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ED 080 749 VT 021 121

AUTHOR McDonald, Carol; And OthersTITLE State-Administered Exemplary Projects in Vocational

Education. Fiscal Years 1970-72.INSTITUTION Center for Adult, Vocational, Technical, and- Manpower

Education (DHEW/OE), Washington, D.C..Div. ofVocational and Technical Education.

PUB DATE Jun 73NOTE 95p..

EDRS PRICE MF-$0.65 HC-$3.29DESCRIPTORS *Demonstration Projects; Developmental Programs;

Educational Research; Federal Aid; InstructionalInnovation; Pilot Projects; *Projects; *Research

. Projects; *State Programs; *Vocational EducationIDENTIFIERS Vocational Education Amendments of 1968

ABSTRACTThis publication contains a listing of the exmplE.:

projects supported during the years 1970 through 1972 in each Stattthrough grants and contracts funded under a section of the 1968Vocational Education Amendments..Arranged alphabetically by States,the listing gives the title of each project, as well as the name ofthe recipient and the funding allocation awarded each project..(Author/SN)

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Supported Uncle&Section 142(d) 06 Pant D


The Vocational Educatioft Amendments 06 1968(Pubtie Law 00-576)

Fiscal Yea& 1970Fiscat yeah. 1971

Fiscat Yea& 1972


Caspar W. Weinbengen, SeenetanyS.P. Mantand, in., Assistant Secketaky bon. Education

066ice 06 EducationJohn Ottina, U.S. Complissionet 06 Education-designate

Bureau 06 Occupational and Adatt EducationWittiam F. Pience, Deputy Commissioner!.

Centers Lon Adatt, Vocational., Technicat, and Manpower Education

Robe/Et M. Worthington, Associate Commissionet

Division 06 Vocational and Technical EducationMiChaet Russo, Acting Dikett04

JUNE 1973


Page 3: DOCUMENT RESUME VT 021 121 McDonald, Carol; And Others … · 2014-01-02 · DOCUMENT RESUME. ED 080 749 VT 021 121. AUTHOR McDonald, Carol; And Others TITLE State-Administered Exemplary

Civil Rights Compliance

DiscAiminatZon PAohlkited - Tate VI of the Civil Rights Act

o' 1964 states:

"No peAson in the United States skate, on the poundAace, cam., on nativnat otigin, be excluded room

pc:A-au:I:etc:on in, be denied the bene6its o5, on besubjected to discAinanation widen any pugum oft_

activity neceiving Fedenat iinanciat assistance."

Thenelione, any pognam on activity kezeiming Iiinanciat assistanceliaom the Deportment o6 Heatth, Education, and Wettcaxe must be

operated in compliance with this taw.

Page 4: DOCUMENT RESUME VT 021 121 McDonald, Carol; And Others … · 2014-01-02 · DOCUMENT RESUME. ED 080 749 VT 021 121. AUTHOR McDonald, Carol; And Others TITLE State-Administered Exemplary



Section: 142(d) of Part 6, of the Vocational Education Amendmentsof 1968 provides Federal funding for State-administered ExemplaryProjects in Vocational Education. These Federal funds can be usedby each State for making grantS to or contracts with local educationalagencies, colleges and universities, and other public and privateagencies and organizations for the development, establishment, andoperation of exemplary and innovative occupational education programsor projects designed to serve as models for use in vocationaleducation programs.

The funds are allocated to the States on the basis of a complexformula prescribed in Public Law 90 -576. In Fiscal Year 1972, forexample, the State of Alaska received $104,473, while the State ofCalifornia received $347,864. The total funding appropriated forState use under Section 142(d) of Part D amounted to $6.5 millionin Fiscal Year 1970, $8 million in Fiscal Year 1971, and $8 millionin Fiscal Year 1972.

The purpose of this publication is to provide a listing of theprojects supported in each State chrough grants and contracts fundedby the States under Section 142(d) of Part D of the VocationalEducation Amendments of 1968. The listing, which is arrangedalphabetically by States, shows the title of each project, the nameof the grantee or contractor conducting the project, and the amountof Section 142(d) funding obligated for the project. For any givenState, the total amount of funds obligated in a particular FiscalYear may or may not be equal to the State's allotment for thatFiscal Year. The reason for such differences between funds allottedand funds obligated is that Public Law 90-576 permits a State toobligate Section 142(d) funds durinf- the Fiscal Year in which thefunds are appropriated and during the succeeding Fiscal Year.Thus, a State could carry Fiscal Year 1970 funds over and obligatethem during Fiscal Year 1971, could carry Fiscal Year 1971 fundsover and obligate them in Fiscal Year 1972, etc.

This listing of State-administered Exemplary Projects wascompiled on the basis of information supplied to the U.S. Office ofEducation by each State. Persons wishing to secure tn-depthinformation about a particular project should correspond with theState Director of Vocational Education in the State concerned.


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This publication has been prepared by staff members of theProgram Development and Operations Branch of the Division of Vocationaland Technical Education, including Carol McDonald, Frances Watson,and Pauline Scott, under the supervision of the Branch Chief,Sidney C. High, Jr.

June 1973


Michael RussoActing DirectorDivision of Vocationaland Technical Education


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State AllotmentFY 1970 $123,217FY 1971 $151,250FY 1972 $150,207

Funds Obligated(Section 142(d) Part D)

Total Funds ObligatedFY 1970 $123,138FY 1971 $145,751FY 1972 $150,207


Projects Funded

Grantee orContractor Title of Project

(1) FY 70 $49,458 Jefferson County Schools Vocational and CompensatoryFY 71 $49,458 Board of Education Education Curriculum forFY 72 $49,758 the Rehabilitati, of

Socially and EconomicallyDeprived Youth

(2) FY 70 $26,657 Russellville City Interdisciplinary ApproachFY 71 $26,657 Board of Education to Career DevelopmentFY 72 $22,399 through a High School

Program of OccupationalEducation

(3) FY 70 $47,023 Sylacauga City Board A Sheltered Work ExperienceFY 71 $44,797 of Education Centered VocationalFY 72 $41,294 Curriculum for Low

Achieving Students

(4) FY 71 $12,762 Cullman County Commission A Planning Grant forFY 72 $ 1,182 on Education Development of a Career

Education Program forCullman County School(Project closed 8-1-72)

(5) FY 71 $12,085 Madison County Boardof Education

A Planning Grant for theDevelopment of a CareerEducation Program forMadison County Schools

(6) FY 72 $ 9,509 Montgomery County Approach to Career EducationBoard of Education

(7) FY 72 $26,065 Vocational Division Career Education forAlabama State Departmentof Education

Appalachian Alabama


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State AllotmentFY 1970 $101,868FY 1971 $104,123FY 1972 $104,473

Funds Obligated(Section 142(d) Part D)

(1) FY 70 $ 4,925

(2) FY 70 $12,759

(3) FY 70 $30,000

(4) FY 70 $ 1,846

(5) FY 70 $ 1,369

(6) FY 70 $ 5,528

(7) FY 70 $12,500FY 71 $12,500

(8) FY 70 $32,000FY 71 $32,000

(9) FY 70 $44,150FY 71 _$27,500FY 72-1- $70,493

(10) FY 70 $ 1,231FY 71 $66,623FY 72 $34,000

(11) FY 71 $10,000


Projects Funded

/-Grantee orContractor

Anchorage CommunityCollege

Dillingham City SchoolDistrict

Anchorage BoroughSchool District

Matanuska - SusitnaBorough School District

Craig City SchoolDistrict

Hoonah Public School

Anchorage BoroughSchool District

Juneau DouglasCommunity College

Anchorage BoroughSchool District

City and Boroughof Juneau SchoolDistrict

Alaska Treatment Centerfor Crippled Childrenand Adults, Inc.


