
Please email me at any time at [email protected] or check my website for live classes.

Dr. Maksim’s Design Technology Fun ways to learn from home

Online classroom here:

SeniorSpecialCSWA tutorial

Dear Design Tech Student,

I am so sorry that we won't get to keep practice drawing using Solidworks software in our workshop but here are fun things we can do to keep our knowledge fresh while school is out! These works are requirements to complete our 3rd quarter grade book.

1. Finish watching all video on (60pt. formative)

2. take review test as many times as you like and earn 80% or more (60 pt. summative ). The highest score you receive will be your final exam.

3. All missing CAD work you wish to make up during the break, will be done by hand drawing technique. Please take detail drawing packet and graph paper home and go to my online class website to meet virtually or to watch tutorial video.

Senior and advance students who wish to take CSWA license exam when we are returning from the break, please add yourself to this new tutorial class CSWA-2016. Use code: advanced. Watch video on how to practice drawing exam questions review example of multiple choice question. The completion of this online corse will replace your 4th quarter daily work.