  • 7/31/2019 E-DOCS-#3639054-CMD 10-M72 Submission From CNSC Staff - Alpha Contamination Update for CANDU Nuclear P




    CMD: 10-M72

    Date signed/Sign le: 23 November 2010

    Reference CMDs/Les CMD de rfrence: Not Applicable

    Alpha RadiationContamination Update forCANDU Nuclear PowerPlants

    Mise jour sur lacontamination par lerayonnement alphaconcernant les centralesnuclaires CANDU

    Public Meeting

    Runion publique

    Scheduled for:

    08 December 2010

    Prvue pour:

    le 8 dcembre 2010

    Information Regarding:

    Commission Request for Information

    Submitted by:

    CNSC Staff

    Information au sujet de:

    Demande d'information de la Commission

    Soumise par:

    Le personnel de la CCSN

    [Unclassified text]

    [Renseig nements non-classifis]

    E-DOCS #: 3628643

  • 7/31/2019 E-DOCS-#3639054-CMD 10-M72 Submission From CNSC Staff - Alpha Contamination Update for CANDU Nuclear P



    In this Commission Member Document(CMD), CNSC staff presents an update of thenuclear power plant licensees RadiationProtection program enhancements related toalpha monitoring and control. Theseenhancements were requested pursuant tosubsection 12(2) of the General Nuclear Safetyand Control Regulations, in response to adetermination that historical upta es of alphamay have occurred in operating units at theBruce Nuclear Generating Station.


    Le personnel de la CCSN prsente dans ceCMD une mise jour des amliorations auprogramme de radioprotection des titulaires depermis de centrale nuclaire au sujet de lasurveillance et du contrle du rayonnement

    alpha. On a demand ces amliorations envertu du paragraphe 12(2) du Rglementgnral sur la sret et la rglementationnuclaires et pour rpondre la contaminationpotentielle par absorption de rayonnementalpha sur une longue priode dans les tranchesen exploitation de la centrale nuclaire deBruce.

    There are no new decisions or actionsintroduced in this CMD. This CMD ispresented for information only.

    Ce CMD ne contient aucune nouvelle dcisionou action. Il est prsent titre dinformationseulement.

  • 7/31/2019 E-DOCS-#3639054-CMD 10-M72 Submission From CNSC Staff - Alpha Contamination Update for CANDU Nuclear P


  • 7/31/2019 E-DOCS-#3639054-CMD 10-M72 Submission From CNSC Staff - Alpha Contamination Update for CANDU Nuclear P



    EXECUTIVE SUMMARY................................................................................................11.0 BACKGROUND...................................................................................................31.1. Alpha Contamination Event at Bruce A Unit 1.......................................................31.2. Request pursuant to Subsection 12(2) of the General Nuclear Safety and ControlRegulations: Potential Alpha Exposure of Wor ers...............................................42.0 IMMEDIATE AND INTERIM ACTIONS................................................................62.1. Bruce Power Immediate and Interim Actions........................................................62.2. Other Licensees Immediate Actions.....................................................................72.3. Conclusions on Immediate and Interim Actions....................................................83.0 LONG-TERM CORRECTIVE ACTIONS: RADIATION PROTECTION (RP)PROGRAM ENHANCEMENTS......................................................................................8

    3.1. Bruce Power RP Program Enhancements..........................................................103.2. OPG RP Program Enhancements.......................................................................143.3. Hydro-Qubec RP Program Enhancements.......................................................173.4. New Brunswic Power Nuclear RP Program Enhancements..............................244.0 CONCLUSIONS.................................................................................................315.0 PATH FORWARD..............................................................................................31REFERENCES......................................................................


    ..........................................34ADDENDUM A. CHRONOLOGY OF EVENTS............................................................35ADDENDUM B. STATUS OF LONG-TERM CORRECTIVE ACTIONS.......................38

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    This Commission Member Document (CMD) presents a CNSC staff assessment of progress todate of all Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) licensees Radiation Protection Programs associated withrequirements for immediate and long-term corrective actions, related to alpha radiationmonitoring and control.

    In general, the majority of dose exposure to wor ers in an operating NPP are dueto gamma rays(~80% of collective dose) and tritium (~20%). To protect from these hazards, NPPs have robustRadiation Protection programs in place that are designed to protect wor ers andeep doses aslow as reasonably achievable (ALARA) during normal operations.

    All NPP licensees Radiation Protection Programs were considered to be satisfactory by CNSCstaff through regulatory oversight activities that include, but are not limitedto, inspections, eventreviews, dose reporting and general oversight activities (e.g., periodic RP Prog

    ram meetings).Alpha hazards during ongoing operation is not a significant source of exposures.As described inSection 1.1, the radiation protection measures at Bruce Power that were demonstrated to beeffective during ongoing operation were found not to be sufficiently effective for protectionagainst alpha hazards during refurbishment.

    Historically, the high ratios of beta-radiation to alpha-radiation in potentialcontaminationproduced during normal operations led to the reliance on protecting for beta rad

    iation as a meansto also provide protection against possible alpha radiation. A WANO self-assessment hadalready challenged this assumption and most of the licensees were in the processof reviewingthe need to improve their Radiation Protection Programs related to alpha radiation monitoringand control, when the alpha event occurred at Bruce Nuclear Generating Station A.

    During refurbishment wor in the Bruce A Unit1 vault, unforeseen alpha contamination resultedin personnel exposures. It was determined during the Bruce A Unit 1 event (Novem

    ber 24 December 21, 2009), that the relative abundance of alpha to beta was significantly higher thanwhat is typically encountered in an operating unit. Initial results from Bruce PowersRetrospective Assessment of Exposures review of operating units (Operations) andshut downunits undergoing refurbishment (Restart) have also indicated that some historical upta es ofalpha may have occurred in areas that have a higher relative abundance of alpha

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    to betacontamination. Consequently, the assumption that protecting for beta contamination is sufficientto protect against alpha contamination was determined not to be valid in all instances.

    Pursuant to Subsection 12(2) of the General Nuclear Safety and Control Regulations, CNSCstaff issued a request to all NPP licensees to assess and implement immediate compensatorymeasures to protect wor ers from alpha hazards. Subsequently, all NPP licenseestoo immediate measures to protect wor ers. These measures were submitted for CNSC staff reviewsand were deemed acceptable.

    In addition, CNSC staff communicated expectations for long-term corrective actions to enhancethe licensees Radiation Protection (RP) program in order to account for alpha hazards in allinstances. These programmatic enhancements represent current industry best practices andoperating experience related to the monitoring and protection against alpha hazards. By October

    2010, all NPP licensees had communicated to CNSC staff their long-term corrective actions and

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    implementation plans. CNSC staff assessed these actions and plans and concludedthat all NPPlicenseesBruce Power, Ontario Power Generation, Hydro-Qubec and New Brunswic PowerNuclearare committed to establishing and implementing RP Program enhancements thatreflect CNSC expectations and industry best practices. Full implementation of the RP Programenhancements by all NPP licensees is planned for late 2012.

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    In general, the majority of dose exposure to wor ers in an operating nuclear power plantare due to gamma rays (~80% of collective dose) and tritium (~20%). To protect fromthese hazards, nuclear power plants (NPPs) have robust Radiation Protection programs inplace that are designed to protect wor ers and eep doses as low as reasonably achievable(ALARA) during normal operations.

    All NPP licensees Radiation Protection Programs were considered to be satisfactory byCNSC staff through regulatory oversight activities that include, but are not limited to,inspections, event reviews, dose reporting and general oversight activities (e.g., periodicRP Program meetings).

    Alpha hazards during ongoing operation is not a significant source of exposures.Asdescribed in Section 1.1, the radiation protection measures at Bruce Power that

    weredemonstrated to be effective during ongoing operation were found not to be sufficientlyeffective for protection against alpha hazards during refurbishment.

    A WANO self-assessment had already challenged the assumption that protecting forbetaradiation would also provide protection against possible alpha radiation. Basedon thisself-assessment, most of the NPP licensees were in the process of reviewing theneed toimprove their RP Programs related to alpha radiation monitoring and control, when the

    alpha event occurred at Bruce Nuclear Generating Station A.

