

Headteacher: Mr Roger Roberts Deputy Headteacher: Ms Simone Harrison

Chair of Governors: Ms Rebecca Elliott

Uffington Road Willesden London NW10 3TL Tel: 020 8451 0761 Fax: 020 8459 1145 E-mail: [email protected]


Donnington Primary School


What we are trying to achieve

Our intention is to provide all our children with high standards of teaching, learning and playing environments, so that each child can do their best and be prepared to move forward in study, work and play for their future success. The Aims of our School The aims of Donnington Primary School are: • To provide high standards of teaching and learning • To improve the development of each child • To develop in our children a respect for and understanding of the rights of all members of

our community to share and celebrate their own faith, cultures and traditions • Each child should take responsibility for their learning • To involve parents/carers as partners in their child’s learning • To teach each child to recognise the importance of politeness, courtesy, tolerance and

respect for others • To create a happy, safe and caring environment. The Values of our School Donnington Primary School is a place where: • I can learn in a safe and caring environment • I can learn to work in pairs, groups or on my own • I can have respect for all people • I can behave in a positive manner • I can value all individuals equally • I can develop my confidence, independence and potential.

Donnington Primary School


Message from the Headteacher …. I am pleased to introduce you to Donnington Primary and Nursery School. We are a local community school located where Willesden, Harlesden and Kensal meet at a single point. Built over forty years ago, Donnington is a popular and well supported local school for our 240 children and their families. We are a one form entry school with 30 children in each of our classes from Reception to Year 6. There is also Donnington Nursery which operates every morning with 30 children in the class. In addition, Little Donnington Playgroup is on site which has a morning session for children aged 2 to 4. Our intake is mixed and reflects the diverse social and economic make-up of Willesden and North West London. There is an active and supportive Parent Staff Association – Friends of Donnington School – and a notable feature of the school is the strong relationship between staff, parents and carers. Our families appreciate the close relationships that are built up in a smaller school and in our annual survey respondents say how their children are happy and provided with a good education at the school. Our pupils try hard and enjoy being in school. They like to be involved in all that the school offers in addition to the usual school day; from home learning to school clubs, being on the School Council to raising funds for the wider community. At Donnington we celebrate our differences and enjoy our similarities as individuals in a diverse and dynamic community. This prospectus outlines our aims and the activities we offer your child. It also outlines our approach to the new Curriculum which is being introduced in maintained schools in England form September 2014. Your will find information about the day-to-day organisation and running of the school. At Donnington we aim to create an environment that enables children to grow in curiosity, competence, resourcefulness and understanding. We value each child as an individual and no child will be discriminated against on grounds of gender, race, creed or ability. Our success as a school is due, in a large part, to the hard work and commitment shown by the teachers and staff working in close partnership with our families. If you require further information after reading our prospectus, or if you are new to the area and are interested in visiting our school, please telephone the School Office for an appointment. Roger Roberts Headteacher

Donnington Primary School


Admissions Donnington Primary and Nursery School educates children between the ages of 3 and 11. We are a one-form entry school. We have space for 240 children on roll when full. Nursery - three to four year old children (mornings 9:00am – 12:00 noon) Reception - four to five year old children (full-time) Key Stage 1 – five to seven year old children (Years 1 and 2) Key Stage 2 – seven to eleven year old children (Years 3, 4, 5, and 6) Admission to all Brent Community Schools is coordinated by the Local Authority. Please contact the Brent School Admissions Office on 020 8937 3110 for an Application Form or apply online at Nursery Admissions are coordinated through the school. Admissions to Donnington Nursery are based on the Brent LA guidelines for admissions. This entry criteria is based on the following: (please also see the full application form)

1. Children ‘looked after’ by the London Borough of Brent (Young People in Public Care) 2. Special/Social Needs (Documented by a Consultant or Senior Social Worker) and

supported with a Statement of Special Educational Needs. 3. Sibling connection – brothers or sisters already attending Donnington. 4. Residence in the catchment area. 5. Applicants outside the catchment area.

Application forms for Nursery are available from the School Office from about the middle of October as they are updated each year. Visits to the school for prospective parents and carers are arranged over a number of dates in the late Autumn and early Spring Terms. Please check with the School Office for specific dates. Please note that gaining a Nursery place at Donnington Primary School does not guarantee a Reception place the following year.

