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Shire of Campaspe

Drought-tolerant, Water-wise Plants

Shrubs, plants and grasses suitable for planting in the

different areas of the Shire

Information from Council’s Parks and Gardens staff.

Adopted by Council 27 April 2006

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Shire of Campaspe Plant List

Purpose In keeping with the Shire of Campaspe’s commitment to good practice and promotion of good environmental management, we take pleasure in providing a list of plants that are considered water-wise and drought-tolerant. These plants are likely to have a better survival rate, require less manual watering and are suitable for use in residential, commercial and municipal settings. We hope that this is just the beginning of what will become an extensive plant list as we continue to find plants that are suitable for the conditions that we face throughout the Shire. Background Traditionally, plant varieties that have been used are accustomed to higher water use. By using drought-tolerant plants, we can reduce the amount of precious water we use. Plants have evolved to survive in some of the toughest environments. Dry gardens don’t have to be dull and boring. We have an amazing selection of plants that have adapted to survive and thrive in dry conditions. Gardens today are about colour, texture and form, especially native gardens. Upon selecting plant types, consultation with your nursery regarding indigenous varieties is recommended as they are always best in your area. Gardening Practices Selecting drought-hardy plants is only just the beginning. Good gardening practices are essential for a prosperous garden. These include mulching, soil preparation, plant selection, nutrient values and appropriate water usage. Plants differ in gardening requirements and this should be taken into consideration. Checking with your nursery will help with your decision-making. Succulents Many succulents are cultivated for their beautiful green, grey, silver, fleshy water-storing leaves and hairy foliage; not to mention their spectacular, colourful flowers. Groundcovers Instead of lawn, think of groundcovers; carpet the ground entirely with low-growing, easy care, evergreen perennials. Flowers are a feature of many, but more important is their ability to make a dense carpet. Ornamental Grasses You can supplement the plants in your garden with grasses chosen for their ornamental foliage and flowers, rather than their ability to stand cropping into lawn. Selection and placement should be done with care. The important thing is to choose a species that will stay in clumps; those that run will turn themselves into weeds. Shrubs Shrubs are cultivated for their form and colour. Australian native plants are becoming increasingly popular. Grey and silver foliage plants are some of the toughest; the silver foliage reflects the sun’s heat, keeping the leaves cooler and therefore uses less water. They also have the ability to tolerate some salts in the soil or water.

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References and further reading Gardening Australia – Valley Institute of TAFE, Shepparton Department of Natural Resources & Environment, data from Atlas of Victorian Wildlife 2002 Grassland Plants of SE Australia, Neil and Jane Marriot Sports Turf and Amenity Grasses, DE Aldous and ID Chivers Goldfield Revegetation List, Marily Sprague Native Grasses, Third Edition, Meredith Mitchell

Acknowledgements This booklet has been compiled with the help of some important people outside Council. These people are:

Scott Wise – Rochester Native Nursery, Northern Highway Rochester. Tim Barden – Ko-Warra Transplants, Mitiamo Road Echuca.

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Contents Abelia grandiflora Glossy abelia 1. Aptenia cordifolia Ice Plant 2. Artemisia absinthium Wormwood 3. Atriplex semibaccata Saltbush, creeping 4. Austrodanthonia Wallaby Grass 5. Austrostipa Feather Speargrass 6. Boronia denticulata Boronia 7. Bothriochloa macra Red Grass 8. Brachyscome multifida Cut-leaf Daisy 9. Chamelaucium unicinatum Geraldton Wax 10. Coleonema Diosma 11. Convolvulus sabiatus Convolvulus – ‘Moroccan Beauty’ 12. Cordyline australis Cabbage Tree, Cabbage Palm 13. Correa reflexa Common Correa; ‘Dusky Bells’ 14. Cryptandra scortechinii Ball Cryptandra 15. Dianella caerulea Paroo Lily; ‘Breeze’; ‘Little Jess’ 16. Dianella revoluta Australian Native Flax 17. Dianella tasmanica Tasred 18. Dietes Wild Iris 19. Diplarrhena moraea Butterfly Flag 20. Dodonea boronifolia Fern-leaf Hop Bush 21. Dodonea viscosa Hop Bush 22. Dorotheanthus bellidiformis Ice Plant, Livingstone daisy 23. Eremophila maculata Spotted Emu Bush; Native Fuschia 24. Eremophila nivea Silky Eremophila 25. Eriostemon verrucosus syn Philotheca Fairy Waxflower 26. Festuca glauca Blue Fescue 27. Gaura lindheimeri Butterfly Bush –‘White Sensation’ 28. Grevillea lavandulacea Lavender Grevillea –‘Tanunda’ 29. Hardenbergia violaceae Happy Wanderer 30. Hebe Hebe 31. Juniperus horizontalis Horizontal Juniper 32. Juniperus squamata ‘Holger’ Conifer 33. Kniphofia hybrids Red Hot Poker 34. Lavandula angustifola ‘Rosea’ Dwarf pink English lavender 35. Lomandra longifolia Mat Rush 36. Lomandra longifolia Tanika 37. Lomandra nana Pale mat-rush 38. Microlaena stipoides Weeping Grass 39. Myoporum montanum Boobialla 40. Nandina domestica nana Dwarf Sacred Bamboo 41. Nepeta ‘Dawn to Dusk’ Catmint 42. Osteospermum ecklonis African Daisy 43. Pelargonium hortorum Geranium 44. Phormium tenax Flax 45. Phormium tenax ‘Jester’ New Zealand Flax 46. Poa labillardieri Common Tussock Grass 47. Sedum acre Common Stonecrop 48. Sedum humifusum Stonecrop 49. Sempervirum giuseppii Houseleek 50. Solanum jasminoides ‘Alba’ Potato Vine 51. Stachys byzantina ‘Silver Carpet’ Lambs’ Ears 52. Stipa gigantea Stipa 53. Strelitzia reginae Bird of Paradise 54. Themeda australis Kangaroo Grass 55. Westringia Native Rosemary 56. Yucca elephantipes Yucca 57.

