Page 1: E-P-3-0350 Temporary Works2007 – Organise Design of Temporary Works 2153 Plan Construction of Temporary Works 2229 – Construction and Removal of Temporary Works 2217 – Request

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Temporary Works

The LORA Way E-P-3-0350

E-P-3-0350 Temporary Works (Revised January 2016)

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Purpose: The purpose of this procedure is: – To define the way in which Temporary Works (TW) are to be managed

– To ensure that TW are identified, designed, constructed, maintained and dismantled safely

The procedure complies with the intent of “Australian Standards, Code of Practise, Work Safe Australia and Laing O’Rourke Primary Standards

TW means all works required for the execution, completion, maintenance and / or demolition of permanent works and which will normally be removed from the site on completion. Examples

include: – Site establishment including temporary offices, hoardings, sign boards, access gantries

workshops, fuel storage, temporary roads, bridges, barriers, welfare facilities – Stability of existing and new structures during construction or demolition, needling, temporary

underpinning, façade retention – Excavation support systems, open excavations, rock cuts, dewatering

– Formwork and falsework systems, access scaffolding, temporary roofs, loading towers, mobile towers, temporary access cradles

– Tower crane bases and ties, hoist foundations and ties, mobile crane foundations, piling mats & foundations for crawler cranes, lifting & handling gear, cast in devices

Scope: This procedure applies to all projects and to all businesses within the Laing O'Rourke Group, all

trade contractors and all subcontractors working on Laing O'Rourke sites. However where LOR are operating as part of a Joint Venture (JV) the specific JV procedure may be adopted provided it meets

the minimum standards of this procedure. In such cases, if another company’s TW procedures are adopted rather than our own, then such procedures must be forwarded to the LOR Engineering

Delivery Leader for review.

Reference Procedure RACI

Temporary Works


The Head of Engineering Delivery of Laing O’Rourke Australia is accountable for establishment, implementation and on-going review of this procedure. Other

duties are delegated to others in the organisation as noted below.

At bid stage the Bid Manager (BM) must ensure that major items of TW are identified, detailed sufficiently, that time for design & approvals is allowed

including impact on the permanent works design, all such that risk is minimised. If necessary the bid must be qualified. Drawings, methods, design

requirements, programme etc must be passed to the PM on contract award.

The Project Manager (PM) or Leader at contract stage is ultimately accountable for all TW. The PM or Leader is responsible, on behalf of the

Engineering Delivery Leader, for either delegating the role of TWC or retaining it. However, the PM or Leader must ensure that they are competent for the role

should it be retained and have attended one of the courses identified below.

The Engineering Leaders (EL) of the Region will support and review the application of this process within the Region as detailed within the process.

They will be supported by the engineering design discipline leaders as required.

The Temporary Works Coordinator (TWC) is responsible for ensuring that all

temporary works are identified, classified and their risk assessed and managed in accordance with this process. The TWC has full authority to stop work if

requirements of this process are not being followed and not allow work to continue until they have been complied with. The TWC will appoint Temporary

Works Supervisors on behalf of the Engineering Delivery Leader.

The Temporary Works Designer is responsible for assessing the risks of the


Head of Engineering

Delivery (A)

Bid Manager (A)

Project Leader (A)

Engineering Leader (R)

TW Coordinator (R)

TW Designer (R)

Page 2: E-P-3-0350 Temporary Works2007 – Organise Design of Temporary Works 2153 Plan Construction of Temporary Works 2229 – Construction and Removal of Temporary Works 2217 – Request

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Enabling Process Project Team (Ops/Const & HSEQ) Engineering Manager

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Temporary Works

The LORA Way E-P-3-0350

E-P-3-0350 Temporary Works (Revised January 2016)

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Reference Procedure RACI

TW and identifying, designing and producing suitable and sufficient information for the TWC to enable the works to be carried out safely.

The Temporary Works Supervisor (TWS) is responsible for assisting the

TWC as detailed in this process.

The Design Manager (where appointed by LOR) must ensure that the TWC (or other suitably experienced person if the TWC is not yet appointed) is

included in design development of the permanent works where TW are likely to be involved.

All Staff including the Construction Manager, Site Manager, Supervisors,

Foremen and Engineers who are involved in managing work involving TW must ensure that all the requirements of this process and method statements

are applied effectively.

