
DSRIP Meeting Agenda


Date & Time 8/18/17 @ 9:00 – 10:00AM Meeting Title IT – Clinical Operations Committee

Location NYP Milstein Heart Center Room 4

Facilitator Alvin Lin & Elaine Fleck

Go to Meeting

Conference Line Dial +1 (408) 650-3123 Access Code: 676-507-237


Chair: Elaine Fleck (NYP) Chair: Alvin Lin (NYC DOHMH PCIP/REACH)

Gil Kuperman (NYP) Terri Udolf (St. Christopher’s Inn)

Alissa Wassung (God’s Love We Deliver) Sandy Merlino (VNSNY)

Susan Wiviott (The Bridge) Amy Shah (NYC DOHMH)

David Chan (City Drug & Surgical) Maria Lizardo (Northern Manhattan Improvement Corp.)

Jean Marie Bradford, MD (NYPSI) Catherine Thurston (SPOP)

Genevieve Castillo (Methodist) Stuart Myer (VillageCare)

Dan Johansson (ACMH, Inc.) Renato Leonel (Isabella)

Julissa Nunez (VNSNY) Mitze Amoroso (ArchCare)

Theo Figurasin (NYSNA) Todd Rogow (Healthix)

Steven Lam (CBWCHC) Priscilla Pena (1199 SEIU)

Andres Pereira, MD Patricia Hernandez (NYP)

Nelson Mesa (NYP) Andrew Missel (NYP)

Isaac Kastenbaum (NYP) Rachel Naiukow (NYP)

Meeting Objectives Facilitator Time Start End

Welcome & Roll Call Alvin Lin 5 min 9:00 9:05

Vision for the Committee & Review Updated Performance Data Formats

Elaine Fleck, Alvin Lin

10 min 9:05 9:15

Adult Medicine Quality Improvement Population Line Presentation

Elaine Fleck 30 min 9:15 9:45

Workforce Training & Development

Proposed Training Evaluation Plan Rachel Niaukow 10 min 9:45 9:55

Next Steps Andrew Missel 5 min 9:55 10:00

Action Items

Description Owner Start Date Due Date Status

Present draft integrated committee charter Co-Leads /

Andrew Missel 4/21/17 TBD Not Started

Committee Outlook & ApproachIT/Clinical Operations

Governance Committee

August 18, 2017


Agenda for 8/18/2017

Meeting Objectives Facilitator Time Start EndWelcome & Roll Call Alvin Lin 5 min 9:00 9:05

Vision for the Committee & Review Updated Performance Data Formats

Elaine Fleck, Alvin Lin

10 min 9:05 9:15

Adult Medicine Quality Improvement Population Line Presentation

Elaine Fleck 30 min 9:15 9:45

Workforce Training & Development• Proposed Training Evaluation Plan

Rachel Niaukow 10 min 9:45 9:55

Next Steps Andrew Missel 5 min 9:55 10:00


Vision: Shift to Pay for Performance (P4P)

Through DSRIP, NYS has prioritized restructuring a healthcare delivery

system to reduce avoidable hospital use by 25% over 5 years. By

increasing quality of care and collaboration, the system can transform to

decrease avoidable costs.


DSRIP goals have shifted from infrastructure to driving performance

Pay for Reporting (P4R)

PPS can earn incentive payment for successfully reporting measures

to NYS DOH within the timeframes for each measurement year.

Pay for Performance (P4P)

PPS will receive achievement values for results that meet or exceed

the annual improvement target.


Catalyst for Change: Shift to Pay-for-Performance


Note: As part of a December 2015 waiver amendment request to the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, New York is seeking to slightly modify these percentages.

Source: New York State Department of Health, Attachment I—NY DSRIP Program Funding and Mechanics Protocol, April 2014.














DSRIP Year 1 DSRIP Year 2 DSRIP Year 3 DSRIP Year 4 DSRIP Year 5

Project progress milestones Pay-for-reporting Pay-for-performance

We are here

NYP PPS Approach to Supporting the Shift to P4P

Improved Integration

• NYP internal + committee integration

• NYP integration with community partners

Strategy & Data

• Population Lines

• Data


• Quality improvement

• Care coordination

• PPS-supported staff

Sustain the Effort

• Ongoing performance tracking



The approach has shifted to utilize infrastructure for optimal performance


Focusing on Data and Overview of Measures


Simplifying the data is key to reducing the noise and meeting performance goals

CategoryOn-Track to Meet

MY3 TargetMetric Name

Yes Adults w/ Preventive or Ambulatory Care Visit in Last Year - 65 and older

Yes Chlamydia Screening (16 - 24 Years)

No Adults w/ Preventive or Ambulatory Care Visit in Last Year - 20 to 44 years

No Adults w/ Preventive or Ambulatory Care Visit in Last Year - 45 to 64 years

No Cervical Cancer Screening

Yes Antidepressant Medication Management - Effective Acute Phase Treatment

Yes Antidepressant Medication Management - Effective Continuation Phase Treatment

Yes Diabetes Monitoring (Both LDL-C Test & HbA1c Test) for People with Diabetes and Schizophrenia

Yes Engagement of Alcohol and Other Drug Dependence Treatment (Initiation and 2 visits within 44 days)

Yes Follow-Up after Hospitalization for Mental Illness - Within 30 Days

Yes Follow-Up after Hospitalization for Mental Illness - Within 7 Days

Yes Follow-up care for Children Prescribed ADHD Medications - Continuation Phase*

Yes Follow-up care for Children Prescribed ADHD Medications - Initiation Phase

No Adherence to Antipsychotic Medications for People with Schizophrenia

No Cardiovascular Monitoring (LDL-C Test) for People with Cardiovascular Disease and Schizophrenia*

