Page 1: Dont Starve 1 Year to-do list.pdf

Priority: The thing at the top of the chapter will always have the highest priority, so you should do

nr.1, then 2, then 3, etc.(doesn’t mean they can’t be done at the same time). Prioritizing IS THE

MOST IMPORTANT THING!!!!.If you don’t follow the priority order,you get in trouble because your

base plan has a horrible order,you get time inefficient and waste ressources. This is the biggest

mistake you can make(despite not wearing armor in fights I suppose).

Note: Start in Fall,do not start in Spring. Remake the world if you start in Spring.

Early Game/First Season/First 4-6 Days

1. Explore only,don’t build a base or a fire camp!

2. Collect any food that you find on the way(unless its far away/hard to get), and collect normal

ressources like twigs flint or grass(don’t collect logs)

3. Before you start a base/stop exploring,you must have collected 20 gold.

You are done exploring once u found these things:

1. A Savanna(or two if both are very close-by) with rabbit holes and beefalos.

2. A rock biome(NOT DESSERT/HOUND BIOME!!!)

3. A Clockwork/Gears/Chess biome

4. A biome next to the savanna to live in(any forest area if possible,with the most twigs etc


5. Atleast 1 Spider Den rather close(at max 60 seconds walk distance)

6. Atleast 1 Touchstone

7. A Swamp

8. Bee’s for later Bee Boxes

9. Glommer

10. The Pig King

Note: Use Flowers to make a Garland at the start. If you find the Koalafant/Tracks,skip

anything you#re doing and go for it,use an axe or so if you don’t have a spear yet. 4 Hits-

>Avoid->4 hits->Avoid and repeat to kill it. This rule counts until day 20. Run if it’s a Varg

Start of your Base(Rabbit Hunting Style)

1. Find the best area to settle down(a forest area close to a savanna with rabbit holes and

beefalos,or just in the savanna if there is no good one close-by). Good areas are

considered those with a lot of ressources the savanna doenst have,e.g. trees,twigs,berry

brushes,and so on

2. Make a fire Pit and use your 20 Gold to get a Science Machine,Alchemy Engine and a

Lightning Rod.


Set-up Traps (atleast 5,max 8) directly at the rabbit holes(hold the trap in your hand to

place it,hold it on the rabbit hole and then a bit down until it says “place trap here”,place

it there,and ONLY there,always.).Replace and remake the traps when necessary/the

catched something,check them once before the night everyday.

4. Get a Hammer and a Shovel and a Spear and a Log Suit. Use the shovel to dig up any

twigs and place them into your base(remake shovels to continue). Use the hammer to

hammer down the pig sticks at the touchstone for pigskin.(can be combined with step 5)

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5. Farm Ressources to get 5 Drying Racks and use the hammer(if you haven’t done yet) to

get a Football Helmet now.

6. Use your Fighting Gear to kill atleast 1 Clockwork Mob to get 2 Gears,build a Fridge with


7. Get a Crockpot

8. Build a Razor and shave Beefalos until you have 8 Beefalo Wool(do not shave your beard

until winter is done,it isolates. After that,always shave when the beard is done growing).

And also get 8 Silk to make 2 Winter hats (traps vs spiders).

9. Get a Pitchfork,start using Turf only for fuel from now on.

10. (Optional) Kill a Tier 3 Spider Den and replant it not too close but not too fast from your


11. (Optional) Plant Berry Brushes close to your base and fertalize them.


1. Make a Thermal Stone

2. Make a Boomerang and start hunting mac tusks,keep the rabbit hunting up.

3. Collect 60-80 Ice

4. Plant 2(1 if you already did it earlier) Spider Dens not too close to your base by killing 2


5. Start Digging Up Berry Brushes/Grass and Replace them near your base(about 20 each)

6. Kill Deerclops if he arrives,prepare a 100% Log Suit,100% Football Helmet and a 100%

Spear(prepare this for every Giant per season from now on)


1. Collect EVERY rotten egg you see,you need them for gunpowder later.

2. Collect more Gears to get 3-4 Icy Flingomatic(if you don’t get this done,you’ll die)

3. Start collecting 12 Bee’s and 3 Honeycombs(you get 1 for each Bee Hive you destroy) for

3 Bee Boxes,you know the technique.

4. Get yourself everything you need for the Prestihatitator(third tech item,after Science

Machine and Alchemy Engine,in Magic Tab) and make a Meat Effigy.


You can actually just survive,there is nothing that has to be done.

1. (optional)Get a Birdcage if possible,you need it to feed it meat to create eggs to make

rotten eggs for gunpowder(gets more important if you haven’t collected a lot of eggs

during the other seasons)

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