

ISSUE 9, VOLUME 25 May 2016Since

April, OHBA Awards ofDistinction site open forstatic viewing.

May 4-6 CHBA Conven-tion in Kelowna, B.C.

Monday May 9 OHBAAwards of Distinction siteopen for submissions.

Tuesday, May 17 dinnermeeting, Deer Creek Golf& Banquet Facility

Tuesday, August 9,DRHBA Golf ClassicDeer Creek Golf



Our 2016 Corporate Sponsor Partners...

Durham Home Builders Awarded“The achievements ofDurham Region HomeBuilders over the past yearwere celebrated at the an-nual Awards of Excellenceheld on Thursday April 14.

Minto Communities andJeffery Homes were hon-oured as Builder of theYear large volume andsmall volume respectively,for their high standards ofexcellence in everythingfrom sales to constructionand for increasing the in-dustry’s overall image inthe community. Minto Communites alsoclaimed the Green Builderof the Year award for theirincredible leadership in im-proving the environmental,energy efficiency, and over-all technical image of theindustry.

Minto accepts Home Builder of the Year Award. From l to r: Jennifer Valen-tyne, Lidio Esposito, Justin Doucette, Denise Stewart, Crystal Ferrari, VictoriaKarakolis, Mike Circosta, Kiran Arakill, Gino Maulucci, Carolyn Barth, Chris-tine Paull, Kim Rowledge, Vince Santino, Danielle Pasquale, Amanda WilsonWatkins, Jeff Strang, Troy Dosman, Diane Wallace, Vince Catalano, DaveGaudet and Presenter Sara Rooney of Cambria. Below, Jeffery Homes ac-cepts Builder of the Year-small volumn award From l to r: Dan Greenfield, MCJennifer Valentyne, Scott Jeffery, Bev Virgin, Ray Cogar, and presenter MattEon of Contractors Rental Supply.

see page 3


Jamie MacInnis Awarded Into Hall of FameJamie MacInnis was recognized for his years of serv-ice to the Durham Region building industry at theDRHBA annual Awards of Excellence on Thursday,April 14.“This year’s Hall of Fame winner is a fourth genera-tion builder that has been involved in the building in-dustry since he was a young boy,” said DRHBAPresident Heidi Stephenson as she began describingthis year’s recipient. “He and his brother Roger bothlearned what it took to build quality homes, meetdeadlines, and exceed customer’s expectations fromtheir father Ned.” A surprised MacInnis was sitting at aback table in the beautifully decorated hall at DeerCreek Golf and Banquet Facility, as he listened to thePresident speak, and realized she was speakingabout him. His wife and partners smiled at him as thedescription continued.“These early lessons have followed the MacInnisbrothers to this day, and they instill each of those val-ues in their team at City Homes. In 1981 Jamie MacInnis began his own constructioncompany J.L MacInnis Construction working longhours on the tools, perfecting all the many smallthings that join together to make a quality home. In1982 Jamie partnered with his brother Roger to formJ.R MacInnis Bros. From there the brothers partneredwith Bob Hann and Peter Abramczuk and the lateCathy O’Flynn. Thereby creating City Homes in 1986.Throughout his career Jamie has not only lent his ex-pertise to colleagues, but to DRHBA as a Board Mem-ber starting as a Director and moving up to Presidentin 1998. He also served on the Board of directors ofthe new home warranty program (1999) now knownas Tarion.In 2005 Jamie supported our community by assistingand project managing the renovation of Hearth PlaceCancer Support Centre, and he continued to supportmany other causes in the community. Jamie is also apassionate outdoorsman and has proudly served onthe Ducks Unlimited Board.If you ask Jamie what his greatest accomplishment ishe will say it’s his family. Jamie and his wife Audreyrecently celebrated 35 years of marriage, they havetwo daughters Ashley and Brooke. Jamie’s proudestmoment was the day he became a poppa to Benjaminin December 2013 and Paityn in February 2014. His