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Glossy Abelia Abelia grandiflora Features: Evergreen shrub with arching canes and dark red stems. The leaves are dark, turning to red in winter. It grows to 1.8m diameter. Also good : Abelia floribunda, Abelia chinensis

Conditions: Responds well to a light prune to keep it compact. Needs moderately-fertile soil and is reasonably frost-hardy.

Growing Method: Watering – until established Flowering: Small, perfumed flowers flushed pale mauve to pink.

Suitable areas in Campaspe: All areas of the Shire

Other factors to be considered:




Where to see one in Campaspe:

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Ice Plant Aptenia cordifolia Features: A quick-growing, mat-forming succulent that produces a carpet of fleshy green leaves and dazzling pink or red daisy-like flowers; hardy and easy care. Spreading and climbing habit.

Conditions: Climate - temperate Aspect – full sun Soil – all soil types

Growing Method: Watering – very little water needed

Flowering: Season – summer

Suitable areas in Campaspe: All areas of the Shire Echuca, Rochester, Kyabram, Tongala, Rushworth, Girgarre, Stanhope, Gunbower, Lockington, Colbinabbin, Corop

Other factors to be considered: Keep dry in winter Cut back as required.



Where to see one in Campaspe:

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Wormwood Artemisia absinthiyium Features: Dwarf sub-shrubs and shrubs, some of which are evergreen or semi-evergreen, grown primarily for their fern-like silvery foliage tat is sometimes aromatic and can be repellent to insects. Delicate, silk, silver leaves. Conditions: Climate – Tolerant of high winds and salt spray. It makes an effective hedge. Fully to half-hardy. Aspect –Prefers an open, sunny, well-drained site. Dwarf types benefit from a winter protection of sharp grit or gravel. Soil – free-draining

Growing Method: Watering – until established Problems – can become leggy. Prune 2 or 3 times a year

Flowering: Foliage interest.

Suitable areas in Campaspe: All areas of the Shire Echuca, Rochester, Kyabram, Tongala, Rushworth, Girgarre, Stanhope, Gunbower, Lockington, Colbinabbin, Corop

Other factors to be considered:




Where to see one in Campaspe:

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Creeping Saltbush Atriplex semibaccata Features: A vigorous ground cover to 2m across, has grey-green leaves on long brittle stems with small clusters of tiny white flowers and small succulent red fruit.

Conditions: Climate - temperate Aspect – open, sunny position in a native bed or bank Soil – free-draining. Common on saline soils in the Murray River valley.

Growing Method: Watering – Until established, then an occasional drink

Flowering: Season – September to January

Suitable areas in Campaspe: All areas of the Shire Echuca, Rochester, Kyabram, Tongala, Rushworth, Girgarre, Stanhope, Gunbower, Lockington, Colbinabbin, Corop

Other factors to be considered: Similar varieties: Enchylaena tomentosa – Ruby Saltbush Rhagodia spinescens – Hedge Saltbush





Where to see one in Campaspe:

Rhagodia Spinescens Hedge Saltbush 80cm x 1.2m – local species

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Wallaby Grass Austrodanthonia Features: Also known as White Top Grass, has a small fluffy white flower at mature stage. Very fine leaves. Remains green all year. 30 – 80 cm. Conditions: This grass has a high frost and drought tolerance.

Growing Method: Watering – Until established, then an occasional drink

Flowering: Season – Flowering occurs in spring to autumn, with a small number of fluffy white flowers.

Suitable areas in Campaspe: All areas of the Shire

Other factors to be considered:





Where to see one in Campaspe:

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Feather Speargrass Austrostipa Features: This is a course, tufted perennial grass that remains green all year. Height 50 – 100cm.

Conditions: Austrostipa has a high frost and drought tolerance. Will only require the occasional watering and should cope well in most soils.

Growing Method: Watering – Until established, then an occasional drink

Flowering: Season – Flowers during summer and autumn and, as a singular plant, is not attractive. As a mass planting, however, this species can look effective, especially in a revegetation application.

Suitable areas in Campaspe: All areas of the Shire

Other factors to be considered:






Where to see one in Campaspe:

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Boronia Boronia denticulata Features: Height – 1m. Western Australian native; grows into small, rounded shrub with light-green aromatic leaves. Drought and frost-tolerant, appreciates mulching.

Conditions: Climate – temperate Aspect – sunny or partially-shaded. Shrubbery cottage garden Soil – well-drained, sandy

Growing Method: Watering – water well until established Problems – not known

Flowering: Season – In spring the plant is covered with pink star-shaped flowers.

Suitable areas in Campaspe: All areas of the Shire Echuca, Rochester, Kyabram, Tongala, Rushworth, Girgarre, Stanhope, Gunbower, Lockington, Colbinabbin, Corop

Other factors to be considered:



Where to see one in Campaspe:

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Red Grass Bothriochloa macro Features: This Red Grass will grow to 30 – 80cm. It forms lower leaves with numerous wiry stems. The leaves produce tinges of attractive red colours on their ends. This red grass has been recently trialled as a lawn species. Due to its tolerance to grazing and evergreen growth habit, it is proving to be a drought-tolerant alternative to conventional lawns.

Conditions: This grass has a high drought tolerance, but will only handle a very light frost. It responds well to cutting and a moderately fertile soil. Growing Method: Watering – Until established, then an occasional drink

Flowering: Season – Has a silky leaf in summer to autumn.

Suitable areas in Campaspe: All areas of the Shire

Other factors to be considered: Red



Where to see one in Campaspe:

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Cut-leaf Daisy Brachyscome multifida Features: Height 20cm, width 30 cm A low, dense evergreen native ground cover with very finely-cut leaves. Small, daisy-like pink to light purple flowers with yellow centres are held above the foliage in summer. This frost-hardy little plant tolerates a range of soils including sand and clay. It makes a good border to garden beds and also does well in containers.

