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Topic : Issues Faced By the Teachers On

Technology Usage in Junior School Classroom


Faculty of Education

Master of Education in Educational Management and Leadership

Research Methodology ( EDU 702)

Lecturer : Dr Johan Eddy Luaran

Prepared by: Noor Azreen Binti Jalaludin

Student ID : UB 2013557299

Prepared for : Dr Johan Eddy Luaran

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Draft Research Proposal



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1.0 Introduction

Technology is everywhere these days. The successful integration of technology into

classrooms has been a goal for generations of instructional technology researchers and

practitioners (Cuban, 1986). Today teachers have access to innovative tools that can be used to

enhance the curriculum. Technology tools can be used by teachers which has given students a

new way to do research, so that the teachers are allowed to offer a wider topic range, and

provides available an endless amount of information to them. Furthermore, email connects

teachers and students and they can work collaboratively with other teachers and students from

everywhere. Other than that interactive whiteboards, class blogs, podcasting and social

networking are also has been developed for classrooms use for teaching. Most believe that

integrating technology into the curriculum can improvise the quality of education. Like many

other countries, Malaysia also steps up to this idea.

Nowadays, students are no longer interested to be tied to the printed text such as books

and magazine as an option to read. Instead, they can also read any documents or texts using the

application in the computer. Students are required to benefit from the use of technology in the

classroom. Research in the technology usage in classroom has the potential to prove that when

teachers use technology tools in the classroom, students become more motivated to learn and are

more involved in the lesson. In addition, their attention period may increase when a teacher uses

technology tools.

If teachers understand the importance of integrating technology into their lessons and

receive the professional development needed in their fields, they could become familiarized to

use technology tools. The student’s learning and motivation could increase by using the

technology tools. As KleynKennedy (2006) stated, "Even if teachers are not drawn to

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technology, they realize that computers are here to stay, and inevitably, they must resign

themselves to developing sufficient technology skills” (p. 43). "Today's education system faces

irrelevance unless we bridge the gap between how students live and how they learn...Students

will spend their adult lives in a multi-tasking, multifaceted, technology-driven, diverse, vibrant

world-and they must arrive equipped to do so” (Kleyn-Kennedy, 2006, p. 48).

Results of a study conducted by O’Donnell (1996) on the integration of computers in the

classroom indicated that the majority of teachers failed to utilize computers in direct classroom

instruction. Cuban (1995) offered the following as explanations to why teachers use technologies

infrequently and selectively:

1. Limited access to equipment that quickly becomes obsolete.

2. Limited time to use technology due to class schedules.

3. Each teacher’s beliefs about instruction and learning, knowledge about new technologies and

prior attitudes toward technology determine whether and how students will get to use


1.1 Background of the study

The main purpose of this study was to study the factors that contribute to conserve

teachers' usage of technology and suggest recommendations to the efficient utilization of


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Technology integration can be useful to teachers, students and administrators. Technology

enable media such as video, audio and software to be more easily exploited, allows students to

work in way that was previously impossible, and provide tools to increase productivity of

teachers. The study is focussed on how the teachers deliver their lesson using the current

technolgy and the difficulties on using it. It is also makes the distance learning easier and faster

feedback and collabration efforts among big group students. Class blogs is one of the chance for

the students to discuss the studies with their teachers and friends outside of the classromms.

1.2 Statement of the Problems

Using technology involves students in the learning and teaching process. Computers have

become more common among students and the use of information technology has become

important in most everyone’s lives. Nowadays it is hard to imagine daily life without the

influence of technology, personal digital assistants, cell phones or any number of computers

especially for younger generations. In academic, we have likely reached the point where the use

of technology is expected, by both students and their parents (Christensen, 1999). The

development toward technology enhanced classes has escalated quickly during the past five

years as students have become increasingly tech-savvy, classrooms across the nation have

become “wired” and textbook publishers now offer a wide variety of computerized teaching

supplements. Lowerison, Sclater, Schmid, and Abrami (2006) suggest that technology has the

potential to transform the learning environment from passive to active and more subject to the

control of the learner. According to Roblyer (2003), technology may enable the learner to be

more actively involved in learning.

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In spite of the various functions that technologies have offered, the implementation itself

has not yet reaches to the point in which it can make a real difference in classroom learning. The

main problem comes from the equipments of the technologies and internet connection in the

school itself. “Evidence is mounting to support technology advocates’ claims that 21st-century

information and communication tools as well as more traditional computer-assisted instructional

applications can positively influence learners learning processes and outcomes” (Cradler,

McNabb, Freeman & Burchett, 2002).

