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This book is dedicated to DoraThank you for lending us Paul for so many years

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Dear Paul, We know that you don’t do goodbyes and this is in no way a goodbye, it is a THANK YOU and a big one from people that you have helped over the years to study; to start careers; to succeed in the world of design through understanding the language of science, engineering and design and how to communicate across these disciplines. There are over 70 contributors in this book and they are only the tip of the iceberg. To quote Henry Adams “A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops”. Who knows where your influence stops, we can’t see the end of it. We’ve collected lots of thoughts in here but we hope that you know that there are a lot more out there. Looking forward to seeing you soon. Sincerely, Your Friends

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“Paul Ewing - he of the extreme bow tie, the engaging manner, the dry sense of humour and the passion for design - was key to the establishment of the joint IDE course. Frank Height set it up, and Paul was its most loyal and committed ambassador at the Imperial College end. I was an examiner of his doctoral thesis, which was about just how radical an educational experiment this had turned out to be - bringing together two cultures which had not spoken to each other for generations. And it certainly was radical, just like those bow ties. The joint course gave Paul a cause and he fought for it for over a quarter of a century. IDE was lucky to have him - just as he was lucky to have IDE. I feel privileged to have counted Paul Ewing as a long-time friend and colleague.”

Professor Sir Christopher FraylingFormerly Rector of the RCA and now the College's Professor Emeritus of Cultural History

[email protected]

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"How could someone that wise commute into central London every day by bicycle!!!"

[email protected]

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“Paul has the smiliest face of Imperial College. When the five of us arrived at IDE, we had the whole of Imperial to explore, and he was our conduit, and what a lightning rod he was. I still have the magnetic shuttle he had machined in the lab there.

Paul pops up in my life at various pleasant moments, and I hope he continues to do so.”

[email protected]

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“I always found Paul very supportive of everything we wanted to do, even if, in retrospect some of those things might properly fall under the 'follies of youth' heading... He was also always spectacularly cheerful and prepared to help us get whatever resources we needed. I certainly wish him well in his retirement even though his plan to retire at 50 clearly didn't work out !”

[email protected]

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“In the summer of 1982 between by first and second year of IDE I had to choose my main project and a tutor to guide me through. Paul was not yet head of the course for Imperial but was clearly an engaged and enthusiastic participant compared to some of the other academics who seemed consumed by their research. I wanted a tutor who not only knew his subject but also his students. I met with Paul early that summer and secured him as my project tutor before my fellow course mates booked him up. In fact there were only four of us going through that year and another student, John Ewans also snagged Paul as tutor for the same reason. This was probably his best tutor loading statistic ever, with 50% of the course on his watch he did not disappoint. He mostly helped with personal coaching rather than design engineering, as I navigated the various project hurdles, or needed a pep talk during the darker moments of trying to get my prototype to work. Of course I remember the bow ties, but mostly I remember his warmth, encouragement and personal enthusiasm for what I was trying to achieve. Thanks Paul, I have always remembered that mentoring, and despite your then research topic’s subject, you were definitely not a creep.”

[email protected]


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“Positive support and friendship is what comes to mind when I think back to my days on IDE. You were really THE tutor I had through my final year helping me keeping things on track in the studio, the workshop or the tapestry studio! It was appreciated then and it still is today. Thank you and big hug. I hope that we can meet up.”

[email protected]


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"I'd like to thank Paul for his ability to spot potential but mostly for cutting me some slack when I wasn't able to demonstrate much of it."

[email protected]


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"Dear Paul – your smile and enthusiasm to help us IDE’ers is a lasting memory of my time at the RCA - as well as some very pleasant walks in Bushy Park afterwards. I don’t know how many strings you pulled to get the hours of machine shop time at Imperial for my models and I certainly could not have learned and achieved so much without your unwavering support. Thank you. The wind turbine is a project Jane and I did together in 1995."

[email protected]


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As a student, and later encouraged by Paul, a tutor, and along the way a friend - we shared many special experiences. As well as all the subtle student (and staff) challenges, some really fun stuff. I have fond memories of filming IDE movies, presenting products to the Prime Minister - well Paul did that ... I was too scared :-) Cycling across London, along the Grand Union Canal, a quiet underworld below the London rush.. with some good pub stops. Driving to Malvern to collect Paul's new Morgan, and of course spritzers with Dora under the watchful eye of the Griffon that sits on their house in Hampton Wick.Thank you Paul - you helped me become the Designer I always wanted to be.”

[email protected]




IF Mode in Taiwan


"Paul had a statement pinned to his wall at Imperial, it read: 'Teaching is the art of sharing enthusiasm' .... and wow is that true for Paul !It was such a pleasant experience to visit Paul in his office at Imperial ... which was a 'Design for Human' - oasis in the surrounding dry mechanical engineering department ... which is actually a good metaphor for the whole IDE project .... Holistic design which spans creative engineering and problem solving thro' to making it appealing, useful and beyond.

