  • 7/31/2019 Does Culture Matter?: A Cross-National Investigation of Women's Responses to Cancer Prevention Campaigns


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    Does Culture Matter?: A Cross-NationalInvestigation of Women's Responses toCancer Prevent ion CampaignsKyoo-Hoon Han

    a& Samsup Jo



    Department of Communication, Sookmyung Women's University,Seoul, South Korea

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    To cite this art icle: Kyoo-Hoon Han & Samsup Jo (2012): Does Cult ure Mat t er?: A Cross-Nat ionalInvest igat ion of Women 's Responses t o Cancer Preven t ion Campaigns, Healt h Care f or WomenInternat ional , 33:1, 75-94

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  • 7/31/2019 Does Culture Matter?: A Cross-National Investigation of Women's Responses to Cancer Prevention Campaigns


    Health Care for Women International, 33:7594, 2012Copyright Taylor & Francis Group, LLCISSN: 0739-9332 print / 1096-4665 onlineDOI: 10.1080/07399332.2011.630117

    Does Culture Matter?: A Cross-NationalInvestigation of Womens Responses to Cancer

    Prevention Campaigns


    Department of Communication, Sookmyung Womens University, Seoul, South Korea

    We examined how culture influences the persuasive effects of healthcampaigns that promote early screening for cancers that occur inwomen. Two message dimensions were included: individualisticvs. collectivistic appeal and gain vs. loss frame. A total of 955 fe-males from three countriesthe United States, South Korea, and

    Japanparticipated in the experiment. From the results, we foundthat message framing alone did not significantly influence the effec-tiveness of public campaigns for womens cancer prevention; andthis tendency was similar across the three countries. Gain-framed

    messages are likely to be more persuasive when combined with acollectivistic appeal, however, whereas loss-framed messages tendto be more effective when combined with an individualistic appealin both the United States and South Korea; but this result was notthe case for Japan. Based on the findings, we suggested theoreticaland managerial implications as well as several directions for futureresearch.

    While the importance of early screening has been increasingly noted as aneffective way to prevent cancer (American Cancer Society, 2010), early de-

    tection is particularly significant for cancer prevention in women (Kalager,Zelen, Langmark, & Adami, 2010; Warren et al., 2006). For instance, com-pared with most European countries, the United Sates has a higher breastcancer incident rate yet a lower breast cancer mortality rate. These patterns

    Received 10 October 2010; accepted 4 October 2011.This research was supported by the SRC Research Center for Womens Diseases of Sook-

    myung Womens University.Address correspondence to Kyoo-Hoon Han, Department of Communication, Sook-

    myung Womens University, Chungpadong-2ga, Yongsan-gu, Seoul, South Korea. E-mail:

    [email protected]


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    are consistent with more aggressive breast cancer screening in the UnitedStates (Howard, Richardson, & Thorpe, 2009). To persuade women of the im-portance of early screening, administrators and practitioners have employeda variety of cancer prevention campaigns over the years. Consequently,

    there have been considerable efforts to investigate the effect of cancer pre-vention messages that target women specifically (e.g., McCaul, Branstetter,Schroeder, & Glasgow, 1996; Pearlman, Clark, Rakowski, & Ehrich, 1999;Ramirez, Suarez, Laufman, Barroso, & Chalela, 2000). Few researchers, how-ever, have explored the persuasive effects of cancer communication from across-cultural perspective. Considering the need for such research, we ex-amined how health messages promoting early cancer screening might bemore or less effective for women across culture types and message frames inmultiple countries. We expected that this examination would reveal mean-ingful theoretical and managerial implications to enhance the effectiveness

    of cancer prevention campaigns on both national and global scales.


    People grow up in particular cultures and become accustomed to the valuesystems, beliefs, and perceptual processes that are congruent with their cul-tural background (Zhang & Gelb, 1996). Due to differences in culturallyestablished tradition, taste, experience, and so on, individuals in a particularcultural environment tend to hold a set of values and preferences that are

    more or less distinct from what others might hold in different places (Aaker,2000; De Mooij, 1998). For this reason, culture has received wide criticalattention over the years as an important determinant of reactive outcomes.Culture has been a significant factor, particularly in communication researchbecause scholars have believed that culture has the potential to shape thepersuasiveness of messages by influencing how they are understood and in-terpreted (De Mooij, 1998; Miracle, Chang, & Taylor, 1992; Uskul, Sherman,& Fitzgibbon, 2009).

