
Dynamic keyword insertion fits perfect in online marketing. That's because you're trying to make money on the Internet, you will basically need two things: traffic and conversion. And needless to say, DKI fits perfect in these two areas. Read on to know more about traffic, conversion, and how the insertion of non-static keywords can help you make more money.

The use of a dynamic keyword insertion plugin in online marketing is first of all intended to generate more traffic. In the case of PPC or Pay Per Click advertisers, this is done by creating more relevant advertisements. The more relevant the ad appears to the user, the higher the chances of that ad being clicked and therefore taking the visitor to the website. Having more visitors to the website means more traffic. 

Let us say you own an antique store in Manhattan. Your PPC ads therefore use and display the keywords "antique items in manhattan." Use dynamic keyword insertion for your ads though and your advertisements can dynamically change to be as close to what the user is looking for. For example, your dynamic ad can display "antique bicycle in manhattan" to a user who typed those search terms on Google. The user is more likely to click an advertisement he deems more relevant and specific to his search.

Using a dynamic keyword insertion plugin proceeds on the landing page, which receives the visitor after he clicks your PPC ad. When the page is optimized with DKI, it will dynamically show keywords that are more relevant for the particular user or visitor. Therefore, the user is likely to see a page that says you sell an "antique bicycle in manhattan" instead of you selling "antique items in manhattan." There is nothing wrong with this of course since you indeed sell antique items like an old bicycle in Manhattan.

When your landing pages are relevant, conversion happens. The traffic from the advertisement is converted into a quantifiable result such as a phone inquiry, an email optin, or even a sale. The clicking of the ad is also considered a conversion, this time, from a reader to a clicker or website visitor. From here, you can see that dynamic keyword insertion indeed spurs online marketing campaigns by bringing in more traffic and helping with conversion.

Furthermore, this crucial tool screens the traffic you receive early on, starting from the advertisement stage. This screening makes sure that your website gets targeted visitors, or those who are actually willing to buy instead of just mere spectators. So if these are benefits your company can make use of, it's high time you look for software that can help your apply dynamic keyword insertion to get more traffic and conversion.  