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Over the years I’ve got to design a bunch of software and worked with people like Alan Kay, Hermann Hauser, Paul Allen, Don Norman, Jef Raskin. I worked on early 3D CAD research, four generations of paleo-iPad, huge banking applications, home control systems and most recently the Raspberry Pi. I designed & built motorcycles, furniture and recently, my own house. I never did get to fly on the Space Shuttle though, which was an actual IDE project attempt that both Paul & Cyril tried to help with. It’s almost all been fun.

These days I live in nice quiet central Vancouver Island, a long way from the noise and bustle of SIlicon Valley ‘91-’04 and the hallowed environs of Kensington. I may be visiting in August though, so maybe I’ll drop by...”

[email protected]

“Oh boy, do I ever remember Paul. There were good reasons we called him Uncle Paul. He was one of the best tutors I ever had - and I’ve been fortunate to have had a large number of *really* good teachers and tutors over the years. It was largely due to him and Cyril Laming that I applied for the IDE course. Even though my career has been largely in software instead of product design I’ve used every bit of knowledge, approach and attitude that I learned on the course; I wouldn’t be where I am without him. When you consider the list of people Paul (and of course, other staff on the course and at the colleges generally) influenced I think it must add up to a good fraction of the producers of good ideas and products from the last quarter century. That’s pretty impressive.


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“Thinking about my experience of the IDE course ... it occurs to me that Paul Ewing 'was' IDE. On the ground, day-to-day, in the background, in the media ... there was Paul - always pushing, encouraging, lobbying ... with energy, enthusiasm, wisdom, and helpfulness. He had what people now call 'passion'. More than two decades after my IDE time, we met at the New Designers show, and he still had that 'passion' for IDE.

A personal anecdote ...

At the RCA I used to joke with friends that I was thinking of becoming a priest. Somehow, this spurious rumour came to Paul's attention. Towards the end of the course, during a private tutorial, Paul (in all seriousness) suggested that, before going into the priesthood, I should 'give design a try'. I'm still trying ... thanks for the advice!

Happy retirement Paul, a snappy dresser, and Mr IDE.”

[email protected]


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“Paul, the very best wishes for your retirements now you have eventually managed to stop working.You were a great inspiration in a creative environment, a respected expert in a learned environment and a friendly source of support in bridging the two! Like many others, I’m very grateful for the guidance and the genuine interest in work and welfare- both during the course and afterwards. ”

[email protected]


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Paul and I managed to keep in touch for many years, either through casual meetings at later degree shows or in a professional capacity – as a few years later I too moved into higher education thanks to his support.

My most significant memories of Paul, is that he certainly is ‘un-shifting’ in his desire to surround himself with artifacts of beauty and substance. He took every opportunity to ‘gently persuade’ others see the world in his way too… he converted me!

I wish him all the best in his retirement and truly thank him for all he has done for me!!”

[email protected]

“I first met Paul in 1985, as I was a prospective mature student (I was 32 at the time) being fully sponsored by my company – yes, I was paid to attend the two-year IDE course!

He was a member of my interviewing panel and although I thought it prudent to bring along some of my industrial work, I soon discovered he had a more diverse interest as he took more of a shine to my hobbies in photography, and quizzed me more about this.

Something must have clicked though, and I must have hit his ‘passion for form’ because I was accepted. And, as a result, this changed the direction of my working life, which looking back, I am truly grateful to him for making this possible.


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“Paul was made for the job on the joint RCA/Imperial course... He's clearly a borderline eccentric but also a great educator. His easy charm, ready wit, boundless enthusiasm and technical knowledge helped keep us all on the right track. His support, warmth and encouragement helped me through several dark days and his consistent and inspirational leadership will, I know, be missed.

The skills he taught, and the uncompromising approach he demanded, have helped me design everything from vacuum cleaners to motorcycles.I bump into so many exciting people around the world from our 'Royal Family', how lucky we were to have had Paul at the wheel for so long. Paul, Come to China and see what we're doing here - it would be great to see you! Best wishes and many thanks,”

[email protected]


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1988“I was never really interested in the structural properties of softwoods and specifically the relationship between modulus and moisture content until I was touched by Paul Ewing’s passion for this material”

[email protected]

Twin Bus Shelters


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“With the encouragement of Paul, I focussed on design for sustainability in the MDes, and I have kept with this ever since. From the RCA and Imperial College, I went to Canada where I developed research in design for sustainability and the first PhD programme in Industrial Design in Canada, at the University of Calgary, Alberta. I returned to the UK in 2007 and continue my research and teaching about design and sustainability at Lancaster University. I have authored several books on this topic. Paul, all good wishes for your retirement. Having taught, mentored and influenced so many students over your career, your legacy is enormous. Thank you for your tutoring and your friendship.”

