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    Comparative Political Studies

    DOI: 10.1177/00104140093321297, 2009;

    2009; 42; 1379 originally published online AprComparative Political StudiesJohn S. Dryzek

    Democratization as Deliberative Capacity Building

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    by Pamela Cceres on October 9, 2009http://cps.sagepub.comDownloaded from
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    Comparative Political Studies

    Volum 42 Numbr 11

    Novmbr 2009 1379-1402

    2009 Sage Publictions


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    Authors Note: Vrsions of this rticl wr prsntd t th 2008 Noy Univrsity

    Confrnc on Constructivist Politicl Thory, Jpn, th 2008 confrnc on Unity ndDivrsity in Dlibrtiv Dmocrcy t th Univrsity of Brn, Switzrlnd, nd th 2008

    confrnc of th amricn Politicl Scinc assocition. For commnts, I thnk Robrt

    goodin, Bon H, Richrd Muln, Vivin Schmidt, Dnnis Thompson, Shiki Uno, nd

    Mrk Wrrn. This rsrch ws supportd by austrlin Rsrch Council grnt No.


    Democratization asDeliberative CapacityBuildingJohn S. DryzkAustralian National University, Canberra, Australia

    effctiv dlibrtion is cntrl to dmocrcy nd so should ntr ny dfinition

    of dmocrtiztion. Howvr, th dlibrtiv spct now ubiquitous in th th-

    ory, prctic, nd promotion of dmocrcy is nrlly missin in comprtiv

    studis of dmocrtiztion. Dlibrtion cpcity cn b distributd in vribl

    wys in th dlibrtiv systms of stts nd othr politis. a frmwork is

    dscribd for loctin nd nlyzin th contributions of its componnts nd so

    vlutin th dr to which politys dlibrtiv systm is uthntic, inclu-

    siv, nd consquntil. an mphsis on dlibrtion rvls importnt dtrmi-

    nnts of dmocrtic trnsition nd consolidtion, thrby providin substntil

    xplntory s wll s vlutiv nd normtiv purchs.

    Keywords: democratization; deliberative democracy; deliberative system;

    democracy promotion

    T h comprtiv study of dmocrtiztion hs missd wht, to mnynlysts nd dmocrtic innovtors, is th most importnt spct ofdmocrcy: dlibrtion. I outlin th id of dlibrtiv cpcity, pinpoint

    whr it should b souht, show how it cn b dployd in comprtiv

    mpiricl nlysis, numrt its impcts on dmocrtic trnsition nd

    consolidtion (whil rconizin th problmtic ntur of ths concpts),

    nd cnvss its dtrminnts.

    Most dmocrtiztion scholrs dfin dmocrcy in trms of lctorl

    comptition nd ffctiv constitutionl rspct for bsic civil librtis nd

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    1380 Comprtiv Politicl Studis

    humn rihts. In this liht, th first txonomic tsk is to cptur th dr

    to which () ostnsibly dmocrtic politicl systms fll short of librl

    lctorlist idls nd (b) ostnsibly uthoritrin rims miht mbodysom of thm; mny rim typs hv bn concptulizd (armony &

    Schmis, 2005; Collir & Lvitsky, 1997). On th lctorl or comptitiv

    sid, shortfll coms, for xmpl, whr mmbrs of on prty or

    ldrship roup ffctivly mnipult th systm so tht thy cnnot los,

    wht Crothrs (2002) clls dominnt-powr systms, prvsiv in post-

    Sovit countris, with aNC-domintd South afric. On th librl sid,

    Zkris illibrl dmocrcy (2003) nd ODonnlls dltiv dmocrcy

    (1994) ftur comptitiv lctions, but winnrs rul without nyconstitutionl chcks, ccountbility, nd rspct for th rihts of thir

    popl. Som scholrs prfr to cll such systms competitive

    authoritarianism (Lvitsky & Wy, 2002).

    This rticl dos not ru tht librl lctorl dfinitions of dmocrcy

    r wron (still lss try to t to rips with pprochs tht dploy ths

    dfinitions in ll thir vrity nd subtlty), just tht thy miss ky

    spctdlibrtion. This spct is ubiquitous in th thory, nlysis, nd

    prctic of dmocrcytht is, vrywhr xcpt comprtiv sttdmocrtiztion studis. Just s librl lctorl dmocrtiztion studis

    hv n pplid countrprt in dmocrcy promotion, by th U.S. ancy

    for Intrntionl Dvlopmnt nd othr public nd privt bodis, so dos

    dlibrtiv dmocrcy find ppliction in lobl movmnt to introduc

    dlibrtiv institutions into ovrnnc (gstil & Lvin, 2005). Dmocrcy

    promotrs hv discovrd dlibrtion nd finncd dlibrtiv xrciss

    in countris such s Chin. Dlibrtiv cpcity dos not hv to b souht

    in ny prticulr st of institutions (such s lctions), but it cn b

    mnifstd in diffrnt wys, in diffrnt systms.

    In dlibrtiv liht, th mor uthntic, inclusiv, nd consquntil

    politicl dlibrtion is, th mor dmocrtic politicl systm is. Politicl

    systms (includin stts) cn b rryd on continuum ccordin to th

    xtnt of thir dlibrtiv cpcity. at th ntiv nd li not just

    utocrcis but lso routinizd dministrtiv systms nd thos domintd

    by strtic mchintion or rmd conflict. This dos not mn tht

    dmocrcy is bout dlibrtion only; it is lso bout dcision, votin, th

    rul of lw, nd uncorrupt dministrtion, mon othr thins. Butdmocrcy cnnot do without dlibrtion. This rticl trts dlibrtion

    s bin cntrl to dmocrcy.

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    Dryzk / Dmocrtiztion s Dlibrtiv Cpcity Buildin 1381

    Deliberative Capacity

    Dlibrtion invoks tlk-cntric spct of dmocrcy (Chmbrs,

    2003, p. 308). as such, dmocrtic litimcy rsids in th riht, bility,

    nd opportunity of thos subjct to collctiv dcision to prticipt in

    dlibrtion bout th contnt of tht dcision (Bnhbib, 1996, p. 68;

    Cohn, 1989, p. 22). This rquirmnt pplis to ll prticipnts, b thy

    rprsnttivs, citizns, or ctivists; litimtion is scurd in thir

    intrction. In prticiptin in dlibrtion, individuls rflct on thir

    prfrncs nd should b opn to prfrnc chn. Dlibrtion itslf is

    kind of communiction. In som ccounts (.., Hbrms, 1996),rsond rumnt is privild, but dlibrtion cn b opn to vrity

    of forms of communiction, such s rhtoric, tstimony (th tllin of

    storis), nd humor. Rl-world politicl communiction nrlly mixs

    ths diffrnt forms, nd thos tht do not involv rumnt cn b

    ffctiv in inducin rflction. Howvr, som kinds of communiction,

    such s lis, thrts, nd commnds, r intrinsiclly ntidlibrtiv.

