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Page 1: Dps research

The interview used for this Double Page Spread is more of a discussion with quotes from the artists dropped in here and there. This style of interview is quite effective as it isn’t too direct and is quite and informal and laid-back style to use. It works well as this is quite a famous band of this genre and therefore people already know quite a bit about them, this style also makes them seem more normal as they’re almost having just a conversation. I like that the interviewee is just focusing on the album the band is releasing and not going off the topic of music which some interviews often do. The bar at the side is also a good feature as it links in well with the rest of the interview because it talks about some new songs they will be releasing.

Page 2: Dps research

This double page spread is quite brief and not very interview-like, apart from the ending where they use some of the artist’s quotes. Instead this is more of a breakdown of his lifestyle and what he enjoys to do as well as where he lives. I’m not very keen on this because there is no relation to music in this article at all, apart from the fact that he is a member of a band, which isn’t very conventional for a music magazine. I’m not going to do an interview like this because I’m focusing on my artist’s new album but I may include some aspects such as being recognised as famous because it is somewhat relative. I like the layout of this double page spread as it is quite simplistic yet effective due to the colours and title of the ‘interview’.