TW Supervisor (R)

Design Manager (R)

Works Contracted to or Subcontracted to others

Works are subcontracted to other parts of the LOR Group On projects where major parts of the works are subcontracted to other parts of

the LOR Group the Project Leader of the lead business i.e. the Principal Contractor shall determine which party is best placed to manage the TW

process and / or whether the process can be managed by one TWC. The Engineering Leaders of the lead business and the supporting business will both

be consulted on specific appointments.

In the majority of cases there will only be one TWC particularly where both the lead business and the supporting business(s) are operating within the same

footprint. However there may be exceptions to this, for example; where a project is divided up into specific defined sections with a clearly defined cut

between sections such as a linear road project; a building project with multiple sites remote from each other; within the same site but where clear areas of

responsibility can be readily identified.

Particular care must be exercised where TW responsibility passes from one party to another, e.g. edge protection on multi-storey construction. The TWC's

must ensure that handover is clearly managed and documented.

The Project Leader of the Principal Contractor will appoint the TWC(s) who may be from the supporting business. The TWC, irrespective of which business

they sit in, will be responsible for coordinating all of the temporary works defined in their appointment letter which may include items which are not part

of their remit.

The TWC appointee may be phased to suit the stage of the works and could be from a supporting business initially, e.g. the BM may hold the role both it

transitions to the PM and / or engineers. Whichever way, the day to day management of temporary works within a particular business will remain with

that business.

The appointee from the lead business will likely be the TWC post-completion of the supporting business works.

Works are subcontracted to external subcontractors

On projects where parts of the works are subcontracted to external subcontractors, the Project Leader shall ensure that subcontract documents

clearly define what elements of this procedure that Laing O’Rourke requires the subcontractor to carry out as part of their contract. Specifically, requirements

for TW Design and TW Design Checks must be specified to be in accordance

Project Leader


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The LORA Way E-P-3-0350

E-P-3-0350 Temporary Works (Revised January 2016)

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Reference Procedure RACI

with this procedure. The TWC will ensure that subcontractors provide all appropriate documentation to allow the TWC to fulfil their duties.

Where the subcontracted works form a significant package which are self-

contained and out with any other works the TWC may be from the subcontractor. The LOR Project Leader will make this appointment in the

normal way ensuring the competency of the TWC in line with this procedure (or JV procedure where appropriate).

The subcontractors TWC will liaise with the LOR TWC and provide them with

all such information necessary for the LOR TWC to fulfil their duties on behalf of the Principal Contractor.

The Project Leader shall ensure that any subcontract packages involving TW

are let in sufficient time such that any designs, checks and procurement of materials can be carried out before the requirement for the TW on site.

The competence of external suppliers, designers, fabricators and contractors

must be assessed before they are asked to tender for work.


Appointment of Temporary

Works Coordinator

Selection and Appointment of TW Coordinator (TWC) The Project Leader retains the role of TWC unless or until they appoint a TWC.

All projects must have a TWC and a deputy TWC to cover for absences. The

PM will make the appointments using the standard letter (the template should be suitably amended for the appointment of a deputy TWC) after consultation

with the Engineering Leader(s) Region(s). The PM retains the role of TWC or deputy TWC unless or until they make alternative appointments.

The selection of a suitable TWC is critical to the successful implementation of

this procedure and therefore the TWC must be competent. If the Project Manager retains the role of TWC he/she will need to have the required


The TWC appointment letter will record the basis on which competency has been assessed, e.g. training, experience etc.

The TWC should undergo refresher training at no more than 3 yearly intervals.

The TWC will normally be an engineer with appropriate knowledge and

experience of TW, but could be another staff member for projects where there are only low risk temporary works as defined by this process.

Project Leader


In advising the Project Leader on the appointment of a TWC, the regional

Engineering Delivery Leader will take into account the guidance on minimum training and experience levels.

The TWC should understand the different TW risk classifications and control

measures required (as shown in Table 1 & 2), and ideally have knowledge and experience of design, construction and management of the type of TW on the


As a minimum, the TWC must have attended one of the following: – Temporary Works for Engineers (TWE) course

– Management of Temporary Works Procedures (MTWP) - This short module is suitable training for staff already experienced in the management of

TW but who are un-familiar with or need a refresher on the LOR procedure.

