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Ali ogriculfural enterprises wanf and need to earn money, as earnJng money means enjoying work. However, as todoy's form managers you ore more than just good agrlculturists - you are purchasers of mochines, seeds, ferfilisers and pesficides, business odminlstrators and also personnel and logistics managers. You have fo moke far-reoching decisions thol directly affecf the operaNng resulfs of your agricultural businesses. You know that fhe technobgy you use determines your working proce-dures and iherefore olso directly offects your profits.

Special equipment and fechnìcolly sophìs-ticated details are not the maìn priorify, but such self-evidenf demands such as reliobi-lify, economy, comfort and simplìcity of operatìon are af the top of the list. These ore demands that are so important in larga scale enferprises and for confractors, for the sole reoson that tractors are often in use for more than 1,500 hours per year.

With the currenf wide range of fechnology on offer for large-scale opplications, deci-sion-making is often difficult and involves a long process òf dota ond information

colbflon and consultafion. Field tests and demonsfrotions offer the opporfunify to consolidate opinions. Ulfimafely, however, decisions ore always mode for rational reasons, as oli aspecfs - bofh economie and technical - must be taken info account in order to safeguard fhe success of your business.

It is therefore advonfogeous if a decision con be mode for a sfrong brand - DEUTZ-FAHR - with a rational largo tractor con­cepì thal concentrates on one fhing - the success of you its customers - by providing

modem fechnology that more fhan does

justice fo pracfical requiremenfs.

The Agrofron 2 0 0 is an exomple of such rational fechnology. This fractor is fhe cul-mination of fhe rich experìence of more fhan 75 yeors of major technologicc! lea­dership in fhe agriculfura! machinery in-dusfry. The large panoramic cab ond the slim outline of fhe Agrofron ore unique. The comprehensive standard feafures include pracfical details and technical equipmenf that some competitors cannot offer for love

nor money, Operation is so simple and efficienf thof ali drivers are able fo intuiti-ve!y come fo grìps with if wifhout involved training and con moke use of ali producti-ve feafures immediafely. W e find that these ore advantoges that confroctors in parti-cubr oppreciofe - because for you every minute counfs,

Therefore fhe Agrofron 2 0 0 guaranfees its

owners productivily, volue sfability and


Advantages Modorfì and pracfical largè-scaìe tractor concept with spacious cab

Unique panoramic 320° view

Powerful, high-torque, economie aitd reliaMe OEUTZ engine Witti electionic motor control (EMC) and a Constant performance over a wide speed range


Simpte-ùùeration 9-staae pow&nhttt ^ UììissfOfì with 2 gwupbf APS and creeper speed group

BlectrohydrauUc shuftte transmission

Tm PIO speetts (540B/1000}

Higtì'peiiormanoe Hydraulic.systcm with Ioad'sens'n" v^riattle dispfacement pump

Hiah dearee of safety during road travet due to vioratton damping ot mountod implem

cAiftuìtuy fugtì Unitage IHtiog torce of 10 tonnes

Bxemplary coordination of front axle suspension, cali with pneumatic suspension and tow-frequency oneumatic suspension seat for more travelling comfort

Integrateti front powerlift with a lifting farce of 4 tonnes plus a 1,000 rpm PTO

Fuel tank with a capacity of 3801

e t



I / I

Relaxed and productive work is onl/ pos* sible in pleasont surroundrngs wrth a positìve atmosphere. A driver needs free-dom of movement and a clear arrange­ment of atl Controls. Operatìon of the Agrotron is completely instinctìve.

Ali levers and switches ore logicaHy and cleorly arranged on an operating panel fo rhe driver's right, combìned in funcfional groups according to frequency of use, This resuits in an optimolly designed workplace for sofe, uncomplicoted operofion, thereby enhancing driver productivity,

Comforfable entrance Even eniering the spacious Agrotron cab is simple and comfortable. Galvonised, anti­slip steps, two fulMength hondraìls on eoch side, wide^ongle door opening ond easy-reach door fiandles ensure safe mounting and dismounting.

Excellent view

The cab and entrance area are illuminated automafically when the door is opened so that the driver con olso mount and dismount sofely in the dark. The effective Agrotron lighting olso enhances safefy ond confi-dence and increases productìvity v /̂ith impfoved external lighting for night work. With the option of up to 15 moin and wor­king headiights at the front and rear, on area of up to 500 m- con be illuminated around the tractor.

