should understand what they mean to say by this. Besides this, each of them works for about 9 hours and they have a peak time of 3 hours (10am-1pm). Each carries around 40-50 boxes on his head and sometimes stand precariously at the entrance to the coaches due to the crowded trains. Each of them is also involved in collecting, sorting, distribution and delivery of the boxes.

An average Tiffin box changes hands at least 6 times during its journey to the customer. The Dabawallas do not waste even a single minute, coding and transferring the boxes (to the Dabawallas who would be taking the route that the customer’s box has to be delivered to) during the train journey such that they reach the specific customer.

It costs around Rs.350-Rs.400 per month to avail of this economical service. Each Dabawalla earns around Rs.6000-Rs.7000 per month and are satisfied with this, along with a month’s extra payment for














“To win without risk is to triumph without glory.”


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Diwali. They have never gone on strike since 1890 nor are any of them involved in any major Police/Court case since their inception. For the Dabawallas, the customer is their God and hence will do anything to keep them satisfied. As proof to the customer’s faith in the Dabawallas, they even put cash; ornaments etc and send it in the empty boxes in the evenings, thus showing the faith reposed in them.

Near the end of his lecture, Mr Pawan quoted, ’People study business books and then practise,but we practise and we have case studies being taken up on us. The Dabawallas have been showered with accolades but that has never shifted their aim of doing their duty with diligence and reverence. They have received an ISO 9001:2000 certification. When Prince Charles wanted to meet the Dabawallas, the latter, due to their busy schedule said that they could meet the King of England except during their normal 20 min break from 11:20-11:40 at the Church Gate Station.

Thus the King had to tweak his official schedule just to meet and talk to them. Even Mr. Richard Branson, head of the Virgin group

met and spent time with the Dabawallas. He took a picture of them with him sitting with the Dabawallas on the floor and said that he’d go back to his country and stick this picture on the office wall such that everyone will realise what and how work is to be done. Even Mr Udhav Thackerey launched a book on the Dabawallas on.

Thus, I’d like to conclude by saying that our interaction with Mr. Pawan will definitely go a long way in our life and more importantly, in our career.















“To win without risk is to triumph without glory.”


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Energy efficiency in buildings through solar

passive design

Introduction: Energy production and consumption

is, in fact, the basis for growth of nation. Ever since the stone age, when fire was produced by striking one stone piece with the other, the mankind has grown in civilization with ever changing method of production and of consumption of energy – of various forms and arising out of various technologies.

Energy efficiency of building is the goal of efforts to reduce the amount of energy required and to achieve 100% of energy needs for a building. Energy efficiency and management has emerged as a genuine issue these days due to global warming. Energy demands by building sector are rapidly increasing because increase in living standard demands more energy.

Survey done by The Energy Research Institute (TERI) says that in developing countries like India, 35% share of the total energy demand is in the building sector. Out of 35%, 20% is consumed for manufacturing materials required for construction of a building and 15% for running needs (heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning (HVAC) systems) of buildings.

According to report of Bureau of Energy Efficiency Ministry of Power, Government of India:

Demand for OFFICE SPACE in India is driven by the increasing share of the services sector in the Indian economy.

Office space supply shifting from Central Business Districts to secondary canters (office and IT parks)

Modern office buildings in newly developed areas enable the higher quality standards that are essential for IT services.

Al l India office market

70% by IT Services companies (more than 7000 No.) in India.

15% by financial service providers & pharmaceutical sector.

15% by other sectors.

Office stock must increase nearly 20 million Sq. F / year in New Delhi, Mumbai, and Bangalore to keep pace with growing demand.

Conservative estimate (for India) :Approx.55 million sq. F / year


By the end of 2008, space of 79 million Sq. F in 257 canters are estimated in 15 largest cities of India Deutsche Bank Report on

India’s Commercial Real Estate Market

In 2008, 88888 Lights Out ( was a campaign with the stated goal of increasing awareness of global warming and promoting actions to reduce energy consumption. By encouraging India's residents to turn out the lights for eight minutes and to become more aware of environmental concerns, the organizers sought to limit greenhouse gas emissions and reduce pollution of the globe.

The campaign was started by International, a non-governmental organization in India. It called for people to switch off their lights for eight minutes at 8 p.m. on August 8, 2008 (8-8-8-8-8) to spread awareness and take action to reduce energy consumption and the resulting environmental damage. In the city of Chennai, Governor Surjit Singh Barnala ordered the lights off in Raj Bhavan at 8 p.m. for 8 minutes and said that an awakening should be created among the people of all walks of life on the root cause of global warming, it occurred at the very beginning of the 2008 Olympics. The effort has been part of a wider effort by the groups involved to bring attention to environmental and energy efficiency issues.














“When we heal the earth, we heal ourselves.”


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Now the subject is

How to manage energy demands of building..?

Study of climatology shows that non-renewal energy needs for running a building would be minimized, if one can design a building for using renewable energy resources(e.g. solar energy) for heating, cooling and running needs. So, building should be designed in such a way that it can gain maximum solar radiation according to needs of different climatic zones. That means a solar passive design of building. It includes the implementation Of Building-Integrated Solar Photovoltaic (BISPV)

And solar passive design:

Passive heating design for cold climates.