Conditions: Climate – temperate Aspect – full sun Soil – well-drained

Growing Method: Watering – water well until established, then only occasionally

Flowering: Although it will grow in light shade, a position in full sun encourages a good crop of the long-lasting flowers and tight habit. Season – After flowering – clip lightly to keep the plant compact or prune hard every year at the end of summer. Suitable areas in Campaspe: All areas of the Shire Echuca, Rochester, Kyabram, Tongala, Rushworth, Girgarre, Stanhope, Gunbower, Lockington, Colbinabbin, Corop Other factors to be considered: Many cultivars are available Frost-tolerant




Where to see one in Campaspe:

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Geraldton Wax Chamelaucium unicinatum Features: Large erect spreading Western Australian shrub with linear dark green leaves, adds colour and character to borders. Useful for hedging. Drought tolerant. Height 2-5m, spread 2-4m.

Conditions: Aspect – full sun Soil – Sandy, dry, sharply-drained, neutral to acid, poor

Growing Method: Watering – moderately when in growth, sparingly in winter Problems – root rot, if the soil is not free-draining

Flowering: These plants are valued for abundant small, clustered flowers in purple, mauve, red, white, or pink. Season – Spring to Summer After flowering – remove dead, dry foliage occasionally

Suitable areas in Campaspe: All areas of the Shire Echuca, Rochester, Kyabram, Tongala, Rushworth, Girgarre, Stanhope, Gunbower, Lockington, Colbinabbin, Corop

Other factors to be considered: � Can be frost tender when young � Great cut-flower � Many cultivars available





Where to see one in Campaspe:

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Diosma Coleonema Features: Evergreen fragrant foliage. Will grow up to 1.5m tall and 2m round.

Conditions: This plant loves a well-drained soil in full sun. It has moderate to high frost tolerance.

Growing Method: Watering – Until established, then an occasional drink. Once established, it will withstand long periods of dry conditions well. Fertilising once in spring will improve growth. Shape and form can be maintained with tip pruning.

Flowering: Season – Very small pink or white starry flowers will cover the bush in late winter.

Suitable areas in Campaspe: All areas of the Shire

Other factors to be considered:



Where to see one in Campaspe:

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Convolvulus Convolvulus sabiatus ‘Moroccan Beauty’ Features: The ground morning glory produces a carpet of mauve flowers on a 30cm tall ground cover plant. Very dense and compact ground cover often utilised for low maintenance areas. Ideal no-fuss plant.

Conditions: Climate – temperate Aspect – full sun to semi-shaded location Soil – most soil types, provided it is free-draining

Growing Method: Watering – water well until established Fertilising – an application of slow-release fertiliser during spring would benefit overall performance Problems –

Flowering: Climate - Masses of soft lavender-blue flowers Season – spring to autumn After flowering – No pruning required, can be cut back after flowering.

Suitable areas in Campaspe: All areas of the Shire

Other factors to be considered: Convolvulus cneorum ‘Silver Moon’ is also a suitable groundcover with white flowers




Where to see one in Campaspe:

Convolvulus ‘Silver Moon’

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Cabbage Tree or Palm Cordyline australis Features: Evergreen tree 3-4m tall and 4m wide. When buying this plant, check the botanical name as there is another plant known as Cabbage Palm (Livistona australis) that is not drought-tolerant. Frost-hardy, very versatile.

Conditions: Climate – temperate Aspect – full sun Soil – no real preference

Growing Method: Watering – occasional watering once established

Flowering: Architectural foliage .

Suitable areas in Campaspe: All areas of the Shire

Other factors to be considered: Many new cultivars now available Ca




Where to see one in Campaspe: Tongala Office

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Common Correa Correa reflexa Features: This is the most variable of the correas. It comes in many hybrids ranging in size from prostrate to 3m tall. Leaves range from round and grey to linear and green, smooth or rough.

Conditions: Aspect – full sun to full shade, depending on hybrid. Soil – generally well-drained soil of any type.

Growing Method: Watering – will require some watering during growth period.

Flowering: Season – Flowers range in colour from green to yellow, pink and red in a bell form. Flowers from autumn to spring. After flowering – Will respond well to a light clipping after flowering.

Suitable areas in Campaspe: All areas of the Shire

Other factors to be considered: Different suitable hybrids are available, including ‘Dusky Bells’.



Where to see one in Campaspe:

Correa Fire Bird

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Ball Cryptandra Cryptandra scortechinii Features: A dense, rounded shrub to 1m with small lanceolate leaves.

Conditions: Climate – frost-tolerant and responds well to a light prune Aspect – Enjoys full sun or some shade. Soil – will adapt to all soil types

Growing Method: Watering – until established Flowering: Season – masses of woolly-headed flowers that appear in winter and spring; great for cut flowers. After flowering – tip prune

Suitable areas in Campaspe: All areas of the Shire

Other factors to be considered:





Where to see one in Campaspe:

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Dianella Caerulea Dianella caerulea ‘Breeze’, ‘Little Jess’ Features: Free-flowing, dark-green foliage with exquisite sprays of soft-blue flowers in spring, followed by attractive purple berries. Grows to approximately 60cm in height and width. Suitable for mass planting, accent plant foliage or grassy gardens. Trim, if required, every four to six years to remove older leaves.

Conditions: Climate – very hardy exhibiting excellent drought and frost tolerance Aspect – full sun or shade Soil – tolerates a wide range of soils and climatic requirements.

Growing Method: Watering – low water requirements Fertilising – plant in a well-mulched garden, slow release fertiliser once each spring Problems – Flowering: Season – After flowering –

Suitable areas in Campaspe: All areas of the Shire

Other factors to be considered: Dian




Where to see one in Campaspe:

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Australian Native Flax Dianella revoluta Features: Clumping perennial herb. Evergreen, variable, tuft-forming perennial. Height 30cm – 1m, spread 50cm – 1m.

