  • Council Chamber Wahoo, Nebraska January 15, 2020

    The Wahoo Board of Public Works met in Regular Session on January 20, 2020 in accordance with agenda posted at City Hall, Post Office, and First Bank of Nebraska with each board member being notified of the agenda prior to the meeting. The Chairman informed the public of the location of posting of the Open Meetings Law. Meeting was called to order by Chairman Al Grandgenett at 7:00 p.m. with the following board members present answering to roll call: Al Grandgenett, Joel Woita, Greg Kavan, Gerry Tyler, and Melissa Harrell. Corky Forbes arrived at 7:02 p.m.

    Comments from the public for items not on agenda: None

    Al Grandgenett opened the nominations for the election of officers for the Board of Public Works: Gerry Tyler made the motion to elect positions as Board Chairman, Al Grandgenett; Vice Chairman, Corky Forbes and Secretary, Greg Kavan. The motion was seconded by Joel Woita. Nominations were closed. Roll call vote: Woita, yes; Kavan, yes; Forbes, yes; Tyler, yes and Grandgenett, yes. Motion carried.

    The Annual Report for Nebraska Public Power District was presented by Larry Arens.

    On a motion by Kavan and seconded by Tyler the minutes of the December 18, 2019 meeting were approved.

    December claims were reviewed and accepted at follows:

    Alfie Packers, Inc., $2,763.56, American Family, $266.32, Ameritas Life Insurance Corp, $203.22, Blackburn MFG. Co., $485.90, Blue Cross Blue Shield, $24,590.26, Boarder States, $8,288.27, Bobcat of Omaha, $570.33, Bomgaars, $833.26, Border States Industries, $1,562.25, Bromm Lindahl Freeman, $503.00, Cannon Technologies Inc., $1,756.59, Central States Group, $68.03, Cintas, $1,365.50, City of Wahoo, $201,636.03, Clayton Energy, $66,611.70, Colonial life Insurance, $39.44, Core & Main, $3,268.69, Credit Bureau Services, Inc., $117.25, Dutton-Lainson Co., $3,921.19, Fairfield By Marriott, $359.85, First Bank of Nebraska, $433.32, First Concord Benefits Group, $253.84, Fremont Winnelson, $135.24, General Fire & Safety, $803.50, Grainger, $590.75, Great Western Bank, $83.33, Groebner & Associates, Inc., $52.03, GWorks, $4,200.00, Hach, $127.85, Hurst, Ryan, $31.32, Internal Revenue Department, $24,752.94, Jackson Services, $538.06, J-E-O Consulting Group, $3,032.50, John Deere Financial, $21.60, Lincoln Winwater Works, $193.50, M.E. Collins, $787.50, Mc Allister, Leon, $400.00, Merchant Job Training & Safety, Inc., $550.00, Midwest Laboratories, $94.50, Municipal Supply, Inc of Omaha, $1,282.58, Ne. Public Health Envirn. Lab, $390.00, Neb. Dept. Health & Human Services, $671.92, Nebr. Dept of Revenue, $1,070.34, Nebraska Department of Revenue, $33,397.38, Nebraska Public Power District, $336,171.56, NMPP/MEAN, $11,920.00, Obert Testing, $643.50, Office Net, $723.77, Omaha Public Power District, $34.82, One Call Concepts Inc., $63.45, O'Reilly, $163.37, Ozzy's Auto Clinic LLC, $20.00, Principal, $1,760.35, RediTech, $159.76, Region V Services, $192.60, Resco, $10,820.00, Retirement, $10,316.14, Revolving Fund, $1,743.72, Rivalry, $24.00, Shred-it, $48.68, Sid Dillon, $119,343.00, Simons Home Store, $4,945.82, Spartan Nash, $54.79, Spectrum, $984.90, U S Bank N.A., $31,018.22, Union Bank & Trust, $721.76, USA Blue Book, $309.93, Utilities Section, $890.00, Verizon, $567.61, Village of Ithaca, $4,637.52, Village of Malmo, $7,477.50, Wahoo Area Economic Development, $1,000.00, Wahoo Auto Parts, $30.29, Wahoo State Bank, $486.66, Wahoo Utilities, $10,717.87, Wahoo-Waverly-Ashland Newspapers, $98.03, Walker Tire, $61.00, Waste Connections, $120.00, Western Area Power Administration, $18,019.44, Windstream, $750.19

    December financial reports were reviewed and accepted.

    The monthly operational report was presented by Ryan Hurst.

    Dave Henke said Chestnut Street Project had nothing to report at this time. JEO was just starting work on the Sewer System Master Plan and hoping to complete in 6 – 8 months.

    Bill Lindley with Clayton Energy was unable to make the meeting tonight and will give his annual report at the February 19th meeting.

  • Corky Forbes made the motion to approve Pay Application #19 in the amount of $60,261.16 for Sanitary Sewer Work on Chestnut Street Project. Motion was seconded by Kavan., Roll call vote: Forbes, yes; Kavan, yes; Tyler, yes; Grandgenett, yes and Woita, yes.

    On a motion by Kavan and seconded by Forbes, the Board approved entering into an Agreement with JEO Consulting Group for the Gas System GIS Mapping. All yes.

    Discussion of FYI’s.

    Next meeting set for February 19, 2020.

    On a motion by Woita and seconded by Forbes, the Board adjourned at 8:35 p.m.


    Recording Secretary


    Board Chairman

    Council Chamber Wahoo, Nebraska February 19, 2020

    The Wahoo Board of Public Works met in Regular Session on February 19, 2020 in accordance with agenda posted at City Hall, Post Office, and First Bank of Nebraska with each board member being notified of the agenda prior to the meeting. The Chairman informed the public of the location of posting of the Open Meetings Law. Meeting was called to order by Chairman Al Grandgenett at 7:00 p.m. with the following board members present answering to roll call: Al Grandgenett, Joel Woita, Gerry Tyler, and Melissa Harrell. Corky Forbes arrived at 7:02 p.m. Absent was Greg Kavan.

    Comments from the public for items not on agenda: None

    A motion was made by Tyler to approve the minutes of January 15, 2020 as presented, seconded by Woita. All presented votes yes.

    January claims were reviewed and accepted as follows:


    January financial reports were reviewed and accepted.

    The monthly operational report was presented by Ryan Hurst.

    Dave Henke reported there was no work being completed on the Chestnut Street Project at this time. He also indicated JEO staff is continuing to gather information needed for the master plans for infrastructure.

    Harrell reported the Utility Bond refinancing was completed today and resulted in an average interest savings for the utilities – from an average of 2.775% to an average rate of 1.466%. In addition, debt service reserve money of $355,000 from past issues was re-issued (at no fee) to be used for capital improvements.

  • Bill Lindley with Clayton Energy was present to make his annual report to the BPW. He reviewed the current market conditions for natural gas and offered explanations about the Northern Natural Gas transportation rate case and increase in transportation fees. He emphasized this is the first rate increase from NNG since 2004.

    Students from the Nebraska Industrial Assessment Center at UNL were present to review their findings from a recent energy audit that was done for Wahoo Utilities. The process of analysis was reviewed with the Board and the list of recommendations for energy saving opportunities, along with the estimated cost of implementation and payback period were shown and discussed. Most recommendations for implementation were for the wastewater treatment plant.

    Hurst presented a Letter Agreement for Professional Services from Olsson for Natural Gas System Flow Modeling. Justin Stark with Olsson was present to review the proposal with the Board. A motion was made by Forbes, seconded by Tyler to authorize entering into the agreement for a fee of $25,000. All present voted yes.

    Jarred Olson, a customer of Wahoo Utilities, was present to discuss the disconnection of his utilities for an insufficient funds bank draw that happened on February 6, 2020. He indicated he is signed up for auto pay which draws funds from his bank account the day before his bill is due. He questioned the legality of disconnection and stated the 13-hour notice he received prior to disconnection was not ethically right. The Board agreed this issue will be investigated further. Olson asked to be notified of the outcome.

    A motion was made by Tyler to authorize payment of $23.23 to Saunders County for net metering in 2019, seconded by Forbes. All present voted yes.

    A motion was made by Woita to approve Pay Application #20 to M.E. Collins Contracting for the utilities portion of work of $2,700.00, seconded by Forbes. All present voted yes.

    Hurst presented a Scope of Services from JEO Consulting Group for designing, bidding, and administering the construction of upgrades to the City of Wahoo existing aerobic digesters at the WWTP. Dave Henke with JEO was present to answer any question. A motion was made by Tyler to approve the preliminary design phase of this agreement, seconded by Forbes. All present voted yes.

    Hurst presented a memo to the Board explaining a policy regarding New Development Fees and how those fees would be calculated. Explanations on the proposed fees were offered and discussion was held. Hurst further explained this was intended to be a guide and to establish parameters for calculation of the fees, but if a project were to fall outside of these parameters, any deviation from the guide would be brought to the Board for consideration. A motion was made by Woita to accept the policy guide, seconded by Tyler. All present voted yes.

