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  • 7/29/2019 Dudas Ingles


    Never mind - I don't care - It doesn'tmatterPregunta:

    Cul es la diferencia entre "never mind", "I don't care" y "It doesn't matter".?


    Es importante aprenderse las diferencias entre estas tres expresiones porquepueden dar lugar a confusin. A veces he escuchado a alumnos decir: "I don'tcare" "Me da igual"cuando en realidad quieren decir: "Never mind" "No tepreocupes". Gran fallo. A continuacin doy las explicaciones correspondientes.Presta atencin y lee varias veces el texto (mira las fotos tambin) para que se tequede.

    "Never mind" significa: "no te preocupes", "no te importe"o "no tiene importancia" y

    siempre va dirigido a una tercera persona.

    Por ejemplo, le echas accidentalmente el caf a alguien encima y le manchas lacamisa.T te afanas en limpirsela y l te dice:

    "Never mind": No te preocupes. No tiene importancia.

    Mira este ejemplo en el "New York Times"."Never mind what's in them. Bags arethe fashion.""No te preocupes sobre lo que hay dentro de ellas. Las bolsas estnde moda."

    Recuerda que "to mind" significa = "importar". Nota: "Mind" sin "to", es decir, comosustantivo/cosa, significa "mente".

    Por ejemplo: "Do you mind if I smoke?" Te importa si fumo?

    Para que te sea ms fcil recordar el significado de "never mind" piensa que es"no tiene importancia" y va dirigido siempre a alguien.

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    "I don't care" significa "no me importa" o "me da igual".

    Por ejemplo:

    Alguien te dice: "Si no vienes enseguida a la mesa se te va a enfriar la comida".

    T le puedes contestar:

    "I don't care"--> No me importa.

    Ms ejemplos:

    - I really don't care if the movie is good or bad. Realmente no me importa si lapelcula es buena o mala.

    Para recordar el significado de "I don't care" piensa que es "me da igual".Recuerda: "me da igual." Fjate que la accin te afecta a ti directamente. Con

    "never mind" es a la otra persona la que le afecta la accin.


    It doesn't matter" significa "no importa" en general.

    Por ejemplo:

    It doesn't really matterwhether you are good or bad. Realmente no importa sieres bueno o malo.

    It doesn't matterwhat you do, she is always unhappy. No importa lo que hagas,'t+matter.jpg't+matter.jpg
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    siempre est descontenta.

    Una cita/citation con "it doesn't matter".

    " doesn't matter how many times you fail. It doesn't matter how many times you

    almost get it right. No one is going to know or care about your failures, and eithershould you. All you have to do is learn from them and those around youbecause...All that matters in business is that you get it right once. Then everyonecan tell you how lucky you are."--Mark Cuban"

    No importa cuantas veces fracases. No importa cuantas veces casi tengas xito. Anadie le va a importar tus fracasos y tampoco t deberas preocuparte. Todo lo quetienes que hacer es aprender de tus fracasos y de la gente que te rodea. En losnegocios lo que importa es que tengas xito una vez. Entonces, todo el mundo tepodr decir que tienes mucha suerte. Mark Cuban".

    Si comparamos "never mind" con"it doesn't matter" vemos que "never mind" vasiempre dirigido a otra persona; como en el ejemplo que he puesto antes de si lemanchas la camisa a alguien, significa "no te importe". "It doesn't matter", encambio, no va dirigido especficamente a nadie.

    Por ejemplo:

    -Are you joining us later? Vienes con nosotros ms tarde?

    No. I hope you don't mind. No. Espero que no te importe.

    Resumiendo:Never mind:No tiene importancia.I don't care:Me da igual.It doesn'tmatter:No importa (en general).


    We use still to say that a situation or action is continuing. It hasn't changed or stopped:

    It's 10 o'clock and Abdullah is still in bed.

    When I went to bed, Mohammed was still working.

    Do u still want to go to the party or have you changed your mind?

    Still usually goes in the middle of the sentence with the verb.

    Any more / any longer / no longer

    We use notanymore ornot. Anylonger to say that a situation has changed. Any

    more and anylonger go at the end of a sentence:

    Sara doesn't work here anymore ( oranylonger ). She left last month.