Total Funds ObligatedFY 1970 $101,868FY 1971 $104,123FY 1972 $104,473

Title of Project


Accounting - OfficeCommunications - Clerk Typist

Vocational Guidance


Home Economics/Fisheries

Rural Carpentry

Occupational Orientation

Model City Workstudy Program


Project Careers

Alaska Crippled Children,Occupational TrainingPre-Vocational

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State AllotmentFY 1970 $110,408

FY 1971 $122,974'FY 1972 $123,373

Funds Obligated(Section 142(d) Part D)

(1) FY 70 $10,470

FY 71 $10,470

(2) FY 70 $36,140FY 71 $41,510FY 72 $44,040

(3) FY 70 $29,706FY 71 $15,000FY 72 $20,000

(4) FY 70 $ 1,422FY 71 $32,000FY 72 $25,000


Total Funds ObligatedFY 1970 $ 77,738FY 1971 $ 98,980FY 1972 $ 89,040

Projects Funded

Grantee orContractor Title of Project

Fredonia Public Schools Development of VocationalSkills through Use ofLearning Packets

State Department ofEducation

Sahaurita High School

Northern Arizona-Hospital-ity Education Program

Career Curriculum forSahaurita High School

Flowing Wells High Pre-Industrial CooperativeSchool Education Program


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State AllotmentFY 1970 $112,276FY 1971 $127,098FY 1972 $126,547

Funds Obligated

(Section 142(d) Part D)

(1) FY 70

FY 71FY 72

(2) FY 71FY 72

(3) FY 71FY 72

(4) FY 71

FY 72

(5) FY 71

FY 72

(6) FY 71FY 72

(7) FY 71FY 72

(8) FY 71

(9) FY 72

(10) FY 72


Projects Funded

Grantee orContractor

Total Funds ObligatedFY 1970 $112,276FY 1971 $123,303FY 1972 $134,472

Title of Project

$112,276 State BOard for Pilot Occupational$ 32,796 Vocational Education Education Programs for$ 18,321 Small Rural and Suburban

Arkansas in Grades FiveThrough Twelve(Combination withCommissioner'sDiscretionary Funds)

$11,827 Red River Vocational Area Wide Career$ 5,000 Technical School Orientation Media Center

$ 4,535 Palaski County Special Career Education 1-12 at$41,838 School District Oak Grove School

$ 6,000 Westark Community. A Cooperative College$25,000 College Secondary School Project to

Provide Vocational-TechnicalTraining for High SchoolStudents in SebastianCounty

$21,113 Petit Jean Vocational Grounds Maintenance$ 2,000 Technical School Course

$22,500 Guidance Services Demonstration Career$ 1,500 Section State Development Centers

Department of Education

$12,775 Little Rock Public Career Development High$26,021 Schools of Palaski Interest Multi-Media

County Program for Students withBehavioral Problems

$11,756 Arkansas State Institute for CareerUniversity Development

$ 6,411 Green County Technical Career Education 1-12School District

$ 5,644 Mina School District Career Education 1-12


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Funds Obligated(Section 142(d) Part D)

(11) FY 72 $ 2,737

ARKANSAS (con't)

Grantee or


Fayetteville SchoolDistrict #1

Title of Project

Continuing PlacementService

*The overage for FY 1972 will be paid from Arkansas FY 1973 Allotment


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State Allotment Total Funds Obligated

FY 1970 --$211,414 FY 1970 $185,324

FY 1971 $345,941 FY 1971 $349,893

FY 1972 $347,864 FY 1972 $365,982

Funds Obligated(Section 142(d) Part D)

(1) FY 70 $13,396

(2) FY 70 $ 3,800

(3) FV70 $ 5,570

(4) FY 70 $ 2,460

(5) FY 70 $17,520

(6) FY 70 $ 7,113

(7) FY 70 $10,000

(8) 17 70 $12,000

FY 71 $ 8,000

(9) FY 70 $19,800

FY 71 $20,000

(10) FY 70 $ 9,000

FY 71 $ 5,000

(11) FY 70 $20,247

FY 71 $29,460

FY 72 $30,000

Projects Funded

Grantee orContractor

Berkeley Unified SchoolDistrict

Grossmont Union HighSchool District

Tri-County VocationalEducation Yuba, Sutter,

and Colusa Counties

Tulare Union High SchoolDistrict

Compton Junior College

San Jose Junior College

Yuba Junior CollegeDistrict

Shoreline UnifiedSchools

Oakland Unified SchoolDistrict

Owens Valley UnifiedSchool District

San Diego CountyDepartment of Education


Title of Project

Parent-Child EducationCenter

Law Enforcement TrainingProgram Development for

1969-70 School Year

Tri-County VocationalCounseling Project


Use of Community Aidesto Recruit Disadvantagedfor Vocational Trainiffg


Communications andRecruitment Phase I

Minority Recruitment forDental Assisting

Bi-Lingual InstructionalGuide

Implemv: .cion of a Career

,..eve:Iopi, Model for

Grades K-12

Exploratory CareerDevelopment Education

Exemplary VocationalEducation Project

Computer Assisted WorkExperience PlacementService

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Funds Obligated

(Section 142(d) Part D)


Grantee orContractor Title of Project

(12) FY 70FY 71FY 72

(13) FY 70FY 71


$ 6,869


$ 5,651$ 8,000

Santa Ana Unified SchoolDistrict

Sequoia Union HighSchool District

Career DevelopmentEducation

Occupational GuidanceProgram for School on

FY 72 $10,000 Modular Scheduling

(14) FY70 $16,325 Shoreline Unified School A Career DevelopmentFY 71 $ 8,000 District ModelFY 72 $12,000

(lc) FY 70 $ 3,902 Orange Coast Junior Pictorial Inventory ofFY 71 $ 8,767 College Vocational InterestsFY 72 $ 7,000

(16115Y 70 $36,449 Foothill Junior College Exemplary Program inEY 71 $66,000 Machine Tool TechnicianFY 72 $45,000

(17) FY 71 $ 3,100 Dinuba High School Bi-Lingual InstructionalGuide

(18) FY 71 $ 6,000 Salinas Unified School Metal FabricationDistrict

(19) FY 71 $30,000 Berkeley Unified School An Application of rime-District Span of Discretion to the

Curricula of the ThreeSelected Courses High School

(20) FY 71 $13,600 Rowland Unified School Motor TransportDistrict Nagales HighSchool

(21) FY 71 $ 6,000 Los Angeles County T.V. Programs to AssistSuperintendent of Viewers in MakingSchools Office Occupational Career


(22) FY 71 $19,912 Long Beach Community Home Economics on WheelsFY 72 $50,000 College

(23) FY 71 $10,000 San Juan Unified School Modern Business SystemsFY 72 $10,000 District

(24) FY 71 $20,000 San Bernardino City Career Goal CurriculumFY 72 $40,000 Unified School District Project with Skill Support

for the Disadvantaged9 Vocational Students

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Funds Obligated Grantee or(Section 142(d) Part D) Contractor

(25) FY 71 $ 2,995 San Ana Unified SchoolFY 72 $15,000 District

(26) FY 71 $ 9,779FY 72 $15,000

(27) FY 71 $31,000FY 72 $25,000

(28) FY 72

Department of EducationSan Diego County

Pasadena Area JuniorCollege, and Areadiac,la Canada, San Marino,South Pasadena and TempleSity Unified SchoolDistrict5