[email protected]


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“Paul put me at ease at my IDE course application interview, with his smile and genuine interest encouraging me to open up - when I presented some naval architecture drawings I had done and an arty photo (I thought so at the time!) of a sunset on a piece of deck gear on a boat I had crewed on in Tahiti, when the rest of the panel appeared a bit puzzled. Paul said I already had a good career and challenged me as to why I wanted to study again. I said the yacht designs by naval architects were all much the same, with only tiny improvements, and I hoped to do more... During the two years at RCA/Imperial I always felt Paul radiated that same genuine warmth and interest equally in people and designs. The smile was still there at IDE 30th party, making us all feel achievers even if not (yet) reached full potential!”

[email protected]


ECO MartinFrancis


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“Thanks to Paul the Designeer. Paul was one of those rare people who really understood that Art and Science, were not separate silos existing in their own orbits. He was a catalyst, a mentor, an encourager with the credibility and passion, the tobacco and the bow tie. Dr who you ask? Dr Ewing! Thanks Dr Ewing.The image is of Morow. A device to help people who have survived a stroke. It assists them re-learning how to stand up and walk following natural biomechanical movements. I left the RCA/Imperial experience with an understanding of user-centred design, this is the result.”

[email protected]


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“We expect great things from you," said Paul upon my arrival to the RCA. Back home in the U.S., I had never heard this phase from an instructor before. So it had a profound and warming affect on me as I tried to adjust to a foreign place with no support network. A big city, crazy artists, and that dry English culture; there was a lot to absorb while also taking on an entirely new skill. I could always rely on Paul to for a wink and a smile when things were tough. We all need someone that believes in us. Paul was that person for me. Even today, when I do something that's pretty clever, I still think of showing it to Paul. See what I can do now? Thanks for everything.”

[email protected]

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“I can distinctly recall two conversations with Paul during my time on IDE. The first was “Kevin, you have been researching that for two weeks now, time to stop arsing around and produce something we can look at”. The second was “you are here to learn how to become a designer, not an inventor”. The first was the kick I needed to get increase productivity, the second was the statement that has driven my professional practise for the last 25 years. Now, as an employer and mentor to younger designers, I say exactly the same! Thanks Paul!”

[email protected]

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“I first met Paul when I was studying mechanical engineering at Imperial. He introduced me to the IDE course, and took the time to show me some of the projects going on. He bridged the gap between Engineering and Design, and I realised then that this was exactly what I wanted to do. Paul gave me the inspiration and confidence to apply to the RCA. It truly was the defining moment that shaped my future, and I am extremely grateful to Paul for this. Since graduating from the RCA I have seen Paul at some of the degree shows, but It would be really nice to meet again at some time. Wishing all the best for his retirement.”

[email protected]

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"Dear Paul, thank you for your inspiration and help during my time at the RCA and Imperial. I remember you as a Master of the Art of the Possible! I hope you enjoy your retirement very much, and feel free to get in touch if you are ever in Copenhagen."

[email protected]

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“Hey Paul! I know I have you to thank for my place at the RCA in the first place and for my final degree, which was in jeopardy thanks to someone else at Imperial whose name I instantly forgot; for good reason. For both of those things a big THANK YOU!

Life for me has included many products, a few wives, member of the board at PDD, the same at Sagentia, emigration to the USA and starting my own successful company which is growing, creating jobs and doing great work in medical devices. We’re making peoples lives better; it might not be ‘art’ but it’s real and making a difference...

I now find myself teaching for fun at Johns Hopkins, and at events around the world; so passing the baton...

Finally married to the right woman; now airplanes, horses and a giant Labradoodle remind me of what’s important in the world.

My abiding memory of Paul? He and Mark Sanders were the only two people walking through the studio who you WANTED to stop at your desk and ask what you were working on; because you knew they would actually be HELPFUL!

Good luck dude, enjoy your retirement, ‘cos you’ve sure as hell earned it, left quite a legacy and touched many lives!”

[email protected]


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“Thank you for your encouragement, guidance and friendship over all the years. I wish you all the best for your retirement, although I am sure it is not a retirement from design.In my first week at Imperial, after your introduction to the design course in Mech Eng, I remember running down to the front of 220 to meet you. At Imperial you were the face of design, and your office was like a colourful oasis of art and culture. I am very grateful for how you taught and coached me in preparation for the joint course at RCA. Now (24 years on!) I am enjoying working in design more than ever.Best wishes.”

[email protected]

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He has informed the thinking of so many but always in a bespoke way informed by Paul's understanding of the individual, a very rare quality ... Paul enjoy the moment and enjoy the influence you have had on the thinking of so many.”