No Diabetes Screening for People with Schizophrenia or Bipolar Disease who are Using Antipsychotic Medication

No Initiation of Alcohol and Other Drug Dependence Treatment (1 visit within 14 days)

Yes Children w/ PCP Visit in the Last Year - 12 to 24 months

No Children w/ PCP Visit in the Last Year - 25 months to 6 years

No Children w/ PCP Visit in the Last Year (or Prior Year) - 12 to 19 years

No Children w/ PCP Visit in the Last Year (or Prior Year) - 7 to 11 years

Yes HIV/AIDS Comprehensive Care - Syphilis Screening

No HIV/AIDS Comprehensive Care - Engaged in Care

No HIV/AIDS Comprehensive Care - Viral Load Monitoring

Yes Potentially Avoidable Readmissions

Yes Potentially Preventable Admissions - Adults (PQI 90)

Yes Potentially Preventable Admissions - Children (PDI 90)

No Potentially Preventable Emergency Room Visits

No Potentially Preventable Emergency Room Visits (for Persons with BH Diagnosis)

Adult Preventive

Behavioral Health

Pediatric Preventive

Sexual Health



Potentially Preventable ED Visits for Patients with Behavioral Health Diagnoses (All Ages)


MetricUnit of

MeasurementMY3 Goal

CurrentPerformance(Dec. 2016)

Gap to CloseOn-Track to Meet MY3


Potentially Preventable ED Visits (Pts w/ Behavioral Health Diagnoses)

Rate per 100 People

3,022 visits (rate = 74.77)

3,628 visits(rate = 89.76)

606 visits (rate = 14.99)


Data are current as of: 12/31/2016.

Source: NYS (MAPP), accessed 08/09/2017.

PPS Hub # Pts in Denom.# Preventable

ED VisitsMeasure Result

ED Not In Network 1,746 1,648 94.39No MC PCP Assigned 976 1,107 113.42NYP West Campus 876 657 75.00NYP East Campus 176 124 70.45Charles B Wang CHC 143 12 8.39

Key Take-Aways:

1. To meet its annual target, NYP PPS must have prevented 606 unnecessary ED visits for

people with behavioral health diagnoses.

2. 43% (1,746/4,402) of people in this metric use EDs not associated with the NYP PPS

network, and an additional 24% (976/4,042) do not have a managed care assigned PCP.

Geographic Hot Spot in the Bronx: Potentially Preventable ED Visits for Patients with Behavioral Health Diagnoses (All Ages)


Data are current as of: 12/31/2016.

Source: NYS (MAPP), accessed 08/09/2017.

The 10451 zip code has the

highest concentration of NYP

PPS patients with BH

diagnoses with potentially

preventable ED visits.

Example: Drill Down on Individual Measures



77.6 77.23 77.73 77.9579.16


77.6 77.98

82.12 81.81








Jan '16 Feb '16 Mar '16 Apr '16 May '16 Jun '16 Jul '16 Aug '16 Sep '16 Oct '16 Nov '16 Dec '16


e o

f P



Month, YearMonthly Result Target

Performance on Potentially Preventable ED Visits for Patients with BH Diagnoses

Sources: NYS (MAPP), accessed 8/17/2017.

Adult Population Line to address why metric

performance has not improved and to guide strategy

to meet or exceed target.

Desired direction of change =

Governance Committee Role


Your ongoing participation is needed to achieve our performance goals

Improved Integration

Strategy & Data


Sustain the Effort


First 6 months

Over 2 ½ years

Last 6 months




e R


Provide feedback on


Define resources

needed from PPS

Iterative feedback

from the field




Discussion & Feedback

1. Any general feedback on shifting to the new phased approach?

2. How will data simplification enable you to drive success across



NYP PPS Workforce Development & Training Resources

Rachel Naiukow

Program Coordinator

Division of Community & Population Health

NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital


• Introduce new Workforce webpage

• Overview of new training resources and existing training

• Review opportunities for engagement and new training evaluation strategy

Workforce Webpage


• NYP PPS Training Center

• Other Training & Resources

• Job Board

• Workforce Strategy

• Training Request Form

Training Resources

• NYP PPS Training Center

• Course information on webpage

• Additional courses coming soon

Training Resources

• Other Training and Workforce Resources

• Center to Advance Palliative Care (CAPC) membership• FREE CMEs/CEUs!!!

• CAPC Designations

• And more…

• Quality Interactions Resource Center• Resource center

• Cross-Cultural Care course

• Training demos

Opportunities for engagement

• Training request form

• Open call for training and workforce resources to share

• Engaging collaborator leaders as trainers

• Training evaluations: 30-day post-training interviews

Training evaluations: 30-day post-training interviews

• Goals:• Meaningful, qualitative feedback

• Capturing impact on care delivery and/or operations

Previous Post-Training Survey Questions

• Did you find this webinar to be helpful and relevant to your current work?

• Did you gain or learn something that you could realistically utilize and implement in your current work?

• Please rate how likely you are to utilize the skills and techniques presented in the webinar in your daily work. (1-5)

• On a scale of 1 to 5, 5 being the being the highest and 1 being the lowest, how satisfied are you with this presentation?

• What topics would you like to see covered in future trainings?


• Does the timeframe make sense for follow up regarding “impact”?

• Are there any quantitative measures that can and should be collected in this engagement?

• Is this strategy reasonable to capture outcomes?

Thank you!

Rachel A. Naiukow

[email protected]

Mobile: 347-880-1707

Office: 646-317-2069