    1.1. Alpha Contamination Event at Bruce A Unit 1

    On November 24, 2009 at Bruce A, feeder wor started in the vault as part of therefurbishment activities for Unit 1. On November 26, 2009, a routine airborne survey inthe vault detected the presence of long-lived radioactive particulate contamination. Thecause of the airborne activity was radioactive contamination in the feeders whic

    h becamedispersed in air during feeder grinding. The contamination was quantified by a thirdparty on December 21, 2009 and it was determined that alpha activity was present. Allwor on the refurbishment project had been stopped for the Christmas brea on this day.On January 5, 2010, based on the analysis of the results obtained on December 21, 2009,Bruce Power reported to the CNSC that an event involving inhalation of airborne

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    radioactivity from alpha contamination may have occurred. Based on preliminary doseresults, no regulatory limits were exceeded as a result of the event. Approximately 560wor ers were identified as potential candidates who might have received an exposureduring the event (between November 24 - December 21, 2009) and were requested toprovide bioassays. An additional 790 wor ers have been selected and also requested toprovide bioassays under Retrospective Assessment of Exposures on Restart andOperations. Bruce Powers Retrospective Assessment of Exposures review is furtherdiscussed in Section 3.1.14.

    A chronology of events from November 24, 2009 (when the wor started on specificrefurbishment activities in a restricted area of Bruce A Unit 1) to December 8,2010 (thedate of the Commission Meeting where this CMD will be presented), is tabulated in

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    Addendum A. Further details on the chronology of events are provided in Sections1.1and 1.2.

    CNSC staff conducted a reactive inspection on January 22, 2010 to confirm that allregulations, licence conditions, standards and licensee procedures were followedand toverify that the ALARA principle was enforced. CNSC staff concluded that there were noimmediate health concerns for the wor ers that were most li ely to be exposed tothecontamination and all regulatory requirements were met. CNSC staff also concluded thatthere was no indication that the alpha contamination spread outside of the Unit1 vaultand therefore no indication of any ris to the public or the environment.

    This event was the subject of an Early Notification Report (ENR) presented to theCommission on February 18, 2010 [1].

    On April 26, 2010, Bruce Power submitted a report on the preliminary dose modelusedto calculate dose for the Bruce A Alpha Contamination Event. CNSC staff reviewedBruce Powers dose model and determined that the model is appropriate. Bruce Power

    has further refined the dose model using combined urine and fecal results. Thisversionof the refined dose model was submitted to CNSC staff for review on November 17,2010. CNSC staff will complete their review of the final dose model by November26,2010.

    CNSC staff conducted a follow-up inspection May 4-6, 2010 to focus on activitiesand

    actions conducted by Bruce Power since the event occurred. CNSC staff evaluatedwhether or not Bruce Power has implemented corrective actions to prevent reoccurrence.The inspection was also focused on verifying that the long-term corrective actions toaddress alpha hazards are being implemented in a timely manner. CNSC staff foundthatBruce Powers follow-up actions, documented in the Radiation Protection (RP) RecoveryPlan, ensure that hazards from alpha contaminants are considered in all aspects

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    of plantoperation. CNSC staff did not identify any issues with the RP Recovery Plan anditsimplementation into refurbishment activities in response to the alpha event.

    Bruce Power is in the process of implementing long-term corrective actions to enhancethe alpha radiation protection program (see Section 3.1 for details). The wor is plannedto be completed by late 2012. New equipment procured includes alpha surveyingequipment, whole body monitors with alpha detection capabilities, and air monitoringequipment. CNSC staff continues to monitor Bruce Powers follow-up actions from thealpha event through monthly update meetings and routine compliance activities.

    1.2. Request pursuant to Subsection 12(2) of the General NuclearSafety and Control Regulations: Potential Alpha Exposure ofWor ers

    During the follow-up activities, Bruce Power determined that some historical upta es ofalpha may have occurred in operating units.

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    Given this new discovery and the potential for alpha exposure of wor ers in theindustry,CNSC staff requested, pursuant to subsection 12(2) of the General Nuclear SafetyandControl Regulations (GNSCR), that Bruce Power [2] and all of the other Nuclear PowerPlant operators Ontario Power Generation [17], Hydro-Qubec [7] and New Brunswic Power Nuclear [12] , complete the following actions:

    perform a ris identification and characterization survey with respect to the presenceof alpha hazards in their facility;

    implement wor controls to mitigate potential alpha exposures for fuel handlingwor ers in their facility; and

    enhance their radiation protection program related to alpha monitoring and control.

    Additional actions were requested of Bruce Power to:

    provide the year-to-date and 5-year dose histories of, and obtain bioassay samplesfrom all wor ers involved in the fuel handling and maintenance wor groups todetermine potential alpha exposures;

    conduct a characterization of the source term which may have contributed to alphaexposures for this group of wor ers;

    submit preliminary dose estimates of the potential alpha exposures for the affectedwor group;

    submit methods, models and modeling assumptions used to ascertain wor er dosesfrom alpha exposures related to fuel handling and maintenance activities; and

    submit results of review to determine if past fuel handling and maintenance activitiesmay have resulted in personnel exposures to alpha hazards and develop a strategytodetermine the magnitude of the exposures.

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    CNSC staff assessed all licensees proposed plans [3, 8, 13, 18] to protect wor ers and toascertain wor er dose. CNSC staff found all plans to be acceptable, and concluded thatthe subsection 12(2) GNSCR request was met by all licensees [4, 9, 14, 19].The subsection 12(2) GNSCR request has been closed. However, all licensees wererequested to enhance their RP programs to reinforce the lessons learned and operatingexperience (OPEX) from this incident. Seventeen (17) RP program requirements relatedto alpha monitoring and control were communicated to the licensees in August 2010 [5,10, 15, 20]. Responses to these long-term corrective actions were received fromalllicensees by October 2010 [6, 11, 16, 21]. CNSC staff reviews of the licensees programenhancements and implementation plans are discussed in Section 3.0.

    CNSC staff will continue to monitor progress and timely implementation ofcommitments through site specific Action Items and regular compliance and oversightactivities of the licensees Radiation Protection Program.

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    2.1. Bruce Power Immediate and Interim Actions

    After the alpha event, Bruce Power too the following immediate actions to protectwor ers:

    Stopped wor in the affected area (Unit 1 vault) until clean-up of the alphacontamination was complete;

    Removed wor ers potentially affected by the incident from other radioactivewor until bioassay results were obtained and assessed;

    Placed alpha-sensitive monitors at strategic locations in Units 1 and 2 in ordertoidentify any further potential contamination; and

    Initiated revisions to general RP training for all staff.

    Bruce Power also too the following interim actions:

    Revised radiation exposure permits to include controls specifically for alphacontamination;

    Began surveying and characterization of the alpha contamination;

    Procured and deployed new alpha monitoring equipment to the wor areas,including air samplers and whole body contamination monitors (placed at exits ofalpha high hazard areas);

    Provided radiation protection staff with additional training in alpha detectionequipment and protection practices;

    Assigned radiation protection staff with enhanced alpha training to providesupport at fuel handling areas on a full time basis;

    Performed general communications to staff on the alpha contamination issues;

    Initiated a Root Cause Analysis;

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    Initiated a Retrospective Assessment of Exposures review;

    Assembled an Oversight Board;

    Prepared and implemented a Recovery Plan;

    Performed a review of RP Procedures;

    Initiated activities to establish broader alpha dosimetry capability in Canada andensure that alpha dosimetry is a routinely scheduled process for those at ris ofexposure; and

    Completed a review of RP Training and Staffing.

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    2.2. Other Licensees Immediate Actions

    The other licensees also too immediate actions as follows:


    In response to the CNSCs request pursuant to subsection 12(2) of the General NuclearSafety and Control Regulations, OPG informed CNSC staff that a ris identification andcharacterization survey for alpha hazards had been completed at each nuclear generatingstation.

    OPG indicated that since July 2009 it has been enhancing its radiation protection programfor alpha monitoring and control based on current industry best practices and OPEX. Theprogrammatic enhancements were completed in December 2009. In addition to thecompleted programmatic enhancements OPG:

    Initiated a retrospective alpha dosimetry assessment of selected staff that mayhave in the past been exposed to chronic low levels of alpha contamination;

    Revised radiation exposure permits to include controls specifically for alphacontamination;

    Enhanced protective equipment requirements to provide more rigorous protectionfor alpha hazards, consistent with industry best practices. This included dressand

    undress protocols and issuance of personal air samplers (PAS) to provideadditional personnel screening for high alpha hazard activities;

    Expanded wor place alpha monitoring (airborne and surface contamination wasimplemented at each nuclear generating station);

    Procured and deployed new alpha monitoring equipment to the wor areas; and

    Provided RP staff with additional training in alpha detection equipment andprotection practices.


