Page 1: DULASSIFIED AND RELEASED BY CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE … · to : chief, sci • froa : lt. michaelis source: °mich arel becker, august y: besekow, arno / alias felsmark bauer,jakob bramfeldt,

TO : Chief, SCI•

FROA : Lt. Michaelis



BECKER, August Y:



BRAMFELDT, Herbert /

-BOSE/KOTTER, August):






DATE 2001 2006

24/0 5— ••

SUBJECT: Personal descriptions if persons mentioned in OSTRICH t s interrogation.

e. ANTWERBER, Hubert Hauptscharfuehrer 1m68, black hair, .61enders . 35 years old,married, .one child. Spent several' SpeaksEnglish. Diesel motor technician. German nationality..SD VI/F

1m78; . Frcn- ,..han. blond; average build; moustache; 28-50 years oldGruppe: Naiser.

HAUPtscharfUehrer (1942).-German..:Jm85; . 4verage:build 1 50'years.Former chief of SD at LOrrach.-Seatenceo(in.1945.thecpoliceand SS -boUrt .for-black , market activity, and e11ed.The SD in LOrrach used "LAPP", 214 '(?) . Adolf HitlerstrasSe ascover. - • '

Hauptsturafuehrer. German. VI/S..1m72, brown hair parted incenter, 30 years'old,'married; onej!Chiiderage build,athietic.FOrmerly'worked-for*KrialnalpOlizein'Aagdebin:g.

(Etplaiee Of-Germ:n . 0) - •.Cheminot DEB./ Alsatian.• s lm70, average build, black hair,.black moustache, :married, IO'Childien. 40Yeas'old:Lives at Weil-am-41hs5.n. Speaks : Alsati-an . dialeCt of Strasbourg.

Gbersturmfuehrer and Kriminalkommissar. German. VI/S.1m74,brOwu hair, average build:, athletic. Married,.two children.52 years old. Inspotor of sabotage. scheols. .

OberscharSVeher. German. Im85 1, 35 years old..Secdhd chauffeurfor Dr, KNOCHEN; chauffeur for Colon ql BIOKLER, Bd..Flandrin.

French. Member of MARTIN's group.

Untersturmfuehrer Weffen S. Dutch. 1m75, blonff,average build,athietic,•50'years old'. Taught sabotage with high explosive,an& horseback riding. In 194S hewas . probabiy a student at theUniversity of Strasbourg.



Untersturmfuehrer. CrenWar 1m74,black hair l, 38years old. Supply (ravituillement) . .Chint'at . Bd. Flandrin.Saxon--accent. 'Carpenter.

Hauptscharfushrer. German..--1M70Aiond'Average:build. bresseswell 50 years :old. Frequented. "L8Heure Bleue, Montmartre.Drove for Col. BICKLER; chief of motor' poolat Bd.'Flandrin."

DOERINGP Karl ye ' Hauptsturmfuehrer and KriminAlrat..German. 1m72,broia hair,

alias JACK • wore glasses, :average buildii58years . old. 1940-42.Rue.desSaussaies. Speaks a littlejrench.-Zeppelin in Zossen:bei: Berlin.

1m74, black hair, slender. French,:member-o.K . Martin r s 'group.'30 years old; ' . •


Page 2: DULASSIFIED AND RELEASED BY CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE … · to : chief, sci • froa : lt. michaelis source: °mich arel becker, august y: besekow, arno / alias felsmark bauer,jakob bramfeldt,


/'alias JAEGER


,--"GERK, Josef )4,

HUEGEL, Dr. Klaus•

(-DECEDRE, Louisalias



'TAME x.





PwRTO OTI.r.4- 660.41- 0 4 t? 1; m 1 P e i)::.

1 10, ., ,..,.

ti1 ii' '4'11 '(,,)V1..‘ LS. ':.,3 -=. 4_1. : .

ea ■;72;,- LA illi grgl'i a,-,14 aub' h . Via VY t?iS' Eg i,::1.70 m; French. Bron hair, 42 years old.Collaborator of Marcel MULL (BISON); at present works.with TONIN. Family lives near Eglise de Pantheon.•Swiss. 1m55,wavy blonihair, tlender. 60 years old.Former employee of German Railways at Basel. Arrested bySwios in 1942. Forked for /it Stuttgart.

HauptstureUehrer. German. VT/F. .1m85,brown hair, averagebuild, athletic. 52 years old..Chief instructor for sabotage with high explosives; authorof new ner:buch."

Obers%iurmfuehrer Waffen SS. Baltic. 108,brown hair, averagebuild, 50 years old. Oborleutnant iii Brandenburg Division.Won Ritterkieuz. Speaks German, Russian, Polish.

French. lmlb,blonde. 26 years old. Playboy (zazou).