grand children adore him, and will want to call Poppaevery night to talk about tractors, trains, or just hearpoppa sing his special song for them. Jamie will be-come a poppa for a third time this summer, and oftentalks about the adventures Poppa and the grand kidswill have! Jamie MacInnis is not only a leader in the building in-dustry, but a proud member of our community andabove all a family man.It is our pleasure and honor to present the DRHBAHall of Fame Award to the 1998 DRHBA PresidentJamie MacInnis.”The crowd rose and gave a standing ovation asMacInnis came to the podium to accept the award.“I always look ahead, but sometimes it is important tolook at things behind you, and where you came from”said MacInnis. “I certainly would like to thank my twopartners, Bob and Peter, who encouraged me to bepart of this association which does wonderful things inthis community. I am very proud to be part of this or-ganization. My wife Audrey ... thank you very much forstanding beside me for 35 years...Last but not leastmy brother Roger, I remember when we were youngerand went to work at 5 am and come back 10 at night,back then we didn’t have battery operated drills as we were nailing up stuff my brotherwould have a bic lighter so we could see what wewere doing. That’s how hard we worked back in thosedays. On behalf of all of us and especially my brotherthank you very much and I accept this award.”

Jamie MacInnis, founding partner of City Homes, receivesHall of Fame Award from DRHBA President Heidi Stephen-son, April 14.



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DURHAM REGION BUILDERS HONOUR THEIR OWNcontinued from pg 1The highly respected company also claimed the cov-eted Community of the Year award for their north Os-hawa community of Kingmeadow.“We’re extremely proud of our Kingmeadow commu-nity, which has become well known throughoutDurham Region for offering popular home designs,premium features, and a beautiful community fabric,all for a price that’s still easy on buyers’ wallets,” saidVince Santino, Minto’s VP of Land Development. “Ourhome owners are really special, too – they’ve workedwith Minto to create a wonderful, tight-knit community,which is something you don’t see very often and inte-grates perfectly with our original vision for King-meadow.”The prestigious Hall of Fame Award was presented toJamie MacInnis, founding partner of City Homes, forhis numerous accomplishments over thirty years inthe development and home building industry. MacIn-nis is a fourth generation builder who has been in-volved in the building industry since he was a youngboy. MacInnis served as president of the Durham RegionHome Builders’ Association (DRHBA) in 1998, and

complimented the association on the “wonderful” workthey continue to do in the community.The Awards of Excellence evening is one of the high-lights of the year as the work of finalists and winnersare displayed on a big screen for the inspiration andenjoyment of everyone. Jennifer Valentyne, ever viva-cious and fun, thanked the judges for doing the diffi-cult job of judging all of the entries. Judges for the event were: Richard Luciani, CedarPoint Real Estate, Michael McCabe, HarlequinHomes, Mary Marrello, SWAT Marketing Associates,Interior Designer Krista Paine, Jane Morgan, Presi-dent of CHBA, Enza Tiberi-Checchia, Decorenza,Corey McBurney, President of EnerQuality, Dodie Mc-Donald, VP of Swat Marketing Associates and MikeMoore, President of Manitoba Home Builders Associ-ation. “Organizing the awards is a lot of hard work, but it’sso worth it! It is important to me to recognize the awe-some builders in Durham Region,” said Jennifer Hurd,chair of the DRHBA Awards committee.For a full list of winners see page 8.

On Monday April 18 OHBA hosted the President’s andExecutive Officers conference and Industry LeadersDinner.OHBA President John Meinen recounted the year sofar, “It’s been quite a year for our industry – we’vebeen hit pretty hard by a lot of government policiesand decisions and I know I don’t speak for just myselfwhen I say it’s been a bit of a tough go. I’m abouthalfway through my term as president now and I havevisited the majority of our local associations to discussthe files OHBA is focusing on.And it is true – as an industry we have seen a lot ofeconomic success over the last few years. Our indus-try is strong – the numbers back this up, last year webuilt over 70 thousand homes in Ontario and we areon track to be close to that number again in 2016. We employ people – lots of people – to the tune ofover 300 thousand jobs in the new home and con-struction industry last year alone with $16.6 billionpaid out in wages.Because of the strength and success of the market, itfeels like the government has been using our industryas their punching bag and seems to be throwingevery new tax, fee or change they can think of at us –development charges fees, inclusionary zoning costs,Greenbelt/growth plan and building code changes.The list goes on and on…..and on.

