Download pptx - E-learning Implimentation

  • 1. Implementation
    of an Effective
    e-learning program
    And avoiding the Pitfalls

2. What does it take to create a successful e-learning program?
if done correctly E-learning can be a very
effective tool for organizations that need to
improve staff development or provide training in new products and processes. (Stockley, 2006)
3. Ingredients for a successful e-learning program

  • Fully qualified to teach

4. Interested in doing so on-lineThe Leadership

  • Expectations

The faculty must accept the responsibility
now for shaping distance learning and, in the process; it should also attempt to reclaim ground lost in the development of programs for returning students. (Freenberg, 1999)
5. Ingredients for a successful e-learning program
2 ways to contribute to raising the student learning outcomes
engaged, meaningful learning with collaboration involving challenging and real-life tasks
technology as a tool for learning, communication, and collaboration
(Dowling, 2001 p.1)
6. Active Simulations
7. 8. Determining the type of E-Learning Program

  • Collaboration Tools

9. Blogs 10. File sharing 11. Voice over IP(VOIP) 12. Web conferencing 13. Wikis 14. E-Mail 15. Instant Messaging 16. hyper linking 17. Most common part of any online experience 18. Most difficult to maintain 19. Costs the learners too much time to filter the unrelated information 20. Evaluations 21. Assessment questions 22. Multiple choice questions 23. exams