    In response to the CNSCs request pursuant to subsection 12(2) of the General NuclearSafety and Control Regulations, NBPN informed CNSC staff that NBPN had already

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    improved its alpha monitoring capabilities in anticipation of hazards associatedwith therefurbishment project. The improved monitoring capabilities, including continuous airmonitoring for alpha contamination, resulted in the discovery of alpha contamination inFebruary 2009. Following this discovery, additional improvements were made including:

    Initiated a retrospective alpha dosimetry assessment of selected staff that mayhave in the past been exposed to chronic low levels of alpha contamination;

    Increased sampling and analysis frequency;

    Enhanced decontamination efforts to remove hazardous contaminants for wor areas;

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    Implemented mandatory respiratory protection requirements in areas withpotential alpha hazards; and

    Procured additional monitoring equipment to enhance the RP program for whenthe station returns to normal operation.


    In response to the CNSCs request pursuant to subsection 12(2) of the General NuclearSafety and Control Regulations, Hydro-Qubec informed CNSC staff that Hydro-Qubeccontacted the other license holders and that Hydro-Qubec will follow a commonapproach. Alpha detectors were already in place in the waste management facilityandtheir numbers will be increased. Following this discovery, additional improvements weremade including:

    Initiated a retrospective alpha dosimetry assessment of selected staff that mayhave in the past been exposed to chronic low levels of alpha contamination;

    Implemented mandatory respiratory protection required in areas with potentialalpha hazards; and

    Initiated procurement of additional monitoring equipment.

    2.3. Conclusions on Immediate and Interim Actions

    The immediate and interim actions of Bruce Power as well as other licensees werereviewed and deemed acceptable to CNSC staff. However, CNSC staff requested thatalllicensees address long-term corrective actions to enhance their Radiation Protectionprograms related to alpha monitoring and control in order to ensure that a consistentapproach was being ta en by all NPP licensees to increase the effectiveness of t

    heir RPprogram.


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    On August 26, 2010, CNSC staff communicated to all NPP licensees Bruce Power [5],Ontario Power Generation [20], Hydro-Qubec [10] and New Brunswic Power Nuclear[15] expectations on the Radiation Protection Program requirements for the long-termcorrective actions related to alpha monitoring and control. The objectives wereto clarifyCNSC expectations and acceptance criteria on programmatic requirements based onindustry best practices. Seventeen elements were identified as programmatic areas forwhich enhancements should be considered as measures for the mitigation and detectionof alpha exposures:

    1. Characterization - Perform a ris identification/characterization survey withrespect to the current or future potential presence of alpha emitting contamination

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    in the facility. In the process of characterizing the alpha source term there mustbe an assessment of the historical and current fuel defects and the expectedchanges in the relative abundance of alpha activity levels.

    2. Zoning - Develop an alpha classification system/zoning in the facility todocument the hazard levels and to guide wor planning ta ing into accountcurrent industry standards (e.g., Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) alphamonitoring guidelines for operating nuclear power stations).

    3. Wor place Surveillance - Determine and implement a comprehensive wor placecontamination monitoring system to identify changing conditions consistent withthe alpha classification system/zoning.

    4. Personnel Screening Develop procedures and implement monitoring capabilitiesto detect alpha emitting contamination on personnel. Establish investigationlevels that require follow-up assessments in order to provide timely detection ofalpha upta es, including low levels of chronic alpha upta es.

    5. Dosimetry - Dosimetry program requirements need to be identified, reviewed fortechnical adequacy and if applicable, integrated into the dosimetry licence.

    6. Signage - Establish and implement alpha hazard postings and associated accesscontrol procedures.

    7. Wor Planning - Develop and implement a robust wor planning process which

    ta es into account ascertainment for, and protection against, alpha emittingcontaminants. This will include but is not limited to: review and revision of theradiation exposure permits which currently exist.

    8. Personal Protective Equipment and Clothing - Review of personal protectiveequipment and clothing (PPE&C) and determination of adequacy in protectingagainst alpha hazards. Identification of additional PPE&C, as required. This mustalso include an assessment of the suitability of the current dress and undressprotocols for alpha contamination.

    9. Action Levels - Determination of appropriate administrative triggers and actionlevels, and alpha performance indicators.

    10. Waste Management - Consideration of alpha in management of wastes,decontamination, free release criteria, assessment of instrumentation capabilitiesrelated to monitoring for alpha emitting contamination.

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    11. Technical Support - Develop the necessary technical support to manage the alphaprogram infrastructure in areas including but not limited to: instrumentation(including calibration), training, dosimetry, air monitoring, and field countingexpertise.

    12. Training - Develop and implement immediate and continuing training andqualification specific to alpha emitting contamination for general wor ers,supervisors, and RP staff. Training should be consistent with industry bestpractices.

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    13. Communication - Develop a communication strategy for wor ers and the publicta ing into account lessons learned within the industry.

    14. Retrospective Assessment of Exposures - Conduct an extent of condition todetermine if past activities may have resulted in personnel exposures to alphahazards and develop a strategy to determine magnitude of exposure and doseconsequences.

    15. Organizational Change - Review of existing roles and responsibilities andorganizational structure to ensure alpha will be adequately captured and ma echanges accordingly.

    16. System of Protection - Review RP paradigm in the facility to determine if itremains appropriate (e.g., self-protection versus system of protection throughindependent RP oversight).

    17. Ongoing Assessment - Follow-up assessments of source term characterization on

    an appropriate frequency. Ongoing assessment will also include self-assessmentof alpha program performance, sharing of lessons learned, benchmar ing andthird party assessments.

    Sections 3.1 to 3.4 describe how each licensee has addressed these 17 RP programenhancements.

    3.1. Bruce Power RP Program Enhancements

    Bruce Power submitted the status of enhancements to their RP program on October8, 2010 [6].Bruce Powers submission addressed all 17 elements of CNSCs expectations on programmaticrequirements for alpha monitoring and control.

    CNSC staff has assessed this submission and concludes that Bruce Power is committed tomeeting industry best practices in the area of alpha hazard identification and control. Measureshave been put in place to ensure the continued safety of wor ers. Bruce Power will completedocumentation of the measures currently in place by December 31, 2010.

    CNSC staff has accepted Bruce Powers proposed plan for program enhancements to support

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    ongoing operations. CNSC staff has requested that additional details of the planbe provided byJanuary 31, 2011 as described below.


    Bruce Power has a plan and process in place for characterization survey activities which includesan assessment for fuel failures. Comprehensive characterization has been completed at Units 1and 2 and in the fuel handling areas at Bruce A and B. In addition, initial alpha characterizationhas been completed at all outage units. Further comprehensive characterization will be done inthe vaults as they become accessible (i.e., at each outage). Currently, the estimated completiondate for characterization at all units is late 2012.

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    CNSC staff finds that the characterization plan and implementation schedule meetexpectations.

    3.1.2 ZONING

    Alpha area classifications have been documented and implemented by Bruce Power inaccordance with industry best practices (e.g., EPRI guidelines). The classifications are beingused to guide wor planning. The process recognizes that radiological conditionsare not staticand therefore periodic surveys are required to confirm area classifications. CNSC staff observedevidence of the classification system being ta en into consideration in wor planning during arecent compliance inspection.

    CNSC staff concludes that Bruce Power has met expectations in this area.


    CNSC staff finds that Bruce Power has developed and implemented a comprehensivewor placecontamination monitoring system (e.g., procedures, monitoring frequencies, limits and controls,equipment) to identify changing conditions consistent with the alpha classification system.Programmatic enhancements in this area meet CNSC expectations.

    CNSC staff concludes that Bruce Power has met expectations in this area.


    Bruce Power has implemented monitoring capabilities to detect alpha emitting contamination onpersonnel. Bruce Power has installed whole body monitors with alpha capability a

    t the vaultexits for units under refurbishment (i.e., Bruce A Units 1 and 2) and at the exit of fuel handingareas in operating units. Monitoring of individuals exiting all high hazard alpha areas is requiredand implemented using handheld alpha monitoring equipment.

    Dosimetry screening requirements in the case of a personnel contamination event

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    involvingalpha are to be approved and finalized by Bruce Power and provided to CNSC staffby December31, 2010. Bruce Power has implemented interim measures for personnel screening whichinclude a case-by-case review by Authorized Health Physicists. Bioassay analysisand wholebody counts are also required if personnel contamination is detected after performing wor in anarea that has a potential for alpha contamination.