[email protected]

“I always remember Paul taking the time to show me Industrial Design in action at APV in 1989, for me this was transformative, this was the moment that I realised the power of industrial design in facilitating interdisciplinary team work. Now that I work in academia I really understand the significance of high quality tutors like Paul.

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“I remember being half way through my Mech Eng degree at Imperial in 1988 when Paul introduced me to the IDE course. It was like a light bulb going off – how had I missed the existence of this entire discipline? Paul guided me through applying for the course and was a lifeline when my application portfolio was initially rejected. A year later I started the course and have been designing and manufacturing products ever since. Thank you Paul for seeing some potential in me when I was a fairly vacuous student and encouraging me to take a risk. ”

[email protected]


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The thing I took from him the most, I think, was his attitude: anything you want to do; do it and do it well.

I've certainly run with that confidence on my hobbled frame over the years, having worked in TV production, multimedia production, IT in the City, full service marketing agencies, and now back to IT in the City, with a bit of mild product design and production on the side. All in the name of progress, I think you'll find, and all the while, exposing the poor unsuspecting public to my warped view of humanity. All the best.”

[email protected]

“Although it's twenty years since I was a student at the RCA and Imperial, I still have very fond memories of the places and the people who worked there; some living and some sadly dead now.

During my time at the RCA and Imperial, Paul was always very supportive; a level headed nice bloke, and a snappy dresser to boot. I think all he would have needed, in excess of his bow ties, cigars, sports jackets and fine ear to ear grin selection, would have been a pair of Le Corbusier round spectacles. As I write this, he's sounding more and more like George Burns, but that's a good thing!


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coupled with the roles of visiting tutor on the IDE and Brunel University industrial design courses, helping students get a real world perspective on their chosen professions.Eventually our design practice was sold and we pursued separate careers. Paul ran a marketing communications consultancy, a designer menswear retailer and finally completed his MBA (first discussed in your office!). Martin was an award winning Marketing Director for a software company and subsequently established his own marketing and research consultancy.Now, what goes around comes around, and following our marketing sojourns we're back designing products again. This time it’s a modular building system. Sounds like a typical IDE project, probably because it was - we first tackled this problem during our time on the course. However, this time we’re designing it for our own business with a planned product launch later this year.We're proud to have been part of your Magnum Opus, a grand work over many years that educated and enthused a generation of engineers and designers.

PS - Perhaps the most important thing that we learnt from you was entirely sartorial. It is that only a 'special' man can carry off wearing a bow tie . . . every day!”

[email protected]



“Always supportive, genuinely helpful and ready to listen you were a big character in the chapter that started our lives in design:1991 what a year (for us at least). Having submitted a joint project for our Masters (turns out that remote shopping idea wasn't a bad one) we decided to set up a design practice. Armed with 2 Macs, a studio (ok - it was an unheated back bedroom in a flat in Bromley) and a colour printer (paid for by a spot of decorating and house rewiring work) we embarked upon a mission to rid the product design world of unsightly form and frustrating function. And, to stop us from having to do any more decorating and rewiring.Over the next 11 years we worked on projects for some of the world's best known brands, and some of the least known ones too. We designed just about everything there was to design on the inside of airliner. From the passenger seats on BA's Concorde to on-board bars for Virgin Atlantic. Along the way we also created liveries for BMW motorcycles, showrooms to display the fruits of Apple's inventiveness and even an award winning range of contaminometers (don't ask - but they did have one of the coolest eject mechanisms you'll ever see glide gently past your eyes).Diversification saw the company grow quickly. We started to provide marketing communications services and, during the dotcom boom, created the UK's first maths eLearning web site to support the National Curriculum. Our design work was also

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“I wish you a very nice retired time, full of crazy projects and incredible dreams.

From my studies at RCA-Imperial, I remember especially your smiling eyes and your complicity, because being between RCA and Imperial was sometimes a dilemma for us: you helped us a lot with your continuous encouragements. At least with probably the same pleasure as you, so thank you for your references as a teacher being. During my career, I manage to keep this balance between design and engineering most of the time. Recently, I’ve joined the design team in Michelin where I can do exciting design within a strong R&D environment. Sorry, my English is still basic :-) Best regards.”

[email protected]


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“Paul was the person that first introduced me to the idea of design as a possible career and gave me the confidence and advice to apply to the IDE course. Quite simply, without him, I don’t think I’d be a designer today and for that he has my eternal thanks.”

