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Indonesian Railway Technical Standard Track : Part 1

Table of Content

1. Preface 1 2. Scope 1 3. Objective 2 4. Definitions and Interpretation 2 5. Basic Principle 5

5.1 General 5 5.2 Speed and Axle Load 5 5.3 Track Classification 6 5.4 Right Side Train Operation Priciple 7 5.5 Clearance and Construction Gauge. 7

6. Railway Geometry 11 6.1 General 11 6.2 Radius of Curvature 12 6.3 Setting of Cant 14 6.4 Slack 15 6.5 Transition Curve 17 6.6 Gradient 19 6.7 Width of Formation Level 20 6.8 Track Center to Center Spacing 23

7. Examination on Track Structure 24 7.1 General 24 7.2 Rail 26 7.3 Sleeper 28 7.4 Rail Joint 29 7.5 Turnouts 34 7.6 Long rail 35

8. Safety Facilities 36 8.1 Derailment 36

8.1.1 General 36 8.1.2 Derailment Preventive Rail and Derailment Preventive Guard 36 8.1.3 Safety Rail 38 8.1.4 Bridge Guard Rail 39 8.1.5 Level Crossing Guards 40

8.2 Train Operation Safety Facilities 40


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8.2.1 Construction of Refuge Siding 40 8.2.2 Fixing of Buffer Stop 42

9. Intersection with Road 45 10. Sign-Posts 46

10.1 Distance Post 46 10.2 Curve Post 47 10.3 Gradient Post 50 10.4 Installation 52

11. Maintenance of Track 52 11.1 General 52 11.2 Maintenance Criteria 53

11.2.1 Ordinary Track 53 11.2.2 Maintenance of Turnouts 54

11.3 Criteria on Replacement and Repair of Materials 55 11.3.1 Rails 55 11.3.2 Turnouts 56 11.3.3 Replacement of Expansion Joints 56

11.4 Standard on Repair to Tack Components 57 11.5 Maintenance of Long Rail 59

12. Inspection for Maintenance 60 12.1 Patrol Inspection 60 12.2 Individual Inspection (Regular) 60 12.3 Individual inspection (Extraordinary/ad hoc) 62 12.4 Special Conditions on Inspection 62

13. Trial Operation of Newly Installed or Improved Permanent Way 62 14. Recording 63 15. Supplementary Provisions: 63





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List of Table Tabel 7.2-1 Track Classification and Rail Type. 26 Table 7.2-2. Chemical Composition 27 Table 7.2-3 Rail Section Characteristic. 27 Table 7.4-1 Joint gap for standard and short rail 32 Table 7.4-2 Rail joint gap for long rail on wooden sleeper. 33 Table 7.4-3 Rail Joint Gap for long rail on concrete sleeper. 33 Table 7.4-4 Setting Temperature Limits for standard and short rail. 34 Table7.4-5 Setting Temperature Limits for long rail on concrete sleeper. 34


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List of Figure

Figure 6.1-1 Track gauge 11 Figure 10.1-1 Distance post 46 Figure 10.1-2 Distance indicating post at distance changing point 47 Figure 10.2-1 Location of curve and gradual decrease post 48 Figure 10.2-2 Method of erectional curve and gradual decrease post 49 Figure 10.2-3 Method of erectional post 49 Figure 10.3-1 Position of gradient post 50 Figure 10.3-2 Detailed position of gradient post 51


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1. Preface Indonesian Railway Technical Standard on Track Design, Installation and Maintenance comprises of three parts, namely Basic Standard, Detailed Standard and Detailed Procedure for Track Structure Design. Basic standard deal with the basic technical standard, where the required conditions stipulated in shall be fulfilled in every railway track. Meanwhile the Detailed Standard regard the particular condition of railway track encountered at site. Detailed Procedure for Track Structure Design deal with the design procedure of track structure examination due to the changing in the implementation condition of new installation, rehabilitation such as increasing number of passing tonnage, increasing train speed in the specified curve, introducing of new rack material or new rolling stock etc. This part, Basic Standard regulate and standardize the very basic requirements that believe will not change frequently, either because of the technology development in the area of construction industry or rolling stock. Meanwhile the Detailed Standard regulate and standardize the particular condition which might be varied between one to others, that is the reason why Detailed Standard more flexible than the Basic Standard. The other hand in order to accommodate the changing of the actual railway system due to changing of the operation condition such as the changing of loading condition or the materials, and to confirm the safety requirement, the Detailed Procedure for Track Structure Design is required. 2. Scope (1) Type of track, alignment of track, structure of track, examination on compressive

strength of track, inspection/arrangement of maintenance of proper track operation and so forth, shall be regulated by this Standard rule, besides any other concerned regulation.

(2) Matters as not specified in this Regulation shall be referred to in the other.


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3. Objective

This Basic Standard is not only to assure the safety of railway operation but also to enable the management to manage the railway business efficient and economically. The standard stipulated in will regulate and standardize the followings matter: (1) Defined the function and specification of railway tracks components base on theoretical

and undergo on the railway operation. (2) The basic requirement for design, construction and maintenance

4. Definitions and Interpretation In this regulation, as defined hereinafter, the following words or expressions shall have the meanings hereby assigned to them. (1) “Main track” means the track on which trains are operated. (2) “Siding” means the side track that is not classified as Main track. (3) “Important Siding” means the side track affecting the train operation not to a small

extent, or being used frequently, which shall be designated by Director of DGLC as such.

(4) “Track Gauge” means the shortest distance measured within 14mm below the both rail

head surfaces. (5) “Curve attached to Turnout” means the curve created before and behind the turnout

because of installation of the turnout and provision of the curve in the turnout. (6) “Design Maximum Train Speed” means the maximum speed of the train designed in

the view of the future transportation system, and specifically means the maximum speed prepared as the design criterion for radius of curvature for main track, gradients and


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width of formation level etc. (7) “Derailment Coefficient” means the ratio of lateral and vertical force between the

wheel and the rail. (8) “Estimated Derailment Coefficient” means the coefficient that is calculated with a

variety of values related to track and rolling stock. (9) “Limit Derailment Coefficient” means the value of the coefficient to be encountered

at the time of wheel derailing, which is theoretically obtained from such factors as shape of wheel, radius of curve.

(10) “Estimated Derailment Coefficient Ratio” means the ratio between Limit derailment

coefficient and estimated derailment coefficient. (11) “Design Hauled Weight” means the hauled weight designed as the basic design weight

in the view of future transportation system, and specifically stands for the weight to be hauled by the locomotive to be used as the basis for design of the gradient for Main track.

(12) “Cant” means the arrangement to make the outer rail higher than the inner rail to

prevent derailment occurring due to the centrifugal load when rolling stock pass through a curve.

(13) “Slack” means the arrangement to slightly increase the gauge inward on a curve to

enable rolling stock to pass through the curve as smoothly as possible. (14) “Elevated Structure” means the continuous bridge structure with concrete slabs and

retaining wall and soil mounted embankment etc. (15) “Design Passing Tonnage” means the passing tonnage designed as the basic plan in

the view of the future transportation system, and stands for the annual passing tonnage as per track to be designed as the basis for the track design for main track.

(16) “Non Ballast Bridge” means the slab track, steel direct connected track, bridge sleeper

fitted bridges. However, high elevated bridges shall be excluded there from.


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(17) “Supported Joint Method” means the method of placing/supporting the rail joint directly on the sleeper.

(18) “Buffer Stop” means the device installed at the edge of track to prevent a train or

rolling stock from moving excessively, or of itself. (19) “Scotch Block” means the device installed at the siding to prevent the stopped rolling

stock from moving of its self. (20) “Irregularity of Cross Level” means the difference in the cross level between the right

and the left side rail for track gauge 1,067mm. (21) “Irregularity of Longitudinal Level” means the unevenness existing at the top

surfaces in the longitudinal direction. (22) “Irregularity of Alignment” means the unevenness of the side face of the rail in the

longitudinal direction. (23) “Irregularity of Twist” means the extent of twist of the rail occurring at a certain

interval in the longitudinal direction of the track. (24) “Back Gauge” means the distance between crossing nose-edged rail and guard rail

(flange-way side), and shall be measured at the point of contact between the circular arc of the tip of the nose edged rail and the stomping face.

(25) “Overall Track Patrol” means the round inspection/s (such as patrol and surveillance

over the whole track system) intended to inspect the status of the whole structure of the permanent way system mainly consisting of embankments, cut sections, bridges, tracks and any other relevant facilities, installations and equipment.

(26) “Individual Inspection (Regular)” means the inspection to be conducted individually

and regularly in respect to irregularity of track, track conditions such as train vibration, track materials problem/trouble etc.

(27) “Individual Inspection (Extraordinary)” means the inspection to be conducted on ad

hoc basis, whenever a re-inspection on the details becomes necessary.