Passive cooling design for hot climates.

Passive heating design: - Direct and indirect gain system and Sunspaces (combination of direct and indirect gain systems). Various forms of opening provide direct gain such as clerestories, skylight and windows.

Passive cooling design: - Natural heat sink systems (evaporation, convection and radiation) are used for removing heat from a building.

All these three parameters would be able to increase the energy efficiency and

management of a building. Through these design and implementation the energy efficiency can be achieved up to 100%.The above research is going on at Efficient Carbon’s R&D Centre. (

There is various advantage of this technology. The energy management of a building is the first of its kind, developed on the lines of solar passive design and BISPV. Some features and benefit offered by this design is

Highly economical Eco friendly Very low maintenance cost Pollution free Silent Independence from the fuel

market Finally if we talk about the market potential of this technology, it shows the huge demands. Since no cheap method and technology is available, such a cheap and simple technology would surely create a market boom. It can be built, implemented and used anywhere for any building since energy management is necessary for it. Conclusion:

For Solar Passive Design most significant design parameters that controls the total energy uses inside the building are aspect ratio of walls, orientation of the building, window details (size and location), surface finishes and proper sun shade. Performance of building is also dependent on materials, construction techniques and implementation of BISPV.

Om Prakash Project Lead, Efficient Carbon

Hyderabad Email: [email protected]














“When we heal the earth, we heal ourselves.”


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labor issues in India: Maruti-Suzuki

About MSIL

‘Maruti-Suzuki’ is a joint venture (JV) company started by the Indian government and the Suzuki motor corporation of Japan, when the erstwhile Maruti technical services, owned by Mr.Sanjay Gandhi went into trouble and got liquidated.

The New-Delhi headquartered Maruti Udyog Ltd was renamed as Maruti-Suzuki India Ltd (MSIL) in the year 2007. The Indian government held an initial public offering (IPO) of its 25 % shares in the year 2003. As of now, as per the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) records, Suzuki motor co of Japan owns 54.5 % shares of MSIL, and the rest of the shares are with Indian financial institutions. MSIL is the largest car manufacturer in the Indian Subcontinent. MSIL commands 45 % of passenger car sales in India.

They have two state of art manufacturing facilities in India: Gurgaon and Manesar (located in the state of Haryana). They have the best dealer networks and service stations across India’s tier-1, tier-2

cities & rural areas. It’s still the ‘most preferred car’ among the Indian Middle class consumers.

Industrial relations at MSIL There were no labor unrests at the Maruti-Suzuki’s Indian plants until the year 2000. The employees of MSIL were not happy with the disinvestment policy of government. In the

year 2000, employees went on for an

indefinite strike demanding, revision of production based incentive system and implementation of pension schemes. The management dismissed 92 workers in order to suppress the agitating employees. In the same year, more than 1500 employees of MSIL protested outside the Venue of Annual General body Meeting (AGM) of MSIL shareholders in New Delhi.

The current scenario: More than 2000 employees of MSIL’s Manesar plant went on strike since June 2011, as the management compelled the employees to sign a ‘good conduct bond’ to ensure better productivity in the plant.

According to the management, MSIL have serious threats from the close competitors if the productions targets are not met on time. There are issues in the quality of units manufactured. In the month of August 2011 the target of production was 1200 units per day. But the achieved target was only 437 units, and out of that 96 units were of poor quality.

According to the striking employees, the management is not adhering to their demand of starting a new employee union called MSEU (Maruti-Suzuki Employees Union) affiliated to AITUC (All Indian Trade Union Congress).

The management of MSIL categorizes the laborers into three: Permanent, Casual and Apprentices. Most of the laborers who have been working for years were not considered by the company as permanent employees. The employees went on with a ‘go slow campaign’ during work, which compelled the management to make them sign a ‘good conduct bond’. Till now, the MSIL












“When we heal the earth, we heal ourselves.”


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management had already dismissed 10 workers, suspended 26 permanent workers and discontinued the services of 18 apprentices. Police complaints have been lodged against many dismissed workers alleging their misconduct with their supervisors, as per the First Information Report (FIR) filed by the company at the Manesar police station.

Few cases like the one of Mr. Kumar, an employee of MSIL is to be noted. He participated in the strike for 13 days, for which he lost the salary for 26 days...! For people like Mr. Kumar who is the sole breadwinner of his family of six, it’s going to be the days of poverty.

The scenario is getting worse, day by day as the politically backed unions are fed up with the bureaucracy of their political leaders. The share holders of MSIL are closely observing the scenario. The MSIL shares are already trading low at the BSE. The customers need to wait for more days for the delivery of booked vehicles.

The management of MSIL is worried that if the scenario deteriorates more, the sales margins would be badly affected. This

may give the Hyundai motor co. (the close competitor for MSIL in India) to take advantage of the situations and slash the market leadership of MSIL.

References used:


[email protected]












“When we heal the earth, we heal ourselves.”


