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press file

m 2013a capitalyear forculture

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ontentsc →overview

the Marseille-provence 2013 projects and prograMMe[4-13]

a region of change [14]

a cultural and touristic capital [16]

Marseille : city of the past and the future[18]

what is a european capital of culture ?[32]

Media contacts[33]


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Marseille, together with the region of Provence, bring to mind images of soaring seagulls, singing crickets, charming cottages, and leisurely games of petanque—a place where the joy of living is felt every day. It’s also a tourist destination offering a host of benefits, and a region bubbling over with cultural exuberance. In 2013, Marseille Provence becomes the European Capital of Culture, and the programme specially created for this unique event is extraordinary !

Colours, sunshine, light—it’s no wonder that artists love Provence and find it to be a source of inspiration. Here, culture has always been synonymous with festive, entertaining, avant-garde, and racial coalescence. Museums, theatres, artist’s workshops, design studios, as well as places to share and exchange with others, abound.

european capital of cultureThe title of the European Capital of Culture (which means «sharing the Midi’s») is to be experienced like an amazing adventure, an eclectic celebration that lifts the spirit with a programme of events to delight the eyes! It includes a series of extraordinary events, which in their own way together form a choir that sings of interchange and discourse between the two shores of the Mediterranean, and tells the tale of the «partage des midis».

The year is split into three parts. Part 1, from January to May: «Marseille Provence welcomes the world» shines a spotlight on the local traditions of hospitality, cosmopolitanism, inter-relations with others, and the blossoming of new urban cultures. Part 2, from June to August: «Marseille Provence under the open skies» celebrates summertime in Provence and its lovely evenings, with walks, hikes, and outdoor nocturnal shows held in unique locations. Finally, part 3, from September to December: «Marseille Provence of a thousand faces», takes place under the banner of togetherness. A symbol of sharing par excellence, cuisine is one of the special guests of honour.

tan, cliMb, feast, learnIn addition to the exceptional programme of events, 2013 is also the perfect opportunity to discover—or rediscover—all that this outstanding region has to offer. Rocky inlets with clear blue waters, majestic forests, castles, mountains, and a range of aromas and colours—Provence’s collection of beauty is worthy of Prévert, much to the delight of 10 million tourists who visit from around the world each year. Whether travelling as a family, with friends, alone, or as lovers, the region will not fail to live up to your expectations. Perfect your tan on a beach of fine sand; hike up a hill or climb a mountain; sit down and watch a heart-rendering play; treat yourself to a bowl of bouillabaisse. All of this, and more, awaits. Marseille Provence means plurality; and that means anything is possible.

froM european Metropolis to charMing villagesFirst and foremost stands Marseille, with its rich 2600-year old history marked by multiple cultures and races. But the region does not stop with this dynamic metropolis presently in the midst of architectural renewal. Camargue, Sainte-Victoire, Luberon, as well as the mountains of Alpes-du-Sud, to name just a few, are outstanding places to explore. Not to mention its countryside, dotted with small villages bursting with charm, history, life.

marseille provence, plurality

and sunshine


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It is now Marseille Provence’s turn to do honour to the title of European Capital of Culture. For a full year, this region—already a major European tourist destination—will host more than 500 cultural events showcasing the artistic excellence of Europe and the Mediterranean Basin, based on its central theme.

A European Capital of Culture located on the shores of the Mediterranean cannot help but be impacted by its geography—a geography with a long history of journeys, discoveries and major expeditions to faraway lands, and that opens onto landscapes both real and imagined.

From Aix-en-Provence to Marseille, from Arles to La Ciotat, a constellation of towns and villages fan out across the wide range of landscapes that characterize the region of Provence. The region’s unique social and geographical features may be classified in three broad categories: cosmopolitanism, the relationship between nature and towns/cities, and urban cultures (in the broad sense). Marseille-Provence 2013 has drawn on the region’s unique cultural and societal vitality in crafting the spirit and atmosphere of its programme.

The year 2013 will unfold like a long chronicle told in three parts.

the story is told in three parts:• Part 1: «Marseille Provence Welcoming the World», shines a spotlight on the local tradition of hospitality, cosmopolitanism, and inter-relations with others. It is made up primarily of the ceremonies, celebrations and opening events of the Capital year. It testifies to the richness of the new art forms which are blossoming in the region’s towns and demonstrates new «artistic dimensions». A case in point is the «This is (not) music» event.

• Part 2, «Marseille Provence Open Sky», runs throughout the summer, and focuses on the relationship with nature, hiking and walking, and outdoor and nocturnal shows and concerts held in unique locations. The combination of talent and joyful encounters will make this festival season a truly exceptional one.

• Part 3, «Marseille Provence Land of a Thousand Faces», highlights art and togetherness in public spaces, new contemporary literature, pieces composed for children and youth, and on some of the great personalities in the history of Mediterranean art and thought.

In addition to the event programming centred around these three parts, there will also be several mobile and/or itinerant events which will inject a central undertone of travel, touring and mobility into the Capital region throughout the whole of 2013. These include, for example, the GR©2013, TransHumance, the mobile Centre Pompidou, the Écrans voyageurs and the Grandes Carrioles. These itinerant events will allow a wide variety of audiences to spend time together under the banner of getting to know and sharing with one another.

Each of the three parts will open with a focus on a particular artistic discipline or a regional highlight that includes several major events, such as :• The inauguration of new cultural sites• The unveiling of new exhibitions• The start of one or several artistic programs, such as the «circus arts» program that will kick off the year.

the project

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marseille-provence 2013

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All throughout 2013, visitors and residents alike will enjoy outstanding moments throughout the Marseille Provence region. From January to December, music, dance, exhibitions (fine arts, sculpture, contemporary art and architecture), circus acts, cuisine and theatre will shine throughout the whole of Provence. The year of the European Capital of Culture will also witness some very large and unusual events held under the twin banners of novelty and surprise. For tourists and visitors alike, it will be a unique opportunity to delve deep into the beating heart of the cultures of the Mediterranean Basin and Provence— a journey of exploration and discovery that is not to be missed !

marseille provence welcoMing the world January—May Starting in January, Marseille Provence welcoming the world and presents the very best its towns have to offer. Urban cultures are the star of the show, extending beyond music to include sport, literature, video, new technologies and arts of all kinds. An outstanding collection of new major cultural sites will open their doors to welcome visitors from around the world. During this initial celebration of the Capital’s exhibitions, ships will set sail, ports will hum to the rhythm of mankind and its history, artists and works will cross from shore to shore, and visitors will enjoy one stop after another. This exceptional journey through time and space will allow each one to discover the Mediterranean of a thousand faces.

opening weekend 12–13 january, on the entire territoryThe festivities invite all of the region’s residents as well as visitors to participate in an exceptional programme of events. The day and evening of Saturday, 12 January 2013, will be highlighted by the participation of the Patrouille de France (French air force aerobatic show), the inauguration of a new cultural tour, the opening of new sites dedicated to culture, the hosting of balls, musical performances and never seen before a blaze of sound and light. Sunday, 13 January, will be dedicated to families and popular events. All are invited to join the adventure by taking part in a giant treasure hunt held in several of the region’s towns an incredible fire and light show by the Groupe F on the banks of the Rhône River. Unexpected and spectacular events will be held all throughout the weekend, specially designed to delight old and young alike.

art hits the spot - contemporary art trail (l’art à l’endroit - parcours d’art contemporain), 12 january – 17 february, aix-en-provence and surroundingsThroughout the city of Aix-en-Provence, over fifteen works of art signed by internationally-known artists will be on display throughout Aix-en-Provence, showcasing its heritage and history while at the same time highlighting its modernity.

the grandes carrioles (grand carts, cuisine) year-long, throughout the entire regionSpecially conceived for the European Capital of Culture, Les Grandes Tables de la Friche, together with a collection of chefs and artists, have combined their talents and imagination to create many itinerant kitchens. Whether it’s panisses aux herbes, tajine de mauve, glace au foin, mint tea or Turkish coffee, each cart will have its own unique menu and style of cuisine. Each cart will be manned by a chef and an artist,



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forming uncommon duos serving up unique artistic and gastronomic creations. The Grandes Carrioles may be found anywhere—around the next corner, perhaps—and during large events they will come together like the pieces of a great culinary puzzle which when assembled paints a beautiful picture of the diversity of the region’s cuisine.