    Communictions r dlibrtiv to th dr tht thy r noncorciv,

    r cpbl of inducin rflction bout th prfrncs tht individulshold, nd bl to rlt th prticulr intrsts of individuls nd roups to

    mor univrsl principls (Dryzk, 2000, p. 68). gutmnn nd Thompson

    (1996) dfin th ky dlibrtiv virtu s rciprocitytht is, mkin

    rumnts in trms othrs cn ccpt. With rrd to communiction othr

    thn rumnt, this virtu cn b sttd s communictin in trms tht

    othrs cn ccpt. Rhtoric, for xmpl, cn b usd to inflm th

    pssions of ons rliious, thnic, or ntionl roup nd so mrit

    condmntion. But in contxt tht fturs myrid idntitis, rliions,thnicitis, nd ntionlitis, spkrs rhtoric cn try to ppl to th

    symbols vlud by ths roups to induc rflction on thir prt.

    Politicl systms r dlibrtivly undmocrtic to th xtnt tht thy

    minimiz opportunitis for individuls to rflct frly on thir politicl

    prfrncs. autocrcis my b intrstd in individuls prfrncs but

    only to convinc popl to ccpt th rims doctrin, bckd by thrt

    of corcion. If dmous ppl to thnic ntionlist vlus, thn th

    critrion of connction to mor univrsl principls is violtd. authoritrins

    miht ppl to nrl principls; for xmpl, th Sovit ldrship

    would justify its ctions in trms of Mrxist principls nrlizbl to

    humnity. Howvr, tht kind of justifiction cnnot rch thos who do not

    shr wll-dfind idoloicl frmwork, thus violtin rciprocity. Th

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    1382 Comprtiv Politicl Studis

    sm miht b sid of thos invokin conomic fficincy s nonnotibl

    principl for mrktizin ovrnmnt.

    applyin dlibrtiv principls to vlut instncs of communictiondos not utomticlly trnslt to concpt tht is usful in nlyzin nd

    vlutin whol rims or politicl systms. For tht w nd n ccount

    of dlibrtiv cpcity.

    Dlibrtiv cpcity my b dfind s th xtnt to which politicl

    systm posssss structurs to host dlibrtion tht is uthntic, inclusiv, nd

    consquntil. Pursuit of this cpcity dos not connot ny prticulr

    institutionl prscription (b it comptitiv lctions, constitution, or st of

    forums), but it my b scurd in connction with diffrnt sorts of institutionsnd prctics. authnticity cn b undrstood in liht of th tsts just introducd;

    tht is, dlibrtion must induc rflction noncorcivly, connct clims to

    mor nrl principls, nd xhibit rciprocity. Inclusivnss pplis to th

    rn of intrsts nd discourss prsnt in politicl sttin. Without

    inclusivnss, thr my b dlibrtion but not dlibrtiv dmocrcy. Mutz

    (2006) worris tht dlibrtion works inst inclusion bcus hrin th

    othr sid inducs popl to prticipt lss. But Mutz is rfrrin only to

    unstructurd tlk in vrydy lif, not dlibrtionstill lss, dlibrtion tidto prticulr loctions in politicl systm.

    Consequential mns tht dlibrtiv procsss must hv n impct on

    collctiv dcisions or socil outcoms. This impct nd not b dirct

    tht is, dlibrtion nd not involv th ctul mkin of policy dcisions.

    For xmpl, public dlibrtion miht hv n influnc on dcision

    mkrs who r not prticipnts in dlibrtion. This miht occur whn n

    informl dlibrtiv forum mks rcommndtions tht r subsquntly

    tkn into ccount by policy mkrs. Nor nd th outcoms in qustion b

    xplicit policy dcisions; thy miht, for xmpl, b informl products of

    ntwork, thus ntilin ovrnnc without ovrnmnt.

    a polity with hih dr of uthntic, inclusiv, nd consquntil

    dlibrtion will hv n ffctiv dlibrtiv systm. Bfor dscribin

    th concptully ncssry fturs of such systm, I numrt som

    politicl sits tht miht fd in to it.

    Where Can Deliberation Be Found?

    W cn bin with th cntrl institutions of stts, such s lislturs,

    cbints, constitutionl courts, nd corportist councils tht mpowr

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    Dryzk / Dmocrtiztion s Dlibrtiv Cpcity Buildin 1383

    rprsnttivs of lbor nd businss fdrtions nd ovrnmnt xcutivs.

    Rwls (1993, p. 231) blivs tht th U.S. Suprm Court is n xmplry

    dlibrtiv institution. Dsind forumssuch s citizns juris ndssmblis, dlibrtiv polls, consnsus confrncs, stkholdr dilous

    cn lso contribut, nd ths hv pprd in dvlopin countris so r

    not just n ttribut of dvlopd librl dmocrcis. For xmpl,

    widly prisd nd occsionlly copid dlibrtiv pproch to prticiptory

    civic budtin hs bn dvlopd in Brzil, notbly in Porto alr

    (Fun, 2003, pp. 360-362).

    Bnhbib (1996) nd Hbrms (1996) strss th informl public sphr,

    whr dlibrtion nrts public opinion, which thn ouht to influncdlibrtion in th lisltur. Th public sphr my ply n spcilly

    importnt rol in countris whr forml lisltiv dlibrtion is wk or

    bsnt. For xmpl, Polnd in th rly 1980s fturd no lisltur with

    ny dlibrtiv cpcity. But th country did hv flourishin public

    sphr ssocitd with th Solidrity movmnt, in which dlibrtion ws

    prcticd nd dlibrtiv cpcity built. ekirt nd Kubik (1999) ru

    tht vn ftr 1989, th public sphr in Polnd ws kind of rmdil sit

    tht compnstd for dlibrtiv filur in stt institutions. But th publicsphr in ny dmocrcy is whr prspctivs nd ids r nrtd,

    policy dcisions r qustiond, nd citizn comptncs r dvlopd.

    Diffrnt sits cn contribut to dlibrtiv cpcity in diffrnt

    proportions, in diffrnt socitis nd systms. W should not fixt on ny

    on institutionl contributor to this mix nd ssum tht it is the ky to

    dlibrtiv cpcity. For xmpl, w miht dismiss contmporry Chin

    s thorouhly lckin in dlibrtiv cpcity if w focus on cntrl stt

    institutions nd th public sphr, svrly circumscribd by controls ovr

    th mdi nd rstrictions on ssocition, dvoccy, nd xprssion. If

    Chin dos hv ny dlibrtiv cpcity, thn it miht b found in

    prticiptory innovtions t th locl lvl, dsind in prt to cop with th

    unwntd sid ffcts of rpid conomic rowth. Thos intrstd in th

    dmocrtiztion of Chin could look for wys of buildin up from this

    loclizd cpcity. Som ldrs of th Communist Prty hv smd

    rcptiv to such possibilitis. In 2005 Li Junru, vic prsidnt of th

    Cntrl Prty School, clld for th xpnsion of dlibrtiv dmocrcy in

    Chin (H & Lib, 2006, p. 8). Skptics cn point to locl ssmblis thtrmin controlld by prty officils, but css do xist whr forums hv

    ovrruld th dcisions of prty officils. Dlibrtiv dmocrtiztion

    nd not b top-down rform of cntrl stt institutions.