Austrian. Unterscharfuehrer Waffen S. 1m82,blonde, averagebuild, athletic. 24 years old. Jaegerbataillon 502.

French. 1m70,brown hair, thin. 42 years old. Former associateof DOERING. Lived in rue d'Heliopolis. Office in rue LordByron, (?)

French. 1m66,black hair, giasses. 50 years. old. 14eiber ofMARTIN v sgroup. In Charge of house at 6 bis Ave.MacMahon.

•GAUDICT I Charles 5!

HAURI, Rudolf


HENNIG, Horst ..)‹



French. 1m84, black hair, average build, athletic. Handsome.Married. Friend of Pierre MORAND. .Sous-chef in Naisser's

, group :,Former Cagoulard.

gauptschkrfuehrer. German. 1m68, average build 45 years old.Chauffeur for VI/S Berlin. •

•. .Sturmbannfuehrer and Regierungsrat. German.. 1m72„broNm hair, -slender, 54 years old, married.1942- Spring. 1945 .- chief of Abt.VI SD Leitabschnitt at-Stutt-gart. 1943-.April 1944 'replaced STEIMLE at.Abt. West of Amt VIin Berlin. 1944-- Chief VI at ftimmomm.Verona. .

Swiss. 1m70,brown hair, well builti 52 years old. Workedfor German RR at Baeel. Very interesting for lin. Rome :Basel.Two fingers missing on left hand.. -

Swiss. 1m76, black hair, average build. Black moustache. 40years old. Worked for German RR at Grenzach,Germany; workedfor Ast Lorrach.

SWiss. lm70, 52 years old. Worked for Adt Stuttgart, first atBasel, since 1942 in GerMany, •

• '\DUtch.., 1m65, brown hair,-26 years old.-Aug-Sept 1943 at A-SchuleWest, -The Hague.

Dutch. Unterscharfuehrer. ImT5, blonde, average build, athletic,60 years old. Athletic instructor at A-Schule Vest.

Page 3: DULASSIFIED AND RELEASED BY CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE … · to : chief, sci • froa : lt. michaelis source: °mich arel becker, august y: besekow, arno / alias felsmark bauer,jakob bramfeldt,


Iplf.; V ft



nauptscharfuehrer,German. 1m70, heavy. 35 years old.VI/F.,

van HAENSSEEN • Flemish. 1m80,slender, 40 years old. Speaks German,French,Flemish. -

-NN,Leepold Oberscharfuehrer Waffen SS. Gsrman. BimMa Jaegerbatailloa 502.alias HAHN 1m82, brown hair, average build, 26 years old. Taught

sabotage with high explosives (Sprengunterricht) at the Hague,and at Badenweiler. •

HANISCH German. Untersturmfuehrer. 1m85,blonde, not much hair.Speaks French. Worked in Dr. KNOCHEN's waiting room.

t - HUF Austrian, Oberscharfuehrer. 40 years old,marriea, one child.-Home address: Florentsweg,Copenhagen. Speaks Danish.

HUEBNER,Josefine 1m55, average bald. German. 55 years old. Former secretaryof DOERING. 14 1944 lived rue des Dardamelles 5, 1st right.Speaks perfect French.

HAGEDORN, Charlie Obersturmfuehrer. German. 1m82,blonde, average build, 55 yearsold. Married, three children. Prominent nose. Former/7wholesale tobacco merchant. Speaks Eftglishi Spanish andPortuguese.

Flemish. A7Schule West. ProbablY comes from Ghent,Belgium.1m72, brown hair, average build. 55 years old.

/JAN . Flelia, from Brussels. 1m72, brown itairs .50 ye4rs old. AtA-Schule Nest. Heal name may be "DE LORRAINE." Rexist.Excellent telegraph operatorrridio repair man.

/ JIMEs -;‹ Belgian, from Brussels. 40 years old.

/ JACKERT 'Hauptsturmfuehrer Waffen SS..German.Jaegerbataillon 502.One leg amputated.

', JENSEN German. SD Flensburg. 1m85, slender, 30 years old. SpeaksDanish. Home: Flensburg.

- -KUNZ, Alfred X Swiss. 1m82, brown hair, slender, wears glasses, 55 years old.Interesting to us. Representative at Basel. . -

KNOT,T.E, Friedrich Standartenfuehrer. German..1m67,heavy, 42 years old. Founderof-A-Sthule:Wp0. Chief. of Abteilung III, The Hague. Nowchief of. "Artaberreferat" in Berlin. Speaks Dutch and French.Owns bookstoreatiliel.'


r KaIkER„Pierre

/KAM, Huns

German. Standartenfuehrer and BdS.1m82, average build. 40 Yeeasold.

French (Alsatian). Im68, brown hair, slender. ...ember of MARTIN'Sgroup. Freckled. Lived at 35 (?) rue Godot de Muuroy.