Conditions: Climate – warm to hot conditions Aspect – full sun to part shade Soil – most even gravels

Flowering: In spring produces panicals of small, star-shaped pale-blue flowers above strap-like leaves..

Suitable areas in Campaspe: All areas of the Shire. This is a local species that is indigenous to parts of the shire.

Other factors to be considered: Six sub-species are now recognised.

Where to see one in Campaspe: � Northern Highway, south of Rochester, to

Toolleen and Bendigo � Big W gardens, Echuca






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Dianella ‘Tasred’ Dianella tasmanica ‘Tasred’ Features: Ornamental flax-lily with beautiful foliage colour. It’s red winter foliage is an outstanding feature. Even in warmer months, the lower parts of leaves display red tones. Grows approximately 40cm tall and 40cm wide. Used for mass planting, Japanese-style gardens, accent plant, foliage or grassy gardens. Very hardy, with excellent drought and frost tolerance.

Conditions: Climate – a wide range of climates Aspect – full sun and shade Soil – tolerates a wide range of soils Growing Method: Plant in a well-mulched garden. Trim as required, with heavy trimming every few years to promote growth. Watering – Fertilising – with slow release once in spring. Problems – Flowering: Blue flowers are followed by purple berries. Season – spring After flowering –

Suitable areas in Campaspe: All areas of the Shire

Other factors to be considered: New cultivar, unproven in local conditions, but has tough parents.



Where to see one in Campaspe:

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Wild Iris Dietes grandiflora or Iridiodes bicolor, all varieties Features: Dietes can be planted in large-scale landscaping projects because of its ability to cope with poor conditions and almost total neglect. Good foliage effects and decorative flowers. It is a clump-forming rhizomatous perennial, sword-shaped leaves and basal growth.

Conditions: Climate – From cool to sub-tropical regions Aspect – grows best in full sun, but tolerates some shade Soil – well drained, need not be rich.

Growing Method: Watering – once established, is drought-tolerant. Needs occasional deep watering in summer. Fertilising – not essential, but improved growth, if given in spring. Problems – No pests or diseases known.

Flowering: Season – late spring through summer After flowering – it is best to do nothing as the same stems continue to flower over quite a few years.

Suitable areas in Campaspe: All areas of the Shire

Other factors to be considered: � Remove dead seed heads � Cut back to 50cm every 3 to 5 years



Where to see one in Campaspe: � Common landscape plant � Rochester Post Office (Dietes bicolor) � Hocking Motors, Rochester (Dietes


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Butterfly Flag Diplarrena moraea Features: Tufted perennial with short rhizomes and linear to sword-shaped, dark green, sometimes glaucous basal leaves. Height to 60cm, width to 25cm.

Conditions: Climate – Grows from Tasmania to New South Wales Aspect – sun or shade, very hardy – frost hardy. Soil – well drained. Will not tolerate wet feet. Neutral to acid.

Growing Method: Watering – Regular watering until established. Problems – Trouble-free

Flowering: Exquisite white iris-like flowers that only last one day. Continual flowering over many weeks. Season – spring to summer After flowering – remover dead-heads.

Suitable areas in Campaspe: All areas of the Shire

Other factors to be considered: A native, similar to Dietes Bu




Where to see one in Campaspe:

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Fern-leaf Hop Bush Dodonea boroniifolia Features: A spreading, sticky shrub up to 2m around. The dark green pinnate leaves have up to 12 leaflets, with a toothed tip. Conditions: This bush needs pruning to promote bushy growth, is frost-resistant and will handle periods of dryness. Soil – performs well in most well-drained soil types.

Growing Method: Watering – minimal Flowering: Season – the flowers appear in winter and spring and are followed by outstanding large four-winged capsules that mature to a deep pink to red for summer.

Suitable areas in Campaspe: All areas of the Shire

Other factors to be considered:





Where to see one in Campaspe:

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Hop Bush Dodonaea viscosa Features: This tall, bushy shrub can grow to around 3m. It has shiny, sticky leaves.

Conditions: A light trimming will keep this plant compact, but it will tolerate most relatively-harsh conditions, including frost, wind, dryness and almost any soil type, provided it is well-drained and in a sunny position.

Growing Method: Watering – Flowering: Season – the flowers, which are very small, are followed by large clusters of three-winged, papery, reddish fruits in spring and summer.

Suitable areas in Campaspe: All areas of the Shire

Other factors to be considered: � Dodonaea viscosa ssp cuneata – wedge-

leaf hop bush – is a local species � Common screening plant – purple or green

forms Ho



Where to see one in Campaspe:

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Livingstone Daisy or Ice Plant Dorotheanthus bellidiformis, syn. Mesembryanthemum criniflorum Features: Low-growing annual, bearing obovate to spoon-shaped fleshy succulent leaves. Ground cover. Height 10 – 15cm, width to 30cm.

Conditions: Climate – hot, dry Aspect – full sun, bedding border or bank situation. Soil – well-drained, sandy soil.

Growing Method: Watering – regular watering until established. Drought tolerant. Problems – trouble-free.

Flowering: Season – white, crimson, red, orange-gold, flowers are borne freely from spring to summer. After flowering – remove dead foliage.

Suitable areas in Campaspe: All areas of the Shire

Other factors to be considered:





Where to see one in Campaspe:

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Spotted Emu Bush or Native Fuschia Eremophila maculata Features: Narrow ovate leaves; shrub has many hybrids ranging in size from prostrate to 3m tall.

Conditions: Responds well to a prune, dependent on size, to maintain a bushy effect. Many well-drained soils are ideal.

Growing Method: Watering – occasional Flowering: Season - flowers are tubular, with a large curl on the fringe. As the names suggest, it is spotted on the throat and will come in purple, pink, red, yellow or orange and many forms and colours

Suitable areas in Campaspe: All areas of the Shire

Other factors to be considered: Many other species worth considering, especially Eremophila glabra species.