Other than that, technology requires a high level of access which is being a challenge for

students for low-income homes. Schools have to be actively provide hogh-quality of technology

to students those have less access to technology in their home. According to Sutton (1991), there

is also a gender difference in technology access to computers, with boys having more home

access than girls. Boys tend to have more knowledge and confident on using technology than the

girls. According to education research, students are not motivated to learn if they do not have

sufficient confidence in using technology for learning (Keller, 2010)

1.3 Research Objectives

The objectives of this research are as follows:

(a) To obtain teacher’s perceptions about the using of technology in classroom.

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(b) To determine whether the teachers experience difficulty while using technology in


1.4 Research Questions

Based on the previous statements of the problems, this study will attempt to answer the

following research questions:

(a) What are the teachers’ perceptions about the using of technology in classroom?

(b) What are the difficulties that teachers face in using technology in classroom?

1.5 Significance of the Study

This research will be significant to identify the problems occurred while using technology

in classroom. From the research, teachers and learners can get the benefits as they will be able to

acknowledge and find out the technology that help the most in learning. Students will be able to

collaborate and discuss their ideas by connecting with the teachers on topics of study. Interactive

simulations and illustrations produce a much better vigour of understanding of a conception.

When virtual manipulation used in classroom sets they can go far beyond the chalk and talk.

The study will help other researchers and educators further understand of the problems

on using technology in classrooms. It is probable that the study will also contribute to the

ongoing effort to improve the technology usage among school teachers for better pedagogy.

More practically, this study will assist junior school teachers to change the pedagogy for better

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improvement in technology usage among the students.

1.6 Limitation of the Study

The study is subjected to several limitations in terms of definition and generalization. The

concept of technology has many different definitions and interpretation as it is a widely

researched subject. In addition, the terms used to define the concept are different to certain extent

depending on the researchers. Hence, the definition used in this study may not be agreeable and

acknowledged by other researchers in other researches.

Apart from that, the scope of this study which focuses on teachers from only Nobel

International School, Kelana Jaya makes the findings unable to be generalized to population

other than secondary school teachers as well as the population outside the district of where the

research is conducted.

1.7 Operational Definition

According to the oxford dictionary, technology means the application of scientific

knowledge for practical purposes, especially in industry. Lowerison, Sclater, Schmid, and

Abrami (2006) suggest that technology has the potential to transform the learning environment

from passive to active and more subject to the control of the learner. According to Roblyer

(2003), technology may enable the learner to be more actively involved in learning and can also

reduce the discipline problems among them if they are more focus on lessons using technology.

ICT stands for Information and communications technology.

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While technology may enhance the classroom and engage today’s student more

effectively, most do not believe it replaces the need for a structured, content-driving learning

process that is grounded in theory. To be effective, technology-based tools must accompany

appropriate pedagogy (Laurillard, 2002). That said, a 2001 national study showed that 87% of

faculty believe computer technology enhances student learning (Epper and Bates, 2001).

Apperson et al (2006) believe that the use of technology in classrooms causes students to have a

more favourable attitude toward their education, and benefits accrue to instructors who utilize it

in their classes.

1.8 Summary

Chapter one introduced the investigation of problem faced by the teachers on teaching

using in Junior School classroom. It is contrast with the technology central usage in schools to

prepare the students for the 21st century. It is also included rational of study which is to examine

the problems faced by the teachers in the school on the technology usage in junior classrooms.

There are three questions designed by testing the related the aim of this study. Chapter two

contains a review of related research regarding educational technology as strength of

improvement to develop student achievement.

Chapter II

Literature Review

2.0 Introduction

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The implementation of technology in Malaysian education system is expanding from day

to day. Technology can be considered as the new instructional tool for teachers and a new

learning tool for students. Therefore, it comes as no surprise that the use of technology in the

classroom has been many subjects in research over the years. One of the biggest implementation

of technology in the education system is the use of computer in the classroom. Those researches

cover the advantages of using technology and its effects on student’s achievement. Among the

research are research by Hersh Waxman, Meng-Fen Lin, and Georgette Michko of the University

of Houston which found that the impact of technology on students achievement is worthy to be

researched (Waxman et al., 2003). In relation to this, students’ test score also shows positive

improvement when technology is used in the instruction (Kulik, 2003). What is more interesting

is that in more recent studies, technology is found to have positive effect on students’ attitude as

well. This is based on the finding of a research conducted by Schacter (2001). Schacter (2001)

further adds that the data suggests that there is consistent improvement on students’ attitude

towards learning and self-esteem when technology is integrated.