The School Day The start of the main school day is 8:55. The playground is open by 8:45 when children go directly to their classrooms. This is called a ‘soft start’ and is a time for children to organise themselves, put coats away and set up for the day. The playground is supervised from 8:45 and the gates are closed at 8:55. Children arriving after that time will need to go to the front entrance and record a late arrival. The gate into the Reception Class opens at 8:45 when the children enter the class for the start of the day. Parents and carers are welcome to go into the Reception class for the first 15 minutes to help settle their children and to look at examples of the children’s work. The Reception Gate onto Donnington Road will be locked at 9:00. All Reception children arriving after this time will be recorded as late and will need to enter by the Nursery/Playgroup gate near the School Office on Uffington Road.

Donnington Primary School


In the afternoon, the Reception gate will open at 3:20 pm and close at 3:35. The main playground gates are unlocked at 3:25 and will be locked at 3:40. Nursery and Little Donnington Playgroup children all enter their classrooms using the Nursery/Playgroup gate near the School Office on Uffington Road. This gate opens at 8:55 and will close at 9:15 am. It opens again at 11:50 when children in the Nursery and Playgroup finish their session for the day at 12:00 noon. It is important that children develop the habit of arriving at school on time. If you are late for any reason, please inform the School Office before your child goes to the classroom. Children arriving at school after Registration will be marked as late. The Educational Welfare Officer regularly inspects the registers and will make home visits to speak to parents/carers if there are a number of late marks in the Register. School Times Nursery – mornings only 9:00 to 12:00noon. Reception – Full time provision from 9:00 to 3:20. Key Stage 1 (Years 1 and 2) – Mornings 8:55 to 12:00 and afternoons 1:00 to 3:25. Key Stage 2 (Years 3, 4, 5 and 6) – Mornings 8:55 to 12:30 and afternoons 1:30 to 3:30.

Registration Registration takes place at the start of the school day. It is important that all children arrive at school on time as the school day begins immediately. Any child who arrives after the start of the school day needs to enter the school using the front entrance on Uffington Road and report to the School Office where they will be recorded as late. Please ensure your child arrives at school on time. The gates on Donnington Road are closed at 8:55 for the main school and at 9:00 for the Reception Class.

Break All children in Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 have a morning break of 15

minutes. Years 1 and 2 also have an afternoon break. The Early Years have more flexible access to outdoor learning. We are part of a national

scheme whereby children in the Early Years and Key Stage 1 classes are provided with a free piece of fruit or vegetable each day. We encourage all children to eat a healthy snack at morning break time; this should be a piece of fruit or a drink. We also offer children in KS2 a piece of fruit at break two times a week. Please note that

crisps, chocolate or biscuits are not allowed.

Donnington Primary School


Enjoying healthy snacks at break.

Children who have packed lunches can also take part in ‘Two Treat Friday’. Salty and sugary foods should be avoided for school lunches, but every Friday, children are encouraged to treat themselves to a little something special.

School Meals As of September 2014 all children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 will be offered a Free School Meal. There is an application form which will be given to you to also identify if children are available for the Pupil Premium which is a sum of money that the School is given for all children on Free School Meals who are also from families eligible for certain benefits. This is an important source of additional funding to the school so please do complete the form. Teaching Time Reception – 22 hours and 30 minutes Key Stage 1 – 23 hours and 20 minutes Key Stage 2 – 23 hours and 45 minutes Children attend school for 190 days each year. The Staff has five training and/or preparation days, called INSET days. Dates for the current academic year may be found at the back of this brochure. School Uniform Donnington has a school uniform that must be worn by all children in the Reception class and in Years 1 - 6. The uniform colours are: • Donnington grey sweatshirt • Donnington burgundy polo shirt • Grey or black trousers or skirt • Red/white check or striped summer dress • Black school shoes