    Among many cultural dimensions identified in previous cross-national

    studies, Hofstedes (1980, 1991) typology has been tremendously influentialand highly applicable to multicultural research; moreover, most subsequentstudies have supported his propositions that national cultures vary substan-tially over a wide range of factors (e.g., Albers-Miller & Gelb, 1996; De Mooij,1998; Fernandez, Carlson, Stepina, & Nicholson, 1997; Moon & Franke, 2000).In particular, his individualism-collectivism dimension has received consid-erable attention as a major domain of cultural variability addressed by schol-ars across disciplines (e.g., Cho, Kwon, Gentry, Jun, & Kropp, 1999; Cutler,Erdem, & Javalgi, 1997; Han & Shavitt, 1994; Taylor, Miracle, & Wilson, 1997;Triandis, 1990; Zandpour et al., 1994). Individualism is defined as a social

    pattern that consists of loosely linked individuals who view themselves asindependent of collectives (e.g., family, coworkers, tribe, nation), whereas

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    collectivism is defined as a social pattern consisting of closely linked indi-viduals who see themselves as parts of one or more collectives (Trandis,1995, p. 2).

    Individualistic and collectivistic cultures are characterized by the dis-

    tinct differences in peoples social perceptions and behaviors (Han & Shavitt,1994). In general, members of individualistic cultures tend to hold an inde-pendent view of the self that emphasizes separateness, internal attributes, andpersonal achievement. In contrast, members of collectivistic cultures tend tohold an interdependent view of the self that emphasizes connectedness, rela-tionships, and group harmony (Aaker & Maheswaran, 1997; Hofstede, 1980;Zandpour et al., 1994). As a result, marked differences in peoples attitudesand behaviors between an individualistic culture and a collectivistic culturemay exist depending on to which culture an individual belongs. For exam-ple, values and attitudes congruent with independence are more likely to

    be acceptable to members of an individualistic culture, whereas values andattitudes congruent with interdependence are more likely to be favorableto members of a collectivistic culture (Aaker & Maheswaran, 1997; Zhang &Gelb, 1996).

    Hofstedes cultural dimensions can be of great use when it comes to an-alyzing a countrys culture, because he reported his study results by country.Scholars generally have supported that many countries are culturally similaror dissimilar in terms of the individualismcollectivism dimension (Cho et al.,1999; Frith & Sengupta, 1991; Miracle, Chang, & Taylor, 1992; Triandis, 1990).They confirmed Hofstedes basic finding that individualism is valued more in

    western countries, whereas collectivism is valued more in eastern countries.According to several studies that replicated Hofstedes country classificationin the late 1990s, major countries at the extreme end of each dimension intheir new classifications were generally consistent with Hofstedes originalreport (Cutler, Erdem, & Javalgi, 1997; Fernandez et al., 1997).

    Further utility of the individualismcollectivism dimension is attributableto the fact that culture is also significant in the domain of health commu-nication. The underlying assumption is that health information targeted toa specific cultural group is likely to increase the possibility that receivers

    will understand the information and follow the suggested behavior. In otherwords, a successful health communication approach in a country might notbe effective in another country that has different cultural characteristics. Bargand Grier (2008) found that people tend to construct meanings from breastcancer information based on their own cultural and social experiences. Thisfinding suggests that any campaign for health promotion needs to considerthe lived experiences and cultural backgrounds of their target audience.

    Accordingly, carefully designed health messages deploying cultural values,such as individualism or collectivism, are more likely to communicate ef-fectively. More empirical evidence is required, however, to verify whether a

    tailor-made health message would enhance its communication effects withina specific culture.

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    In addition to the idea that cultural differences can influence the per-suasive effects of health promotions, the role of message framing in publiccommunication has been an area of academic interest over the years. Mes-sage framing is associated with cues that signal the positive or negative

    consequences of accepting or refusing to adopt a certain behavior (Roth-man & Salovey, 1997). The underlying premises are that messages aimedat persuading individuals to perform a particular health behavior can beframed in different ways; and appropriate message framing is likely to ap-peal to the target audience more effectively (Martin & Marshall, 1999; Salovey& Williams-Piehota, 2004). There are two typical sorts of message framingin health campaigns: gain and loss. In health communication, gain-framedmessages generally emphasize the benefits of engaging in a certain behavior,

    whereas loss-framed messages tend to stress the harmful consequences ofnot following a suggested behavior (Chang, 2007; Cho & Boster, 2008).