    Some additional discussion was held on the policy for insufficient funds return of a check or ACH payment for utilities. Hurst will review other utility policies and verify the legality of our current actions.

    Motion by Forbes, seconded by Tyler to adjourn the meeting at 9:02 p.m.


    Acting Recording Secretary


    Board Chairman

    Due to Covid 19 there was no Board of Public Works meeting held in March 2020.

  • Council Chamber Wahoo, Nebraska April 22, 2020

    The Wahoo Board of Public Works met in Regular Session on April 22, 2020 in accordance with agenda posted at City Hall, Post Office, and First Bank of Nebraska with each board member being notified of the agenda prior to the meeting. The meeting was held using Zoom Meeting: The Chairman informed the public of the location of posting of the Open Meetings Law. Meeting was called to order by Chairman Al Grandgenett at 7:00 p.m. with the following board members present answering to roll call: Al Grandgenett, Joel Woita, Gerry Tyler, Corky Forbes, Greg Kavan and Melissa Harrell.

    On a motion by Forbes and seconded by Tyler the minutes of the February meeting were approved.

    Claims for February & March 2020 were reviewed and accepted as follows:

    G American Family, $651.20, American Public Power Association, $3,426.95, Ameritas Life Insurance Corp, $406.44, Blue Cross Blue Shield, $55,697.14, BMG Certified Public Accountants, $11,800.00, Bobcat of Omaha, $4,371.81, Bomgaars, $727.29, Bond Interest - 2011 Bonds, $7,102.33, Bond Interest - 2013A Bonds, $9,136.88, Bond Interest - 2013B Bonds, $4,539.93, Bond Interest - 2013B Bonds, $1,265.97, Bond Interest - 2013B Bonds, $731.54, Bond Principal - 2011 Bonds, $500,000.00, Bond Principal - 2013A Bonds $1,505,000.00, Bond Principal - 2013B Bonds , $649,310.75, Bond Principal - 2013B Bonds, $181,062.75, Bond Principal - 2013B Bonds, $104,626.50, Border States Industries, $12,952.02, Bromm Lindahl-Caddy, $493.00, Caselle, Inc., $2,650.00, Central States Group, $138.16, Cintas, $3,496.71, City of Wahoo, $62,021.52, Clayton Energy - purchased gas for February, $185,010.05, Colonial life Insurance, $78.88, Core & Main, $12,649.76, County Yards, $23.23, Credit Management Services Inc., $1,435.32, DTC Payment of Bonds - 2011 Bonds & 2013A Bonds, -$2,021,239.21, DTC Payment of Bonds - 2013B , -$941,537.44, Dutton-Lainson Co., $10,277.00, Electro Industries Gauge Tech, $3,375.00, Internal Revenue Dept., $18,044.56, FES, $1,650.00, Internal Revenue Dept., $28,858.18, First Bank of Nebraska, $1,166.64, First Concord Benefits Group, $100.00, First Edition Printing, $728.64, Garage Living of Nebraska, $6,241.50, Great Western Bank, $166.66, Hach Company, $86.86, Hire Right, $71.40, Holiday Inn, $104.95, Hydraulic Equipment Service, $6,615.92, Iowa Association of Municipal Utilities, $2,275.00, Jackson Services, $451.82, JCI Industries, Inc., $4,192.75, J-E-O Consulting Group, $5,981.25, La Quinta , $282.00, LAPP Tannehill, $229.22, Lincoln Winwater Works, $622.42, M. E. Collins, $3,168.44, Mc2, $5,422.19, Mead Signs, $211.00, Menards - Elkhorn, $88.95, Merchant Job Training & Safety, Inc., $550.00, Midwest Laboratories, $294.50, Midwest Unlimited, $17.35, Ne. Public Health Envirn. Lab, $397.00, Nebr. Department HHHS, $700.00, Nebraska Dept, of Revenue - Jan sales tax, $92,874.95, Nebraska Public Power - Columbus, $729,325.84, Nebraska State Fire Marshal, $328.80, Office Net, $1,025.88, Old Republic Surety Group, $66.00, Omaha Public Power District, $69.64, One Call Concepts Inc., $43.77, OOP Inc., $20.00, Principal, $3,592.20, Region V Services, $387.00, Retirement , $20,655.98, Revolving Fund, $2,575.16, Robidoux Inc., $1,154.60, Sargent Drilling, $900.00, Saunders Medical Center, $303.00, SECO Electric, $322.34, Shred-it, $98.42, Simons Home Store, $1,727.14, Spartan Nash, $55.76, Spectrum, $2,119.80, TNEMEC Company Inc, $684.45, Todd Smith Drywall Services, $3,950.00, Union Bank & Trust, $2,179.67, US Bank - PEFA Commodity, $75,553.89, US Postmaster , $6,283.00, USA BlueBook, $56.67, Utilities Section, $240.00, Verizon, $937.99, Village of Ithaca, $4,918.58, Village of Malmo, $7,316.75, Wahoo Area Economic Development, $2,000.00, Wahoo Auto Parts, $14.13, Wahoo Concrete, $1,646.36, Wahoo Metal Products, $52.13, Wahoo State Bank, $973.32, Wahoo Utilities, $31,017.58, Wahoo-Waverly-Ashland Newspapers, $45.12, Wambold Painting, Inc., $2,200.00, Waste Connections, $240.00, Western Area Power Administration, $43,659.36, Windstream, $1,517.96

  • Gerry Tyler did inform the Board that the Company he works for, First Edition Printing, was paid.

    February & March Financial Statements were reviewed.

    Ryan gave his monthly reports. Dave Henke stated that the Master Plan was moving slowly at this time. He also informed the Board that a change order for the Chestnut Street Sewer Project would be coming.

    Melissa informed the Board that the Saunders County Ag Society was still interested in purchasing the ground by the WWPT to use for parking during the fair. Melissa is working on several notices at this time in order to sell the property.

    The policy for returned checks/ACH payments was changed to now read:

    INSUFFICIENT FUNDS / (RETURN) CHECK POLICY – Wahoo Utilities will assess an Insufficient funds / Returned check fee is $30 for insufficient funds for either paper check or ACH. Customers are also subject to late fees and disconnect policies. A customer with two insufficient funds for either paper check or ACH in a 12-month period will be moved to cash only for 12 months.

    On a motion by Forbes and seconded by Kavan the change in policy to the Insufficient funds was accepted. Roll call vote: Forbes, yes; Kavan, yes; Woita, yes; Tyler, yes; Grandgenett, yes. Motion carried.

    Engineering Service Agreement for a SCADA system at the Wastewater Treatment Plant were submitted by Olsson Associates in the amount of $60,537 and by J-E-O Consulting Group in the amount of $64,600, not to exceed $71,200. After review of the Agreements a motion by Forbes to award the contract to JEO Consulting Group was seconded by Tyler. Roll call vote: Forbes, yes; Tyler, yes: Woita, no; Kavan, no and Grandgenett, yes. Motion carried.

    A motion to Authorize Ryan Hurst, General Manager to sign the Mutual Aid Program Agreement with APGA was made by Kavan and seconded by Forbes. Roll call vote: Kavan, yes; Forbes, yes; Tyler, yes; Woita, yes and Grandgenett, yes. Motion carried.

    Pay Application #21 to M.E. Collins Contracting in the amount of #10,796.00 for the Chestnut Street Project was approved on a motion by Tyler and seconded by Kavan. Roll call vote: Tyler, yes; Kavan, yes; Forbes, yes; Woita, yes; Grandgenett, yes. Motion carried.

    The Board reviewed the Utilities Department Heads annual reports.

    On a Motion by Forbes and seconded by Woita the meeting adjourned at 8:20 p.m.


    Recording Secretary


    Board Chairman

  • Council Chamber Wahoo, Nebraska May 6, 2020

    The Wahoo Board of Public Works met in Special Session on May 6, 2020 at 3:00 p.m. in accordance with agenda posted at City Hall, Post Office, and First Bank of Nebraska with each board member being notified of the agenda prior to the meeting. The meeting was held using Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 871 5884 6985. The Chairman informed the public of the location of posting of the Open Meetings Law. Meeting was called to order by Chairman Al Grandgenett at 3:00 p.m. with the following board members present answering to roll call: Al Grandgenett, Joel Woita, Gerry Tyler, Corky Forbes, Greg Kavan and Melissa Harrell.

    Ryan Hurst, Jerry Johnson, and Bill Lindley all joined in the meeting.

    Bill Lindley with Clayton Energy explained the Hedging Agreement to the Board as follows: It would allow the Utilities to get a better price for gas using a fixed price index instead of our current floating index. This agreement allows Clayton Energy to make those purchases for us thru the PEFA Agreement that is already in place.

    A motion was made by Forbes and seconded by Kavan to approve the Hedging Agreement with Clayton Energy. Roll call vote: Forbes, yes; Kavan, yes; Woita, yes; Tyler, yes and Grandgenett, yes

    Ryan informed the Board of another customer at the County Club Acres is requesting to attach to the City of Wahoo Utilities sewer main.