$39,606 Imperial CommunityCollege


Titie of Project

Computer Assisted WorkExperience Student/Training StationManagement InformationSystem


i Director ofpa,ional Education

Programs for High Schools

Development of aCoordinated and IntegratedProgram of OccupationalEducation Grades 9-14

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State AllotmentTotal Funds ObligatedFY 1970 $112,943 FY 19 70 $ 86,256FY 1971 $128,570 FY 1971 $102,011

FY 1972 $129,000 FY 1972 $ 96,706

Funds Obligated

(Section 142(d) Part D)

Projects Funded

Grantee orContractor Title of Project

(1) FY 70 $ 9,772 Community Celleci! of International SecretarialDenver Program

(2) FY 70 $13,280 University of Northern Career Development - AnColorado Integrated Curriculum

Approach IC -12

(3) FY 70 $ Jefferson CountyPublic Schools

Continuation and Expansionof a Secondary OccupationalInformation Program

(4) FY 70 $ 3,400 Alamosa Junior Vocational Guidance inCollege Alamosa Junior High School

Social Studies Classes

(5) FY 70 $ 3,600 Paonia Elementary Development of SociallyFY 71 $ 5,045 and Junior High Desirable Attitudes and

School Joint District Knowledge of OccupationalDelta County Opportunities for Rural

Youth for Western Colorado

(6) FY 70 $49,634 State Department 156 Mini Grants at $300-FY 71 $13,228 of Education $500 a piece

(7) FY 71 $18,770 Colorado Springs Industrial Arts CurriculumPublic Sc:;cols Project, World of Construct-


(8) FY 71 $14,250 State Board for Practical NurseCommunity Collegesand Occupational

Certification Program


(9) FY 71 $15,576 School District #11 World of ConstructionColorado Springs,Boulder County, andDenver


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Funds Obligated(Section 142(d) Part D)

COLORADO (con't)

Grantee orContractor

(10) FY 71 $17,145 School District #11Colorado Springs

(11) FY 71

(12) FY 71

(13) FY 71

(14) FY 72

(15) FY 72

$ 9,466

$ 5,777

$ 2,754

$ 1,860

Bent County Las Animas

School District

Otero County SchoolDistrict

Colorado Springs SchoolDistrict

Title of Project

Guidance and Insight

Occupational Education forJunior High



State Board for Community Traffic EngineeringColleges and Occupational TechnologyEducation

$ 5,000 Jefferson AdministrationArea

(16) FY 72 $20,970 Los Animas JuniorHigh School - Re-1submitted through theState Board forCommunity Colleges andOccupational Education

(17) FY 72 $13,056

(18) FY 72 $ 1,600

(19) FY 72 $ 7,830

(20) FY 72 $11,786

(21) FY 72 $14,791

(22) FY 72 $12,000

(23) FY 72 $ 7,813

El Paso CommunityCollege

Colorado Springs SchoolDistrict

Colorado Springs SchoolDistrict

Rock Ford SchoolDistrict

Denver Public Schools

Denver Public Schools

Colorado Springs SchoolDistrict


Planning Grant: Plan a K-12Curriculum to Prepare

Students for the World ofWork

A Vocational-Academic SkillsDevelopment Program inConsumer and IndustrialArts of Economically andEducationally HandicappedStudents

Practical Nursing

World of Construction

World of Manufactoring

Prevocational OccupationalEducation

World of Manufactoring

World of Construction

Project Go

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State AllotmentFY 1970 $116,412FY 1971 $136,223FY 1972 $136,357

Total Funds Obligated -

FY 1970 $ 85,982FY 1971 $ 80,581"Y 1972 $135,652

Funds Obligated

(Section 142(d) Part D)

Projects Funded

Grantee orContractor Title of Project

(1) FY 70 $ 7,008 Norwalk CommunityCollege

Computer Programming forthe Disadvantaged

(2) FY 70 $42,263 Public Schools of Community and Career

New Britain Orientation for Pupils,Grades 3-8, Public andPrivate Schools

(3) FY 70 $36,711 H.C. Wilcox Regional Youth in and/or Prison

FY 71 $47,312 Vocational-Technical Preparing Eagerly to

School Earn -YIPPEE

(4) FY 71 $31,329 West Hartford Board Expansion of a Pilot

FY 72 $18,482 of Education Program to Explore theWorld of Work in theElementary School

(5) FY 71 $13,047 Board of Education, Pre-Votational Education

FY 72 $15,487 City of Waterbury

(6) FY 71 $36,205 Stamford Board of Career Assessment Program

FY 72 $42,365 Education at Samford High School

(7) FY 72 $27,493 Hartford Board of World of Work, Vocational

Education Self-Concept and CareerPlanning, Phase I



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State AllotmentFY 1970 $103,136FY 1971 $106,921FY 1972 $106,925

Funds Obligated(Section 142(d) Part D)

(1) FY 70 $ 9,174FY 71 $ 9,049FY 72 $ 5,000

(2) FY 70 $16,100FY 71 $ 1,200FY 72 $ 1,200

(3) FY 70 $37,862FY 71 $27,360FY 72 $21,355

(4) FY 70 $40,000FY 71 $39,728FY 72 $29,475

(5) FY 71 $17,908

(6) FY 71 $11,976FY 72 $11,000

(7) FY 72 $38,591

(8) FY 72 $ 304


Projects Funded

Grantee orContractor

Newark School District

Newark School District

Total Funds ObligatedFY 1970 $103,136FY 1971 $106,921FY 1972 $106,925

Title of Project

Expansion of a World ofWork Experience Program

Occupational Orientation

Kent County Vocational- Development and Implementat-Technical School District ion of a Comprehensive

Testing Program for aVocational-Technical Center

Wilmington Public Schools To develop and Implement aProgram for the CareerDevelopment Center of theBrandywine Educational Park

DeLaWar School District

Newark Schools

Delaware Technical andCommunity College

Multiple DisciplinaryApproach to GraphicCommunications

Instructional Services inOrnamental Horticulture

Development of a Plan toAssimilate Students fromCulturally Deprived Areasinto Two-year AssociateDegree Occupational Programs

Caesar Rodney Career Education GuidanceDemonstration


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State Allotment Total Funds ObligatedFY 19 70 $103,936 FY 1970 $103,936FY 1971 $108,689 FY 1971 $108,689FY 1972 $108,512 FY 1972 $108,512

Funds Obligated(Section 142(d) Part D)

(1) FY 70----$103,936FY 71 $108,689 District of ColumbiaFY 72 $108,512

Projects Funded

Grantee orContractor

Public Schools of the


Title of Project

Implementing a K-12Careers Development Programin the District of Columbia(Combination withCommissioner's Half ofPart D)

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State Allotment Total Funds ObligatedFY 1970 $134,225 FY 1970 $133,627FY 1971 $175,550 FY 1971 $175,550FY 1972 $177,187 FY 1972 $169,176

Funds Obligated(Section 142(d) Part 1.)

