  • DSP Notes: Sampling and Transforms Professor Fred DePiero, CalPoly State University

    Important Points on Sampling 1) The Sampling Theorem states that a signal can be sampled without loss of information, provided the sampling rate, Fs (Hz), is at or above the Nyquist rate

    Fs >= 2B where B is the bandwidth of the signal. 2) Sampling a signal x(t) changes its spectrum, X(F). The new spectrum contains multiple copies of the original version, X(F). See page 272 in the Proakis text. The copies of the original spectrum appear centered at multiples of Fs. This replication is due to the fact that sampling is equivalent to multiplication by an impulse train, d(t), having impulses separated by 1/Fs (sec). The spectrum of d(t) is another impulse train, D(F), with impulses separated by Fs (Hz). Hence the action of multiplying by d(t) in the time domain is equivalent to convolution with D(F). The convolution operation results in the spectral copies. 3) When a signal with an analog frequency F0 is digitized at a sample rate Fs < 2 F0, then aliasing occurs. In this case, the frequency of the digitized version of the signal is lower than the original analog version. For a signal with bandwidth B, as in (1) and (2) above, aliasing occurs when Fs < 2B and results in overlapping copies of X(F). Some systems use aliasing in a beneficial way. For example, a baseband signal can be recovered from a modulated signal through the process of downconversion, which can be implemented using aliasing. 4) The relationship between the normalized frequency of a digitized signal, w0 (radians / sample), and the original analog frequency, F0 (Hz), is

    w0 = 2 pi F0 / Fs This relation is true, irrespective of any aliasing. An example of a discrete signal at this frequency is x(n) = cos(w0 n). The samples of x(n) occur at times t = n dT = n / Fs, dT is the sample spacing (sec). 5) For a given sampling frequency, Fs, the highest frequency analog signal that can be digitized without aliasing is at

    F0 = Fs / 2 = Fd (Hz) w0 = pi (radians / sample) Analog signals at higher frequencies cant be appreciated as such in the discrete domain. When dealing with discrete signals, the most useful range of the frequency axis is

    -Fs / 2

  • 1) Discrete-Time Fourier Transform (DTFT) yields the spectrum X(w) of a discrete time signal, x(n). X(w) is periodic with period = 2 pi and the units of w are radians / sample. Typically the range of: -pi
  • 5) The spectral leakage associated with a finite version of an infinite duration signal will always be apparent in X(w), as found via the DTFT. Because the DFT operates on versions of signals having finite duration, it naturally causes spectral leakage to occur. However, spectral leakage may not be evident due to the discrete sampling introduced by X(k). It will not be evident if, for example, (a) the signal is a single harmonic at F0 where F0 is an integer multiple of dF, and (b), if the spacing between the zeros of the sinc function (associated with spectral leakage) exactly equals the spectral spacing. If there is no zero padding of the signal then conditions (a) and (b) amount to the requirement that

    F0 N / Fs = c

    where c is any integer. So to determine if spectral leakage will not be observed, compute c, as above. If c is an integer then leakage will not be observed - regardless of the duration of the signal, N. 6) Zero padding is the process of concatenating zeros to the end of a signal. This operation may be performed on any signal, x(n), prior to computing its transform with a DFT. Zero padding will cause X(k) to approach X(w). Zero padding helps to reveal spectral leakage effects. 7) Zero padding has additional uses. In order to derive the DFT it was necessary to make the assumption that x(n) is periodic outside the interval of [0, N-1]. This has an important implication when evaluating a time-domain convolution x(n)*y(n) by a frequency-domain multiplication of the spectrums X(k) Y(k), as computed via the DFT. The point of concern arises because the frequency-domain multiplication corresponds to convolution of periodic versions of x(n) and y(n). This operation is referred to as periodic convolution. In general x(n) and y(n) are not periodic in N. In these cases a technique is needed to yield the same result as linear convolution would, when evaluated in the time-domain. If x(n) has length L and y(n) has length M, then a linear convolution can be achieved by first zero padding x(n) and y(n) to a length N:

    N = L + M - 1.