Pleasantly quìet

With its low interior noise level of 74 dB (Al the Agrotron is one of the quietest tractors of its class. This is achieved with basic design features such os engines with low noise emission ond consistent exclu-sion of noise-emitting and noise-transferring components ffom the cab. An additionol insuloting woll, between the engine com-portmenf and the cab, conslderobly im-proves the noise insulofion in this single-cell, full-body cab.

Everything in view

With the Infocenter the driver hos oli froctor operofing dato in view at oli fimes. The engine speed and operating condition are indicafed on onologue disploys. A centrai warning display reliobly indicotes incorrect functions. The on-board computer, with an infegroted performance monitor, provides informatìon on the PTO speeds ond trovel-ling speed. The wheei slip, hours of opero-tion, the current fuel consumption, ocreoge ond working depth con olso be seen. The tronsmission display shows the driver which ratio is engaged ond preselected os well as the respecfive trovelling mode.

Excellent climate The cobs powerful 4-stoge heoting ond

ventilation fan has a copacity of up to 580

mVh, this ensures a Constant ond pleosant

working otmosphere in no time ot oli.

Fresh air is drown in fhrough filfered ìntoke openings in the leff ond right-hand B-struts; from bere short insubted air ducts distribu-te the air selectively through 17 odjustoble nozzies. The Agrotron is equipped with on environmentolly friendly compact air condi-tioning system thot guorontees fast tempe­rature odjustment. Switch-over from fresh to circuloting air is with the flick of a lever, resulting in de-humidified air clearing misting Windows. A slight overpressure in the cab olso prevents the ingress of dust or contaminanls.

Tinfed Windows and roller blinds on the front ond rear windscreens protect the driver from excessive exposure fo the sun's roys. A cab roof with over-hang provides additionol shoding if required.

Co-driver seat The folding, standard co-driver seat is per-fectly integroled into the cab entrance. With 0 safety-bar ond childproof door lock it is olso extremely safe. An Integrofed com-porfment in the backrest of the co-driver seat provides room for documenfs.


The shvitte kver, for ihanging the iireiiìon of frave! without a(hatìng the thuh, is lotivenieiìtly Ìo<ateébelow the steerìng wheel.

^ [Ktetlent panoremk view ano ergonomie operatìon are outstai%g features of the Agrotron cab.

t Y Ali the importai controis are within easy reoth MI the multHuni,jg„ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ j , ^^j ,;,g rìght-haaé operating panel


The cab suipemion improves drìvìng comfort considerably and ea§ity absorbs tie Impact aad rcfSng mofìon of the cab durìng operatìon.

Ldfye-area cab gia^utg of6,b ni sui a

panoramic ytew of 320'

Optinwm location or aii tntake and

exhaust pifjes on the front cab struts

b roof for improved stu^^effective

drip protection when doors and Windows

are opened atìtì less screeh soUing

Up to 15 inteprated working headhqhts at the front and rear tor safe iNuminatmn ot wnrkina areas

Tr^n^firirrjìt ranf-h.itrh ftpmtffK annfj-

structediop Miew towaràs the freni

nr^ttic ipad-in when rear witidscref*" *<


f'ressurised cab with two cab ' ' '• «"^^'i

far dust and conUi,>,nant&

Workpface with perfect ergonomfr '^- -^,^,1,

far safé work due to confusian-tree

operating efements

Arrangement of the operating efements in

tunclional groups

Shuttle lever withm easy reacn to the left

of the steerìng wheei

Fast individuai driver adaptation due to

ad/ustabie steering wheei, tìriver's seat

and multitunction armrest

Fast recognition of ah o conditions with cfear display legibtltty due to unobstructed view of tlie ittstrument panel

Air rondHifminq system with switchovnr

from fresh to circulating air as a

standard testure

iow noise levefs due to ali-round siiencing measures

Low'Vibration pneumatic suspension

seat with more than 11 di/ferent fune-

Hans and individuai adjustment options


The ceatralinfo-display features ali the importanJ iniofmation on the engine, transmhsìon, on-hoard computer and automafìc functions.





Electronic speetì controller

6-hole high-pressure Iniection nozzles

New combusflon process VISCO fan

Engine oli cqol^ BOSCH single

Injection pumps

Timing gears and auxillary output for the air compressor.