    CNSC finds that Bruce Powers plan for personnel screening meets expectations.

    3.1.5 DOSIMETRY

    A routine alpha dosimetry program is under development. Due to limitations in technicalcapabilities for alpha dosimetry in Canada, Bruce Power is in discussions with other CANDU

    operators and potential service providers to develop this technical capacity. The routine programis scheduled for completion by January 18, 2011 and will be submitted to CNSC staff. Thisestimated completion date is acceptable to CNSC staff.

    Final doses for all wor ers directly affected by the alpha event at Unit 1 willbe provided in asupplementary CMD by December 1, 2010.

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    CNSC finds that Bruce Powers plans for dosimetry program improvements and event dosereporting meets expectations.

    3.1.6 SIGNAGE

    Guidance is in place for alpha hazard postings. As with other hazards, alpha hazard postings aredirectly related to associated access control limitations and respiratory protection and protectiveclothing requirements.

    CNSC staff finds that Bruce Powers approach for alpha hazards signage meets expectations.


    The wor planning process has been updated to protect against alpha emitting contaminants.Current Radiation Exposure Permits have been revised as needed. CNSC staff concludes thatBruce Power has developed and implemented a wor planning process to account foralphahazards.


    CNSC staff concludes that Bruce Power has met expectations in this area.


    Bruce Power has reviewed and determined that the PPE&C in use is acceptable in protectingagainst alpha hazards. An assessment of the suitability of current dress and undress protocolswere reviewed and Bruce Power revised undress protocols as needed. Specific undress protocolshave been implemented for wor in high hazard alpha areas.

    CNSC staff concludes that Bruce Powers current practice meets expectations.


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    Bruce Power will be revising their action levels to include all internal radiation emitters thatcontribute to committed effective dose and will provide the revised document toCNSC staff byDecember 31, 2010. This completion date is acceptable to CNSC staff.

    CNSC staff concludes that Bruce Powers schedule for updating action levels meetsexpectations.


    Bruce Power has implemented an interim waste management process that considers ris fromalpha contamination. Alpha monitoring requirements for free release, recycling or conditionalclearance are based on the alpha classification where the waste originated. Waste from highhazard alpha areas is excluded from Bruce Powers waste management program to monitor

    suitability for landfill.

    CNSC staff concludes that Bruce Powers waste management practices meet expectations.

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    Technical support is being provided by external experts to manage the RP programinfrastructurewith respect to alpha. CNSC staff concludes that appropriate technical support is available forthe RP program and consider this program enhancement to be acceptable and complete.

    CNSC staff concludes that Bruce Power has met expectations in this area.

    3.1.12 TRAINING

    Early in 2010, immediate training consistent with industry best practices was provided to RP

    staff with alpha monitoring responsibilities. The general training program for all other staff whodo not have responsibilities in alpha monitoring is being revised, as committedto in BrucePowers interim actions, and is estimated to be complete by the end of 2010. The estimateddates of completion are acceptable and have been prioritized based on wor ers responsibilitiesfor alpha monitoring and control.

    CNSC staff concludes that Bruce Powers schedule for updating training meets expec



    Communication with respect to alpha contamination has been and will continue tobe provided towor ers and the public. Examples of ongoing communication efforts include: alphaawarenesssessions to staff, RP summits held to discuss radiation protection with Bruce Power leaders, and

    presentations to Joint Health and Safety committees.

    CNSC staff concludes that Bruce Powers roll-out of communication meets expectations.


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    A significant Extent of Condition (EOC) review is underway both at Restart (Units 1 and 2undergoing refurbishment) and the operating units (focused on fuel handling areas at Bruce Aand B). The EOC review is focused on reviewing past wor at Restart and the operating units todetermine whether past alpha upta es were not accounted for at the time. Wor ersare beingselected for bioassay sampling based on past wor activities performed. Samplesare currentlybeing sent to TestAmerica and GEL laboratories, both located in the United States.

    As of October 22, 2010, bioassay results have been received from 223 out of 740selected Restartwor ers including 34 positive indications of alpha upta es. A positive indication means that thebioassay result is above the detection limit. Bruce Power is in the process of d

    eveloping astrategy to determine the magnitude of exposures and dose assignment. Due to thenumerouswor ers selected for bioassay analysis for EOC Restart, sampling is still ongoing on a prioritybasis. For EOC Operations, results from 47 out of 50 selected wor ers have beenreceived,including 5 positive indications of alpha upta es. Bruce Power has estimated that doses for the50 selected wor ers should be completed by June 2011, and a final report on thecomplete EOCreview is estimated to be completed by the end of 2011.

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    CNSC staff agrees with Bruce Powers overall approach and has requested that BrucePowersubmit further details, by January 31, 2011, on the methodology used to determine the magnitudeof exposures and the scheduled completion dates for all extent of condition activities. PeriodicRP meetings with CNSC and Bruce Power personnel will be used as a means to monitor progressand review the criteria used for the initial stage of retrospective assessments.


    Bruce Power has stated that all roles, responsibilities and accountabilities will be updated in theRP procedures to account for alpha considerations. New responsibilities and accountabilitieswill be tied to existing roles within the Bruce Power organization. All procedur

    es requiringupdates will be completed by December 31, 2010.

    CNSC staff finds that this approach is acceptable.


    Bruce Power has and will continue to train RP staff to survey, monitor and evaluate alphahazards. Additional RP resources are now supporting the fuel handling areas.

    CNSC staff concludes that Bruce Powers approach meets expectations.


    Bruce Power has implemented programmatic enhancements to ensure characterizationis anongoing process that will be reassessed periodically. Bruce Power has committedto theperformance of third party reviews, including benchmar ing and WANO audits, to ensure theadequacy of the RP program with respect to alpha monitoring and control. A numbe

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    r ofassessments on the alpha recovery plan have already been completed to date, including a self-assessment at Restart in April 2010 and an internal audit in September 2010. A final report onthe alpha recovery plan is planned for February 2011.

    CNSC concludes that Bruce Powers plan for ongoing assessments meets expectations.

    3.2. OPG RP Program Enhancements

    OPG submitted the status of enhancements to their RP program on September 29, 2010 [21].OPGs submission addressed all of the 17 elements of CNSCs expectations on programmaticrequirements for alpha monitoring and control.

    CNSC staff has reviewed this submission and concludes that OPG has upgraded their alphamonitoring program to industry standards in most areas. Measures have been put in place toensure the safety of wor ers. Additional clarity on certain details of the enhancements to theirprogram has been requested to ensure that CNSC expectations are fully met. OPG will submitthese clarifications by January 31, 2011.

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    The following is the current status of each programmatic element of OPGs submission.


    OPG completed initial characterization of alpha hazard levels in March 2010, asper OPGsdocumented program requirements. An assessment of historical and current fuel defects wasta en into account in this characterization. CNSC staff concludes that expectations in this areahave been met by OPG.

    3.2.2 ZONING

    Alpha area classifications have been developed and documented by OPG in accordance withindustry best practices (e.g., EPRI guidelines). CNSC staff concludes that OPGs programdocumentation meets CNSC expectations in this area.


    OPG has implemented comprehensive wor place contamination monitoring system (e.g.procedures, monitoring frequencies, limits and controls, equipment) to identifychanging alphahazard conditions consistent with the established alpha classification system. Programmaticenhancements in this area meet CNSC expectations.


    OPG has implemented revised procedures relating to personnel screening for alphahazards andhas the capability to detect contamination on personnel. A documented response process is inplace for personnel contamination events where exposure to alpha may have occurred. Alphainvestigation levels that trigger further follow-up assessments have been established. CNSC

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    staff finds that OPG has met expectations in this area.

    3.2.5 DOSIMETRY

    OPG has identified dosimetry program improvements for alpha hazards. CNSC staffis currentlyreviewing the proposed improvements to confirm that expectations are met. This review will becompleted by CNSC staff in January 2011.

    3.2.6 SIGNAGE

    Alpha posting requirements have been documented and implemented at OPG facilities. CNSC

    staff concludes that OPG meets expectations in this area.


    OPG has incorporated alpha monitoring and control requirements into the wor planningprocess. Additionally, OPEX corrective actions relating to the Bruce alpha contamination event

    at Unit 1 have been incorporated. Existing Radiation Exposure Permits (REPs) have been

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    reviewed and revised, as needed, to ensure protection against alpha. CNSC stafffinds that OPGmeets expectations in their wor planning process.


