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DRAFT FEEBACK Using feedback from teachers and peers.

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FEEDBACK COMMENTS-COVER After asking both my peers and my teachers for comments on how to improve my draft I have found area’s I need to improve on which I have amended and changed for my final magazine.


My cover page image needed to brighter to attract audiences to the magazine and create a cover that is more interesting to look at. Another improvement I have made is using a completely new image, as the prop of the hoop I originally used did not look professional or create a clean look. To compensate for the colour element that the hula-hoop brought to the image, I have used a close up shot (which allows a wider range of shots used within my magazine) of my duo artists as here as the colour of their makeup draws attention to the page. I have also brightened this image to prevent the page from looking bland and create a more vivid look.

Another improvement I have made to my cover page is aligning the text of the masthead and the tag line underneath. This creates a more smooth and professional look. I have also filled the wasted space under the photo my photo by adding another tag line of text, to prevent this from looking like a chunk of text, I have used my colour scheme to add variety and a point of interest.


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An major area that needed improving within my contents page was the size of my text. I have reduced the size of my text which not only allowed me to add more contents to my magazine but also made my contents page look more professional and realistic.

I have also improved and re-taken some of my images as they looked less professional, I also needed to use images of another artists to create an realistic looking contents page. Images are area I have worked on to improve across my contents and cover page. To minimize the wasted space on the space I have made my images bigger, with an smaller gap between the images which allows me to use more shot distances and types within my magazine.


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FEEDBACK COMMENTS-DOUBLE PAGE SPREADThe size of my text also needed resizing for my double page spread,

as the font was too big preventing my magazine from looking genuine and realistic. I decreased the font size, which also allowed me use to more of my article within the double page spread.

My margins also needed improving for my double page spread, they needed to be more equal and the bottom margin needed to be bigger as the text was too close to the bottom of the page. I have made these improvements and I am now happier with how the page looks. I also had to brighten my image for my double page spread, as this also looked to dark and bland on the page.

The pull quotes for my article were originally placed opposite each other, and this needed changing to allow my magazine to look more like a real magazine. My pull quotes are now positioned on higher and lower levels. Another text area that needed improving was my heading for the double page spread; originally the heading was just the band name “Double ii”, I have now changed this to “More Than Meets The Eye” as having the band name as heading was not as professional as a different heading. This change will also help attract audiences to magazine, as this heading looks more interesting and engaging.


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As well as learning my areas to improve on from my draft I have learnt what satisfies my target audience; the main image for my double page spread is effective and works well to look engaging and interesting to audiences. My colour scheme is effective and works well for the genre of my magazine.

The font I choose for my masthead “Droidiga” is effective as the unique R attracts audience attention to the magazine and allows the magazine to a have a definition of BLARE with the quirky R.

The styling of my band “Double ii” has also satisfied target audiences as they look authentic and fit the genre, the styling of my other artists has also worked well.