    ( not ' Sara doesn't still work here' )

    We used to be good friends but we aren't anymore( oranylonger ).

    You can also use nolonger. Nolonger goes in the middle of the sentence:

    Sara nolonger works here.

    Note that we do not normally use nomore in this way: We are nolonger friends. ( not' we are no more friends' )

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    Compare still and not anymore:

    Fatima still works here but Sara doesn't work here anymore.


    Yet =' until now'. We use yet mainly in negative sentences ( I haven't finished yet) and

    questions (Have you finished yet?). yet shows that the speaker is expecting to happen.

    Yet usually goes at the end of sentence:

    It's 10 o'clock and Abdullah hasn't got up yet.

    I'm hungry. Is dinner ready yet?

    We don't know where we are going for our holidays yet.

    We often use yet with presentperfect( Have you finishedyet?).

    Compare yet and still:

    Abdullah lost his job a year ago and isstill unemployed.Abdullah lost his job a year ago and hasn'tfound another job yet.

    Is it still raining?

    Has it stopped raining yet?

    Still is also possible in negative sentences(before the negative):

    She said she would be here an hour ago and she still hasn't come.

    This is similar to 'she hasn't come yet'. But still.. not shows a stronger feeling of

    surprise or impatience. Compare:

    I wrote to him last week. He hasn't replied yet. (but I expect he will reply


    I wrote to him months ago and he still hasn't replied. (he should have

    replied before now)


    We use already to say that something happened sooner than expected. Already usually

    goes in the middle of a sentence:

    ' When is Sara going on holiday?' ' She has already gone.' (= sooner thanyou expected)

    Shell I tell Fatima the news or does she already know?

    I've only just had lunch and I'm already hungry.

    Cmo se usa "arrive"? Arrive in- Arriveat- Arrive on
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    She always arrives late. Ella siempre llega tarde.

    No sabes qu preposicin utilizar con el verbo "arrive" (llegar)?

    Despus de que leas este post todas tus dudas se aclararn.

    La verdad es que lo primero que dice un estudiante de ingls cuando empiezahablar es decir:

    He arrived to the airport. l lleg al aeropuerto.

    Porque lo que hace es traducir "a" por "to".

    Y lo cierto es que es INCORRECTO.

    "Arrive" NUNCA va con "to" cuando hablamos de llegar a un lugar.

    Por tanto, te pido que te lo quites de la cabeza "arrive to" para decir "llegar a unlugar".

    No obstante, si se puede decir, por ejemplo, "arrive to" a conclusion. Llegar a unaconclusin. Aqutienes ejemplos. Aunque quizs un nativo diga, msfrecuentemente "arrive at a conclusion".

    "Arrive" puede ir SIN preposicin


    He arrives home at 6 o'clock every day. l llega a casa a las 6 todos los

    das. Why does she arrive late every Monday? Por qu llega tarde todos los

    lunes? It's difficult to arrive there. Es difcil llegar all.

    Nota 1: Lo mejor es aprenderse estas frases hechas.Nota: 2: Con "home", tambin se puede utilizar "at". She arrived at home. Lleg a


    "Arrive" puede ir con "in"

    Utilizamos la preposicin "in" despus de "arrive" cuando hablamos de llegar auna ciudad o pas.
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    They arrived in London yesterday. Llegaron a Londres ayer. I don't know when he will arrive in Germany. No s cundo llegar a

    Alemania. Is he going to arrive in Madrid tomorrow? Va a llegar maana a Madrid?

    "Arrive" puede ir con "at"

    Utilizamos la preposicin "at" despus de "arrive" cuando hablamos de llegar a unlugar determinado.


    She'll arrive at the stationat 4 o'clock. Llegar a la estacin a las 4."Station" es el lugar determinado.

    We arrived at Barajas airport in the morning. Llegamos al aeropuerto deBarajas por la maana.

    The children never arrive at the school on time. Los nios nunca llegan alcolegio puntualmente.