Engine oli tllter



Wet cjftlnder sleeves


The modem DIUTZ engme hns a PID high-pressure injection system and an electroaic engine control as standard features.


r*^ .^ ' -^ . ,


The modem 6-cylinder turbo charged and intercooled DEUTZ diesel engine is distinguished by its constont output. The maximum power is achieved at 1,900 rpm, so that a Constant engine perfor­mance is available over the wide speed range of 1,900 to 2,350 rpm. This meons reloxed work, large power reser-

ves and less ratio shifting. This ali resuits in high flexibility values and lower fue consumpfion at lower engine speed, but with the some engine performance.

Low noise emission Possible noise sources were already excluded at the design stage of the engi-nes, OS noises that do not occur do not require insulotion. Noise generation is already prevented at the source by a rigid, ribbed cronkcase, soft combus-tion, exhaust turbocharger and liquid cooling, double-shell silencing below the engine cowling and a flexible infake and exhaust pipe mounfing.

High torque plateau A constantly high torque plateau is a nofher importont feafure to the DEUTZ

engine and lends to the engine, in the 1,400 to ì ,óOO rpm range, maximum elosticify through to the lower speeds. These means shifting is unnecessary until the speed drops to 1,400 rpm. The tor­que rise is 37 %.

Elecfronìc control The engine is equipped with a modem electfonic engine control (EMC) as a standard feature. The EMC is continu-ously supplied with information from the engine sensors which is constantly com-pared with the progrommed optimum engine characteristics for power, torque and fuel consumption and these are aufomafically adjusted to the best value in ali fravelling and load condilions. The result: changes in load are mastered with ease with minimum fuel consump­tion. Imporlanlly, engine speeds con be progrommed and recolled with the electronic mofor control. The manua throttle is electronicolly adjusted.

Advantages ^ - Powerfal Mgh-propuls/on,

economicai and rettaow DEUTZ engine with electronic engine control (BMC) (or low consumption and exhiiust emisanun to COM II

Blnctronic prnarM

of engine speeds

ina and recati

Electronic manual throttle

PLD htifiì-pressure mfecuon wp to 1,400 bar) with sinoip injectfnn

pumps and 6'hole injection nozzles w

Luw fuel consumption in the optimum torque range

High ftexibility, less shifting, high

drawbar pulì in the lower speed


Wide coff^^!*nt power range

Air filler with ejector dosi separatian

Long mamtenanca mwrvals

Ali engines suitable for fìME

(bio diesel)

large fuel tank with a capacity




Powershiftable speeds


The powershiff transmission provides a

total of 18 speeds that are shifted electro-

kyóraulicalty in two groaps. Otangìng from

the tow to the high group • and back again

• ìs eUctronUatfy (ontroUed.


^ - PuHing off, stopping and changing direction wittiout clutch actuation

^ * Speed graduation optimaliy coordinated Witti ttie engine performance

• 18 powersfiift stages and APS

^ No power loss in tlie powerstiift range

^ Standard rear PTOwìth two speeds

"- Simple adaptation of different cardan stiaft profites

^ Automatic activation and deactivation of ttie PTO when the rear powerlift is iìfted


Transmissions for brge fractors must be

robusf and retiable. In additìon to dose speed

rafios. loday's demonds for standard feotures

include a PowerShift, shuttle and proctica

PTO equipment.

18 speed shifting under Ioad

The 1 8-stage powershiff transmission, in two

groups that con be shifted electro-hydroulical,

provides optimum shifting comfort. With 27

forword and revefse gears (including the stan­

dard creeper speed group) the transmission is

close(y and practicolly graduated. The possi-

ble speeds range - depending on the type

ond tyres - from 5 8 0 m/h lo 40 km/h. In the

first group of 9 speeds the working speed reo-

ches up to 12 km/h. The second group starts

af 10 km/h. As a result ali main field jobs

con be completed without changing from the

first group.

More riian just o powershiff: Automotic-

PowerShift (APS)

The powershift speeds con be shifted auto-

moticolly dependent on the Ioad condition,

With the newly developed APS feaìure. The

respective Ioad of the engine and the engine

speed ore used os o control impulse. The

driver con infinitely vary the sensitivity of

the system with two driving strategie^

(ECO/Power). The clutch con be ocfuafed

with either the foot pedal or with a button on

the multi-funcfion lever. 1 8 speed shifts con be

mode without actuating the clutch pedal.