    OPG has determined that the PPE&C and undress protocols currently in place are appropriateand adequate to provide protection against alpha hazards. Procedures being revised to provideadditional clarity on the use of PPE&C for alpha hazards will be completed by December 31,2010. CNSC staff concludes that OPGs current practice and schedule for procedurerevisionmeet expectations.


    OPGs occupational Radiation Protection action levels document is being revised toencompassall internal radiation emitters that contribute to committed effective dose. Therevised documentwill be provided to CNSC staff for review and approval by December 31, 2010. This completiondate is acceptable to CNSC staff.


    Alpha monitoring and control requirements have been incorporated into waste management atOPG. CNSC staff has reviewed and concludes that the OPG program documentation meetsCNSC expectations in this area.


    OPG has determined that sufficient technical support is available within the corporate HealthPhysics Department and Radiation Protection Departments to effectively implement

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    the alphamonitoring and control requirements. CNSC staff has evaluated the qualificationsof OPGs staffas well as the Corporate Health Physics and Radiation Protection Departments andconcludesthat technical support is available for the alpha program and considers this program enhancementto be complete.

    3.2.12 TRAINING

    Training to support the alpha monitoring program has been developed using a SystematicApproach to Training (SAT) based approach and industry best practices (EPRI guidelines).Training was completed by RP technicians in early 2010. Additional enhanced training will bedelivered in the entire program by December 31, 2010. CNSC staff concludes thatOPGs

    approach to training meets expectations.


    OPG has implemented a communications program to ensure frequent and informativecommunication be issued to unions, Joint Health and Safety Committee members, supervisorsand nuclear employees. An alpha project website has also been developed for staf

    f. CNSC staff

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    has requested additional information to confirm that public communication processes areaccounted for.


    OPG has initiated a retrospective testing of selected staff to determine if pastactivities may haveresulted in internal alpha updates. Sampling of wor ers, selected on the basis of potential alphaupta es is ongoing. A testing and analysis methodology has been developed and will beprovided to CNSC staff by December 31, 2010. CNSC staff will review results andthedosimetry model used upon availability. CNSC staff agrees with OPGs overall approach toretrospective assessment of exposures and will continue to monitor progress in this area.


    OPG has reviewed the existing roles, responsibilities and organizational structure to ensure thatalpha monitoring and control requirements will be adequately captured. CNSC staff finds thatOPG has met expectations in this area.


    OPG will continue to use a self protection model in the RP program. Wor ers willbe trainedand qualified to conduct program tas s that are required for their role. RP technicians will betrained to conduct wor and provide oversight to others. CNSC finds that OPG's a

    pproach meetsexpectations.


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    OPG has implemented programmatic enhancements to ensure characterization is an ongoingprocess that will be reassessed periodically. Self-assessments are to be completed on acontinuing basis by site RP departments and Health Physics Department staff. A self-assessmentof the alpha monitoring and control program implementation is scheduled for early 2011. Self-assessment of the alpha training program is scheduled for the second quarter of2011. A thirdparty audit of the alpha monitoring and control program as well as alpha programtraining is tobe completed in the third quarter of 2011. A benchmar review of various North Americannuclear facilities has been performed and OPG continues to benchmar other nuclear utilitiesthrough the CANDU Owners Group (COG). OPG will be participating in a series of RPprogram benchmar ing trips to other CANDU operators including those overseas. CNSCconcludes that OPG has adequate plans in place for ongoing assessments and willbe reviewingfindings from these assessments in the future.

    3.3. Hydro-Qubec RP Program Enhancements

    Un plan daction assorti dchances a t soumis le 27 septembre 2010 par Hydro- Qubepour se conformer aux 17 lments requis de la CCSN en ce qui a trait aux exigencesde

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    radioprotection en matire de contrle et de surveillance des rayonnements alpha. Hydro-Qubecsengage mettre en place les ressources ncessaires la ralisation du plan dactionis.

    Le personnel de la CCSN a examin cette soumission et a conclu quHydro-Qubec sengageapporter les amliorations ncessaires son programme en tenant compte des normes actuellesen matire de surveillance du rayonnement alpha dans lexploitation de centrales nuclaires.

    Des mesures prventives sont en place pour la protection des travailleurs jusqu la mise en placede ces amliorations.

    Le personnel de la CCSN a accept le plan daction dHydro-Qubec visant apporter lesamliorations ncessaires son programme. De linformation supplmentaire devra tre f

    eavant le 31 janvier 2011 pour garantir la conformit aux attentes de la CCSN en matire decontrle et de surveillance alpha.

    Ltat actuel de chaque lment du programme dHydro-Qubec est dcrit ci-aprs:


    Hydro-Qubec a effectu une caractrisation prliminaire dans des endroits de la centrae jugs risque (machine combustible, piscines, centre de dcontamination). Ces prlvements ot tconservs pour une analyse ultrieure plus prcise. Les chanes de mesures alpha et btnt trcemment reues par Hydro-Qubec.

    Hydro-Qubec a aussi indiqu quelle rdigera un document encadrant les mesures decaractrisation alpha qui seront effectues dans des locaux et sur des quipements. Les mesuresdirectes et indirectes, ainsi que les locaux et les quipements cibls, y seront identifis. Cedocument couvrira aussi linterprtation des mesures selon la dtermination de niveauxde risquealpha, bass sur les recommandations du guide EPRI. la suite de la rdaction de cetencadrement, prvu pour le 31 dcembre 2010, la caractrisation sera poursuivie et affine et les

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    rsultats seront intgrs dans la banque de donnes SIR (Systme dInformationRadioprotection) de Gentilly-2.

    Par ailleurs, Hydro-Qubec compte:

    Caractriser les locaux et les quipements qui sont accessibles lors du fonctionnement dela centrale dici le 28 fvrier 2011;

    caractriser les locaux et les quipements qui ne sont pas accessibles lors dufonctionnement de la centrale dici le 31 dcembre 2011;

    produire un inventaire pour documenter les ruptures de gaine survenues depuis lamise enservice de Gentilly-2. Cet inventaire sera mis jour chaque nouvelle rupture de gaine eton prvoit quil sera disponible pour le 31 dcembre 2010.

    Le personnel de la CCSN constate quHydro-Qubec a entam le processus de caractrisatin duterme source alpha, dispose de rsultats prliminaires et a soumis un chancier pour fnaliserltude de caractrisation par rapport la prsence potentielle actuelle ou future decontamination alpha dans linstallation.

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    Le personnel de la CCSN attend dexaminer les rsultats de lvaluation des dfaillancerelatives au combustible antrieures et actuelles, les changements attendus quant labondancerelative des niveaux dactivit alpha, les rsultats de caractrisation prliminaire ets analysesultrieures effectuer au moyen des chanes de mesures alpha et bta, avant de tirer tuteconclusion sur ce processus de caractrisation. Un suivi sera effectu par le personnel de laCCSN pour garantir que cette tude soit termine dans les dlais.

    3.3.2 ZONAGE

    Hydro-Qubec sest engage dterminer le niveau de risque alpha des salles et quipemdaprs les mesures effectues lors de la caractrisation selon le calendrier suivant:

    31 mars 2011 (pour les salles/quipements accessibles lorsquen marche);

    31 mars 2012 (pour les salles/quipements accessibles lorsquen arrt).

    Le systme de classification/zonage alpha de linstallation sera ralis aprs la rdacdudocument encadrant les mesures de caractrisation alpha prvu pour le 31 dcembre 2010. Lesystme de classification/zonage alpha dpend aussi du calendrier des arrts planifis.Lepersonnel de la CCSN a conclu que les amliorations apporter cet lment du program

    satisfont aux attentes de la CCSN.

    Le personnel de la CCSN valuera lefficacit de la mise en oeuvre du systme de classiicationrelatif au rayonnement alpha ds la rception de linformation supplmentaire prvue pole 31janvier 2011.


    Hydro-Qubec a indiqu que:

    la suite de la dtermination du niveau de risque alpha, lencadrement dictant les mesures desurveillance du milieu requises pour chaque niveau de risque alpha (I, II et III) sera rdig dicile 30 juin 2011. titre dexemple, il est indiqu quune vrification de la contaminatalpha

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    est demande sur la machine chargement sortant du btiment racteur ou lors de louveredun systme. Le niveau de risque sera pris en considration afin de dterminer les mesresncessaires pour contrler et dtecter la contamination. De plus, des appareils de surveillanceradiologique, tels que des moniteurs arosols, seront requis pour tout travail risque alpha lev.