    An oft-cited theoretical point regarding the effects of message framing inhealth communication is prospect theory (Salovey & Williams-Piehota, 2004).This theory postulates that individuals tend to be risk seeking when lossesare salient but risk averse when gains are salient; that is, people responddifferently to gain- and loss-framed messages (Kahneman & Tversky, 1979).

    Although prospect theory has been generally supported by later scholars, wediscovered that the results of studies about the persuasiveness of each typeof message frame were quite mixed. In their study on the message effectsof breast self-examination, for instance, Meyerowitiz and Chaiken (1987)revealed that women who read loss-framed messages developed more fa-

    vorable attitudes, stronger intent to take action, and greater confidence toadopt preventive behavior than women who read gain-framed messages. Al-though many other scholars have also supported the notion that loss framingattracts more attention and induces greater effort for information processingthan gain framing (e.g., Pratto & John, 1991; Skowronski & Carlston, 1987;Smith & Petty, 1996), the former is not necessarily suitable for all individualsor appropriate for promoting all behaviors (Wong & McMurray, 2002). Forinstance, researchers who conducted framing-related studies reported thathealth-preventive behaviors, such as exercise and sun-screen use, could be

    more effectively promoted when the message was gain-framed rather thanloss-framed (e.g., Robberson & Rogers, 1988; Rothman & Salovey, 1997).Despite a great deal of research on message framing effects, health

    communication scholars have hardly ever discussed this issue from a culturalpoint of view. In a rare example of this approach, Uskul, Sherman, andFitzgibbon (2009) recently examined the effectiveness of gain- versus loss-framed messages about flossing, comparing a British group and an East

    Asian origin group, and found different persuasive effects for each culture.Although their study was limited by its sample quality (e.g., college studentssample, small sample size), they empirically supported that the impact of

    message framing might depend on the recipients cultural background, thus

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    allowing reasonable inferences about the dissimilar effects of gain- and loss-framed messages in different cultures.

    Based upon such inconsistent results about message framing effects,we can assume that the persuasive effects of differently framed messages

    might interact with other variables. Indeed, scholars have reported that mes-sage framing effects could differ according to the type of behavior beingpromoted (Rothman & Salovey, 1997), issue involvement (Maheswaran &Meyers-Levy, 1990), price-perceived risk (Grewal, Gotlieb, & Marmorstein,1994), and personal experience with the product (Rothman, Martino, Bedell,Detweiler, & Salovey, 1999). Little is known, however, about the extent to

    which message framing can interact with some particular cultural dimen-sion to influence communication effectiveness. Thus, we wondered whichmessage frame for health-preventive messages would more effectively targetmembers of an individualistic culture or a collectivistic culture. Integrating

    the need for thorough investigation and our research interests addressedabove, we established the following research questions:

    RQ1: How does cultural background affect womens responses to cancerprevention campaigns according to the appeal type (individualistic vs.collectivistic)?

    RQ2: How does cultural background affect womens responses to cancerprevention campaigns according to the message frame (gain vs. loss)?

    RQ3: Is there a significant interaction effect between the appeal type byculture (individualistic vs. collectivistic) and the message frame (gain vs.loss) in terms of womens responses to cancer prevention campaigns inmultiple countries?


    Experimental Design and Stimuli

    In light of the need for tailor-made messages to appeal to a target market,an experimental approach is appropriate for assessing message effectivenessacross cultural variables. Considering the reviewed factors involved in publicreaction to campaign messages, we employed a 2 (gain vs. loss frame) 2 (individualistic vs. collectivistic appeal) between-subjects factorial design.

    We selected a public service advertisement for our experimental messageoutlet because advertising has been effectively used for both commercialand noncommercial communication to influence public perception.

    For this study, we sampled three countries: the United States, SouthKorea, and Japan. Researchers often have chosen North American and East

    Asian countries for their cross-national studies in order to investigate the

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    impact of cultural differences (e.g., Han & Shavitt, 1994; Moon & Franke,2000; Taylor, Miracle, & Wilson, 1997; Wu, 2006; Zandpour et al., 1994).Most of all, with the empirical support of Hofstedes (1980, 1991) studies,

    we identified these countries as good examples of cultural dissimilarity (es-

    pecially, the United States vs. South Korea or Japan). More specifically, theUnited States is ranked highest in the degree of individualism, whereas bothSouth Korea and Japan are ranked in much lower positions (i.e., higherpositions in the degree of collectivism than the United States).