Where to see one in Campaspe: Indigenous (local) species to Campaspe Shire – Gunbower Island; good specimens at Torrumbarry Weir

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Emu Bush or Silky Eremophila Eremophila nivea Features: Silvery-grey shrub to 1.5m round; has velvet-like leaves

Conditions: Enjoys any soil type, provided it is well drained.

Growing Method: Watering – Moderate watering during growth period.

Flowering: Season – Flowers are a tubular pink to lilac and produced during winter and spring.

Suitable areas in Campaspe: All areas of the Shire

Other factors to be considered: Try not to water the foliage as it can rot.



Where to see one in Campaspe: Lockington supermarket Rochester Native Nursery

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Fairy Waxflower, Bendigo Waxflower Eriostemon verrucosus, syn Philotheca verrucosa Features: Small, open shrub to around 1.5m; ovate grey-green leaves with a strong aroma. Conditions: This plant grows well im most well-drained soils and responds well to mulch that will break down. Will handle dry periods and is frost-hardy. Prune to encourage bushy, vigorous growth.

Growing Method: Watering – until established Flowering: Season – It flowers for long periods between winter and spring with pink and white waxy flowers.

Suitable areas in Campaspe: All areas of the Shire

Other factors to be considered:





Where to see one in Campaspe:

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Blue Fescue Festuca glauca syn. poaceae Features: Group of evergreen, tuft-forming perennial grasses. Height and spread 20cm. Fully hardy. Has narrow leaves in various shades of blue-green to silvery-white.

Conditions: Aspect – full sun Soil –

Growing Method: Best if divided every 2-3 years, in spring. Watering – water sparingly Problems – does not like it wet

Flowering: Season – bears unimportant panicles of spikelets in summer. After flowering – remove spent flower heads when they have dried off, to keep the plant looking neat.

Suitable areas in Campaspe: All areas of the Shire

Other factors to be considered:




Where to see one in Campaspe:

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Butterfly Bush Gaura lindheimeri ‘White Sensation’ Features: A perennial, bushy plant with arching branches of butterfly-like flowers that stay on the bush for months. Leaves are lance-shaped and mid-green. Height 1.2m, spread 1m

Conditions: Climate – thrives in the heat Aspect – full sun Soil – well-drained soil

Growing Method: Plant in a well-mulched garden. Trim every 3 to 5 years, if required, to remove older leaves. Watering – Fertilising – with slow release once in spring. Problems –

Flowering: Season – produces racemes of tubular, pink-suffused, white flowers. After flowering – in mid-spring, prune back the stems by one-third to establish a framework, then again by half, in late February, for blooms until May. Cut to the ground in winter.

Suitable areas in Campaspe: All areas of the Shire

Other factors to be considered:




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Lavender Grevillea Grevillea lavandulacea ‘Tanunda’ Features: Usually has short, narrow, grey or grey-green leaves. The delicate long-styled flowers are pale to deep pink and sometimes combined with red or cream. The clusters make a delightful combination with the greyish leaves. Nectar-feeding birds find the flowers particularly attractive. Grows to 1m tall and 1-2m across, many cultivars available, prostrate to small shrubs

Conditions: Climate – warm to hot Aspect – full to part-shade Soil – well drained

Growing Method: Watering – established plants are able to tolerate moderate to heavy frosts and extended dry periods Fertilising – low phosphorus, eg Native Osmocote

Flowering: Season – mainly in winter spring

Suitable areas in Campaspe: All areas of the Shire

Other factors to be considered: Many hundreds of suitable varieties; talk to your local nursery La





Where to see one in Campaspe:

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Happy Wanderer Hardenbergia violaceae Features: Strong-growing climber, sometimes trailing in habit. Leather rich-green leaflet. Australian plant used in a diverse range of settings.

Conditions: Climate – hardy to -4o, temperate Aspect – full sun, on pergola, arbour, wall or as ground cover on a bank. Soil – moderately fertile, well-drained soil, acid to neutral, in full sun or part-shade

Growing Method: Watering – moderate water until established; then occasional water. Problems – tough, none known

Flowering: Season – ‘Pink Cascade’, ‘White Crystal’, ‘Alba’. From late winter to early summer, purple, violet, white, pink or lilac pea flowers are borne in pendant racemes. After flowering – prune off dead flower heads and any dead growth.

Suitable areas in Campaspe: All areas of the Shire

Other factors to be considered:





Where to see one in Campaspe:

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Hebe Hebe Features: Evergreen shrub with rich green leaves. Can provide good texture, with long flowering periods. Height 20cm – 1m, width 20cm – 1m. Conditions: Hebes adapt well to almost any soil type. They enjoy full sun have moderate to high frost tolerance. Growing Method: Watering – Regular watering once established. This plant will cope will in warm environments and will cope with dry conditions. Will respond very quickly to watering, which should be done in its growth period, ie springtime. Relatively maintenance-free.

Flowering: Season – Hebes can be covered in a mass of pink, white, blue or purple flowers. This will occur in late winter and spring, but can happen spasmodically during summer.

Suitable areas in Campaspe: All areas of the Shire

Other factors to be considered: Similar varieties: Enchylaena tomentosa – Ruby Saltbush Rhagodia spinescens – Hedge Saltbush


Where to see one in Campaspe:

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Horizontal Juniper Juniperus horizontalis Features: Ground-covering plant that has horizontal branches and a thick covering of short, needle-like blue-green leaves. Dense ground cover eventually forming a mat up to 50cm thick. Conditions: Climate – full sun Aspect – Soil – free-draining soil Frost tolerant. Fully hardy

Growing Method: Watering – moderate water until established; then occasional water. Problems – tough, none known

Flowering: Season – ‘Pink Cascade’, ‘White Crystal’, ‘Alba’. From late winter to early summer, purple, violet, white, pink or lilac pea flowers are borne in pendant racemes. After flowering – prune off dead flower heads and any dead growth.