Reversìng transmission

With the reversing transmission it is possible

to pulì off from a stalionory position or chan-

ge the direction of trovel (reverse/forwords)

without actuating the clutch. The engoged

speed and powershift stage are refained

when the direction ìs chonged or these con


be programmed to suit the operating condì-

trons. The shuttle lever is especially advonta-

geous when working on the heodland. The

driver's right hand ìs free to operate other


Two PTO speeds

The rear PTO with two standord speeds

(540E ond 1 0 0 0 rpm) permits a wide rangfe

of applicolions. The bolted, interchangeable

PTO slub con be fitfed with a number of dif­

ferent pfofiles. The PTO con be operated both

from the cab ond also with pushbuttons on the

rear mudguord. The electrohydraulic control

ensures modulated, low-wear PTO start-up.

When ihe rear powerlift is actuated the PTO

con aulomaficolly switch on and off. Opera­

ting errors are prevented and mounfed imple-

ments prolected from damage.

Front PTO

The fiont PTO with a speed of 1,000 rpm is

driven directly by the engine ond electrohy-

draulicolly activoted with modulotion at the

touch of a button. It runs independently of ihe

reor PTO, Due to the modulaSion provided by

the wet piate clutch, implement start-up is

always smoofh irrespective of the Ioad. FAHR



t J


^ C

A powerful locd-sensing hydraulic system

with a fremendous lifting power of 10 ton-

nes and a moximum pump output of 1 1 3 I

is a standard feature end ensures superior

hydraulic power for oli appiicatlons.

Load Sensing

The system runs wIth an axial pìston varia­

ble displacement pump that is controlied

by the hydraulic consumers. When the con­

sumer drows off Gii, the system pressure

drops. The variable displacement pump

then instanfly provides more oil so thaf the

pressure requìred by the consumers is main-

tained. The consumer wifh the highest pres­

sure requiremenfs determines the current

system pressure.

Vibratìon dumping

During fast road trave! vibratìon oscillotions ri

con occur in the hydraulic system thot are

caused by the implement bouncing, These

con have a considerable effect on driving

safety and comfort, When vibratìon dam-

ping is activated (aufomaticolly from 8

km/h onwards), vibrafion and bounce is

detected by the electronic components on

the load sensing pins ond compensoted

with selecfive ond fast counferacfion by

the powerlift.

High lifting force

Lorge-dimension lifting cylinders permit a


tremendous lifting force of up to 10 tonnes.

Fast, reliable and safe coupling and

uncoupling of imp'emenfs by odditiono!

actuafion of the powerlift on fhe reor mud-

guard. The lower links, category III with

WKS quick-acfion couplings and stondarìd

laterol stabilisation olso hos a mechanica

swing compensQtion feature.

Four remote volves

A total of four remote valves Ione electrica

and three mechonicol) are standard featu-

res on the Agrotron. These are operated

wifh a cross-gate lever, single lever and

pushbuffon in fhe ormrest.

Power be/ond

The power beyond connection is a priority

system; the entire oil flow con be routed

from the axial pisfon pump directly to on

implement thot has a separate !oad-sen-

sing capobility. The use of other auxiliary


- Very high efficiency

Very high lifting force of 10 tonnes

\fery high pump capacity of 113 i/min

OH is only conveyeti whan requiréd by the consumers

direct connection of third-party equipment (PowerBeyond)

Lower iink arms with'mechanica! swing compensation antìautomatic lateraf stabilisation

remote valves does not interrupt the flow

vio the power beyond. As o result equip­

ment such OS a potato harvester, a self-ioa-

ding forage box or an air-seeder, con be

direclly supplied with on uninterrupted flow

of oil from the axial piston pump.