Projects Funded

Grantee orContractor

Title of Project

(1) FY 70 $133,627 State Department of An Exemplary Model for aFY 71 $137,175 Education Total Ecological ApproachFY 72 $169,176 to Non-Graded Vocational

Programs in SeparateEducational Centers(CombinatiOn withCommissioner's Half ofPart D)

(2) FY 71 $38,375 Franklin County Career Exploration ofSchool Board Health Related Occupational

Fields for DisadvantagedRural Students

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State Allotment Total Funds Obligated

FY 1970 $129,421 FY 1970 $129,421

FY 1971 $164,946 FY 1971 $164,145

FY 1972 $164,779 FY 1972 $ 99,135

Funds Obligated(Section 142(d) Part D)

(1) FY 70FY 71FY 72


$ 99,135

Projects Funded

Grantee orContractor

State Department ofEducation


Title of Project

Program of Education and

Career Exploration

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State Allotment Total Funds Obligated

FY 1970 $105,137 FY 1970 $ 91,000

FY 1971 $111,340 FY 1971 $101,637

FY 1972 $111,398 FY 1972 $120,435

Funds Obligated(Section 162(d) Part D)

Projects Funded

Grantee orContractor Title of Project

(1) FY 70 $ 3,387 Maui Community College Portable Video TapeRtcoreer to HelpDiladvanaged StudentsCol .pet.' for Employment

()viers Who do not

Have Verbalizing Problems

(2) FY 70 $ 8,761 Kapiolani Community Care r OrientationCollege Work_ op

(3) FY 70 $ 8,761 Kauai Community College The Development andImplementation ofStudents' and Employers'Evaluation Instrument

(4) FY 70 $ 8,761 Maui Community College An Exemplary ProgramProposal for Developmentof a Community InternshipCourse

(5) FY 70 $52,569 Konawaena High School The Pre-IndustrialFY 71 $38,245 Preparation ProgramFY 72 $58,237

(6) FY 70 $ 8,761 Honolulu Community Remedial Instruction withFY 71 $ 8,750 College Special Materials for lowFY 72 $ 6,269 Achieving and Potentially

low Achieving VocationalStudents

(7) FY 71 $ 8,100 Kauai Community College Educational Exploration forStudents for the Purposeof Motivating Interests inVocational Education

(8) FY 71 $10,058 Hawaii Community College Finding a Job

(9) FY 71 $13,180 Kapiolani Community College Development, Implementation,a-1 Evaluation of a

18Structured Learning Programin Typewriting, Shorthand

and Machine Transcription

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HAWAII (con't)

Funds Obligated Grantee or(Section 142(d) Part D) Contractor

(10) FY 71 $15,000 Leeward CommunityCollege

(11) FY 71 $ 8,304 Maui CommunityCollege

(12) FY 72 $10,000 Kapiolani CommunityCollege

(13) FY 72 $13,055 Kauai CommunityCollege

(14) FY 72 $15,000 Leeward CommunityCollege

(15) FY 72 $ 1,997 Maui Community College

(16) FY 72 $15,877 Hawaii Community College

Title of Project

Pilot Demonstration Projectfor Production of Multi-Media InstructionalMaterials for Vocational-Technical Students

Proposal for Applicationfor Vocational EducationAct Funds Under Part D,Exemplary Project

Independent Study Systemfor Students in HealthServices EducationDivision and TypewritingEducation

Remediation Program forthe Academically,

Economically and PhysicallyHandicapped Students

Pilot Demonstration Projectfor Production of Multi-medi InstructionalMaterials for DisadvantagedStudents in Automotive andDrafting

Data Analysis for FY-71Exemplary Project

Development & Implementationof a Balanced Curriculum inBusiness Education to includeIntegrated, InterdisciplinaryLearning in ComputationalSkills, Practicum in OfficeProcedures, Office Skills ofTyping, Shorthand, andMachine Transcription

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State Allotment Total Funds ObligatedFY 1970 $104,804 FY 1970 $104,804

FY 1971 $110,603 FY 1971 $110,603

FY 1972 $110,677 FY 1972 $ 99,935

Funds Obligated(Section 142(d) Part D)

Projects Funded

Grantee orContractor Title of Project

(1) FY 70 $20,057 Teton High School Simulated Methods inOffice Occupation Education

(2) FY 70 $24,764 Idaho Falls School "THRUST" Proposed toFY 71 $24,577 District help Disadvantaged Youth

Plan Productive Careers

(3) FY 70 $10,683 Independent School Power: ProgrammedFY 71 $35,344 District of Boiie Opportunity with Employment


(4) FY 70 $14,006 Boise State College: Food Service Technology:FY 71 $ 1,658 Area Technical Division Open-Ended ProgramFY 72 $49,671

(5) FY 70 $35,295 Lewis-Clark Normal Occupational OrientationFY 72 $21,333 School and Information

(6) FY 71 $20,688 School District #281 Cooperative Program in(Moscow, Idaho) Hospitality and Food


(7) FY 71 $ 8,608 Rockland School,District #382

Rural Vocational Guidance,Work Exploration, Simulation

(8) FY 71 $19,727 Oneida School District Exemplary ExploritoryFY 72 $ 2,924 #351 Program in Occupational


(9) FY 72 $26,107 Boise State College: Child Care ServicesArea Technical Division Program

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State Allotment Total Funds ObligatedFY 1970 $162,979 FY 1970 $161,487FY 1971 $239,023 FY 1971 $242,214FY 1972 $238,937 FY 1972 $212,743

Funds Obligated(Section 142(d) Part D)

Projects Funded

Grantee orContractor Title of Project

(1) FY 70

'.2) FY 70


$ 8,388

District 88 - WillowbrookHigh School

Carthage High

Computerized VocationalInformation System ProjectCVIS

West Central HancockSchool County Vocational Joint

Agreement Demonstration,Center

(3) FY 70 $20,350 St. Louis Regional Vocational-TechnicalIndustrial Education PublicDemonstration Center Information Program

(4) FY 70 $17,484 Fenger SE College An Exemplary Program inFY 71 $22,516 Prosthetic - Orthotic


(5) FY 70 $39,347 Parkland College Preparedness ProgramFY 71 $37,643

(6) FY 70 $17,100 Cahakia Air Frame - Power MechanicsFY 72 $30,750 Program for Upper Classmen

(7) FY 70 $15,282 E. St. Louis Aviation Mechanic ProgramFY 72 $24,030

(8) FY 71 $25,572 Villa Park Exemplary Demonstration andFY 72 $111,891 Dissemination Center for

Project CVIS-Phase VI andPhase VII

(9) FY 71 $15,500 De Kalb County De Kalb County Pre-Demonstration Center Vocational and Vocational

Special Needs VariedExemplary Project


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Funds Obligated(Section 142(d) Part D)

(10) FY 71 $ 8,447

ILLINOIS (con't)

Grantee orContractor

Flora High School

Title of Project_

Demonstration Center forA Comprehensive HomeEconomics Program ina Medium Sized HighSchool

(11) FY 71 $20,645 Olivet Harvey LPN-RN Exemplary Project

FY 72 $40,360 Community College

(12) FY 72 $37,730 Moraine Valley An Exemplary Program inCommunity College Industrial Engineering

Technology Based onIntegrated MeasurablyStated BehavioralObjectives

(13) FY 72 $16,679 Lyons High School Demonstration Center forA Comprehensive VocationalHome Economics Program

(14) FY 72 $ 5,255 Naperville Community Complete Model HorticulturalHigh School Alternatives Packages for

Schools with ExistingFacilities

(15) FY 72 $ 7,790 Rochelle Township Complete Model HorticultureHigh School Demonstration Packages

for Illinois Schools

(16) FY 72 $ 4,915 Skokie High School Horticultural InstructionalDistrict 73 1/2 Packages: Demonstration

Center Alternatives forOccupational Education inIllinois

(17) FY 72 $17,395 Miles Township High SIVE Demonstration CenterSchool

(18) FY 72 $ 5,653 Alton Community High Horticultural DemonstrationSchool Packages Demonstration


(19) FY 72 $13,756 Thornton High School Vocational InformationProject

(20) FY 72 $ 8,430 Joliet Public Schools Demonstration Center,Elementary Career EducationProject



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State Allotment Total Funds ObligatedFY 1970 $131,089 FY 1970 $115,589FY 1971 $168,628 FY 1971 $168,628FY 1972 $168,530 FY 1972 $168,530