    La ronde de vrification des conditions radiologiques sera modifie le 30 juin 2011afindenglober le risque alpha.

    La ronde de recaractrisation des diffrentes salles et quipements visant vrifier lalidit desratios et des niveaux de risque sera mise en place le 30 juin 2011. La frquence de cetterecaractrisation sera assujettie ltat de fonctionnement de la centrale (fonctionneent, arrt,rfection), aux ruptures de gaine et aux rsultats obtenus. Toutes les mesures et rsu

    ltats serontconsigns dans le logiciel SIR (Systme dInformation Radioprotection).

    La dtermination et la mise en oeuvre dun systme complet de surveillance de la contaminationdu niveau de risque alpha dpend des rsultats de mesures effectuer laide des chaemesures alpha et bta et de lencadrement rdiger.

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    Le personnel de la CCSN valuera lefficacit de la mise en oeuvre de ce systme compledesurveillance de la contamination du niveau de risque alpha ds la rception de linformationsupplmentaire que doit soumettre Hydro-Qubec conformment son plan daction.


    Hydro-Qubec a indiqu quelle rvisera les encadrements qui couvrent la dosimtrie(documents de type processus et procdures MG et PI) afin dinclure les mthodes de dstage(spectromtrie humaine, frottis nasaux, grand volume durine, etc.) et de dosimtrie (hantillondurine, chantillon fcal, etc.) des metteurs alpha ainsi que les critres ou seuils erventionpour raliser ces examens. La ralisation de ces actions est prvue pour le 31 juillet2011.

    Le personnel de la CCSN a conclu que les amliorations apporter cet lment du progmesatisfont aux attentes de la CCSN.

    3.3.5 DOSIMTRIE

    Hydro-Qubec sest engage valuer la pertinence de dvelopper des procdures et desmthodes danalyse des metteurs alpha dans des matrices biologiques des fins de dpige oude dosimtrie. Hydro-Qubec a aussi indiqu quune demande dajout au permis de dosimt

    sera faite si ncessaire. Lchance de ralisation de ces actions est fixe au 31 juil011.

    Le personnel de la CCSN examinera la pertinence des amliorations quHydro-Qubec doitapporter son programme de dosimtrie ds la rception des rsultats des valuations q-Qubec soumettra.


    Dans le but dtablir et de mettre en place des panneaux de mise en garde relatifs lacontamination alpha, Hydro-Qubec procdera lacquisition daffiches indiquant le nivderisque alpha pour le 31 dcembre 2010 et leur installation se fera au plus tard le31 mars 2011,soit aprs la caractrisation.

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    En ce qui concerne ltablissement et la mise en place des procdures connexes de contrle delaccs, Hydro-Qubec ajoutera ces affiches dans les encadrements et prcisera les rgldaccsau plus tard le 30 juin 2011.

    Le personnel de la CCSN a conclu que les amliorations apporter cet lment du progmesatisfont aux attentes de la CCSN.


    Les risques radiologiques sont valus par lquipe de radioprotection au stade de la panificationdes travaux deux semaines avant leur ralisation et un permis radiologique est assign la tche.

    Le risque alpha sera pris en compte lors de lassignation du permis radiologique.

    Hydro-Qubec compte intgrer dans les permis radiologiques actuels les niveaux de risque alpha,les mthodes de surveillance, de protection et de dosimtrie associs au niveau de risquecorrespondant, et aussi revoir et modifier si requis les permis radiologiques actuels en fonctiondes niveaux de risque alpha. On prvoit terminer ces deux actions pour le 30 juin2011.

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    Le personnel de la CCSN a conclu que les amliorations apporter cet lment du progmesatisfont aux attentes de la CCSN.

    Au cours des prochaines inspections, le personnel de la CCSN procdera la vrification de lamise en place du processus de planification du travail tenant compte du contrle de lacontamination alpha et de la protection contre cette contamination.


    Dans le cadre de la dtermination de la pertinence de lquipement et des vtements deprotection personnelle aux fins de protection contre les risques lis au rayonnement, Hydro-Qubec sest engage :

    rviser les encadrements de radioprotection pour mentionner les quipements et les

    vtements de protection qui peuvent tre ports en prsence de risque alpha;

    rdiger une procdure dtaille pour dcrire les tapes suivre lors de lhabillage dshabillage dans un milieu de contamination de surface non fixe;

    rdiger une procdure dtaille pour le port dchantillonneurs dair personnels.

    On prvoit que ces trois actions seront termines pour le 31 mars 2011.

    Le personnel de la CCSN a conclu que les amliorations apporter cet lment du progmesatisfont aux attentes de la CCSN.


    Un document encadrant les seuils dintervention Gentilly-2 et incluant les seuilsadministratifset dintervention a t prpar par Hydro-Qubec. Cet encadrement des seuils dinterveninclut le risque alpha. Il a t soumis le 15 octobre 2010 la CCSN pour approbation.

    Les rsultats des vrifications de contamination alpha effectues par les vrificateurs

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    enradioprotection seront analyss et intgrs dans le rapport dexploitation trimestriel e lacentrale. On prvoit que cette action sera termine pour le 31 dcembre 2010.

    Hydro-Qubec possde depuis plusieurs annes des moniteurs globaux ainsi que descontaminamtres pouvant dtecter les metteurs alpha. Leur nombre sera augment. Hydro-Qubec a indiqu qu la suite de la caractrisation des metteurs alpha et des ratios,euil deces moniteurs sera revu et modifi si requis; les recaractrisations subsquentes seront aussiconsidres dans ltablissement du seuil de ces moniteurs.

    Le personnel de la CCSN a conclu que les amliorations apporter cet lment du progmesatisfont aux attentes de la CCSN.


    la suite de la caractrisation des metteurs alpha dans les installations de gestiondes dchets,Hydro-Qubec compte:

    Rviser le niveau de libration des dchets si requis (balisage avec dautres centralcanadiennes). On prvoit que cette action sera termine pour le 30 septembre 2011. Cetexercice sera fait priodiquement en fonction des recaractrisations;

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    Revoir et modifier si requis le seuil des moniteurs dobjets suite la caractrisatin desmetteurs alpha et des ratios. On prvoit que cette action sera termine pour le 31 juin2011;

    Modifier le seuil du moniteur de sacs dchets et des moniteurs dobjets. On prvoitecette action sera termine pour le 30 septembre 2011;

    Dvelopper un processus de rvision du niveau de libration des dchets et des seuilssmoniteurs dobjets en fonction des recaractrisations. On prvoit que cette action seratermine pour le 30 juin 2011;

    Vrifier si la rvision des procdures de dcontamination est ncessaire la suite dcaractrisation des metteurs alpha. On prvoit que cette action sera termine pour le 0juin 2011;

    Procder lacquisition de nouveaux appareils pouvant dtecter des metteurs alpha. prvoit que cette action sera termine pour le 31 octobre 2011.

    Le personnel de la CCSN a conclu que les actions proposes par Hydro-Qubec pour laprise encharge des considrations relatives au rayonnement alpha dans la gestion des dchets

    , ladcontamination, les critres de rejets permissibles, lvaluation des capacits des inumentspar rapport la surveillance de la contamination alpha satisfont aux attentes dela CCSN.


    Un plan daction assorti dchances allant du 15 octobre 2010 au 31 mars 2012 a t sopar

    Hydro-Qubec pour se conformer aux exigences du programme de la surveillance et ducontrledes rayonnements alpha et se rapportant linstrumentation, la formation, la dosimtrie, lasurveillance de lair et lexpertise relative au comptage sur le terrain. Hydro-Qubesengage mettre en place les ressources ncessaires la ralisation du plan daction soumis.

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    Le personnel de la CCSN a conclu que le plan daction propos par Hydro-Qubec comprend unensemble de mesures damliorations qui satisfont aux attentes de la CCSN.

    Un suivi sera effectu par le personnel de la CCSN pour garantir la mise en placedes ressourcesdans les dlais impartis.

    3.3.12 FORMATION

    Dans le cadre de la mise en oeuvre de la formation et des qualifications immdiates et continuesqui sont particulires la contamination alpha pour les travailleurs, les superviseurs et lepersonnel de radioprotection, Hydro-Qubec sengage :

    laborer une formation dtaille sur les metteurs alpha. On prvoit que cette actiontermine pour le 31 dcembre 2010;

    dispenser cette formation aux personnes qui seront autorises effectuer des mesures decontamination alpha selon une planification soumettre au plus tard le 31 dcembre2010;

    intgrer les metteurs alpha dans le contenu des qualifications bande jaune et bandeverteselon une planification soumettre au plus tard le 31 dcembre 2010.