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It was touted as the most awaiting car of the year, not only in India but across globe. The trade pundits viewed it as a game changer that will completely sweep away the existing small car segment and also the two wheeler segment. Yes, the reference is to the “TATA NANO”, which is popularly projected as

“Aam Aadmi” car.

Right from the day of announcement

of the idea, till the day it was exhibited for the first time, “TATA NANO” garnered maximum publicity from media (both electronic & print) that to free of cost. The entire national media along with international ones were hawking on every aspect of the car. There were discussions in the news channels regarding varied aspects like its body, price, seating capacity etc. To be honest I have not seen any car design getting so much of hype and response without spending even a penny.

Initially everyone believed that sales of this car would shoot up rocket high, expecting the entire middle class segment would pounce up on it. But to everyone’s surprise nothing of sort happened, initially yes there were some sales but they too subsided over a period of time.

Looking for reasons, I believe that it was advertising in fact the lack of it; TATA’s did not spend even a pie (initially) on advertising it, taking in to consideration the response which the car is already getting across the media sphere. Guess, this was a big blunder on the part of TATA’s.

Adding to the advertising flaws, the way TATA’s projected their new baby (NANO) is the main reason for it being such a dampener.

In our society (Indian Society) car is considered as prestige good (unfortunately still………), it is still believed that only rich posses a car. But TATA’s throughout their campaign vouched that their car is mainly for “AAM AADMI”, which means if you buy one then you are directly saying that “I AM AAM AADMI”, which no one wants to be type casted in to and their lies the glitch for its dis-connectivity with the customers.

Apart from the above two important reasons other aspects like growing second hand car segment, opening of markets for Japanese car industry, raise in the standard of living in general, safety aspects with the design have added to the misery of NANO.

Looking towards the future, the need of hour for TATA’s is to re-connect with the target segment, for which things like advertising, trying for an Image re-vamp should be done.

Off late the growing advertisements in media are sign of a good positive change. Hoping that this change of positivity continues…!

S.Abhishek Singh













“When we heal the earth, we heal ourselves.”


Page 17: E-Zine Vol 4


A trip to Deccan Chronicle Holdings LTD.

Date, Time, Location:

October 21th, 9:30-12:45pm, Botanical Garden Road, Kondapur, Hyderabad.

The Trip We hit the road in the morning around 9:30 am with almost 25 members onboard, the destination was not known to us but it was just a matter of time that we figured out the destination.

A good amount of time passed by during the trip from college to the press, finally we were at the place. We were given a warm welcome by the chief over there and some refreshments were provided as well. Then started our exploring from the media room from where the printable matter is sorted out in the form of softcopy from the computer, we were able to see the data was only in primary colors later which forms the complete colored newspaper. Then we moved to the other room where a huge machine could be seen, in this machine the matter gets imprinted on plates (aluminum) which measure 70mm and hold one-time use priority and later get recycled which cost 140 rupees each. The printing process in done from the plates to the paper, after that we moved to the various levels of the press where we were able to see the process in a sequence.

The view of very fascinating for everyone as we were witnessing it for the first time, as I spoke to the chief he told me there are two machines of which one costs almost a whopping 55 crores. One of them can print two newspapers at the same time which deals in broadsheets at the rate of almost 140,000 newspapers per hour and the other one could produce almost 60,000 newspapers hourly, this was really hard to believe but looking at the agility of the machines the fact can’t be

denied. At 1:00 am in the night the printing process starts, we were also told the whole process consumes 16 hours on a daily basis. Almost 4 lakh copies are printed daily, the distribution takes place through agents for different areas and the supply is per their quota which is first come first serve basis. Finally before leaving we gave a peek into the lower level where huge paper rolls were to be seen (broadsheets) to my amazement it weighed 724 kgs which gets exported from USA.

Time seemed to fly away like thin air, finally the exploration came to an end and we started moving towards our source of transportation on the way thanking the whole DC printing press team. The time we started to move out of there it was almost 12:08 pm and we reached back to our college at 12:45 pm. It must be said the trip was an enlightening and enjoyable experience and now of this could have been possible without our Puja ma’m, I believe now we are very well aware of what amount of effort is needed to get the daily newspaper on our

desks.Special Thanks:

Academics Department: Ms. Puja Garg

Mr. MufaddalPoonawala














“When we heal the earth, we heal ourselves.”


Page 18: E-Zine Vol 4


India is one of the ancient countries comparing to any other country in the world, which is very rich in its own culture. India has got the big phenomena of unity in multifarious diversities and multifarious diversity has got a unity.

The first and foremost thing to talk about culture is the civilization observed from the Old Stone Age to the present age. When we say somebody is civilized, that civilization either based on his or her literature or on his or her type of life. Individual regionalist culture is depicted by the literature.

The type of literatures first comes in the Tamil literature, then, Telugu and Malayalam followed by Kannada. These are the foremost languages in which they have existed without the aid of any other language.

The type of dress adorn by the people of different parts of this country are as much colorful and varied to compromise with the climatic and the geographical conditions.