    The experimental stimuli were full-color, full-page, magazine-style ad-vertisements (hereafter ads; to view the actual ads, see Figures 13). Toaccommodate the ethnic and linguistic differences among our selected coun-tries (i.e., the United States, South Korea, and Japan), we produced a total ofthree sets of ads. Each set contained four ads differentiated by two indepen-dent variables and their levels, and each set used a different language (i.e.,

    English, Korean, and Japanese) and different models (Caucasian models forU.S. ads and Asian models for Korean and Japanese ads).

    The two independent variablesindividualistic/collectivistic appeal andgain/loss framewere manipulated by differentiating creative components(i.e., the headline copy and the main visual in each ad). We held the modelsimage, relationship between models (a mother and her daughter), overall lay-out, and copy framework consistent for the different ads in order, however,to prevent the confounding effects of any uncontrolled variables.

    Participants and Procedure

    We determined the sample for the experiment to be female consumers be-tween the ages of 20 and 49. They were randomly recruited from the worldslargest online research companys global panel sample from registered U.S.,Korean, and Japanese consumer lists. We designed the sample size and de-mographic ratio of participants to be equivalent over the three countries.

    An e-mail soliciting the participants to engage in the experiment was sentto a total of 4,200 consumer panelists; 955 recipients took part in the ex-

    periment (response rate: 22.7%). These participants consisted of 332 U.S.women, 321 Korean women, and 302 Japanese women. Demographic pro-files of the participants, which include age group, marital status, educationlevel, and occupation, are shown in Table 1. We confirmed that the exper-imental groups were equivalent over the three countries in the distributionof age group using a chi-square test (2 = .116, df = 2, p > .05).

    We executed our experiment on the Internet. Participants were guidedto the web page where a stimulus ad and questionnaire had been set upand were randomly assigned and exposed to one of the four experimentalads designed for their cultural background. Control over all participants in

    the experimental process was successfully maintained by applying technical

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    FIGURE 1 Experimental advertisements: U.S. version (Color figure available online).

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    FIGURE 2 Experimental advertisements: Korean version (Color figure available online).

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    FIGURE 3 Experimental advertisements: Japanese version (Color figure available online).

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    TABLE 1 Demographic Profiles of Participants

    Category U.S. South Korea Japan Total Percent

    Age group3039 109 110 111 330 34.6

    4049 110 105 111 326 34.15059 111 106 82 299 31.3

    Marital statusMarried 197 269 224 690 72.3Unmarried 103 46 67 216 22.6Other 30 6 13 49 5.1

    Educational levelHigh school grad. 124 101 139 364 38.1College grad. 131 190 109 430 45.0Graduate school grad. 37 21 4 62 6.5Other 38 9 52 99 10.4

    OccupationHousewife 96 150 148 394 41.3Company employee 96 78 72 246 25.8Self-employed 32 28 15 75 7.9Profession 32 35 15 82 8.6Service 23 17 23 63 6.6Student 6 1 0 7 .7Other 45 12 31 88 9.2

    Total 330 321 304 955 100

    treatments. For instance, when participants were exposed to an experimental

    ad, they were not allowed to move on to the next page for 30 seconds so thatthey would have enough time to pay adequate attention to the ad. Owingto the advantageous functioning of this online experiment, we minimizedmissing data.

    Dependent Measures

    We used two dependent variables to measure the persuasive effects of healthcampaigns targeting women: attitude toward the ad (hereafter ad attitude)

    and behavioral intention. For the measurement of ad attitude, participantswere asked to rate how much they agreed or disagreed with each of theseven evaluative items on the 5-point Likert scale. These items, which hadbeen adapted and modified from MacKenzie and Lutzs (1989) attitude study,include this ad is appealing, truthful, reliable, useful, convincing, important,

    worth attention, and making me feel the need to follow the given messages.These expressions were translated to each countrys primary language. Weconfirmed these items to be internally consistent by conducting a reliabilitytest (Cronbachs = .958).