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5. Basic Principle

5.1 General Assuring railway operation safety shall be started with the correct manner in conducting the design, installation up to inspection and maintenance involving the alignment, track structure, materials and road bed. To achieve the efficiency and economic railway management in the frame of railway operation safety, any effort to increase the safety and service level shall be continually conducted, such as reducing the loading factor, reducing the maintenance cost and lengthening the material life time. The requirement and specification stipulated in the Basic Standard is basic requirement which was setup based on a theoretical and empirical approach that already well approved and used daily in the railway management, it’s the reason why this Basic Standard should not be modified except there are some fundamental changing. Because the Basic Standard deal with the very basic requirement, the management may manage the business in the effective manner and anticipate the technical problem in early stage, such as:

(1) The weak point of the track section might be improved and anticipated since the planning stage,

(2) Maintenance level may be adjusted due to the comparison result between the inspection record and the limit value of irregularity index

(3) Maintenance planning may define the minimal maintenance level based on the target value.

5.2 Speed and Axle Load (1) Speed

Maximum design speed that used in railway track design shall be the following: a. Design speed for track structure

V rencana = 1,25 x V maks.


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b. Design speed for cant




c = 1,25 Ni = number of train traveling the section. Vi = Operation speed

c. Design speed for curve and transition curve

Vdesign = Vmaximum

d. Maximum Speed Maximum Speed is the highest train speed allowed in specified section

e. Operation speed

Operation speed is an average speed of specified train in specified section f. Commercial speed

Commercial speed is an average speed calculated traveling distance divided by traveling time

(2) Axle Load

Axle Load, the maximum axle load is defined 18 ton for all class of track classification

5.3 Track Classification

Depending on its amount of transportation and importance, maximum train speed, wheel axle load and track structure, the tracks shall be classified into First class, Second class, Third class, Fourth class and Fourth S class, the details of the each line rating which are shown in following description.

(1) Track for first class have minimum frequency 105 KA per one track/ hour or day

pass by quickly > 20.000.000 ton / year and / or maximum 120 ( one hundred twenty) km /hour and also minimum axle burden 18 ( eighteen) ton.


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(2) Track for second class have frequency between 55 to 104 KA per one track / hour or day pass by quickly 10.000.000 - 20.000.000 ton / year and / or maximum 110 ( one hundred ten) km / hour and also minimum axle burden 18 ( eighteen) ton

(3) Track for third class have frequency between 26 to 54 KA per one track / hour or day

pass by quickly 5.000.000 - 10.000.000 ton / year and / or maximum 110 ( one hundred ten) km / hour and also minimum axle burden 18 ( eighteen) ton.

(4) Track for fourth class have frequency between 13 to 25 KA per one track / hour or

day pass by quickly 2.500.000 - 5.000.000 ton / year and / or maximum 90 ( ninety) km / [hour/clock] and also minimum axle burden 18 ( eighteen) ton

(5) Track for fifth class have maximum 12 KA per one track / hour or day pass by

quickly < 2.500.000 ton / year and / or maximum 80 ( eighty) km / hour and also minimum axle burden 18 ( eighteen) ton

5.4 Right Side Train Operation Priciple

In the normal train operation, the train or rolling stock that traveling in the tracks that dedicated only one direction, shall run in the right track. As a consequences, the relevant track facilities shall be installed on the right side of the running train. However, within the premises of the railway station, another mode of installation may be adopted, depending on the circumstances.

5.5 Clearance and Construction Gauge. (1) Clearance gauge is the space above the track that shall be kept free from any kind of

hindering object or materials. This gauge is dedicated for trains or rolling stock running on the track. The dimension of clearance gauge considering each track condition, such as single / double, straight / curve, electrified / non electrified track shall in accordance with the figure 5.1., 5.2., 5.3., and 5.4. respectively.


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+ 0.00+ 60

+ 4250

+ 800

+ 3020

+ 4050

+ 250

+ 3720

+ 1050

+ 2800

( + 5700 )

Limit ILimit II

Limit III

Limit IV

Fig. 5.5-1 Clearance at straight sections

Explanation : Limit I : for bridges with speed of up to 60 km/hour Limit II : for gradient and tunnels with a speed of to 60 km/hour and for bridges without

speed limits. Limit III : for new viaduct and old building except in tunnels and bridges. Limit IV : for electric train crossing.


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Fig 5.5-2 Clearance at curves

Explanation :

Clearance limits at straight crossings and at curves with a radius of > 3000 m.

Clearance limit at curves with a radius between 300 and 3000 m. Clearance limit at curves with a radius of < 3000 m.


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Fig 5.5-3 Clearance at straight track for double tracks

Fig 5.5-4 Clearance at curve for double tracks


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(2) Construction gauge is the space above the track, measured from the track center to the right and left side up to the certain limits, and shall be kept from permanent structure, such as sign pole, electrical pole, fencing etc.

(3) The distance of the construction gauge limit shall be as follows:

a. In the section between stations, 2,35 m up to 2,53 m b. In the station area, 1,95 m up to 2,35 m c. In bridge section, 2,15 m

6. Railway Geometry

6.1 General

(1) The standard of track gauge shall be 1,067 mm. (which is the minimum distance between both inner side of rail head, measured at 0-14 mm below the upper surface of the rail head, figure 2-1).

Figure 6.1-1 Track gauge

(2) The curvature and the gradient for Main track shall be design based on the design

speed and the configuration / specification of rolling stock which are operated in, and take into consideration the safety operation, riding comfort ability level, economical and environmental condition, etc.


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6.2 Radius of Curvature

(1) Radius of Curve for Main track

a. The radius of curve for main track (exclusive of curves attached to turnouts and curves running along side the platform of the station) shall be more than the value below, in terms of the design maximum speed.

Design Maximum Speed Minimum Radius of Curve (m)

Vd ≥ 110 800 90 ≤ Vd < 110 600 70 ≤ Vd < 90 400

Vd < 70 300

b. Notwithstanding the preceding specifications, in case that the estimated derailment coefficient ratio computed by the following formula with radius of curve, cant and any other factors related to rolling stock reveals more than 1.2, or derailment preventive guards have already been installed, even though the value should prove less than 1.2, the radius may be determined, depending on the capacity of the trains traveling through the curve, in which case, however, it shall be more than 120 m, at least.


ld D

DR = (1)

Where, Rd : Estimated derailment coefficient ratio

Dl : Limit derailment coefficient

De : Estimated derailment coefficient

c. In addition to the preceding specification, for the curve whose cant is calculated

on the condition of the radius being less than 300m, the ratio referred to in the preceding specification, shall be calculated by the said formula to confirm that it is more than 1.2. However, should derailment preventive guards have been provided against any possible outward derailment, confirmation of the ratio is not required.


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(2) Radius of Curve attached to Turnouts

a. The radius of the curve attached to turnouts for Main track shall be more than the value mentioned below, in terms of the design maximum speed.

Design maximum speed for

general section (km/h) Minimum Radius of curve attached to turnouts ( m)

Vmax ≥ 90 240 (V=50 km/h)

Vmax < 90 160 (V=40 km/h)

b. Notwithstanding the specification in the preceding (2).a, in case of such an

inevitable topographic reason, the minimum radius may be reduced down to 100m small turnout.

c. The radius of the curves occurring before and behind the turnout, notwithstanding

the specifications in (2).a and (2).b. above, shall be made to be larger than that of the curve in the turnout and shall not be less than 120m.

(3) Radius of Curve alongside the Platform

a. The radius of curve running alongside the platform for Main track within the

premises of railway station shall be more than 800 m in the section with the maximum speed of more than 90 km/h, whereas it shall be more than 500 m for any other sections.

b. Notwithstanding the specification in (3).a. above, in case of such an inevitable

topographic reason, it may be reduced to 400m.

c. For the existing lines not corresponding to the preceding items, the minimum radius may be decided less than 400m after taking into consideration the safety factor.

(4) Radius of Curve for Siding

The radius of curve at Siding shall be more than 160m. However, in the event of an inevitable reason such as the track situations, it may be set at more than 120m; in case of the curve in the turnout, it may be more than 100 m.


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6.3 Setting of Cant

(1) Maximum Cant

a. In the curve, except for those attached to turnouts, cants as calculated as the standard by the following formula, shall be provided. However, cants shall be set within the allowable range.

( ) RVC oo24.8 ×= (2)

Where, Co : Setting cant (mm)

Vo : Average speed (km/h)

R : Radius of curve (m)

b. The maximum value of Cant referred to in the above 11.(1), shall be less than that calculated as per the following formula.

HGCm 006.02= (3)

Where, Cm : Maximum cant (mm)

G : Track gauge (m) H : Height from the rail face to the center of gravity of the rolling stock (m)

(2) Cant Setting

a. As the standard procedure, cant shall be decreased over the whole length of transition curve, in proportion with the curving rate of transition curve.

b. Without transition curve (except for the case of the two curves running in the

same direction coming to contact each other), cant shall, in principle, be decreased over the length more than 300 times the cant size in case of less than 2.5 m of the maximum fixed axial distance of the car running through the curve from the edge of the circular curve, and over the length of more than 400 times the cant size in case of more than 2.5m. However, should the decrease rate be less


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than 300 times due to an inevitable reason, then the status of the stability/safety factor shall be confirmed by the estimated derailment coefficient ratio, regardless of the radius of the curve and the cant size. Nevertheless, in the event of any protection such as derailment preventive guards against any possible outward derailment having already been installed, this requirement may be omitted.

c. In case that the two circular curves running in the same direction contact each

other, and are not accompanied by transition curve, cant shall be gradually decreased, over the length of more than 400 times the difference of the cant sizes between the two circular curves and in the circular curve with larger radius.

d. In each of the preceding, the steepest gradient of cant in case of sine half wave

length, shall be 1/300 for less than 2.5m of the maximum fixed axial distance of the car, and less than 1/400 for more than 2.5m.

