  • 8/3/2019 Does God Answer All Prayers?


    Does God Answer all prayers?If God didnt answer all your prayers what would you think of HIM. I think it is during trials that we decide how we feel about God. Would you still thank him? Would you still say that he is on the job? My opinion is when things dont go the wa

    y they should doesnt that mean our prayers hadnt been answered. Oh no,It means that we have been blessed with an opportunity to be transformed with a constant renewing of the mind. We get a chance to come face to face with our belief system. We begin to challenge our thinking and ask why are things going the way they are. Why? ?? If we stop and listen to ourselves listening to our selves, We can hear precisely what we believe. We believe what we have been taught to believe. And with our antiquated belief system ,we base every single aspect of life itself on that. If you do good , you get good. You do bad you get bad because God only likes good people.

    Blah blah.Blah.

    Our mind dictates to us a belief system that is not in any alignment with spiritual principles. In fact we make lousy attempts to understand these principleswith our logical mind when in fact our higher mind is seeking us out to projectits self. The world takes that part of us away . It brings to mind Do not conformto the ways of the world be ye transformed by a constant renewing of the mind. Through a mind of logic, how does one interpret that. Does it mean simply dont sin?. Is that all we are taught about the ways of the world ,of which we are not to conform to? Im jus sayin. What about the systems in place that teach us to take part in a belief that is based on a mode of control and not freedom. Freedom tobelieve higher , freedom to believe beyond.

    Blah Blah Blah,

    I believe ,or ,rather I know that God resides in the heart of every single thingall day long. And get this, hes not just in just in Christians. I get to know

    God more not by how he answers my prayers but more so by a personal relationship. To limit myself by claiming one particular religious affiliation limits thefreedom to explore and learn about how the interpretation and understanding of God through the different denominations from the many people in the world.Quite often I will ask my self I wonder what Gods doing today? Instead of waiting for an answer, I set out to complete the task look for people to bless. I dont mean stop someone on the street and have a sermon . No not that I just start by sayinghello to the first 10 people I come across at the beginning of my day. Then I b

    egin to pray attention .I sometime look for the homeless man to offer him foodor a few dollars. ( I know how that feels when someone does that. It lets me k

    now that God was on the job and working over time . Im jus sayin) Yeah thats whatGod is doing today . He answers my prayers when I answer others ( he does thatto you too,you know. I find my answers about God not in just my situations but in the lives of others.I see how he works through other people. Or rather I see the results of his work through other people. I have seen people who have had allthe answers about everything be brought face to face with what they thought the

    y believed, when that system is challenged. I see how the logical mind and the spiritual challenge each other. I watch how the logical mind is suppressed just long enough to allow the spiritual mind to rise to the occasion and carry out what the logical mind needs to be at peace.. Then I check myself . In what ways could I stay in alignment (spirit) more.

    A few years ago I remember telling myself I have Gods direct line. Thats what I

    call alignment. So if I have Gods direct line that means I must stay in alignmentall the time. All it is , is me being just who I am and keeping thoughts like Proverbs 3:5,6. Trust in the Lord..and he will direct your path. and As a man thinketh

  • 8/3/2019 Does God Answer All Prayers?


    . And check this out , that s the fun part of it. I learned how to thank God during the middle of sheer chaos and madness. I had to conduct an attitude of gratitude by learning how to walking by faith and not by sight . So when the s**t hit the fan I was able to keep that mindset. Act as thought it was already alright. Even if it did not turn out the way I wanted it to , it was still going to beok. My job is to get out of my way and be led by the better part of me. . Howdo you allow yourself to be led by a part of you that you havent gained an aware

    ness of?

    See, more questions . The unanswered questions about God that remain unansweredmake the mysteries of HIS wonders and marvels so beautiful. It makes my personal journey interesting. And its doesnt always go right. It always goes the way itis supposed to go which is fine because its always better than what I could haveasked for. No Matter the outcome . Not having any answers and relinquishing an insatiable desire to be right all the time,make it a personal relationship, not bound by mans laws and doctrines. I get a chance to see what God sees when I approach life through my eyes instead of just with them . Even in the things where beauty doesnt reside . But its there . Its in the form of truth. Where there istruth, there is there is the mind of God. Where God resides there is love .When

    all of those things are in place, the ways of the world are replaced with the ways of he ways of the Word. 9 times out of 10 its the ways of our word that influence us. We cant understand the ways of the Word with a mind of the world .But keep in mind its the worlds mind that teaches us the Word . The worlds mi

    nd tries to impose upon us what it wants us to know about the WORD .I challengedthat. Why would I want to live in guilt and fear and condemnation and promisesof hell with its fire and brimstone and punishment and fear? God already gave

    each of us the impetus to seek him out. As a matter of are not we all created in his image? We dont have to part the RED sea or move a mountain to be in his image . We just need to have the mind of Him.Whats God doing all day long? Healingthe sick feeding the poor. If you look closer the image of God is re createdthrough us each time we take it upon our selves to go outside of ourselves to help someone else. And dont seek recognition. If you are lucky and pray attentio

    n you know your work is recognized, it just wont be by man .Because if he givesit to you he will take it away. But if God gives it to you, its yours. He doesnt take it back.

    So now Ill take this time to present you with a question? Are you acknowledging what God has given you or are you stuck on what the world has taken away? What do you value above all else? Money ? Being right all the time and having all theanswers ? Is it things that you can hold in your hands or is it the things you hold in your heart?

    And now for the tough question. Would you praise God if he doesnt answer your prayers the way you want?

    .Welcome, Hes been Expecting you!