Mediterraneans. from yesterday’s cities to today’s Men (Méditerrannées. des grandes cités d’hier aux hommes d’aujourd’hui) 12 january - 18 May, MarseilleIn January, the «J1» hangar—a landmark of the Capital—will inaugurate its vast expanse that opens onto the sea with a gigantic «fictional exhibition», with a modern Ulysses as guide. The exhibition includes more than 170 works of art spanning the treasures of the Mediterranean heritage as well as contemporary creations and audio-visual installations.

Ulysses takes visitors on an incredible journey through time, from the era of the Trojan wars to the twenty-first century, following an 11-stage itinerary that stops in 11 legendary ports including Athens, Alexandria, Venice, Istanbul and Marseille.

here, elsewhere (ici, ailleurs), 12 january – 31 March, MarseilleTo inaugurate the Tour-Panorama—a new exhibition area for contemporary art at the Friche la Belle de Mai—an ambitious exhibition titled «Ici, ailleurs» (Here, Elsewhere) will be held, featuring contemporary artists from both sides of the Mediterranean. A wide range of art techniques are represented, including painting, sculpture, video, photography and installation art. Some of the works on display, thirty-plus of which were created for the exhibition and never before shown, focus on the Mediterranean landscape. Many explore the meaning of identity and citizenship. Several communicate the experience of emigration, exile or being uprooted. Together, they speak of the current state of our world and explore changes yet to come.

exquisite corpse, Mediterranean suite (cadavre exquis, suite méditerranéenne), 12 january - 13 april, aix-en-provenceAn original exhibition that presents a collective work created by artists from all over the Mediterranean Basin and Near East. With its own take on the surrealist practice of «exquisite corpse», where each artist takes part in a creative assembly chain by creating a work in response to that of their immediate predecessor, the museum has invited artists (painters, sculptors, plastic artists, photographers, video creators, writers, poets, musicians, etc.) to take part in a collective work of art, a work in progress in its truest sense, with a succession of «artistic rebounds». Created over a two-year period (2011 and 2012) the works are assembled and presented in their final form in an exhibition whose richness draws from the cultural diversity of its artistic participants.

circus in capitales (cirque), 24 january to 24 february, Mp2013 regionFor one month, many French and international acts will be performing in the region, to everyone’s delight ! The event includes more than 150 performances spanning 30 different shows, including contemporary circus acts, clowns, magic, flash mobs, street performances, and more. Something for everyone !

roberto Matta, surrealism and history (roberto Matta, le surréalisme et l’histoire), 15 february to 19 May, MarseilleThis exhibition provides a close look at the thread that led Matta from the path of surrealist automation to a metaphorical interpretation of history. It includes over sixty paintings and a collection of graphic works of art, along with a study of written and film archives never before shown, part of a research project conducted by the Université Paris I-Sorbonne, as well as a film created for the occasion based on these archives.

Circus art has made all of Europe its playground, and the performers

taking part in the Marseille-Provence 2013 adventure are both large in

number and high in quality, making circus art one of the core features of the year. One of the European Capital

of Culture’s major objectives is to showcase as many innovative artistic

creations to as manypeople as possible.



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révélations, groupe f, throughout the region ; arles : 13 january, cassis : 18 May, Martigues : 6 july, port-saint-louis-du-rhône : 1st - 15 august, Marseille – château d’if : 5 - 8 september, aix-en-provence : 13 - 16 november, istres : 31 decemberWith a mix of fire, lights, music and stories, Révélations is an epic saga performed in chapters throughout the entire region. A popular favourite, the «lights» carried by the show’s artists transform the selected locations where they perform. A string of magical moments not to be missed !

Internationally recognised for its artistic performances, Groupe F presents a multi-art production that sits at the crossroads of land art, pyrotechnics and outdoor theatre.

showcasing art (l’art en vitrine), March–april 2013, aix-en-provence & MarseilleIn Aix-en-Provence, the comic book author Laurent Lolmède has been invited to redesign shops in the city centre with support from the Rencontres du 9ème Art festival. As an untiring observer of everyday scenes, he will create portraits of shops that will feature in an exhibition in the form of a walkway, where shop windows are used as two-way mirrors of daily life. In Marseille, the experimental screen printers at Tchikebe workshop will transform a consumer paradise into a contemplative jungle for one month, by inviting a local artists’ collective to design shop windows. Have fun and make new discoveries as part of a project open to both young and old!

rodin, the light of antiquity (rodin, la lumière de l’antique)6 april - 1st september, arlesAn exhibition which pays homage to Rodin (one of the greatest French sculptors) and specifically one of his favourite themes: antiquity. This exhibition draws on antiquity not only as a source of inspiration but also of art itself. It is built around eight presentations which juxtapose some of Rodin’s most important sculptures with antique counterparts from some of the world’s greatest museums.

picasso, ceramist, and the Mediterranean (picasso céramiste et la Méditerranée) (fine arts/modern art), 27 april to 13 october, aubagneThis extraordinary exhibition presented in an art centre housed in the Pénitents-Noirs chapel includes nearly 120 works, some of which have never been shown together and others not at all.

While ceramics was an important medium of Picasso’s work, his use of it remains little known. It is known that the great artist created some 4,500 ceramic pieces and embraced the art of pottery with as much genius and vitality as he did sculpting and painting.

This exhibition is highly relevant to the region of Pays d’Aubagne et de l’Etoile, where many pottery workshops still operate to this day. It’s the perfect occasion to discover the skills of the local craftsmen.

Kader attia’s terraces (les terrasses, Kader attia), 25 May - 29 september, Marseille A monumental work by this artist is set up along the Large, the sea wall which outlines the entrance to the port of Marseille. Visitors can enjoy this work of art as they stroll along a path strewn with viewpoints that provide some of the best panoramas of the port, the city and the open sea.




The European Capitalof Culture coincides with the

transformation of the Marseille sea front and its new urban and port landscape—a new lifeline

between the city and its port. Against this backdrop, the Large sea wall is especially significant and

symbolic. This long and thin dyke separating the sea and the city runs for 7 km from Vieux-Port to Estaque.

A one kilometre stretch is being fully renovated for 2013 to create one of the keypromenades of the Capital

of Culture year.

gr®2013 (long-distance hiking route and artistic walk), starting 22 March, throughout the regionMarseille-Provence 2013 creates a new type of path—peri-urban and artistic! This 360 km footpath in the infinite shape of a figure 8, provides visitors with novel and artistic walks and hikes. Audio-guided tours, scenic picnics, off-beat exploration of the region with the sudden appearance of unexpected objects along the route, as well as informational aids and technological devices, provide a unique walking and hiking experience through Provence. «I walk. Therefore I am.»

An original idea created by a walking troupe of artists in partnership with the Fédération française de randonnée pédestre (French hiking federation).