(3) Cant for Curved Turnouts

Cant as obtained by the formula for cant provision for the curve concerned, shall, in principle, be provided at the main line side of the turnout. However, cant for the outer turnout shall be arranged to satisfy the following formula, taking into due consideration the performance of a train or rolling stock running through the side of the turnout.

( ) 24.8 VCCR oda ≥−

Where, R : Radius of curve at the branch line side of the turnout

Cda : Allowable shortage of cant (mm)

Co : Provided cant (mm)

V : Passing speed restricted on outer turnout (km/h)

6.4 Slack

(1) The degree of Slack for the curve shall be held larger than the value as obtained by the following formula, depending on the structure/type of a car traveling through the


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curve. a. Sections where only two wheeled cars run ; four-wheeled car/ non-bogie stock/

two-axle bogie stock







b. Sections other than (1) ; Locomotive








Where, Smax : Upper limit of Slack (mm)

B : Maximum fixed axial distance of the car running

through the curve concerned (m) R : Radius of curve (m)

η : Movable allowances (mm)

(allowable space between the wheel and the rail)

(2) Notwithstanding the specification in the preceding (1), the maximum slack shall be 25mm.

(3) Regarding the existing lines not corresponding to the preceding items, slack shall be

arranged separately, considering the safety factor.

(4) Slack should be provided in the form of the inner rail being moved away from the outer rail, using the outer rail as a reference.

(5) Slack Setting

a. In case that transition curve exists, it shall be gradually decreased over the whole

length of the transition curve.

b. In case of no transition curve, it shall be decreased over the same decrease length as cant. Without cant, it shall be decreased over the standard length of 5m or more measured from the edge of the circular curve. However, regarding the curve in the


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turnout, the length for slack decrease may be determined separately, depending on the prevailing conditions.

(6) Slack at Curves attached to Turnouts

Slack for the curve before and behind the turnout shall be provided according to the same specifications as that for the ordinary curve. However, slack for the curve in the turnout shall be provided, separately from the said specifications and depending on the prevailing conditions.

6.5 Transition Curve

(1) In Main track lines, between the straight line and the circular line and between the two circular lines, except for the curve in the turnout, transition curve shall be inserted.

(2) The specification referred to in (1) above, shall apply to Siding, but should insertion

of transition curve be impractical due to such a topographical reason, then no insertion of transition curve is required.

(3) The length of Transition curve shall exceed the value that is the largest among those

calculated/obtained from the following table (for fourth track class, the parenthesis values for L1 and L2 in terms of the less than 75 km/h section with the max. train speed).

Length of transition

curve Maximum train speed (km/h)

L1 L2 L3

Vmax ≥ 110 1,0 C 0,01 CV 0,009 CdV

90 ≤ Vmax < 110 0,8 C 0,01 CV 0,009 CdV

70 ≤ Vmax < 90 0,6 C 0,008 CV 0,009 CdV

Vmax < 70 0,6 C (0,4 C)

0,008 CV (0,007 CV) 0,009 CdV


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Note: L1, L2 & L3 : Transition curve length (m)

C : Actual cant (mm)

Cd : Cant deficiency) (mm)

V : Highest train speed (km/h)

(4) Notwithstanding the specification in (3) above, in case of an inevitable reason taking

place from the topographic conditions, etc., the length of transition curve shall be more than the value obtained by the following formula.

a. Lines with more than 2.5m of maximum fixed axial distance of the running train.

L1 = 0.4C b. The other sections L1 = 0.3C c. L2 = 0.005C.V d. L3 = 0.005Cd.V

(5) For the exit side transition curve in the curve with the cant being provided towards

the radius of curve of less than 600m, derailment co-efficient shall be ascertained as more than 1.2 by calculating the estimated derailment coefficient ratio by the radius of curve, the amount of cant and the other relevant factors.

(6) In case that one transition curve connects opposite curves, or a transition is inserted

between curves with different centricities, the specification in 19 shall apply. The whole length of transition curve shall be more than the total of the lengths of respective transition curves in case of the opposite curves, and more than the difference of the lengths of respective transition curves in case of the curves with the different centricities, both of which shall be in excess of L1 calculated by the difference in cant size between the two circular curves.

(7) The shape of Transition curve shall be in cubic parabola or in sine half wave

diminishing curve.


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6.6 Gradient

(1) The gradient in the train running sections shall be as per the following standard, in terms of the design maximum speed.

Design Maximum speed Steepest Gradient

Over 110 km/h 10/1000 Over 90 km/h to less than 110km/h 20/1000 Less than 90 km/h 25/1000

(2) Notwithstanding the preceding specification in.(1) above, except for the lines where

freight trains are hauled by locomotives, in the event of such an inevitable topographic reason, the gradient may be changed to less than 35/1000.

(3) In addition to the preceding item.(1) above, the gradient for the locomotive hauled

freight train operated sections shall be as per the following standard, in terms of the design hauled weight.

Design Hauled weight Steepest Gradient

More than 1200 t 15/1000 More than 1000 t to under 1200 t 20/1000 Under 1000 t 25/1000

(4) Notwithstanding the preceding specifications, in case of such an inevitable

topographic reason, it may be changed to 25/1000 (inclusive of the case of the equivalent examined gradient becoming 25/1000).

(5) Regarding the existing lines, in case that no adverse effect should be caused to the

operation in the gradient, in the view of the train running speed, performance of the brake, the power generating machinery of the car, etc. the gradient may be fixed, on the basis different from the preceding specifications.

(6) Gradient at Train Stopping/Parking Sections

a. For the sections between the switch installed at the farthest edges in the train

stopping/parking area of Main track (in case of downward gradient, the outside of the switch should be positioned 20m outward from downward-side swich switch at the extreme edges), the gradient shall be fixed at less than 5/1000


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b. Gradient at Siding shall be less than 5/1000. However, in the section where

neither car parking nor train dis-connecting is done, it may be fixed at any other gradient than 5/1000, depending on the necessity.

(7) Vertical Curve

a. In Main track, at the location where the gradient changes, a vertical curve with a

radius of more than 6,000m (8,000m in case of train speed more than 100km/h shall be inserted).

b. Notwithstanding the preceding item.(7)a, at the location whose change in gradient

amounts to less than 10/1000, insertion of the longitudinal curve may be omitted. c. With regard to Siding, where the gradient changes, a vertical curve shall be

inserted, depending on the necessity.

d. In case of the existing lines not corresponding to.(7)a above, a vertical curve shall be arranged, in full consideration of the safety factor and depending upon the necessity.

(8) Change of Gradient within Transition Curve

Conflict between vertical curve and transition curve shall be avoided as much as the Circumstances/conditions permit.

6.7 Width of Formation Level

(1) The width of formation level (exclusive of side ditch) means the distance between the center of track gauge and the outer edge of the formation level on the condition that drainage slope is yet to be constructed. It shall be more than those specified in the following table.

a. Earthwork sections


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Design Maximum Speed

Width of roadbed shoulder between track center, L (m) Remarks

120 km/h and 110 km/h line 3.15 (3.00)

100 km/h line 2.95 (2.85)

90 km/h line 2.85 (2.75)

70 km/h line 2.50 (2.40)

Width means the horizontal

- The figures in parentheses mean the dimensions to be used in case of such an inevitable topographic reason.


- L refers to below figures.

(a) Single track section


(b) Double track section


b. Cant provided Sections The dimension described in.(1).a) above is obtained by extending the length by more than the value calculated as per the following formula for cant provided and restricted to ballast track sections outward to the curve (Unit of expansion is 50mm). However, should such a ballast protecting action have been taken, this mode for cant-provided sections may be omitted. Cy 35.3= (7)

Where, y : Dimension of expansion (mm)

C : Cant actually provided


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(2) Elevated Track Structure Width of Formation Level for elevated track structures shall be more than 3.15m away from the centre of track gauge (3.0m in case of slab tracks and direct connected tracks), as shown in the below figure. In these cases, electric poles, high columns, etc. shall not be erected in the formation level. However, in the event that erection of the said devices in the formation level, is necessary because of the topographic reason, but it will not cause any adverse effect to the works, then exclusion of electric poles, etc. from the formation level may be omitted.

2.75m2.75m3.15 3.15

(a) Single track

2.75m 2.75m


(b) Double track

(3) The width of Formation Level for Siding shall be more than the value shown in the column for the speed of less than 70 km/h, and be expanded, depending on the degree of importance.

(4) In the curve sections including the distance from the circular curve to the point of

17m outside the ending edge of transition curve, the dimensions described in each of the preceding items shall be so expanded that they shall meet with the following formula.