10 11



V, JtOO r

Transmìssìon j

1 Type 1 PowefSfiiff 1 Shuttle reversing transmission

1 MQX. speed 40/50 km/h 1 No. of geors (witti creeper geor) f/R 1 VibrQtìon absorbers 1 Clutch

Aqrotron 200 lic.powershrft transmission

18-stogepowershiftin2groups Standard

Speeds Agrotron 2 0 0 * Group 1

speed Fofwnrd 1 2.70

1 2 3,26

1 2 3.92 4 4.64 5 5.60 ó 6.74

7 8.04

1 8 9.70 9 11.67

'Tmvelijng speed in km/h ot nominai speed and

Reverse 2.86 3.45 4.15 4.92 5.94 7.15 8.52 10.29 12.38

5B0/70 M Z tvres

Group 2

Speed Fotwaii 10 10.21 11 12.32 12 14.82 13 17.56

14 21.19 15 25.49

16 30.39 J7 36.68

18 40.00*

*'with(edLcedenginespet ;d

•d Reverse 0.83

Speed 1

13.06 15.72

2 3

18.62 4 22.48 27.03 32.24 38.90

5 6

. 7 8

40.00** 9

Creeper speed

FonAford Reverse 0.62 0.66 0.75 0./9 0.90 0.95 1.06 1.13 1.28 1.36 1,55 1.64 1.85 1.96 2.23 2.36 2.68 2.84

a WheeI base

b Lengtli

e Height obove cab

1 Dimensions in mm Agrotran 200 | a 2^985 1 b 4,800 1 e 3,020 1 Width flcross tyres

Ground cleorance 2,550 1 600 ., 1

Weights in kg 1 Unloden weighf front/reui * 2,800/4,4/0 1 1 Total uriloden weight 7,270 1 1 Payload front / rear 2,000/2,930 1 1 Toro! paylood 4,730 1 1 Total perni, weight front oxle 1 Total perni, weight reo! oxle

4,800 1 /,400 1

1 Total perni, weight overall 12£00 1

Ihis p n n y material is designed for worldwide use. The illusliatìons il contoins show both special equipment ond incomplete standard equ^menl. ìhe Dwilobilhy ot some illustrnred models. stondord ond special equipment con vary from countiv to counrry. Onlv ̂ de t^ ' s price list stìpiAites whether such illusTfflted equipment is induded os o stondord feoTure or whether it is o specinl ottessory. In oddi^on the illustroted moiHited implements ond spetiol occes-sories moy no( aiwoys comply wi t i the re^ective stotutoiy 'egulotions, It is the responsibility ol ìhe cuslomer - o ^ r consuhotìon with the deab - to ver ity this, toking tlìe operoting inslructions into otcounl. Ali informotion end illusttations in this brothure ore subject lo chonge witìiout rwtice; ermrs excepted. Furlhemiore oli informolion contained in This brochure is not binding and is subiect To moditications of o technical ond commercial nature ot Ihose resultir̂ g from sMtorv regulotion^. No claims whafsoever crm be derived hom these, SAMF D!UIZ-FAHR DEUTSCHIAND GmbH reseives the right to moke tmy chark-ges to Ihe design and technical consTrucTion and olso the scope of stnndord ecjuipment ol ony time ond without prior notice,

SMff DEUn-FAHR DEUTSCHIAND GmbH, D^9415 Uulagen,




1 Engine ^" Agrotron 2 0 0 1

1 Uquid-tooied DEUTZ diesel engine Type ^ BF6M1013EC 1

1 Max. powef (2000/25/CE) kW/hp 157/2Ì4 1

1 Mox, power (ECE R24) kW/hp 150/205 1 1 Speed max. capacity rpin 2,000 - 2,350 1 1 Cylinders/cubic copncity Hù./cm- 6/7.146 1 1 Bore / Stroke mm 108/130 1 1 Maximum torque

1 Torque rìse



820 1 37 1

1 Tank volume 1 380 1 1 Motor oil chongifig intervols h 500 1

1 Cab 1 1 Nolse level dB(A) 74 1 1 Air [oridìticning StandonJ 1

1 Multi-functìon ornifest Standard 1

1 Cab suspension pneumotic, upon request 1

1 Chassis, brakes, steering

1 front oxle drive Central drive 1 ^1

1 Front Qxle suspension upon request 1

1 Differentiul locks fronf/reor ASM Fully oufomatic control by speed, sfeering ongle, indivìdua wheeI braking and slip (100% tocking); con be deoctrvoted 1