    On a Motion by Forbes and seconded by Woita the meeting adjourned at 3:25 p.m.


    Recording Secretary


    Board Chairman

    Council Chamber Wahoo, Nebraska May 20, 2020

    The Wahoo Board of Public Works met in Regular Session on May 20, 2020 in accordance with agenda posted at City Hall, Post Office, and First Bank of Nebraska with each board member being notified of the agenda prior to the meeting. The meeting was held using Zoom Meeting: The Chairman informed the public of the location of posting of the Open Meetings Law. Meeting was called to order by Chairman Al Grandgenett at 7:00 p.m. with the following board members present answering to roll call: Al Grandgenett, Gerry Tyler, Corky Forbes. Joel Woita, Greg Kavan and Melissa Harrell were absent. Ryan Ideus also joined the meeting.

    On a motion by Forbes and seconded by Tyler the minutes of the April 22, 2020 and May 6, 2020 meetings were approved.

  • Claims for April were reviewed and accepted as follows:

    American Family, $325.60, Ameritas Life Insurance Corp, $203.22, Auto Alley, $445.90, Blue Cross Blue Shield, $28,574.60, Blue Otter Solutions, LLC, $1,216.36, BMG Certified Public Accountants, $1,000.00, Bobcat of Omaha, $525.00, Bomgaars, $437.88, Border States Industries, $9,319.83, Bromm Lindahl-Caddy, $341.00, Caselle, Inc., $1,393.00, Cintas, $1,738.38, City of Wahoo, $33,526.77, Clayton Energy, $82,429.63, Colonial life Insurance, $39.44, Comfort Inn, $309.85, Credit Bureau Services, Inc., $554.36, Credit Management services, $1,090.68, Dutton-Lainson Company, $639.98, Fastenal Company, $155.66, First Bank of Nebraska, $433.32, First Concord Benefits Group, $50.00, First Edition Printing, $1,635.76, Great Western Bank, $83.33, Hire Right, $178.50, Hustler Turf Equipment, Inc., $10,132.80, Industrial Sales Company, Inc., $2,481.89, Internal Revenue Dept., $23,937.69, Jackson Services, $504.66, JCI Industries, Inc., $1,419.32, J-E-O Consulting Group, $10,490.00, Koranda Lawn Care, $975.00, League Association of Risk Management, $475.94, M.E. Collins, $11,996.00, Merchant Job Training & Safety, Inc., $550.00, Midwest Laboratories, $52.00, Municipal Supply Inc. of Omaha, $353.80, Ne. Public Health Envirn. Lab, $91.00, Nebraska Public Power District, $283,084.03, Nebraska Rural Water Association, $375.00, Nebr. Dept. of Revenue, $37,995.08, NMPP/MEAN, $2,228.12, Office Net, $440.15, Omaha Public Power District, $34.82, One Call Concepts Inc., $53.10, O'Reilly, $15.97, Platte Mechanical Inc., $3,065.35, Principal, $1,867.64, Region V Services, $193.50, Retirement, $10,347.46, Revolving Fund, $1,679.04, Rustermier, Luke, $413.00, Saunders County Treasurer, $6,233.44, Schutt Electrical & Contracting LLC, $5,424.48, Schwarz Paper Company, $67.40, Shred-it, $48.73, Simons Home Store, $1,936.06, Spartan Stores, LLC, $3.21, Spectrum, $1,108.59, Union Bank & Trust, $372.84, US Bank, $22,491.10, Verizon, $426.75, Wahoo Area Economic Development, $1,000.00, Wahoo Auto Parts, $376.95, Wahoo State Bank, $486.66, Wahoo Utilities, $11,905.11, Wahoo Warehouse, $38.70, Wahoo-Waverly-Ashland Newspapers, $8.04, Waste Connections, $120.00, Western Area Power Administration, $22,015.47, Windstream, $748.52

    Gerry Tyler did inform the Board that the Company he works for, First Edition Printing, was paid.

    April Financial Statements and Cash report were reviewed.

    Ryan gave his monthly reports.

    Dave Henke stated that the plans for the sewer main at Country Club Acres have been submitted to the State for their approval. JEO is working on suppliers for the SCADA system at the WWTP.

    No monthly report for Melissa.

    Ryan gave an update on the current COVID19 policies.

    On a motion by Tyler and seconded by Forbes, the Agreement with JEO to design and construct a low=pressure sewer system at County Club Acres was approved Roll call vote: Tyler, yes; Forbes, yes; Grandgenett, yes. Motion carried.

    The Board requested that Dave Henke go forward with the Specs and Bidding for the Project.

    A Joint Trench Agreement was requested by Spectrum Mid-America. LLC and the City of Wahoo Utilities. After review of the Agreement, after legal review. A motion by Forbes was seconded by Tyler. Roll call vote: Forbes, yes; Tyler, yes; and Grandgenett, yes. Motion carried.

    A motion by Tyler and seconded by Forbes, Change Order !13 to ME Collins for water main modifications in the amount of #550.00 was approved. Roll call vote: Tyler, yes; Forbes, yes; and Grandgenett, yes. Motion carried.

  • Pay Application #22 to M.E. Collins Contracting in the amount of $33,864.50 for the water and sewer work on the Chestnut Street Project was approved on a motion by Forbes and seconded by Tyler. Roll call vote: Forbes, yes; Tyler, yes; Grandgenett, yes. Motion carried.

    The Board reviewed and accepted the 2019 Wahoo Utilities Audit as submitted by BMG Public Accountants and recommend to the City Council for their acceptance. Motion by Forbes was seconded by Tyler. Roll call vote: Forbes, yes; Tyler, yes; and Grandgenett, yes. Motion carried.

    On a Motion by Forbes and seconded by Tyler the meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m.


    Recording Secretary


    Board Chairman

    Council Chamber Wahoo, Nebraska June 17, 2020

    The Wahoo Board of Public Works met in Regular Session on June 17, 2020 in accordance with agenda posted at City Hall, Post Office, and First Bank of Nebraska with each board member being notified of the agenda prior to the meeting. The Chairman informed the public of the location of posting of the Open Meetings Law. Meeting was called to order by Chairman Al Grandgenett at 7:00 p.m. with the following board members present answering to roll call: Al Grandgenett, Joel Woita, Greg Kavan, Corky Forbes, Gerry Tyler and Melissa Harrell.

    No comments from the public.

    On a motion by Kavan and seconded by Forbes the minutes of the May 20, 2020 were approved.

    Claims for May were reviewed and accepted as follows:

    American Family, $325.60, Ameritas Life Insurance Corp, $191.42, AR Solutions Inc, $628.20, Barco Municipal Products Inc., $297.26, Blue Cross Blue Shield , $28,574.60, BMG Certified Public Accountants LLP, $600.00, Bobcat of Omaha, $2,195.27, Bomgaars, $452.49, Border States, $2,863.96, Bromm Lindahl-Caddy, $395.00, Caselle, Inc., $1,393.00, Central States Group, $4.87, Cintas, $2,593.38, City of Wahoo, $30,606.25, Clayton Energy, $28,721.49, Colonial life Insurance, $39.44, Core & Main, $7,267.00, Credit Bureau Services, Inc., $167.77, Credit Management Services Inc., $240.14, Dutton-Lainson Company, $4,482.76, Farmers & Merchants Bank of Ashland, $458.32, First Bank of Nebraska, $483.32, First Concord Benefits Group, $75.00, Fud & Tracy's, $156.00, Grainger, $414.40, Great Western Bank, $83.33, Hach Company, $428.95, Industrial Sales, $687.49, Internal Revenue Dept., $45,929.41, Jackson Services, $433.00, J-E-O Consulting Group, $13,426.25, Lincoln Winwater Works Co., $847.37, M.E. Collins, $33,864.50, Matheson Trigas Inc, $92.14, Midwest Laboratories, $383.00, Momar, $254.41, Municipal Supply Inc. of Omaha, $318.51, Ne. Public Health Envirn. Lab, $75.00, Nebr. Department of Revenue, $38,565.42, Nebraska Public Power District, $285,359.28, Office Net, $199.18, Olsson Associates, $15,354.48, Omaha Public Power District, $34.82, One Call Concepts Inc., $86.70, OOP Inc., $208.42, O'Reilly , $35.67, Otte, Mark, $500.00, Ozzy's Auto Clinic LLC, $100.50, Preco, Inc., $200.00, Principal, $1,934.60, RediTech, $2,224.35, Retirement, $19,525.46, Revolving Fund, $1,375.00, Saunders Medical Center, $40.00, Schutt Electric & Contracting. LLC, $737.69, Shred-it, $93.51, Simons Home Store, $1,313.88, SpartanNash, $9.65, Spectrum, $1,124.89, US Bank, $8,318.70, USA Bluebook, $576.30, Van Diest Supply Company, $787.20, Verizon, $768.73, Village of Ithaca, $4,525.48, Village of Malmo, $7,018.34, Wahoo Area Economic Development, $1,000.00, Wahoo Auto Parts, $527.95, Wahoo Concrete, $255.85, Wahoo State Bank, $646.66, Wahoo Utilities, $11,035.32, Wahoo-Waverly-

  • Ashland Newspapers, $93.00, Waste Connections, $120.00, Western Area Power Administration, $18,984.63, Wigle, Mason, $250.00, Windstream, $754.34

    May Financial Statements and Cash report were reviewed.