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( ) 60019001 ≥++− αWL (8)


L : Width of formation level from track center (mm)

W1 : Amount of deviation of the curve in the line concerned

( ) ( ){ }21

21 2LdRRW −−−=

( ){ }22 2oLRRd −−= versine/ordinate

α : 2,000 × C/G (Applied to the side towards which trains or cars tend, depending on the cant conditions) C : Cant (mm)

G : Track gauge (mm)

Lo : Wheel base (mm)

L1 : Distance of the center of bogie (mm)

(5) Notwithstanding the specifications in the preceding items, in the event that in the existing lines, due to such a topographical reason, the width as required in the preceding specifications cannot be secured, but a certain countermeasures to prevent any possible adverse effect to the track structure and the jobs to be done there from occurring due to failure to meet with the requirement, the width of Formation level indicated in the preceding items may be reduced.

6.8 Track Center to Center Spacing

(1) The distance of track center to center in the straight line for main track shall be more than the value built up of the largest width of the basic car operation gauge plus 600mm. However, where only the car from the windows of which, the passenger cannot expose his or her hand/ body to the outside of the car, the interval shall be more than the total of the largest width of the basic car operating gauge plus 400mm.

(2) In the case of refuge by sections between the lines, the interval shall be expanded by

more than 700mm.

(3) The interval of centers of track gauges in the curves shall be the sum of the value


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obtained by the following formula and the value as specified in the preceding items, depending on the degree of car deviation. However, in the event that the said total should turn out too small relative to the space between construction gauge and basic car operating gauge, the expansion based on the deviation of the car may be omitted.

21(mm)expansionofDimension WWA ++=

Where, A : Amount of deviation in cant difference

W1 : Amount of deviation of the curve in the line concerned

W2 : Amount of deviation of the curve in the neighboring line

( ) ( ){ } 222 22

212 BRLWBRW −−+−+=

L1 : Length of car body (mm)

R : Radius of curve (mm)

B : Width of Car body (mm)

(4) The interval of the centers of track gauges in the straight line for Siding, shall be more than the sum of the maximum width of the basic rolling stock operating gauge plus 400mm. Regarding the curves, it shall be expanded by the value as indicated in the preceding item. However, in case of the radius of curvature exceeding 300m, expansion of the rolling stock deviation in the curve is not required.

(5) Should such an action as imposition of restriction of the width of rolling stock on the

entering cars and slow down operation have been taken, then the width may be fixed on the basis different from the specifications in each of the preceding item.

7. Examination on Track Structure

7.1 General

(1) Track (inclusive of Turnout) shall have the strength strong enough to meet with the train load, the train speed, the excessive passing tonnage and any other requirements related to proper operation of the permanent way system, and also be so structured that safe operation of cars and optimum maintenance thereof can be ascertained are


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shown in table on Attached 1.

(2) For the purpose of improvement of the maximum speed and the curve passing through speed at the existing lines when new type of cars are introduced therein or lines are newly installed or improved, according to “Detailed procedures on Design of Track Structure (regulation)” stipulated separately, examination shall be made on the loads as listed below, and the safety train operation shall be secured/ensured.

a. Examination on bending stress of rail. b. Examination on roadbed pressure. c. Examination on the bending moment being generated to PC sleeper (including

track slab, etc.). d. Examination on stress to lateral stress receiving part and rail holding part of the

rail fastening apparatus. e. Examination on “pushing out and pull-out” phenomenon of dog spikes. f. Examination on the track panel irregularity deformation to the left or the right.

(3) For the purpose of improvement of design passing tonnage and design maximum speed not only for the newly installed lines but also for the existing lines, examination shall be made on the repeated loads as listed below, according to “Detailed procedures on Design of Track structure (regulation)” stipulated separately, and the appropriateness of the maintenance of the lines shall be secured/ensured.

Examination on the irregularity of longitudinal level of track, the irregularity of alignment and the amount of maintenance work (limited to Ballast sections). a. Examination on the lateral stressed part and the rail holding part of the rail

fastening springs. b. Examination on Track pads.


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(4) In new installation and improvement of tracks, the stability of track buckling towards

the increased rail axial strength accompanied by the temperature increase shall be examined, and consequently the safe operation of the trains shall be secured/ensured.

7.2 Rail

(1) The minimum length of rail to be used for main lines shall, in principle, be 5 m

(exclusive of welded rail).

(2) Rail type base on length From the length point of view, the rail might be classified into 3 type as follows: a. Standard Rail. b. Short rail which are combined from standard rails with total length less than


c. Long rail is a combination of short rail with the total length is more than 300M

(3) Type and section characteristic

a. Rail type applicable to each Track Class shall in accordance to the following table 7.2-1

Tabel 7.2-1 Track Classification and Rail Type.


I R 60 / R 54

II R 54 / R 50

III R 54 / R 50 / R 42

IV R 54 / R 50 / R 42

V R 42

b. Rail section characteristic is specified in Tabel 7.2-3.


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(4) Type, chemical composition, strength and hardness.

a. Type. Rail type shall be from the UIC-WRA standard

b. Chemical Composition.

Chemical composition shall as the following table 7.2.-2

Table 7.2-2. Chemical Composition

C Si Ma P S

0,60% - 0,80 % 0,15% - 0,35% 0,90% - 1,10% Max. 0,035% Max. 0,025%

Table 7.2-3 Rail Section Characteristic.

Rail Type Rail Geometry R.42 R.50 R. 54 R.60

H (mm) 138,00 153,00 159,00 172,00

B (mm) 110,00 127,00 140,00 150,00

C (mm) 68,50 65,00 72,20 74,30

D (mm) 13,50 15,00 16,00 16,50

E (mm) 40,50 49,00 49,40 51,00

F (mm) 23,50 30,00 30,20 31,50

G (mm) 72,00 76,00 74,97 80,95

R (mm) 320,00 500,00 508,00 120,00

A (cm2) 54,26 64,20 69,34 76,86

W (kg/m) 42,59 50,40 54,43 60,34

Yb (mm) 68,50 71,60 76,20 80,95

Ix (cm4) 1,263 1,860 2,345 3,066


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A : Section Area

W : Rail weight per m length

Yb : Inertia Moment to X axes.

Ix : Distance between the lower side of rail to its neutral line












c. Rail Strength. Minimum tension strength shall be 90 kg/mm2 with the minimum elongation is 10%.

d. Rail Hardness.

The hardness of the rail head shall not less than 240 Brinell.

7.3 Sleeper

(1) General a. The main function of sleeper is to transfer the train load and the weight of track

structure to balas, keeps the track gauge and the stability of the track structure again the outward movement due to the train passing

b. Sleepers shall be wood, concrete or steel type. The used of sleeper type shall take into consideration track class, site condition and its availability.

c. The specification of each types of sleeper shall conform to internal of the SK


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Direktur Jendral Perhubungan.

(2) Sleepers Setting.

a. In case of rails being jointed in the opposite manner, except for special cases, the interval and method of sleeper spacing shall, in principle, be as per the table in Attached 2 hereto.

b. In case of rails being jointed in the alternate manner, the interval and the method

of sleeper spacing shall be as per the Table referred to in 35.(1) above, depending on the position of joint.

c. In installation of slab tracks and rigid track, the number of fastening apparatus shall be “more than 40 sets as the standard number as per 25m long rail”, and may be reduced down to the number specified below, provided that the safety shall be confirmed after careful examination of such technical factors as stress of rail etc.

Type of Track Number of fastening apparatus (as per 25 m rail)

Slab track, Elastic ballast track and Other labor saving track, etc.

33 sets (37 in case of track with a radius less than 600m)

Others (direct connected track etc)

30 sets (40 in case of track with a radius less than 800m)

7.4 Rail Joint

(1) General Rail joint is a structure to jointed two ends of rail using the fish plate and screw and bolt and so the train can pass through safely.

(2) Type of Rail Joint

With regard to the sleepers position to rail joint, it should be divided into two type, supporting joint and suspension joint. Figure 6.4.1. show the configuaration of each


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joint type.

Figure 7.4-1 Suspension Joint

Figure 7.4-2 Supporting Joint

(3) Joint Patron With regard to the patron of left and right side rail joint, rail joint should be divided into two patron, perpendicular and alternate patron. Figure 6.4.2. shows the configuration of both joint patron


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Note: the upper figure is perpendicular and the lower figure is alternate

Figure 7.4-3. Rail Joint Patron

(4) Rail Joint Closed to Level Crossing and Bridge Rail joint closed to level crossing and bridge shall as much as possible be avoid.

(5) Joint Gap Gap to accommodate the rail elongation due to temperature changing shall be provided. The provision of such gap shall conform to the followings:

a. Joint gap of standard and short rail of any kind of rail type shall conform to table 7.4-1

b. Joint gap of long rail shall consider the rail and sleeper type..

(i) For wooden sleeper shall conform to table 7.4-1

(ii) For concrete sleeper shall conform to table 7.4-2


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Table 7.4-1 Joint gap for standard and short rail

Rail’s Length (m) Setting Temperature

(oC) 25 50 75 100

≤ 20













≥ 46

























































(6) Setting Temperature. a. Setting temperature is temperature when rail joint is installed. b. Setting temperature limits for standard rail and short rail is stipulated in table

7.4-3 c. Setting temperature limits for long rail on wooden sleeper is stipulated in table

7.4-4 d. Setting temperature limits for long rail on concrete sleeper is stipulated in table



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Table 7.4-2 Rail joint gap for long rail on wooden sleeper.