1 Service brake front / rear 4'wheel broking system, bydraulicaliy octuated 1

1 Steering angle /turning rodius 7mm 55A6S0 1 1 Steering wirii seporate piimp 1

1 Hydrautlc system

1 Sysfem Lood Sensing 1

1 Oil reservoir Shored witti transmission 1

I P u m p tlow mte l/min (bar) 113(200) 1

1 Powertlfl 1 1 AGROIRONIChD Droft control /posilion contiol /combined control/floot/diagnosis / vibration domping/slip control 1

1 Cotegoty of 3'point hitch, reor Il/Ili; WKS fost action coupiings 1

1 lifting force reor/front kp 10,000/4,000 1

1 Remote control of rear powerlift standard on rear fenders, lefi ond right 1 1^ ^ 1

1 Front powerliff Upon request ^ 1

1 Cof, 3-point hifch, front II; WKS'fost action coupiings 1

Hydraulic remote valves 1 1 Ouantity Ixelectricol/ 3x mechonkal 1

1 Parollel operation Standard 1

1 Functions Double^cting witb flooting posihon, con be f Jupied under pressure 1

1 ActUQ̂ on ^ 2x Witti crossgote lever / 1 x wifh single lever / 1 x wiffi pushbutton 1

1 Flow rate ^

odjustoble 1

Front PTO upon request

1 Actuation/Direction of rofotion electfoliydroulic/clockwise

1 Speed rpm 1,000

Reor PTO

1 Clutch Oil'immefsed, modulafed stort-up

1 Actuation eiectfo-hydrauiic

1 PTOsfub bolted, interchongeable

1 Pfofìles m''6 'SpÌ inesbaf tor l3^^2] ip l i

1 Remote control on reor mudguord




Electronic box

Hydroulic cylinder

On/off swiuh /

pneumatic sprìng or shock absorber

hont axle

12 Rocker arm


1 r » H . . .

True driving comforl only starts when oli rele-

vant aspects are already foken into account

Qt the start of the design phose of o new

tractor series. The engineers of DEUTZ-FAHR

bove succeeded in implementing an inte-

grated suspension and driving comfort con*

cept, which is unequalled in this tractor


Supreme road holding

Robust front axles. tough 4wheel drive, long

wheelbose of 2.98 m and a tight steering

angle of 55^ ensure maximum manoeuvra-

bility with smooth and responsive steering.

The Agrotron is equipped with a 4whee!

drive system fhot con be simply and positi-

vely activated wilh itiuminaied buttons and

includes dìfferential locks with a locking

value of 100 percent on both axles. The res-

pectìve operoting conditlons ore addìtio-

nally shown on the Info-display. Ali the long-

life clutches and locks are oiMmmersed and

con be activated and deactivated electro-

hydraulically bolh under lood and in the

event of slip.

The four-wheei drive is activated automati-

cally when the brakes are applied. Ali four

wheels are therefore safely braked via the

reliable wel multJ-disc brakes.

Front oxle suspension

The Agrotron con be equipped with front

axle suspension, a feature that considerab-

ly enbances both driving safety and com­

fort. The oscilbting front axle is robusfly sup-

ported in a rocker arm linked lo two hydrau-

lic rams. Suspension is hydrapneumatic and

progressive, i.e. Its effect is heightened with

an increase in ballast.

Pneumotic cab suspension

The pneumotic cab suspension feotures a

load'Sensing level control supplied by the

compressed air system of the tractor, this

principle pfovides optimum driving comfort.

Irrespective of the cab Ioad, the spring tra-

vel is always + 4 0 mm and reduces vibra-

tion considerably even al low speeds.

The cob with pneumotic suspension provi-

des the highest degree of comfort, compa-

rable to that of a modem truck. With the

perfect coordinotion of front axle and cob

suspension plus the benefit of the driver's

pneumotic seot suspension the Agrotron

reaily does provide unprecedented shock

obsorpfion ond driving comfort.

Precise end smooth steering

A steering system os il should be: precise,

smooth and always positive due lo the

employment of a separate steering pump.

The use of large 34" front tyres or twin lyres

is possible at ony lime. Excellent monoeuv-

robilily is rnade possible thanks to a SS""

steering angle and pìvoting front mud-

guords. Depending on the (yres fitted, the

turning rodius is only 5.65 m,

Axle control management

Proctical situatrons that are both typical and

frequent couid be: ploughing in soil of vary-

ing density; road travel with heavily Ioaded

frailers or, working in difficult traction cor>-

ditions. The axle control monogement

(ASM] fulfy and automatically controIs the

4wheel drive and both differentiol locks.