In ceremonial dresses, culture of the country is based on weaving talents. From different weaving styles, one can promptly identify the place of origin of a particular dress in the country. The weaving at Kancheepuram is different from that of Banaras or Surat. In that way, it is worth knowing about the different weaving pattern of Kancheepuram, Banaras, Kashmir, Bengal, and Surat for the executive type of weaving in Zaris, Silks, pure cotton, wool and other materials. Bidar situated near Karnataka predominantly occupied by Muslim community who weave superior quality clothing by hand. To critically observe or get more knowledge about the culture, culture in persons, culture in individual behavior, culture in food habits and culture in day today work in India, one has to go to the remote parts of the country, i.e. the villages where the ancient culture is being observed as the entity of the varieties.

There is a born instinct in differentiating the culture of regionalism and is only possible in the spirit of Indian culture alone which is not available in any other culture.

However, the Keralite music can be perfected by a Tamil origin. The Tamil origins Bharatnatyam can be performed with more grace in Andhra Pradesh. It could be sung with more delicate taste by all these Southern Regional but the dressing culture, the food culture and any other culture remains individualistic and they are akin to that particular state to which they belong.

The culture of Gurukulam, though it has taken a pedigree concept all from guru to guru, it is restricted itself by imparting knowledge to high spiritual, Vedic and ethical only. Some pedigree could not be established in day to day life. Therefore the Gummi, Kolattam and the street drama (Therukoothu), Ottamthullal of Kerala and the native dancing trends of Andhra Pradesh, the big drum festivals of Karnataka and the Veerasaiva sword twisting is restricted to the individual states only which has not spread to the other states.

Dev prakash PGP/SS/11-13/IIPM-D

[email protected]












“Culture is the widening of the mind and of the spirit.”


Page 19: E-Zine Vol 4


Headaches are one of the most popular medical deprecations- nearly everyone is prone to a headache at some point.

A headache actually is a pain sensed in the nerves and muscles of the head and neck, as well as the meninges (the membranous coverings of the brain and spinal cord). Reasons for getting headache are classified into 2 type and so doctors therefore classified them into two categories:

Primary headaches are not associated with any underlying medical condition. Secondary headaches are associated with medical conditions like infections, fever, head injury, hypoglycemia, tumors, dental conditions or increased pressure in the skull and/or sinuses (sinus headaches).

There are three main causes for primary headaches:

Migraine - Migraine headaches are generated by reduced blood flow to numerous areas of the cerebral cortex. Symptoms of migraines accommodate sensitivity to light and noise, nausea, vomiting and intense throbbing pain that is frequently on one side of the head. A neurotransmitter, serotonin, is thought to be associated in migraines because many of the drugs used to treat migraines convert the binding of serotonin to various receptors.

Tension - Tension headaches are caused by muscular strains in the head and neck and/or emotional stress. Tension headaches are generally dull, steady, aching pains on both sides of the head. Sometimes, tension headaches grow up into throbbing pains, leading researchers to believe that they may be closely impart to migraines. Eye strain (poor vision) can bring about frequent tension headaches.

Cluster - Cluster headaches are headaches that occur again and again over a period of weeks or even months. Cluster-headache pain usually occurs on one side of the head and is

centered round the eye. The causes of cluster headaches are hidden, but may be related to changes in blood flow because substances that affect blood flow, such as alcohol, can trigger cluster headaches.

Primary headaches can also be caused by too much blood flow. For example, if you have read How Caffeine Works, you know that caffeine lessen blood flow in the brain. Some pain relievers consist of caffeine to take advantage of this effect.

If you have been taking caffeine every day and you stop, you can get an incredible headache because of the increased blood flow in your brain.Secondary headaches result from some other problem with your body. For example, how Viruses Work talks about why you get a headache (and other pains) when you have the flu. Once you drive out the disease, you eliminate the secondary headaches.

Most headache pain can be treated with over-the-counter medications such as aspirin, acetaminophen (Tylenol), ibuprofen (Motrin) and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. As mentioned above, migraines have been helped by drugs that block serotonin, such as sumatriptan(Imitrex). Cluster headaches have been treated with sumatriptan, steroids (Migranal) and narcotics.











Rohita mullapudi

“What is called genius is the abundance of life and health.”


Page 20: E-Zine Vol 4

Law Signs of a Divorce Ahead

Sept 24th 2011 - CEO of UBS, Mr. Oswald Gruebel, has resigned.(Sign*)

The above was an aftermath of the alleged £1.5bn ($2.3bn) rogue-trading loss at the Delta One desk of the firm’s investment bank.

The scale of UBS's losses led to calls for the global separation of commercial banking from investment banking.

The separation between commercial and investment banking has been one of the primary features financial system since the 1930s.

In 1933, in the wake of the 1929 stock market crash and during a nationwide commercial bank failure and the Great Depression, The Glass-Steagall Act (GSA) was put in place as a regulatory firewall. This act separated investment and commercial banking activities. At the time, "improper banking activity", or what was considered overzealous commercial bank involvement in stock market investment, was deemed the main culprit of the financial crash.

In short, the GSA prohibited any one institution from acting as any combination of an Investment bank, a commercial bank, and an insurance company.

However, The Gramm–Leach–Bliley Act (GLB), also known as the Financial Services Modernization Act of 1999, was signed into law and it repealed the GSA of 1933. The GLB allowed commercial banks, investment banks, securities firms, and insurance companies to consolidate.