    Monthly reports and updates were given by Ryan Hurst, Dave Henke, and Melissa Harrell.

    A motion by Kavan to approve Change Order #14, to M.E. Colins Contracting in the amount of (3,837.00) decrease, for water main modification on Chestnut Street Project was seconded by Tyler. Roll call vote: Kavan, yes; Tyler, yes; Grandgenett, yes, Woita, yes; and Forbes, yes. Motion carried.

    On a motion by Forbes and seconded by Tyler, Pay Application #23, to M.E. Collins Contracting in the amount of $21,822.00 for water and sewer work along Chestnut Street was approved. Roll call vote: Forbes, yes; Tyler, yes: Grandgenett, yes: Woita, yes: Kavan, yes. Motion Carried.

    Bid Tab Sheets for the Country Club Acres Sanitary Sewer Improvements were reviewed and discussed. A motion by Kavan to award the bid to Valley Corporation in the amount of $210,772.95, was seconded by Tyler. Roll call vote: Kavan, yes; Tyler, yes; Grandgenett, yes; Woita, yes; Forbes, yes. Motion Carried

    Discussion was held on Transmission Fees over charged by Northern Natural Gas for the months of January 2020 thru April 2020 and the impact that it had on our customers under the Natural Gas Market Price Rate. On a motion by Kavan and seconded by Tyler, utilities under the Natural Gas Market Price Rate would be refunded the difference in transmission fees for the four months of January – April 2020. Roll Call vote: Kavan, yes; Tyler, yes; Grandgenett, yes; Woita, yes and Forbes, yes. Motion Carried.

    Discussion of FYI’s

    Next Board meeting is scheduled for July 15, 2020 and will be held at the Wahoo Utilities Service Center.

    On a Motion by Forbes and seconded by Tyler the meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m.


    Recording Secretary


    Board Chairman

    Council Chamber Wahoo, Nebraska July 15, 2020

    The Wahoo Board of Public Works met in Regular Session on July 15, 2020, at the Wahoo Utilities Service Center, in accordance with agenda posted at City Hall, Post Office, and First Bank of Nebraska with each board member being notified of the agenda prior to the meeting. The Chairman informed the public of the location of posting of the Open Meetings Law. Meeting was called to order by Chairman Al Grandgenett at 7:00 p.m. with the following board members present answering to roll call: Al Grandgenett, Corky Forbes, Gerry Tyler and Melissa Harrell. Joel Woita and Greg Kavan were absent.

    No comments from the public.

    On a motion by Forbes and seconded by Tyler the minutes of the June 17, 2020 were approved.

  • Claims for June were reviewed and accepted as follows:

    American Family, $325.60, Ameritas Life Insurance Coro., $191.42, Blue Cross Blue Shield, $27,701.35, Bomgaars, $501.07, Border States, $8,195.64, Bromm Lindahl-Caddy, $125.00, Cannon Technologies Inc., $6,415.60, Caselle, Inc., $1,393.00, Cintas, $1,864.83, City of Wahoo, $290,594.34, Clayton Energy, $21,678.93, Colonial life Insurance, $39.44, Community Action, $271.69, Core & Main, $499.66, Credit Management Services Inc., $556.55, Dutton-Lainson Company, $2,000.07, Farmers & Merchants Bank of Ashland, $216.66, Fastenal, $403.24, First Bank of Nebraska, $433.32, First Concord Benefits Group, $50.00, Gene Steffy, $22,657.00, Great Western Bank, $83.33, Groebner & Associates, Inc, $351.01, Hire Right, $35.70, Internal Revenue Dept., $22,937.99, Jackson Services, $315.76, J-E-O Consulting Group, $25,785.00, John Deere Financial, $1,100.00, KGM, $3,083.63, Koranda, Michelle, $80.25, Lierman Excavating Co. Inc., $200.00, Lincoln Winwater Works, $185.49, M.E. Collins Contracting, $21,822.00, Matheson TriGas Inc., $92.14, Merchant Job Training & Safety, Inc., $550.00, Midwest Laboratories, $77.00, Milk & Honey Embroidery, $1,366.23, Ne. Public Health Envirn. Lab, $322.00, Nebr. Dept of Revenue, $24,945.38, Nebr. Dept. of Environment & Energy, $9,280.71, Nebraska Public Power District, $251,400.44, Nebraska Water Resources Association, $105.00, Office Net, $4,702.94, Omaha Public Power District, $34.82, Omaha Steel Castings, $5,746.35, One Call Concepts Inc., $151.65, Preco, Inc., $102.46, Principal, $1,835.36, RediTech, $1,823.00, Region V Services, $387.00, Resco, $11,674.50, Retirement, $9,744.16, Revolving Fund, $5,193.60, Saunders County Treasurer, $6,798.16, Shred-it, $46.98, Simons Home Store, $887.11, Spartan Nash, $17.28, Spectrum, $1,124.89, Ty's Outdoor Power & Service, $169.93, Union Bank & Trust, $1,385.50, US Bank, $5,928.75, US Post Master, $6,283.00, Utilities Section, $3,275.00, Verizon, $435.39, Village of Ithaca, $3,602.29, Village of Malmo, $6,504.60, Wahoo Area Economic Development, $1,000.00, Wahoo Auto Parts, $155.18, Wahoo Concrete, $413.88, Wahoo State Bank, $486.66, Wahoo Utilities, $16,450.42, Wahoo-Waverly-Ashland Newspapers, $512.94, Waste Connections, $695.78, Western Area Power Administration, $17,123.19, Western Sand & Gravel, $94.80, Windstream, $780.54

    June Financial Statements and Cash report were reviewed.

    Monthly reports and updates were given by Ryan Hurst, Dave Henke, and Melissa Harrell.

    A claim submitted by Windstream for an undetermined amount, for damages to a Windstream line at County Rd 16 & 34th St. Ryan informed the Board that all required locate request were done and the Windstream response was “clear/No conflict. Forbes motion that the Windstream Claim should be turned over to the City Attorney for response. Motion was seconded by Tyler. Roll call vote: Forbes, yes; Tyler, yes; Grandgenett, yes, Motion carried.

    On a motion by Tyler and seconded by Forbes, Resolution No. 2020-001, Surplus Property was approved. Roll call vote: Tyler, yes; Forbes, yes: Grandgenett, yes. Motion Carried.

    Discussion of FYI’s

    Next Board meeting is scheduled for August 19, 2020.

    On a Motion by Forbes and seconded by Tyler the meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.


    Recording Secretary


    Board Chairman

  • Council Chamber Wahoo, Nebraska August 19, 2020

    The Wahoo Board of Public Works met in Regular Session on August 19, 2020, at the Wahoo Utilities Service Center, in accordance with agenda posted at City Hall, Post Office, and First Bank of Nebraska with each board member being notified of the agenda prior to the meeting. The Chairman informed the public of the location of posting of the Open Meetings Law. Meeting was called to order by Chairman Al Grandgenett at 7:00 p.m. with the following board members present answering to roll call: Al Grandgenett, Joel Woita, Greg Kavan, Corky Forbes, Gerry Tyler and Melissa Harrell. Also attending the meeting was Jovan Lausterer, City Attorney.

    No comments from the public.

    Board Chairman, Al Grandgenett moved to item 7A of the agenda, to accommodate those that had come to speak to the Board.

    Ken and Joyce DeLay submitted a claim in the amount of $1,747.50, for cost associated with a sewer backup at their property located at 1111 N Linden, Wahoo, NE. The DeLay’s handed out a packet of information detailing a timeline of events and why they felt the City should be responsible for the cost that they incurred. After discussion of the information they submitted, John Wonka and Louie Austin both spoke on behalf of the DeLay’s.

    Ryan Hurst, General Manager of the Utilities, then presented his report and findings in regard to the sewer line in question.

    A motion was made by Tyler for the Board, along with all City Staff and legal present at the meeting, to go into closed session for the protection of public interest due to the threat of litigation of the claim, seconded by Forbes. Roll Call vote: Tyler, yes; Forbes, yes, Grandgenett, yes; Woita, yes; Kavan, yes. Motion carried.

    Al Grandgenett stated that the Board of Public Works was now going into closed session for the protection of public interest due to the threat of litigation of the claim. Member of the public left the meeting and all Board members and City staff remained for closed session which commenced at 7:54 p.m.

    At 8:18 p.m. the Board of Public Works allowed the public to return. On a motion by Forbes and seconded by Kavan, the Board of Public Works returned to regular session at 8:19 p.m. Roll Call vote: Forbes, yes; Kavan, yes; Tyler, yes; Grandgenett, yes; Woita, yes. Motion carried.