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this is (not) Music (new urban culture), 25 april - 9 june, Marseille «This is (not) Music»: more than 6 weeks of festivities and artistic performances spanning a full range of arts, including contemporary art, street art, urban sports and contemporary music, spread out over the 40,000 m2 of the Friche la Belle de Mai. This grand event dedicated to new urban culture provides a great opportunity for visitors of all kinds—from the simply curious to dedicated nightlifers—to discover and enjoy a range of artistic concepts and new friendly urban spaces during the Capital of Culture year.

this is (not) Music, the exhibition (this is (not) Music, l’exposition) 25 april - 9 june, Marseille Part of the «This is (not) Music» project, visitors are immersed in the world of street art and alternative cultures as they explore this remarkable exhibition. Within a space covering nearly 2400 m2, «reference» and «cult» artists from the contemporary urban art movement, whose art has been splashed on walls the world over as well as made its way into some of the most prestigious galleries, will be on display at the Tour-Panorama.

the amazing history of street arts (la folle histoire des arts de la rue), 3–20 May, Marseille, charleval, lambesc, Marignane, Maussane, port-saint-louis-du-rhône.Street art is one crazy story, and local residents and visitors will witness dozens of performances and presentations that tell it. From burlesque street shows to interactive presentations, each troupe invites us to look at our world differently, and to reinvent and use the spaces around us in new and different ways. The special 2013 edition of «La folle histoire des arts de la rue», created by Karwan in partnership with the Conseil Général des Bouches-du-Rhône, roams the Capital of Culture region, touching down in 6 towns where local and national artists will share the «stage» with artists from around Europe and the Mediterranean Basin. This varied group of artists will appropriate each town, transform it and tell its story.

blue and black. a Mediterranean dream (noir et bleu. un rêve méditerranéen), june - december, Marseille This exhibition inaugurates the opening of the Museum of European and Mediterranean Civilisations (MuCEM), it is designed in the form of a story, a journey. It combines outstanding paintings, photographs and sculptures, with original documents, manuscripts and rare books. It explores the different facets of the Mediterranean dream down through the ages, from the eighteenth to the twenty-first centuries. It is a journey made through shadows and light, through barbarianism and civilisation, through «Black and Blue».

the gender bazaar, feminine/Masculine (au bazar du genre, féminin/masculin), june - december, MarseilleIn an effort to broach one of the biggest questions facing today’s societies—the relationship between men and women, and more specifically the significant changes in the order of the sexes—MuCEM presents a journey through what it means to be a man or a woman in the various societies of today’s Mediterranean Basin. Objects from the museum’s ethnological collections are combined with testimonies from men and women, film clips and contemporary art installations, and take a close look at the changes taking place in gender inter-relations.



1Combining music, visual arts

and sports, «This is (not) Music» puts the spotlight on the bridges that exist between the different fields of art

and sport—bridges which can turn simple individual practices into whole

new subcultures.

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marseille provence open sKy June to September This summer, even more than other summers, the outdoor evenings beckon, calling us to leave the towns behind and go beyond the beaten paths to where the sounds of dozens of festivals can be heard. The combination of talent and joyful encounters, held in an equally perfect climate, will make this festival season a truly exceptional one.

The second act of the European Capital of Culture’s exhibitions unfolds under the double banner of dreams and connections through two ambitious projects: the MuCEM exhibition, a unique architectural creation at the entrance of Marseille’s Vieux-Port which embodies the Mediterranean Basin as a bridge between East and West. A utopian version of Van Gogh is the foundation of the summer’s flagship exhibition, held between Aix-en-Provence and Marseille, as well as in Aubagne, Martigues, Cassis and Saint-Rémy-de-Provence. Creating a workshop for artists in the Midi.

transhumance (collective walk and work of art) 18 May - 9 june, throughout the region The Théâtre du Centaure invites everyone to take part in a long walk of both man and beast. The result is a unique and authentic experience, which can be enjoyed either on foot or horseback, where participants can join in the adventure and take part in the creation of a collective work of art, whether it be for a day or three weeks.

At nightfall, on a dozen evenings throughout the journey, the caravanserai invite riders, hikers and all to enjoy cultural and artistic presentations together as well as culinary treats and surprising encounters with an eclectic mix of shepherds, poets, astrophysicists, scientists and others.

le grand atelier du Midi (fine arts/modern art), 13 june – 13 october, aix-en-provence and MarseilleComprised of two parts presented simultaneously at the Musée des Beaux-Arts, at the Palais Longchamp, in Marseille and the Musée Granet in Aix-en-Provence, visitors can enjoy and admire masterpieces from the grand masters which illustrate the different artistic movements which have punctuated the twentieth century, including impressionism, post-impressionism, fauvism, cubism, surrealism and abstraction. The Marseille exhibition is titled From Van Gogh to Bonnard, and that of Aix-en-Provence From Cézanne to Matisse. This is a first-rate exhibition held in the heart of Provence—that land of inspiration to grand masters of the brush.It echoes two sister exhibitions presented in the region, one on Picasso and ceramic art,Picasso, ceramist, and the Mediterranean held in Aubagne, and the other on Dufy held in Martigues, Raoul Dufy, from Martigues to l’Estaque.

raoul dufy, from Martigues to l’estaque (fine art, modern art)13 june – 13 october, MartiguesThe exhibition shines the spotlight on works created by Dufy at workshops located in the Midi region, from his first stay at Martigues up to his works painted while in Marseille at the outbreak of the First World War in 1920. The Diem museum allows visitors to follow the research performed by the artist over the course of two decades from Martigues to Estaque, including canvases and sketches for the most part never before exhibited.

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daniel buren, (contemporary art, massive work of art) 5 july – 31 december, istresDaniel Buren, one of the most internationally renowned French artists, has created a project specifically designed to fill public spaces, as part an urban development project undertaken by the municipality of Istres. A tour takes visitors on a new artistic promenade through a park of sculptures encircling the lake.

The in situ works by Daniel Buren are the result of his first-hand encounter with each site. They both reflect and transform the spaces they occupy, inviting visitors to experience a walk of discovery through temporary structures.

felice varini, double disque évidé par les toits (contemporary art, massive work of art), 24 May – 1st december, salon-de-provenceGet the full Felice Varini experience in an exceptional historical setting! The terrace of the Château de l’Emperi, a ninth century fort classified as a «historical monument» and crown jewel of the town of Salon-de-Provence, provides the vantage point for one of Felice Varini’s monumental paintings.

Architectural constructions are the canvases of Felice Varini’s art, a French-Swiss artist based in Paris since 1978. When viewed from a particular vantage point, generally located at the artist’s eye level, a simple geometric form appears, painted on walls but providing the illusion of having been painted on a single plane. As one moves away from the vantage point, the painting becomes fragmented and provides an infinite number of viewpoints. The view, from all of its viewpoints, is worth the trip !→Throughout this act, the sounds of dozens of festivals will be heard throughout the Capital of Culture region. Dance, music, photography, film and live performances are just more good reasons to take a lovely stroll outdoors and enjoy the balmy summer nights of Provence.

Festival de danse et des arts multiples de Marseille, Festival de jazz des cinq continents, Le Festival international du documentaire (FID), Les Suds, Les Rencontres Internationales de la Photographie, Festival MIMI, Festival de Martigues, Festival de piano de la Roque d’Anthéron, Festival de l’Emperi, Festival les Envies Rhônements and much more.

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marseille provence land of a thousand faces September – DecemberPart 3 takes place under the banner of togetherness. Albert Londres spoke of it as «a hundred faces» in «Marseille porte du Sud» (1926) : «An immense door through which the hundred faces our vast world flow in and out.»

Nearly a century later, the region’s faces during this third and final act of the European Capital of Culture number not one hundred, but one thousand. These faces are first and foremost the great «Mediterranean figures»—those emblematic personalities who continue to light our consciousness and fuel our imagination, such as Averroès, Albert Camus, Le Corbusier, Pasolini, Penone, Pistoletto, and others.

As the embodiment of shared experiences, cuisine is a guest of honour at these festivities. The grand festival of cuisine («Festival Cuisine en Friche») brings us right up close to the local vineyards and culinary talents, and mixes all of the arts in its pot.

«Metamorphoses» sprinkles its magic throughout the Marseille-Provence region, in places reinvented for the occasion. Meanwhile, children and parents are invited to enjoy a «holiday workbook»—a multi-discipline event for children and youth.

And at a «digital landscape» during InnovArt festival in Aix-en-Provence, Cézanne rubs shoulders with the latest technology. Throughout the autumn of 2013, contrasting shades find their deepest hues during a time of celebration with a thousand faces and a thousand flavours.

festival cuisines en friche (cuisine) 11–15 september, MarseilleCuisine, in all its forms, is invited to the Friche for a festival of its own.

First, a stroll through a large produce market, hosted on three different levels, where herbs share the spotlight with spices, and fruits and vegetables match perfectly with local cheeses.

At the tasting and demonstration workshops, visitors taste and try tomatoes, breads, cereals, oils, etc. Then, everyone cooks and eats together. Meals take place on the roof, in the gardens, under the canopies, and around the food carts.