Rail Joint Gap (mm) Setting Temperature

(OC) R.42 R.50 R.54 R.60

≤ 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 ≥ 48

16 14 12 10 8 6 5 4 3 2 2

16 16 14 11 9 6 4 3 3 3 2

16 16 15 12 10 8 6 5 3 3 2

16 16 16 13 10 8 6 5 4 3 2

Table 7.4-3 Rail Joint Gap for long rail on concrete sleeper.

Rail Joint Gap (mm) Setting Temperature

(OC) R.42 R.50 R.54 R.60

≤ 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 ≥ 46

16 14 13 13 10 8 7 6 5 4 3 3 2

16 16 14 12 11 9 8 6 5 4 3 3 2

16 16 15 13 11 10 8 7 5 4 3 3 2

16 16 16 14 12 10 9 7 6 5 4 3 2


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Table 7.4-4 Setting Temperature Limits for standard and short rail.

Temperature (oC) Rail’s Length

(m) Min. Max. 25 50 75 100

20 20 26 30

44 42 40 40

Table7.4-5 Setting Temperature Limits for long rail on concrete sleeper.

Temperature (oC) Rail Type Min. Max.

R.42 R.50 R.54 R.60

28 30 30 32

46 48 48 48

7.5 Turnouts

(1) In main track, turnouts shall be installed in the manner that no high–speed trains run through the branch side of the turnout, as much as the circumstances permit.

(2) In case of newly designing the turnout, confirmation shall be made, according to “Detailed procedures on Design on Track structure (regulation)”, to the effect that the amount of stress being generated to the turnout materials at the time of trains passing through, should be within the allowable range of stress to the materials. However, this shall not be the case, should the materials fall within JIS standard.

(3) Turnouts shall be installed according to the followings:

a. In transition and longitudinal curves, no turnouts shall be installed. However, it may be installed, only in the event that the running speed at transition curve is adequately low and the transition curve is reasonably long, and it gradually decreases over the whole length of it.


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b. In non-ballast bridges, no turnouts shall be installed. However, it may be installed, in the event that installation at non-ballast bridge is necessitated due to such an inevitable topographical reason, but a certain measures will be taken not to create any adverse effect to the safe train operation there.

c. At the approach of bridge girders, no turnouts shall be installed. However, this is

not required, should the installation be necessitated by such an inevitable topographic reason, but simultaneously an action be taken to strengthen the surface roadbed.

7.6 Long rail In main track, long rails shall be installed, according to the followings: (1) In long rail installation at or via non-ballast bridge, the installation temperature,

positions of expansion joints and anti-creep age resistance shall be established, taking into full consideration the length of bridge girders, length of bridge, positions of girder supporters and design strength of bridge piers and girders.

(2) Expansion joints or buffer rail of 3 standard rails with a length of 25 m shall be used at both edges of long rail.

(3) Expansion joints shall not, in principle, be provided in the transition curves.

(4) As regards the installation to be used at the edges of expansion joints, contact

insulation rail or rail insulation materials (for long rails) shall be used, and, in principle, be fixed to the stock rail side.


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8. Safety Facilities

8.1 Derailment

8.1.1 General To protect from the derailment or to reduce the damage that follow, the derailment preventive rail, derailment preventive guard or rail safety might be install taken into consideration the site condition.

Derailment preventive rail is R2 rail structure installed in the inner side of track to guide the train wheel so pretecting the train from potensial derailment due to the wheel climbing mechanism. This sructure might also reduce the wearing of outer rail in the small curve track. This structure usually installed in the wooden sleeper track with small radius of curvature.

Derailment preventive guard is a steel angel profile structure installed as a derailment preventive rail where the installation of derailment preventive rail hardly used, such as in the concrete sleeper track or lack of R2 rail. The structure is installed dirrectly to the main rail.

Safety rail is rail structure that installed in the inner or outer side of the track for reducing the risk level when derailment occured.

8.1.2 Derailment Preventive Rail and Derailment Preventive Guard

(1) In main track, derailment preventive rails or derailment preventive guards shall

be installed at locations corresponding to any of the followings. However, this may be omitted, should safety rails be installed, as specified in article 44.

a. Location where the calculation result of the estimated derailment coefficient

ratio proves less than 1.2. b. Location with a radius of curve less than 250m.


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c. Curves in the severe gradient lines or high mounted embankments

considered dangerous enough cause serious damages, if derailment should take place there.

d. Location where derailment preventive action is considered necessary,

beside those referred to in the preceding items.

(2) Method of installing derailment preventive rails shall be as per the followings:

a. At location specified in (1).a above, preventive rails shall be installed at the side where derailment should be prevented, towards the outer rail including the section of 5m before and behind the location concerned. For the locations from (1).b through (1).d, the rail shall be installed to the rail opposite of the more dangerous side.

b. The preventive rails shall be kept at the same or higher level of the rails for

main track. c. Towards the rails for main track, the rail shall be fixed at the spacing of

65mm plus the slack value, and at both edges thereof, the spacing shall be more than 180mm towards the rails for main track and it shall be smoothly diminished over the length of 1.5m.

d. At the joint of derailment preventive rails, joint plates shall be used, and it

shall be fastened with joint bolts at the out side of Flange-way, and the rail shall be fitted to sleeper by dog spikes, etc.

e. At level crossings in the curve with a radius of less than 300m, derailment

preventive rails and level crossing guards rail shall be installed between 1m outside the width of the crossing.

(3) Derailment preventive guards shall be installed as follows:

a. Preventive guards shall be installed, as specified in 43.(2).a) above.


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b. They shall be installed at the space of 85mm towards the rail for main track.

8.1.3 Safety Rail

(1) Where installation of derailment preventive rail or guard is necessary, but it is not impractical and where fall of rocks takes place frequently, safety rails shall be installed.

(2) Installation of the safety rails, except for special cases such as PC sleeper, shall

be as per the followings:

a. At the location corresponding to 43.(1).a) in the preceding clause, the safety rails shall be installed inside the track gauge of the inner rail, or outside the track gauge of the outer rail, including the section of 5m before and behind the location concerned. As regards the locations covered by 43.(1).b) through 43.(1).d) in the preceding clause, the safety rails shall be installed inside the track gauge of the rail opposite to the more dangerous side. However, at the location with frequent fall of rocks the rail shall be installed outside the track gauge of the rail at the more dangerous side.

b. Towards the rail for main track, safety rails shall be installed at the space of

180mm or 220mm, and at the edges, the space of the rails towards the rail for main track shall be more than 300mm, and shall be gradually decreased over the length of 2m.

c. As the joint for the safety rail, joint plates shall be used, and in case that the

safety rails stay inside the track gauge, joint bolts shall be tightened outside the flange-way, and in case they stay outside the gauge, the bolts shall be tightened outside the safety rail, and fastening the rails to sleeper shall be fitted to every other sleeper.

d. In the vicinity of a level crossing, the safety rail to be fixed inside the track

gauge and level crossing guard rail shall be installed less than 1m outside the width of the level crossing. Should the safety rail be positioned outside the track gauge, the safety rail shall be so arranged that the end of the safety


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rail shall contact the level crossing.

8.1.4 Bridge Guard Rail

(1) For the bridges with bridge sleeper and steel direct connected tracks and also with bridge length of more than 19m (16m regarding the special section designated separately) and corresponding to any of the following specifications, bridge guard rails shall be installed.

a. Curved bridge with a radius of curve of less than 600m. b. Bridge adjacent at the train entrance side to the curve with a radius of less

than 600m. c. Bridge existing in the more than 10/1000 gradient section or vertical curve

d. Bridge with the whole length of more than 200m e. Bridges whose installation of the guard rails is considered necessary,

(2) Notwithstanding the preceding specifications, for the bridges whose bridge guard

rail installation is impractical among the bridges existing in the derailment preventive guard-fixed sections or the bridges with steel direct connected tracks, derailment preventive guards shall be installed.

(3) Installation method of the bridge guardrails, except for special cases, shall be

done, according to the followings:

a. Guard rails shall be installed inside the track gauge of both sides of the main track rail. However, in case that in some special sections, no adverse effect to the guardrail installation is likely, the guardrails may, in principle, be installed outside the track gauge of both side of the rail for main track.

b. Method of connecting to the joint and fastening the guard rail to sleeper shall

be as per 44.(2).c) of the preceding clause. However, should the guardrails be co-used as the tie spacing strap of sleepers, then the guardrails shall be


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fitted to every sleeper. c. In case that the guardrails are installed inside the track gauge in the

automated operation sections, electric insulation materials shall be inserted into the guard rail edge contact part.

(4) Besides 43.(3) hereof, the derailment preventive guards shall be installed as follows:

a. They shall be installed for both of the rails. b. In the edges of bridge, the spacing of the derailment guardrail and the rail for

main track shall be gradually decreased over the length of more than 1.5m, with exception of the case in which the derailment preventive guards are continuously installed. However, in the double line, provision of the decreasing portion is not required at the car exit side.

8.1.5 Level Crossing Guards

(1) In Level crossings, except for special cases, level crossing guards shall be installed, and timber and paving stone shall be conducted at the same level as the top face of rail. In this case, except for the special structures, wooden plate placement shall be done approximately 150mm outward from the rail.