We won’t stop advocating for the people who will ulti-mately face the biggest impact of these changes –new neighbours who are expected to take the brunt oftax and fee increases in a community. Our success is something that we should beproud of – we create opportunities. We createjobs.” Meinen has been a staunch advocate for thebuilding industry during his time as president andhas spoken out for the small and medium sizecompanies.

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OHBA PEO and Industry Leaders’ Dinner

OHBA President John Meinen speaking at the IndustryLeaders Dinner, April 18.

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Habitat for Humanity Women In Power BuildHabitat Durham will be hosting the 2016 Womenin Power Build from June 14-18, 2016.Over this five day period, 250 women will join to-gether, hammers in hand, from across Durham tohelp build new townhomes for four families righthere in Oshawa. “The support received from our first WomenBuild was phenomenal,” states Mary Bone, CEOHabitat for Humanity Durham. “In just three dayswe raised over $60,000. This year we expect toraise $100,000 in five days. I am so proud to saythat every dollar raised by our participants goesdirectly to our build project”. Through exclusive women-only build days, you’llhave the gratifying experience of joining like-minded women on the job site. Everyone whocomes out to a Habitat for Humanity build site

leaves having learned new skills and feelingproud to have made a difference in the lives offuture homeowners. “Every family deserves to have shelter and secu-rity, and Habitat for Humanity makes this theirmission,” states MPP Jennifer French – Oshawa.“I’m honoured to serve as a 2016 Ambassadorfor Women in Power Build, and join a dedicatedcommunity of volunteers.” Habitat for Humanity Durham invites you to reg-ister and fundraise for your opportunity to learnnew skills, meet new people, and change livesforever. To register please go to call 905-428-7434 ext. 33. This year inDurham, Women Build will kick-start Habitat forHumanity Durham’s 3rd phase of CentreTowne.


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DRHBA 2016 Awards of Excellence WinnersEXCELLENCE IN SIGNAGE:Heathwood Homes Ltd.-CountryLane; consideration to SensationalSigns Company Inc.

EXCELLENCE IN LOGO DESIGN:Jeffery Homes-Courtice Woods;consideration to Sandy Cook Mar-keting & Design.

EXCELLENCE IN SALESBROCHURE: Averton ResidentialInc.-Main Street Seaton.

EXCELLENCE IN PRINT AD/DI-RECT MAIL PIECE: JefferyHomes-Courtice Woods; consider-ation to Sandy Cook Marketing &Design.

EXCELLENCE IN PRODUCTIONHOME (1,601-2,400 SQ. FT.): Trib-ute Communities-UC Towns-Thompson; consideration toCassidy & Company ArchitecturalTechnologists.

EXCELLENCE IN PRODUCTIONHOME (3,401-4400 SQ. FT.):Coughlan Homes Construction-Forestview Estates 5003 Chestnut.

EXCELLENCE IN HOME RENO-VATION/ADDITION ($10,000-50,000): Accubuilt ConstructionLtd.-Glenanna Kitchen.

EXCELLENCE IN HOME RENO-VATION/ADDITION ($50,001-100,000): Trademark Homes-TheSt. Patrick.

EXCELLENCE IN HOME RENO-VATION/ADDITION ($100,001-150,000): Trademark Homes-TheWhitburn.

EXCELLENCE IN HOME RENO-VATION/ADDITION ($150,001 andup): Accubuilt Construction Ltd.-Pinecrest Renovation.

EXCELLENCE IN KITCHEN REN-OVATION: Accubuilt ConstructionLtd.-Pinecrest Renovation.

EXCELLENCE IN CUSTOMHOME (Under 2,500 SQ. FT.):Desousa Homes Inc.-CemeteryRoad.

EXCELLENCE IN CUSTOMHOME (2,501-3,500 SQ. FT.): KiyaDevelopments-Lot 9.

EXCELLENCE IN CUSTOMHOME (over 4,400 SQ. FT.): Four-teen Estates Ltd.-Bailey House;consideration to Sandy Cook Mar-keting & Design.

EXCELLENCE IN CUSTOMKITCHEN DESIGN: Fourteen Es-tates ltd.-Bolton Kitchen; consider-ation to Sandy Cook Marketing &Design.



EXCELLENCE IN NEWHOME SALES OFFICESMALL VOLUME: JefferyHomes-Courtice Woods;consideration to SandyCook Marketing & Design.

