Page 1: Duanesburg Freedom Nights: 2nd Amendment

Discussion of current and pending arms control legislation meant to Discussion of current and pending arms control legislation meant to Discussion of current and pending arms control legislation meant to Discussion of current and pending arms control legislation meant to strip Americans of their right to keep and bear armsstrip Americans of their right to keep and bear armsstrip Americans of their right to keep and bear armsstrip Americans of their right to keep and bear arms

Duanesburg Volunteer Ambulance Corps (DVAC) (Duanesburg VFW Building)

Route 7 Duanesburg, New York 1½ mi. west of intersection of Routes 20 & 7

(Corner of Route 7 & Cole Road)


“ Americans have the right and advantages of being

armed….unlike the citizens of the countries whose

governments are afraid to trust the people with arms “ James Madison, The Federalist Papers

The Right of the

people To keep and

Bear Arms

shall not be infringed

Featuring Special Guest Speaker

Paul A. Marsters, MSgt., USAF (Ret.)

• Founding Member of Oath Keepers • Firearms and safety instructor • Survival and rescue operations expert • Range Safety Officer

• National Rifle Association, Life Member • United States Air Force Veteran • Member of American Legion • Professional Law Enforcement Training

Also Featuring Glenn Maine, NYS President of Oath Keepers

Report on County Sheriff Departments reactions to N ew York State’s SAFE Act

“Liberal-Proofing Your Guns : Understanding Your Oa th”