[email protected]



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TIM CORVINAlumni: Design Managment

“I first met Paul in 1985 when he was leading the design module of the Imperial College Mechanical Engineering course. He offered a refreshing antidote to studies in thermodynamics, mechanics etc. offering a much broader perspective and inspiring me to pursue a successful career in design. Whenever I think of Paul, I recall a sculpture on his desk of a man with his head in the back of a television, which I think says it all! ”

[email protected]



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“Thanks to Paul’s guidance I graduated from the IDE course confident in my ability as a product designer.His love of good quality products rubbed off on me and in the design work I’ve undertaken over the past 20 years. After leaving the RCA I helped start Proen Design – one of the first product design consultancies in Malaysia. Working closely with Malaysian manufacturers and the government was an exhilarating experience as the country pushed towards ‘Vision 2020’.

I returned to London in 1998 to become the Production Director of the Snap Organisation. Today, the company has offices in Miami, HK and Shenzhen and offers a range of design and manufacturing services to the global drinks and spirits industry – from designing and producing secondary packaging and custom barware collections, to brand-creation and bottle design & development. Who knows what the future holds, but thanks Paul for your inspiration!”

[email protected]



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You are, as my children know you are, Paul-Sensei your influence reaches deeply into many aspects of my life and undoubtedly will for a long time to come. The words ‘thank you’ aren’t really in anyway enough to really express thanks for everything you’ve done for me, I can only hope I can live up to your hopes and expectations; that I can pass on as much as I can and in some way try as much as possible to be as good a teacher as you have been. See you soon.”

[email protected]

“I’m sitting by the pond in the centre of Tokyo University thinking of how to say “Thank you” to the guy who has been one of the most important people involved in the journey that has brought me here. Above and beyond the knowledge, skills and advice it has been the motivational encouragement that has been important to me. Whether it concerned going abroad to work, starting a company, thinking about applying to be the Head of IDE. Your words Paul “You’ll be good at that. ” simple words said straight have catapulted me into a new phases of life. Small words that carry great impact.



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steered me on the path to their door, for the things I have seen because he told me to never forget to look up, and for the passions I have in my own life because he demonstrated so masterfully that enthusiasm and individuality are gifts not to be squandered. Thank you Paul – you are greater than you know!”

[email protected]

“Paul Ewing was a hugely positive and utterly transformative influence in my life. Whilst I was an undergraduate at Imperial, Paul was the one tutor who enabled the scales to fall from my eyes and the world of design to appear before me in all its brilliance. He gave me not only a lifelong passion for polymers (!), but also the courage and conviction to follow a dream and apply to the RCA. His continued support there in turn brought me a wealth of opportunities and moments so dazzling that their light has not yet faded, and which ultimately gave me the life I value so much now. I will be eternally grateful to him for the things I have done because he gave me the encouragement to keep trying, for the people I

CATHY BAXTER (née Allan)


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“For me, he put the "E" into "IDE"Showing that a combination of clever design and smart technology makes a cool product.”

[email protected]


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“You inspired and guided me through all my years at the RCA and Imperial. Thankyou so much for being my mentor and for all your time and help.

The success of the IDE course over 30 years is your legacy. It’s not easy to think of you as ‘retired’, since I know that Design will always continue to be the framework for how you look at the world!”

[email protected]



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Above all, in the the summer in 1992 you really helped me gain both strength and faith that things will turn out all right...

I feel sad for those students who will miss your influence, but know of nobody more deserving of an opportunity to do whatever they like for a few years...

Love and best wishes,”

[email protected]

“Hearing your news about retirement really took me back 25 years and reminded me of all those Friday afternoons I spent in your office just being overwhelmed about this amazing thing called 'Design'. I could ramble on endlessly about how much I've learned from you, but to cut a long story short...

Thank you for opening my eyes to a bigger more exciting world...for giving me a direction and helping me understand what passion for your work really means...


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“Paul Ewing taught me that mindset matters. He always modeled the power of being at ease with yourself and not taking it all too seriously. The ideas flow...the design content becomes less superficial more substantial...people become infected with confidence and optimism. Easier said than done, of course, when clients are stressing and deadlines are looming, but it has served me well. Thank you Paul.”

[email protected]


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Undertaking that course made me fall in love with design all over again and convinced me to pursue the IDE Masters. I have been involved in Design in one way or another since then. I will always be grateful to Paul for helping me view the world in a different way”

[email protected]

“I decided during my last year at school in Spain that I wanted to do the IDE course at Imperial/RCA, so I moved to London in order to study Mechanical Engineering. However, by the time I reached the fourth year of the degree, my enthusiasm for yet more study was waning. It was then that, through one of the girls in my halls of residence, I met Paul. He invited me to attend his ”Introduction to Design” course at Imperial as an observer.



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“Paul Ewing was a like bright beacon of colour for me in a sea of beige and grey. He let me gate-crash his IDE party even before I'd graduated from Imperial. I probably wouldn't have studied design if it hadn't been for him. My life feels a lot richer because of Paul; emotionally and financially! If only he'd charged commission.”