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    La planification de la ralisation de la formation soumise par Hydro-Qubec est acceptable. Lamise en oeuvre de la formation et des qualifications immdiates et continues particulires lacontamination alpha pour les travailleurs sera vrifie lors des prochaines inspections.


    Hydro-Qubec a indiqu quelle a entrepris la communication des vnements survenus danescentrales de Bruce auprs de ses employs, ainsi que des mesures qui seront prises Gentilly-2.

    Hydro-Qubec a aussi indiqu quelle communiquera dautres renseignements ses employafin de les informer de la progression du plan daction en ce qui concerne les metteurs alpha. Deplus, une stratgie de communication pour le public a aussi t labore le 30 juin 201

    Le personnel de la CCSN a conclu que les amliorations apportes au programme decommunication pour les travailleurs et le public satisfont aux attentes de la CCSN et tiennentcompte des leons apprises.


    Une liste des travailleurs les plus susceptibles davoir t exposs des metteurs alepuis ledbut de lexploitation de la centrale a t tablie en juillet 2010.

    Lchantillonnage biologique de ces travailleurs est actuellement en cours et des chantillons ontt expdis dans un laboratoire indpendant au cours de la semaine du 8 novembre 2010.lonles rsultats de cette premire vrification, des analyses additionnelles pourraient t

    e effectuesauprs dautres travailleurs.

    Hydro-Qubec sest engage tenir le personnel de la CCSN inform des rsultats des anset des tapes subsquentes. Le personnel de la CCSN est daccord avec lapproche dHydrQubec et poursuivra lvolution des progrs raliss.

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    Hydro-Qubec est davis que, compte tenu des connaissances actuelles, la structureorganisationnelle et les responsabilits tablies pour lexploitation et la rfection snt adquates.

    Le personnel de la CCSN vrifiera que les rles et les responsabilits actuels ainsi que lastructure organisationnelle sont clairement dfinis et quainsi, le rayonnement alpha estadquatement contenu.


    Hydro-Qubec a indiqu que les mesures de contamination alpha seront effectues par lesgroupes de travailleurs dsigns. Les autres travailleurs devront suivre les consignes formulespar lquipe de Radioprotection et Scurit.

    Le systme de protection radiologique Gentilly-2 est vrifi par le personnel de la CSN demanire continue pour sassurer quil demeure appropri.

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    Dans le cadre des valuations de suivi de la caractrisation du terme source une frqenceapproprie, Hydro-Qubec a indiqu que:

    Lquipe dAssurance Qualit et Audits de Gentilly-2 fera linspection de limplantatdu programme alpha;

    Le partage des leons apprises ainsi que les analyses comparatives se feront parlentremise de COG et des autres regroupements de centrales nuclaires (WANO, INPO,etc.);

    Une autovaluation du rendement du programme de radioprotection, incluant lesmetteurs alpha, est effectue au moyen du bilan de processus trimestriel.

    Le personnel de la CCSN a conclu que les amliorations apporter cet lment du progmesatisfont aux attentes de la CCSN.

    3.4. New Brunswic Power Nuclear RP Program Enhancements

    New Brunswic Power Nuclear (NBPN) submitted a schedule for an Alpha MonitoringProgramat Point Lepreau Generating Station (PLGS) by the requested date of September 30, 2010 [16].In their submission, NBPN staff addressed all of the 17 elements of CNSC staffs expectationson programmatic requirements for alpha monitoring and control.

    Specific activities already performed and planned by NBPN are as follows:

    Prior to Refurbishment:

    1. NBPN performed extensive benchmar ing (site visits, attendance at conferences, WANOassist visit) to provide assurance that the NBPN radiation protection program, detectioncapabilities and protective measures would be sufficient to protect wor ers duringrefurbishment activities.

    2. As a result of benchmar ing activities NBPN implemented programmatic improvem

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    entsand obtained additional instrumentation with alpha detection capabilities in recognition ofthe levels and types of radiological hazards associated with the nature of the wor to beunderta en. This included:

    a. Additional continuous air samplers to measure radiological airborne contaminantsthat could potentially be generated during the disassembly of the reactor. Thesesamplers have alpha detection capabilities (in addition to other types ofcontamination).

    b. Portable contamination fris ers with alpha capability.

    3. For wor involving the primary heat transport system, detailed ALARA safety plans wereproduced and implemented. These plans included the mandatory use of respiratory

    protection (respirators) when removing the feeders due to anticipated general airbornecontamination from the use of reciprocating saws. The plans for removing and crushingpressure tubes identified that respirators may be required, depending on conditions in thefield.

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    During Refurbishment:

    1. Due to general contamination, wor ers wore respirators on the fuel channel platformduring the removal and crushing of the pressure tubes. Then, on February 25, 2009,during removal and crushing of the third pressure tube, the continuous air sampler in thewest vault went into alarm due to malfunction of the active ventilation system.As aresult, respiratory protection became mandatory for all vault wor ers (not justthose onthe platform). Whole body counts for personnel who were wor ing in the vaults wereconducted.

    2. The subsequent investigation confirmed alpha contamination on smear samples from thecontinuous air monitors. The alpha contamination identified was primarily due tocurium-244. NBPN immediately implemented an enhanced sampling and analysisprogram (additional swipes and smears) and conducted additional whole body count


    3. NBPN developed a program where staff wore personal air samplers to characterize themagnitude of the issue. In the interim, respiratory protection requirements remainedmandatory in both vaults.

    4. Based on characterizations results, NBPN instituted rigorous decontaminationactivitiesinside the reactor vaults. Additionally, some areas were cordoned off to prevent

    access.Once complete, the level of contamination present met the criteria where respiratoryprotection was not required in actual wor areas (November 2009).

    5. NBPN continues to regularly monitor for alpha hazards.

    6. Based on the investigation that was underta en, including regular air sampling and wholebody counting, the predicted dose related to the contamination was, and continues to be,

    below NBPNs action levels and therefore not reportable to the CNSC. Nevertheless,NBPN provided regular updates to CNSC staff throughout the investigation.

    7. Radiation Protection Assistants are present for high hazard wor activities to ensurewor ers radiological safety.

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    8. ALARA principles and OPEX are integrated into all wor activities at PLGS.

    NBPN has also initiated an independent third party assessment of the PLGS alphamonitoringprogram, with a target completion date of January 2011. The assessment will include all of theCNSC expectations for programmatic improvements noted in Section 3.0, and will be used todirect additional radiation protection program improvements.

    Once the third party assessment is complete, NBPN will inform CNSC staff of theplanned long-term corrective actions and completion dates of any further programmatic improvements byMarch 31, 2011. CNSC staff will assess this submission upon receipt and will continue to meetregularly (typically monthly) with PLGS personnel to monitor implementation of these actions.

    CNSC staff concludes that the NBPN for long-term programmatic enhancements is acceptableon the basis that:

    NBPN has already performed assessments of their RP Program prior to and duringrefurbishment that have resulted in program improvements;

    The PLGS RP Program has been effective in identifying and controlling alpha hazards; and

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    The plan for long-term corrective actions addresses CNSC expectations and is beingperformed in a timely manner.


    NBPN has indicated that:

    During run-up to full power and during the first two years of operation, including anoutage, contamination samples will be obtained for alpha and beta-gamma analysisfromactive systems, when available, with emphasis on fuelling machine maintenance areas andthe spent fuel discharge bay;

    Following this initial period, sampling will be performed at least every two years until a

    trend of stability has been established, at which point the sampling period maybelengthened; and

    Interim sampling will be performed based on station conditions, including accessibility tonormally closed systems and following significant fuel defects.

    CNSC staff has assessed the response and concludes that the planned characteriza

    tion activitiesduring run-up to full power and the subsequent two year period meet CNSC expectations forrestart and ongoing operations.

    As noted in Section 3.4, CNSC staff will review planned implementation dates followingsubmission in March 2011 of NBPNs long-term plan based on the results of the externalassessment report. Also, NBPN has submitted to CNSC staff a summary of characterizationresults for PLGS which included an assessment of historical and current fuel defects. Based on

    the history of fuel failures (e.g., non-frequent and not significant) NBPN has concluded that thedominant source of alpha contamination is expected to be tramp uranium on fuel bundleexternals.