The front and rear differentiol locks [100

percent locking value) and the 4wheeì drive

ore activated and deactivated under lood,

depending on steering angle ond speed, as

required. WheeI slip is also monitored ond

reduced using the optional rador sensor.

ASM ensures maxinìum Iraclive power,

travelling comfort ond a high degree of

operational safety even under the toughest



^ - mprovement ot driving safety and enhancement of dnvmy uomfori


^* iess imhffn/fhy vibratimi for ttte driver

^ fìeduction of tfie torsional and rotling moiéon ano tnerefore lebs stra/n on tlte cab and rtnve train

*" Automatic, higtt speed adapiation of the suspension elements to ali the road. fietd or toad tiouomona

*- Shifi of tfte tractor's cenfrp nf nravity iowards f**'' frpnt


^ Uosed centre, tow-mamtenance suspension system

^ Non-wearing damping ^^^tem





^ - . ^ . ' -

\ . ^ L -

<- V ^ r _ H V = ' .

Example ofpossible headland functions with Comfortip

Forwards speed


Recali fhe working

speed of the engine

Recali fhe headland

speed of the engine

Uff the plough

Turn the plough

Engagé reverse gear

Con standordised programmes reaìiy do jus-

tice to varying oppiìcations in proctical agri-

culture? Or wouId if net be better if fhe driver

couid automote the functions thot he requires

for the job in hand? Ideally these operating

sequences should be recolled et the sìmple

touch of a button on the operating lever


Simple programming

With the multifunction operating lever and

the Comfortip funcfion individuai operating

sequences con be progrommed by the driver

and activoted at the touch of a button on the

operating lever. The operating sequences are

centrally and consecutively shown on the

infodisploy. The next progrommed function is

highiighted on the display, so thot the driver

knows at ali times v^hich function he con ocfi-

vafe next. To prepare the system for pro­

gramming operating sequences - thìs is pos-

sible when the troclor is stotionary or in

motion - ìt is only necessary to press the but­

ton on the multi-funciion operating lever. The

progrommed functions are of course stored in

the memory when the troctor is stopped. This

is the ultimate in simplicity and procticaliY



, 1 • ; : ' ! , ' -

The active Comfortip operoting secfuence is shown on the centrai info-display. The next function in the seqoeme JJ bighiigbted.


^ Simptc wmÈ logicai programmwg ot the individuai functions and parameters by the driver and customisation to specffic apBltnafion*ì

^' Individuai operation hy the driver

• Maximum operative safety - no compiex hantìhng wmÈamrcmng tor the individuai functions

^ increased productivity and safety

^ " Preveniton of operaiing, errors

^uaì /i

ffmes possitile at ali

Operatìng lever legend

1 Direction of travei forwords/reverse

2 Rear hydroulics lift/!ower

3 Transmission neufral position

4 SDS aclìvotion

5 Recali engine speed 1

6 Recali engine speed 2

7 Shifting fhe powershifj stages u p / d o w n

YTìth fhe indìviduafly adfustable fnulfifuncfion operatìng kver the driver has ali the main functions of fhe Agrofron under control:

Direction of travet, powershìff stoges, engine speeds, rear powerfìft and Comfortip automatic functions.

Increase in productivity ensured

In !hi5 way up to eight different function com-

mands, from a fofal of 25 available Iroctor

functions, con be programmed to individuai

operaling sequences. The driver customises*

his Agrotron for each job and considerably

increoses productivity with the one-hond ope­

ration of the troctof functions- Operatìng

sequences also enhance operoting safety.

Manuel operaling faulls are not possible and

the driver does not need (o search for fhe

switches on the multi-function armrest. The dri­

ver is then abie to concentrate fully on his

work, ensuring more productivity ond safey

s D E U T Z F A H R S




Alfhough the standard equipment of the Agrotron is already extremely compre-hensive, you con stili customise it to suif special requirements and fracfor appli-cations. At DEUTZ-FAhIR we supply a coordinafed ronge of additional and special equipment and assemblies. Con­tact your DEUTZ-FAHR dealer. They will be pleased to he of assistance.