Since the GLB Act, twenty-four of the largest twenty-five Bank holding companies have chosen to acquire financial holding company status.

In 2010, Obama Administration signed the Dodd–Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, touted as the most

sweeping change to financial regulation in the United States since the Great Depression. However, it is argued that the Dodd–Frank Act is not strong enough as it fails to protect consumers adequately, and, more importantly, fails to cut big and interconnected financial entities down to size.

The final argument lay upon the dismantlement of the Glass–Steagall Act, which was only the symptom of a much deeper problem. In Mainland Europe, an increasing number of think-tanks are calling for the adoption of stricter bank regulation through new national and EU-wide legislations based on the Glass–Steagall Act.

Major Arguments:

Most economists believe this repeal directly contributed to the severity of the financial crisis of 2007–2011 by allowing Wall Street investment banking firms to gamble with their depositors' money that was held in commercial banks owned or created by the investment firms. “If GLB was the problem, the crisis would have been expected to have originated in Europe where they never had Glass–Steagall requirements to begin with.

Also, the financial firms that failed in this crisis, like Lehman, were the least diversified and the ones that survived, like J.P. Morgan, were the most diversified.”

However, it now remains to be seen if the governments pass a bill to agree upon the divorce without annoying the corporations.

Abhishek chinta

Random thoughts












“Useless laws weaken necessary laws.”


Page 21: E-Zine Vol 4

The Only ''Price''...Nothing else...

Life without a reason, a purpose, a position... the mind is frightened of this because then "my life" is over with, and life lives itself and moves from itself in a totally different dimension. This way of living is just life moving. That's all. As soon as the mind pulls out an agenda and decides what needs to change, that's unreality. Life doesn't need to decide who's right and who's wrong. Life doesn't need to know the "right" way to go because it's going there anyway. Then you start to get a hint of why the mind, in a deep sense of liberation, tends to get very quiet. It doesn't have its job anymore. It has its usefulness, but it doesn't have its full-time occupation of sustaining an intricately fabricated house of cards.

This stillness of awareness is all there is. It's all one. This awareness and life are one thing, one movement, one happening, in this moment –Unfolding without reason, without goal, without direction. The ultimate state is ever present and always now. The only thing that makes it difficult to find that state and remain in that state is people wanting to retain their position in space and time. "I want to know where I'm going. I want to know if I've arrived. I want to know who to love and hate. I want to know. I don't really want to be; I want to know. Isn't enlightenment the ultimate state of knowing?" No. It's the ultimate state of being. The price knows.

This is the beautiful thing about the truth: ever-present, always here, totally free, given freely. It's already there. That which is ever-presently awake is free, free for the "being." But the only way that there's total and final absolute homecoming is when the humanness presents itself with the same unconditionality. Every time a human being touches into that unconditionality, it's such peace and fulfillment. In Our humanity, there's the natural expression of joy and love and compassion and caring and total unattachment. Those qualities instantly transmute into humanness when you touch into emptiness. Emptiness becomes love. That’s the human experience of emptiness, that source that ever –present awakens. For the humanness to lay itself down your mind, your body, your hopes, your dreams everything –to lay itself down in the same unconditional manner in which awareness is ever present, only then is there the direct experience of unity, That you and the highest truth are really one thing. It expresses itself through your humanity, through openness, through love. The divine becomes human and the human becomes divine- not in any “high and mighty” sense, but just in the sense of reality. That’s the way it is

The only price is all of our positions. The only price is that you stop paying a price.

Prakash PGP\FW\11-13

Random thoughts











“Act in the valley so that you need not fear those who stand on the hill.”


Page 22: E-Zine Vol 4

Time Management

Time is a non-spatial continuum in which events occur in apparently irreversible succession from the past through the present to the future. How much time do we get in our life time??? Keeping 60 years as an average age of humans we get 1.89341556 × 109 seconds in our whole life time.

With such a huge amount of time why do we still say that we don’t have time for things? Why don’t we get time for something or someone? Keeping the fact that half the time we spend in sleeping and resting, the leftover time is still huge and can be utilized in a great way. The only thing being we need to manage time which we have got. Planning things accordingly is the best way to manage your time.

These are some tips which can help us in managing our time-

Try to be an optimist and seek out the good in your life, this will help you in deciding what you really want in life and what gives you satisfaction in whatever you do.

Always keep those long term goals in mind, because all the things you are going to pursue in present are going to reflect or be a part of your future. Always keep in mind what really you want in future so that you can choose in your present correctly.

Examine your old habits and search for ways to change or eliminate them, because constantly you need to review yourself for chances towards your betterment.

Plan your day each morning or the night before and set priorities for yourself, because when you set priorities for yourself you are certain of what really you want more than the rest of your wants.

Try rewarding yourself when you get things done as you had planned, especially the important ones. This will count you as self motivator.

Have confidence in yourself and in your judgment of priorities and stick to them no matter what, as self confidence is the first step of success, it leaves an inner feeling of fulfillment and half your goal is already met if you are confident about it.