Funds Obligated(Section 142(d) Part D)

Projects Funded

Grantee or

Contractor Title of Project

(1) FY 70 $ 2,958 Metropolitan School Area VocationalDistrict of Lawrence Feasibility StudyTownship

(2) FY 70 $67,331 Metropolitan School -Development of a SuperiorFY 71 $58,089 District of Washington Vocational Program for

Township Grades X-Adult

0) FY 70 $28,000 Metropolitan School Exemplary and ResearchFY 71 $62,639 District of Wayne Program for Students whoFY 72 $67,689 Township, Marion Terminate Their Education

County Prior to Obtaining aSalable Skill

(4) FY 70 $17,000 Evansville-Vandlierburth Pilot Program for HealthFY 72 $50,100 School District Occupations in a Secondary


(5) FY 71 $31,260 Area Vocational District Cosmetology Program#24

(6) FY 71 $16,640 Porter County Schools Innovative Plan forTeaching AutomobileService StationOccupations

(7) FY 72 $ 1,900 Indianapolis Public Youth LeadershipSchools Development

(8) FY 72 $12,841 Purdue University Market TechnologyProgram

(9) FY 72 $36,000 North GibsonCooperation

Pre-Vocational Programat a Middle School


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State Allotment Total Funds ObligatedFY 1970 $117,479 FY 1970 $107,479FY 1971 $138,585 FY 1971 $123,585FY 1972 $138,954 FY 1972 $123,954

Funds Obligated(Section 142(d) Part D)

(1) FY 70FY 71FY 72

(2) FY 70FY 71FY 72

(3) FY 71FY 72

(4) FY 71FY 72

Projects Funded

Grantee orContractor Title of Project

$48,619 Iowa State University Models for Pre-Career$ 9,872 Education in Iowa$27,893

$58,860 Joint County System of CVIS: Adaptation and$36,482 Cedar, Johnson, Lynn Implementation of a$26,375 and Washiagton Counties Computerized Vocational

Information System inArea 10

$54,222 Des Moines Area Iowa Script - Collection$53,257 Community College and Dissemination of

Occupational Information

$23,009 Monticello Community Total Career Education$16,429 School District


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State Allotment Total Funds Obligated

FY 1970 $114,144 FY 1970 $114,143

FY 1971 $131,221 FY 1971 $139,500

FY 1972 $131,740 FY 1972 $131,734

Funds Obligated(Section 142(d) Part D)

Projects Funded

Grantee orContractor

State Board of Education

Title of Project

An Exemplary Program inOccupational Education inTypical Kansas Rural,Rural-Urban, and UrbanSchool Settings(Combination withCommissioner's Half ofPart D)

FY 70 $19,600 a) Kansas City

FY 71 $46,500

FY 72 $30,260

FY 70 $32,783 b) Lawrence

FY 71 $34,000

FY 72 $24,000

FY 70 $14,198 c) Clay Center

FY 71 $19,600FY 72 $15,000

FY 70 $15,062 d) Manhatten, Kansas

FY 71 $11,600 State University

FY 72 $17,000

FY 70 $32,500 Liberal Area Vocational- Career Development

FY 71 $27,800 Technical School Activities

FY 72 $ 3,000

FY 72 $16,994 Wichita Area Vocational - Career Development

Technical School Activities

FY 72 $25,480 North Central Kansas A Program of Career

Area Vocational - Education for K-8

Technical School,Beloit

Students in the NorthCentral Kansas Area


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State Allotment Total Funds ObligatedFY 1970 $120,749 FY 1970 $120,748FY 1971 $145,801 FY 1971 $145,820FY 1972 $145,014 FY 1972 $145,014

Funds Obligated(Section 142(d) Part D)

Projects Funded

Grantee orContractor Title of Project

(1) FY 70 $60,374 Henderson County Board Vocational Education

FY 71 $80,302 of Education Curriculum Integration

FY 72 $30,000 Project (Community ResourceUtilization/OccupationalExploration Program)

(2) FY 70 $60,374 Clay County Board Exemplary Program in

FY 71 $56,171 of Education Vocational Information and

FY 72 $37,798 Counseling in Employment inIn-School and Out-of-SchoolYouth in Clay County

(3) FY 71 $ 9,347 Newport Independent Exploring the World of

FY 72 $49,987 School District Careers in Grades Sevenand Eight

(4) FY 72 $27,229 Bowling Green Systemwide Career Education

Independent Schools Curriculum and StaffDevelopment for Implementat-ion in Grades One throughTwelve

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State Allotment Total Funds ObligatedFY 1970 $124,485 FY 1970 $124,484FY 1971 $153,624 FY 1971 $152,755FY 1972 $153,959 FY 1972 $153,959

Funds Obligated

(Section 142(d) Part D)

(1) FY 70 $124,484FY 71 $ 3,460

(2) FY 71 $136,466

(3) FY 71 $ 12,830

(4) FY 72 $ 67,144

(5) FY 72 $ 47,679

(6) FY 72 $ 39,136

Projects Funded

Grantee orContractor

East Baton Rouge PlusEight Area ParishesLouisiana EducationAssociation

Quachita Parish SchoolBoard

Bossier ParishSchool

Concordia Parish SchoolBoard, East Baton RougeParish School Board,Terrebonne ParishSchool Board, St. LandryParish School Board andSt. Tammany

Quachita Parish SchoolBoard

Winn Parish SchoolBoard

Title of Project

Vocational InformationTechniques AppliedLocally (VITAL)

A Pilot AbbreviatedSubsidized Work-StudyProgram for Quachita ParishHigh School and Its"Feeder" Schools

Curriculum Enrichmentthrough Developing aCentralized VocationalAgriculture Laboratory

Enrichment Program forLearning and Study Skills

An Orientation Programfor Vocational Education

Career Development of Youthfor the World of Work

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State Allotment Total Funds Obligated

FY 1970 $106,005 FY 1970 $106,005

'FY 1971 $113,254FY 1971 $113,254

FY 1972 $112,985 FY 1972 $ 88,689

Funds Obligated(Section 142(d) Part D)

Projects Funded

Grantee or

Contractor Title of Project

(1) FY 70 $38,000 Waban Projects, Inc. Special Services for theCommunity by the Handicappedthrough VocationalEducation

(2) FY 70 $14,254 University of Maine The Fusing of CareerOriented Materials andActivities with TraditionalCurriculum in Grades Onethrough Six

(3) FY 70 $15,120 Auburn School Career Planning Proposal


(4) FY 70 $16,478 Waterville Tri-State Curriculum

(5) FY 70 $15,000 Southern Maine Curriculum Project


;6) FY 70 $ 7,153 SAD #9, Farmington Career Resource Center

FY 71 $ 447

(7) FY 71 $ 1,488 Hermon School Department Project Women -- In a Man'sWorld of Work

(8) FY 71 $ 1,679 Glenburn School Union Workers and Me (K-8

#34 Career Education)

(9) FY 71 $14,518 Maine SchoolAdministration

Promoting Local Employmentand Service Efforts

District #27 Through Career Exploration(PLEASE CORPS)

(10) FY 71 $13,135 Bath School Department Other Ladders

(11) FY 71 $10,000 University of Maine Consortium Program inHigher Education (CareerCounseling)


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Funds Obligated(Section 142(d) Part D)

MAINE (con't)

Grantee orContractor Titic of Project

(12) FY 71 $11,430 Medomak Valley HighSchool Vocational and

Costal Opportunitiesin Vocational Education

Science Departments (COVE)

