Download ppt - Drunk driving


Drunk Driving

Drunk driving isn't tolerable and it is something most of us know already, but it is definitely still a major cause of all incidents

on the road.

If you're intoxicated, many things can happen and you will not be fast enough to

handle it.

You can kill yourself, all of your passengers, and any one in another car you may have

collided with.

It might be best to stay where you are or to call a ride if you're intoxicated.

Drunk driving and Having Having Drugs

Driving while drunk and having any drugs in the car can be two separate tickets, one for

possession and one for drunk driving and can possibly get you time in prison.

If you are found with a massive amount of illegal drugs in your car, then it could turn

into a federal crime and you could spend the majority of your existence in prison.

Driving while Intoxicated and the Police

Throughout most of the United States, there is a hefty fine for driving drunk.

Officers in the past determined your blood alcohol level by giving you a sobriety test of

walking along a straight line.

Cops today have more advanced ways of finding out your blood alcohol levels.

They have a new chemical test for alcohol in your blood.

A breathalyzer is the most frequent way to chemically test your blood for alcohol.

The law has become very strict in the past years where you can face up to 7 years in


Drunk driving affects your driving skills.

Do not drive impaired, but if you do drive intoxicated and you are pulled over by the police you would want to be careful about

what you say to the officer.

It doesn t matter how kind the officer appears to be, anything you say to them can

be used against you.

Know your rights.

Will you really Get Arrested

There are two main things that a police officer thinks about before making an arrest.

They want to make sure that the person was driving.

Probable cause is if the officer sees you driving or can infer that you were driving.

Then the cop will check to see if your blood alcohol levels are higher than 0.

8 percent.

If the cop determines that you were driving and that your blood levels are too high, then

they have the right to arrest you.