2.1 Related Theory: Constructivism

This study on the use of technology in the classroom is strongly based on the learning

theory of Constructivism. Christie (2005) defines constructivism as the process of learners

building or constructing understanding and knowledge. This is done through learners’ own

experience of doing things and its reflection. Christie (2005) further asserts that this theory

heavily emphasizes on authentic content presented in authentic context and problem solving.

This is consistent with the role of technology in the classroom where it serves as a tool for

students to experience the new features and interactive hands-on activities in the classroom.

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Furthermore, constructivism also encourages collaboration among students and teachers as well

as it places strong emphasis on individual needs and multidisciplinary learning (Christie, 2005).

This results teachers as the facilitator during the lesson which is ideal for technology-integrated

learning to be conducted.

2.2 Review of Past Studies

Nowadays, along with the development of technology, teachers use the technology as an

approach to teach in classroom. Although this general belief that the use of technology in the

classroom is generally good, such may not always be the case. Burbules and Callister (2000)

suggest technology can be used well or poorly, and thus its effectiveness is dependent on how it

used, by whom and for what purpose. For example, some teachers use PowerPoint slides or

similar technology widely or fairly throughout a lesson, while others seldom or never use

technology. There may be several reasons why instructors finally adopt technology for classroom

use. For some, it may help them to create better controlled, more focused in teaching. For others,

they believe that the use of technology benefits students by engaging them more in the classroom

and allowing them to pay attention closely without transcribe every word that is spoken. Some

teachers may choose technology because writing on whiteboards or blackboards hinders their

ability to interact with students. There are some teachers could adopt the technology as a tool to

save time because it can be acquired today, provided by the publishers who are eager to

encourage school to accept their textbooks. While the motivation may be different, the overall

theoretical expectations are that the technology will enhance the subject, connecting students and

encourage them to learn more.

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English teachers used the technology for finding the text to teach reading in classroom.

Grabe, 2002 stated that “several researches in the past decade have also established better the

nature of second language reading using computer”. The first computer-based reading

curriculum was created in 1964 by Richard Atkinson, which aims to lessen the need for

classroom teachers. Since then, more projects of the same basis continued to develop. Starting

from the past 20 years, the use of computers in the field of second language reading has been

increasing. For example, a survey conducted by Chun and Plass (1996) investigated how reading

comprehension can be facilitated with a multimedia application for language learning. Chun and

Plass claimed that the results support the dual coding theory and its extension to multimedia

learning and emphasize the significance of visual information in addition to verbal information

to support both top-down and bottom-up processing in reading in a foreign language. Besides

that, Culver (1991) also has conducted a survey to improve reading speed and comprehension of

ESL students using computers. It was concluded in his research that the computer was a good

tool for improving students' reading rate.

The integration of technology in the classroom requires many factors to be taken into

account so as to ensure the success of the implementation. Many researchers in the past have

examined these factors closely. Among them are Groff and Mouza (2008) who summarize the

factors influencing the use of technology in the classroom under six main categories which are a)

legislative factors; b) district/school level factors; c) factors associated with teachers; d) factors

associated with technology-enhanced project; e) factors associated with students and f) factor

inherent to technology itself. As this paper focuses on the availability of equipment and teachers’

readiness in determining technology use in the classroom, the findings of the research by Groff

and Mouza (2008) are of significant relevance to this paper.

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In other research by Honan (2008), she collected data through semi structured interviews

and five full-day meetings with four teachers in order to investigate challenges in technology use

in instruction. She found that there are three major challenges which affect technology

integration in classroom. First and foremost is the teachers’ impression that students are

unfamiliar with technology which can be attributed to their lack of knowledge about learners’

use of technology outside the school context (Honan, 2008). The second and third factors are

related to the technology use as the assessment product in which according to Honan (2008)

divert the initial objective of the integration of technology in the classroom.

Another research that focuses on challenges in technology integration in the classroom is

conducted by Stolle (2008). She collects data from sixteen high school teachers in the US

through observations, interviews and researcher’s journal. Based on the data, she concludes that

four important factors which influence technology use are a) unavailability to technology access

for teaching and learning; b) lack of knowledge in technology and the usage; c) teachers’

impression on how technology may replace traditional instruction and d) existing doubt about

benefits of technology in students learning.

In a different study by Bauer and Kenton (2005), thirty teachers identified as

technologically savvy complete a questionnaire and undergo both observation and interview with

the researchers. The findings list several challenges to technology use in the classroom including

incomplete or non-functioning technology equipment, time constraint for planning and

implementing technology during lesson, various technology skills among students and teachers,

and problem with software and internet connection (Bauer & Kenton, 2005). In conclusion,

previous research has supported the use of technology in classroom.