(13) FY 71 $12,050 Hampden Academy Independent Living

(14) FY 71 $17,083 Stearns High School Cooperative Concept of

(Continuation) Career Education

(15) FY 71 $10,000 University of Maine - Consortium Consultant


(16) FY 71 $11,739 SAD, #46, Dexter Small Engine Course

(17) FY 71 $ 4,000 University of Maine - Bingham Project


(18) FY 71 $ 197 Bureau of Vocational Workshop

Education, Departmentof Education andCultural Services

(19) FY 71 $ 2,089 College of Education Development and

FY 72 $20,549 Implementation of aComprehensive CareerEducation Guide forGrades K-12 in MaineSchools4

(20) FY 71 $10,400 Edward Little High Career Planning

FY 72 $ 1,500 School - AuburnSchool District

(21) FY 72 $14,500 Southern Maine VocationalTechnical Institute

An Associate Degree Programin Plant and Soil Technology

(22) FY 72 $ 2,274 University of Maine - Regional One-day Seminar

Orono Workshop: DevelopingMinimal Research Skillsand Techniques for WritingResearch Proposals

(23) FY 72 $ 3,000 Orono Public Schools Summer Planning Workshopon Cooperative VocationalEducation for theDisadvantaged

(24) FY 72 $16,800 Fort Kent, SAD #27 Occupational Course inModern Forestry Practices


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Funds Obligated

(Section 142(d) Part D)

MAINE (cOn't)

Grantee orContractor Title of Project

(25) FY 72 $10,104 New England Resource Tri-State CurriculumCenter for Occupational ProjectEducation

(26) FY 72 $ 2,191 Geenburn Elementary Workers and MeSchool

(27) FY 72 $ 971 Hermon Elementary Career Education ProgramSchool for a Rural School



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State Allotment Total Funds Obligated

FY 1970 $122,483FY 1970 $122,094

FY 1971 $149,630 FY 1971 $124,700

FY 1972 $149,775 FY 1972 $149,750

Funds Obligated(Section 142(d) Part D)

Projects Funded

Grantee or

Contractor Title of Project

(1) FY 70 -$ 5,000 Chesapeake College Marine Science Technology,Planning Grant

(2) FY 70 $ 7,000 Perry Hall Junior A Pilot Program for Early

High School Vocational Orientation and


(3) FY 70 $18,594 Allegany County Staff Development for

FY 71 $ 4,500 Board of Education Occupational Awareness

(4) FY 70 $14,500 St. Mary's Board Facilitating Career Develop-

FY 71 $ 9,000 of Education ment through Group Guidance

(5) FY 70 $31,000 Board of Education4

Summer Survey of Dropouts

FY 71 $28,000 of Baltimore County

(6) FY 70 $18,000 Hartford Junior Vocational-Technical

FY 71 $18,000 College Guidance Services

FY 72 $18,000

(7) FY 70 $22,000 Charles County Operation MOORED: Motivation

FY 71 $22,000 Community College and Orientation 'f

FY 72 $15,000 Educationally Disadvantaged

(8) FY 70 $ 6,000 Howard County Board Implementation of

FY 71 $ 9,000 of Education Occupational Information

FY 72 $11,000 into the Present CurriculumK-5

(9) FY 71 $ 6,000 Prince George's Career Development Program

-County Public Schools Longfields Elementary School

(10) FY 71 $ 9,000 Montgomery County Pre-Vocational Home

Public Schools Economics for Elementaryand Junior High Schools in

Deprived Areas

(11) FY 71 $ 2,200 Harford Junior College Exploring Contemporary


(12) FY 71 $17,000 Board of Education Perry Hall Juniro High

FY 72 $19,000 Baltimore County Career Studies Program

(Renewal Proposal)

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Funds Obligated(Section 142(d) Part D)

(13) FY 72 $12,750

(14) FY 72 $44,000

(15) FY 72 $20,000

(16) FY 72 $10,000


MARYLAND (con't)

Grantee orContractor

Catonsville CommunityCollege

Washington County


Dorchester County

Anne Arundel County


Title of Project

Development of a

Comprehensive Studentand Career InformationSystem

Career Education Project

Career Education Project

Computerized InformationSystem

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State AllotmentFY 1970 $130,355

FY 1971 $167,008FY 1972 $166,366

Funds Obligated(Section 142(d) Part D)

Total Funds ObligateaFY 1970 $128,229

FY 1971 $153,155FY 1972 $123,688

Projects Funded

Grantee orContractor Title of Project

(1) FY 70 $24,325 Southkrd Berkshire Project AIM Uicademic

Regional School Interest Modules)


(2) FY 70 $25,000 Cardinal Cushing Manual Skills Training and

FY 71 $25,000 Center for the Placement for Urban

Spanish Speaking Spanish-Speaking SchoolDropouts

(3) FY 70 $23,100 Clinton Public Schools Operation Shotgun: The

FY 71 $20,737 Development of a Multi-faceted OccupationalExploratory Program forMiddle, Junior High SchoolYouth, Culminating in aVariety of OccupationalExperiences for SeniorHigh School Students

(4) FY 70 $30,361 Easton Public Schools Vocational Feeder Program

FY 71 $22,850 at the Junior High School

FY 72 S 8,645 Level

(5) FY 70 $25,443 Acushnet Public Schools Project MECA (Multi-Media,

FY 71 $22,480 Extended School Day:

FY 72 $ 6,575 Cooperative Program forAlienated Youth)

(6) FY 71 $62,088 Blue Hill Regional Computer Assisted Research

FY 72 $75,418 Vocational School for Educational Relevance

(7) FY 72 $17,050 Assadet Valley Evaluation/Diffusion Model

Regional VocationalSchool

(8) FY 72 $16,000 Northshaw Community Urban Planning Effort

College (RECENT)


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State Allotment Total Funds Obligated

FY 1970 $154,773 FY 1970 $154,773

FY 1971 $220,909 FY 1971 $171,121FY 1972 $221,624 FY 1972 $141,588

Funds Obligated(Section 142(d) Part D)

Projects Funded

Grantee orContractor Title of Project

(1) FY 70 $ 8,720 Capoc Community Schools Mini Man Power Project

FY 71 $ 9,095FY 72 $10,403

(2) FY 70 $52,529 Pontiac Board of Education A Junior High SchoolFY 71 $52,529 Industrial Technology

Exemplary Program

(3) FY 70 $ 1,551 Romulus Community Schools Vocational Occupations

FY 71 $40,140 Guidance for Out-of-School

FY 72 $19,310 Youth

(4) FY 70 $ 9,992 Gogebic Community College Winter and Summer Resort

FY 71 $ 9,992 Technical Education

FY 72 $20,142

(5) FY 70 $19,305 Manistique Area Schools Community Stationed

FY 71 $21,765 Contracted Vocational Skill

FY 72 $23,276 Training

(6) FY 70 $33,738 Rochester Community Rochester Work ExperienceFY 71 $37,600 Schools ProgramFY 72 $33,800

(7) FY 70 $28,938 Gogebic-Ontanagon A Shared Time Program in

FY 72 $34,657 Intermediate School Vocational Education


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State Allotment Total Funds ObligatedFY 1970 $123,284 FY 1970 $122,537FY 1971 $151,397 FY 1971 $165,714FY 1972 $221,624 FY 1972 $132,836

Funds Obligated(Section 142(d) Part D)

Projects Funded

Grantee or

Contractor Title of Project

(1) FY 70 $122,537 61ue Earth VocationalCenter and RoseauVocational Center

A Project to DemonstrateMaking Vocational EducationMore Accessible to Personsin Rural Minnesota

through Cooperative Vocat-ional Centers

(2) FY 71 $22,900 Independent School A Comprehensive ModelDistrict 286 Brooklyn Designed to Orient StudentsCenter Teachers, and Parents to the