[email protected] 1996

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"As a graduating student in Aeronautical Engineering at Imperial College in 1993, I discovered Industrial Design Engineering too late to apply. But I knew I'd found what I really wanted to do in life. I was introduced to Paul, and between us we devised a plan where I'd leave my apprenticeship at British Aerospace to undertake a foundation course at Colchester Institute, where I'd develop a portfolio to support my application to the RCA.

That year, as a graduate engineer, I should've been working on military jets. Instead, I was flipping burgers and pulling pints to fund my foundation - but our plan worked. Paul gave me the best career advice of my life, which I've been enjoying ever since."

[email protected]

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Remote Controlled Ergonomic Table Light, Evolution of IDE Minor Project, 2003


“Your presence at Imperial was instrumental in my decision to cross into IDE waters. However, what I remember most is a piece of advice you gave to us poor mechanical engineers during your Design Course at Imperial. “Go out there, enjoy yourselves, experience life etc.” This is actually a piece of advice I use with my students now.”

[email protected]

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“Paul Ewing is the single-most influential person in my life. Next to my Dad. (Actually, he's next to Mark Sanders in the photo below; my dad is on the right!)Paul was my 'Design for Engineers' tutor during my Masters at Imperial College and supported me through my third and final years, when I undertook Design, Make and Test projects under his supervision. Paul's zest for life, cheeky sense of humour and love for everything Design added an irresistible appeal to Engineering for me and inspired me to carve an exciting and fulfilling career route at the intersection of engineering, design and human nature. Not one for doing things in the ordinary, when I approached Paul at the beginning of my final year at Imperial College asking him to be my project tutor (although not quite knowing what the project might be), he encouraged me to enter a European Bicycle Design contest. Not only did the project teach me much about the practicalities of design process, it won me a place in the Design Museum as a runner up, and led me towards taking my postgraduate IDE course at the RCA!Happy retirement, Paul…I won't say 'rest up', as that's the last thing you'll do! More hours on the bike, no doubt! Much love.”

[email protected]


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‘The happy few are those who remain emotionally alive, who never compromise, who never succumb to cynicism or the routine of the second-hand… The happy few possess what Baudelaire calls “impeccable naivete”, the ability to see the world always afresh; either in its tragedy or its hope. For the happy few, art and life are indistinguishable’. Best of luck in your retirement; I do believe that your latest and greatest adventure will be as colourful and exotic as your bow ties, x“

[email protected]

“Paul, you were a huge inspiration in my life at a time when I was feeling “all at sea” and only wanted to go to Hyde Park to feed the ducks! You helped me find a direction and purpose, and I have always cherished your support, belief and encouragement.

At the time you opened my eyes to a world full of opportunity, meaning and beauty, and that has stayed with me ever since. In thinking about this entry I looked through my Design for Engineers sketchbook, (Mechanical Engineering, Imperial College, 1997) and found this quote, which seems as relevant today as it did then:


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"Paul has changed my life through is work uniting Design and Engineering, which has been the basis of my career. Happy Retirement!"

[email protected]


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“For the last year I managed to get a room big enough to build a vehicle in just off the lobby in Imperial, Paul was very supportive and enthusiastic and for my time working on my final project in imperial he was probably the most positive and encouraging person I met. I greatly appreciated his encouragement and approach.”

[email protected]



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“Paul was really influential on every undergraduate who studied Mech Eng at Imperial. It was one of the first lectures I can remember back in 1995 when we were encouraged to sketch, anywhere, any reason.Paul was easily everyone's favourite lecturer, and has instilled an element of fun and experimentation in mine and many careers. I doubt I'd be a chartered engineer through the Institution of Engineering Designers without the input I had from Paul Ewing. I wish him well in his retirement.”

[email protected]


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"I first met Paul briefly in my first year at IDE a looong time ago, when he attended and spoke at the 21st year celebration of the course. Several years later I was commissioned to write a report on successful collaborations in South Kensington. Paul's knowledge of the course and his charisma had left an impression on me at that earlier event, so I got in touch hoping he might spare me 10 minutes. He spent well over an hour recollecting a truly entertaining history of how the course had developed, and connections beyond that. Since then never we never pass one another by without a quick chat. He is a true gent, effortlessly engaging, and I'm very glad to know him."

[email protected]

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“Paul stood out as a tutor because he had renderings of concept Jaguar cars on his wall, indulged my youthful dreams of designing cars (I'm sure I was alone in this in Mech Eng), and of course was never less than dapper (even in full on cycling get up, 15 years before it became fashionable). There was the enclosed motorbike in the workshop he managed, the design lessons looking at cups and saucers and most importantly, enforcing the idea that design and engineering is not just about function and numbers.


Having said all that, my fondest memory of Paul is that he didn't fail me when I showed up to the final assessment of our Year 3 Design and Build a Land Yacht Project having been out clubbing all night. I think he even took pity on me and bought me a sandwich and a mug of tea. Thanks for the sandwich Paul, the inspiration and everything else. All the best.”