Suitable areas in Campaspe: All areas of the Shire

Other factors to be considered:





Where to see one in Campaspe:

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Conifer Juniperus squamata ‘Holger’ Features: Broad, flat conifer which is perfect for both garden beds and large rockeries. Old foliage is grey-green, while new growth is yellow, giving a bi-coloured effect in spring. Height 1.15cm; width 2m

Conditions: Climate – hot to cool zones Aspect – full sun Soil – well-drained

Growing Method: Watering – minimal

Flowering: Foliage interest

Suitable areas in Campaspe: All areas of the Shire

Other factors to be considered: � Foliage plant for contrasting colour � Other similar cultivars are available



Where to see one in Campaspe:

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Red Hot Poker Kniphofia hybrids Features: Evergreen perennial; good accent plant. Flowers stand on long stems high above grassy foliage. Clump-forming. Choose planting position with care, clumps like to remain undisturbed. Flower colours from cream, orange and yellow to red.

Conditions: Climate – temperate Aspect – needs full sun all day. Soil – well-drained manure or compost enriched

Growing Method: Watering – water well until established, occasional deep watering during flowering Problems – tough, none known

Flowering: Season – flowering times vary with species from late spring through summer to autumn. Several species also bloom from mid-winter to spring. After flowering – remove spent stalks and dead leaves

Suitable areas in Campaspe: All areas of the Shire

Other factors to be considered: Red



Where to see one in Campaspe:

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Dwarf Pink English Lavender Lavandula angustifola ‘Rosea’ Features: Compact evergreen shrub with grey-green leaves and spikes of small, aromatic, pale pink flowers. Good garden plant for low hedges and cottage gardens. Height to 50cm.

Conditions: Climate – tolerates dry conditions, frost-tolerant Aspect – sunny. Soil – well-drained

Growing Method: Fertilising – Feed with some lime

Flowering: Season – Late spring to early autumn After flowering –remove spent flower stems annually and trim plants in winter to encourage bushy growth.

Suitable areas in Campaspe: All areas of the Shire

Other factors to be considered: � Most lavender are sand plants � Drought tolerance � Many new varieties � Mediterranean varieties are better for

drought tolerance – French and Italian







Where to see one in Campaspe:

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Mat Rush Lomandra longifolia Features: Australian native dense tussock-forming perennial with linear, mainly flat, leaves. Frost hardy, accent plant or for mass planting. Height 1m, spread 2m

Conditions: Climate – temperate Aspect – full sun to part-shade Soil – well drained

Growing Method: Watering – minimum after established. Problems – trouble-free

Flowering: Season – summer, fragrant yellow or cream cylindrical panicle After flowering – rejuvenate old clumps by cutting back foliage every few years.

Suitable areas in Campaspe: All areas of the Shire

Other factors to be considered: Mat


Where to see one in Campaspe:

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Tanika Lomandra longifolia Features: An improved compact fine-leaf form of the popular Lomandra longifolia. This attractive deep-green selection provides a graceful, versatile plant. Ideal for mass planting or specimen planting in garden beds and borders. A great alternative for Japanese ornamental gardens.

Conditions: Climate – full sun to shade; tolerates heavy frost, drought, hot and humid conditions. Aspect – will tolerate exposure and windy sites. Soil – performs well in heavy clay or free-draining soils

Growing Method: Low maintenance; occasionally fertilise and trim to 30cm above ground level every three to four years.

Flowering: Season – attractive yellow flower heads in early spring After flowering –

Suitable areas in Campaspe: All areas of the Shire

Other factors to be considered: � New cultivar is proving to be very tough



Where to see one in Campaspe:

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Pale Mat-rush Lomandra nana Features: Low, sparse to compact, tufted herb with narrow blue-green strap leaves with spikes of creamy-yellow wattle-like flowers amongst the foliage.

Conditions: Climate – temperate. Aspect – open, sunny native beds or border situation; good in grassland and woodland settings. Soil – free-draining

Growing Method: Watering – well until established, occasionally after that. Problems – none known

Flowering: Season – October to December – small, wrinkled capsule containing several seeds After flowering – light clip to remove dead heads and foliage.

Suitable areas in Campaspe: All areas of the Shire

Other factors to be considered:




Where to see one in Campaspe:

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Weeping Grass Microlaena stipoides Features: Rhizomatous, tufted, mat-forming perennial grass; bright green foliage – weeping flower heads 18cm long. It is green all year and will grow 30 – 70cm tall and has recently been used in a lawn application. Once established, it is highly competitive.

Conditions: This plant tolerates drought conditions very well, needing occasional watering. Responds well to moderately fertile soils and very well to moderate to heavy grazing. It has moderate to high frost tolerance.

Growing Method: Watering – well until established; then occasionally

Flowering: Season – Will flower in summer to autumn. However, it is mainly used for its foliage, revegetation and more recently lawn applications.

Suitable areas in Campaspe: All areas of the Shire

Other factors to be considered: Has the potential to become suitable as a lawn in dry areas. More breeding is being researched W




Where to see one in Campaspe: Ko-Warra Transplants

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Boobialla or Waterbush Myoporum montanum Features: Height to 3m, width to 2m; fairly tall and wide shrub with white flowers with purple spots; drought and frost-tolerant.

Conditions: Climate – temperate; do well in fairly-dry areas. Aspect – well-drained, sunny position or partial shade Soil – well drained

Growing Method: Watering – until established Problems – none known

Flowering: Season – long-flowering; from winter to summer After flowering – light prune

Suitable areas in Campaspe: All areas of the Shire

Other factors to be considered: � Local species, but rare � Groundcover forms available Myoporum




Where to see one in Campaspe:

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Dwarf Sacred Bamboo Nandina domestica nana Features: The erect branches of this evergreen shrub are lightly-foliaged with spear-shaped, lime-green leaves with puckered leaflets. It has attractive reddish foliage in autumn and winter; a crimson and scarlet, when planted in full sun. Frost-tolerant, the taller form is used as a screen, while the dwarf one often appears as a low hedge suitable for edging. Taller form gets to 2m tall with a 1m spread; while the dwarf form will only be 30-60cm tall, with a spread of 40cm.