Additionally, the TWE course is strongly recommended for all TWCs. It is


Engineering Leader (R)

Page 4: E-P-3-0350 Temporary Works2007 – Organise Design of Temporary Works 2153 Plan Construction of Temporary Works 2229 – Construction and Removal of Temporary Works 2217 – Request

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Enabling Process Project Team (Ops/Const & HSEQ) Engineering Manager

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The LORA Way E-P-3-0350

E-P-3-0350 Temporary Works (Revised January 2016)

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Reference Procedure RACI

strongly recommended for TWCs on contracts with Medium or High Risk TW that they hold relevant experience in the field of TW design, construction or co-


Ideally, the TWC will be resident on the site, but may be a visiting member of staff on, for example, multi-site projects. The appointed TWS will keep the

visiting TWC informed of the situation in his absence as defined by this process.

On projects with more than one TWC, the areas of responsibility must be

clearly defined in the appointment letter to prevent any gaps or overlaps.

The appointment of the TWC, including when the role is retained by the Project Manager, should be made only after consultation and agreement with the

Region Engineering Leader. The scope of the appointment must be clearly defined.

The Engineering Leader will maintain a register of TWCs on all projects within

the Region.

E-T-3-0350 Temporary

Works Control Register

E-T-3-0349b Appointment of

Temporary Works


Selection and Appointment of TW Supervisors (TWS’s)

A TWS must be appointed for all temporary works identified on the TW Control Register unless the TWC retains this duty. Where the TWC retains the duty for

inspecting temporary works, the TW Control Register must state this.

The TWC will appoint all TWS’s using the standard letter. The TWC must ensure that they are sufficiently competent and briefed to carry out the role,

with the aid of checklists where necessary.

The TWS appointment letter will record the basis on which competency has been assessed, e.g. training, experience etc.

A separate register of TWS appointments may be kept where there are

numerous supervisors, e.g. on network type projects. Where such a register is used it shall be referenced on the TW Control Register under the heading "TW



Identification & Risk Assessment of TW

Refer to Tables 1 and 2 at the end of this procedure.

The TWC must identify all the TW on the project by involving the site team and design team. The TWC will establish communications with all relevant parties

including designers, subcontractors, system suppliers, in-house TW designers etc.


The TWC must assess the risk associated with each item of TW and classify

them as either Low, Medium or High risk. The classification may be done in conjunction with the designer. If there is any doubt the TW should be assessed

as being at the next higher risk level. If the TWC is not an engineer a suitably experienced engineer must be involved in this risk assessment. Examples of

TW with likely associated risk level are given in Table 1.

Risk assessment of the whole operation is a Laing O’Rourke requirement and precast component erection must be classified as “Medium” or “High” risk with

appropriate controls to reflect this classification.

It should be stressed that whilst specific reference is made to precast erection

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Enabling Process Project Team (Ops/Const & HSEQ) Engineering Manager

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The LORA Way E-P-3-0350

E-P-3-0350 Temporary Works (Revised January 2016)

Copyright © Laing O’Rourke 2013 All rights reserved. Document uncontrolled when


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Reference Procedure RACI

here and in subsequent sections, this does not detract from the importance of classifying and hence applying appropriate controls to all other items of TW.


Temporary Works Control


A TW Control Register must be used to record each TW item, the risk level and

detail the control measures appropriate for that level of risk. The register makes provision for identifying dates when controls need to be implemented. It

is essential that external approvals, permanent works design etc. are carried out in a timely manner.

An inspection and test plan (ITP) must be produced for all high risk TW

schemes and/or where the client requirements demand. Refer to ENG.P.12 regarding ITP’s.

Each project should have only one TW Control Register which will include TW

which form part of the lead business works and also any supporting business TW’s. This is essential to ensure that there are no TW scope gaps.

Exceptionally, separate registers may be held where a project is divided up into specific defined sections with a clearly defined cut between sections, e.g. on a

linear road project or a building project with multiple sites remote from each other.

This management of TW process details the control measures that are

required to be implemented. The likely control measures for each risk level are given in Table 2. In addition to this any residual risks and their control

measures must be brought to the attention of those directly involved in the TW via method statements, briefings etc.