    Tyler made the motion to recommend to the City Council denial of the claim submitted by the DeLay’s for sewer backup at the property located at 1111 N Linden. Motion was seconded by Kavan. Discussion then occurred explaining that the primary basis for denial of the claim was not based upon whether the sewer line in question was public versus private but rather that the board did not feel the City’s negligence caused the back-up in question and that the Delay’s claim largely related to work performed by a private contractor before the City was contacted. Roll Call Vote: Tyler, yes; Kavan, yes; Forbes, yes; Grandgenett, yes and Woita, no. Motion carried.

    A motion was made by Kavan and seconded by Forbes, that the 6” sewer line at 11th – 12th, Broadway and Linden serving only the property at 1111 N Linden remain a private sewer line. Discussion then occurred with the City explaining that the records and general policy against construction of a public main for the benefit of a single user did not support the Delay’s claim that the line was both placed and accepted by the City as public property. The Delay’s thereafter expressed their frustration and felt that overwhelming evidence supported that the line in question was in fact City property. Roll call vote: Kavan, yes; Forbes, yes; Tyler, yes; Grandgenett, yes and Woita, no. Motion carried.

    The Delay’s thereafter requested clarification on what the next step was in the process. The board explained that the recommendation of denial of their claim would be placed on the agenda of the city council who would then take formal action. The agenda item of acceptance of ownership of the line would not be placed on the council agenda as that falls under the authority of the board of public works.

    On a motion by Forbes and seconded by Kavan the minutes of the July 15, 2020 were approved.

    Claims for July were reviewed and accepted as follows:

  • American Family, $325.60, Ameritas Life Insurance Corp, $191.42, Big Rig Repair, Inc., $1,014.66, Blackburn MFG. Co, $344.57, Blue Cross Blue Shield, $27,701.35, Bomgaars, $524.27, Border States Industries, $1,909.14, Brickstone Technologies, $1,067.22, Bromm Lindahl-Caddy, $125.00, Bullock Bros Inc., $800.00, Caselle, Inc., $1,393.00, Cather & Sons Construction, Inc., $90.09, Cintas, $1,628.09, City of Wahoo, $26,086.16, Clayton Energy, $28,728.93, Colonial life Insurance, $39.44, Core & Main, $958.32, Credit Management Services Inc., $585.02, Data Shield Corporation, $663.20, Dutton-Lainson Co., $9,540.63, Farmers & Merchants Bank of Ashland, $216.66, First Bank of Nebraska, $433.32, First Concord Benefits Group, $50.00, First Edition Printing, $285.95, Grainger, $911.60, Great Western Bank, $83.33, Greater Wahoo Development Foundation, $180.00, Harold K. Scholz, Co., $995.00, Hire Right, $142.80, Industrial Sales, $1,073.24, Internal Revenue Dept., $26,873.69, Interstate All Battery Center, $281.10, Jackson Services, $315.76, J-E-O Consulting Group, $13,663.75, John Deere Financial, $9.05, Kurth, Patrick, $60.00, League Assoc. of Risk Management, $96.67, Lincoln Winwater Works, $675.47, Midwest Laboratories, $13.00, Midwest Petroleum Equipment, $177.91, Milk & Honey Embroidery, $699.02, Municipal Supply, Inc of Omaha, $3,465.60, Ne. Public Health Envirn. Lab, $125.00, Nebr. Dept. of Revenue, $36,467.13, Nebraska Power Review Board, $849.35, Nebraska Public Power District, $390,225.71, O.O.P Inc., $140.00, Obert Testing, $321.75, Office Net, $168.13, Olsson, $4,148.79, Omaha Public Power District, $34.82, One Call Concepts Inc., $97.38, O'Reilly, $2.95, Principal, $1,510.89, RediTech , $912.47, Region V Services, $193.50, Retirement, $10,490.58, Revolving Fund, $3,181.24, Sargent Drilling, $29,978.68, Saunders Medical, $160.00, Shred-it, $47.66, Simons Home Store, $403.74, Small Engine Specialists, Inc., $29.69, Spectrum, $1,124.89, State of Nebraska, $705.00, Todd Valley Farms, Inc, $50.64, Union Bank & Trust, $182.25, USA Bank, $7,164.30, USA BlueBook, $302.87, Verizon, $440.50, Village of Ithaca, $1,627.74, Village of Malmo, $1,084.57, Wahoo Area Economic Development, $1,000.00, Wahoo Auto Parts, $321.55, Wahoo Concrete, $651.19, Wahoo State Bank, $486.66, Wahoo Utilities, $13,082.10, Wahoo-Waverly-Ashland Newspapers, $81.76, Waste Connections, $120.00, Western Area Power Administration, $21,396.00, Windstream, $751.93

    July Financial Statements and Cash report were reviewed.

    Monthly reports and updates were given by Ryan Hurst, Dave Henke, and Melissa Harrell.

    Ryan presented to the Board proposals given by NMPP Energy and Sensus on an AMI project. He also attempted to get a bid from Verizon, but they were unresponsive to submitting a final proposal. On a motion by Kavan and seconded by Forbes, the Board awarded the AMI (Advanced Meter Infrastructure Project to Sensus with an estimated 5 year cost of $1,006,696.37. Roll call vote: Kavan, yes; Forbes, yes; Tyler, yes; Grandgenett, yes ad Woita, Yes.

    Discussion of FYI’s

    Next Board meeting is scheduled for September 16, 2020.

    On a Motion by Forbes and seconded by Tyler the meeting adjourned at 9:35 p.m.


    Recording Secretary


    Board Chairman

  • Council Chamber Wahoo, Nebraska September 16, 2020

    The Wahoo Board of Public Works met in Regular Session on September 16, 2020, at the Wahoo Utilities Service Center, in accordance with agenda posted at City Hall, Post Office, and First Bank of Nebraska with each board member being notified of the agenda prior to the meeting. The Chairman informed the public of the location of posting of the Open Meetings Law. Meeting was called to order by Chairman Al Grandgenett at 7:00 p.m. with the following board members present answering to roll call: Al Grandgenett, Joel Woita, Greg Kavan. Corky Forbes and Gerry Tyler were both absent. Melissa Harrell arrived at 7:02 pm.

    No comments from the public.

    On a motion by Kavan and seconded by Woita the minutes of the August 19, 2020 were approved.

    Claims for August were reviewed and accepted as follows:

    American Family-$325.60, American Water Works Association-$318.00, Ameritas Life Insurance Corp-$191.42, Blue Cross Blue Shield-$27,701.35, Bobcat of Omaha-$104.06, Bomgaars-$363.95, Border States-$819.45, Brabec Auto & Ag Repair, Inc.-$555.78, Brand FX Body-$663.00, Bromm Lindahl Freeman-Caddy & Lausterer-$341.00, Cada Brothers Inc.-$120.00, Caselle, Inc.-$1,443.00, Cintas-$1,564.88, City of Wahoo-$25,420.38, Clayton Energy-$24,114.66, Colonial life Insurance-$39.44, Core & Main-$1,470.67, Credit Bureau Services, Inc.-$50.85, Credit Management Services-$271.94, Dutton-Lainson Company-$5,690.14, Electro Industries Gauge Tech-$9,725.00, Farmers & Merchants Bank of Ashland-$216.66, First Bank of Nebraska-$433.32, First Concord Benefits Group-$50.00, Getzschman Heating, LLC-$924.00, Great Western Bank-$83.33, GWorks-$12,000.00, Hach Company-$202.22, Hawkins, Inc.-$5,920.90, HTM Sales Inc.-$1,071.15, Industrial Sales-$2,512.55, Internal Revenue Dept.-$23,571.46, Jackson Services-$315.76, J-E-O Consulting Group-$22,657.50, KGM-$100.39, Lincoln Winwater Works-$1,603.94, Macqueen Equipment-$426.63, Matheson Tri-Gas Inc.-$56.78, Michael Todd & Company, Inc.-$1,153.46, Midwest Laboratories-$77.00, Nebraska Dept. of Revenue-$38,563.96, Nebraska Public Power District-$395,748.48, Obert Testing-$198.00, Office Net-$181.74, Omaha Public Power District-$34.82, One Call Concepts Inc.-$111.93, OOP Inc-$177.75, O'Reilly-$11.04, Ozzy's Auto Clinic LLC-$100.50, Principal-$1,663.41, RediTech-$3,732.92, Region V Services-$193.50, Retirement-$9,212.30, Revolving Fund-$2,627.83, Shred-it-$97.17, Simons Home Store-$533.71, Spartan Nash-$13.08, Spectrum-$1,124.89, Subsurface Solutions-$12,944.23, TNEMEC Company, Inc.-$220.76, Todd Valley Farms, Inc-$52.75, US Bank-$6,417.31, Utilities Section-$2,855.00, Verizon-$504.04, Village of Ithaca-$4,057.65, Village of Malmo-$6,737.35, Wahoo Area Economic Development-$1,000.00, Wahoo Auto Parts-$525.44, Wahoo Metal Products-$256.80, Wahoo State Bank-$486.66, Wahoo Utilities-$17,060.47, Waste Connections-$120.00, Western Area Power Administration-$23,280.03, Windstream-$772.20, Zimmerman Oil Co.-$793.43

    August Financial Statements and Cash report were reviewed.