Ask for advice when needed. You can’t be doing everything by yourself, there will be a time in life where you will need advices and support from others. Don’t hesitate to ask for advices, but taking them or not is all up to YOU!

Concentrate on one thing at a time. Multitasking may sound time saving but often leads to stress and confusion. So better opt for one thing at a time.

Put your efforts in areas that provide long term benefits, because you anytime don’t need short term happiness or short tern satisfaction. Remember you have a long life and its better you plan for your long term and have a vision for future.

Be sure and set deadlines for yourself whenever possible. You can’t be taking all your time for a particular thing/goal. When your deadlines are set you will strive to complete your goals before time. Let’s see how well do you plan?

Rate your view: Never has Seldom Always have time.

Rewarding YOURSELF











“The time for action is now. It’s never too late to do something.”


Page 23: E-Zine Vol 4

How often do you plan in an Effort to keep Life from running Out of time?

1 2 3 4 5

Do you put daily Plans on paper?

1 2 3 4 5

Do you allow Flexibility in your Plan?

1 2 3 4 5

How often do you accomplish all you plan for a day?

1 2 3 4 5

How often do you plan time for what Matters, Mostly for yourself!

1 2 3 4 5

How often is your daily plan destroyed Due to urgent Interruptions?

1 2 3 4 5

SCORING: Add the numbers next to your answers.


6-10: Terrible Planner.

You should consider using new tools and processes to help you plan effectively. A great first step would be to take a time management course.

11-15: Below average planner.

You may already have a planning system, but using it more effectively will help to reduce the stress and lack of control you feel in your life.

16-20: Average planner. Your planning system is working, but you can do better. You may need some help focusing on priorities, dealing with urgent interruptions or writing your daily plan.

21-25: Above-average planner. Your planning system is working well. Keep up the good work, with periodic reviews to be sure you’re planning around what matters most in your life.

26-30: Excellent planner--or candidate for burnout? You have mastered planning and should experience the serenity that comes from taking charge of your life. But make sure you’re in control of your planning rather than letting it control you.

Source- Quiz written for USA WEEKEND by

time management expert Hyrum Smith, chairman of the Franklin Covey Co. who’s Franklin Planners, agendas and planning software are used by 15 million Americans.

Khadija PGP/SS/10-12/IIPM-FIN






“The time for action is now. It’s never too late to do something.”








Page 24: E-Zine Vol 4

Rudiments of the subject make you

"master" else life will be "disaster"

"Praveen remember one thing. Growth of the person is stopped once he stopped learning. I don't judge the growth of the person by amount of salary he earns”, Sam said.

I came out of the meeting room but the sentence said by our lead resonated in my mind. The sentence struck my heart; it made me postmortem my entire engineering life while i was traveling in the highly packed Falaknama MMTS Local train.

My body managed to get a place at

the door of the train on the other side of the platform but my mind was at the entrance of the 2-2 ECE-'A' class room.

"May I come in sir?” asked in a commanding voice. Ranadheer, Narshima(best buddies of mine)were at the back of me dragging me as they want to bunk this boring, freaking class. But now i have 71%, i strongly determined myself to get 75% by the end of this semester till that time i decided not to bunk any class.

NOTE: i am mentioning about the attendance % not the aggregate we possess in the engineering.

"May i come in sir?” asked again as the professor acted he didn't listen. He stopped at roll no 19, seen at us; gave a dirty look and waved his hand as a signal to come in. We sat

at the last bench and opened our gadgets to generate key events. He closed the door and climbed the podium with a great difficulty taking the help of his thigh by putting his hand on it.

He is hardly 5 feet 5 inches, with a round pumpkin face and belly, mustache hiding his lips. Best feature he has chubby cheeks. Opened his bunch of papers (without which he can’t deliver his lecture.) from the register

and has written "flip flop" on the blackboard and drew a curve below it as he is lazy to stand and draw a straight line under it.

He continued to dictate from the papers he had got. Akhil sadepalli is the one guy who continuously nods his head (up-down-right-left-diagonally; all possible directions) and jot down the shit what he dictates and wipe out his sweat with his handkerchief.

He is explaining flip-flop circuit. Some of us don't know what transistor does in the flip-flop circuit. After completing the dictating part he use says Hope you got it right? (As he know student can’t understand what he is saying.)At that point my inner voice wants to say "Bloody f**k! i don't understand what you said. Explain again without seeing the papers you brought. If you can’t explain what else you can do in the class without having those papers apart from taking attendance? Common say …" .but i can’t say as he is HOD and got powers to exercise (but not knowledge to deliver to students).

Hardly 10 out of 60 use to listen his class and rest are busy with their work under the bench. Is this Productive?

"arey rannu transistor ela pani chestadi ra ekkada ? enduku pettadu ra ?(ranadheer how the transistor works here?)He try to explain but i can’t catch what he is saying. It would be just like seeing telugu dubbed tamil film.

(But mugged up during the exams transistor offs light wont glow)










“Education is a progressive discovery of our own ignorance.”



Page 25: E-Zine Vol 4

This is what i did in b-tech. Not only me there are hundreds, thousands, have lakhs of students liked me.