    "Arrive" puede ir con "on"

    Utilizamos la preposicin "on" despus de "arrive" para referimos a "llegarpuntualmente" (on time) "llegar a una isla" (on an island), "territorio" (territory),"lugar donde ocurrieron unos hechos/escenario" (scene), da/fechas (day,Wednesday, etc.), "por tu/su cuenta" (on their own).


    I always arrive on time. Siempre llego a la hora/Soy puntual. They arrived on the island last month. Llegaron a la isla el mes pasado. You arrived on the scene when it was too late. Llegaste (al lugar) cuando

    era demasiado tarde. We'll arrive on Sunday. Llegaremos el domingo. I arrived on my own. Llegu por mi cuenta.

    Para recordar:

    Arrive sin preposicin: Arrive home, Arrive late, Arrive there. Arrive in: Pas o ciudad. Ejemplo: She arrived in Rome. Lleg a Roma. Arrive at: Lugar: Ejemplo: We arrived at the airport. Llegamos al aeropuerto. Arrive on: Con "on time", "on an island", "on a territory", "on the scene","on

    a date", "on your own".

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    "Get Home", "Arrive Home" (diferencias)


    Me ha gustado mucho el artculo"Diferencias entre arrive y reach"del 13 deseptiembre. Mi pregunta es: "get home" o similar creo que tambin es correcto.Cundo lo podemos usar? Se usa ms, menos, no se usa? Es ms coloquial?

    Muchas gracias.



    Responde nuestro colaborador, Roberto Reboredo.

    Ambas expresiones son prcticamente equivalentes. No hay ninguna diferenciaentre decir, por ejemplo:

    We arrived home at 8 pm.

    We got home at 8 pm.

    Ambas siginifican "llegamos a casa a la 8 de la tarde", si bien "arrive" es un verboun poco ms formal. Esto no significa que utilizar "get" sea vulgar ni mucho menos.Es, sencillamente, ms coloquial y por ello, un poco ms utilizado.

    Sin embargo, tambin es cierto que, cuando utilizamos "get", es necesario indicarel lugar al que llegamos, cosa que no sucede con "arrive".

    En los ejemplos anteriores no hay diferencia, dado que hemos especificado a

    dnde llegamos (a casa). Sin embargo, si quisisemos decir algo como:
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    "Deberan haber llegado hace una hora"(no estamos especificando a dndedeberan haber llegado), diramos:

    They should have arrived an hour ago , pero no

    They should have got an hour ago

    Para que la segunda oracin fuese correcta, deberamos aadir el lugar y deciralgo como:

    They should have got here an hour ago - Deberan haber llegado aquhace unahora

    They should have got home an hour ago - Deberan haber llegado a casahaceuna hora.

    Another - Other - Others (diferencias)


    Mis dudas son sobre todo respecto a el uso de "the other" & "the others".

    Realmente no s cundo usar uno y el otroViendo las oraciones fcilmente loveo, pero en los ejercicios me ha costado un poco captar cmo diferenciarlos. Hebuscado informacin y creo que me he confundido ms.

    Necesito una explicacin terica que me ayude a poder diferenciarlos bien yrealizar los ejercicios sin titubear. Aqu dejo algunos ejemplos donde no s culcolocar. Muchas gracias!

    *Some lenguages are easy to learn; "others" are hard.

    *I'd like to go your party tonight, but i have "other" things to do.

    *Dr. Alber teaches chemistry. He teaches "others" subjects too.

    *some people smoke cigarettes; "the others" smoke cigars.

    *six students are absent today, but "the others" are here.

    *Some of de exercises in our english book are easy, but some of "the others" arevery hard.


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    Responde nuestro colaborador, Alberto Lamela.

    *Some lenguages are easy to learn; "others" are hard. Oracin correcta. Othersfunciona como pronombre en plural sustituyendo a "some languages".

    *I'd like to go your party tonight, but i have "other" things to do. Correcto. En estecaso "other" funciona como adjetivo plural que acompaa al sustantivo "things"

    *Dr. Alber teaches chemistry. He teaches "others" subjects too. Incorrecto. En estecaso deberas usar "other" porque funciona como un adjetivo plural que acompaaa "subjects" y "other" es la forma del plural (ver cuadro).