Donnington Primary School


Children are not allowed to wear trainers for school School sweatshirts and T-shirts printed with the school logo, are available to buy from the School Office each morning from 9:00 to 9:30 and each afternoon from 3:00 to 3:30. Children require a pair of dark shorts, a T-shirt and plimsolls for PE. A PE kit bag is advisable as PE kit is kept at school throughout each half term. Children in Key Stage 2 will also require a swimming costume, towel, and swimming hat when their class goes swimming. (All non-attendance at swimming must be explained in a note from parents.) For safety reasons, jewellery should not be worn, unless it has a religious significance. If children have pierced ears they should wear plain studs. No jewellery should be worn on swimming days. Teaching Methods A variety of teaching methods are used: whole class teaching, groups and individual study. In the Foundation Stage, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 subjects may be taught through cross-curricular themes that help to make them more relevant to the real world. In addition, specific English, Mathematical and Scientific skills are taught alongside topics in a more formal atmosphere and with regard to any existing National Curriculum. Great emphasis is placed on the development of understanding – children are provided with a variety of real and relevant experiences from which to acquire new skills and to practise those already mastered. The Curriculum – Creativity and Enjoyment The children follow a broad, balanced, widely based curriculum which encompasses the requirements of the ‘core’ National Curriculum subject requirements in English, Mathematics and Science. Children will also be taught History, Geography, Art, Music, Physical Education and Design Technology. French is taught in Key 2. ICT skills run across the curriculum. In addition, children will be taught Religious Education in accordance with the Brent Agreed Syllabus. There is a new curriculum being introduced from September 2014. It changes the way children are assessed, although for the next academic year children in Year 6 and Year 2 will follow the previous curriculum and their SAT tests will follow existing levels. For the other children and for all children from September 2015 levels will disappear and assessment will be adapted to the new curriculum. There is an additional insert which will give more details about the new curriculum at the back of this folder.

Donnington Primary School


Other aspects of the curriculum are followed which contribute towards the development of the whole child, including Personal, Social and Health Education. Parents/Carers have the right to withdraw children from R.E. and the Sex Education component of PSHE. Please make an appointment to discuss this with the Headteacher, if that is a decision you are considering. Year 5 had fun designing their own pizzas on a visit to Pizza Express! Reception Class like to be outdoors.

Donnington Primary School


Foundation Stage (Early Years) The needs of the Nursery and Reception children are met through a carefully constructed range of learning opportunities that are matched to the child’s development on entry to the school. The teaching staff applies the requirement of the Foundation Stage Curriculum based on the Development Matters Guidance.

Nursery Class

Key Stage 1 This encompasses Years 1 and 2 and is designed to lay a solid basis in all areas of learning, especially in Reading, Writing, Grammar and Speaking and Listening, Mathematics and Science. At the end of Year 1 all children will sit the Phonics Test as directed by the Department for Education. During their time in Year 2 each child is tested and assessed using national tests and assessments (Key Stage 1 SATS). The results from these tests form part of the overall teacher assessment and the assigned level is reported to parents and carers as part of the pupil annual report. Children in Year assessed under the new curriculum guidelines.

Donnington Primary School


Key Stage 2 This stage includes Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 and continues to build upon the foundations of learning covered at Key Stage 1. During this time we develop and consolidate the basic skills through the full range of subjects. At the end of Year 6 each child is tested and assessed, through the National Key Stage 2 SATS in Reading, Grammar Punctuation and Spelling, Writing and Mathematics. These results together with Teacher Assessments are part of the pupil’s annual report at the end of the year.

Dressing up as our favourite characters for World Book Day


Donnington Primary School


English - Language and Literacy

At Donnington, we expect to help children to develop all their language skills. We will adapt our existing teaching programmes to fit in with the new Curriculum 2104. We will continue to teach reading, writing and spoken

language in English. Speaking and listening is an important across the curriculum. We believe that parents and carers have an important role to play in the teaching of reading. We encourage children to learn to read through sharing books with an

adult and by carefully offering them strategies to interpret written language.

Writing is seen as a developmental process through which children gain skills from their earliest years. We encourage children to concentrate initially on the content and message of their writing and provide guidance in the rules of written English as they become meaningful to the child. All classes have access to computers and iPads and children are taught to use programs specifically designed to practise and extend their writing skills. We teach handwriting skills and children are encouraged to take pride in the presentation of their written work. Their confident use of spoken English is recognised as an important aspect of language development. We encourage children to voice their thoughts in small group and whole class teaching sessions. We help them to extend their vocabulary and to express their ideas creatively and clearly, by introducing them to a rich variety of literature, including fiction and non-fiction books. We also teach them to be attentive listeners. Home Learning projects always include an element of presentation which supports this goal.

Reception Class enjoying their favourite story ‘The Gruffalo’

Donnington Primary School


Mathematics The Mathematics curriculum will change in 2014. Our aims are to help children develop skills, learn facts and tackle problem-solving and investigations through practical activity. Mental maths and knowledge of number facts are fundamental to what we teach. Pupils throughout the school follow a programme of study that seeks to ensure continuity and progression, while also maintaining the flexibility to match work to the children’s individual needs. We use a range of resources, equipment and apparatus to support classroom work. Science Science develops a positive attitude to learning based upon discovery through observing, experimenting, drawing conclusions, discussing and recording results. It stimulates the development of a curious and enquiring attitude so children can begin to understand the natural and man-made world in which they live. Children are encouraged to discuss their findings and decide the next steps to take in their investigations. Through practical work and discussion, the children are helped to refine their skills in accurate and detailed observation, looking for patterns, developing hypothesis and testing results.

Year 6 enjoy Forensics Week

Donnington Primary School


Computing Throughout the school year the children have access to a wide range of ICT equipment developing their skills in using a variety of technology tools. They also investigate the role ICT plays in their everyday life. The new curriculum has introduced a new focus on coding but we also know the importance of using computers and information technology tools across the curriculum. We have embraced new technology and have a range of hardware and software across the school. We have laptops and iPads in all the classrooms in the main school, to support children developing and embedding ICT skills across the curriculum, as well as promoting independent learning. Fronter is our Managed Learning Environment (MLE) and is a secure online website just for Donnington children. Each child has their own username and password to log in. We use the MLE to support learning at school and to enable children to continue their learning at home. It has the added advantage of allowing parents and carers to keep up to date with what their children are learning and experiencing at school. As children become more independent, particularly on the Internet, e-Safety is a very important subject and is promoted regularly. Every week is e-Safety week at Donnington.

Using iPads

Donnington Primary School


Many subjects are taught through topic work which may involve subjects being combined into a theme or shared concept. These topics will cover the following headings, or will be taught separately as best suits the concepts; Art Through making visual images children are able to respond to their experiences, explore their environment and develop their imagination. The children have the opportunity to learn how to handle and use a wide range of tools and materials. They learn about the visual world and how artists have interpreted it and they are given the opportunity to gain an understanding and appreciation of art from other cultures and times.

Arts Week

Donnington Primary School


Design Technology We use a range of activities to develop the children’s knowledge and we will be adapting to the requirements of the 2014 Curriculum. We encourage the children to draw up plans and to make models using a variety of materials. They also have opportunities to investigate everyday objects, utensils and machines, which affect their lives. Music All the children take part in a weekly music session to encourage musical appreciation and musical skills and knowledge. The school is part of a music scheme called Musics’Cool and involves specialist teachers from Brent Music Service working with all the classes in KS1 and KS2. Early Years together with Little Donnington Playgroup meet weekly for a singing assembly as well as integrating music across the Early Years’ Curriculum. Additionally, children in the KS2 classes are encouraged to learn to play a musical instrument; the lessons are arranged by Brent Music Service. Parents and carers are kept aware of this programme and the costs associated with learning an instrument, payable by the parent/carer.

Year 5 residential visit to the Gordon Brown Centre

Donnington Primary School


Humanities/History and Geography In our teaching of these subjects, we aim to bring excitement and discovery to the process of learning. We use visits, artefacts, books, maps, videos, visiting speakers and other resources to help the children understand about the changes that have occurred in the world and to its people, and how we live in the world today. We will be following the new 2014 Curriculum for these subjects.

Year 3 visit Hampton Court Palace.

Donnington Primary School


Religious Education The Brent Agreed Syllabus is the basis of our religious education programme. Religious Education at Donnington will ensure that the children are aware of some of the values and traditions of the major faiths represented in Britain and around the world.