Where the TW are considered very low risk with little or no design input, for

example slab edge shutters less than 300mm deep or excavations that are shallow and low risk, they do not need to be included on the TW Control

Register (though recommended) as these items will be subject to the same standard safe working practices as all other site operations.

The TWC must upload the updated TW Control Register each month

(highlighting any changes from the previous month) on to the dedicated section of the LOR Engineering Way on iGATE for review and/or comment by the

Engineering Leader or Principal Engineer.

E-T-3-0350 Temporary

Works Control Register

E-T-3-0350 a

Temporary Works Design


TW Documentation & records

The TWC must ensure that a file (electronic or paper copy) record of TW information is maintained. As a minimum, the file should include the TW Control Register including TW Scheme Reference Numbers. Individual Scheme Files / sections should be filed by TW scheme reference number. The scheme reference number should be the same as the design brief reference number for ease of tracking. Each Scheme File should contain the following where appropriate: – Design Brief

– TW Drawings and Documents – Checklists

– Records releasing TW Hold Points (Permit to Load, Move, Unload, etc.) – Agreements by permanent works designers to TW loads

– Designers Residual Risks Schedules – Test Results & Inspection Results

– Other Data and Information

All the TW documents and records must be kept together in one place on site for ease of retrieval. At the end of the contract TW records should be

maintained in accordance with contract and company archive procedures.


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The LORA Way E-P-3-0350

E-P-3-0350 Temporary Works (Revised January 2016)

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Reference Procedure RACI

Temporary works drawings must be controlled in the same way as permanent works drawings, usually by ASITE. Only drawings which have been raised to

"Construction" status should be used for construction.

Involvement of In-House & External Specialists The selection and procurement of specialists is a key front end activity, which

can have a major impact on the success of the bid process. Issues to be considered:

– Review of client documentation for any preferred specialists. – Review specific items requiring input from other Regions so internal trading

partners can be identified. Their specialist resources can be found on the Engineering Design Portal. Subjects to include in the review include:

– Temporary works – Geotechnical

– Group Technical Services – Digital prototyping

Review of specific items requiring input from external specialists. Selection of external specialist should be based upon:

– Capability and competence – Safe working practices

– Resource availability – Environmental performance

– External/Internal references – Competitiveness

– Relationships with Client – Financial status

Project Leader


E-T-3-0351 Design Header

and Verification Sheets


Design Risk Checklist

Selection of TW Designer The requirement for the design and / or checking of any temporary works

scheme is directly related to the risks associated with the TW and the designer must be sufficiently experienced and competent to carry out the design. The

designer must also carry the appropriate certification to satisfy all relevant State requirements.

The TWC must contact the Temporary Works Design Leader who will

determine the most appropriate TW designer for the scheme. The TW Design Leader’s selection will be from one of the following sources:

– Site based engineer with sufficient appropriate training and experience in the specific TW discipline and State (as determined by the TW Design

Leader) – TW Design Engineers based on site

– TW Design Engineers within the in-house central TW design team – Specialist Suppliers Design Engineers

– External Consultant Design Engineers

Specialist Suppliers are usually selected on the basis of the suitability of their equipment and experience.

External Consultant Design Engineers are usually selected on the basis of their

experience or reputation but it may be necessary to carry out an audit to ensure that they have suitably skilled and experienced staff for the particular

schemes involved.

Appointment of Suppliers and External Consultants must be by the Engineering & Design department, in conjunction with the Project Leader, who will arrange

for their competence to be checked (by a suitable engineer) and ensure that they carry suitable Professional Indemnity insurance for the work involved.


Bid/Project Leader (R)

Engineering Leader (R)

Page 7: E-P-3-0350 Temporary Works2007 – Organise Design of Temporary Works 2153 Plan Construction of Temporary Works 2229 – Construction and Removal of Temporary Works 2217 – Request

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Temporary Works

The LORA Way E-P-3-0350

E-P-3-0350 Temporary Works (Revised January 2016)

Copyright © Laing O’Rourke 2013 All rights reserved. Document uncontrolled when


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Reference Procedure RACI

It is important to check that the proposed designer has the resources available

to complete the work in accordance with the programme before they are appointed.


Temporary Works Design

Check Certificate

E-P-3-0359 Design


Level of Design Check Required

All TW designs must be checked as noted in Table 2 of this procedure.