What could be the reason for this? At-least in this case why am unable to understand the functioning of flip-flop circuit? Answer is simple. I don't know the functioning transistor. Basic element of electronics is TRANSISTOR which I mugged up in the first year. I don't know the basic element functionality how can i understand flip-flop action? Why i didn't understand transistor action. Again this HOD comes in to picture (he taught us EDC with his bunch of papers)

Is this the way to teach to students who are habituated to spoon feeding in their intermediate? At least i feel that a professor has to be in such a way that he has to inject the interest, curiosity towards the subject by teaching the basics clearly after that he himself can research down the lane. Without the basement how can a building with stand?

Train arrived secunderabad station but the platform was on the side where i stood, then the mob of people started saying "UTHAR KAE CHADEO BHAYA...UTHAR KAE CHADEO". As they ordered i got down from the train and stood aside. One advantage while you travel in the mmts. We no need to put effort to get down nor to get in. Everything is taken care by the mob around you.

As train started to gain velocity i got in to train, this time i didn't get the place to place both my legs. I was just hanging out from the train.

Inquisitor in me got satisfied by the report of postmortem. I never cared to learn the things which i missed out.That's the reason why my growth in b-tech stopped at 66% But the only good thing that i did was to master the basics of C language which fetched me job at APtech computer education as C instructor (i didn't taught them as my HOD did. This is for sure), later on at innominds software pvt ltd as a Software Engineer.

As i am good at C i got a job. What about Narshima? He is lazier than me. He

didn't even learn C. Will he get a job with 63%? At core side he can’t get the job as he doesn't know how transistor works. He doesn't have interest to get in to unstable software industry. Even though he has interest to get in to software industry he doesn't know what printf does.

Will he get the job now? Obviously no, But he got the job! As he mastered the basics of Quant and verbal he got job in Central government department more stabilized job than mine (He even gets the pension and 10-5 job but i don't have this luxury).

So guys Whatever the stream you are learn the Rudiments of the subject, master it grow yourself and help others to grow by sharing useful knowledge and keep learning throughout your life. By doing this increases the command over the subject .Remember having % won’t fetch you job. Subject will fetch you a job. Now a day’s 8 pointers are struggling hard to get the job. So dear friends it’s up to you to think.

Malakpet arrived, I reached my destination. Still the crowd has not decreased.

Time for me to say "UTHAR KAE CHADEO BHAYA...UTHAR KAE CHADEO"....train gained momentum still i didn't get down...Finally I have to jump from the train.

OMG first i need to learn the basics how to get down from the train.

Munukutla Praveen











“Education is a progressive discovery of our own ignorance.”

Random thoughts



It all happened When I was out with pals I was crossing the road A truck cut across my body A bag of bones were crushed And blood oozed All I could hear was sobs And I felt numb and motionless I knew something awful had happened I tried to open my mouth but in vain Thousand of pins were poking my head I was in disastrous plight I had a brain hemorrhage after the accident And I knew I couldn’t turn the clock back I couldn’t bear to see the grief stricken faces And cries of my bro hugging me tight No idea as to how to react to my parents May be I could say "thanks for looking after me" or "sorry for being so careless" All I could do was stare into space And there I was down the memory lane Cherishing each moment of my life And I knew my time had run off That same god Who brought me into this beautiful world Blessed me with wonderful people around Is going to snatch my life away!;(

Soumya PGP-D\ FW\ 11-13

Page 26: E-Zine Vol 4


I was captivated by the landscape through which I was travelling. Narrow fields of golden grain alternated with pastures dotted with bushes. It was possible to catch glimpses of the forest and fields which were dotted with colorful little farms having several sheds to their sides which served the house and also contained ingeniously constructed stone racks for storing the fruits of the summer harvest. They were simple buildings one could almost say shabby, but neat and tidy all the same. Only the flower and vegetable beds in the gardens could be described as disturbed.

Just about everywhere I went I was greeted like long lost friend. But this was perhaps not surprising; after all with fewer inhabitants, everybody knows practically everyone else. And this is also why, as I found out later, a wedding celebration traditionally continues three to five days, and everyone in the village could be expected to turn up. Nobody can afford that sort of thing these days. People tend to opt for just living together.

The blue sky was dotted with white clouds and the light of the setting sun gleamed on the windswept grass. It didn’t take much effort to get to know the people of village.

During the day I was able to observe them going about their usual business, quietly and deliberately with the regularity of a pendulum mostly out of doors, in the field’s gardens or at river. I had plenty of time to wander round and take snaps of their lives.

They say sing for as long as you are alive-in the fields, at home amongst friends.

It is difficult to say how many hours I spent sitting on the bank watching the fisherman put out into the river and return with their modest catches.

There appeared to be a clear division of labor, for no sooner had they tied up the boat their women would turn up. They will help unload the boats, stored the catch and nets and then disappeared, leaving behind a pungent whiff of mud in the air.

The bank also served as a playground for the children. They perform breakneck somersaults in the long grass, wrestled with one another, laughing and playing with the same carefree innocence as the pack of dogs that play around them.