It also an occasion to discuss and exchange views on today’s food and nutrition by taking part in debates held as round-table discussions or international colloquiums. The «Cuisines en Friche» festival, which brings together cooks, famous chefs, artists, designers, local growers, scientists and philosophers, invites visitors to a radically different and convivial gastronomic tour.

innovart, the chronicle of possible worlds (innovart, chronique des mondes possibles) ; (new technologies, innovation) 10 october - 10 november, aix-en-provence At the start of the new school year, a large set of events will be held with a variety of disciplines, devoted to new technologies and innovation. These will take place within the walls of Fondation Vasarely as well as through urban tours to uncommon places in the town centre and the Pays d’Aix.

With a schedule packed full of popular events and top-quality contemporary creations, this production presents a «chronicle of possible worlds», combining the talents of the most cutting-edge artists in the fields of contemporary creativity linked to new technologies.

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opening of the Éden théâtre (film, theatre) 12 october, la ciotatThe re-opening of the Éden, the great-grandfather of the world’s movie theatres, makes La Ciotat the destination of choice when it comes to the origins and history of film.

The cinematic tour begins at the town’s legendary train station, immortalised by the Lumière brothers in the film “L’Arrivée du train en gare de La Ciotat”. After passing through the Lumière mansion—the summer residence of the cinematic inventors and where they filmed their first films (such as «L’Arroseur arrosé») —visitors reach the Éden Théâtre, site of the first private showing by the Lumière brothers. Finally, they visit the Pénitents-Bleus chapel, dedicated to the display of photographs related to film-making.

Métamorphoses 20 september to 6 october, Marseille and its surroundingsAt the behest of the Centre national de création Lieux Publics (National centre for the creation of public spaces), teams of artists will beautify public spaces. Hailing from all over Europe, they will transform a gigantic façade into a deforming mirror ; marketplaces, fountains and stairs into as many dance floors ; streets into cross-cultural music scores or imaginary art galleries; underground corridors into role-playing scenes or Antarctic zoos ; walls into screens or showcases ; and more.

Who would have thought that the whole town could become a gigantic playground ? These artists help us discover the joys of recasting and transforming, and the pleasure of enjoying urban spaces when shared with others

lc at the j1 (lc au j1) 11 october 2013 to 12 january 2014, Marseille A large exhibition centred around Le Corbusier, one of the greatest figures in the history of architecture and urban development. This exhibition takes visitors on a journey of discovery of the legendary architect, with presentations of his architectural work (plans, models, sketches), as well as the artist himself through his research (drawings, paintings, sculptures, lithographies, rugs). There could be no better place for this retrospective look than Marseille, the city on which he stamped a new style and where he indelibly marked twentieth century architectural history with his «unité d’habitation» («living unit») and the «Cité radieuse» («radiant city»).

travel journal (cahier de vacances), (children and youth) 27 october - 8 november, throughout the region The November school holidays will swing to the rhythm of youth by providing children with a space that is entirely their own. This includes a large exhibition named «Atlas des mondes imaginaires» («Atlas of imaginary worlds»), as well as shows (theatre, puppets, dance, circus acts, etc.), a mini rock festival, and film showings, all of which will take place throughout the region. Children can invent, create, play, build cabins, or sail (for real !) on fake boats. School is fun ; but holidays are so much more fun.

the Marine parade (la parade Maritime) 7–8 september, MarseilleThe maritime world comes alive through a dizzying array of productions and events during the «September of the Sea», putting their professions and passions on display for a full week from September 1st to 8th. On the agenda : presentation of fishing professions and traditions, trips out to sea, sea food tasting, regattas, and more. Organised by the Office de la Mer (Sea Office), the week culminates with a local festive weekend celebrated along Marseille’s port and harbour on September 7th and 8th, with thousands of vessels converging on the area.

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→centre pompidou mobile, (fine arts, modern art) november 2013 - january 2014, aubagne The Pompidou Centre makes itself at home in the land of Marcel Pagnol ! Aubagne will welcome the first «nomadic» museum in the world: the itinerant Pompidou Centre. Visitors can enjoy works from Matisse, Braque, Picasso as well as Calder, Dubuffet and Léger, against the backdrop of the enchanting landscapes so beloved by Pagnol. It showcases the best of the permanent collection at the Pompidou Centre in Paris—Europe’s premier collection of modern and contemporary art. The 650 m2 occupied by the mobile Pompidou Centre were designed by the architect Patrick Bouchain and is made up of units fashioned in the spirit of fairground big tops and ambulant circus acts. At Aubagne, the mobile Pompidou Centre will spread out along the banks of the Huveaune river, in a fully renovated public space. Educational tours and activities will make it easy for everyone to enjoy this museum right in the heart of the town.→This list of projects is not exhaustive. Its purpose is to highlight some of the major events that will be part of the Marseille-Provence 2013 programme.

The detailed programme is available for download at or from the Marseille-Provence 2013 media relations team.

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Marseille-provence 2013 brings together 97 towns and communities in a remarkable cultural project, from cities—such as the internationally-known metropolis of Marseille, aix-en-provence, and arles—to a host of charming villages and natural spaces imbued with magical beauty. it’s also a region in full development.

sixty architectural restoration, conversion or construction projects are under way, representing a total investment of more than 660 million Euros. Rudy Ricciotti, Kengo Kuma, Stefano Boeri, Jean Nouvel, Frank Gehry, Massimiliano Fuksas and Tadashi Kawamata—some of the biggest names in architecture—are designing new sites here. Marseille Provence is upgrading its look, but without losing any of the charm of its rich heritage.

a region of change



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designed by soMe of the greats of conteMporary architecture

new artistic and cultural projects

1 - Musée des Civilisations de l’Europe et de Méditerranée (MuCEM)Marseille – Rudy Ricciotti

2 - Villa Méditerranée Marseille – Stefano Boeri

3 - Tour-PanoramaFriche la Belle de MaiMarseille – Mathieu Poitevin

4 - Fonds Régional d’Art Contemporain Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur (FRAC)Marseille – Kengo Kuma

5 - Conservatoire de MusiqueAix-en-Provence – Kengo Kuma

6 - Pedestrian street project in the Vieux-PortMarseille – Norman Foster


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provence-alpes-cote d’aZur, land of lightin the south of france, nestled between the splendid natural boundaries of the mountains and the sea, lies a land of light. its gorgeous landscapes, rich heritage and idyllic «art of living» have made provence-alpes-côte d’azur one of the most frequently visited regions of france.

A region spoiled by nature’s bounties. boasting a coastline nearly 900 km long, flanked by the forests of Esterel and Maures, the wild Camargue wetlands, and rocky inlets, its Mediterranean shoreline is a storehouse of exceptional beauty.

Further inland, emblematic sites such as Sainte-Victoire, Alpilles, Luberon, Mont Ventoux and Verdon never fail to impress visitors with the magic of their landscapes. Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur also includes jewels of architecture, including three UNESCO World Heritage sites : the Abbey of Montmajour near Arles, the Palais des Papes in Avignon, and the Théâtre Antique in Orange. Quaint little villages bustle with workshops where craftsman carry on the cultural arts of their forefathers, such as glazed earthenware, pottery and the making of «santons», small hand-painted figurines typical of the region. to the north and east lie the mountains, the national parks of Ecrins and Mercantour, and the Queyras regional park, home to protected and highly diverse natural reserves. With an abundance of flora, including larch, edelweiss, blue thistle, wormwood, pines, and much more, the Southern Alps can be visited all year round.

Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur is also among those destinations which for generations have inspired artists seeking grand natural backdrops for their masterpieces. The quality and variety of available accommodation and excellent places to eat, as well as a profusion of cultural events, round out the extraordinary attractions of this internationally renowned region.

bouches-du-rhône—a rainbow of diversityPassionate about culture ? Enjoy shopping ? Love nature ? Looking for diversion ? No problem ! Bouches-du-Rhône has it all. Kayak along rocky inlets. Visit museums. Eat at top-rated restaurants. A host of activities await. It’s no wonder that 10 million visitors from around the world flock to Bouches-du-Rhône

every year. With three distinct areas, the region is a rainbow of diversity. Marseille: exuberant, urbanite, dynamic, transforming, a stage overflowing with cultural activity. camargue :

wild, authentic, free, where nature is king. provence : the joy of living, natural, filled with tranquillity. Here, time stops while we take in the simple joys of

olive groves, vineyards and the surrounding countryside. three territories. three personalities. three philosophies. Hundreds of




bouches-du-rhône :

2,593 hours of sunshine per year289 km of coastline50% of its area occupied by nature reserves850 km² of reserves and natural parks107,300 hectares of wooded areas2,700 km of hiking trails

a cultural and touristic

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3Located at the crossroads of northern and southern Europe, the region enjoys a privileged position around the Mediterranean circle. The Marseille-Provence region can be reached by all means of transport via the Marseille-Provence airport (which includes the mp2 terminal dedicated to «low cost» airlines), the port of Marseille, railway connections, and motorways to Italy, Spain and northern France which provide quick links from the region to the rest of Europe.

a privileged geographic location

1 international airport in the heart of the region (Montpellier, Toulon, Nîmes, Nice)

3 TGV (high-speed) train stations (Marseille, Aix-en-Provence, Avignon) connect to Paris in 3 hours

1 passenger and cargo port (Marseille) with a dedicated cruise ship terminal (1 million cruise passengers expected in 2012)

4 motorways intersect the region

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euro-Mediterranean metropolis and capital of provence, Marseille is a city full of passion and contrasts that touches every visitor it welcomes. there is no «ideal time» to visit Marseille, since its charm extends across all four seasons. No need to travel thousands of miles to «get away». With 300 days of sunshine a year, Marseille is a temple to the art of living. Sun-kissed aperitifs on terraces, leisurely games of petanque, long lunches in countryside cottages, inspiring excursions at sea ... the joys of living are to be found everywhere, everyday. Marseille’s unique radiance has also fascinated some of the world’s greatest painters. Cézanne, Renoir, Dufy and many others have praised its beauty. Each neighbourhood has carefully preserved its own identity. From large shopping avenues, to the charming back streets of the Panier quartier, to balmy evening strolls along the cliffs—this city has it all, including an outstanding coastline spanning 57 km with views that can only be described as staggering. The rocky inlets of Sormiou, Morgiou, Les Goudes and Sugiton are tastes of paradise, and is classified as a national natural reserve. Marseille is also a city that strongly embraces plurality, to the delight of its residents and visitors.

2600 years of history meets bold new enterpriseMarseille is rooted in 2600 years of cosmopolitan history. Walled old towns, industrial wastelands, historical sites—each neighbourhood testifies, in its own way, of the city’s rich history. No visit of the city is complete without a stop at the basilica of notre-dame-de-la-garde, the city’s symbolic guardian and protectress. The view is breathtaking. While deeply rooted in the past, Marseille is also a resolutely modern city, in full expansion and bursting with energy. Urbanism, transportation, culture, tourism, conferences, cruises—all the city’s business sectors are involved. The city’s makeover is felt particularly strongly at the Euroméditerranée, the largest urban renovation project in southern Europe, where internationally renowned architects are making their mark. Getting around Marseille is easier than ever. The city is criss-crossed by a network of trams, underground lines, buses and bicycle lanes, carrying visitors from one neighbourhood to another, from one discovery to the next. Tourists wishing to extend their stay can take their pick from among the city’s 6,700 hotel rooms, ranging from five stars to small family-run inns. Some of the world’s biggest hotel groups, including Accor, Intercontinental, Radisson SAS and Concorde, have chosen Marseille as a showcase for their expertise.

2013—an eventful yearin 2013, lovers of culture are in for a treat ! throughout the year—which will be divided into three major periods—Marseille will play host to performances and exhibitions that will appeal to audiences and tastes of all kinds. the programme will be eclectic, original and captivating ! The European Capital of Culture Marseille-Provence 2013 will open on January 12th and 13th under the banner of «welcoming the world».

marseille, city of the past

and the future 4


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The festivities invite the city’s residents and visitors alike to enjoy an exceptional programme throughout the day and night of Saturday, January 12th, including a show by the Patrouille de France (French air force aerobatic demonstration team), a contemporary art tour, the inauguration of new cultural sites, the Grande Clameur, musical balls and stage performances, and a blaze of sound and light. On Sunday, January 13th, a giant treasure hunt will be held throughout the entire region under the colours of the Capital of Culture ending by a light show by the Groupe F in Arles.

the opening weekend will be followed by an extraordinary programme of events at all of the region’s cultural sites. following is a (non-exhaustive) list of some of the highlights, an enticing glimpse of just some of what awaits the residents of Marseille and visitors throughout this year like no other.

here, elsewhere (ici, ailleurs), a Contemporary Art exhibition in honour of the inauguration of the Panorama de la Friche la Belle-de-Mai, from 12 january – 15 april.

a photographic exhibition by josef KoudelKa, vestiges at the Vieille Charité, from mid-january to mid-april. With this retrospective, visitors can retrace the steps of the photographer through the ancient Greek and Roman archaeological sites of the Mediterranean basin.

the treasure of Marseille (le trésor des Marseillais), at the Vieille Charité, 12 january - 15 april. This treasure was originally offered by the Massalites (ancient inhabitants of Marseille) to the Greek gods at Delphi in the sixth century B.C. This extraordinary exhibition includes a 3D reconstruction of the temple of Delphi, providing a fascinating journey through time and history.

Mediterraneans. from yesterday’s cities to today’s Men (Méditerranées. des grandes cités d’hier aux hommes d’aujourd’hui), at J1, in the city’s docklands, 12 january - 18 May. With Ulysses as guide, the exhibition whisks visitors on a journey through time and space, from the Trojan wars to the twenty-first century.

the amazing history of street arts (la folle histoire des arts de la rue, 3 - 20 May. Artists stage the most unexpected performances in the streets. Jubilation !

the inauguration of the MuceM, in june, a magnificent museum dedicated to European and Mediterranean civilisations. The museum will be inaugurated with the two exhibitions, Le Noir et le Bleu. Un rêve Méditerranéen (Blue and Black. A Mediterranean Dream) and Au Bazar du Genre, féminin/masculin (The Gender Bazaar, Feminine/Masculine).

transhumance 18 May - 9 june. An incredible expedition through Marseille by a gigantic caravan of animals hailing from Morocco, Italy and Provence.

an exhibition, «le grand atelier du Midi» at the Musée des Beaux-Arts at the Palais Longchamp, from 13 june to 13 october. A work in two parts in collaboration with the Musée Granet in Aix-en-Provence; the Marseille portion eponymously titled From Van Gogh to Bonnard.

With Métamorphoses, 20 september - 6 october, teams of artists will transform the city, allowing all to discover the joys of recasting and transforming, and the pleasure of enjoying urban spaces when shared with others.

In spring, three museums will open: Europe’s largest history museum, the Museum of decorative arts and fashion in the sumptuous 17th century Château Borely and the fine arts Museum at the newly renovated Palais Longchamp.





the pavillon M(pavillon Marseille) in the

heart of the vieux-portThe Pavillon de Marseille, in the heart of the

Espace Villeneuve Bargemon in the Vieux-Port, will remain open throughout the entire year of 2013.

This pavilion, the main information centre for 2013 hosted in collaboration between Marseille-Provence

2013 and the Tourism Office, will also house a reception area as well as an exhibition centre of the best of Marseille, showcasing the region’s

industries and expertise.

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sitting at an important geographical, cultural and touristic crossroads, aix-en-provence is a key european destination. it has everything needed to satisfy one’s historical curiosity, thirst for culture, or yearning for the small pleasures of life with its sunny terraces and gourmet restaurants. just a few kilometres away, the pays d’aix offers visitors magnificent villages and well-preserved and treasured landscapes. Graced with an architectural beauty that stirs the emotions, this historic capital of Provence is best enjoyed through leisurely strolls down its time-honoured streets. While enriched by its past, Aix-en-Provence is also contemporary, a true cultural melting pot with enough to satisfy the appetites of all comers. Not content to stop there, the city is also skilled in the authentic art of living, offering fragrant cuisine, local wines, a multitude of café terraces to choose from and charming boutiques.

sainte-victoire and charming villages Just outside Aix-en-Provence, one can enjoy sun-kissed walks through olive groves, cyprus trees and vineyards, while those who prefer something more physically demanding can set off to conquer the majestic sainte-victoire, classified as a «Grand Site de France». This «Provence par excellence» includes many charming villages with centuries of history, culture and tradition. In short, it’s the perfect place to enjoy a wide range of interests !