E-P-3-0359 Design Procedure describes who can check designs consistent with the TW classification made by the TWC but may be higher at the

discretion of the Design Leader of the checking organisation.


E-T-3-0350 a Temporary

Works Design Brief

TW Design Brief

The TWC must ensure that TW Design Briefs (detailing the specific requirements of each TW scheme) are written in sufficient time to allow design,

procurement of materials and erection of the TW. For TW schemes involving a number of TW elements designed by different parties the TWC must ensure

designs are coordinated, this may be iterative (for example the placement of bridge beams could include designs for: traffic barriers, loading on the

permanent works, beam support falsework and beam lifting).



Completing a Temporary

Works Design Brief

Residual risks identified by the Permanent Works designer must be included in

the TW design brief as appropriate. The TWC must work closely with the permanent works designer where the TW may affect the permanent works. It

may be beneficial for the TWC to seek advice from the TW designer during the early stages of planning the methods of construction and the systems which

will be used on the Project. At all stages in the design process, the requirements of Laing O’Rourke’s Safety in Design Guidelines – Consultants

and Designers must be adhered to.

The TWC must consider physical site constraints, proposed work sequences, plant use and potential interfaces with adjacent operations in consultation with

the site management team when preparing the design brief. This is particularly critical where precast concrete components are being erected. Specific

guidance is available for obtaining TW designs with respect to precast components.

The Design Brief must detail what deliverables are required in accordance with

the Risk classification of the TW. Deliverables could include: Drawing with explanatory notes including:

– Restrictions and limitations in the erection, use, operation and dismantling of the scheme

– Loadings applied to the permanent works (where applicable) – Loading restrictions e.g. safe working load, rate of pour etc.

– Identification of critical components including recommendations for specific inspections and or tests required to prove their competence

– A list of any Residual Risks so that control measures can be implemented – Construction Sequence Information for inclusion in method statements

– Inspection Checklists for erection, loading, use, inspection, dismantling, etc.

– Inspection by the designer – Design Check Certificate

– Design calculations

Review of TW Design and Residual Risks

The TWC and other members of the site team shall carry out a review of the TW design and as a minimum ensure that:

– TW design deliverables are reviewed against the original design brief and any new requirements to ensure that they comply with all the site

TWC (R) Project Leader


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The LORA Way E-P-3-0350

E-P-3-0350 Temporary Works (Revised January 2016)

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Reference Procedure RACI

requirements. Any new requirements identified must be referred back to the TW designer for redesign and reissue of TW design deliverables

– Any temporary loadings applied to the permanent works are referred back to the permanent works designer and seek written approval from the

permanent works designer where appropriate – The design is reviewed against company safety and technical alerts to

identify any New Risks. These New Risks must be assessed and control measures devised and included in the Construction Method Statements

– Any Residual Risks identified by the TW Designer are assessed and control measures devised and included in the Construction Method


For TW schemes identified during the design brief stage as requiring significant TW design coordination a TW design certificate listing all the design drawings /

documents for all the elements will be needed to demonstrate that all designs have been coordinated, the person signing this certificate will take

responsibility for the design of entire TW scheme.

E-C-3-0350b Temporary

Works Checklist

E-C-8-0335 Falsework


Inspection and Condition of TW Equipment

The TWC must ensure that: – Equipment is checked for compliance with design requirements for

example the grade of steel, timber, bolts, connectors, etc. – Damaged and / or defective proprietary equipment is reported to the

supplier / manufacturer, Engineering Leader and safety department who will consider whether the defect merits the issue of a Safety Alert or

Product Recall – Critical components, identified by the designer and or TWC are subject to

specific inspection – Where required, the TW designer inspects the condition of equipment

incorporated into high risk schemes prior to them being loaded

TWC (R) CM (A)

The Project Leader’s Role During TW Construction The Project Leader must ensure that:

– The competence of those involved in the erection and dismantling of TW are assessed and determined as adequate either by them or their

nominated delegate – The training of those involved in the erection and dismantling of TW is in

accordance with the SMS Training Matrix. The matrix details the training requirements of site staff in respect of temporary works

Project Leader


E-T-8-0352 Deck Control Sheet

The Construction Manager during TW Construction The Construction Manager must ensure that:

– The condition of the equipment is inspected by subcontractors, supervisors or tradesman as it is installed or dismantled and that damaged equipment

is not used – Damaged or defective equipment is examined by a competent,

experienced engineer and replaced if necessary – Damaged or defective equipment is reported to the TWC

– All the requirements of this process and method statements are applied effectively

– All Hold Points (Load, Move, Unload etc.) are adhered to and Permits obtained for their release

– Working platforms are controlled using the Deck Control Sheet

Requirements to maintain stability during erection, use and dismantling are understood by all supervisors and tradesmen involved in the process.