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    1384 Comprtiv Politicl Studis

    Dlibrtiv cpcity cn lso b souht in nontrditionl institutionl

    forms, such s ovrnnc ntworks (Srnsn & Torfin, 2006). Ntworks

    trnscnd forml politicl institutions nd somtims cross stt boundris.Thy cn b md up of vrity of public nd privt ctors. Somtims

    thy r purly informl; somtims thir rol is vlidtd by ovrnmnts

    or introvrnmntl orniztions; somtims thy hv littl dlibrtiv

    cpcity. So lobl finncil ntworks, s dscribd by Cstlls (1996),

    work on th bsis of unrflctiv shrd commitmnt to mrkt-orintd

    nolibrlism. Howvr, th wbs of trnsntionl rultion dscribd by

    Brithwit nd Drhos (2000) involv nonovrnmntl orniztions,

    businsss, ctivists, publicists, nd ovrnmnt officils in rltionshipstht nd to dvlop dlibrtiv cpcitybcus intrctions bin with

    comptin undrstndins nd vlus, which nd to b bridd to crft

    ffctiv rultion in th bsnc of sovrin uthority. Whn ntworks

    trnscnd stt boundris, thy my still contribut to th dlibrtiv

    cpcity of stts. Considr, for xmpl, th trnsntionl ntwork tht

    monitors th socil nd coloicl crtifiction of forst products: It

    ctivly ns timbr producrs nd ovrnmnt officils in timbr

    xportrs such s Indonsi, throuh th Forst Stwrdship Councilschm, possibly contributin to th dlibrtiv cpcity of Indonsi.

    On on ccount, ovrnnc ntworks r incrsinly displcin th

    sovrin stt in th production of collctiv outcoms. Intrnlly, th

    stt is hollowd out (Rhods, 1994); xtrnlly, trnsntionl ntworks

    ovrshdow th stts dcisiv policy ctions. It is not ncssry to tk

    position on ths controvrsil propositions hr. It should simply b

    notd tht concptuliztion of dmocrtiztion s dlibrtiv cpcity

    cn b pplid to ovrnnc ntworks, whrs lctorl pprochs to

    dmocrtiztion cnnot. Ntworks do not hold lctions, nor do thy hv


    The Deliberative System

    anlysis of dmocrtiztion in trms of dlibrtiv cpcity buildin

    rquirs wy to ccount for th dr of compltnss of dlibrtiv

    systm, which for Mnsbrid (1999) rchs from vrydy tlk to rpr-snttiv lislturs. Hndriks (2006) xtnds this notion, showin how

    informl public sphrs cn b linkd to dlibrtion in mor forml

    ovrnmntl sttins, with crucil rol for dsind forums popultd by

    mix of public nd privt ctors. Prkinson (2006, pp. 166-173) shows how

    multipl ctors nd institutions (ctivists, xprts, burucrcy, dsind

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    Dryzk / Dmocrtiztion s Dlibrtiv Cpcity Buildin 1385

    forums, mdi, lisltur, rfrnd, nd ptitions) cn combin to nrt

    dlibrtiv litimtion in public policy. In this systm, diffrnt kinds of

    communiction miht b pproprit in diffrnt plcs: Prkinson thinks thtrhtoric hs plc in ctivists nd sttin but not lswhr

    (p. 172). Constitutionl courts, which could b sily ddd to Prkinsons

    schm, my ftur skillful ppliction of rumnt in public intrst trms to

    ll nd policy issusbut rrly do justics (t lst on th U.S. Suprm

    Court) ctully tlk to on nothr, still lss subjct thmslvs to public

    ccountbility. This sort of schm cn ccommodt th prdox tht ffctiv

    dlibrtion somtims bnfits from momnts of scrcy, llowin rpr-

    snttivs to try to undrstnd on nothr without immditly bin pulldbck by skpticl constitunts (Chmbrs, 2004). Publicity cn ntr ltr or

    lswhr in th dlibrtiv systm.

    Th dlibrtiv systms sktchd by Mnsbrid, Hndriks, nd Prkinson

    r too tid to th institutionl dtils of dvlopd librl dmocrcis to b

    pplicbl in th comprtiv study of dmocrtiztion. W cn imin dlib-

    rtiv systms without, sy, lisltur, or intrnlly dlibrtiv politicl

    prtis, or dsind forums, or lctions. a mor nrl schm for dlib-

    rtiv systm would b composd of th followin lmnts:

    Public space: dlibrtiv spc (or spcs) with fw rstrictions on who cn

    prticipt nd with fw ll rstrictions on wht prticipnts cn sy,

    thrby fturin divrsity of viwpoints. Such spcs my b found in

    connction with th mdi, socil movmnts, ctivist ssocitions, physicl

    loctions whr popl cn thr nd tlk (cfs, clssrooms, brs, public

    squrs), th Intrnt, public hrins, nd dsind citizn-bsd forums of

    vrious sorts (which rstrict on th bsis of numbrs but not on th kinds of

    prsons who cn dlibrt).Empowered space: dlibrtiv spc for ctors, rconizbly prt of institu-

    tions producin collctiv dcisions. Such spc miht b hom to or

    constitutd by lisltur, corportist council, sctorl committs in

    corportist systm, cbint, constitutionl court, or n mpowrd stk-

    holdr dilou. Th institution nd not bformally mpowrd; s such,

    ntwork producin collctiv outcoms would constitut on such spc.

    Public spc nd mpowrd spc cn both b tstd for th dr to which

    thy r inclusiv of rlvnt intrsts nd voics.

    Transmission: som mns by which public spc cn influnc mpowrdspc. Ths mns miht involv politicl cmpins, th dploymnt of

    rhtoric, th mkin of rumnts, or culturl chn ffctd by socil

    movmnts tht com to prvd th undrstndins of formlly mpowrd

    ctors, or prsonl links btwn ctors in th two kinds of spcs. Th

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    1386 Comprtiv Politicl Studis

    rltionship btwn public spc nd mpowrd spc cn b criticl; it

    cn b supportiv; or it miht b both.

    Accountability: som mns whrby mpowrd spc is ccountbl to publicspc. Such ccountbility is ky to th nrtion of brod dlibrtiv

    litimcy for collctiv outcoms. Th lmnts mntiond undr empow-

    ered space miht lso ct s ccountbility mchnisms, s miht lction

    cmpins whr mpowrd politicins hv to justify thir positions to

    brodr public.

    Decisiveness: som mns whrby ths first four lmnts r consquntil

    in influncin th contnt of collctiv dcisions. For xmpl, undr

    empowered space, prlimnt my b flourishin dlibrtiv chmbr

    but hv no impct on th dcisions of prsidnt who ruls by dcr (thinkBoris Yltsin in Russi in th 1990s). Or ovrnmnt my ppr intrnlly

    dlibrtiv but hv its ky policy dcisions dicttd by intrntionl finn-

    cil institutions.