    Behavioral intention was measured using three descriptive items with a

    5-point Likert scale. They included this ad makes me want to undergo an

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    early screening for womens cancer, to recommend my friends to undergo anearly screening for womens cancer, and to look for more information aboutan early screening for womens cancer. All items were internally consistent(Cronbachs = .919).


    Manipulation Check

    To verify whether we successfully performed our experimental manipula-tions, participants were requested to evaluate the multiple semantic differ-ential items based upon a 5-point scale in terms of how each participantperceives the ad. As we intended, the participants perceived the two ads

    with individualistic appeals as focusing on an individual who is looking after

    herself more so than the other two ads with collectivistic appeals (individu-alistic ad M = 4.52, collectivistic ad M = 3.87, t = 19.53, p < .001). They alsoperceived in the two ads with gain framing the suggestion that a positiveresult could be achieved by undergoing an early screening, while perceivingin the other two ads with loss framing the suggestion that not undergoingan early screening could have negative consequences (gain frame M = 4.28,loss frame M = 3.13, t = 48.90, p < .001). Thus, we confirmed that theparticipants perceived the stimuli material as originally intended.

    Effects of Appeal Type (Individualistic vs. Collectivistic)

    With the collected data set, we first examined the effects of the two types ofappeal according to the individualismcollectivism dimension on the persua-siveness of cancer communication targeting women. Considering the findingsof Hofstede and other scholars on the individualismcollectivism index forthe three countries selected in our study, we assumed that U.S. women arelikely to respond more favorably to an individualistic appeal than to a collec-tivistic appeal, whereas Korean and Japanese women are likely to respondmore favorably to a collectivistic appeal than to an individualistic appeal.

    As presented in Table 2, we found significant differences between thetwo types of appeals for ad attitude in the U.S. sample (t = 1.665, p < .10)and the Japanese sample (t = 2.016, p < .05); specifically, U.S. partici-pants responded more favorably to individualistic appeals than collectivisticappeals, whereas the opposite was the case for Japanese participants, aspredicted above. On the other hand, for the Korean sample, no significantdifference was found in the persuasive effects on either ad attitude ( t =.367, p > .05) or behavioral intention (t = 1.421, p > .05). Also, neither theU.S. nor the Japanese samples showed a significant difference for behavioral

    intention (t=

    1.371, p>

    .05; t=

    -1.209, p>


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    TABLE 2 Persuasive Effects by Individualistic vs. Collectivistic Appeal

    Dependent variable: Ad attitude

    Country Appeal type N M SD t p value

    U.S. Individualistic 165 3.911 .657 1.665 .097Collectivistic 165 3.792 .637South Korea Individualistic 153 3.901 .544 .367 .714

    Collectivistic 151 3.879 .508Japan Individualistic 160 3.639 .565 2.016 .045

    Collectivistic 161 3.771 .580

    Dependent variable: Behavioral intention

    Country Appeal type N M SD t p value

    U.S. Individualistic 165 3.687 .854 1.371 .171Collectivistic 165 3.560 .831

    South Korea Individualistic 153 3.775 .711 1.421 .156

    Collectivistic 151 3.661 .733Japan Individualistic 160 3.414 .731 1.209 .228

    Collectivistic 161 3.519 .781

    p < .05.

    Effects of Message Frame (Gain vs. Loss)

    For each respective country, as shown in Table 3, our independent samplest-tests revealed no significant differences in the impact of gain framing and

    loss framing on ad attitude or behavioral intention.

    TABLE 3 Persuasive Effect by Gain- vs. Loss-Framed Messages

    Dependent variable: Ad attitude

    Country Message frame N M SD t p value

    U.S. Gain frame 164 3.830 .640 .594 .553Loss frame 166 3.873 .659

    South Korea Gain frame 153 3.894 .530 .125 .901

    Loss frame 151 3.886 .522Japan Gain frame 160 3.692 .564 .382 .703Loss frame 161 3.717 .588

    Dependent variable: Behavioral intention

    Country Message frame N M SD t p value

    U.S. Gain frame 164 3.565 .852 1.246 .214Loss frame 166 3.680 .835

    South Korea Gain frame 153 3.742 .722 .595 .552Loss frame 151 3.694 .726

    Japan Gain frame 160 3.425 .786 .955 .340Loss frame 161 3.508 .726

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    Interaction Effects of the Two Independent Variables

    We used a two-way ANCOVA to examine whether interaction effects be-tween the appeal type (individualistic vs. collectivistic) and message frame(gain vs. loss) existed. To control against the potential intervening effects

    of other factors, we dealt with the following demographic and experientialvariables as covariates in our statistical analyses: age, education level, oc-cupation, marital status, and prior experience with early cancer screening.