World of Work in Grades K-12

(3) FY 71 $22,760 Independent School Project TACO: TechnologyDistrict #379 Osseo Assisted Career Orientation

(4) FY 71 $18,439 Independent School Elementary CareerDistrict #94 Owatonna Orientation

(5) FY 71 $10,660 Independent SchoolDistrict #256 Red Wing

Career Oriented Educationin the Red Wing PublicSchools

(6) FY 71 $12,330 Independent School A Developmental CareerDistrict #623 St. Paul Development Elementary

Program for RosevilleArea Schools

(7) FY 71 $16,790 Willmar Public Schoolsand Willmar Area

The Relevance of CommunityResources Toward the

Vocational-Technical Development of UnderstandingInstitute, IndependentSchool District #347

Occupational Opportunitiesand the Significance ofthe World of Work in theWillmar Public Schools



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Funds Obligated

(Section 142(d) Part D)


Grantee orContractor Title of Project

(8) FY 71 $12,272 Winona Area Technical

School, IndependentStudents, Parents, andTeachers Explore the

School District #861 World of Work in

Southeastern Minnesota

(9) FY 71 $25,088 CloquetCareer Development K-12

(10) FY 71 $ 1,952 CloquetOrientation to the Worldof Work

(11) FY 71 $ 1,996 University ofHorizontal and VerticallyMinnesoLaIntegrated Systems ApproachPreparing Teachers forImplementation of CareerDevelopment throughCurriculum

(12) FY 71 $ 2,000 StillwaterIntegrating VocationalOrganization and Training

(13) FY 71 S 1,990 Central MinnesotaPragmatic MainstreamERDC St. CloudVocational Program

(14) FY 71 $ 1,440 Winona Area Vocational-Students, Parents, TeachersTechnical InstituteExplore the World of Workin Southwestern Minnesota

(15) FY 71 $ 1,91 MinneapolisUnreached Potential -- ASearch for Relevance

(16) FY 7] S 1,835 RobbinsdaleCareer Development ThroughCommunity Resource CenterUtilizing Teachers, e"c.

(17) FY 71 $ 2,000 Jackson Area Vocational-Technical institute

Career Development K-12 andan Area Vocational-Technical

School Using a TelevisionSystem

(IS) FY 71 $ 1,788 Little FallsK to Adult Career Developmentin Little Falls Center School

(19) FY 71 $ 1,988 Last Grand ForksCareer Orientation for aRural Vocational EducationCenter

(20) FY 71 $ 1,990 OsseoTechology Assisted CareerOrientation

(21) FY 71 $ 1,565 iirooklyn Center


Comprehensive Model Designedas a Student Orientation tothe World of Work Grades 7-12

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Funds Obligated(Section 142(d) Part D)


Grantee orContractor Title of Project

(22) FY 71 $ 2,000 Minneapolis An Integrated Occupational

Exploratory Program,Elementary

(23) FY 72 $60,000 University of Developing ArticulatedMinnesota High School and Post

High School VocationalCvrriculum

(24) FY 72 $25,000 Anoka Area Vocational- Project OpportunityTechnical Institute

(25) FY 72 $12,040 Dakota County View and Match Project

(26) FY 72 $15,000 Burnsville Senior Career EducationHigh

(27) FY 72 $ 9,952 Anoka-Hennepin,Independent School

Fashion MerchandisingCareer Exploration

District #11 Learning Material Project

(28) FY 72 $10,000 St. Paul Career Education forUrban Youth

(29) FY 72 $ 844 Plainview CommunitySchool

Career Education Workshopfor Elementary Teachersand Administrators: APilot Project


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State AllotmentFY 1970 $116,279

FY 1971 $135,943FY 1972 $135,347

Funds Obligated(Section 142(d) Part D)

(1) FY 70 $116,278FY 71 $135,934FY 72 $ 72,662


Total Funds ObligatedFY 1970 $116,278FY 1971 $135,934FY 1972 $ 72,662

Projects Funded

Grantee orContractor

State Board of Education

Title of Project

Career-Centered Curriculumfor the VocationalComplexes in Mississippi(Combination withCommissioner's DiscretionaryFunds)

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State Allotment 3tal Funds ObligatedFY 1970 $126,619 FY 1970 $126,619

FY 1971 $158,761 FY 1971 $158,761

FY 1972 $159,153 FY 1972 $159,153

Funds Obligated(Section 142(d) Part D)

Projects Funded

Grantee or

Contractor Title of Project

.(1) FY 70 $ 76,695 Moberly School District A Career DevelopmentFY 71 $107,307 Program for Students K-12FY 72 $ 89,299

(2) FY 70 $ 37,924 State Fair Conn pity A Propc-al to Develop andFY 71 $ 41,433 College Field Test *IndividualizedFY 72 $ 60,255 Programmed Instructional

Materials in OfficeOccupations UtilizingSelected Audio VisualMaterials

(3) FY 70 $ 12,000 Doniphan R-I School Industrial and EducationalFY 71 $ 10,021 District Cooperative Course inFY 72 $ 9,599 Circuit Electronics for the

Academically, Economic, orPhysically Handicapped


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State AllotmentTotal Funds Obligated

FY 1970 $104,670 FY 1970 $104,670

FY 1971 $110,309 FY 1971 $110,309

FY 1972 $110,100 FY 1972 $110,100

Funds Obligated(Section 142(d) Part D)

Projects Funded

Grantee or

Contractor Title of Project

(1) FY 70 . $21,760 Helena Vocational-Technical Center

Occupational Guidance & Vo-catioanl Exporatory Program

(2) FY 70 $61,331 Huntly Project High Multi-Occupational and

School Vocational Exploratory


(:) FY 70 $21, 79 School District #24 Agriculture, Consumer and

FY 71 $38, 96 Yellowstone County, Homemaking, Office, and

FY 72 $28, 68 Warden Distributive EducationExemplary Program

(4) FY 71 $13,610 Hardin School Pre-Vocational Industrial

District Big Horn Arts Education at the Junior

County High Level

(5) FY 71 $ 5,035 Columbia Falls HighSchool, Flathead County

Secondary Exemplary Program

in Business and Office


(6) FY 71 $ 452 Schocl of Home Economics Exemplary Program in Home

Montana State UniversityGallatin County

Economics Teacher Training

and Supervising StudentTeachers

(7) FY 71 $12,000 Hanre High School Secondary Exemplary

Hill County Vocational Program in

Office Education

(8) FY 71 $ 6,809 School District #6 Consumer and Homemaking

Flathead Ccunty,Columbia Falls

Education Exemplary


(9) FY 71 S 2,181 School District #1 Exemplary Craft Prcgram

Lewis and ClarkCounty, Helena

(10) FY 71 $ 3,000 Missoula County High

School District

Exemplary Co-Educationaland Career EducationProgram


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Funds Obligated

(Section 142(d) Part D)

MONTANA (coa't)

Grantee orContractor Title of Project

(11) FY 71 $15,170 School District #37 Pre-Vocational ExploratoryYellowstone County,Shepherd

Vocational Program

(12) FY 71 $13,556 Twin Bridges High Secondary Exemplary ProgramFY 72 $56,703 School, Madison County In Home Economics, Office

Education, Welding,

Carpentry and Welding

(13) FY 72 $14,794 Shepherd High School Exemplary Vocational ProgramYellowstone County In T&I, Homemaking and

Home Economics OccupationalPreparation (Phase Il)