    Th kinds of communiction prsnt in th first four lmnts cn b

    mor or lss dlibrtiv, ccordin to th uthnticity critri introducd

    rlir. Stinr, Bchtir, Sprndli, nd Stnbrn (2004) hv dvl-

    opd n mpiricl msur of dlibrtiv uthnticity, in th form of

    discours qulity indx. applyin this indx involvs prsin th trnscript

    of dbt nd codin ch intrvntion on multipl critri. Th scors for

    ch contribution r summd nd vrd to iv msur of th qulity

    of th dbt s whol. Stinr t l. comprd similr typs of dbts in

    similr institutions of diffrnt countris, findin tht prsidntil, consn-

    sul, nd bicmrl fturs of stt institutions fcilitt qulity prli-

    mntry discours. To dt, th rsrchrs hv comprd only dvlopd

    librl dmocrcis, but it would b strihtforwrd mttr to xtnd thir

    nlysis to othr systms, in rsrch prorm on th institutionl dtr-minnts of dlibrtiv uthnticity. Howvr, systm fturin qulity

    lisltiv dlibrtion my concivbly hv poor dlibrtion whn it

    coms to othr prts of mpowrd spc or public spc. Idlly, w wnt

    to pply discours qulity indx to communiction in ll ths loctions.

    Th dlibrtiv systm s whol is diminishd by ny nondlibrtiv

    substitut for ny lmnt. For xmpl, trnsmission miht b scurd by

    thos in mpowrd spc frin th politicl instbility tht thos in public

    spc miht unlsh if thy r inord. This mns miht b th only onvilbl for locl dlibrtions in Chin to hv cumultiv impct on

    mpowrd spc (currntly nondlibrtiv) in modifyin Chins dvlop-

    mntl pth (H & Wrrn, 2008). Or ccountbility miht b souht in

    plbiscit with no opposition llowd to cmpin.

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    Dryzk / Dmocrtiztion s Dlibrtiv Cpcity Buildin 1387

    Dspit ths xmpls, no prticulr institution is rquird by ny of

    th lmnts of dlibrtiv systm. Thr r potntilly mny kinds of

    dlibrtiv systms, nd th kind tht w s in, sy, trnsntionlntwork will not rsmbl wht w s in n dvrsril anlo-amricn

    librl dmocrcy, which will not rsmbl wht w s in th europn

    Union, which will not rsmbl wht w s in mor consnsul

    Confucin stt.

    Prticulr dlibrtiv systms my hv pculir or uniqu fturs. In

    trnsntionl rultory ntworks, mpowrd spc my b cotrminous

    with public spcfor instnc, th contnt of forst crtifiction rultion

    is notitd in dilou ncompssin nonovrnmntl orniztions,timbr corportions, crtifirs, ovrnmnt officils, nd consumr rpr-

    snttivs. This dlibrtiv systm flls short on dcisivnss ivn th

    xtnt of timbr production not rultd by th ntwork. In th europn

    Union, th opn mthod of coordintion, linkin th europn Commission

    nd th policy dcisions of mmbr stts, is uniqu dlibrtiv form in

    mpowrd spc tht is dcisiv in producin collctiv outcoms (eriksn,

    Jors, & Nyr, 2003). In europn Union institutions mor nrlly,

    th norm is tht mmbr stt rprsnttivs hv to ru in trms ofshrd ll principls nd/or common intrst justifictions. Th union

    flls short on public spc, ivn th lck of europn public sphr, with

    nonovrnmntl orniztions, prtis, nd th mdi ll ornizd on

    ntionl bsis. accountbility is wk: europn lctions r fouht by

    ntionl prtis on ntionl issus, nd no ccountbility mchnism

    ffctivly substituts for lctions.

    a systm with hih dlibrtiv cpcity will ftur uthntic dlibrtion

    in th first four lmnts (public spc, mpowrd spc, trnsmission,

    ccountbility); it will b inclusiv in th first two; nd it will b dcisiv. Rl-

    world politicl systms will fll short to rtr or lssr drs, nd thy my

    concivbly miss on or mor lmnts ntirly. Ths fiv loicl rquirmnts

    constitut strtin point for th dscription nd vlution of ll rl-world

    dlibrtiv systms nd thir comprison cross spc nd tim. It is in this

    sns tht dlibrtiv cpcity buildin provids th bsis for comprhnsiv

    pproch to th study of dmocrtiztion.

    Dmocrtiztion rquirs th dvlopmnt of ll fiv lmnts, but it dos

    not ncssitt ny spcific institutions, b thy comptitiv lctions or constitutionl sprtion of powrs. Thus, som of th problms tht dmocrcy

    promotion hs whn tid to librl lctorl bluprint cn b voidd. as

    Crothrs (2002) points out, dmocrcy promotrs r oftn prplxd whn

    lmnts of th bluprint sm unttinbl (such s truly comptitiv lctions);

    thinkin in trms of dlibrtiv cpcity would iv promotrs mor options.

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    Dryzk / Dmocrtiztion s Dlibrtiv Cpcity Buildin 1389

    not sily stblishd or dvlopd in lctorl or constitutionl trms,

    bcus uthoritrin rims (by dfinition) lck fr nd fir lctions

    undr constitution. Ldrs with bckround in dlibrtiv publicspc r mor likly to s trnsition in trms of stblishin dmocrcy

    rthr thn puttin thmslvs in powr. Th public spc in qustion nd not

    involv lr numbrs of popl, s th 1989 xprinc of Czchoslovki

    shows. Dlibrtiv prticiption in oppositionl civil socity coms with

    slf-limitin oblition tht my b crrid into th trnsitionl crisis,

    which my xplin why fiurs with this bckround oftn subsquntly

    prov no mtch for strtic powr-skin politicins mor ruthlss in

    skin lctorl dvnt nd buildin colitions.Dlibrtiv cpcity undr uthoritrin rims my b found most

    strihtforwrdly in oppositionl public sphrs. But it is concivbl tht

    th old rim my dvlop som such cpcity; in which cs, thos

    schoold in it my b mor likly to tlk to, rthr thn rprss, opponnts

    s crisis looms. Dlibrtiv cpcity my lso dvlop within socity t

    distnc from stt powr, not clrly oppositionl but not prt of th

    dministrtiv structur. althouh prticipnts in such procsss r

    unlikly to ply prt in pk politicl vnts in trnsitionl crisis, thymy b mor likly to support nw dmocrtic rim. H nd Wrrn

    (2008) hv this hop for Chin.