German. Im70,gray hair, average build. Speaks fluent.French.55 years old.

Page 4: DULASSIFIED AND RELEASED BY CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE … · to : chief, sci • froa : lt. michaelis source: °mich arel becker, august y: besekow, arno / alias felsmark bauer,jakob bramfeldt,




..,,W.AYER, Ernst


MENZEL, Ulrich







Obersturmfuehrer. German. 1m70,brown hairpaverage build.52 years old. Administrative chief, Bd. Flandrin.

French, 1m68, , brown hair, heavy build. 17 year old. iorkedwith TONIN.

Austrian. Untersturmfuehrer. 1m80,brown hair, 30 years old.- Administrative chief, jaegerbutaill ga 502.


LITT, Gerard -



. !JITTER, Andre


.German. 1m68, blonde, slender,pale, 48 years old. Home:Halbingen (Baden) Siedlung 22. Married, two children.Worker for German RR (DEB).

• Alsatian. 1m80,blonde, averagebuild, 34 years old;face reddish.Married, two children. Speaks oerman. Business man.

Director of Berlin Feusrwerkerschule. 1m75,bald,thin,wearsglasses, 60 years old.

French. 1m70,brown hair, average build 52 :,ears old.Former chef d latelier of the Compagnie Transport SAhinrienne.One finger jotnt missing. Radio-telegrapher.

French. 1m87,black hair, thin, 40 years old. Married, onedaughter aged 16. PA3gineer. EXtremely nemus, walks fast.

German. 1m75,brown hair, average build. handsome. SpeaksFrench well, plays the pfano well. Interpreter at a-Schule West.,

Swiss. 1m85,1ight brown hairpaverage build, 50 years old.Married,: two children. Worked for Ast Stuttgart.Sentencedby Swiss authorities to 15 years in prison. At present Unter-sturmfuehrer SS.

German. Im80,brown .hair, heavy,.55 years old, wears glAsses.1942 '-'-chief of SD at Mulhouse, later adjudant of flIM BdS atStrasbObrg. Speaks French well; Has grain business at Lftrach.

•German. Im70, gray hair, but not much of it; heavy, 42 years old..'SD _interpreter at Dj.jon. Had restaurant at LOrrach.peUks 1/perfect-French.

Flemish. 1m82, average build, 40 years old. Speaks German,French, Flemish.

German. Hauptstureuehrer Waffen SS. Jaegerbataillon 502.1m72,black hair,average build,handsome.

German. Abwehrbeauftrager der VWW. 1m72, gray hair, 42 y6,.rs Old.

1m68, brown hair - but not much, fat, -40 years old. French.Nickname: "le Gros." . Mayor of Margency.

French. Member of .:ARTIN group. liears glasses, 50 years old...

German. Stenographer for VI/S. 1m70,platinum blonde,slender,good looking. Born in Switzerland, speaks perfect French.Dancer.

Page 5: DULASSIFIED AND RELEASED BY CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE … · to : chief, sci • froa : lt. michaelis source: °mich arel becker, august y: besekow, arno / alias felsmark bauer,jakob bramfeldt,




-NEY, Rene • K.




PONCIN, Rene /



, PETER., Heinrich

/ PLUM, Jonny X

RADL, Earl

,/ SKORZENY, Otto _<

Ir.e??, •



French. NAISSER group. 1m82,blacx hair,average build, 68years old.


French. NAISSER group. lmS 0, brow n hair, seld rer, 55 y ears old .Very intelligent, distinguished, but a bit touched. .

./IiLARCEL French. 1m68xblack hair, seldner, 28 years old. ;,orked trithMarcel MUELLER (BISON). Real DIM probably is URCEL.

" (Vrai nom probablement Unbewusst). Flow in TONIN I s group.

/00NAISSER, Werner ‘,/ Austrian. Obersturmfuehrer. 1m82,wavy hair, almost. red; • 'average build, athletic; 32 years ad. Athletic instructor •in-France a long time before thl ar. Speaks French,well.One of the chiefs of the N.I.Netz,

German. Bauptsturmfushrer. 1m85, average build, 65 years old.

Swiss. Obersturmfuehrer ;affen SS (1942), 1m80, average build,35 years old. From Interlaken. •

French. 1m72, black hair, thin average build, 30 yeara. old.MARTIN group. Soldier in Africa: From Enghien (?).

French. 1M66, brown hair, average build, 45 years old.NAISSER'group.

1168, blonde, fat, 40 years old.

German. Obersturmfushrer. Comes from East Prussia.1m70,gray hairpaYerage build, 48 years old. Cashier VI/S.

Dutch. 102, black hair, average build, glasses, 35 years old.boo2s . like a Jew.