CM (R)

E-T-8-0353 Permit to

The TWC Role during TW Construction

The TWC must ensure that: – Safe Work Method Statements for the erection and use of the TW covering


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E-T-8-0352 Deck Control Sheet


Falsework Checklist

E-T-8-0339 Daily Precast


E-T-3-0337 Daily

Excavation Inspection


all Safety in Design Residual Risks are prepared for the TW and that these are communicated to and understood by those involved in the TW. The TW

designer must assist in this. – Those people responsible for the erection of TW receive full details of the

design including any limitations or constraints associated with the TW, including any which will affect the stability of the TW during erection, use

and dismantling – TW are inspected during construction, ensuring adequacy of materials

– The requirements for Hold Points must be identified on the TW Control Register and full details given in TW Safe Work Method Statements and

on TW drawings / documents. These Hold Points may be prior to loading / dismantling or at some intermediate stage, for example where temporary

instability may occur. – Hold Points are known by all those involved and that Hold Points are not

passed until a Permit is signed by the TWC or TWS as appropriate (Permit to Load, Move, Unload, etc.)

– Where precast concrete elements are being erected, the TW supporting or restraining vertical components are inspected and signed off using the

Precast Erection Permit form – All temporary works related to precast elements are inspected on a daily

basis and recorded using the Daily Precast Inspection form – Ground conditions, general site conditions, loadings etc. are as stated on

the design brief or the TW design assumptions (and remain so during use) – Where testing is required for ground bearing, pull out tests, runway beams

etc. that test records and certificates are produced and retained – Anyone carrying out fabrication of bespoke temporary works is competent

to do so for example by a quality audit of the fabricator, checking welder certification, procedures, etc.

When any changes to the TW are required or when the as built TW do not

comply with the TW design drawings, method statements and requirements, these must be referred to the TW designer for approval, prior to use of the TW.

The TW designer must review the changes and confirm whether the changes are acceptable or stipulate what further modifications must be made to ensure

the safe completion of the TW. This must be confirmed in writing by the TW designer or revised design drawings issued. The TW designer should consider

whether the modifications are significant enough to require the TW design checker to confirm his approval of the changes. The TW designer should be

encouraged to visit site during erection and use of his schemes to inspect and gain feedback from the site teams for future reference.

The TWC must determine which TW require Hold Points and if it is the TWC or

the TWS who will sign the specific release Permit (Permit to Load, Move, Unload etc.).

E-T-8-0353 Permit to


E-T-8-0352 Deck Control Sheet

E-T-0337 Daily Excavation


The TWS Role during TW Construction

The TWS shall inspect TW: – On delivery to site, during erection, before it is brought into use and

periodically during its use. – When there are additional requirements to maintain stability during its use.

– As identified on the TW Control Register – As directed by the TWC and as detailed in the TWS appointment letter

The TWS should obtain and use checklists to aid inspection (where available).

The TWS should record the results of inspections and ensure that any defects or omissions are corrected.

The TWS will sign a Permit to Load, Move, Unload etc. (where authorized by

the TWC) once they are satisfied that the TW satisfy all requirements. The


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Enabling Process Project Team (Ops/Const & HSEQ) Engineering Manager

Utilised throughout steps in gateways 2-9 2007 – Organise Design of Temporary Works 2153 Plan Construction of Temporary Works 2229 – Construction and Removal of Temporary Works 2217 – Request Design of Temporary Works

Temporary Works

The LORA Way E-P-3-0350

E-P-3-0350 Temporary Works (Revised January 2016)

Copyright © Laing O’Rourke 2013 All rights reserved. Document uncontrolled when


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Reference Procedure RACI



Falsework Checklist

TWS will inform the TWC: – When TW which require a Permit to Load, Move, Unload certificate or have

to be signed off by the TWC are ready for inspection – If there are any areas of inspection which they feels un-qualified to inspect