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2.3 Conceptual Framework and Theoretical Framework

The usage of the terms conceptual framework and theoretical framework are indistinct and

inexact. Miles and Huberman (1994) defined a conceptual framework as a visual or written

product, one that “explains, either graphically or in narrative form, the main things to be studied

— the key factors, concepts, or variables—and the presumed relationships among them” (p. 18).

Here, the term has been used to refer to the actual problems faced by the school teachers to use

the technologies in delivering lessons. The most important thing about the conceptual framework

is to plan study linked to statement problem that drives the investigations. The advantages of

concept analysis framework are its flexibility, its capacity for customization, and the emphasis

on understanding rather than prediction.

The relationship between problems faced by teachers and technology usage status can be

conceptualised at a fairly general level, showed in Figure 1.0, as a two stage relationship where a

set of fundamental factors impact on a series of intermediate indicators, which in turn resolve the

final outcome in terms of changes in technology usage.

Table 1.0: A simple theoretical framework for linking problems faced by teachers and

technology usage.

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Causal factors Intermediate effects

Teacher’s ICT competency level in terms of pedagogy knowledge

Frequency of use of the technology Teacher Comfort Level

Technology equipments provided by school Lack information

Technology usage competency level of teachers ‘pedagogy impact on the level of teachers'

knowledge. Those teachers who learned ICT have low impact compare with teachers who have no

educational knowledge on ICT. Frequency of ICT use in the classroom allows teachers to be more

comfortable and show the interest of the usage and the technology equipments provided by school which

create a technology environment. When appropriate assistive technology is integrated into the classroom,

students are provided with multiple ways to complete their work and focus on achieving academic


2.4 Summary

The main purpose of this survey design sets out is to test whether there are issues on

technology use among junior school teachers. This chapter is a summary of the research and

education related educational theories related to the topic of study. Previous literature identified

the prominent points of the case study methodology, as well as illustrating the weaknesses the

earlier research. It explains in more details elsewhere in the research and other published paper.

Initially we can say that literature review is important to understand the topic, of what has

already been done, what are the key issues and how it has been researched.



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3.0 Introduction

The purpose of this chapter is to present the assumptions of philosophy that supports this

study, and also to introduce the empirical research and strategy techniques used. This chapter

explains the design and methods that are used in this study. It includes the description of the

sample, the construction and administration of the instrument as well as the process and

procedure of data collection. The next segment is the research strategy which describes the

research approaches followed in case study research. The research strategic adopted was to

conduct case study in one school and the teachers in the school. The main data collection

techniques used in this research study was interviews and questionnaires. At the end of the

chapter, a brief description of how data will be analyzed is given.

3.1 Research Design

The research design of this research is case study. According to the Oxford English

Dictionary Social Networking Sites (SNS) is defined case study as a process or record of

research into the development of a particular person, group, or situation over a period of time.

The reason why case study is used is to understand a complex issue to examine contemporary

real-life situations and provide the basis for the application of ideas and extension of methods.

Case study is an ideal methodology when a holistic, in-depth investigation is needed (Feagin,

Orum, & Sjoberg, 1991). On the other hand, case studies are designed to bring out the

information from the point of view of participants using a variety of data sources. The case

study is considered by Benbasat et al. (1987, p.370) to be viable for three reasons:

It is necessary to study the phenomenon in its natural setting;

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The researcher can ask "how" and "why" questions, so as to understand the nature and

complexity of the processes taking place;

Research is being conducted in an area where few, if any, previous studies have been


On the other hand, a definition compiled from a numeral of sources (Stone, 1978;

Benbasat, 1984; Yin, 1984; Bonoma, 1985 and Kaplan, 1985) in Benbasat et al. (1987, p.370),

runs as follows: “A case study examines a phenomenon in its natural setting, employing multiple

methods of data collection to gather information from one or a few entities (people, groups or

organizations). The boundaries of the phenomenon are not clearly evident at the outset of the

research and no experimental control or manipulation is used”.

3.2 Population

The samples of the study involve of 15 teachers from Nobel International School, Kelana

Jaya, Selangor. They come from different states and race. The reason why they were chosen is

because they are an expert in education. So, this means that they will be around the school and be

able to be interviewed and to answer the questionnaire. Besides, by choosing teachers from the

same school as I teach create a convenient location of research. And on top of all that, they

fulfill the requirement of the research respondents as they are expert in education field. A total

numbers of 15 experts took part in this study.