    As shown in Table 4, there were significant interaction effects only in adattitude for the U.S. sample (F = 5.307, p < .05) and behavioral intentionfor the Korean sample (F = 2.598, p < .05); for the remainder, no significantinteraction effects were found.

    As illustrated in Figure 4, both interaction effects indicate that a lossframe would be more effective when used with an individualistic appeal,

    rather than a collectivistic appeal, in both the United States and South Korea.On the other hand, gain-framed messages in cancer screening promotionstargeting women are more likely to be persuasive than loss-framed messages

    when combined with a collectivistic appeal in these two countries.


    Research Summary and Interpretations

    Our primary purposes for this study were twofold: a) to examine cross-cultural differences in the persuasive effects of various message approaches

    in the context of health promotion and b) to provide health marketers withuseful insights to enhance the effectiveness of their public communicationstrategies, particularly for cancer prevention campaigns targeting women.

    We thus conducted a series of experiments that manipulated the appeal type(individualistic vs. collectivistic) and frame type (gain vs. loss) of advertisingmessages for 955 female participants from three countries (the United States,South Korea, and Japan). Although many studies have focused on the com-munication effects of cancer prevention campaigns, our examination of thisissue over such a wide cultural scope offers a new perspective.

    TABLE 4 Interaction Effects Between Appeal Type and Message Frame

    Country Dependent variable SS df MS F p value

    U.S. Ad attitude 2.198 1 2.198 5.307 .022

    Behavioral intention 1.716 1 1.716 2.444 .119South Korea Ad attitude .366 1 .366 1.354 .245

    Behavioral intention 1.296 1 1.296 2.598 .048

    Japan Ad attitude .081 1 .081 .258 .612Behavioral intention .017 1 .017 .032 .859

    p < .05.

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    FIGURE 4 Test Results of Interaction Effects. (Presented only significant results)

    We predicted that appeal type (i.e., Hofstedes individualism-

    collectivism dimension) would influence womens responses to cancer pre-vention campaigns and that there would be cross-cultural differences inthis causal relationship. Our experimental study revealed that U.S. womentended to have a favorable attitude toward individualistic appeals, incontrast to Japanese womens favorable attitude toward collectivistic ap-peals. This result is consistent with our initial presumption based on Hofst-edes original individualismcollectivism index by country. Among Koreanparticipants, however, there was no significant difference between the twotypes of appeal. We could find some clues of these inconsistent results be-tween South Korea and Japan, the neighboring countries considered to have

    similar cultural traits, from several recent studies about cultural changes of

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    the two nations. According to them, although South Koreas culture has beenquite collectivistic by tradition, some segments of Korean society have beeninclined to more individualistic cultural values since the 1980s as the societyhas become increasingly Westernized and individualized in the social, eco-

    nomic, and political spheres, with growing emphasis on individual freedomand rights (Cho, Mallinckrodt, & Yune, 2010; Han & Shin, 1999; Park & Kim,2006). On the other hand, Hamamura (2011) recently observed continuingemphasis on some collectivistic values such as the perceived importanceof family and friends, social obligation, and contribution to society among

    Japanese young adults, despite a rise of individualism in Japan over the pastseveral decades.

    In another analysis, the impact of message framing (gain vs. loss) wasnot significant for any of the countries investigated; differences between thetwo types of framing in persuasive effects for both ad attitude and behav-

    ioral intention were found to be insignificant. This result is inconsistent withUskul, Sherman, and Fitzgibbons (2009) study, which found cultural differ-ences in the effectiveness of different message frames. From our result, welearned that one message frame does not always induce the expected effect.

    We might also conclude that campaign effectiveness according to messageframing in the communication context for cancer prevention tends to beuniversal rather than divergent across different cultures.