– Where ground conditions, general site conditions, loadings etc. are outside the TW design assumptions

– Where any changes from the agreed drawings/design or method statements are required, and/or have been made without the TWC


E-T-8-0353 Permit to


E-T-8-0352 Deck Control Sheet

E-T-3-0337 Daily

Excavation Inspection


E-C-8-0335 Falsework


Maintenance of TW The TWC must ensure that:

– Hold Points are known by all those involved and that these Hold Points are not passed until a Permit is signed by the TWC or TWS as appropriate (for

example prior to lifting of table forms) – Ground conditions, general site conditions, loadings etc. are within the TW

design assumptions and remain so during use – A daily maintenance inspection of all temporary works associated with

precast components is required and must be recorded

TW in long-term use are inspected at regular intervals or as laid down by statutory requirements, the designer or the TWC.


E-T-8-0353 Permit to


E-T-8-0352 Deck Control Sheet

E-C-8-0335 Falsework


Dismantling of TW

The TWC must ensure that: – Hold Points are known by all those involved and that these Hold Points are

not passed until a Permit is signed by the TWC or TWS as appropriate. Specifically, permits to strike must be issued before removing props

supporting or restraining precast concrete elements – Method Statements covering any Residual Risks are prepared for the

dismantling of the TW. That these are communicated to and understood by those involved in the TW

– There are no adverse effects on the permanent works due to the dismantling of the TW. For example concrete strengths of slabs, ground

movement adjacent to excavations – Where any changes from the agreed drawings / design or method

statements are required, these are communicated to the designer for agreement, prior to dismantling


CM (R)

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Enabling Process Engineering Utilised throughout steps in gateways 2-9

Temporary Works Risk Assessments – MoTW Table 1

Review all temporary works schemes in conjunction with Laing O’Rourke Primary Standards

The LOR Way E-P-3-0350 Temporary Works.doc (Revised February 2013)

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Page Number 11 of 14

Risk Level Low Medium High





TW used in low risk situations and where there is little interface with the public or workforce, incorporating

standard equipment constructed in accordance with relevant Australian Standards or Manufacturers


TW that are considered medium risk. TW that have a significant interface with the public or


One off schemes of unusual temporary works that may involve the fabrication of materials and equipment to

produce a non standard solution. Schemes that could have a major impact on public or workforce safety.







All TW associated with precast erection must be

classified as medium or high risk

– Propping schemes to vertical components using

standard designs and equipment and where a failure would be contained within the floorplate

– Falsework to horizontal or inclined components using proprietary equipment

– Propping schemes to vertical components where

non-standard solutions and / or non-proprietary equipment required, or where failure would result in a

component falling out of the structure – Falsework to horizontal or inclined components using

non-proprietary equipment – Schemes where failure would impact on third parties

eg adjacent to railways or highways, public or workforce pedestrian routes












– Formwork for columns using clamps up to 4m high. – Single sided formwork up to 2.4m high.

– Double sided wall forms using through ties up to 6m high.

– Single sided formwork up to 3.5m high – Falsework to horizontal slabs and beams using

proprietary Equipment.

– Formwork, falsework and support work schemes using non proprietary equipment.

– Very complex schemes using propriety equipment e.g. flying forms and cantilever construction.






– Excavation support under 1.5m in depth with benching or battering at an angle of repose of no

more than 45 degrees or 1:1 in uniform good ground conditions and where no dewatering is required.

– Excavations where ground movement is not important.

– Excavations using Trench Boxes in dry good ground conditions, where limiting ground movement is not

important and surcharge loads do not exceed 10kN/m2.

– Unsupported excavations under 1.5m depth with benching or battering greater than 45 degrees or 1:1

certified as stable and safe in writing by a Geotechnical Engineer including the period of time

– Excavation support in uniform fair ground conditions with limited open sump dewatering required.

– Excavations where limiting ground movement is preferred but not critical.

– Excavations using Trench Boxes in dry fair ground conditions, where limiting ground movement is

preferred but not critical and surcharge loads do not exceed 20kN/m2.

– Excavations of 1.5m depth or greater – Excavation support in ground other than as

described in medium risk category. – Excavations where ground movement is critical.