    Monthly reports and updates were given by Ryan Hurst, Dave Henke, and Melissa Harrell. John Moore with JEO Consulting Group informed the Board that the Wahoo Utilities has been awarded a Grant for Long-term Water Supply Protection, sponsored through Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy and the Lower Platte Natural Resource District for a total project cost of $62,800.

    On a motion by Kavan and seconded by Woita, Pay Application #26 to M.E. Collins in the amount of $5,646.00 for sanitary sewer work on Chestnut Street Project, was approved. Roll Call: Kavan, yes; Woita, yes and Grandgenett, yes.

    Pay Application #1 to Valley Corporation in the amount of $113,563.98 for Country Club Acre sewer project was approved by Woita and seconded by Kavan. Roll call vote; Woita, yes; Kavan, yes and Grandgenett, yes.

    The Natural Gas System Master Plan Study was presented by Olsson and Associates. After review of the plan Kavan made the motion to accept the plan as a concept for future main replacement and growth. Motion was seconded by Woita. Roll call; Kavan, yes; Woita, yes and Grandgenett, yes.

  • Kevin Hittle with SSH Architecture presented a site plan for the Utilities Service Center on 1st & Chestnut. After some discussion, Kavan made the motion to have Kevin come up with a few more design options on the site plan and bring back to the Board. He also authorized Ryan Hurst, to approve of any additional costs up to $6,500.00. Motion was seconded by Woita. Roll Call: Kavan, yes; Woita, yes and Grandgenett, yes.

    Discussion of FYI’s

    Next Board meeting is scheduled for October 21, 2020.

    On a Motion by Kavan and seconded by Woita the meeting adjourned at 8:55 p.m.


    Recording Secretary


    Board Chairman

    Council Chamber Wahoo, Nebraska October 21, 2020

    The Wahoo Board of Public Works met in Regular Session on October 21, 2020, at the Wahoo Utilities Service Center, in accordance with agenda posted at City Hall, Post Office, and First Bank of Nebraska with each board member being notified of the agenda prior to the meeting. The Chairman informed the public of the location of posting of the Open Meetings Law. Meeting was called to order by Chairman Al Grandgenett at 7:00 p.m. with the following board members present answering to roll call: Al Grandgenett, Joel Woita, Corky Forbes, Gerry Tyler, and Melissa Harrell. Greg Kavan was absent.

    No comments from the public.

    On a motion by Tyler and seconded by Forbes the minutes of the September 16, 2020 were approved.

    Claims for September were reviewed and accepted as follows:

    American Family, $325.60, Ameritas Life Insurance Coro., $191.42, Blue Cross Blue Shield, $29,229.54, Bomgaars, $362.03, Border States Industries, $1,923.31, Bromm Lindahl-Caddy, $881.00, Butler Co. Rural Public Power Dist., $1,603.08, Caselle, Inc., $1,443.00, Cintas, $1,680.18, City of Wahoo, $25,525.94, Clayton Energy, $22,976.11, Colonial life Insurance, $39.44, Core & Main, $1,566.78, Dutton-Lainson Co., $325.19, Elmer's Lock & Safe, $231.50, Farmers & Merchants Bank of Ashland, $216.66, Fidone, Robert, $200.00, First Bank of Nebraska, $433.32, First Concord Benefits Group, $50.00, Great Western Bank, $83.33, Hach, $202.22, Heath Consultants, $438.31, Hire Right, $71.40, Hydro Optimization & Automation Solutions, Inc., $365.50, Internal Revenue Department, $24,518.86, Jackson Services, $347.58, J-E-O Consulting Group, $5,060.00, John Deere Financial, $49.34, KGM, $900.00, Lincoln Winwater Works, $81.53, M E Collins, $5,646.00, Merchant Job Training & Safety, Inc, $1,100.00, Midwest Laboratories, $13.00, Municipal Supply, Inc of Omaha, $2,474.37, Ne. Public Health Envirn. Lab, $135.00, Nebr. Dept. of Revenue, $41,220.27, Nebraska Public Power District, $397,749.12, Nebraska Rural Water Association, $250.00, Office Net, $1,051.02, Olsson, $3,750.00, Omaha Public Power District, $34.82, One Call Concepts Inc., $113.55, O'Reilly, $133.21, Principal, $1,689.26, Region V Services, $193.50, Resco, $12,652.75, Retirement, $9,732.34, Revolving Fund, $927.48, Saunders Medical , $229.00, Shred-it, $49.60, Simons Home Store, $243.24, Spectrum, $719.92, Tillotson Enterprises, $200.00, US Bank, $7,648.94, Valley Corporation, $113,563.98, Verizon, $435.32, Village of Ithaca, $758.79, Village of Malmo, $1,093.31, Wahoo Area Economic Development, $1,000.00, Wahoo Concrete, $1,757.90, Wahoo Metal Products & Supply, $160.00, Wahoo State Bank, $486.66, Wahoo

  • Utilities, $14,731.33, Wahoo-Waverly-Ashland Newspapers, $15.24, Waste Connections, $1,525.50, Western Area Power Administration, $21,473.34, Windstream, $763.64

    September Financial Statements and Cash report were reviewed.

    Ryan Hurst gave his monthly report. Dave Henke reported that the Water and Sewer Master Plans were about 60% complete. Melissa Harrell reported that the Safe Routes to Schools has awarded the bid to ME Collins and work will begin in the spring.

    Kevin Hittle with SSH Architecture presented site plans for the Utilities Service Center. After review and discussion on the different plan options, Woita made the motion to request a bid for the general concept of the plans, painting of the building and adding a vestibule. Motion was seconded by Forbes. Roll call vote: Woita, yes; Forbes, yes; Tyler, yes and Grandgenett, yes. Motion carried.

    On a motion by Forbes and seconded by Tyler, Pay Application #2 to Valley Corporation in the amount of $73,864.57 for Country Club Acre sewer project was approved. Roll call vote: Forbes, yes; Tyler, yes; Grandgenett, yes and Woita, yes. Motion carried.

    Change Order #1 to Valley Corporation to extend completion date from October 1, 2020 to November 1, 2020, for Sanitary sewer work at Country Club Acres was approve on a motion by Tyler and seconded by Forbes. Roll call vote: Tyler, yes; Forbes, yes; Grandgenett, yes and Woita, yes. Motion carried.

    On a motion by Forbes and seconded by Tyler, Change Order #2 to Valley Corporation to tie into existing 3” main at Country Club Acres, in the amount of $3,592.92 was approved. Roll call vote: Forbes, yes; Tyler, yes; Grandgenett, yes and Woita, yes. Motion carried.

    Pay Application #27 to M.E. Collins in the amount of $3,481.92.00 for water hydrant work on Chestnut Street Project, was approved on a motion by Forbes and seconded by Woita. Roll Call: Forbes, yes; Woita, yes; Tyler, yes and Grandgenett, yes. Motion carried.

    Amendment 2020-01 to the Wahoo Board of Public Works Code Book to add and increase use fees on utility equipment. (Section 50.20), was approved on a motion by Forbes and seconded aby Tyler, as follows:


    WHEREAS, pursuant to Ordinance No. 1815 of the City of Wahoo, Nebraska, adopted October 14, 2002, the Mayor and Council of the City of Wahoo, Nebraska, did create a Board of Public Works for the City of Wahoo, Nebraska, pertaining to the utilities of the City of Wahoo, Nebraska, including, but not limited to, the electric utility, natural gas utility, water utility, and sewer utility, and, WHEREAS, pursuant to said Ordinance, the Mayor and Council of the City of Wahoo, Nebraska, did appoint a Board of Public Works to govern said utilities except for those matters relating to utility rate setting, and, WHEREAS, pursuant to said aforenoted Ordinance, all applicable portions of the Wahoo Municipal Code of the City of Wahoo, Nebraska, pertaining to utilities, except for those matters relating to utility rate setting, were transferred to the Board of Public Works, including the penalty provision therein, and, WHEREAS, the Board of Public Works has codified said transferred portions of the Wahoo Municipal Code into the Wahoo Board of Public Works Code Book, and, WHEREAS, Chapter 50 thereof pertains to Utilities General Provision, and, WHEREAS, the Board of Public Works of the City of Wahoo, Nebraska, deems it in the best interest of the citizens and rate payers of the City of Wahoo, Nebraska, that there be an amendment to Section 50.20 of the Wahoo Board of Public Works Code Book pertaining to Use of Utility Property and Equipment and Equipment Rental Rates, and,

  • WHEREAS, pursuant to a motion duly enacted by the Board of Public Works at a meeting thereof on October 21, 2020, this aforenoted Amendment has been reviewed by legal counsel for the Board of Public Works and the Mayor and Council of the City of Wahoo, Nebraska, will be notified of this Amendment, NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED by the Board of Public Works of the City of Wahoo, Nebraska, as follows: 1. That the findings here and above made should be and are hereby incorporated herein by reference as fully as if set out at length herein. 2. That Section 50.20 of the Wahoo Board of Public Works Code Book pertaining to Use of Utility Property and Equipment and Equipment Rental Rates is hereby amended as follows: §50.20 Use of Utility Property and Equipment and Equipment Rental Rates

    No utility equipment, material, tools, or supplies shall be used for personal benefit without prior approval of the Utilities General Manager. Use of equipment or tools by employees shall be restricted to:

    (A) Personal use not resulting in monetary gains (B) Occasional events (C) After regular work hours

    Employees shall be qualified to operate the equipment and shall pay the standard rate for use of the equipment, tool, or supplies. Repeated use of equipment by an employee shall not be permitted.