    *some people smoke cigarettes; "the others" smoke cigars. Correcto. En este casofunciona como pronombre plural.

    *six students are absent today, but "the others" are here. Correcto. Funciona comopronombre sustituyendo a students.

    *Some of de exercises in our english book are easy, but some of "the others" are

    very hard. Correcto. Funciona como pronombre plural.

    En fin, tienes que saber cul es la funcin que desempea. Si acompaa a unsustantivo ser un adjetivo y si va slo funcionar como un pronombre, es decir,sustituye a un sustantivo que podr ser singular o plural.

    Remember - Forget en infinitivo o con ing


    Hola a todos:

    Supongo que alguno de los foreros conoce el caso de que los verbos Remember yForget van seguidos de una forma en infinitivo o con -ing segn lo que quierasdecir (al igual que con otros como try o mean)...
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    El caso es que con estos dos tengo un lo tremendo y por eso pido ayuda paraaclarar la cuestin.



    Veamos las reglas:


    Utilizamos la forma -ING cuando nos referimos a acciones realizadas en elpasado.

    -I remember running very fast. Recuerdo haber corrido muy rpido.

    Nota: Fjate como en este caso "remember" puede ser traducido por"recuerdohaber".

    Veamos ms ejemplos:

    - Do you remember running through the sprinklers that night? Recuerdas habercorrido a travs de los aspersores esa noche?

    - She remembered doing her homework late at night. Ella record haberhechosus deberes tarde por la noche.

    Has visto lo que he hecho? He puesto el verbo "remember" en pasado"remembered" y agregado "doing her homework" (haciendo sus deberes,literalmente). Parece una frase sacada de una narracin no?

    Utilizamos el INFINITIVO cuando nos referimos a acciones pendientes derealizar.

    -I must remember to run every day.Debo acordarme que tengo que correr todoslos das.

    Nota: En este caso el significado de "remember" es algo as como "a ver si meacuerdo"

    Ms ejemplos:

    Let's see if she remembers to do her homework. Veamos si se acuerda de sacarla basura.

    Te has fijado lo que he hecho? He puesto "remember" en tercera personaagregando una "s al final y despus he aadido: "to do". En este caso, se supone

    que esta chica no ha hecho todava sus deberes y, por tanto, digo "A ver si seacuerda", por tanto, la accin est todava pendiente.

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    Aqu os dejo ms teora y unos ejercicios.



    Utilizamos la forma -ING cuando nos referimos acciones realizadas en elpasado.

    -I'll neverforget working with you.Nunca olvidar haber trabajado contigo.

    Nota: En este caso el significado de "forget" es "nunca olvidar haber...(lo quesea)" Fjate que la frase tiene tintes narrativos. La podramos escribir en una carta.Fjate adems como va en futuro.

    Ms ejemplos:

    - She'll neverforget walking on the beach. Ella nunca olvidar haber caminadopor la playa.

    Utilizamos el INFINITIVO cuando nos referimos a acciones pendientes.

    -I always forget to take the garbage out.Siempre me olvido de sacar la basura.

    Nota: Te has fijado? la accin de "sacar la basura" est pendiente de serrealizada, por tanto, pongo "forget to take ..." La traduccin al espaol suele ser

    en presente: "No debes olvidarte". "No te olvides". "Ella no debe olvidarse."

    Ms ejemplos:

    - They shouldn't forget to send us a letter. Ellos no deberan olvidarse deenviarnos una carta.

    Nota: Todava no nos han enviado una carta, por tanto, no deberan olvidarse dehacerlo.

    Ways of looking
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    En este post, vamos a echar un vistazo a una variedad de verbos que sonparecidos entre s y que se pueden traducircomo ver o mirar pero que tienenusos y significados diferentes aunque muy sutilmente.


    1.1 To see

    Traduccin: ver

    Puedo ver el mar- I can see the sea.

    No veo ninguna diferencia entre lo que dices t y lo que dice l - I dont see anydifference between what you say and what he says.

    No vi a mis primos durante la Navidad porque estaban de vacaciones en elextranjero - I didnt see my cousins over Christmas because they were on holidayabroad.