    In the examination of interaction effects between individualistic/collectivistic appeals and gain/loss message frames, statistically significanteffects were found in some of the responses from U.S. and Korean partici-

    pants. After an in-depth investigation of these interaction effects, we foundthat a gain message frame is likely to be more persuasive when it is combined

    with a collectivistic appeal rather than an individualistic appeal, whereas aloss message frame tends to be more effective when combined with an indi-

    vidualistic appeal rather than a collectivistic appeal. Although this tendencywas not the case for Japanese participants, our results indicate that the effec-tiveness of a particular message frame can be influenced by an appeal thatreflects a certain cultural value, particularly the individualismcollectivismindex inspected in this study. On the other hand, a similar pattern in such

    interaction effects between the United States and South Korea suggests that,in certain circumstances, some countries might have similar tendencies incommunication effectiveness although they are culturally different.

    Managerial Implications

    From the findings of this study, we might provide health marketing prac-titioners with several managerial insights. First, an insignificant differencebetween gain and loss frames in their impact on persuasion indicates that

    there is no particular message frame that can yield better effectiveness in

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    every situation, and this proposition appears to be universal across differentculture. Prior research has suggested that loss-framed messages might inducea better persuasive effect than gain-framed messages for campaigns againstsmoking or drunk driving. In an ad encouraging early screening for cancers

    found in women, however, neither frame appeared to cause significantlyhigher effectiveness than the other. Thus, for successful implementation ofhealth campaigns, message frames in advertising should be carefully selectedaccording to attributes of the particular health issue. Also, health marketersneed to consider the demographic and sociopsychological characteristics oftheir target audience before they select an appropriate message frame toincrease the effectiveness of their campaign.

    We obtained somewhat complicated results for the comparative effectsof individualistic appeals versus collectivistic appeals by country. Althoughthe individualistic and collectivistic message effects were revealed to be

    mixed among the different countries, this result does not mean that a per-suasive approach reflecting particular cultural values will be inadequate. Onthe contrary, as implied by the culturally different aspects of the interactioneffects between appeal types and message frames, we suggest that practi-tioners carefully consider the diversity and variability of cultural attributesthat their target audience might have and thereby reflect these cultural char-acteristics in persuasive messages based on consumer research.

    Owing to rapid developments in communication technology, peoplecan share information and trends with others all around the world fasterthan they could in the past. Also, because similarities and dissimilarities co-

    exist in cultural values and public attitudes, health marketers are likely tohave difficulty in finding consistent rules for communicative success. There-fore, campaign strategies for cancer prevention need to be established bymonitoring and considering generic consumer attitudes and changing publictrends in the country where the campaign will be implemented. In addition,because Hofstedes cultural dimensions are becoming outdated, we highlyrecommend that researchers attempt cross-national studies that will comple-ment and update this cultural data.

    Study Limitations and Directions for Future Research

    There were several limitations in administering the present study, and theattempt to overcome those limitations could furnish opportunities for furtherresearch. First, the use of health promotions for cancer prevention in womenlimited potential determinants for persuasive effects to message factors only.Other than the expressional elements, however, an individuals health beliefs,medical interest, past experience with early screening, marital status, familytype, education level, economic status, and so on could also be factors

    influencing campaign effectiveness. Therefore, future studies need to expand

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    Does Culture Matter? 91

    beyond the independent variables evaluated by this study in order to assessfurther the effects of other potential elements.

    Second, we used only print ads as a channel for campaign messagesdue to limitations in creating experimental stimuli and conducting cross-

    national research. In reality, however, a number of health campaigns aretransmitted to the public not only through print media but also throughtelevision, radio, and the Internet, often in combination. Consequently, inorder for future researchers to generalize study results across other media,they will need to set up more communication channels for the experiment,thus examining the comparative effects of various media. In particular, healthmarketers and scholars need to consider how to utilize social media channels,

    which recently have received wide attention as a new marketing platform,for distribution of health information or public campaigns.

    Finally, although we selected only three countries for the experiment,

    the potential value and significance of this research persists because lit-tle effort has been made so far in exploring cross-national differences inthe persuasive effects of health promotions. Nevertheless, since the domainof public campaigns for cancer prevention investigated in this research isjust a small part of the wide range of health communications, we pro-pose that future researchers examine more diverse health campaign issuesfrom the cultural perspective, thus extending and elaborating on this studysresults.

    Marketers have increasing difficulty in persuading contemporary audi-ences as they intend due to rapid changes in lifestyle, media environment,

    and information distribution. Predicting such struggles in conducting theircommunication plan, health marketers need to incorporate careful preanal-

    yses and strategic approaches for effective and successful public marketing.


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