French. 1m72, blonde Air, but nbt much, average build, 55years old. MARTIN grbup. Distingysihn; speaks English.

French. lm67, blonde; average build, 26 years old. MARTINgroup. •

Belgian, from Liege (?): 1m67,brown hair, average build,moustache; 32 years old.

Baltic. Unterstdreuehrer Waffen SS. Jaegerbataillon,slender, 30 years old.Father is Swiss.

German, from Cologne. Obergefreiter. 1m68,selnder,58 years old..Barman. Frontaufklaerungstrupp TONIN. .

Hauptstnrmfuehrer and Eriminalkommissar: Austrian.'1m75ilight brown hair,ayerage build, akbletit, 62 years old.SKORZENY's adjudant.

SturMbannfuehrer Waffen SS. Austrian. tanandant of Jaegerbatailiand502. Gruppenleiter VI/S. 1m95,68 years old,- brown, almost-blackwavy hair; athletic. Two scars on left jaw. Architect andengineer at Vienna.

Page 6: DULASSIFIED AND RELEASED BY CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE … · to : chief, sci • froa : lt. michaelis source: °mich arel becker, august y: besekow, arno / alias felsmark bauer,jakob bramfeldt,

STOTZ, Walter

, SCHULZ, Ernst ;

SOHNELL,Christian' 9 .

SCHWERDT, Ottocalled Peter


TUNNAT, Heinz K..e

/VALENTIN , Hermann


/ ULBRICH, Hans•




ZONIN, Alois or Toni/ alias TONI

German. Untersturmfuehrer (1942). 1m82,slender, 60 years old.In 1942 SD Stuttgart, later SD Oslo.

German. Obersturmbannfuebrer. 1m80, av.:.rage build,S8 yearsold, wears. glasses. 1942 — SD Chief Leitabschnitt Stuttgart.1946 Chief Abt. Wrst Berlin, Amt. VI.

Swiss. 1m85, blonde, average build, 30 uears old. Native ofBasel.

DiAtch. Hauptsturmfuehrer Y;affen S. 1m72, average build.Homosexual, killed himself in 1945. Chief of A—Schule Vietin 1945. Spoke French, English, ani German.

Untersturmfuehrer. German, from Bremen. 1m72,gray hair, .average build, glasses. Spent a longtime in America.English interpreter.

Untersturmfuehrer Waffen SS. German. 1m85,black hair,average-build, ateletic. , Jaegerbataillon 502. 52 years old.

Hauptsturmfuehrer. German. 1m85, brown hair,average build,32 years old. Married, two children. Distingukshed, speaksEnglish.

Unteroffiiier. 172, blonde,a little heavyw rr.4 face,35 years old. Speaks French well, stammers. Oct. 1944 waschief of Frontaufklaerungstrupp Seeloeweat.Gerardmer.Lived at 42 Quai de PaSgyil Paris, and . 55,.ive,Henri Nartin.

German. Obersturmfuehrer and KriMinAlkommissari• 1m70,blackhair, slender,fine features, 52 years old. Well educated,distinguished. In Italy since July.

German. Unterscharfuehrer Vaffen SS. 1m82,black hair,muscular.andathletic,..t5 years Old.. Former Foreign Legionary. SpeaksFrench well..

. Dutch (?) Im72, navy black hairpaverage build, 35 years old.' Distinguished; speaks EnglisNGermal4 Dutch, French.

From Salo,-Wk?

Austrian.Hauptscharfuehrer. 1m70, almost red hairpaveragebuild, athletici 55 years old. VI/a..Former boxer.

French. 1m65,brown hair, bul. not much,slender, 42 years old.Married, two sons. NAISSER group.

French. 1m68,fat,58 years old: MARTIN group. Former writer.for sports paper. Lived in parisurue de 110bservatoire.

German. Hauptsturmfuehrer, (1942). 1m70,black1942 — chief SD AUssenstelle Stuttgart. '

Ast Librrach. Pontarlier.• alias.

GONDRAND,Philippe A.

Page 7: DULASSIFIED AND RELEASED BY CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE … · to : chief, sci • froa : lt. michaelis source: °mich arel becker, august y: besekow, arno / alias felsmark bauer,jakob bramfeldt,



'mum, Fritz

"WIFFLI, Alois 4Calias1WEHRLE,Anton


Swiss. 1m66,brown haix;,-but not much; slender, 55 years old.Worked for Ast Urrach. 194042 in prison at Basel.Bell-hop in Switzerland; also worked as RR steward.

German. Unterstureuehrer Gestapo Mulhouse. 1m70,slender,45 years old.

JSwiss. 1m66, black hairpfat, big head, born in Albinghausen.50 years old.Worked for Gestapo Stuttgart.

French. lm70, brown hair, slender, 22 years old. NAISSER group.