3.3 Subject of the study

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The respondents in this study were the 15 teachers from Nobel International School,

Kelana Jaya, Selangor. Majority of them were 24-40 years old while a few have ages 50. Most of

them are graduated from teaching college and seven of them are graduated from different

courses. Focuses of the study were the teachers those teaching Junior School which are the

students age 11 to 13, and they considered themselves as the target population with sampling

methods specified.

3.4 Instrument

The type of instrument used in this study, are interview and questionnaire. Besides that,

the research was also be conducted a one-to-one interview with the participants. The

questionnaire is divided into three sections, Section A, B and C. The first section, which is

Section A, consists of 9 questions about the use of technology in learning process in classroom.

The second section, which is Section B, consists of 6 questions about individual value. The last

section, which is section C contain 2 questions about application of the technology. The

information gathered in all this section is essential in showing the differences and similarities

among the respondents.

3.5 Validity and reliability of instrument

Validity is one of the main concerns with research. "Any research can be affected by

different kinds of factors which, while extraneous to the concerns of the research, can invalidate

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the findings" (Seliger & Shohamy 1989, 95). The validity is affected by weaknesses in the study

itself as not control some key variables (design problems), or a problem with the instrument (the

problem of data collection). This instrument has been chosen because accurate answers can be

received from the participants through interview. For example, if a participant provides some

unclear thoughts or opinion, they can be asked to clarify their answer again. This will ensure

that the data collected is not being misinterpreted. The reason why questionnaire is chosen is

because it “can be custom designed to meet the objectives of almost any type of research project”

(McNabb, 2002). A questionnaire can be used to gather information among a large number of

respondents or from small groups of sample, so this instrument is suitable for the research.

3.6 Procedure of the study

The first step is to enlist the expert and clearly outline in verbal and written form what is

expected from the participants. It is important that they know the expected time commitment at

the beginning so that they are more likely to stay involve in the whole process. The participant is

consisting of 15 teachers from Nobel International School, Kelana Jaya, Selangor. After the

interview session, questionnaires have been created based on the responses from the participants.

Second step is distributing the questionnaire for them to answer it. Then to analyses the

responses by identifying common and conflicting viewpoints. The third step is preparing the

second questionnaire based on the analysis and send to participants. The aim of the second

questionnaire is to reach a share understanding of how the group views the issue. Lastly, is to

analyze the responses to the second questionnaire.

3.7 Pilot Test

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Pilot test is needed in research to refine the procedures of the research project. A pilot test

can be used as a ‘small scale version or trial run in preparation for a major study’ (Polit, Beck, &

Hungler, 2001, p. 467). Baker (1994) noted that ‘a pilot test often used to pre-test or try out (pp.

182-183) a research instrument. A pilot test panels consisting of 15 experts was chosen from

Nobel International School. Questionnaires have been sent out to colleagues and friends to get a

feedback. This is to pick up the mistakes in the term of content, format and grammar. It followed

by asking them to answer the questionnaire and get their feedback on answering it. It helps to

identify confusing or sensitive questions. From the pilot test, a good, valid, clear, brief, and

interesting questionnaire has been designed.

3.8 Data Analysis

Frequency analysis was used to evaluate the type questions in this research. Results

obtained were transformed into ranking to be presented in the study. Results were analyzed as t-

test for each of the survey questions. Defuzzification process is used to analyze data for this

research. According to the Wikipedia, the free encyclopaedia, defuzzification is the process of

producing a quantifiable result in fuzzy logic, given fuzzy sets and corresponding membership

degrees. Usually all defuzzification operators can be formulated in distinct form (via ∑ ) as well

as in continuous figure (via ∫). Defuzzification could interpret the specific decision or real value

of data gathered. For defuzzification process, there are three formulas that can be used to identify

the ranking or score for the items;

i. Amax = 1/3 * (a1 + am + a2)

ii. Amax = 1/4 * (a1 + 2am + a2)

iii. Amax = 1/6 * (a1 + 4am + a2)

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Formula (ii) has been chosen to analyze this data which is Amax = 1/3 * (a1 + am + a2).

The threshold value has been used for facilitating the issues faced by junior school teachers in

using technologies in classroom.

3.8 Summary

In this chapter research design, population, subject of the study, instrument used, validity

and reliability of instrument, pilot test, data analysis were described. A detailed account of the

research also has been presented. Nevertheless the strategy and methodology according to which

the research shall conducted. The research has been placed in case study approaches. Interviews

and questionnaires are the main data collection methods used to collect data related to achieve

the objectives of the study. Finding regarding the researches are reported in chapter four.


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