Page 1: E-cigarette for Preventing Smoking Diseases and Deaths

E-cigarette, Necessary Against Growing

Smoking Diseases and Deaths

Page 2: E-cigarette for Preventing Smoking Diseases and Deaths

Do you know each year the Government spends 197 billions of

dollars on health care expenditure and medical expenditure

caused by cigarette smoking? Cigarette smoking also causes

billions of cost in the form of lost productivity and exponentially

spending on smoking by smokers. Smoking related morality

deaths are higher compare to all other dangerous diseases like

Aids, cancers (other than the lungs), TB and diabetes. According

to world health organization, if a current smoking trend continues,

by 2013 smoking related deaths would reach to 8 million including

6000,000 non smokers.

Have a Quick Look at Below Charts for Smoking Related Statistics

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Smoking Related Death Statistics

Smoking Expenditures

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What Are the Current Course of Actions

Being Taken By Government? Government has put a ban on cigarette advertising and prevented companies to provide any kind of advertisement on radio, TV or print media. It has also put ban on cigarette companies sponsoring any kind of public events.

Government increases excise duty on a pack of cigarettes which has also proved to be a good step in increasing overall revenue from cigarette and other tobacco products and reducing cigarette consumptions over the time.

Government supports and assign fund to different organizations which conduct tobacco control programs from the revenue generated from tax on tobacco products.

Government also conducts various anti smoking campaign and force cigarette companies to add a message in form of text or images explaining the harmfulness of cigarette smoking.

Are These Efforts Sufficient Enough? Even after these many efforts and ban on cigarette advertising,

different government organizations like WHO and FDA has

reported considerable growth in smoking trends. Other than US,

cigarette smoking being spread quickly among the developing

countries and the young adults are the audience who influenced

most of cigarette smoking. If considerable steps will not be taken

by government, Smoking would become a key issue and it will

become difficult to control in the future.

Page 5: E-cigarette for Preventing Smoking Diseases and Deaths

Why E-cigarette, How it helps? To control the tobacco consumption, E-cigarette can be the most preferred choice for addicted smokers. For those who don’t know about E-cigarette, read our post “What Is E-cigarette”. Scientific and medical research on E-cigarettes has stated than E-cigarettes are 100% safer than traditional cigarettes and doesn’t contain any harmful chemicals and toxigenic ingredients like traditional cigarettes. E-cigarette has a higher success ratio among smokers who quit cigarette compare to other available products in the market. AAPHP (American Association of Public Health Physician) also released a statement in support of E-cigarette by concluding the possibilities of saving thousands of adult lives which would may die due to cigarette Smoking.

Try E-cigarette Now For Better Health and