    1.2 To watch

    Traduccin: ver o mirar (con concentracin o con atencin), observar

    La clave del verbo to watch es que implica con concentracin o con atencin.

    Me gusta ver la televisin por la noche para desconectar del trabajo - I likewatching (the) television at night to disconnect from work.

    Vimos la obra de teatro asombrados por las actuaciones de los actores principales- We watched the play amazed by the performances of the leading actors.

    Ved el vdeo y decidme lo que pensis - Watch the video and tell me what you
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    1.3 To look (at)

    Traduccin: mirarDefinicin: echar una mirada

    El significado del verbo to look cambia en funcin de la preposicin que se utilicecon l. Aqu vamos a fijarnos en el que se utiliza habitualmente para mirar tolook (at)

    No me mires as! - Dont look at me like that!

    Puedes mirar este informe y decirme lo que piensas?- Can you look at this reportand tell me whatyou think?

    Mir hacia atrs pero no vi a nadie - I looked behind but I didnt see anybody.

    Y para entender la diferencia entre estos tres verbos, utilizaremos en tres ejemplosla televisin.

    Ayer vi la televisin que han comprado; es muy grande! - Yesterday I saw thetelevision that theyve bought;its very big!

    Ayer vi la televisin; echaban una pelcula que me gusta mucho - Yesterday Iwatched (the) television; they were showing a film that I like a lot.

    Ayer mir la televisin pero no pude averiguar por qu no funciona - Yesterday Ilooked at the television but I couldnt work out why it doesnt work.


    2.1 To glimpse

    Traduccin: alcanzar a ver, vislumbrar

    Definicin: ver brevemente o parcialmente

    Vislumbr la ardilla corriendo a travs de los arbustos - I glimpsed the squirrelrunning through the bushes.

    Alcanzamos a ver a David Beckham por la ventanilla de su coche cuando sali atoda velocidad del estadio - We glimpsed David Beckham through the Windows ofhis car when he sped off from the stadium.

    Muchas veces tambin se puede decir to catch a glimpse of en lugar de toglimpse, por ejemplo:

    I caught a glimpse of the squirrel running through the bushes.

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    We caught a glimpse of David Beckham through the window of his car when hesped off from the stadium.

    Los verbos siguientes son versiones ms descriptivas de to look (at) as que la

    traduccin bsica de todos es mirar. Sin embargo, intentaremos definir cada unoy explicar la diferencia entre ellos.

    2.2 To glance (at)

    Traduccin: mirar (brevemente)

    Definicin: echar una mirada a algo muy brevemente o con prisa.

    l mir (brevemente) su reloj y se dio cuenta de que iba tarde - He glanced at hiswatch and realised that he was running late.

    El hombre se fij en que la mujer atractiva en la barra le miraba de vez en cuando -The man noticed that the attractive woman at the bar was glancing at him from timeto time.

    2.3 To gaze (at)

    Traduccin: mirar (larga y fijamente)

    Definicin: mirar, en el sentido de contemplar, algo distante

    Sentada en la playa, mir la puesta del sol deseando que sus vacaciones nuncaacabaran - Sitting on the beach, she gazed at the sunset wishing that her holidaywould never end.

    Los dos amantes se miraban a los ojos como si pudieran ver el alma del otro - Thetwo lovers gazed into each others eyes as if they could see each others soul.

    2.4 To stare (at)

    Traduccin: mirar (fijamente), quedarse mirando, clavarle los ojos, tener los ojosclavados en, mirar con indiscrecin

    Definicin: mirar algo o a alguien, normalmente con los ojos bien abiertos

    l mir el cuadro durante una eternidad - He stared at the painting for ages.

    No te quedes mirndole as! Es maleducado! - Dont stare at him like that! Itsrude

    2.5 To glare (at)

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    Traduccin: mirar enfurecido (a)

    Definicin: fulminar a alguien con la mirada

    El futbolista mir enfurecido al entrenador despus de ser sustituido - The

    footballer glared at the manager after being substituted.l mir enfurecido a su hermana cuando meti la pata en cuanto a la sorpresapara sus padres - He glared at his sister when she put her foot in it regarding thesurprise for their parents.