    If contractors (for work inside city service limits) or residents of the city have special needs they may rent utility equipment or tools with a qualified utility operator. Time of use shall be after regular working hours. Repeated use of equipment shall not be permitted. In all cases the employee shall be on overtime pay and shall ONLY operate the equipment and shall NOT assist with other work. The requesting person or employee shall pay full labor cost and equipment rental fees.

    Equipment rental rates are as follows:

    Pickup Truck $24.00/Hour

    Digger Derrick Truck $55.00/Hour

    Aerial Basket Truck $50.00/Hour

    Trencher $40.00/Hour

    Cement Saw Rent $ 5.00/Lineal Foot

    Tractor – Backhoe $50.00/Hour$70.00/Hour

    Air Compressor $20.00 /Hour

    Boring Machine $100.00/Hour

    Hole Hog $5.50 /Lineal Foot

    Sewer Machine $65.00/Hour $85.00/Hour

    Sewer Inspection Equipment $45.00/Hour

    2” – 3” Dewatering Pump $12.00 /Hour

    4” Dewatering Pump $15.00 /Hour

    Pipe Thawing Transformer $15.00 /Hour

  • Main Tapping Machine $27.50 /Tap

    Bobcat $35.00/Hour

    Dump Truck $40.00/Hour $50.00/Hour

    Mileage Out of Town $0.65/Per Mile

    Pot Holer $35.00/Hour

    Sludge Disposal of septic tank

    (within the City Corporate Limits) $17.00 /per load

    (outside the City Corporate Limits) $25.00/per load

    (Am Ord. 1815, passed 12-19-18)

    3. That this Amendment shall be effective upon its date of adoption by the Board of Public Works of the City of Wahoo, Nebraska. 4. That the Utilities General Manager of the Wahoo Board of Public Works, and the appropriate staff, be authorized to implement this Amendment. 5. That this Amendment shall be added to and made a part of the Wahoo Board of Public Works Code Book upon its approval and adoption. PASSED AND APPROVED this 14th day of October 21,2020. WAHOO BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS BY: __________________________________ Al Grandgenett, Its Chair ATTEST: _________________________ Carrie Barry, Clerk of Board

    Roll call vote: Forbes, yes; Tyler, yes; Grandgenett, yes and Woita, yes. Motion carried.

    Discussion of FYI’s

    A work session has been set for November 16, 2020 at 12:00 (noon)

    Next Board meeting is set for November 18, 2020

    On a Motion by Woita and seconded by Forbes the meeting adjourned at 8:55 p.m.


  • Recording Secretary


    Board Chairman

    Council Chamber Wahoo, Nebraska November 16, 2020

    The Wahoo Board of Public Works met in Work Session on November 16, 2020, at the Wahoo Utilities Service Center, in accordance with agenda posted at City Hall, Post Office, and First Bank of Nebraska with each board member being notified of the agenda prior to the meeting. The Chairman informed the public of the location of posting of the Open Meetings Law. Meeting was called to order by Chairman Al Grandgenett at 12:00 p.m. with the following board members present answering to roll call: Al Grandgenett, Corky Forbes, and Gerry Tyler. Greg Kavan and Joel Woita were absent.

    Lunch was served and then a tour of the Wastewater Treatment Plant followed.

    Meeting adjourned at 1:27


    Recording Secretary


    Board Chairman

    Council Chamber Wahoo, Nebraska November 18, 2020

    The Wahoo Board of Public Works met in Regular Session on November 18, 2020, at the Wahoo Utilities Service Center, in accordance with agenda posted at City Hall, Post Office, and First Bank of Nebraska with each board member being notified of the agenda prior to the meeting. The Chairman informed the public of the location of posting of the Open Meetings Law. Meeting was called to order by Chairman Al Grandgenett at 7:00 p.m. with the following board members present answering to roll call: Al Grandgenett, Joel Woita,(via zoom), Greg Kavan, Corky Forbes, Gerry Tyler, and Melissa Harrell.

    No comments from the public.

    On a motion by Kavan and seconded by Forbes the minutes of the October21, 2020 were approved.

    Claims for October were reviewed and accepted as follows: Gerry Tyler informed the Board that First Edition Printing, which is his employer was paid.

    Alfie Packers, Inc., $135.00, American Family, $325.60, American Public Gas Association, $1,444.47, Ameritas, $191.42, Blackburn MFG. Co., $344.28, Blue Cross Blue Shield, $29,229.54, Bomgaars, $434.20, Border States Industries, $4,560.62, Bromm Lindahl Freeman-Caddy & Lausterer, $327.50, Cannon Technologies Inc., $4,368.46, Caselle, Inc., $1,443.00, Cintas, $2,730.57, City of Wahoo, $29,580.30, Clayton Energy, $24,761.63, Colonial life Insurance, $39.44, Credit Bureau Services, Inc., $14.74, Dutton-Lainson Company, $4,881.85, Electric Pump, $21,686.03, Farmers & Merchants Bank of Ashland, $241.66, Fastenal Company, $19.94, First Bank of Nebraska,

  • $483.32, First Concord Benefits Group, $75.00, First Edition Printing, $661.14, Goldak, $1,694.83, Grainger, $521.35, Great Western Bank, $83.33, Hach, $336.99, Hire Right LLC, $107.10, Imperial Roof Systems Co., $4,552.00, Inner-tite, $292.63, Internal Revenue Dept., $38,018.29, Jackson Services, $532.96, JEO Consulting Group, $41,332.50, Johner, Randy, $417.58, KGM, $124.38, Lapp Tannehill, $226.26, League Assoc. of Risk Management, $138,583.32, Lincoln Winwater Works, $1,476.63, M E Collins Contracting, $3,481.92, Midwest Laboratories, $13.00, Milk & Honey Embroidery, $443.10, Municipal Supply, Inc. of Omaha, $436.07, Ne. Public Health Envirn. Lab, $1,282.00, Nebr. Department of Revenue, $34,561.42, Nebraska DHHS, $380.00, Nebraska Public Power District, $365,923.03, Neenah Foundry, $855.00, O O P Inc., $126.13, Obert Testing, $1,262.25, Office Net, $344.82, Olsson Associates, $2,500.00, Omaha Public Power District, $34.82, One Call Concepts Inc., $95.13, O'Reilly, $27.06, Principal, $1,797.03, RediTech, $1,848.00, Region V Services, $193.50, Retirement, $15,471.72, Revolving Fund, $3,275.00, Saunders Medical, $41.00, Shred-it, $49.60, Simons Home Store, $474.58, Spartan Nash, $56.04, Spectrum, $719.92, Tillotson Enterprises, $5,250.00, Todd Valley Farms, Inc, $44.31, Truck Equipment Service Co., $261.72, Union Bank & Trust, $424.00, US Bank, $10,149.00, US Postmaster, $6,283.00, Valley Corporation, $73,864.57, Verizon, $435.40, Village of Ithaca, $4,013.29, Village of Malmo, $6,838.60, Wahoo Area Economic Development, $1,000.00, Wahoo Auto Parts, $260.48, Wahoo Concrete, $978.66, Wahoo State Bank, $646.66, Wahoo Utilities, $15,729.85, Waste Connections, $120.00, Water Environment Federation, $83.00, Western Area Power Administration, $20,109.24, Windstream, $766.59

    October Financial Statements and Cash report were reviewed and accepted.

    Ryan Hurst gave his monthly report. Dave Henke reported on current projects. Melissa Harrell gas her monthly report.

    On a motion by Kavan and seconded by Tyler, Change Order #3 to Valley Corporation in the amount of (#2,519.01) deduction for a change in quantities for Country Club Acres Sewer Project was approved. Roll call vote: Kavan, yes; Tyler, yes; Grandgenett, yes Forbes, yes; and Woita, yes. Motion carried.

    On a motion by Forbes and seconded by Tyler, Pay Application #3 & Final to Valley Corporation in the amount of $24,418.31 for Country Club Acre sewer project was approved. Roll call vote: Forbes, yes; Tyler, yes; Grandgenett, yes; Kavan, yes and Woita, yes. Motion carried.

    Gerry Tyler made the motion to approve the Certificate of Substantial Completion and it was seconded by Kavan. Roll call vote: Tyler, yes; Kavan, yes; Forbes, yes; Grandgenett, yes and Woita, yes. Motion carried.