2013, new art forMsDuring the Capital year, Aix and the Pays d’Aix will offer a widely diverse cultural agenda, with particular focus on blossoming new artistic forms, and a host of multi-discipline events held throughout the year. Spring and autumn will be key periods for Aix and the Pays d’Aix, when a special emphasis will be placed on this area. Among the major events not to be missed are :

art hits the spot - contemporary art trail (l’art à l’endroit - le parcours d’art contemporain), 12 january – 17 february

exquisite corpse, Mediterranean suite (cadavre exquis, suite méditerranéenne) a Euro-Mediterranean contemporary art production which will take place at the Musée Granet, 12 january – 13 april

circus in capitales (cirque en capitales) of Grand Saint Jean, 24 january - 24 february

urban cultures : Mots & Merveilles, March – 22 june, Aix-en-Provence downtown. Projection of images on the buildings and playground, 16 - 22 june. Music, sports and DJ sets in the public area.

transhumance, 18 May - 9 june, the largest gathering of animals in Europe. Flocks of sheep and horses will travel from Italy and Morocco to converge in Provence, passing through many villages of the Pays d’Aix.

the gr®2013 (grande randonnée footpath), a new type of long-distance art-themed hiking, leads from the town into the countryside. Over 200 kilometres long, this unique and unordinary route is in the shape of an infinite figure eight, with the TGV Aix train station at its centre.

aix-en-provence, a Melting pot

of cultures and




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The «grand atelier du Midi», 13 june - 13 october, also to be held at the Musée Granet, centred around a work in two parts. The first part titled, From Van Gogh to Bonnard, will be presented at the Palais Longchamp in Marseille, while the second, From Cézanne to Matisse, will be presented at the Musée Granet in Aix-en-Provence.

innovart, chronicle of possible worlds (innovart, chronique des mondes possibles), 10 october - 10 november, fondation vasarely and other sites


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Arles, city of art and history, has for 30 years held the honour of being awarded three World Heritage Site titles by unesco. It is home to incomparable archaeological wealth which includes its ancient town centre and numerous roman and romanesque monuments. Arles is also recognised by UNESCO as part of the world heritage saint jacques de compostelle (St. James’ Way) pilgrimage route. Last but not least, Arles is the capital of the Camargue delta, a natural reserve of global importance and part of the international network of UNESCO biosphere reserves. Its combination of history, culture and nature, is unique.

Today, the name of Arles is intimately linked with that of van gogh. The famed painter’s stay in Arles was his most productive in terms of drawings and paintings, with over 300 works created in the space of 15 months.

Literature, costumes and traditional festivals have made Arles the capital of provencal culture. Each season is marked by many events, making Arles a perfect destination for photography, music, literature, theatre and bull fighting.

arles, in 2013 : a very special year !For the opening of the capital of culture year, group f, with its roots in Camargue but famous the world over for its Révélations, the first episode in a saga, will light up the skies above the town of Arles.

Other major events will be scheduled throughout the year, including :

le Méjan et actes sud, from 12 january to 10 March, highlights the history of men, women and children who have come from elsewhere, as shown in the West.

tadashi Kawamata, from february 2013 all year long – camargue regional natural reserveUsing both sculpture and architecture, the Japanese artist will create a journey through six works of contemporary art implanted into the Camargue landscape.

“rodin in the light of antiquity (rodin, la lumière de l’antique)” at the Musée départemental arles antique, 6 april - 1st septemberRodin’s major sculptures will be on display along with masterpieces from Antiquity. A new extension to the museum will feature the wreck of a Roman galley.

l’ile de Montmajour, by christian lacroix, abbay of Montmajour, 5 May - 3 novemberChristian Lacroix shows us his views on the memories held by the streets and stones of Arles.

cloud (nuage) – Musée réattu, 16 May - 31 octoberAn exhibition dedicated to clouds. Sculptures, art installations, paintings, sound-based art, photographic works, film, and decorative art, with the likes of Magritte, Brassaï, Man Ray and Andy Warhol. In all, 200 works by over 40 artists !

photography, june – september : the 2013 edition of rencontres d’arles is dedicated to «a new look at the arab world».

arles, ancient city and

gateway to the caMargue4




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the festival les suds : «nomadisme et deltas», 8 – 14 july, presents a musical journey into the very heart of the delta, with the Gypsy people as its theme.

les légendes de l’art equestre, 17 – 24 july : the multiple facets of the art of horse riding (the Spanish Riding School of Vienna, the Royal Riding School of Lisbon, the Royal Riding School of Jerez, and the Cadre Noir of Saumur).

relics of saint césaire (les reliques de saint césaire) from september 2013 – eglise saint trophimeThe relics of Saint Césaire d’Arles, the most ancient relics of the western Christian world, will be on display in the Church of Saint-Trophime.

digital pathways : a worldwide first. «Ribandelles», ribbons inspired by traditional Arles costumes and threaded with LED lights, mark out theme- or event-based tours throughout the town.



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on the hills between the inlets of cassis and the lights of Marseille lies the pays d’aubagne et de l’etoile, a real-life museum under the open skies. here, the art of clay making has been practised for generations. «I was born in the village of Aubagne, beneath the Garlaban mountain scattered with goats, at the time of the last goatherds,» wrote Marcel Pagnol. Here lie the famed hills of pagnol’s childhood, in a land full of freedom and adventure. The magnificent landscapes of sainte baume and etoile offer an array of unordinary cultural discoveries of national heritage, off the beaten path just a few steps from the Mediterranean Sea.

the art of clay making : that ancient union of fire and earth, has earned a well-deserved reputation in the Pays d’Aubagne et de l’Etoile. It’s a tradition that remains alive and well to this day. The 40 pottery and «santonnier» (figurine) workshops still in operation continue to practice their age-old craft with passion.

Lovers of gourmet food will be delighted by the Provencal soil’s star appearance at the famous local markets, its produce labelled with «les jardins du Pays d’Aubagne» (the gardens of the Pays d’Aubagne). Restaurants who have signed the terroir et patrimoine (soil and heritage) charter outdo each other in displaying talent and creativity, to the delight of gourmet palettes.

pottery and conteMporary art : the 2013 guest of honour

exhibition of Mona hatoum, 12 january - 15 MarchWithin the framework of routes «Ulysses» in partnership with the Fonds Régional d’Art Contemporain of Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azure (FRAC), the chapel of Pénitents Noirs in Aubagne welcomes the monographic exhibition of Mona Hatoum, one of the biggest signatures of the contemporary art at the international level (after Barcelona in the Joan Miro Museum). The personal story of the artist Mona Hatoum, the exile and separation with her family with Palestine, inspired its work.

transhumance, 7 to 12 May in cuges-les-pinsUn des trois départs de cette épopée humaine et animale aura lieu à Cuges : Cavaliers et chevaux d’Italie ont rendez-vous à Cuges avant le départ du caravansérail en route vers la plaine de la Crau après un passage par le village d�Auriol.

picasso, ceramist, and the Mediterranean (picasso céramiste et la Méditerranée), 27 april – 13 october 2013This significant and magnificent exhibition, titled Picasso céramiste et la Méditerranée (Picasso: ceramic artist and the Mediterranean), will be presented in the Pénitents Noirs chapel. The exhibition’s theme—the use of ceramics in Picasso’s work—is appropriate given that the Pays d’Aubagne et de l’Etoile is home to many workshops still in operation today.

le pays d’aubagneet de l’etoile, the spirit

of the hills 4



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In the 1950s, Picasso used a range of mediums to explore the subject of Mediterranean civilisation. The master artist embraced the art of pottery with as much genius and vitality as he did sculpting and painting. picasso céramiste et la Méditerranée presents 120 works, including some which have never before been publicly exhibited.This exhibition will be part of the grand atelier du Midi, the MP2013 flagship event, with From Van Gogh to Bonnard shown at the Palais-Longchamp in Marseille, From Cézanne to Matisse at the Musée Granet in Aix-en-Provence, and Raoul Dufy, from Martigues to l’Estaque at the Musée Ziem in Martigues.

arts et festins du Monde : 4 MayIt is about a big banquet with specialities of the territory associated with an artistic programmation.The topic is the « cooking with herbs «. The local producers and all the maraichers are mobilized with restaurants for a big gastronomes meeting.