    2.6 To peep (at)

    Traduccin: mirar (a hurtadillas)

    Definicin: mirar rpido y furtivamente

    A algunos nios les gusta mirar sus regalos antes de la Navidad y los buscan portoda la casa - Some children like to peep at their presents before Christmas andthey look for them throughout the house.

    Mi vecino es muy entrometido; siempre mira a cualquiera que viene a mi casadesde detrs de sus cortinas - My neighbour is very nosey; he always peeps atwhoever comes to my house from behind his curtains.

    2.7 To peer (at)

    Traduccin: mirar

    Definicin: mirar detenidamente, curiosamente o con ojos de miope

    Ella abri cuidadosamente la puerta y mir detenidamente a sus hijos mientrasdorman - She opened the door carefully and peered at her children while theyslept.

    l mir en la oscuridad con ojos de miope intentando atisbar las formas delante del - He peered through the darkness trying to make out the shapes in front of him.

    Si lees novelas en ingls, seguro que encontrars estos ltimos siete verbosporque se usan para describir mejor, para dar ms vida a la manera de mirar y silos puedes incorporar en tu discurso, tambin mejorars tu expresin.

    Maneras de decir en ingls "caer" eningls: fall, drop, slip down, come off,

    come down
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    She fell over the wall.

    Te haces un lo cuando intentas decir "caer" o "caerse" en ingls?

    No es extrao porque, como suele ocurrir, en ingls hay varios verbos para decir"caer", y en espaol solo uno.

    En ingls se distingue entre:

    Fall /fol/

    Se conjuga

    fall/fol/ fell/fel/ fallen/folen/

    CaerSIN la accin externa de alguien.

    Por ejemplo:

    The apple fell on his head.

    La manzana cay sobre su cabeza.

    La manzana como puedes ver cae sola, sin la ayuda de nadie.

    Ms ejemplos:

    The leaves are falling.

    Las hojas se estn cayendo.

    Un problema aadido con el verbo "fall" (sin la ayuda externa de nadie) es que va

    seguido de distintas preposiciones que nos indican la direccin desde donde cae elobjeto o persona.
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    "Fall" y sus posibles preposiciones

    Fall down = caerse (para abajo)

    Ejemplo: She fell down the stairs. Se cay por las escaleras.

    Fall off= caerse desprendindose.

    Ejemplo: The branch fell off the tree. La rama se cay (desprendi) del rbol.

    Ejemplo: He fell offhis bike. Se cay de la bicicleta.

    Fall into = caerse dentro de algo

    Ejemplo: He fell into the water. l se cay al agua.

    Fall over= caerse por haber tropezado con algo.

    Ejemplo: She fell overthe dog. l se cayporque se tropez con el perro.

    Fall out = caer hacia afuera (por ejemplo una ventana)

    Ejemplo: The flower pot fell out the window. La maceta se caypor la ventana.

    Tambin se utiliza para "caerse los dientes".

    Por ejemplo:

    Her teeth are falling out. Se le estn cayendolos dientes.

    Fall on =caerse sobre algo

    Ejemplo: The shoe fell on me. El zapato cay sobre m.

    DropSe conjuga "dropped" (pasado y participio)

    CaerCON la ayuda externa de alguien. Dejar caer.

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    He dropped his keys. Se le cayeronlas llaves.

    Ms ejemplos:

    Where did he drop his wallet? Dnde se le cay la cartera?

    Tambin este verbo se utiliza para decir"caerse muerto".

    He dropped dead after they shot him. Se cay muertodespus de que ledispararon.

    Slip DownCaerse una prenda de vestir o tela

    His trousers slipped down.Se le cayeronlos pantalones.

    En este caso, observa que el sujeto no es "l/he" sino "his trousers/suspantalones".

    Come offDesprenderse un objeto de otro. Es equivalente a "fall off"

    Por ejemplo:

    The button came off/fell offmy shirt. Se me cay el botn de la camisa.

    Come down

    Derribarse, caerse hacia abajo un objeto.
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    Por ejemplo:

    The shelfcame down because it had too many books. La estantera secayporque tena demasiados libros.