Conditions: Climate – at its optimum in cooler areas, so a shady position is best in warmer districts. Aspect – full sun or part-shade Soil – Fertile soil

Growing Method: Watering – Until established and occasionally during summer Flowering: Season – has small panicles of star-shaped, white flowers in mid-summer, followed by spherical red fruits. After flowering –

Suitable areas in Campaspe: All areas of the Shire

Other factors to be considered:






Where to see one in Campaspe: Nandina is common throughout the shire; including the streetscape in Rochester and Tongala

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Catmint Nepeta ‘Dawn to Dusk’ Features: Grey-green leaves, deeply-veined. Height 40cm, width 40cm.

Conditions: Climate – can tolerate drought, blazing heat and salt winds

Growing Method: Watering – occasional watering Flowering: Season – 15cm flower spikes of the palest pink After flowering –cut back by two-thirds, water well and it will repeat-flower.

Suitable areas in Campaspe: All areas of the Shire

Other factors to be considered:



Where to see one in Campaspe:

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African Daisy Osteospermum ecklonis Features: Height 80cm; width 50cm. Tough perennial, often used as a ground cover. Blue-centred white daisy flower.

Conditions: Climate – temperate Aspect – full sun; rockery, embankment, border; tolerates exposed areas Soil – not fussy, but must be well drained.

Growing Method: Watering – regular until established, then only in hot, dry spells. Fertilising – complete fertiliser in spring. Problems – no specific problems are known.

Flowering: Season – long flowering period from late winter through until early summer After flowering – give an overall clipping to maintain compact growth.

Suitable areas in Campaspe: All areas of the Shire

Other factors to be considered: Afric



Where to see one in Campaspe:

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Geranium Pelargonium hortorum Features: Soft-wooded evergreen, grows about 30 – 60cm high and has shrubby, creeping habit. Some varieties have decorative and colourful foliage. Flowers borne in rounded head; extensive colour range. Good creeping screen. Potted geraniums are featured widely in Mediterranean gardens.

Conditions: Climate – prefers hot and warm climates Aspect – full sun all day for best results Soil – free-draining acid soil.

Growing Method: Watering – regular watering until established; once established, can withstand drought. Fertilising – apply slow-release or pelleted poultry manure in spring. Problems – very few, if plants are growing in the right conditions.

Flowering: Season – spring and summer, but geraniums will spot-flower through the warmer months. After flowering – prune spent flower heads; prune back hard when flowering has finished.

Suitable areas in Campaspe: All areas of the Shire

Other factors to be considered:



Where to see one in Campaspe:

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Flax Phormium tenax Features: Very hardy evergreen, medium-sized, clumping plant with long strap-like leaves. Tall, dark, woody flower spikes up to 4 metres. Height to 2.5m, width to 2.5m.

Conditions: Climate – ideal for coastal break, can be grown in a tub, often useful around pools, ponds or in rockeries

Growing Method: Watering – moderated to low requirements; periodic deep soak better than a little, often.

Flowering: Foliage interest

Suitable areas in Campaspe: All areas of the Shire

Other factors to be considered: � Dwarf forms are available


Where to see one in Campaspe: Common

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New Zealand Flax Phormium tenax ‘Jester’ ‘Yellow Wave’ and others Features: ‘Jester’ Has great foliage, summer flowers are also attractive to bird life. ‘Yellow Wave’ This one has yellowy-green strap-like leaves. Hardy and easy care, it will form a clump around 1m high.

Conditions: Climate – suited to all but the humid tropics

Growing Method: Watering – until established Flowering: Season – summer After flowering – remove flower heads

Suitable areas in Campaspe: All areas of the Shire

Other factors to be considered:





Where to see one in Campaspe:

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Common Tussock Grass Poa labillardier Features: Australian Native Grass species with stems up to 1 metre tall. Narrow grey green 30am (12inch) long leaves. Suitable for mass planting situations. It is usually used in a revegetation application – in the wild, it will occur on the lower slopes where it is wet during winter. New cultivars: ‘Eskdale’ ‘Kingsdale’

Conditions: Climate – Temperate Aspect – Full sun to light shade. Frost hardy. Soil – Well drained garden soil. Very drought-hardy, requiring minimal watering.

Growing Method: Watering – Regular watering until established. Flowering: Season – Flower spikelets are purple tinted during Spring. Whilst the flower, which occurs during spring and summer, is not colourful, a mass planting of this plant can be effective and attractive.

Suitable areas in Campaspe: All areas of the Shire Other factors to be considered: Maintenance is easy, cut back hard, nearly to ground after summer is over. They will shoot back a fresh green. As the season progresses they flower and dry out to a light straw colour. Com






Where to see one in Campaspe:

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Common Stonecrop Sedum acre Features: Mat-forming evergreen densely-clothed triangular green succulent. Tough drought tolerant ground cover.

Conditions: Climate – Temperate Aspect –Full sun, scree bed, rockery. Soil – Free draining, slightly alkaline.

Growing Method: Watering – Light frequent watering until established.

Flowering: Season – In Summer in abundance, over long periods. After flowering – Trim back maintain size.

Suitable areas in Campaspe: All areas of the Shire

Other factors to be considered:






Where to see one in Campaspe:

Page 53: Drought-Tolerant, Water-Wise Plants - Victoria, Australia


Stonecrop Sedum humifusum Features: Mat forming evergreen succulent creeping drought tolerant. Tight rosette mid green leaves aging to red.

Conditions: Climate – Drought tolerant fully hardy. Aspect – Full sun, rock garden, scree bed. Soil – Moderately fertile well drained neutral to slightly alkaline.

Growing Method: Watering – In growing period water moderately. Fertilising – While establishing half strength liquid fertilizer.

Flowering: Season – Early Summer solitary terminal flower approx 25mm (1inch) high and 100mm (4 inches) wide. Bright yellow in colour. After flowering – Cut back spreading varieties to maintain shape.