«de villages en collines» : a hiking festivalAren’t hiking and walking an art in themselves ? And so, hiking will have a festival of its own as a festive part of the artistic GR 2013 route. The towns and villages of the Pays d’Aubagne et de l’Etoile will share the spotlight from 4–12 May 2013, treating visitors to an unordinary journey of artistic discovery off the beaten path.

argilla, 3rd weekend of august This yearly event turns Aubagne into the largest earthenware market in france, with 170 craftsmen from all over the country and abroad, attended by over 70,000 visitors in the space of two days. It’s a festive atmosphere full of colour, culture and discovery. The 2013 edition will be an extraordinary one, not to be missed, with artistic dance tours in pottery-themed settings and the participation of local residents as well as Mediterranean ceramic artists in residency.

«nous serons tous d’ici» festival, 16 september - 12 octoberThrough two strong ideas of Peace and mass migration, 12 cities of the urban conglomeration of Aubagne and their public libraries built a multiculurelle and multidisciplinary cultural programme. Readings, tales, entertainments, exhibitions, villages of nomadic artists, circus, Romanès...

centre pompidou mobile, from november to january 2014In 2013, the Pompidou Centre makes itself at home in the land of Marcel Pagnol! Starting in November, Aubagne will be the site of the first «nomadic» museum in the world : the itinerant Pompidou Centre. As they stroll along the banks of the Huveaune river, visitors can enjoy works from Matisse, braque, picasso as well as Calder, Dubuffet and Léger, set against the backdrop of the enchanting landscapes so beloved by Pagnol. It showcases the best of the permanent collection at the Pompidou Centre in Paris—Europe’s premier collection of modern and contemporary art. Educational tours and activities will make it easy for everyone to enjoy this museum right in the heart of the town.




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with its intimate feel, the town of salon-de-provence inspires a desire to stroll around and discover its charms. its monuments, museums and festivals attract lovers of culture all year round. Overlooking the Crau plain, the Château de l’Empéri is one of the oldest fortresses in provence. Today it houses the Conservatoire du Costume Militaire Français (military costume history museum) with outstanding collections on display. The town’s bustling historic centre lies within ancient fortified walls, and includes the Tour de l’Horloge, the Eglise Saint-Michel, and the Tour du Bourg Neuf. The magnificent Collégiale Saint-Laurent and the Hôtel de Ville, built in the classical style, are also classified as historical monuments. As to the astounding fontaine Moussue, it has become the favourite meeting place of local residents and one of the symbols of Salon-de-Provence.

Two personalities of the Renaissance era are emblematic of this town : The astrologer and doctor Michel de Nostredame, known as nostradamus, who here wrote his famous «Centuries» in his house which is now a museum ; and the hydro engineer Adam de Craponne who built an irrigation system that has remained vital to the entire region to this day.

«nature-filled» scenerySalon-de-Provence is surrounded by the hills of tallagard, a great place to hike, the green crau, where select AOC (quality-controlled) hay is grown, and the dry crau, land of sheep herding. This soil and land is an important source of nature’s bounties, including olive oil, fruit and vegetables, and sheep, as well as a place for leisure activities.

traditional skills and high flyers Two soap factories carry on the artisanal making of authentic savon de Marseille (soap). Before setting off on a tour around the world, the prestigious patrouille de france rehearses its aerial ballet in the skies above Salon-de-Provence.

2013, a year of uniQue events gr®2013, a new breed of hiking routes, starting in March Created by hiking artists and crossing through Salon-de-Provence, the GR2013 provides the opportunity to experience the diversity of scenery, historical heritage and lifestyle present throughout Provence’s towns and countryside. Official opening with the relay race from the 22 to the 24 March. The 27 and the 28 April, a programme of artistic and gastronome walks is proposed.

cinema festival, 19 to 26 MarchAn invitation to see the world: projections of films, debates, meetings, conferences, famous artists invited from the euro-mediterranean countries. Dedicated to the full range of the works of this Palestinian plastic artist, this exhibition will also include his work created at the Marius Fabre soap factory as part of the Euro-Mediterranean.

salon-de-provence,a new art of living

in provence 4


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taysir batniji exhibition, l’article 13 de la déclaration, 10 april to 16 june Dedicated to the full range of the works of this Palestinian plastic artist, this exhibition will also include his work created at the Marius Fabre soap factory as part of the Euro-Mediterranean Workshop.

transhumance, festive stop at the domaine du Merle, MayA fabulous stop of the herds hailing from Italy, in the unique setting of the Domaine du Merle. Two days of festivities provide an excellent opportunity to enjoy this gigantic choreography of man and beast.

60th anniversary of the «patrouille de france» on air base 701, MayAn international gathering of air show squadrons, during which the prestigious Air Army will unveil its 2013 programme, created in collaboration with the choreographer Kitsou Dubois.

felice varini, double disque évidé par les toits, 24 May - 1st december The French-Swiss artist’s art explores enclosed and urban architectural spaces, which he uses as the canvas for his gigantic painted geometric shapes.

creative urban projects, julyRenovation and artistic transformations of the cultural and sportive venues of the site Francisco Barron by the Cabanon Vertical.

raymond reynaud: un singulier de l’art, an exhibition at the lamanon, 6 july - 29 september This artist-artisan’s remarkable and unique art, made of oil gouaches and totems, defies classification, and elicits astonishment followed by awe.

empéri music festival: chamber music, 28 july to 8 august Music from around Europe and the Mediterranean performed by great soloists.

salon public: le festival des arts de la rue et du cirque,28 to 30 september A must see of the world of street art. Compagnie OPUS, the guest of honour for these three days of excitement, will be welcoming artists from Marrakech in collaboration with the Festival Alwan’art.



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authenticity. water. blossom. sports. festivals. culture. istres is a land of contrasts. located at the confluence of the camargue, the crau and the Mediterranean, nestled between hills and lakes, it offers wide range of scenery and possibilities ! Istres boasts a rich and varied architectural heritage, with a historic town centre dating back to the Middle ages, and small, picturesque squares. The town has preserved its typically provencal character, as evidenced by its plane trees, terraces and fountains. Istres is also a town that celebrates water, with the highest water fountain in France, five lakes, a marina and beaches. Home to the Crau, the last of the great European steppes, as well as to gardens bursting with green, this town, awarded «four flowers»—the highest of its kind in France—offers magnificent contrasting countrysides waiting to be discovered. Twice voted the «sportiest town in france», in 1989 and 2000, Istres has over 140 sports facilities.

istres—festivities and culture Istres’ well-deserved reputation also rests in part on its culture. The centre educatif et culturel includes over twenty facilities including a dance centre, music conservatory and multimedia library. With a high-quality theatre programme, a series of concerts at a musical café and up and coming artists, the town of Istres has plenty on offer in 2013. This includes traditional celebrations like the bergers (shepherds), the carnival, a jazz festival and the nuits d’istres festival with internationally renowned artists. Some major contemporary artists will take over public spaces.

2013, cultures of Many stripesIn 2013, the Magic Mirrors, february will be one of the key acts of the Temps Fort Cirque, as part of the acclaimed Festival des Arts du Geste first created in Istres in 1999 and combining circus acts and dance.

gr®2013 from 22 March, 22 – 23 june, week-end gr®2013 in istres and transhumance will find Istres a unique addition to their routes, since it is a place where the time-honoured tradition of shepherding continues to this day. With its strong pastoral traditions and rich biodiversity, Istres will reserve a special welcome for Transhumance and the GR®2013 hiking trail. Two seasonal highlights will be dedicated to these events: on 4, 5 and 6 june for TransHumance and 28, 29 and 30 june for the GR®2013.