1 Optimum weight distribution with dif-ferent ballast carriers and front weights which are adopted to suit the respecfive oppllcatìons.

2 The transparenf roof hafch permits a

good top view towords the front

3 Fronf linkage and front PTO: The

Agrotron reveais its frue versatilify poten-tial when equipped wIth mounted front implemenfs. The integrated front power-ift has a lifting force of up fo 4 .0 tonnes

and the PTO has a speed of ì ,000 rpm.

4 Front oxle suspensìon.

considerably enhances safety and comfort.

A feoture thaf

both driving

5 Rototing beocon light. For safe trave

al night and during the day.

6 Pneumatìc cab suspensìon. For a cor ike driving comfort with Ioad-sensing evel control.

16 17




1 Fast daily servicing

Although the Agrotron was designed for long

working doys - a minimum of maintenonce

work is stili necessary. Ali imporlant compo-

nents and ossemblies are easily accessible for

simple maintenance work and checks - ali

without toots,

2 The transmissfon oil level is checked with

an easily accessible dipsfick. The engine

cowling con be opened widely; the side sec-

tions con be eosily dismantied without tools.

3 Engine oil filler and dipstìck ore very

easily accessible on the left-hand side of the


4 Ali fuses and switching rela/s are well

profecfed in the cab on ihe right-hand rear


5 Both cab air fìlters are located at easily

accessible posifions in the B struts. The filters

con be cleaned and replaced without tools.

Active carbon fìlters are ovailable upon


6 Both fuel tanks mode of tough plastic con

be fiiied from the left-hand side due to effec-

tive tank venting,

7 The rntalce of combustion air in low-dust

oreas and the dust ejector separation

system ensure that the maintenonce infervaU

of the engine air filter are very long.

Long maintenance intervals

The regular engine maintenance intervals ore

iong - in fact uniquely long. The engine oil

only requires changing every 5 0 0 hours and

the valve adjustment onÌy needs checking

every 1,500 hours of operat'ion.

Best dìagnosis. The DEUTZ'FAhlR service

centre provides fast display diognosis of the

electrical and electronic systems of the tractor

via a single plug connection.



y,- - ^ > - . r " - • * • • - ' / - ; ' • -''

Originai servIce Is wise.

Many can repair much. Bui, without doubt, only your OBUrZ-FÀHR specialist dealer


ktiows your traotor inside and oat Only your dealer has regularly trained mechanics


and experts on cali. Only dealers hax/a the special maintenance and diagnostic equip­menl required far competent diagnasis and uispection io keep you going, year in year out... wnnoui doutu.

Originai servIce parts make good sansa

As you placed your trust in the originai trac tor, it makes good sense io only use originai service parts when required. Only these com-ply with the high quaiity and safety stantìaras of DBUTZ'FAHH and ensure correct fit and function, problem-free operation and value stabiiity of your tractor - guaranteed.

Your DEUTZ-FAHR dealer will be pleased to answer your questtons:

Thfs ptiried molewil is ttesigned few nmUinde use. The illustrations il contoins show holfi spetiol equipmertì ofid iniomplete stondord equipment. The ovoil-obilìty of some illustnited models, sTondard ani spetiol equipmenl um v»v from countiy ta cDunrry. M y the deolei's prìce lisi stipufares whether sixh ilius-frated equipmenf fs induded os o slondord feoUire or whether it is o speciol orcessory. In oddition the ilhislroted mounted implemenis and special iK<essones iray noi ohvoys comply with the respeclive slonjrory regulolions. Il is the responsMity of itie customer - after consuHotion with the deoler - to vefify this, loking the operotìng instruchons Into account. Atl inìormotian orxl ilhjstiations in this biochuie me subject to change without notile; enois excepted. Fudher-

ifliore oli ìnfarmation contoined m this brochure ts nt f biniing and is subject to modificotìons of o technical ond commertiai nolu<e oi tfnse resulitng from slotu-tìxy regulations. No ckiims whotsoever con be derived from these. SAWE DElflZ-FAHR DEUTSCHIANO GmbH reserves the tight lo moke any (hnnn« m the. design and Fechnicol constmction and olso the scope of stnndoid equipmenl ot any lime and without piior notice. . -...^ ' f^ ^UL J U L

SAME DEinZ-FAMR DEUTSCHtAND GmbH, 0-89415 Lauingen,