Suitable areas in Campaspe: All areas of the Shire

Other factors to be considered:




Where to see one in Campaspe:

Page 54: Drought-Tolerant, Water-Wise Plants - Victoria, Australia


Houseleek Sempervirum giuseppii Features: Succulent mat forming rosette 25-40mm (1 inch – 1 ½ inches) across, pea green when young, dark spotted at the tips.

Conditions: Climate – Hardy

Aspect – Full sun, rock garden, scree bed.

Soil – Free draining, with grit. Moderately fertile.

Growing Method: Watering – Minimum water while establishing.

Problems – Not many, may be affected by rust.

Flowering: Season – Red flower in summer 75mm (3 inches) high and 40mm (1 ½ inches) wide. After flowering – Remove spent flowers.

Suitable areas in Campaspe: All areas of the Shire

Other factors to be considered:




Where to see one in Campaspe:

Page 55: Drought-Tolerant, Water-Wise Plants - Victoria, Australia


Potato Vine Solanum jasminoides “Alba” Features: This is a very fast growing, evergreen climber. It has thin dark leaves and has a long flowering season. Reaches its peak in Summer. Grows to about 5 metres x 5 metres.

Conditions: Climate – Temperate, frost hardy. Aspect – Full sun Soil – prefers good soil, preferably sandy loam, though it will tolerate clay.

Growing Method: Watering – a good deep watering once a week, but can tolerate dry periods.

Flowering: Season – Flowers from Spring through to Autumn. Flowers are white with starry yellow centres. After flowering – Use hedge clippers to shape as often as necessary.

Suitable areas in Campaspe: All areas of the Shire

Other factors to be considered:




Where to see one in Campaspe:

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Lamb’s Ear Stachys byzantina “Silver Carpet” Features: Edging ground cover. Mat-forming dense white, woolly perennial with rosettes and furry, veined, grey-green leaves; 45cm high and 60cm wide.

Conditions: Climate – Temperate. Aspect – Sunny position, dry bank, gravel bed, rock garden. Soil – Well drained, gritty soil.

Growing Method: Watering – Moderate to low water required once established.

Flowering: Season – early summer to early autumn; long erect stems bear interrupted spikes of woolly, pink-purple flowers. After flowering –

Suitable areas in Campaspe: All areas of the Shire

Other factors to be considered:




Where to see one in Campaspe:

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Stipa gigantea Stipa gigantea Features: From 30cm-high clumps of fine dark-green leaves rise slender stems topped by 50cm flower heads of silvery-green. As summer heat up, they turn to a shining gold feather that shimmers in the breeze. Conditions: Climate – drought-tolerant Aspect – full sun Soil –

Growing Method: Watering – Flowering: Season – After flowering – cut down flower stems in autumn

Suitable areas in Campaspe: All areas of the Shire

Other factors to be considered: Many other varieties are available, some local, especially Stipa elegantissima – Feather Speargrass St




Where to see one in Campaspe:

Page 58: Drought-Tolerant, Water-Wise Plants - Victoria, Australia


Bird of Paradise Strelitzia reginae Features: Clump-forming evergreen perennials; height 2m, width 1m; grown as a specimen plant.

Conditions: Climate – In warm areas, grown as a specimen plant. Aspect – Full sun or partial shade, with shelter from winds. Soil – Fertile

Growing Method: Watering – Freely in the growing season, until established. Tough and drought-tolerant once established. Problems – Susceptible to scale insect attack.

Flowering: Exotic orange flowers with blue corollas; height 2m, width 1m. Season – From winter to spring; flowers are long-lasting when cut. After flowering – Remove spent flower stalks and old growth.

Suitable areas in Campaspe: All areas of the Shire

Other factors to be considered: Bird




Where to see one in Campaspe:

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Kangaroo Grass Themeda Features: Evergreen, tuft-forming, perennial grass. Form and foliage colour are variable; generally a low clump of green to blue-green leaves, turning purple in autumn. Height 50cm – 1.2m. Spread 50-60cm.

Conditions: Gardens or anywhere a minimal-maintenance planting is required. Climate – Temperate Aspect – Soil – Free draining

Growing Method: Watering –

Flowering: Season – Black-awned seeds can be produced in summer. After flowering –

Suitable areas in Campaspe: All areas of the Shire

Other factors to be considered: There are three main varieties of Themeda, australis, “Mingo” and triandra. All attractive variants. Ka




Where to see one in Campaspe:

Page 60: Drought-Tolerant, Water-Wise Plants - Victoria, Australia


Native Rosemary Westringia Features: Cultivated fro flowers and foliage; evergreen Australian shrub found in scrub and dry forests. Good for a hedge or screen; height to 2 metres.

Conditions: Climate – Half-hardy in temperate areas Aspect – Full sun Soil – Free-draining

Growing Method: Watering – water moderately when in growth. Fertilising – Liquid fertiliser in spring. Problems – Trouble-free

Flowering: Season – Late spring to early summer; white to pale mauve flowers. After flowering – light tip-prune to keep compact.

Suitable areas in Campaspe: All areas of the Shire

Other factors to be considered:





Where to see one in Campaspe:

Westringia Fruticosa ‘Smokie’ – a miniature

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Yucca Yucca elephantipes Features: The perfect plant to own if you don’t like looking after plants; yuccas are extremely hardy, tolerating months without water, full sun or shade positions, salt. Grown for their strong architectural growth habit and attractive sword-shaped leaves and flowers. Ideal for use in homes, offices, patio courtyards, rockeries, pebble gardens, seaside gardens and other hot, dry spots.

Conditions: Climate – Dry Aspect – Full sun or shade Soil – Good drainage

Growing Method: Watering – Flowering: Shape and height can be controlled by cutting the top off in summer to promote branching. Season – After flowering – Suitable areas in Campaspe: All areas of the Shire

Other factors to be considered: Moderate frosts and air conditioning. Some Yukkas have sharp spines, others don’t.



Where to see one in Campaspe:
