Page 1: Domestic Violence in Fort Myers and Its Effects

What goes down in a Case like Domestic

Violence Fort Myers?

It’s sad, but you’d be surprised to know violence has made itself quite a

common occurrence in the USA. The cases of Domestic violence are

staggering with 1.3 million women being the victim of physical assault

each year. Their intimate partner kills One-third of female homicide

victims. About 80% of intimate partner homicide, men ended up

torturing their partner before the murder. Sadly 85% of domestic

violence victims are women.

Effects of Domestic Violence in Fort Myers on Children

More than 50% of perpetrators also end up abusing their children.

Witnessing violence between parents can lead to the transmission

of violent behavior from one generation to the next.

Page 2: Domestic Violence in Fort Myers and Its Effects

Domestic violence Fort Myers can take a severe toll on children, and

trust us, that would be disastrous in the coming future. In case of a divorce,

if the partners were involved in physical abuse, the decision for child

custody and visitation will take a severe hit.

What to Expect In a Domestic Violence Hearing?

First and foremost, you’d have to file a request for a domestic violence

restraining order. Once you are done with that, the court will schedule a

hearing in your case. At the hearing, the judge will decide if the evidence

is enough to support your request for restraining and protective orders.

These orders will prohibit the abuser from contacting the victim in any

sense and coming within a certain distance. Other than that, if the partners

have minor children, there are chances that the judge will order child

custody of the victim.

Page 3: Domestic Violence in Fort Myers and Its Effects

2077 First St #209, Fort Myers, FL 33901


Hiring an attorney could possibly be the best you can do. For instance, top

rated domestic violence attorney Marquez Kelly can help you out in the

best possible way.

If the court finds out that the abuser did commit domestic violence acts,

they may be asked to be granted only limited and supervised contact with

the children. In rare cases, a judge can order the abuser to have absolutely

no connection with both the children and the victim.

In the End

Cases like domestic violence in Fort Myers can take a toll on both

children and the victim. In such cases, it’s better to hire domestic attorneys

for support and representation at the court.