(2) At the level crossing with a negligible amount of traffic, except for the case of

curve with a radius of less than 300m, installation of level crossing guards may be omitted.

8.2 Train Operation Safety Facilities

8.2.1 Construction of Refuge Siding

(1) Refuge siding shall be constructed at the location that corresponds to any of the


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a. Location where more than two trains enter or leave at the same time, and there will most likely occur a conflict among them in the form of the trains standing as obstacles in the running direction with one another.

b. Location where main line or important siding level-crosses or turns out of the

other main line and some protective measures should be taken between the trains or for the train against the rolling stocks on these lines.

c. Location where there exists a possibility of the rolling stock within the yard

premises moving excessively, resultantly causing an obstacle to the other trains or rolling stocks.

d. Location where some protective measures need be arranged to the trains or

rolling stock in the movable bridge. e. Location where construction of refuge siding is considered essentially

required to avoid the obstacle to be caused in between the sidings by the rolling stock moving excessively.

(2) Notwithstanding the preceding specifications, in any of the following cases,

construction of safety side track is not required.

a. When ATC or ATS-P system has been incorporated/installed. b. When the signal in front of the signal to be protected is equipped with the

warning device to show the permissive signal.

c. When the clearance of more than 100m for excessive moving has been provided in front of the signal or the train stop sign, besides ATC system.

(3) Notwithstanding the specification in 48.(1) above, in the event that even though

it were a location corresponding to 48.(1).c), the clearance of more than 50m for excessive moving have been provided in front of the shunting signal or the rolling stock stop sign, or the maximum speed within the yard premises has been


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set at less than 25km/h, construction of the safety side track may be omitted.

(4) In case of the specification of 48.(1).e) hereof, if refuge siding is impossible to construct due to such a topographic reason, catch points may be used as an alternative solution.

8.2.2 Fixing of Buffer Stop

(1) Buffer stop shall be fixed according to the followings. Furthermore, the standard shape of the buffer stop shall be as per the following figure.

a. First class buffer stop

i) End of refuge siding track ii) End of line for operation of switch back, etc. iii) Location considered necessary, any other than i) and ii)

4.5 m



Ballast Beginning edge of buffer stop


Beginning edge

Rail Face

Screened gravel

30 m


Vertical section A – A’

Rail Face

1:1.5500 mm

Center line Cross section

Figure 8.2.2-1 First class buffer stop

b. Second class Scotch block (including the buffer stopping apparatus with the Same or more buffering capacity with Second class buffer stop) i) End of main track as “Final stop” ii) End of important siding iii) Case in which the location corresponds to the preceding item and has

sufficient allowances for excessive moving, or has a justification for use


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of second class buffer stop.

+ 1.00

PLAT 12X65X240 mm

BEUGEL φ 19 mm + 0.75


1.20 1.20

0.70 0.70 0.70

± 0.00

Figure 8.2.2-2 Second class buffer stop (side view)

c. Third class I buffer stop End of depot or similar lines.

Figure 8.2.2-3 Third class type-I buffer stop (side view)

d. Third II buffer stop End of any other side track than a) through c)

e. Fourth class buffer stop

Location where buildings, high embankments, cuts, etc are constructed and serious damages will likely occur, should trains or rolling stock be wrongly stopped.


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Figure 8.2.2-4 Third class type-II buffer stop (side view)

(2) Regarding Fourth class buffer stop, the same standard may be adopted as embankment and concrete block structure.

(3) Scotch block shall be installed at the point of 2m inside the clearance post of the

side track corresponding to any of the followings. Moreover, the shape of the scotch block shall be as per the following figure.

a. Side track where there exists a possibility of the rolling stocks parked there

moving of themselves into main track line.

b. Side track where there exist a possibility of the cars sliding onto the traverse or turntable.

c. Side track where scotch block installation is considered essentially

necessary, besides (1) and (2) above.

a a

(a) Wooden made

Cut off of sleeper Skelton on scotch block

(b) Steel made


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d. Corroded or broken buffer stop and scotch block shall be repaired or replaced with new ones, forthwith.

e. Ballast for buffer stop shall be taken to maintain as designed conditions as

practically possible. 9. Intersection with Road (1) Railway line and road (which means the road to be used for the public utility services,

and will be used hereinafter as having the same meaning) shall not be level crossed with each other. However, in case that the trains level-cross at the maximum speed of less than 130km/h and the number of passing trains and the amount of road traffic is rather small, or level crossing is necessitated due to such an inevitable topographic reason, this requirement of no level crossing may be omitted.

(2) Level crossing shall beset up, according to the following standard.

a. Level crossing angle between railway line and road shall be more than 45°. b. Safety level crossing facilities shall be furnished and installed. c. Road surface of crossing shall be paved. d. Level crossing warning sign-post shall be provided.

(3) In level crossings, in case that some actions to bring keener attention of the passers and

to observation of the traffic regulations at existence of the level crossing have been duly taken, the specifications of 9.(3) a and 9.(3) b in the preceding item, may be omitted.


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10. Sign-Posts

10.1 Distance Post

(1) Distance shall be indicated as per three types of sign-posts, i.e. Type-I, Type-II and Type-III.

(2) Type-I sign posts shall be erected every 1000m; Type-II every 500m and Type-III

every 100m. The standard contents and layout thereof shall be as shown in Figure 10.1-1.










Figure 10.1-1 Distance post




- 0.52 2.50












- 0.52









Type-I Type-II Type-III


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(3) The standard method of indicating a change in distance in the sign post shall be as shown in Figure 10.1-2

Figure 10.1-2 Distance indicating post at distance changing point

10.2 Curve Post

(1) Curvature shall be indicated by two types of sign-post, i.e. Type-I and Type-II. (2) Curve sign posts shall be located as shown in Figure 10.2-1, and shall be prepared

and erected in the manner specified in Figure 10.2.

(a) Simple curve (without transition curve)

Gradual decrease post (Run off post)

Cant diminishing distance B.





Curve Post Type I


Curve Post Type I






Near the ending point

Near the beginning point


Bac Frontk


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Curve Post Type I


Run off Post

Straight Transition Straight

(b) Compound curve

Figure 10.2-1 Location of curve and gradual decrease post


4 0.

















(a) Curve Post Type I


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C =







(b) Curve Post Type II

Figure 10.2-2 Method of erectional curve and gradual decrease post

(3) Gradual decrease sign-posts shall be located, as shown in Figure 7-3. The sign-posts shall be prepared and erected in the fashion as indicated in the Figure 7-5





20 20




Figure 10.2-3 Method of erectional post


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10.3 Gradient Post

Gradient sign-posts shall be prepared and erected as per the standard and located at the gradient changing points as shown in the Figures 10.3-1 and 10.3-2.

TYPE A0.65 0.65







− 0.52

+ 0.00


2.35 0.60




0 0.2


+ 0.00

0.65 0.65

− 0.52






2.35 0.60


1.30TYPE C




− 0.52





+ 0.00

type d




Figure 10.3-1 Position of gradient post


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0.65 0.65









0 870


pillar from rail
















pillar from rail











pillar from rail





870 0,00

Figure 10.3-2 Detailed position of gradient post


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10.4 Installation

(1) Distance indicating, curve, gradual decrease and gradient sign-posts shall be positioned at the right side towards the end of the line.

(2) Should the above positioning be considered inappropriate, then they may be

positioned at the opposite side, notwithstanding the specifications in 1 above.

(3) In case that in the more than double line, the gradient differs in up and down line, or the beginning and ending points of the curve are different, then curve, gradual decrease and gradient sign-posts may be erected at the farther right side, notwithstanding the specification in the preceding 1.

11. Maintenance of Track

11.1 General

(1) Tracks shall be maintained in the manner that the conditions thereof shall be most suitable to the prevailing train operation situation as much as practically possible.

(2) Against the track irregularity likely creating a sudden deformation of the track, a

proper arrangement shall be made continuously. Further, depending on the situation, a special control system shall be introduced, and an appropriate action su

(3) Best endeavors shall be made to prevent wear of materials and consequently extend

the durable length of time of them as long as possible.

(4) Track arrangement shall be executed in an appropriate manner and at an appropriate time, always and correctly grasping and taking into consideration, the prevailing track conditions.


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11.2 Maintenance Criteria

11.2.1 Ordinary Track

(1) Based on the standard values in the table below, ordinary tracks shall be Maintenance, according to the followings:

Standard of maintenance

General section Transition curve section in

the sharp curve

Maximum train

speed (km/h)

Type of




120 km/h


95 km/h

over line

85 km/h

over line

45 km/h

over line

45 km/h

less than


Straight and curve of radius over 600 m +20(+14)

More than radius 200 m to 600 m curve +25(+19) Track gauge

Radius under 200 m curve +20(+14)

Cross level To be maintained, according to extent of twist


level 23(15) 25(17) 27(19) 30(22) 32(24)

Alignment 23(15) 25(17) 27(19) 30(22) 32(24)

Twist 23(18) (including the amount of gradual decrease of cant)

Regarding the electrified

section or light weight

diesel car operated sections

where exists a curve with a

radius of curve less than

400 m and cant of more

than 80mm and transition

curve at the exit side in the

direction of trains running

(inclusive of the transition

curve of approx. 10 m) the

following value shall apply

Track gauge +10 (+6)

Alignment 14(8)

Note: a) The numerical values represent the dynamic values obtained by high speed inspection car. Those in the parenthesis shown static value.

b) The standard maintenance values of gauge for the lines not yet suitable slack provide shall be as follows: i) Straight line and curve with a radius of less than 200m ----+20 (+14) ii) Curve with a radius less than 200m----+15 (+9)

c) Twist indicates the change of cross –level per 5m. d) The slack, cant and versine on a curve (including vertical curve) are not

included herein.