[email protected]

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“Thank you Paul for forming IDE and tutoring us!I really love the way Paul conceptualised IDE education, so that we could put ideas into reality.Paul you’ve helped us to help our little friends.”

[email protected]


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“I first met Paul as a bewildered Mech Eng undergraduate, but back then I would never have imagined that I would be in Albertopolis for more than ten years, and that Paul would be so influential throughout. Paul brought the possibility of design into an engineering department and illuminated a path to the RCA. He was an ever inspiring presence in IDE and even supervised my PhD. I quite literally would be not where I am today without Paul Ewing. Thank you Paul.”

[email protected]



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"Before coming to the RCA, I was told in France that because I had trained as an engineer, I could never become a designer. Paul very gently helped me build confidence that it was possible. And that meant a lot to me. Warm thanks."

[email protected]

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“Paul, I can hardly believe it's been +14 years since our poster displays stood in the Imperial college Mech Eng entrance. Your module at Imperial was like coming up for inspirational air amidst a sea of horrendously dreary maths! You rightly steered me firmly toward the RCA and I now find myself writing this from San Francisco proudly working at IDEO designing all sorts of wild products spanning from medical to automotive industries. I wish you an excellent retirement, I imagine it will involve sports cars, country lanes and speeding tickets. Thank you for being inspirational!”

[email protected]



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"Paul's influence on me was profound, his course in Mechanical Engineering at Imperial College gave me the confidence and ambition to go on to do the IDE course at the RCA, and I've never looked back. I particularly remember life drawing classes in the main lecture theatre and being sent out to explore London "looking up, not down at your feet". Many thanks Paul."

[email protected]


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“Paul changed my life by being a flash of energy and creativity during my time studying mechanical engineering at Imperial. His office was a refuge for me and I have no doubt that his words of encouragement and his passion for design helped me get where I am today. I remember watching a video he showed us about IDEO in my first year at Imperial, from that moment on, I knew what I wanted to do. Paul always believed in me and was an important figure in my life throughout university. I'd like to say a massive thanks and send him my love, all the way from California. There are some people in life you will never forget, Paul is one of them. x”

[email protected]



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“I was always inspired by Paul’s unlimited enthusiasm and clear vision that engineering and design are not separate disciplines. Enjoy your retirement”

[email protected]


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“Paul was an inspirational tutor whose enthusiasm for design and engineering was infectious. He was the quintessential IDE tutor.”

[email protected]


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“Paul was undoubtably my favorite tutor at Imperial. Generally I felt like a fish out of water during my MEng. Seeing a person with as much style and joie de vivre as Paul really encourage me to persevere. Many thanks Paul!

Genevieve and I are living in San Francisco with my daughter Eloise (and half of IDE). We're both working at startups, which is tremendous fun.”

[email protected]


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“Paul's course at Imperial was the best thing about Mech Eng. When we exhibited our work he picked out my sketchbook to go on display in the design cabinet the following year. This made me immensely proud and gave me buckets of confidence. He also introduced us to IDE, and wrote my reference when I applied. I've no idea what it said but I bet it played a big part in getting me in. His influence has led me to a career in user-centred design, working on things that matter. Also, he taught us to look up.”

[email protected]


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"At the IDE open day I knew I was in the right place when I got a peek of Paul's bright pink socks under his immaculate and functional outfit. The perfect combination of engineering and style! Thank you Paul!"

[email protected]


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“I met Paul on the IDE open day, which was one of the most nerve racking days of my life! He immediately chilled me out, asked questions about what I did and managed to turn 3 months of nervous anticipation about interviews and exams into a fun and enjoyable afternoon. I only wish we'd had more lessons from Paul while we were students, and I'll be eternally grateful for all of the work he did in creating such a magic course! Thanks Paul!”

[email protected]



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“THANK YOU Paul, for being there for me in my dark hours when I was looking for myself, for not giving up on me, for teaching me hard lessons on not letting myself down, for being there when things worked out and sharing the joy with me. THANK YOU and I can’t wait to see you again! Naomi XXX”

[email protected]



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“When I went to the IDE open day, Paul Ewing gave a talk about what to expect. I had visited some other courses, but Paul’s talk, with his clarity of purpose and enthusiasm, made me like this one best. I was also really impressed, and intimidated by the idea of applying—especially with my non-engineer’s background—so I asked about this. Paul was immediately and unequivocally encouraging. IDE was great, and has led to such interesting work. Paul, thanks for giving me the courage that day!”