    Dlibrtion my lso b found in th crisis itslf. at th pk lvl,

    dlibrtion cn com in notitions btwn old rim ldrs nd thir

    opponnts. It is possibl to nlyz such tlks in purly strtic trms, s

    positionl brinin in which uthoritrin ldrs iv up powr in rturn for

    urnts bout thir sttus in th nw ordr. Howvr, s elstr (1998, p. 105)

    points out, roundtbl tlks in Polnd nd spcilly Hunry in 1989 involvd

    dlibrtion s wll s brinin. Prticipnts md wrnins bout wht

    miht hppn (wrnins tht hd to b xplind nd justifid), not thrts

    bout wht thy could do to th othr sid. Thy rud in trms of th public

    intrst. Whil ruin in fvor of th public intrst could b sn s hypocrisy

    on th prt of old-rim prticipnts (s elstr points out), if public intrst

    justifictions wr trnsprntly dishonst, thn thy would prsud nobody

    nd thr would b no point in mkin thm. On indictor of dishonsty is

    prfct corrspondnc btwn ons intrst nd th lld public intrst;

    this mod of ruin forcs prticipnts to shift wy from pur slf-intrst.On elstrs ccount, thrts nd slf-intrstd rumnt would hv riskd

    brkdown of th tlks.

    Mor widsprd public dlibrtion my ntr th crisis, s with popl

    powr in th Philippins in 1986, th utumn of th popl in 1989 est

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    1390 Comprtiv Politicl Studis

    Cntrl europ, nd th color rvolutions in gori (2003) nd Ukrin

    (20042005). To th xtnt tht prticipnts in such movmnts bid by

    dlibrtiv prcpts of noncorciv communiction tht not only inducsrflction but conncts prticulr dmnds to nrl principls, prticipnts

    bcom morl forc for dmocrcy, rthr thn mob skin rvn

    inst opprssors. elit notitors fl this forc.

    Deliberation in Consolidation

    Dmocrtic consolidtion is concpt with multipl mnins. Schdlr(1998) rus tht w should rstrict th concpt to rim survivl,

    ntilin only voidnc of brkdown nd rosion of dmocrcy; tht is,

    w should not pply it to th buildin of dmocrcy: Th concpts of

    dmocrtic qulity nd dmocrtic dpnin r still unclr nd contro-

    vrsil such tht concptulizin consolidtion s dpnin mounts to

    fr-for-ll (p. 104). Howvr, t th cor of th id of dlibrtion is

    dvlopd notion of dmocrtic qulity such tht th rtr th dlibrtiv

    cpcity of systm, th hihr th qulity of its dmocrcy. Not only cn thdlibrtiv ffcts numrtd blow contribut to rim survivl, but thy

    cn lso incrs dmocrtic qulityspcificlly, mkin rims () mor

    litimt, (b) mor ffctiv in copin with divisions nd solvin socil

    problms, (c) bttr bl to solv th bsic problms of socil choic, nd

    (d) mor rflxiv in corrctin thir own dficincis.


    any nw rim is fcd with th chlln of scurin litimcy in th

    ys of its popl. Litimcy cn b chivd in mny wys, not ll of

    thm dmocrtic. But in dmocrcy, n spcilly scur bsis involvs

    rflctiv ccptnc of collctiv dcisions by ctors who hv hd

    chnc to prticipt in consquntil dlibrtion. This clim is t th

    hrt of dlibrtiv thory, which bn s n ccount of litimcy.

    empiricl study hs ld bhind, lthouh Prkinson (2006) shows how

    dlibrtiv litimcy cn b nrtd in dlibrtiv systm for hlth

    policy mkin vi multipl forums nd prctics. Dlibrtiv litimcycn ithr substitut for or supplmnt othr sourcs of litimcy, such s

    th consistncy of procss with constitutionl ruls or trditionl


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    Dryzk / Dmocrtiztion s Dlibrtiv Cpcity Buildin 1391

    Coping With Deep Division

    In mny socitis, dmocrtiztion is chllnd by dp division onthnic, rcil, ntionl, rliious, or linuistic lins. althouh numbr of

    solutions hv bn proposd to this problmnotbly, consocitionl

    powr shrin (Lijphrt, 1977)dlibrtion lso cn ply prt in hlin

    division. Whr this miht b ccomplishd, howvr, is n opn qustion.

    OFlynn (2006) sks mor dlibrtion linkd to consocitionl institutions.

    Dryzk (2005) strsss intrctiv forums composd of individuls from

    diffrnt blocks, t distnc from contsts bout th construction of

    sovrin uthority, concrnd mor with prticulr nds nd concrt

    problms. exmpls includ mixd-rc discussion roups in post-prthid

    South afric nd District Policin Prtnrships in Northrn Irlnd. a lr

    litrtur in conflict rsolution mphsizs th ffctivnss of dlibrtion

    mon ky prtis to disput, in producin durbl solutions to conflicts

    spcilly in mdition nd throuh consnsus-buildin xrciss (Susskind,

    McKrnn, & Thoms-Lrmr, 1999). Ths xrciss yild not consnsus

    intrprtd s univrsl rmnt on cours of ction nd th rsons for

    it but rthr n rmnt to which ll sids cn rflctivly ssntif for

    diffrnt rsons (includin fr of wht miht othrwis hppn). In thisliht, onistic critics of dlibrtion cross idntity diffrnc, such s

    Mouff (1999), who ll ddnin mphsis on consnsus miss th

    point. Morovr, thy provid no ltrntiv wy to rch collctiv

    dcisions in th mor pssiont ncountrs of onism.

    Dlibrtion cn hv socil lrnin spct tht hlps to dtrmin how

    diffrnt smnts liv tothr, without ncssrily bin vlidtd in xplicit

    policy dcisions. Knr (2005) shows tht in Turky, thr r substntil

    possibilitis for dlibrtiv lrnin cross Islmists nd sculr lft-librlstht cnnot sily b xprssd in public policy, bcus of th wy tht

    polriztion btwn militryntionlist Kmlists nd Islmists hs bn

    ntrnchd in lctorl politics. Such socil lrnin could nvrthlss hv

    consquncs for politicl rconfiurtion nd socil pc.

    Dlibrtions contribution to conflict rsolution coms with mutul

    rconition of th litimcy of disputd vlus nd idntitis (Dryzk &

    Nimyr, 2006, pp. 639-640). Th bsnc of such rconition mns tht

    politics bcoms, not contst in which som losss nd compromiss rccptbl, but rthr fiht to rdict th vlus of th othr sid. This

    bsnc dfins, for xmpl, rliious fundmntlisms tht cnnot tolrt

    wht thy s s sinful bhvior or hrsy in thir socitis. Nithr sid in

    such contst cn ccpt th possibility of vn tmporry dft, nd

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    1392 Comprtiv Politicl Studis

    collctiv outcoms will lck litimcy in th ys of whichvr sid such

    outcoms disdvnt. In contrst, functionin dmocrcis ftur

    substntil normtiv mt-consnsus on th litimcy of disputd vlus.Mt-consnsus hs forc in structurin intrdivisionl politicl intrction

    to th dr tht it is rflctivly ccptd by ky politicl ctors; for tht,

    dlibrtion is ndd.