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(2) Great care shall be taken to ensure that effective maintenance of track be done.

(3) In case that the tracks whose track irregularities have reached the limit value, or remain within the allowable maintenance standard value but still will likely cause a sudden starting and/or trains vibration to not a small extent, then remedial maintenance shall be made in no loss of time.

(4) Notwithstanding the specification in.(1) above, the standard maintenance values

for the level crossings where guard rails are not laid, the passage of the passengers and the access roads to the working sites shall be at + 12mm for the dynamic value and + 7mm for the static value.

(5) The maintenance values for train vibration (for high performance cars and high

speed track inspection cars) shall be as per those shown in the table below.

Type of Vibration Vertical vibration (Full amplitude)

Lateral vibration (Full amplitude)

Standard value 0.25 g 0.25 g

11.2.2 Maintenance of Turnouts

(1) Turnouts shall be maintenance, according to the following standard maintenance values.

a. Track gauge irregularities at crossings

Increase: Exceed +5mm Decrease: Exceed -3mm b. Track gauge irregularities except crossing

Increase: Exceed +7mm c. Back side gauges through the guardrail

i) Turnouts for R54 rails Under 1,031mm Exceed 1,043 mm

ii) Turnouts for other than rails


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(2) In measurement of the check rail gauge specified in c) in the preceding .(1), any possible adverse effect to be caused by the flaw of the nose-edged rail shall be excluded.

(3) In principle, the specification in 65.(1) above, shall be abided by, but in case

that there exists neither a large influence over train vibration nor inconveniences to maintenance works of the turnout, it may be omitted.

11.3 Criteria on Replacement and Repair of Materials

11.3.1 Rails

Rails shall be replaced with new or appropriate rails, when they have reached any of the following conditions:

(1) Rail whose maximum wear at rail head part at the inner side of the track gauge

has already reached the following amount, and wear has also developed considerably.

a. Main track

Track 1st class classification

Typeof rail line

2nd class line

3rd class line

4th and 4th S class line

R25 & R33 kg rail - 7 9 11

R41/R42 kg rail 10 12 14 15

R50 kg rail

R54 kg rail 14 15 15 16

R60 kg rail 15 16 16 17 (in mm)

b. Regarding important sidings, the specifications for Third class track shall apply.


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c. Regarding ordinary sidings, the specifications for Fourth class track shall apply.

(2) Rail whose wave height of the corrugated wear has reached 1.0mm (rail with

0.5mm shall be repaired by the grinding/ planing machines).

(3) Rail considered hazardous to proper operation and maintenance, besides those in the preceding items.

11.3.2 Turnouts

(1) Turnouts that have reached the conditions stipulated in Attached 3 hereto shall be replaced with new or appropriate ones.

(2) Worn-out points of switch for stock rails and tongue rails shall, in principle, be

replaced with new ones, according to the standard specified in the following table.

Type of rail in the

turnout Maximum amount of wear


Stock rail 5

Tongue rail 6

11.3.3 Replacement of Expansion Joints

(1) Glued insulated joint rails shall be replaced, when they have got to any of the following conditions:

a. Wear, damages etc. shall be regulated by 10.3.1. b. Rail whose opening of glued insulated part has become large enough to

damage the safety in train operation. c. Rail that is defective enough to bring about adverse effect, and considered


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difficult to properly maintain.

(2) Expansion joints shall be replaced, when they have become considerably deteriorated as a result of the extent of wear described below.

a. Regarding wear, damage, etc., 66 shall apply.

b. Expansion joints apparently considered hazardous and difficult to properly

maintain, besides those referred to in a) above.

11.4 Standard on Repair to Tack Components

(1) Turnout

a. Heel joint of the switch shall be so maintained that the extent of difference in lateral and vertical shall be kept at the minimum level possible.

b. Part of the tongue rails that contact to the stock rail shall be so maintained that it

shall be closely contacted to stock rail limited to allowed value, when the gap become higher, the repaired work shall be conducted.

c. The switch locked at all times shall be switched off from time to time, whenever

necessary, and maintenance of close contact or contact under pressure of the points shall be secured.

(2) Rails, Fishplates and Insulated Rail Joints

a. Rails, joint plates and insulated joints to all of which, something unusual has

happened, shall be carefully inspected, and defective parts of those regarded as usable instead of replacement, as a result of the inspection/examination, shall be painted white for easier recognition, and always under strict superintendence. And, in case that damage, crack etc. have been quickly worsened, they shall be replaced with new ones forthwith.

b. In installation of insulation joints, the whole circumferential part of head


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including the cut upper web round section and the whole circumferential part of bolt holes shall be chamfering.

c. Bolts shall be tightened with appropriate tightness, and be maintained, so that

looseness shall not occur.

(3) Sleeper In case that the spacing of sleeper has been expanded or a irregularity has occurred to the right angle of sleeper towards the centre line of track, adjustment shall be made within the range specified in the following table.

Type of irregularity

Expansion of spacing of Sleeper( at the bottom of rail in the track gauge)

Irregularity in angle of sleeper to center line of track gauge(at the bottom of rail in

The track gauge)

Range of irregularity 70 mm 60 mm (80 mm)

N.B: The parenthesis figures mean the value for the opposite joint in the curve.

(4) Ballast

a. In the ballast sections, ballast shall be replenished from time to time, lest sleeper should be exposed by more than the extent as specified below.

b. Main lines

Straight line and curve with a radius more than 600m : 30mm

c. Curve with a radius under 600m : 20mm Sidings 40mm

d. In the long rail sections, ballast shall be arranged according to the followings:

(i) Side face of sleeper shall not be exposed. (ii) The width of shoulder of ballast shall be kept at more than 400mm. (iii) Upper ballast shall be adequately tamped. (iv) In case of possibility of shortage of lateral resistance force in the ballast, the


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shoulder of the ballast shall be additionally mounted.

(5) Runoff of Track Lifting and Lowering

a. The length over which track lifting or lowering is conducted, shall be more than 400 times the amount of lifting or lowering, and the elevated or lowered part shall be fully tamped.

b. Notwithstanding the specification in 78.(1) above, should it prove that provision

of the length 400 times the amount of lifting/lowering is impractical, then it may be reduced down to 200 times, so long as it will not cause any serious effect to train vibration.

11.5 Maintenance of Long Rail

(1) In the joint gap of rail jointed part, in case that it proves likely as a result of examination of the buckling stability that the required buckling stability of the track cannot be secured, the joint gap shall be adjusted.

(2) In the long rail sections, the rails shall be arranged as follows:

a. Prevention of Buckling. b. Prevention of excessive expansion and creeping. c. Prevention of partial loss of rail.

(3) Long rails corresponding to any of the following cases shall be reset.

a. In case that as a result of examination of the stability to the” buckling” phenomenon, it is estimated that the required buckling stability cannot be ascertained.

b. In case that treatment with expansion joints turns out to be impossible, since the long rail has suffered from creeping, or has excessively expanded.

c. In case that the buckled or damaged long rail has been completely repaired. d. In case that occurrence of irregular axial force in the long rail is recognized.


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12. Inspection for Maintenance

12.1 Patrol Inspection

Overall permanent way round inspection for main track lines shall be carried out either on foot or by use of train or track motor cars, according to the frequency specified as the standard in the following table.

Track class 1st 2nd 3rd 4th & 4th S

Frequency week

Once/5 days Once/week Once/two

weeks Once/two


12.2 Individual Inspection (Regular)

(1) Inspection on Track Irregularity for Main Track Ordinary tracks and turnouts attached thereto in main lines, except for special cases, shall be inspected periodically at the interval not exceeding one year, in terms of the following track irregularities: a. Track gauge. b. Cross level. c. Longitudinal level. d. Alignment. e. Twist (to be measured only by high speed track inspection cars).

(2) Inspection on Irregularity of Track for Siding

Regarding the ordinary tracks and turnouts attached thereto for sidings, the irregularities shall be checked periodically at the interval not exceeding one year, in terms of the irregularities as referred to the preceding specification.


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(3) Inspection on Train Vibration For main track lines (exclusive of low speed sections of the up and middle lines for a single line), inspection shall be made periodically at the interval not exceeding one year, concerning train vibration.

(4) Inspection on Joint Gap

In main lines, rail joints for ordinary lines and turnouts attached thereto shall be inspected periodically at the interval not exceeding one year, with regard to the join gap.

(5) Inspection on Long Rails

The long rails for main lines shall be inspected periodically at the interval not exceeding one year, in terms of creeping, stroke of expansion joints, conditions of ballast.

(6) Inspection on Rails, etc.

The rails etc. shall be inspected periodically at the interval not exceeding one year, in terms of the maintenance status of damage, wear, erosion etc and the conditions of materials.