    Change Order #1 to Valley Corporation to extend completion date from October 1, 2020 to November 1, 2020, for Sanitary sewer work at Country Club Acres was approve on a motion by Tyler and seconded by Forbes. Roll call vote: Tyler, yes; Forbes, yes; Grandgenett, yes and Woita, yes. Motion carried.

    On a motion by Forbes and seconded by Tyler, Change Order #2 to Valley Corporation to tie into existing 3” main at Country Club Acres, in the amount of $3,592.92 was approved. Roll call vote: Forbes, yes; Tyler, yes; Grandgenett, yes and Woita, yes. Motion carried.

    Discussion was held regarding sponsorship with the Chamber for a Christmas Lighting Contest. The motion was made by Forbes to work out the final details and the sponsorship would not be more than $1,500.00. The final amount that the Utilities will sponsor will be determined at the December 16, 2020 meeting. Motion was seconded by Tyler. Roll call vote: Forbes, yes; Tyler, yes; Grandgenett, yes; Kavan, yes; and Woita, yes. Motion carried.

    On a motion by Tyler and seconded by Kavan the Board approved the Assignment of Specific Rights, Duties, and obligations of the City of Wahoo, Nebraska’s Firm Electric Service Contract No. 20-UGPR-5014 to Nebraska Public power District. Roll call vote: Tyler, yes; Kavan, yes; Forbes, yes; Grandgenett, yes; and Woita, yes. Motion carried.

  • A motion to recommend to the Mayor for his approval, Ryan Hurst as General Manager of the Wahoo Utilities for the calendar year 2021, was made by Forbes and seconded by Tyler. Roll call vote: Forbes, yes; Tyler, yes; Grandgenett, yes; Kavan, yes; and Woita, yes. Motion carried.

    Review and discussion were held on the Wahoo Utilities 2021 Budget. Kavan made the motion to recommend to the City Council approval of the Utilities Budget as presented. Motion was seconded by Forbes. Roll call vote: Kavan, yes; Forbes, yes; Tyler, yes; Grandgenett, yes; and Woita, yes. Motion carried

    Discussion of FYI’s

    Next Board meeting is set for December 16, 2020

    On a Motion by Kavan and seconded by Forbes the meeting adjourned at 8:55 p.m.


    Recording Secretary


    Board Chairman

    Council Chamber Wahoo, Nebraska December 16, 2020

    The Wahoo Board of Public Works met in Regular Session on December 16, 2020, at the Wahoo City Council Room, in accordance with agenda posted at City Hall, Post Office, and First Bank of Nebraska with each board member being notified of the agenda prior to the meeting. The Chairman informed the public of the location of posting of the Open Meetings Law. Meeting was called to order by Chairman Al Grandgenett at 7:00 p.m. with the following board members present answering to roll call: Al Grandgenett, Ryan Idius, Corky Forbes, Gerry Tyler, and Melissa Harrell. Joel Woita was absent.

    No comments from the public. Lighting contest had 12 entries and the Board agreed to give awards for the top 4 entries for a total of $520.00. This amount may be reimbursed through NPPD advertising program.

    On a motion by Forbes and seconded by Tyler the minutes of the November 16th & 18th2020 meetings were approved.

    Claims for November were reviewed and accepted as follows: Gerry Tyler informed the Board that First Edition Printing, which is his employer was paid.

    American Family Assurance, $325.60, American Public Power Association, $159.96, Ameritas, $191.42, Best Care EAP, $548.90, Blue Cross Blue Shield, $29,226.47, Bobcat of Omaha, $97.46, Bomgaars, $1,457.76, Border States Industries, $1,844.60, Bromm Lindahl Freeman-Caddy & Lausterer, $1,029.50, Caselle, Inc., $1,443.00, Cintas, $1,826.73, City of Wahoo, $22,549.30, Clayton Energy, $46,413.08, Colonial life Insurance, $39.44, Commonwealth Electric Company, $794.02, Core & Main, $6,718.75, Dultmeier Sales, LLC, $114.27, Dutton-Lainson Co., $328.61, Farmers & Merchants Bank of Ashland, $216.74, First Bank of Nebraska, $433.48, First Concord Benefits Group, $50.00, First Edition Printing, $1,723.86, GPM, $106.50, Great Western Bank, $83.37, Groebner, $3,006.98, Hach, $168.62, Hawkins Inc., $3,706.03, Hire Right LLC, $35.70, HTR Inc/Klute Truck Equipment, $8,200.00, Industrial Sales, $1,124.32, Internal Revenue Dept., $25,373.65, Jackson Services, $325.81, JEO Consulting Group, $26,363.75, Johnsen Corrosion Engineering, Inc., $768.00, KGM, $2,999.26, Matheson, $397.14, Midwest Laboratories, $372.50, Ne. Department of HHS, $1,933.49, Ne. Dept. of Environment & Energy, $9,246.76, Ne. Public Health Environmental Lab, $109.00, Nebr. Dept of Revenue, $31,494.69, Nebraska Public Power District, $230.52, Nebraska Public Power District, $299,132.64, Obert Testing, $2,567.50, Office Net, $1,012.25, Omaha Public Power District, $34.82, One Call Concepts, Inc., $58.50, O'Reilly, $43.46, Principal, $1,957.25, RediTech, $924.00, Region V Services, $193.50, Retirement, $10,409.08, Revolving Fund, $926.50, Shred-it, $50.45, Simons

  • Home Store, $1,125.73, Spartan Nash, $7.99, Spectrum, $719.92, SSH Architecture, $2,530.00, Union Bank & Trust, $2,657.52, US Bank, $9,258.15, Valley Corporation, $24,418.31, Verizon, $435.40, Village of Ithaca, $1,375.46, Village of Malmo, $1,254.42, Wahoo Area Economic Development, $1,000.00, Wahoo Auto Parts, $422.54, Wahoo Chamber of Commerce, $85.00, Wahoo Metal Products, $18.76, Wahoo State Bank, $486.74, Wahoo Utilities , $11,227.11, Wahoo-Waverly-Ashland Newspapers, $245.03, Waste Connections, $120.00, West Point Implement, Inc., $487.50, Western Area Power Administration, $16,801.26, Windstream, $781.53, Zimmerman Oil Co., $137.39

    November Financial Statements and Cash report were reviewed and accepted.

    Ryan Hurst gave his monthly report. Dave Henke reported on current projects. Melissa Harrell informed the Board that the City Employees are considered in phase 1B of the vaccination process. Colony Acres were approved for TIFF Financing, and work is being done on getting the generator for City Hall and the Fire Department.

    Dane Simonson with JEO Consulting Group gave an overview of the Water Master Plan. The plan is 90% complete and just final checks and reviews need to be made. On a motion by Tyler and seconded by Forbes the Water Master Plan will be accepted upon completion. Roll call vote: Tyler, yes; Forbes, yes; Grandgenett, yes; and Idius, yes. Motion carried.

    Corky Forbes made the motion to approve selecting JEO Consulting Group and accept the RFQ on the Wellhead Protection Plan as soon as approved by the State of Nebraska. Motion was seconded by Idius.. Roll call vote: Forbes, yes; Idius, yes; Tyler, yes; and Grandgenett, yes. Motion carried.

    A motion by Forbes and seconded by Idius to approve the Community Engagement Agreement with JEO Consulting Group for AMI Metering. Roll call vote: Forbes, yes; Idius, yes; Forbes, yes; and Grandgenett, yes. Motion carried.

    Change Order #12 to ME Collins to change contract times and establish substantial completion date was approve on a motion by Forbes and seconded by Tyler. Roll call vote: Forbes, yes; Tyler, yes; Grandgenett, yes and Idius, yes. Motion carried.

    On a motion by Forbes and seconded by Tyler, Pay Application #29 in the amount of $36,073.00 to ME Collings for the Chestnut Street Project, was approved. Roll call vote: Forbes, yes; Tyler, yes; Grandgenett, yes and Idius, yes. Motion carried.

    A motion to Accept the Preliminary Certificate of Substantial Completion was made by Forbes and seconded by Tyler. Roll call vote: Forbes, yes; Tyler, yes; Grandgenett, yes; and Idius, yes. Motion carried.

    Gerry Tyler made the motion to approve the 2020 Bed Debt Write Off’s in the amount of $1,179.62. Motion was seconded by Forbes. Roll call vote: Tyler, yes; Forbes, yes; Grandgenett, yes; and Idius, yes. Motion carried

    On a motion by Tyler and seconded by Idius, the Retainer Agreement with Jovan Lausterer and Maureen Freeman-Caddy, Attorneys at Law was approved. Roll Call Vote: Tyler, yes; Idius, yes: Forbes, yes; and Grandgenett, yes. Motion Carried.

    Discussion of FYI’s

    Next Board meeting is set for January 20, 2021

    On a Motion by Tyler and seconded by Idius the meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m.


    Recording Secretary


    Board Chairman