– Major excavations – Marine cofferdams.

– Excavations using Trench Boxes other than as described in medium risk category




– Independent tied access and working scaffolds,

unsheeted, debris netted or sheeted, less than 30m high

– Loading towers using tube and fittings

– Access and working scaffolds over 30m high within

the criteria of Loading towers using proprietary equipment designed by the equipment manufacturer.

– Access and working scaffolds other than stated as

low or medium risk and any that require non standard support conditions.

– Temporary Roofs – Hanging Scaffolds

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Process Document owner Step Gateways Document type

Enabling Process Engineering Utilised throughout steps in gateways 2-9

Temporary Works Risk Assessments – MoTW Table 1

Review all temporary works schemes in conjunction with Laing O’Rourke Primary Standards

The LOR Way E-P-3-0350 Temporary Works.doc (Revised February 2013)

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s Mobile crane outrigger foundations using company

guidance for cranes up to 100 tonnes lifting capacity. Using the guidelines in

– Piling mats

Tower Crane bases which are symmetrical and are not

tied to, or interact with, any permanent structures – Mobile Crane outrigger foundations for crane

capacities greater than 100 tonnes.

– Tower Crane Schemes except as described under




– Water mains end cap restraint and pressure testing up to 16 bar and 150 mm Diameter.

– Demolition schemes not requiring removal of complete structural elements, eg needling for small


– Water mains end cap restraint and pressure testing up to 25 bar and 300 mm Diameter.

– Demolition schemes removing entire structural elements but not including full façade retention


– Façade Retention. – Any other schemes not covered elsewhere.

– Items with potential to affect railway infrastructure i.e. requiring Form C certs.

Table 1 if in doubt record TW as the next higher risk level

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Process Document owner Step Gateways Document type

Enabling Process Engineering Utilised throughout steps in gateways 2-9

Temporary Works Control Measures – MoTW Table 2

The LOR Way E-P-3-0350 Temporary Works.doc (Revised February 2013)

Copyright © Laing O’Rourke 2013 All rights reserved. Document uncontrolled when printed

Page Number 13 of 14

Control Measures Required Low Medium High



List on TW Control Register

Yes – Unless very low risk e.g. slab edge shutters less than 300mm high.

Yes Yes

Design Brief Yes but see note below Yes but see note below) Yes but see note below



Drawings / Manufacturers Data Yes – Unless very low risk e.g. slab edge shutters less than 300mm high.

Yes Yes

Design Check Yes (unless designed by an engineer experienced in TW design)

Yes Yes

List of Residual Risks Yes Yes Yes






TWI Appointed for TW item Yes Yes Yes

Method Statement

TWC discretion - Task sheets or toolbox talks may be


Yes Yes

Hold Points TWC discretion Yes Yes

Inspection Checklist TWC discretion TWC discretion Yes

Designer Inspection No TWC discretion TWC or Designer discretion Prior to loading or bringing into use



in Inspection by TWC and/or TWI Yes Yes Yes

Hold Points TWC discretion TWC discretion Yes

Inspection Register TWC discretion TWC discretion Yes




e Method Statement

TWC discretion - Task sheets or toolbox talks may be appropriate

Yes Yes

Hold Points TWC discretion Yes Yes

Inspection Checklist TWC discretion TWC discretion Yes

Table 2 Risk Control Measures (TWC discretion may be appropriate beyond that identified above. Any variance from this table MUST be fully documented and in accordance with Laing O’Rourke Primary Standards)

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Enabling Process Engineering Utilised throughout steps in gateways 2-9

Temporary Works Control Measures – MoTW Table 2

The LOR Way E-P-3-0350 Temporary Works.doc (Revised February 2013)

Copyright © Laing O’Rourke 2013 All rights reserved. Document uncontrolled when printed

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Note – Where design is undertaken by a site based engineer a design header sheet will be provided stating assumptions, in lieu of the design brief. The d/b will be used to request a design check where appropriate.

Where TW form part of a sub-contract package, e.g. structural steelwork, a d/b may not be necessary as TW methodology will be in the s/c remit. The s/c document must state any constraints which might affect the s/c

TW proposals. Notwithstanding, the s/c must provide the TWC with appropriate information concerning the TW to allow the TWC to fulfil their duties.