EXCELLENCE IN NEWHOME SALES OFFICELARGE VOLUME: Cough-lan Homes Construction-Duffins Village.




ONLINE EXCELLENCE: CricketHome Comfort.

EXCELLENCE IN TRAINING ANDDEVELOPMENT: Cassidy & Com-pany Architectural Technologists.


COMMUNITY OF THE YEAR:Minto Communities-Kingmeadow.




Accubuilt Construction Ltd. above awarded for excellence inHome renovation (10,000-50,000). Below Cassidy & CompanyArchitectural Technologists awarded Excellence in Training andDevelopment.

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CMHC released their latest housing market as-sessment (HMA) calling for caution in some mar-kets, including Toronto.“The HMA serves as an early warning system,alerting Canadians to areas of concern developingin our housing markets so that they may take ac-tion in a way that promotes market stability,”stated the April 27 press release.The report shows “strong evidence of problematicconditions overall” in “Toronto, Calgary, Saskatoonand Regina. In Toronto, this is due to the combina-tion of price acceleration and overvaluation. InCalgary, Saskatoon and Regina, this is due to thecombination of overvaluation and overbuilding.”The nine page Toronto assessment identified thatovervaluation is the biggest threat in the GreaterToronto Area. Price acceleration was also a cause

for concern, however there does not seem to be aproblem with overbuilding or overheating. Overallthough the Toronto area was identified as having“stong evidence of problematic conditions.”The CMHC reports across Canada have beencritisized by the Canadian Home Builders’ Associ-ation (CHBA) as being unnecessarily negative.CHBA has been in discussions with CMHC aboutthe Housing Market Assessment. In the Associa-tion’s opinion, the negative language approach toall market analyses in this report is not helpful, nordoes it support CMHC’s stated goal of providingthese reports in “neutral” fashion to promote mar-ket stability. In addition, the current CMHC modeland/or approach needs to account for some addi-tional factors. The national and 15 HMA’s can beaccesssed on-line through

CMHC Releases Latest Housing Market Assessment


Product Announcement:

All Weather Windows Attic HatchAll Weather Windows Attic Hatch was conceived during discussions with a builder regard-ing net zero housing initiatives. The conversation turned to the hole in the attic where itwas learned that framers were building their own hatches, creating longer turnaroundtimes and higher costs. In addition, too much air was getting through and the hatches didnot meet net zero requirements. Current aluminum frame hatches meant heat wouldtransfer while builders paid more in time and money for the framer that had to build thehatches. All Weather Windows has solved this issue using a thermally broken PVC frame to reducethe flow of air and recycled door cut-outs for a pre-finished, energy efficient solution. Au-tomotive grade weather stripping is used to enhance the overall energy performance ascompared to standard grade weather stripping used in other attic hatches. The optionalinsulation dam allows access to the attic while maintaining the insulation. With AllWeather Windows attic hatch the builder is able to save time and money with a ready-made solution that is easy to install. The All Weather Windows attic hatch not only meetsbuilding codes, but offers R36 and R60 installation values to increase overall energy effi-ciency.


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Building Durham is a monthly publication of theDurham Region Home Builders’ Association

Mailing Address: King Street Postal OutletP.O. Box 26064, 206 King Street East, Oshawa, Ontario L1H 8R4

Tel. (905) 579-8080 / Fax. (905) 579-0141E-mail: [email protected]

Show this newsletter to a potential memberand let him or her see the many benefits to bederived from membership with the DurhamRegion Home Builders’ Association. This in-cludes the Ontario Home Builders’ Associa-tion and the Canadian Home Builders’Association.



2015-2016Board of Directors

ExecutiveHeidi Stephenson, President

Ken Russell, 1st Vice-PresidentManuel DeSousa, 2nd Vice-PresidentDave Henderson, 2nd Vice-President

Victor Fiume, Past- President

Anita DeVries, Executive OfficerPhyllis Dupuis, Accounts

DirectorsStephen Snider

Lisa LippaiMike DiPalo

Michelle CoteMarianne TraceyDanielle BleauEmidio DiPaloDrew Dowling

Corette StevensJennifer Hurd

Peter Saturno, Presidential Appointee

TuesdayMay 17, 2016

DRHBA Member

Dinner at DeerCreek Golf &

Banquet Facility