Harvest Assembly

Assembly – Collective Act of Worship Classes hold a daily assembly through which we aim to help the children to think about the part they have to play in their own lives and those of others. The contribution of the assembly is integrated into the curriculum, the whole life of the school and the local community. During Assemblies we celebrate children’s achievements. We also celebrate many festivals. Parents and carers are invited to join us for our celebrations and to watch any of the daily assemblies. Assemblies are often built around the themes of our PSHE programmes and themes. If there is any reason why you believe your child should not take part in assemblies or receive any religious education, please contact the Headteacher.

Donnington Primary School


Sex and Relationship Education We encourage children to be aware of the importance of their health and well-being and to take an interest in the processes of life through a variety of topics. Children’s questions will be answered sensitively and honestly in a way appropriate to the child’s maturity. During Key Stage 2, children will have the opportunity through their Health Education and PSHE (personal, social and health education), to study aspects of Sex and Relationship Education not contained within the Science curriculum. You will be given prior knowledge of the programme and will have the opportunity to discuss the programme with staff. You have the right to withdraw your child from the SRE programme which are introduced in Upper KS2; should you wish to do so, please meet with a member of the School Management Team to discuss your concerns and decisions.

Physical Education We will ensure that our current provision for PE complies with the new curriculum, and we will continue to offer all our children in KS2 a weekly swimming lesson. All children are required to have appropriate PE kit at school for lessons. Modern Foreign Language All pupils in Years 3 to 6 have weekly lessons in French. The programme is designed to build on each previous year’s knowledge and experience. Assessment and Testing Throughout their time in school the children will be regularly assessed, firstly to ensure progress through the setting of individual targets and secondly to determine achievement in comparison to national norms. The government has changed its expectations about how children’s assessment is recorded and Donnington is actively involved in exploring the best approach to show how our children are attaining and progressing across the new curriculum. National Curriculum assessment and testing will occur throughout the final year of Key Stage 1 (Year 2 children) and at the end of Key Stage 2 (Year 6 children). KS2 results are reported to parents/carers as part of the annual report. Year 1 children will sit the National Phonics test in June. The results from the KS1 SATS in Reading, Writing and Maths form part of the overall teacher assessment which is provided to parents/carers in the pupil annual report. All children are assessed by their teachers throughout the year. This data forms part of the overall Teacher Assessment reported to parents/carers at the end of the school year.

Donnington Primary School


Educational Visits and Links Our local environment provides many valuable educational resources for first hand cross-curricular learning. Children regularly visit the facilities of our local area – most of which are within walking distance. We believe that it is important to teach children a sense of belonging and respect and care for their local environment. Some trips will require a voluntary contribution from parents/carers. If insufficient contributions are given, planned trips may be cancelled.

Year 6 leavers have great fun at Chessington!

Reception Class Visit Whipsnade Year 4 learn about the Ancient Greeks

Donnington Primary School


Parent/Carer Consultations and Reports The school has a Home School Agreement which is shared with Parents/carers and pupils on entry to the school. Accepting a place at Donnington Primary School is taken as evidence that families will adhere to the Agreement. We believe it is important to establish regular contact between home and school to ensure each child’s progress and well-being. If you have any concerns about your child, please make arrangements to talk to your child’s teacher at a mutually convenient time. This is usually best organised to take place at the end of the teaching day. Parent/Carer consultations are held three times a year. In the Autumn there is a meeting early in the term for all parents and carers to meet their child’s new teacher. Later in the autumn and again in the Spring Term we offer individual consultations to meet the teacher and to discuss each child’s progress. In the Summer Term all parents receive a written report about their child’s achievements during the year. Parents/carers are invited in to school at the end of the term and if they would like to discuss this report they can meet the teacher then or agree a time which is convenient for teachers and parents/carers. Should you have any worries or concerns about your child at any time throughout the school year, please do not hesitate to come and talk to us. In the first instance, do talk to your child’s teacher. Pastoral Care During your child’s time at Donnington their safety and well-being is of utmost importance. Individual children’s difficulties will be handled sensitively with regard to the feelings of the child. It would be helpful to know of any change in family circumstances such as a close bereavement, separation, major illness etc. We can then support your child and we will understand why they might be upset. Illness If your child is taken ill during the day, or has an accident at school, we will contact you and ask you to collect him or her. If we are unable to reach you and we feel that your child requires treatment we will arrange for him or her to be taken to the hospital. For these reasons we ask for two contact telephone numbers and/or addresses. It is very important that you inform us of any changes to your emergency contact numbers. Please note that if a child is not well enough to go swimming, they are likely not well enough to be at school and are better off at home, resting.