    Para recordar:Fall = caer SIN ayuda externa de nadie. He fell down.l se cay.Drop = caer CON la ayuda externa de alguien. He dropped his keys. Se lecayeronlas llaves.Slip down = Caerse una prenda de vestir. His trousers slipped down. Se lecayeronlos pantalones.Come off= Desprenderse un objeto de otro. The buttons came offhis shirt. Se lecayeronlos botones de su camisa.Come down = caerse, derrumbarse un objeto. The whole building came down.Secay todo el edificio.

    For Good - Forever (diferencias)


    I'm very pleased to contact with you again.

    I would like to ask you about the difference between "for good" and "forever", forinstance, in the following sentences I have read:

    -I've left her for good-I'll love you forever

    Greetings to all and especially for Mnica



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    Responde nuestro colaborador, Gareth Jones.

    Hola Carlos, muchas gracias por la pregunta.

    Las expresiones for good y forever pueden dar lugar a confusin ya que setraducen las dos como para siempre entonces hay que definir un poco mejorcada una.

    For good para siempre, definitivamente, permanentemente

    Forever para siempre, eternamente

    Ampliemos un poco la explicacin de cada una tambin:

    For good se suele utilizar cuando se refiere a algo que ha estado pasando hastaahora, o hasta un momento dado en el pasado, y a partir de ese momento dejarde pasar.

    Forever se suele utilizar con algo que seguir pasando desde el momento dadohacia adelante hasta el final del tiempo as que se usa mucho con el verbo auxiliarwill.

    Y los dos ejemplos que nos has aportado sirven muy bien para reforzar estaexplicacin:

    Ive left her for good - La he dejado para siempre. / La he dejado definitivamente

    Hasta ahora he estado saliendo o viviendo con ella pero a partir del momento enque la dej, eso dejar de pasar, es decir que la relacin no seguir nunca ms.

    Ill love you forever- Te querr / amar para siempre. / Te querr / amareternamente.

    Ya te quiero y seguir querindote (hasta que muera).

    Otros ejemplos:


    His serious injury ended his footballcareer for good - Su grave lesin acabcon su carrerafutbolstica para siempre / definitivamente.

    He repaired the printer numerous times but finally, it stopped working forgood and he had to buy a new one -Arregl la impresora numerosas vecespero,finalmente, dej de funcionar para siempre / definitivamente y tuvo que

    comprar una nueva

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    After many years travelling around the world, the prodigal son returned homefor good - Despus de muchos aos viajando por el mundo el hijo prdigo volvi acasa para siempre / definitivamente.(Aqu es su viaje lo que no seguir nunca ms)


    The Beatles song Let it be will stay in my heart forever.- La cancin de losBeatles Let it be se quedar en mi corazn para siempre / eternamente.

    Nothing lasts forever - Nada dura para siempre / eternamente.

    Who wants to live forever? - Quin quiere vivir para siempre / eternamente?


    Like= 'similar to', 'the same as'. Note that you cannotuse as in this way:

    What a beautiful house! It's like a palace. (not 'as a palace')

    'What does Sandra do?' 'She's a teacher, like me.' (not 'as me')

    Be careful! The floor has been polished. It's like walking on ice. (not 'as walking')

    In these sentences, like is a preposition. So it is followed by a noun (like a palace), a pronoun (like me/

    like this) or -ing (like walking)

    You can also say 'like (somebody/ something) doing something':

    'What's that noise?' 'It sounds like a baby crying.'

    Sometimes like= 'for example':

    Some sports, like motor racing, can be dangerous.

    You can also use such as(=for example):

    Some sports, such as motor racing, can be dangerous.

    We use as (not 'like') before a subject+verb:

    I didn't move anything. I left everything as I found it.

    They did as they promised. (=They did what they promised)

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    Compare like and as in these sentences:

    You should have done it like this. (like+pronoun)

    You should have done it as I showed you. (as+subject+verb)

    We also say as you know/ as I said/ as she expected/ as I thought etc.:

    As you know, it's Tom's birthday next week. (=you know this already)

    Jane failed her driving test, as she expected. (=she expected this before)

    Note that we say as usual/ as always:

    You're late as usual.