[email protected]


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“Behind my desk on the office there is a Car Design Timeline, composed by scale models of iconic cars for the RCA Show of 2010. Between all them one is special to me, the Alfa Romeo 40/60, which was a gift of Dr Paul Ewing. Also known as Castagna, the 1917 car is very interesting, it incorporates an aerodynamic body work on a primitive chassis. Coming from an Italian house, the shocking aesthetic was really provocative, indicating that car design would, occasionally, change its paradigms to flow throughthe air smoothly.

When I started at the RCA I had something in mind, and a lot of ideas about design. Paul led me to transform them into a philosophy. The influence ofPaul in on my work is immense, and at the same time, discrete. Like a great supervisor should do, instead of showing the world Paul has guided me to discover it. Always cool, and cool about it, his touch is on everything that is good on my thesis, and on the work I've been doing ever since.

And Paul, like me, you like dogs. so retirement will always be fun. Best,”

[email protected]


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“Paul Ewing taught me how to communicate science. If it wasn't for Paul I would not be where I am today; a Churchill pioneering eScent and working with the top olfactory scientists in the world. He is a truly maginificant teacher, a one in a million - and I miss his bow ties!”

[email protected]


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He is a special person who has helped so many at the RCA fulfil their potentials and dreams, not only through research.

I am a great fan of his colour coordinated attire, his wit, compassion and telling of truths. I truly miss him and wish him a very happy retirement from the ever changing world of higher education."

[email protected]

"Paul believed in me when I had no confidence, he supported me with my ambitious and unclear ideas, he helped me to grow these into a PhD by project which I am currently writing up. I've known Paul from the Imperial bow tie days when he supervised so many textile students to completion with their research and I continued to see him guidecandidates in vehicle design to completion.


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"Paul made a significant impact on my life through the advice he gave me back in 2002 when I was looking for a Product Design undergraduate courses. He suggested that I visit London South Bank University, where he was an external examiner, and which I hadn't previously considered. I went there, stayed there through undergraduate, postgraduate, and now 12 years later I'm still there as a course director for the same BSc course in Engineering Product Design that he originally guided me towards! I've always looked back on his advice as being a major turning point in the direction of my life and I'm very grateful to him for it. Best wishes for the future Paul!"

[email protected]


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“All I can say about Paul is that I have known him for more than half my life and that I would not be who I am or doing what I am doing without his help, support and friendship. He first helped me as a MA ID student at the RCA; we then taught together at various places including Imperial where he supervised my PhD through the downs, ups and the bits in between and, although I only had one real supervisor, I can honestly say that he was probably the best supervisor in the world! I feel very honoured that one of his last jobs before retirement was to examine (and pass) one of my PhD students and as usual he was fantastic. Last summer I moved house and we are now virtually neighbours - there is no escape Paul!” (Paul modelling his beautiful bike for a book chapter that we co-authored about Nature, Design and Land-based locomotion)

[email protected]


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"Dear Paul, you inspired, challenged and supported me throughout my PhD with an exceptional interdisciplinary understanding and knowledge of the subject matter Fashion and Vehicle Design.I always admired your cool personal fashion statements"

[email protected]


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"Paul is a great tutor. He has a skill that very few have. He knows when to leave you on your own to develop your ideas, when to intervene to get you back on track and when to offer encouragement to keep you going. These are attributes that I'm often reminded of in my own work, and try, not necessarily successfully to emulate. I wish Paul a very enjoyable time and am certain there will be many who will still benefit in his retirement."

[email protected]


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"Paul changed my life by teaching me to be prepared to and cope with uncertain environments. Both as an academic supervisor and a human being, his lessons are being highly valuable during my professional life too."

[email protected]



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I thank Dr Paul Ewing for guiding me throughout the journey over the years at the Royal College of Art. He was very determinant on my studies not only by sharing his academic experience but also by being very caring with me and my family. “

[email protected]

“When I lecture or lead projects, I often use the knowledge built over the years of my endeavour at the RCA and reference the people I've met there. When I took the challenge of pursuing a PhD I was told that it would not be easy to carry a project, by myself, focused on one topic, and for four long years. Either I would might give up, or get crazy. I was crazy enough to accept that challenge but strong enough to not give up.

Looking back in retrospective, those four years where extremely determinant on my current professional practice. Feel the Future emerged from being the first PhD thesis in vehicle design in the world to a consolidate way of thinking on design practice. The thesis became a company with the same name and in 2011 I've merged it to one of the biggest strategic design firm in Europe, Designit. I've also been teaching at Universities all over Brazil spreading this knowledge.


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.....may the champagne and crisps never run out

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“You've made such an incredibly important contribution to design education and influenced so many young designers. Doing the IDE course changed my life in so many important ways. You - more than anybody else - encouraged and supported me to follow my dream of becoming a designer. You are always such an inspiring and positive force. I feel so lucky to have met you and your friendship means the world to me.

I will be forever grateful. Thank you.”

[email protected]