Donnington Primary School


Medicines If your child is unwell and receiving medical treatment he/she is generally more comfortable in the quiet and warmth of your home. There may be occasions when your child is following a course of treatment which needs to be given during the school day, however we would usually ask that you, the parent/carer, come into school and administer the treatment. Children with Asthma should be able to use their inhalers themselves. These should be clearly labelled with written instructions for use and given to the School Office for safekeeping. Unfortunately Health and Safety regulations prevent teachers and other school staff from administering medication to the children. Behaviour We aim to establish a positive atmosphere within school that is based on common sense, care, courtesy and consideration of others. We have four School Rules: * Respect Yourself * Respect Others *Respect Property *Always be Polite Inappropriate behaviour is dealt with quietly and firmly and children are encouraged to develop responsibility for their own behaviour and the choices they make School rules are based on maintaining the safety and well-being of all members of the whole school community. Each class has an agreed set of rules which are on display in the classroom. It is important that any disruptive behaviour does not affect the learning of other children. When this occurs, children may spend time in detention, completing pieces of work, or completing a behaviour incident form. If a child’s behaviour seriously disrupts learning or puts other children or staff at risk, the school may exercise its right to exclude the child. If we are particularly concerned about a child’s behaviour, we meet with the parents/carers to discuss ways of working together for the benefit of the child. Similarly, parents and carers are welcome to come to school and discuss concerns about their child’s behaviour. Our Behaviour Policy outlines these procedures in more detail.

Donnington Primary School


Red Hats undergo training to help make playtimes fun for everyone.

Our Anti-Bullying Code – ‘See Something, Say Something’ Everyone is of equal value We do not tolerate action which shows lack of respect for an individual Everyone has the right to learn in a co-operative atmosphere without fear of bullying Everyone must feel safe at school We will support victims of bullying We will help bullies to change All members of the school community should support our policy by reporting bullying – bullying is too important not to report Bullying will not be ignored Report all incidents – Don’t stand back and let someone suffer – ‘See Something, Say Something’. Sometimes instances of a child being mean to another looks like bullying. We will confront these issues with the children to help them develop their social awareness. As a school which values and promotes polite behaviour, we expect all members of the school community to conduct themselves appropriately towards each other. We do not tolerate any aggressive shouting, intimidation or arguing on school premises.

Anti Racism We fully support the developments in Government legislation in this important area of school behaviour. We will not tolerate any abuse by individuals to another based on their race or ethnicity. We would extend this to include the insistence that all individuals are to be treated with respect and politeness at all times. Actions or behaviour designed to make an individual feel bad about who or what they are cannot be tolerated. This includes any insults based on religion, faith, gender or sexual orientation. We celebrate our differences and rejoice in our similarities.

Donnington Primary School


School Council We have a School Council with representatives from Year 1 through to Year 6. The School Council meets on a regular basis to discuss issues in the school. Our aim is to ensure that the views of the children are taken into account, particularly on subjects like improving the playground, anti–bullying and behaviour, healthy eating and taking care of the school environment.

Our School Council 2013 - 2014

House Teams All the children in Years 2 to 6 are in one of Donnington’s five House Teams. The teams are Mandela, Einstein, Pankhurst, Seacole and Gandhi. Children can earn house points for schoolwork, being helpful or kind, or for trying their very best in a particular task. The Annual School Sports Day is particularly important to individual Houses. This is also the day the children in Year 1 find out the House they will join in Year 2. The House Points are shared in whole school Commendation Assemblies and are on display in the school’s entrance. The House with the most points at the end of the school year is recognised at the final school assembly which is usually the Year 6 Leavers’ Assembly.

Donnington Primary School


Extra-Curricular Activities Extra-Curricular activities may be offered depending upon the time of year and availability of staff and volunteers from the school community. They may include: • Football/Netball/Hockey/Wushu • Recorders/Dance/Film Club If you are able to offer support in these or other interests please inform the School Office.