    As (preposition)='in the position of', 'in the form of' etc.:

    A few years ago I worked as a bus driver. (not 'like a bus driver')

    We've got a garage but we haven't got a car, so we use the garage as a workshop.

    Many English words (for example, 'work' and 'rain') can be used as verbs or nouns.

    London is all right as a place to visit, but I wouldn't like to live there.

    The news of her death came as a great shock.

    We say

    I regard her as my best friend.

    To Do

    to do a favour to do a project to do a test to do an assignment to do an exam to do badly to do business to do damage to do exercise to do good to do harm to do homework to do housework to do nothing to do research to do something to do some letter-writing

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    to do some reading to do some studying to do some writing to do the accounts to do the cleaning

    to do the dishes to do the ironing to do the laundry to do the math to do the maximum to do the minimum to do the paperwork to do the shopping to do the vacuuming to do time to do work to do your best to do your duty to do your hair to do your nails to do your job to do your makeup to do 50 miles per hour

    To Make

    to make a booking to make a bundle to make a call to make a cake to make a choice to make a comment to make a complaint to make a compromise to make a deal to make a decision to make a difference to make a fire to make a fool of yourself to make a fortune to make a fuss to make a habit to make a move to make a phone call to make a point to make a presentation to make a profit to make a promise to make a remark to make a reservation to make a sales call to make a sound to make a speech to make a suggestion to make a threat

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    to make a visit to make amends to make an appearance to make an appointment to make an attempt

    to make an enquiry to make an exception to make an excuse to make an offer to make arrangements to make believe to make friends to make fun to make changes to make corrections to make do to make love to make money to make noise to make peace to make plans to make a profit to make progress to make sense to make someone angry to make someone happy to make (someone) mad To make someone sad to make someones day to make sure to make time to make trouble to make dinner to make lunch to make breakfast to make a snack to make tea / coffee to make a mess to make a mistake to make the bed to make time to make war


    Eventually: in the end,especiallyafter alongtimeor a lot ofeffort,problems,etc.:

    Althoughshe had beenillfor alongtime, it still came as ashockwhen she eventually


    It might take himagesbut he'll do it eventually.

    finally: usedespeciallyat thebeginningof asentencetointroducethe lastpointoridea:

    Finally, I'd like tothankeveryone for coming thisevening.
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    BLAST: to explode or destroy something or someone with explosives, or to break through or hit

    something with a similar, very strong force. Ex.: A tunnel was to be blasted through the


    BURST: to break open or apart suddenly, or to make something do this. Ex.: I hate it when

    balloons burst. (Burst se trata normalmente de una explosin menos fuerte, tpicamente algo

    muy hinchado que ya no puede contenerse y se rompe).


    DETONATE: to (cause something to) explode

    BREAK OUT: to begin suddenly. Ej.: estallar una Guerra

    Last or latest?Last and latest are both superlative forms of the word late, but they do not havethe same meaning:

    Lastmeans final. The Tempest was Shakespeares last play. (He didntwrite any other after that and, being long dead, he wont write any more).

    Latest means newest, most recent. Dan Browns latest novel is The LostSymbol. (Thats his newest novel, but not the last one, because he is aliveand kicking, so he can still write more and he will probably do so).

    Late also has two comparative forms: one is regular (later) and the other isirregular (latter). They cannot be used as synonyms either:

    Latermeans afterwards. It is widely used as a connector of time andsequence along with words like: then, next, after that, etc.

    Latterrefers to the second of two things or people mentioned: I love my twocousins, George and Don, but the latter is clearly my favourite. In thisexample, the latter refers to the second cousin mentioned: Don. If wewanted to refer to George, we would use the term former, which means thefirst of the above mentioned.

    The word late can be used as an adjective or an adverb:

    adjective: She got married in her late twenties. adverb: The birthday card arrived three days late.

    There is another adverb derived from late: lately, which means recently: I haventheard from Peter lately. (Note that this adverb is usually used with a perfect tense).
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    Another adverb related to late is lastly, which is used to introduce the last in a listof things.Ive got many things to do this weekend: first I'm going to thesupermarket, secondly to the zoo, and lastly to the cinema.
