
Uranus Info.

• Uranus was one of the first planets to be discovered. It is the seventh planet in the solar system.

• Scientist say that Uranus got hit by an object that made it tilt.

• Uranus is a ball of hydrogen and helium gases with a core of rock with ice around it.


• It has 9 thin rings made of pieces of ice.

• The rings are black which make them hard to see.

• The rings are also made of rocks that orbit around Uranus.

Uranus satellites

• Uranus has 27 satellites

• Ariel, Belinda, Bianca, Caliban, Cordelia, Cressida, Desdemona, Juliet, Miranda, Oberon, Ophelia, Portia, Puck, Rosalind, Sycorax, Titania, and Umbriel are the names of Uranus’ satelites.

• Their names come from characters of Shakespeare's work.

• Uranus is the 7th planet from the Sun.

• It orbits at a distance of 2.88 billion km.

• Uranus is a really cold planet because it is far from the Sun.

• Uranus is composed primarily of rock and various ice.

• Uranus’ atmosphere is about 83% hydrogen, 15% helium, and 2% methane.

Uranus video



• Uranus is a frozen gaseous planet with a molten core.

• It’s atmosphere is made of: 83% hydrogen, 15% helium, and 2% methane.

• Inside of Uranus is a layered atmosphere which is made of: hydrogen, helium, methane,

• Under that is the liquid hydrogen, • underneath that the next layer consists of:

Size and Density

Uranus is about four times bigger then Earth. Its diameter at the equator is 51,118 km. The density of Uranus is 1.27 gr/cm3. You can fit 63 Earths inside of Uranus and still have room. Composition and density are similar to Jupiter or Saturn.

Distance from the Earth

• The distance from Uranus to Earth is 2.58 billion km.

• Earth and Uranus are both in orbit around the Sun.

• which means there are times when the planets are all lined up on opposite sides of the sun.

• When they're on opposite sides of the Sun, Uranus' distance from Earth is 3.16 billion km.

• Uranus is so far from Earth that only one spacecraft has ever made the journey.