After School Wushu Club

Little Donnington Playgroup We have a very popular Playgroup attached to the School. The Playgroup Manager, Mrs Sou Crouch, can be contacted via the School Office. The Playgroup has daily morning sessions from 9:00 to 12:00 am.

Donnington Primary School


Friends of Donnington School [FODS - the School Parent Staff Association] Donnington has a very committed and active Parent Staff Association. Regular events are planned and a lot of money has been raised over the years. We have an annual Summer Fair, our famous International Evening, the Autumn Spooky Night Party and a Winter Fair with a variety of other activities developed each year. All these events rely on the voluntary input of members of FODS. All parents/carers and members of staff are automatically members of FODS and are encouraged to help with FODS activities.

FODS Summer Fair

Donnington Primary School


Child Protection The Staff and Governors at Donnington seek to support every child’s development in ways that will foster security, confidence and independence. At all times the well-being of the children is of paramount importance. To avoid any misunderstanding and unnecessary embarrassment, it would be helpful if you are able to let the school know of any injury or trauma your child has suffered outside school. Under the Children’s Act of 1988, the school has a duty to report any suspicious signs of injury or disturbing behaviour. In such cases we follow our Local Education Authority’s Child Protection Procedures. We have a designated teacher who will liaise with the appropriate individuals and organisations, and deal with any situations that may arise. Health and Safety We will try at all times to make your child’s environment as safe as possible, but we would appreciate your help and co-operation in supporting the schools standard of Health and Safety especially in regard to access to the building and parking. Please do not stop on the yellow school markings at the school entrance. Most families with Nursery and school-aged children will suffer from head-lice at some time and many find that the problem persists. Clean hair is no protection against lice. Donnington actively encourages every family to prevent head-lice, and to detect and clear them. The school will advise you on the best way of preventing and coping with the problem. Attendance Children who regularly miss school, arrive late or have absences during term time are at risk of being at a disadvantage in the progress they make at school. The school’s attendance target is to have ‘Good’ attendance of 96% or above and we expect pupils to meet the minimum attendance expectation set by the Department for Education of 95%. Where a pupil’s attendance falls below this level, the school’s Attendance Officer will contact parents to notify them of this and parents may be invited to the school for a meeting. Should a child’s attendance continue to be a cause for concern, a referral may be made to the Brent Education Welfare Officer. Our school actively discourages parents making requests to take their children out of school during term time. The school is closed to children for 14 weeks of the year and parents are expected to use this time for taking holidays and visiting family abroad. We have a request form in the School Office that a parent/carer in exceptional circumstances may complete and return to the Headteacher for consideration. Parents and carers should not under any circumstances make travel arrangements during term time without discussing it with the Headteacher first. Children taken out of school for unauthorised leave during term time risk losing their school place, as well as receiving a Fixed Penalty Charge Notice (£120) from the Education Welfare Service. Further detail can be found in our Attendance Policy which is available from the school web site or Office.

Donnington Primary School


Absence rates for the Academic Year 2013 – 2014 are: 3.5% Authorised Absence and 0.5% Unauthorised Absence. As a community school, Donnington Primary School works with the Local Authority and follows their commitment to the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

Our equality duties We aim to be a community where everyone is treated fairly and with respect. We want everyone to reach their potential, and recognise that for some pupils extra support is needed to help them to achieve and be successful.

We take our legal duties on equality seriously. We welcome our general duty under the Equality Act 2010 to eliminate discrimination, to advance equality of opportunity and to foster good relations. We are required to publish equality information as well as equality objectives, which show how we plan to reduce or remove particular inequalities.

Our equality information and objectives are published on our website. Please contact us if you require any further information.

Pupil Premium The Pupil Premium is a specific sum of monies provided to the school to help support the progress of children who are at risk of under-achieving. The funds are directed primarily at children in receipt of Free School Meals, who are looked after or who are children of serving military families at any time over the previous six years. Our Website provides more details about how the school allocates these funds and the impact they have had. At a time of reducing budgets additional sources of funds are very welcome additions to the school’s finances.

Donnington Primary School




Donnington Primary School


The New Curriculum

Information on the New Curriculum being introduced in September 2014 will follow shortly.