    CNSC staff has reviewed the characterization submission and NBPNs plans for additionalcharacterization and concludes that this meets CNSC expectations.

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    3.4.2 ZONING

    NBPN is committed to establishing an alpha zoning system based upon the EPRI alphamonitoring guidelines prior to the station returning to operation (if a similarguideline specific tothe CANDU environment is produced, the EPRI guideline will be superseded). As noted inSection 3.4, CNSC staff will review planned implementation dates following submission inMarch 2011 of NBPNs long-term plan based on the results of the external assessment report.

    CNSC staff concludes that the NBPN response meets CNSC expectations for Zoning.


    NBPN has committed to performing a third-party RP Program assessment by January

    2011, withthe objective of reducing the number of exit points from Zone 3 areas, relocating full bodymonitors with alpha detection to areas where alpha contamination is more li elyto beencountered (in particular spent fuel bays and fuel handling maintenance shop),and theplacement of continuous air monitors with alpha detection in strategic areas. NBPN hasindicated that this assessment will include all of the CNSC expectations noted in Section 3.0. Asnoted in Section 3.4, CNSC staff will review planned implementation dates following

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    submission in March 2011 of NBPNs long-term plan based on the results of the externalassessment report.

    CNSC staff concludes that the NBPN response meets CNSC expectations for Wor placeSurveillance.


    NBPN has indicated that:

    Contamination monitors and continuous air samplers will be used to screen wor ers forpotential internal upta es;

    Increased body counting frequency for at-ris wor ers will be implemented; and

    The PAD (electronic dosimeter) system has been modified to prevent Zone 3 accesstowor ers who have been identified as requiring a body count (access granted whenthe bodycount has been performed).

    As noted in Section 3.4, CNSC staff will review planned implementation dates followingsubmission in March 2011 of NBPNs long-term plan based on the results of the external

    assessment report.

    CNSC staff concludes that the NBPN response meets CNSC expectations for PersonnelScreening.

    3.4.5 DOSIMETRY

    NBPN has indicated that if screening methods indicate an upta e of radioactive material waspossible, a body count will be performed. If gamma activity is detected on a body count, thenbeta-gamma to alpha ratios from characterization sampling will be used to calculate a doseassessment from the alpha emitters. Outside agencies approved by the CNSC will be contractedto perform dose assessments or screening of bioassay samples as needed. The dosimetry

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    documentation will be updated to include these measures.

    As noted in Section 3.4, CNSC staff will review planned implementation dates followingsubmission in March 2011 of NBPNs long-term plan based on the results of the externalassessment report. NBPN has indicated that this assessment will include all of the CNSCexpectations noted in Section 3.0.

    CNSC staff concludes that the NBPN response plan meets CNSC expectations for Dosimetry.

    3.4.6 SIGNAGE

    NBPN has committed to implement programmatic improvements that include the posting ofradiation hazards, including signage for alpha hazards and the designation of alpha zones. Asnoted in Section 3.4, CNSC staff will review planned implementation dates following

    submission in March 2011 of NBPNs long-term plan based on the results of the externalassessment report

    CNSC staff concludes that the NBPN response meets CNSC expectations for Signage.

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    NBPN has communicated to CNSC staff that improvements to the radiation exposurepermits(REP) have been identified through self-assessment and experience gained duringrefurbishment.The addition of alpha monitoring and protection measures will be added to the standing REP forroutine wor , where applicable.

    CNSC staff concludes that wor planning activities for wor involving alpha hazards meetCNSC expectations for Wor Planning.


    NBPN has committed to an independent third-party RP program assessment by Januar

    y 2011that will include a review of radiation area clothing and respiratory protection. This will includebenchmar ing with other utilities for equipment used and undressing procedures.Thereassessment of the program will include the programmatic enhancements communicated byCNSC staff. As noted in Section 3.4, CNSC staff will review planned implementation datesfollowing submission in March 2011 of NBPNs long-term plan based on the results of theexternal assessment report.

    CNSC staff concludes that the NBPN response meets CNSC expectations for PersonalProtective Equipment/Clothing.


    NBPN has proposed that action levels will be determined during the external RP programassessment to be completed by January 2011, and that this assessment will include theprogrammatic enhancements communicated by CNSC staff. As noted in Section 3.4, C

    NSCstaff will review planned implementation dates following submission in March 2011 of NBPNslong-term plan based on the results of the external assessment report.

    CNSC staff concludes that the NBPN response meets CNSC expectations for Action Levels.


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    Radioactive waste management will be part of the external program assessment tobe completedin January 2011. Waste from a designated alpha zone would normally be disposed of in the solidradioactive waste management facility (SRWMF). Consideration will be given to identifyingsuch waste and the need for added protection when handling the waste. As noted in Section 3.4,CNSC staff will review planned implementation dates following submission in March 2011 ofNBPNs long-term plan based on the results of the external assessment report.

    CNSC staff concludes that the NBPN response meets CNSC expectations for WasteManagement.


    NBPN has informed CNSC staff that an external company has been contracted to per

    form anindependent third party assessment of the PLGS alpha monitoring program with a targetcompletion date of January 2011, with NBPNs long-term plan submitted to the CNSCbyMarch, 2011. In addition, this will be an area of support to be developed by theCANDUOwners Group (COG).

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    CNSC staff finds that the NBPN response meets CNSC expectations for Technical Support.

    3.4.12 TRAINING

    NBPN has committed to perform a self-assessment of PLGS RP training by March 31,2011.The self-assessment will include the need for increased awareness of alpha hazards and trainingprograms will be revised accordingly. Specialized training for ey RP staff willbe obtainedfrom external sources, and this expertise will be applied to improving the training program forRP and Health Physics staff. CNSC staff will review planned implementation datesforidentified improvements following the completion of the self-assessment.

    CNSC staff concludes that the NBPN response meets CNSC expectations for Training.


    NBPN has indicated that communication strategies are already in place for informing wor ers ofRP issues and for informing the local public of significant issues in the station and industry.CNSC staff concludes that the response meets CNSC expectations for Communication.


    NBPN has informed CNSC staff that negotiations are in progress with an outside agencyapproved by the CNSC to coordinate and analyze bioassay samples for a group of long-termwor ers who are among the highest lifetime dose receivers at the station. This will include fuelhandlers and steam generator wor ers, as these are the two job types most li elyto haveencountered alpha contamination prior to refurbishment. Wor ers who were involved withrefurbishment activities will also be included in this assessment. NBPN has indi

    cated that thetarget date for analysis results is December 31, 2010.

    CNSC staff agrees with NBPNs overall approach to retrospective assessment of exposures andhas requested that NBPN submit, by March 31, 2011, the methodology used to select wor ersand determine the magnitude of exposures from alpha hazards.


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    NBPN has reviewed the existing roles, responsibilities and organizational structure to ensure thatalpha monitoring and control requirements will be adequately captured. NBPN hasinformedCNSC staff that no changes to personnel roles and responsibilities or to the organizationalstructure are anticipated.

    CNSC staff concludes that the NBPN response meets CNSC expectations for OrganizationalChange.


    NBPN has informed CNSC staff that the issue of self-protection versus RP staff oversight will beaddressed in the assessments on RP training (due March 2011) and the independent

    third partyassessment of the PLGS alpha monitoring program (due January 2011). As noted inSection 3.4,CNSC staff will review planned implementation dates following submission in March 2011 ofNBPNs long-term plan based on the results of the external assessment report.

    CNSC staff concludes that the NBPN response meets CNSC expectations for System ofProtection.

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    NBPN has committed to performing ongoing assessments for characterization (see Section3.4.1), as well as a complete third-party review of the overall radiation protection program (to becompleted by January 2011 with NBPNs long-term plan conveyed to the CNSC by March,2011) and an assessment of the RP Training Program (to be completed by March 2011). NBPNhas committed to including CNSC staff expectations for programmatic enhancementsin theseassessments and will use the assessment results in directing updates to RP Programdocumentation.

    CNSC staff concludes that the NBPN response meets CNSC expectations for OngoingAssessment.

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    CNSC staff concludes that all NPP licensees Bruce Power, Ontario Power Generation,Hydro-Qubec and New Brunswic Power Nuclear have implemented immediatemeasures to protect wor ers and are committed to implementing long-term RadiationProtection (RP) Program enhancements. In the 2009 NPP report [22], all licenseesRadiation Protection