Held at the end of june, the fête de l’eau (celebration of water) is a series of fun and educational shows and musical and artistic representations on the banks of the Etang de l’Olivier. For the third edition of the Fête de l’Eau, two performances of the TERSIS musical will take place. Bringing together amateurs and professionals, this show promises to stand out.

This major visual arts event has been entrusted to daniel buren. Once again, the focus will be on developing new interpretations of spaces through site-specific work. Meanwhile, a permanent piece of artwork will be installed in public space.

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The Parc Des Salles will become a temple of urban culture as part of this is (not) Music.25 april to 9 june

scientific culture is also honoured through two international conferences. The first will run from 10 to 14 june for researchers at the forefront in the field of materials. The second, a series of university classes on green chemistry, will take place in October as part of the Science Festival.

«a la bonne heure !». on 26 october, the clock goes back. For the occasion, the English company Wired Aerial Theatre presents for the first time in France a stunning show of aerial dance and cinema.

révélations, groupe f, 31st decemberThe first part of the Révélations saga will be held at 6pm on the banks of the Etang de l’Olivier.


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«Martigues is a town built not on the sea shore, but in the sea itself». this quote from alexandre dumas clearly illustrates the unique charm of this «venice of provence». Flanked by the sea on either side, and bathed in that incomparable marine light, Martigues has attracted the greatest painters and most famous film-makers. This little venice is criss-crossed by a series of bridges that straddle the canals flowing between the Mediterranean Sea and the Etang de Berre. The large parc de figuerolles provides a sea of green where a number of open-air activities are enjoyed in nature. 60% of the commune’s territory is covered with wooded and protected natural spaces. Just a stone’s throw away, the Mediterranean «côte bleue» dazzles with a succession of inlets, beaches and fishing harbours, offering a preserved environment that has become a paradise for water sports and leisure activities.

Martigues cultivates its southern pace and lifestyle with a cuisine that combines sea food with Provencal flavours. The town’s specialities include the poutargue, dried and salted mullet eggs ; mélets, prepared with anchovies and fennel ; and bourride, a bouillabaisse made from white fish. Restaurants participating in the terroir et patrimoine programme are committed to maintaining the local culinary traditions.

artists from around the worldLife in Martigues hums to the rhythm of the seasons with 400 events each year, including the Fête de la Mer, the Nuit Vénitienne, and the Festival de Martigues, which welcomes 500 artists from 5 continents for performances showcasing the arts and local traditions as well as contemporary and world music.

The town is a pleasure to explore, with its historical and protected sites and monuments, archaeological heritage and modern architecture. The town is also home to a number of high-quality cultural venues, such as the Théâtre des Salins (awarded the French «scène nationale» title), the Musée Ziem, the Galerie de l’Histoire de Martigues, and the Prosper Gnidzaz film theatre which shows a unique collection of films.

Martigues 2013—painting, cuisine and hiKingin 2013, Martigues will host some major events.

gr®2013 from 24 March 2013The metropolitan hiking trail will invite the public to revisit lakeside and industrial landscapes around Martigues. The trail will circle the lake, connecting three cities: Port-de-Bouc, Martigues and St Mitre les Remparts.

Mediterranean banquets, port-de-bouc, 21 to 23 juneBuilding on the local success of the «sardinades» (summer evening events) of Port-de-Bouc, these evenings—hosted in conjunction with the GR2013—combine culinary arts, music and living arts designed to encourage intercultural and intergenerational encounters centred around the culinary and oral traditions of the Mediterranean countries.

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transhumance, 6 to 7 june, at Martigues and saint-Mitre-les-remparts

The Théâtre du Centaure and horses from Morocco, Italy and Provence will issue an invitation to take part in a completely new experience by asking people and animals to walk together as part of an artistic and poetic movement. A bivouac will be set up at Figuerolles.

raoul dufy, from Martigues to l’estaque (raoul dufy, de Martigues à l’estaque), at the Musée Ziem, 13 june to 13 october

This monographic exhibition is part of the grand atelier du Midi, and plays counterpoint to the main two-part exhibition (De Van Gogh à Bonnard at the Palais Longchamp in Marseille, and De Cézanne à Matisse at the Musée Granet in Aix en Provence).

industrial night, Martigues and port-de-bouc, 31 augustThis nocturnal event, which takes place in unique industrial landscapes, features projections on buildings, artistic and interactive installations and choreographic concerts in remarkable sites.


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first granted by the european union in 1985, the title of european capital of culture is a coveted and sought-after distinction that attracts a large number of tourists and visitors and generates significant knock-on effects.

Each year, the title is conferred on two cities or regions chosen through an international contest, for the space of a year. The initiative was originally launched by the Greek Minister of Culture, Melina Mercouri, and the French Minister of Culture, Jack Lang, with the goal of bringing citizens of the european union closer together.

PFor the winning cities, it provides the opportunity to showcase a high concentration of european cultural excellence for a full year, and give a large and festive welcome to visitors from all over Europe and around the world. Lille attracted 9 million visitors and 4,000 reporters as Capital of Culture in 2004. In 2008, Liverpool welcomed 15 million visitors. Ruhr 2010 generated 65,000 press reports and 225 hours of TV news reporting On the financial side, the year is expected to generate over 600 million euros in related revenue throughout the Marseille-Provence region.

past, current and future european capitals of cultureSince 1985, more than 40 cities have been designated as European Capitals of Culture, including Stockholm, Genoa, Athens, Glasgow, Krakow and Porto. The 2012 Capitals are Guimarães in Portugal and Maribor in Slovenia.

in 2013, Marseille provence will share the spotlight with Kosice in slovaKia. These two cities will then pass the torch to Umeå in Sweden and Riga in Lithuania, in 2014.

To date, only three French cities have been awarded the coveted title of European Capital of Culture : paris in 1989, avignon in 2000, and lille in 2004. According to the rules governing the awarding of the title (updated in 2006), France must wait at least another 10 years before one of its cities qualifies for candidacy.

what is aeuropeancapital of culture ?

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“Marseille-provence 2013”Media agent : Lylia AbbesEmail : [email protected]

bouches-du-rhône tourismeMedia relations manager : Marie LansonneurTel: +33 (0)491 138 406 – Email : [email protected]

provence-alpes-côte d’azur tourism boardHead of Press : Susanne Zürn-SeillerTél. : +33 (0)4 91 56 47 13 – Email : [email protected]

Marseille tourist andconvention bureau11, la Canebière – 13001 MarseilleTel : +33 (0)826 500 500 www.marseille-tourisme.comMedia agent : Marion Fabre [email protected] T. +33 (0)4 91 13 99 73

aix-en-provencetourist office300 avenue Giuseppe Verdi - BP 16013605 Aix-en-Provence cedex 1T. +33 (0)442 161 161 www.aixenprovencetourism.comMedia agent : Sophie Bramoullé[email protected].+33 (0)4 42 16 10 07

arles tourist officeEsplanade Charles De Gaulle / Boulevard des Lices13200 ARLEST. +33 (0)4 90 18 41 20 - www.arlestourisme.comMedia agent : Francine [email protected] - T. +33 (0)4 90 18 41 24

tourist office of country of aubagneet de l’Étoile8 cours Barthélémy - 13400 AubagneT. +33 (0)4 42 03 49 98www.tourisme-paysdaubagne.frMedia agent : Anthony Chesneau [email protected]

salon-de-provence tourist office56, cours Gimon - 13300 Salon de ProvenceT. +33 (0)4 90 56 27 Press : Mireille [email protected] agent : Sabine [email protected]

istres tourist office30, allée Jean Jaurès – 13800 IstresT. +33 (0)4 42 81 76 00 - www.istres.frMedia agent : Carol [email protected]

Martigues tourist andconvention bureauRond point de l’hôtel de ville - 13500 MartiguesT. +33 (0)4 42 42 31 10www.martigues-tourisme.comMedia agent : Michèle [email protected]

media contacts