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Everyday he comes in and sits there in the same desk and just stare into space. I could never

figure what it was that made him sit still for so long. If something funny was said in class he

would laugh for over ten minutes. I always asked “why he thinks little simple things are just to

die for funny?” Then it all became clear one morning I had to walk to school because my

mommy had to go to work early, I seen Joshua standing by a tree all alone I thought to myself

well maybe he is saying his prayers before he goes to class you know how dangerous it is in the

world today. So toward the school I kept on heading till out the corner of my eye I seen smoke

being blowed into the air and I thought to myself it’s no were near cold out here its only the

beginning of September. I didn’t want to be nosey and go up to him so I just wondered in the

back of my mind what could josh possibly be doing at this tree with smoke blowing. So as the

day went on and it was time for my third period Joshua walked in with that blank stare oh his

face as if he had no feelings. So as our health teacher decided that today was going to talk about

marijuana and the effects that they have on them. He explained everything to the way Joshua had

been acting so I put two and two together. The bell rings and I wait for josh outside the class

room because of course he moves super slow when he is under the influence. He came out and I

said to him “Joshua I don’t know why but I really think you should stop doing drugs and seek

some real help with your problems.” He looked at me and slowly walked away.

Drugs aren’t good for no one no matter what you are dealing with or think you cant

handle. Drugs are a world wide problem and I think people just over look them as if its not

tearing our world apart and it is. I wish there was a way I could change this problem and make it

better for the next generation to come.