(7) Inspection on Turnouts

a. Turnouts shall be inspected periodically at the interval not exceeding one year, with regard to the maintenance status of damage, wear, erosion etc.

b. Functional inspection on turnout shall be made periodically at the interval not exceeding one year, in terms of close contact (limited to point-lever used turnouts with not related to the interlocking), contact under pressure, back gauge and the conditions of the other accessories.

(8) Inspection on Expansion Joints

Expansion joints shall be inspected periodically at the interval not exceeding one year, in terms of maintenance status of damage, wear, erosion etc. and the conditions of the materials.


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(9) Inspection on Sleeper Sleeper and fastening apparatus attached thereto shall be inspected periodically at the interval not exceeding one year, in terms of the maintenance status of damage, erosion, looseness in fastening etc. and the conditions of materials.

(10) Inspection on Slab

Track slabs, filled layers, cylindrical stopper part and fastening apparatus attached thereto, shall be inspected periodically at the interval not exceeding one year, in terms of the maintenance status of damage, deterioration, crack, erosion, looseness in fastening, and the conditions of materials.

(11) Inspection on Ballast and Roadbed

Ballast and roadbed shall be inspected periodically at the interval not exceeding one year, with regard to the maintenance status of cross-section of ballast and drainage of roadbed and the conditions of materials.

12.3 Individual inspection (Extraordinary/ad hoc)

Regarding rails, turnouts and the other track materials, extraordinary inspection/s shall be made, every time it becomes necessary.

12.4 Special Conditions on Inspection

Regarding the facilities, installations and equipment whose inspection cannot be performed due to such a special reason as the climatic conditions, the inspection may be postponed, until the special reason comes to an end.

13. Trial Operation of Newly Installed or Improved Permanent Way (1) Newly installed or improved permanent way shall not be put into use, before an

inspection of the conditions and a trial operation are successfully carried out. However, in case of minor improvement or repair, test run may be omitted.


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(2) In case that trains or cars are operated in the lines where a disaster or operation accidents occurred and there apparently still remains a defect and fault, or the lines currently not in use, the lines shall be carefully inspected beforehand, and a trial operation shall be conducted, if necessary.

14. Recording The results and the dates actually inspected of the inspections or trial operations specified in the preceding section shall be recorded, and be kept in custody. 15. Supplementary Provisions: (1) Effective Date

This Notice shall become effective as from and including. (2) Permission/approval on Special Structures etc.

a) In case that due to the topographical reason, etc., adoption of the specifications as envisaged in the Procedures is impractical, and a permission/approval on “Special structures, etc.” has been granted, then it shall be regarded as falling within the range of the specifications of this regulation.

b) The case subjected to the said permission/approval shall also be recorded and kept in custody.

(3) Transitional Actions

a) Issues corresponding to 9.3, 14.3, 23.5, 24.5, 25.4, 27.4, 28.5 and 55.2 shall be strictly recorded and kept in proper custody, in terms of the structural conditions etc.

b) The existing track suit the previous specification or either of this specifications until being improved in future.


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Indonesian Railway Technical Standard

Track : Part 1

Track Structure of Classified Track

Type of sleeper Track


Annual passing tonnage

(million ton)

Planning Maximum Train

speed Vmax (km/h)

Wheel axle P max (ton)

Rail Type Sleeper spacing (mm)

Type of fastener

Upper ballast thickness (cm)

Ballast shoulder

width (cm)

Concrete 1st > 20 120 18 R60 / R54

600 EG 30 50

Concrete/wooden 2nd 10 ― 20 110 18 R54 / R50

600 EG 30 50

Concrete/wooden/steel 3rd 5 ― 10 100 18 R54 / R50 / R42

600 EG 30 40

Concrete/wooden/steel 4th 2.5 ― 5 90 18 R54 / R50 / R42

600 EG/ET 25 40

Wooden/steel 4thS < 2.5 80 18 R42

600 ET 25 35

Note: ET: Single elastic EG: Double elastic

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Interval and method for sleeper spacing

Indonesian Railwa


y Technical Standard Track : Part 1

(1) Ballast Section

a. In the case of suspended joint methode section

Length of rail

25 m 17 m 13.7 m Rate of Sleeper

fixing (pcs) Sleeper Spacing (mm) Rate of Sleeper fixing (pcs) Sleeper Spacing (mm) Rate of Sleeper

fixing (pcs) Sleeper Spacing (mm)



43 (42)

380 (-)

504 (599)

595 (610)



380 (-)

504 (599)

608.5 (608.5)



380 (-)

504 (599)

595 (595)

520 (-)

469 (599)

595 (595)

520 (-)

469 (599)

608.5 (608.5)

520 (-)

469 (599)

595 (595)

Note : ( ) is sleeper spacing of after pull out one piece sleeper due to changed to long rail from standard rail


Jointed rail After change to long rail

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b. In the case of supported joint method section Indonesian Railwa


y Technical Standard Track : Part 1

Length of rail

25 m 17 m 13.7 m Sleeper Spacing (mm) Sleeper Spacing (mm) Sleeper Spacing (mm) Rate of Sleeper

fixing (pcs)

A B C Rate of Sleeper

fixing (pcs) A B C Rate of Sleeper

fixing (pcs) A B C 43 473 484


(598) 30 473 425.5

(529.7) 598

(598) 23 473 484

(576.4) 598

(598) (42) (-) (29) (-) (22) (-)

Note : ( ) is sleeper spacing of after pull out one piece sleeper due to changed to long rail from standard rail

Jointed rail After change to long rail C B B B B CBC B B A B B CA

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Track : Part 1

(2) No ballast section

Suspended joint method section ( reference)

Length of rail 25 m

Sleeper spacing (mm)

Sleeper spacing (mm)

Sleeper spacing (mm)

Rate of sleeper fixing (pcs)


Rate of sleeper fixing (pcs)


Rate of sleeper fixing (pcs)


34 300 573 760 44 300 463 580 37 300 453 700 46 300 528 550 60 300 383 420 39 300 473 660 52 300 470.5 485 63 300 353 400

370 328 300 68 470 369 300 54 625 478 300 41


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1. Turnout

a) Those whose amount of wear have reached the value shown in the table below

(in mm)Amount of wear

Type Track class Remarks R33 R42 R54 60

st1 - 8 11 12

2nd 7 8 11 12 Amount of wear to be measured right angle to the Tongue worn out face at the switch where maximum wear rail rd th th3 ,4 , 4 S & part important siding

8 9 12 -

st1 - 8 11 12

2nd 7 8 11 12 Amount of wear to be measured in the direction of right angle to the worn out face. For crossing Crossing recessed part only measurement to be made right rd th th3 ,4 , 4 S & angle to the worn face at its upper part. important

siding 9 12

This to correspond to the recessed part rear the nose edge of crossing or the closely contact of Back gauge couldn't arranged Guard All class movable rail. However, those intended for guard wear prevention of wear of the crossing to be additionally measured at the switch concerned.

st1 - 8 11(8) 12(8)

2nd 7 8 11(8) 12(8) Amount of wear to be measured in the direction

Rail in of right angle to the worn out face. The value in turnout the bracket indicate the value of the horizontal rd th th3 ,4 , 4 S &

wear important siding

8 9(8) 12(8) -

b) Those whose wear has not yet reached the value specified in the preceding items but

will most likely develop to the extent harmful to proper operation, or has become so shaped as easily causes derailment.


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2. Manganese crossing

Those whose amount of wear have reached the value shown in the table below

(in mm)

Amount of wear

a & b c Track classification c Common K type

crossing crossing R33 R42 R54 60

st1 9 9(5) 12 - 10 15 16 nd2 10 10(6) 11 7 12 16 17

3rd 11 11(7) 10 9 14 16 - Main line

th th4 , 4 S 13 13(9) 9 11 15 16 -

Important 11 11(7) 10 9 14 15 - Siding

Not important 13 13(9) 9 11 15 16 -


(1) The bracketed value is for K type crossing with no wing embanking (2) K type crossing with guard embanking type shall be according to the

specification of K type crossing (3) Position for wear guard measurement shall be as follows:-

CC BBAA CC17 × crossing



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dSection C-C




Section A-A c

Section B-B

l (mm) Rail 60 11

R 54 11 R 42 8 R 33 8

a) Replacement due to crack

i) Transverse crack


In case of head part, the value of a × b has reached that specified in the table

ii) Longitudinal crack

a × b (mm)aa








nose 60 900

R 54 800 R 42 600 R 33 500

There is a risk to advance to transverse fissure



There is a risk to reach lower side and break off A




a + b = 500 mm


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Section B-B Section A-A

iii) Horizontal crack Side view There is a risk to

reach upper surface and break off

Section A-A




BSide view of nose edged part

Section B-B

There is a risk to reach upper surface and break off

There is a risk to open

iv) Rail and failure

5mm (2)



Extended to 2 holes

Reaches bottom and horizontally 5 mm progressed Extended from rail end to bolt hole

Both are broken off more than 8 mm


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v) Cutting of upper neck

Section A-AA


vi) Cutting of lower neck

Section A-A A

vii) Crack to intermediate head part



Section A-A

Side view B-B A A






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viii) Uneven damage

Unevenness depth reached the wear in 2 – (a)