There is a path from river to village looking like a enchanting meadow traversed by a yellow streak of sandy path up which the people will walk some of them bare feet. Not once did I find myself in pollution quite simply because there wasn’t any.

Not to mention any automobile license plates, waste water pipes or to the extent a hospital. And there was no sign of the fashionably build houses. There was no policeman to be seen, yet nobody bothered to lock their door at night.

“We simply live our lives according to our own rules”. Said one of them we have never been very interested in who was in power on the mainland. Is such timeless freedom really possible??

Vamsi Tarun PGP/SS/11-13/IIPM

Random thoughts











"Honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom."


Page 27: E-Zine Vol 4


I’m walking on a road in mid noon after my


Suddenly an auto came – I said no I don’t

need an auto

But he followed me slowly and uttered bad

words no one on the road cared when I’m

shouting at him even the traffic police over

there – why???

Women can’t walk on road even in the

morning safely why?? Is this called as


When my friend caught by a traffic police as

he forgot the license he paid bribe but we

should pay fine...Why is this happening??

A person met with an accident and media

came and asked a lot of questions – is that

needed at that time instead of saving a


Money can make anything???

Women have no safety???

Is there humanity??

Is this called as independence??

Oh my god lots of questions in my mind

Past they respected women not in all cases

but in some cases they gave respect

We all know we got independence…but think

once do we really got independence

We got freedom from foreigners

-but not the corrupted persons who are

ruling our country

-but not the persons who don’t have some

moral values

Why is this happening from past and still

going on?

Because no one is there to stop

Even the persons who are reasons behind our

independence involved in scams but they

served our country a ton

But now we can see the persons not serving

our country they are here into the politics not

to serve to but earn for themselves (selfish)

Even when we go into Govt. office we need

to pay bribes every where

Why is this happening –CORRUPTION?

It’s we who should change and who can bring

the change in the world

It’s we who should elect the right person at

the right place.

If not all these scams, accidents, daily

incidents will be fairytales to your younger

ones, children and grand children.

Susmitha chowdary


Random thoughts











"Change your thoughts and you change your world."


Page 28: E-Zine Vol 4



Are you the 2% or 98% of the population?

Follow the instructions.

(NO PEEKING AHEAD!) Free will or is it

synaptic wiring? You be the judge.

Do the following exercise, guaranteed to

raise an eyebrow. There’s no trick or surprise.

Just follow these instructions, and answer

the questions one at a time and as quickly as

you can! Again as quickly as you can but don’t

advance until you’ve done each of them


Now, scroll down (but not too fast, you

might miss something).

THINK of a number from 1 to 10 – got it?

scroll down until you see the next


MULTIPLY that number by 9.

If the number is a 2-digit number, ADD

the digits together


DETERMINE which letter in the alphabet

corresponds to the number U ended up

with (example: 1=a, 2=b, 3=c, etc.)

THINK of a country that starts with that


THINK of the last letter of the name of

that country

THINK of the name of an animal that

starts with that letter

REMEMBER the last letter in the name of

that animal

THINK of the name of a fruit that starts

with that letter

Are you thinking of a Kangaroo in Denmark eating an Orange?

I told you this was FREAKY!! At least for me

it was. If not for you, you’re among the 2% of

the population whose minds are different

enough to think of something else. 98% of

people will answer with kangaroos in

Denmark eating oranges when given this

exercise. Freaky, isn’t?

Sahithi Krishna PGP/SS/11-13/ISBE-E














"There's no next time. It's now or never."


Page 29: E-Zine Vol 4

Brain storm -3

CEO’s names and companies


Top global information technology it company.

It is 9th most valuable brand in India according to an annual survey conducted by Brand Finance and The Economic Times in 2010.

Initially set up as a vegetable oil manufacturer in 1945.


Owns many of the world’s consumer

product brands in foods, beverages and

personal care products.

We meet everyday needs for nutrition;

hygiene and personal care with brands

that help people feel good, look good

and get more out of life.

Famous for FMCG products.


India and Nepal's number one leading automobile manufacturer.

Market leader in the car segment. Subsidiary company of Japanese

automaker, largely credited for having brought in an automobile revolution to India.

Captions and companies (1) Eat healthy think better.

(2) Your potential our passion.

(3) Applying thought.

(4) Beyond the obvious.

Sharp you brain

Company, product and founder















"There is more to life than increasing its speed."


Page 30: E-Zine Vol 4

ANSWERS for brainstorm 2

CEO’s of top most companies –

find out their names and companies

Rajesh Agarwal, Sumeet Arora, Rahul Sharma and Vikas Jain – MICROMAX

Paul S. Otellini – INTEL Jim Skinner - Mc Donald’s

Captions and companies






Sharp your brain

Company – XEROX

Product – Xerox machines and printers

Susmitha Chowdary















"There is more to life than increasing its speed."


Page 31: E-Zine Vol 4












“Education is a progressive discovery of our own ignorance.”


Page 32: E-Zine Vol 4


Vamsi Tarun Susmitha chowdary Jyotirmayee swati Sujeevan Mathew Khadija Ansari Dev Prakash Varun s. Numan khan Naushaba Parveen




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Quote of the month














"There is more to life than increasing its speed."