    Tractability in Collective Choice

    Dlibrtion offrs on wyprhps th most ffctiv dmocrtic

    wyto displ th problms of instbility nd rbitrrinss tht somsocil choic thorists bliv ouht to plu dmocrcis, s clvr

    politicins wrk hvoc in thir strtic ms by introducin nw options

    nd nw dimnsions of choic. Such problms my b cut in nw

    dmocrcis, with unclr ruls nd contstd procdurl undrstndins.

    Rikr (1982) susts tht this to b th norml condition of dmocrtic

    politicstht is, not just in nw dmocrcis. For xmpl, h blms th

    outbrk of th U.S. Civil Wr on th mchintions of lctd politicins

    tkin dvnt of opportunitis to mnipult nds nd vots. Vn Mill(1996) rus tht th conditions of fr dlibrtion r xctly thos most

    likly to xcrbt th problms tht Rikr idntifis. Th puzzl thn bcoms

    why w obsrv so littl chos in stblishd librl dmocrcis (Mcki,

    2003). On nswr is tht mtur dmocrcis hv dvlopd mchnisms

    ndonous to dlibrtion tht cn structur intrction nd so ovrcom th

    dir prdictions of Rikrs thory (Dryzk & List, 2003). Dlibrtion cn

    produc rmnt on sinl dimnsion on which prfrncs r rryd,

    thus rulin out th introduction of othr dimnsions to confound collctiv

    choic on th prt of clvr strtists (Millr, 1992). It cn lso produc

    rmnt on th rn of ltrntivs considrd ccptbl. as arrows

    thorm (1963) implis, if dmocrtic procsss cnnot find wy to induc

    such rmnts, th min vilbl ltrntiv is dicttorship. To th xtnt

    tht nw dmocrcis dvlop dlibrtiv cpcity, thy bcom bl to cop

    with th dnrs idntifid by socil choic thory: rbitrrinss, instbility,

    civil conflict, nd lps into dicttorship. Votin in lctions nd in th

    lisltur cn thn procd without fr.

    Effectiveness in Solving Social Problems

    Dlibrtion is mns for joint rsolution of socil problms. Of

    cours, problms cn b rsolvd top-down, tchnocrticlly; or, thy cn

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    Dryzk / Dmocrtiztion s Dlibrtiv Cpcity Buildin 1393

    b lloctd to qusi-mrkt mchnisms. But lr public policy

    litrtur points to th ffctivnss of dlibrtion on th prt of thos

    concrnd with common problm in nrtin solutions tht r bothffctiv nd mutully ccptbl (s, .., Inns & Boohr, 2003)nd

    thn cn work whn top-down solutions r rsistd by thos whos

    intrsts nd rumnts r ovrriddn. This is not th plc to ssss th

    ffctivnss of dlibrtion in comprison with its ltrntivs in socil

    problm solvin. But s lon s som dr of plurlism is sn s bin

    instrumntl to ffctiv dcision mkintht is, considrin multipl

    prspctivs ( stpl of librl dmocrcy)dlibrtion cn hlp nrt

    mutul ccptnc of th crdibility of disputd blifs. Such mutulccptnc ouht to b promotd to th dr tht ctors try to stt

    positions nd supportin blifs in trms ccptbl to th ctors on th

    othr sid of n issu. ain, rciprocity coms into ply. Th bsnc of

    such ccptnc mns tht th othr sid is sn s trffickin in flshoods

    rthr thn diffrnt prspctiv on common problms. Such lld

    flshoods miht concrn conomic doctrins (Mrxist or mrkt librl),

    intrprttions of history (idntifyin opprssors, librtors, frinds, nd

    nmis), or thoris bout th impct of policy.


    elstr, Off, nd Pruss (1998) likn th dmocrtiztion nd mrkti-

    ztion of postcommunist systms to rbuildin th ship t ss

    opposd to th construction of nw ship from st of plns. On spct

    of dlibrtiv cpcity involvs distributd bility to rflct criticlly on

    prfrncs, includin thos bout th structur of th politicl systm

    itslf. Thus, dlibrtiv cpcity ouht to promot th bility of systm

    to idntify its shortcomins nd rform itslf. Without this bility, rformrs

    my b tmptd by mor uthoritrin pthwys. Th nti-dlibrtionist

    adm Przworski (1991) indvrtntly puts th issu into strk prspctiv

    whn h stts tht post-trnsition conomic rforms r bsd on modl

    of conomic fficincy tht is hihly tchnicl. Thy involv choics tht

    r not sy to xplin to th nrl public nd dcisions tht do not

    lwys mk sns to populr opinion (p. 183). Similrly, Brucn (1992)

    rus tht rform policy is not on tht mrs from brod prticiption,from consnsus mon ll th ffctd intrsts, from compromiss

    (p. 24). Przworski nd Brucn my b rihtbut only to th xtnt tht

    th socity in qustion lcks dlibrtiv cpcity.

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    1394 Comprtiv Politicl Studis

    This rflxiv qulity my b nhncd insmuch s th xprinc of

    dlibrtion incrss th comptnc of politicl ctors. Som vidnc

    susts tht prticiptin in dlibrtiv forum hs n ndurin ffct onth politicl fficcy of citizn prticipnts (Dlli Crpini, Cook, & Jcobs,

    2004, p. 334). Howvr, this vidnc coms minly from dlibrtiv polls

    in dvlopd dmocrcis; s such, it is not clr how nrlizbl th

    ffct is nor whthr th ffct xtnds to prtisn politicl ctors, s

    opposd to ordinry citizns.

    In sum, th bility to promot litimcy, hl division, scur trctbl

    collctiv choic, solv socil problms ffctivly, nd promot rflxivity

    mns tht dlibrtiv cpcity contributs to stt buildin s wll sdmocrtic consolidtion. Crothrs (2002, pp. 8-9) points out tht mny

    dmocrcy promotrs ssum tht dmocrtiztion is don to wll-functionin

    stt, s opposd to procdin in tndm with stt buildin. a dlibrtiv

    cpcity pproch cn pprcit this dul tsk, in prt bcus it cn pply to

    situtions with ny dr of sttnssincludin zro.

    The Determinants of Deliberative Capacity

    Lt m turn now from th impcts of dlibrtiv cpcity to th

    dtrminnts. Dlibrtiv cpcity my b fcilittd by th followin:

    Literacy and Education

    Litrcy nd duction fcilitt dlibrtiv cpcity insmuch s thy

    influnc th communictiv comptnc of politicl ctors nd ordinry

    citizns. Sndrs (1997) worris tht, t lst in th Unitd Stts, dlibrtiv

    forums will b domintd by prticipnts who r whit, ml, hih incom,

    nd wll ductd. Cook, Dlli Crpini, nd Jcobs (2007) dmonstrt tht

    lthouh inqulitis in dlibrtiv prticiption do xist, thy r smllr in

    rltion to incom thn thy r in othr forms of prticiption. But vn if

    Sndrs is riht, dlibrtiv cpcity will bnfit from mor qul ccss to


    Shared Language

    Kymlick (2001) susts tht dmocrtic politics hs to b politics in

    th vrnculr, implyin tht dmocrcy cross lnu roups cn b

    problmticlthouh th cs of socitis such s Switzrlnd nd Indi,

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    Dryzk / Dmocrtiztion s Dlibrtiv Cpcity Buildin 1395

    with multipl lnus, susts tht this brrir is not insuprbl. a

    much bir obstcl to dlibrtiv cpcity my b whn lits cultivt

    form of lnu unvilbl to th msss s wy of bolstrin thirstndin nd powr (andrson, 2007). Historicl xmpls hr miht

    includ th us of Hih grmn by Prussin lits, Frnch by th Russin

    ristocrcy (fmously rcountd by Tolstoy in th opnin ps of War

    and Peace),futsubun by politicins in pr-1945 Jpn (andrson, 2007, p.

    32), nd vn th distinctiv ccnt of th British uppr clsss.

    Voting System Design

    Horowitz (1985) nd Rilly (2001) rcommnd prfrntil votin for

    dividd socitis, on th rounds tht it dvncs th prospcts of modrt

    politicins nd prtis bcus thy cn ppl for scond nd third

    prfrncs cross th divid. althouh not xplicitly concptulizd by

    Horowitz nd Rilly, dlibrtiv cpcity my lso bnfit bcus such

    ppl rquirs politicins to cultivt rciprocity: to communict in trms

    tht votrs from th othr sid cn ccpt.

    State Structures and Institutions

    Diffrnt sorts of stt structurs nd institutions my b mor or lss

    conduciv to dlibrtion. Of cours, prlimnts nd constitutionl courts

    ouht to b bttr thn xcutivs who rul by dcr. Byond such comprisons,

    it is not lwys clr which sorts of institutionl combintions bst promot

    dlibrtiv cpcity in prticulr sttins, spcilly whn ths institutions

    r combind in dlibrtiv systm. Stt structurs my hv unintndd

    nd surprisin consquncs tht cn b rvld only by mpiricl nlysis.

    For xmpl, th xclusiv chrctr of Wst grmn corportism until th

    mid-1980s providd fw opportunitis for politicl ccss to socil intrsts

    othr thn businss nd lbor, thrby mkin ny dlibrtion tht did occur

    fr from inclusiv. Howvr, politicl ctivity ws chnnld into dlibrtiv

    public spc, t distnc from th stt, whr profound critiqus of public

    policy wr constructd by rn, fminist, nd pc movmnts, mon

    othrs. evn whn thos dvlopin th critiqus lckd forml ccss, thir

    influnc ws flt on mpowrd spc nd so public policyt first throuhprotst ction nd ltr throuh th dvlopmnt of xprtis vi rsrch

    cntrs ssocitd with movmnt roups. Only whn th wlls of corportism

    crumbld did rstwhil movmnt ctivists tk thir dlibrtiv comptnc

    into ovrnmnt (Dryzk, Downs, Hunold, & Schlosbr, 2003).

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    1396 Comprtiv Politicl Studis

    Political Culture

    Dlibrtion my ply out quit diffrntly in diffrnt kinds of politiclculturs. Th comprtiv nlysis of culturl dtrminnts of dlibrtiv

    cpcity ot off to qustionbl strt in gmbtts vlution (1998) of th

    dlibrtiv possibilitis in nlyticl culturs (th prdim for which is th

    Oxford Univrsity committ), s comprd to indxicl culturs. In indxicl

    culturs such s Itly, discursive machismo mns tht on cnnot dmit

    uncrtinty or ny lck of comptnc or knowld. a comptnt politicl

    ctor in n indxicl cultur systm hs to b n xprt on vrythin.

    gmbtts provoctiv ssy is hih on ntrtinmnt vlu nd ncdot but

    low on mpiricl vidnc. Discursiv mchismo nd its opposit, dlibrtion,

    r likly to ppr in diffrnt wys in diffrnt loctions in diffrnt politicl

    culturs (Sss, 2006). Comprtiv mpiricl nlysis miht rvl th subtlty

    of thir forms nd loctions. Thr r plnty of othr hypothss concrnin

    th ffcts of politicl cultur tht mrit mpiricl study. For xmpl, it is

    plusibl (but by no mns crtin) tht dlibrtion trvls to Confucin,

    Islmic, nd som indinous culturs fr mor sily thn do th dvrsril

    politics ssocitd with comptitiv lctions or n individulistic concption

    of humn rihts. aspcts of dlibrtiv dmocrcy my rsont with thConfucin mphsis on rsond consnsus, th Islmic mphsis on consul-

    ttion, nd th sorts of communictiv pprochs to conflict rsolution found

    in mny indinous socitis. Dlibrtion my ply out in rdiclly diffrnt

    wys mon diffrnt kinds of socitisjust s dmocrcy in nrl dos

    (Dryzk & Holms, 2002).

    Obstructions to Deliberative Capacity

    Dlibrtion my b obstructd by th followin.

    Religious Fundamentalism

    Fundmntlist dhrnts of rliious doctrins by dfinition strul

    with dlibrtiv rciprocity bcus thy s no rson to communict in

    trms tht rspct th frmworks hld by nonblivrs. Nor r thyintrstd in th kind of rflction upon vlus nd blifs tht is cntrl to

    dlibrtion. Dlibrtiv cpcity is in troubl whn fundmntlists

    control th stt. evn hr, thouh, dlibrtiv cpcity is not ncssrily

    totlly bsnt. evn in country such s Sudi arbi, Islmic trditions

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    Dryzk / Dmocrtiztion s Dlibrtiv Cpcity Buildin 1397

    rltd to consulttion cn involv som modicum of dlibrtiv cpcity. and

    to th xtnt tht fundmntlists disr mon thmslvs bout wht th

    word of god rlly mns, spc for dlibrtion miht vntully opn.

    Ideological Conformity

    If th stt hs n officil idoloicl doctrin tht is not rdily

    chllnd, thn dlibrtiv cpcity is impird. Momnts of idoloicl

    conformity cn impd th dlibrtiv cpcity of ny politys illustrtd

    by th cs of th Unitd Stts in th wk of th trrorist ttcks of

    Sptmbr 11, whn critics of dubious prsidntil inititivs could bstimtizd s bin unptriotic.

    Segmental Autonomy

    Lijphrt (1977) spcifis smntl utonomy s on of th dfinin

    fturs of consocitionl dmocrcy, conduciv to stbility in dividd

    socitis. But smntl utonomy provids no opportunity for mmbrs of

    diffrnt blocks to communict with on nothr. Consocitionlists mihtru tht thr is hih dr of ood dlibrtion in consocitionl

    systms, but this obsrvtion would pply only t th lit lvl, purchsd

    t th xpns of mor socilly prvsiv cpcity. Som dividd socitis

    ftur ubiquitous nd intns politicl tlk, but this should not b confusd

    with dlibrtiv cpcity, if popl intrct only with lik-mindd othrs.

    enclv dlibrtion of this sort hs polrizin ffct. Sunstin (2000)

    criticizs dlibrtion on th rounds tht it inducs roups to o to

    xtrms, but his rumnt holds only to th xtnt tht roup contins no

    countrvilin viws t th outst. In sum, rliious fundmntlism,

    idoloicl conformity, nd smntl utonomy ll rprss th vrity in

    points of viw ncssry for dlibrtion to work.

