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Whenever I hear about new rock bands about, I jump at the opportunity to interview them

and find out all their latest gossip and dirty little secrets! I can see coming out of this band we may even create another ‘Rolling Stones’ or even ‘The Beatles’… this band will be the future of rock. I have bought them here today to give all of you rock fans out there a little more of a taste into their lives. Trust me; you don’t want to miss this…

You’ll know when they’re in the room, you get that instant buzz feeling like something amazing is about to happen (I’d know, I just got it!)

When did you all first know you were into music?

While Chloe and Gabrielle were top-ping up their eyeliner, Aaron tells me “Well we all went to music schools around the areas we live. Me and Will both went to London Music School, I’m sure you know of it (laughs out loud) and I hate to brag, but we were both instant-ly noticed by the music teachers in that school, performing as the lead acts in all the school productions. As we improved our skills we got a few gigs here an there round London you know, urm we were doing pretty well yeah. We started then getting asked to perform in other places, such as Southampton which is where we met these two…”

They suddenly took interest when the spotlight got to them and I finally had the girl’s attention to tell me “hi, sorry, when you’re doing something like this you’ve gotta look your best of course! Well me and Chloe have been best friends, god I can’t even count how many years for now haha, so we both have done music together since forever! We both went to ACMS music school and I guess our journey just went on from there. One night we decided to go watch this gig down the road, as soon as we saw these guys performing we knew it was going to be something good, something big! They came over, tried flirting with us you know, the usual scheme a guy uses and from then on we have been good friends performing everywhere, I never imagined we’d be this big!!”

Cool ok. So you’re a mixed gender band of course, we don’t see many of them nowadays especially not in rock genre. That’s why I’ve just been wondering; who exactly inspired you guys to be where you are today?

“Well (giggles) we have a few rock bands that have really inspired us to do what we’re doing, but there are always two main bands that come up in this ques-tion. Rolling Stones and Elvis Presley! People might not understand why they might question that were not inspired by mixed gender bands but you know, we don’t need a mixed gender band to inspire us to be one, we can do every-thing that all male/ female bands can do, we just do it better! We believe Elvis is the ‘King’ of rock’n’roll and always have done and his music inspires us more and more every day. I mean most people might believe all bands or singers are inspired to do their work by famous singers etc. but that’s not always the case. If you really wanna do it, you do it for yourself not from the influence of someone else, that’s what we do, we do it for us.”

I’ve wanted to know the answer to this next question since you released the song… What is the song ‘Our Journey’ based around?

“Yeah a lot of people wanna know the answer to that ,haha. Well it’s pretty simple I guess I mean it’s about our jour-ney through music basically! When we first started writing our own music, we felt it was seriously important to have a meaning behind all your songs. What’s the point writing something if it means nothing you know? There’s a meaning behind everything. The song simply ex-plains all we went through to get where we are and shows the audience how important it is to really try, that it’s not easy to just become a famous star, you need to work for it and trust me, we did. Listen to the lyrics, you’ll get it then”

I think this next question will be one on everyone’s mind haha. So you’re a mixed gender band, surely with all the time you spend together there’s got to be some point where you think about the relationships between you guys?

(All the members start laughing)” Yeah, your right a lot of people do begin to assume a lot of things about the ‘rela-tionships’ in this band. No, urm I can see why people would think that I mean, with all the time we spend together I guess it’s expected, but no there’s no way any of us could consider that. I don’t think any of us feel that way do we? (The others respond “no way!”) That would just be weird, were that close friends that we couldn’t even imagine making that anything more, we are just all so close. Anyway, that could ruin our group altogether and we would not want to risk that haha!”

This is all so exciting you know, becom-ing such big stars so quickly so I guess all that’s left to ask is what is next for the future of ‘Rocky Quality’?

“Hmm, well we have got our first big UK tour coming up in July, were really excit-ed about that! It’s going to be major, the tickets have sold out and everything and as a band and a friendship group to be able to go on that journey together will be incredible. After that, I don’t know you know we kind of just take every day as it goes, we don’t really plan ahead (al-though we probably should in the music business) but we’ll see. Hopefully one day we’d like to do our own international tour, that would be unreal travelling the world! But for now, were happy doing what we do best and having all our amazing fans supporting us every step of the way”

“What an incredible answer. Well that concludes our interview for today, thank you so much Rocky Quality for coming, it’s been truly amazing finding out more about you guys and good luck in the future!”

“We’ve got big things ahead,were not done yet”

“ Thats what we do, we do it for us”