
Drupal 8 MigrationStep by step explanation with live demo

ProcessI am importing d 7 press release to d 8

I have created “press” type in d8

I have created fields in d8

I created a d8 module (almost blank)

Six steps in code, saved as git branches to show migration one field at a time.

Between each step I use a script to reset the d8 database to pre import state.

I will switch to each branch > explain the code > run migration > reset the database.

Press release content type from drupal 7 to drupal 8

Create content type, fields and taxonomy in Drupal 8

Create a custom module

Create plugin files at appropriate location

Set source database name

How different parts are connected

Title migration detail

Body field import

Body migration detail

Body format detail

“Featured” (Checkbox) migration

“Featured” (Checkbox) migration detail

Date field import

Taxonomy migration

Taxonomy map old to new

Other fields

File / Image import example