    The Historical Dynamics of Deliberative Capacity

    Th rflxiv spct of dlibrtiv cpcity intimts th possibility of

    virtuous circl in which dlibrtiv cpcity bts mor dlibrtiv cpcity.Howvr, rrss is possibl, s is prorss. Considr th followin css.

    Th history of th rly bourois public sphr, s rcountd by Hbrms

    (1989), portrys dlibrtiv public spc tht ros with th dvlopmnt of

    cpitlism in europ. Th mrin bouroisi ws xcludd from powr by

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    th lndd ristocrcy nd by th church. Thus, bourois politicl intrction

    ws forcd into n oppositionl public sphr, fturin dbt in nwspprs

    nd coffhouss. With tim, th bouroisi bcm ccptd into thstt, throuh librl rvolutions or mor rdul procsss. Nwspprs

    bcom commrcilizd, thrby compromisin thir bility to host robust

    politicl dbt. Thus th public sphr wnt into dclin; its dlibrtiv

    cpcity bcm lost. Th librliztion of politics tht ttnds bourois ntry

    into th stt my mn n incrs in th contribution of mpowrd spc to

    dlibrtiv cpcity (spcilly in prlimnts), prhps compnstin for th

    loss in th contribution of public spc. Only dtild comprtiv study cross

    tim could dtrmin whthr th in in mpowrd spc fully compnstsfor th loss in public spc.

    Old, s wll s nw, dmocrcis cn xprinc losss in dlibrtiv

    cpcityfor xmpl, whn ntionl crisis nbls critics of ovrnmntl

    policy to b lbld unptriotic nd, thus, illitimt prticipnts in

    public dbt. Som ovrnmnt policis cn involv dirct ttck on

    dlibrtiv cpcity. For xmpl, on pproch to incrsin fficincy in

    locl ovrnmnt sks to construct popl s customrs or consumrs of

    ovrnmnt srvics, s opposd to citizns potntilly nd in thco-production of ovrnmntl dcisions (alford & ONill, 1994). To th

    xtnt tht pproch succds, homo civicus is displcd by homo

    economicus, who cn mk choics but not iv voic.

    Th trd-off btwn dlibrtiv cpcity in public spc nd mpowrd

    spc cn b obsrvd in connction with socil movmnts. as notd rlir,

    until th lt 1980s Wst grmny fturd corportist stt tht dnid

    ccss to socil movmnts. In contrst, in th lt 1960s Scndinvin

    countris bn ctivly incorportin socil movmnts such s fminism nd

    nvironmntlism into stt structurs. Th rsult ws not ncssrily rtr

    dlibrtiv cpcity in Scndinvi bcus th inclusion of socil movmnts

    ws bouht t th xpns of thir rdiclism. So whrs Scndinvi fturd

    modrt movmnts with smll mmbrship whos ldrsnd only thir

    ldrscould dlibrt on policy-mkin committs, grmny fturd

    criticl public sphr nd by movmnt ctivists nd, in th cs of

    nvironmntlism, n ssocitd ntwork of rsrch instituts. In public spc,

    grmny hd dlibrtiv cpcity hihr thn tht of th Scndinvin

    countris (Dryzk t l., 2003).Polnd illustrts th trd-off btwn dlibrtion in public nd

    mpowrd spc. althouh th public spc stblishd by Solidrity did

    crry ovr (to dr) ftr 1989, mpowrd spc hs sinc bn

    problmtic. Nolibrl conomic rforms wr ccptd rthr thn

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    dlibrtd; subsquntly, prtis ld by populists nd thnic ntionlists

    hv prosprd. althouh prrvolutionry dlibrtiv cpcity is importnt

    in dtrminin th outcom of crisis in th old rim (s bov), itslcy in th lon run is mor uncrtin.

    Dlibrtion is dmndin ctivitylmost crtinly not for ll of th

    popl, ll of th tim. But it miht b for most of th popl, som of th

    tim. ackrmn (1991) intrprts U.S. politicl history in trms of thr

    dcisiv dlibrtiv momnts tht institd socity-wid dlibrtion

    bout constitutionl fundmntlsnmly, th foundin, th Civil Wr

    mndmnts to th constitution, nd th grt Dprssion. Politics hd n

    unusul intnsity nd brdth in both public spc nd mpowrd spc.Momnts of similr intnsity nd impct cn b found lswhrfor

    xmpl, in instncs of popl powr dirctd inst uthoritrin ldrs

    or in th color rvolutions in gori (2003) nd Ukrin (20042005).

    Th inclusivnss nd intnsity of dlibrtion tht cn surround

    trnsitionl momntswht ODonnll nd Schmittr (1986) cll th

    lyrs of n xplodin socity (p. 48)r hrd to sustin. For Linz nd

    Stpn (1996), th subsqunt rplcmnt of politics of truth by

    politics of intrsts is ctully ood for dmocrtic stbility. Howvr, thisdos not mn tht in th lon dmocrtic run w should fort bout

    dlibrtion in fvor of intrst nd strty. as rud rlir, thr r

    mny rsons why dmocrtic consolidtion cn bnfit from uthntic,

    inclusiv, nd consquntil dlibrtion. Ths rsons shd into th

    numrous rumnts tht thorists nd prctitionrs lik hv dvncd

    for th ncssity of dlibrtion in dmocrtic politics. Thus, th full

    intllctul, finncil, nd orniztionl rsourcs of th lobl movmnt

    for th institutionliztion of dlibrtiv dmocrcy (gstil & Lvin,

    2005) cn b brouht to br in buildin dlibrtiv cpcity tht will look

    quit diffrnt from tht which xplods in trnsitionl momnts.


    Dlibrtion tht is uthntic, inclusiv, nd consquntil is cntrl

    to dmocrcy nd so ouht to b incorportd into ny dfinition of

    dmocrtiztion. Dlibrtiv cpcity is instrumntl in dmocrtic trnsitionnd crucil to dmocrtic consolidtion nd dpnin. exmintion of th

    dvlopmnt of this cpcity dos not rquir spcifyin ny wll-dfind

    binnin or nd, nd so it cn pply in ll kinds of politicl sttins: undr

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    uthoritrin rims, in nw nd old dmocrtic stts, nd in ovrnnc

    tht luds stts.


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    John S. Dryzek is n austrlin Rsrch Council Fdrtion fllow nd profssor of

    politicl scinc in th Rsrch School of Socil Scincs t austrlin Ntionl Univrsity.

    H works mostly on lobl ovrnnc, dmocrcy in thory nd prctic, nd nvironmntl
