Page 1: Driving with Jasit, despite being menos uno, because we’re 2Legit2Quit, while Transforming into Leaders: A Professional Learning Community Vision for Cohort

Driving with Jasit,

despite being menos uno,

because we’re 2Legit2Quit,

while Transforming into Leaders:

A Professional Learning Community Vision for Cohort 22

Page 2: Driving with Jasit, despite being menos uno, because we’re 2Legit2Quit, while Transforming into Leaders: A Professional Learning Community Vision for Cohort

Meet me at the table What are your strengths as a

human resource? Three words or less!

Page 3: Driving with Jasit, despite being menos uno, because we’re 2Legit2Quit, while Transforming into Leaders: A Professional Learning Community Vision for Cohort

2Legit2Quit’s Vision:

We are greater than I. We are our own most valuable resource(s)…


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Professional Learning Communities

Study #1 Maloney, C., & Konza, D. (2011). A case

study of teachers' professional learning: Becoming a community of professional learning or not?. Issues In Educational Research, 21(1), 75-87. Retrieved from Education Research Complete.

Case study of a PLC implementation at a primary school in Western Australia

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“Collaboration is widely promoted as critical to the development of school as professional learning communities…[the] need for practitioners to work together becomes stronger when they strive to guard against conflicting government views of professional work,” (2011, p. 76).

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Practitioner Research: assumes there is a significant value in establishing communities that draw on the intellectual resources of the participants in order to promote shared thinking and communication. It also requires a critical inquiry of the work place in the pursuit of professional knowledge.

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Typically, teachers are not properly trained to conduct research at an acceptable standard and that the research is questionable

The demands of teachers’ work make it difficult for them to do research while maintaining focus on educating students

At times, teachers tend to use their research to justify their current practices

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Framework for study: Hord’s (1997) five dimensions of professional learning community Supportive and shared leadership Shared values and vision Collective learning and the application

of that learning Shared practice Supportive conditions for the

maintenance of learning communities

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End goal: creating an information booklet describing effective early childhood practice and distributing to the families of students

Low attendance after the first professional development session (sessions held after school).

Teachers afraid to speak up regarding conflicting viewpoints or opinions

Supportive principal willing to establish professional leave time during the day

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“Articulating person views, however, takes courage and confidence in the face of potential debate and for some teachers this meant raising conflicting perceptions and practices. When consensus is perceived as a desired outcome, debating and contesting views and opinions may be regarded as a stressful activity rather than a co-construction of that knowledge” (2011, p. 83).

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Study #2 Gray, C., & Smyth, K. (2012).

Collaboration Creation: Lessons Learned From Establishing an Online Professional Learning Community. Electronic Journal Of E-Learning, 10(1), 60-75. Retrieved from Education Research Complete Database.

Two researchers from Edinburgh Napier University, UK launched a social networking site to support professional development activity.

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“…make learning more efficient and effective, not least through supporting the individual to move from a novice to increasingly expert position over time…online networking tools have become central to supporting the activity of formal and informal learning communities” (2012, p. 60).

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Initial Launch Slow growth of users, therefore, an


How often do you use ENEE (website)?Everyday: 2%Twice a week: 21%One a week/fortnight/month: 24%Less often: 50%

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How many groups were they involved with as a member or creator?85% had joined at least one group. Groups were viewed and experienced as an important tool.

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How easy is it to use?Very easy: 6%Easy: 46%Adequate: 40%Difficult/Very Difficult: 6%

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Relaunch From May 2010 to May 2011, the

doubled the number of users from 100 to over 200 users.

Easier sign-up, easier notification system

Authors “have been encouraged by the potential of ELGG as a platform to support an online professional community of educators” (2012, p. 73).

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Study #3 Beutel, D., Gray, L., Beames, S.,

Klenowski, V., Ehrich, L., & Kapitzke, C. (2010). An Exploratory Study of Online Social Networking within a Doctorate of Education Program. International Journal Of Learning,17(3), 67-79. Retrieved from Education Research Complete Database.

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Researchers examined the implementation of a wiki into a Doctor of Education program in Queensland, Australia.

Theory: “Because candidates hold positions of responsibility and are time-poor, many doctoral students have difficulty transitioning from professional practitioner to researcher and scholar,” (2010, p. 67-68)

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Negatives of professional doctoral programs: students aren’t aware of magnitude and

extended duration of doctoral studies, stresses contribute to social isolation and


“Blended learning communities combine

online instructional modes with face-to-face interactions,” (2010, p. 69).

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Using the knowledge-building (e-learning) approach to education, the focus is on the construction of collective knowledge rather than personal knowledge and independent learning.

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Study only focused on first seven months of the program. Three issues emerged: The appropriateness of using blended

learning with doctoral cohort The challenges of using wikis as an online

technology for creating communities of practice Their wikis were the program, our wiki

is a support The transition from student to scholar is

a process that is unlikely to be achieved in such a short research time-frame

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Study #4 Kim, H., Miller, H., Herbert, B., Pedersen,

S., & Loving, C. (2012). Using a Wiki in a Scientist-Teacher Professional Learning Community: Impact on Teacher Perception Changes. Journal Of Science Education & Technology, 21(4), 440-452. doi:10.1007/s10956-011-9336-x

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“A wiki nurtures educational communities in becoming collaborative, innovative, and sustainable” (2012, p. 440).

A wiki “allows people with a range of expertise levels…to share knowledge nuggets, [and] review others contributions…” (2012, p. 441).

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According to Achterman (as cited in Rosen and Nelson, 2008): Easy to use through word processing

applications Create instructional products on various

levels Allow the ability to create nonlinearly

linked documents Enhance metacognitive reflections on

content changes via comment, discussion and history features

Monitoring functions can track people in various levels

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Study analyzed the impact of wiki collaboration amongst a group of teachers and the results showed a very positive impact on the “teachers’ perceptions changes, a positive prediction of early-career teacher’ perceived knowledge of teaching through inquiry, and an increase in teachers’ contributions in the professional development community” (2012, p. 449).

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Cohort 22’s Online Interactive Work


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Jon Kilpatrick’s Spiel

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Ansar’s Spoken Word… There will be a short quiz at the end of

this stand and deliver selection…

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ELCC Standards Connection

After having experienced the Spoken Word selection that connects the ELCC Standards to our Cohort 22 experiences here at the Wilson Graduate Center please share your thoughts on an appropriate TITLE for the Spoken Word piece…

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Selection Choices A – We are the World B – Eyes on We… C – I am better than you D – We are greater than I

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Bring it on Disciplined Inquiry!