(14) FY 72 $ 9,635 Park Senior HighPark County

Exemplary Planning Projectit Vocational Educationfor K-12


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State AllotmentFY 1970 $108,940FY 1971 $119,734FY 1972 $119,622

Funds Obligated(Section 142(d) Part D)

(1) FY 70 $13,988

(2) FY 70 $14,494FY 71 $29,173

(3) FY 70 $45,414FY 71 $47,187FY 72 $50,000

(4) FY 70 $30,044FY 72 $ 8,091

(5) FY 71 $20,000FY 72 $20,000

(6) FY 71 $ 6,547FY 72 $ 750


Projects Funded

Grantee orContractor

Central NebraskaTechnical College

Educational ServiceUnit

Millard Public Schools

Platte College

Central NebraskaTechnical College

Aurora School District


Total Funds ObligatedFY 1970 $103,940

FY 1971 $102,907

FY 1972 $ 78,841

Title of Project

Development cf Super 8mmFilm Loops and CartridgedCassette Tapes to Intensifythe Guidance and CounselingEfforts in the Disseminationof Occupational Informationto High School Juniors andSeniors

DEVISE: DevelopmentVocational Information andSelf-Enchancement

Omaha Suburban Area Councilof Schools Project"PROJECT RECOVERY"

A Self-Contained MobileUnit for Vocational andOccupational CounselingProject Trailride

Occupational Orientation

Formal Summer Educationto Fill SupervisedExperience Needs ofDisadvantaged VocationalAgriculture Students

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State Allotment Total Funds ObligatedFY 1970 $102,335 FY 1970 $ 43,730FY 1971 $105,154 FY 1971 $107,660FY 197 $105,338 FY 1972 $ 94,253

Funds Obligated(Section 142(d) Part D)

Projects Funded

Grantee orContractor Title of Project

(1) FY 70 $19,064 Washoe County School Industrial Arts CurriculumFY 71 $21,298 District Project (Combination withFY 72 $22,689 Commissioner's Half of

Part D)

(2) FY 70 $19,074 Clark County School Special CounselingFY 71 $15,814 District ProgramFY 72 $16,990

(3) FY 70 $ 5,592 Churchill County School Technical IllustrationFY 71 $ 5,500 District ProgramFY 72 $ 7,540

(4) FY 71 $ 5,950 Research Coordinating Exemplary ProgramUnit Evaluation

(5) FY 71 $16,978 University of Nevada Agriculture MarketingTechnology

(6) FY 71 $26,904 Elko County School Mobile Units forFY 72 $ 8,413 District Vocational Business


(7) FY 71 $15,216 Washoe County School Sequential Approach toFY 72 $15,000 District Health Occupations

(8) FY 72 $12,568 Clark County School New Careers Project inDistrict Tele-Communications

(9) FY 72 $ 2,518 Elko County School The Exemplary GuidanceDistrict Project

(10) FY 72 $ 8,535 Washoe County School The Awareness of theDistrict World of Work Project


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State Allotment Total Funds ObligatedFY 1970 $104,003 FY 1970 $ 98,958FY 1971 $108,836 FY 1971 $ 94,013FY 1972 $108,801 FY 1972 $ 98,561

Funds Obligated(Section 142(d) Part D)

Projects Funded

Grantee orContractor Title of Project



FY 70

FY 70

$ 3,300

$ 4,950

New Hampshire VocationalTechnical College

Pembroke Academy

Computer Training and Use

Planning Grant - An Inter-disciplinary Approach toPlant Life Science forthe Disadvantaged Student

(3) FY 70 $ 9,368 New Hampshire HealthCareers Council

Planning Grant-Developmentof an Educational Continuumfor Health Occupations

(4) FY 70 $ 3,300 New Hampshire Vocational A Planning Project toTechnical College Develop a Systems Approach

to the Learning of Physics

(5) FY 70 $ 4,000 Keene, New Hampshire Complete OccupationalFY 71 $15,050 School District Education Development


(6) 1.,Y 70 $31,740 State Department of Project to Improve the UseFY 71 $19,700 Education Guidance of Occupational informationFY 72 $36,100 Services in New Hampshire

(7) FY 7() $21,750 White Mountains Model Machine Shop forFY 71 $ 7,600 Regional High School Drafting InstructionFY 72 $ 1,525

0;) FY 70 $ 1,540 New Hampshire Vocational Pre-Nursing Study andFY 71 $ 1,478 Technical College Vocational SkillsFY 72 $ 4,845 Preparation

(9) FY 70 $14,510 Alvirne High School Natural and EnvironmentalFY 71 $14,600 Science CurriculumFY 72 $ 8,600

(10) FY 70 $ 4,500 White Mountains Special EducationFY 71 $29,085 Supervisory Union Vocational ProgramsFY 72 $28,480

(11) FY 71 $ 2,500 Fall Mountain Regional Introduction to FoundryHigh School Process


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Funds Obligated Grantee or(Section 142(d) Part D) Contractor Title of Project

(12) FY 71 $4,000 Conway School District Divers'fied OccupationsFY 72 $13,311 in Recreation

(13) FY 72 $ 600 Concord Technical AssistanceGrant

(14) FY 72 $ 1,100 Manchester Career Concepts: UrbanApplications

(15) FY 72 $ 4,000 Franklin Exploring the World ofWork


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State Allotment Total Funds ObligatedFY 1970 $139,228 FY 1970 $139,228FY 1971 $186,595 FY 1971 $186,595?Y 1972 $187,286 FY 1972 $125;242

Funds Obligated(Section 142(d) Part D)

Projects Funded

Grantee orContractor Title of Project

(1) FY 70 $26,049 Camden City Schools Technology for Children

(2) FY 70 S15,136 Trenton Township Technology fc.r Children

(3) FY 70 $ 1,200 Rahway K-12 Career tevelopment

(4) FY 70 $ 1,100 New Brunswick K-12 Career DevelopmentFY 71 $ 500

(5) FY 70 $23,942 Florence Township Technology for ChildrenFY 71 $30,194

(6) FY 70 $47,219 State Department of Career Development - AFY 71 $34,508 Education Pre-School through AdultFY 72 $39,205 Model Program for the

Hackensack, New JerseySchool District

(Commissioner's Discretionar)Funded Project +$50,797 ofState Exemplary Funds)

(7) FY 70 $24,582 Woodbridge Township A Proposal to EstablishFY 71 $46,677 Board of Education Cooperation andFY 72 $40,985

Cool.dlnation Within andBetween Communities forEffective Career-OrientedEducation

(8) FY 71 $ 4,450 Burlington City Vocational Guidance

(9) FY 71 $ 622 Camden City Area K-12 Career DevelopmentVocational-TechnicalSchool

(10) FY 71 $ 4,232 Sterling Regional Vocational Awareness

(11) FY 71 $ 2,262 Rutgers Vocational Vocational.Guidance Workshop

(12) FY 71 $38,763 Asbury Park K-12 Career Development

(13) FY 71 $24,387 Monmouth County Area School Industry CommunityVocational-Technical CoordinatorSchool


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Funds Obligated(Section 142(d) Part D)

NEW JERSEY (con't)

Grantee orContractor Title of Project

(14) FY 72 $ 7,000 Bergen County Area Short Term OccupationalVocationalTechnical PreparationSchool

(15) FY 72 $13,787 Northvale Technology for Children

(16) FY 72 $ 499 Lawrenc..? Technology for Children

(17) FY 72 $23,766 South Brunswick Career Resource Center


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State Allotment Total Funds ObligatedFY 197C $107,005 FY 1970 $ 57,005

FY 1971 $115,464 FY 1971 $ 84,594

FY 1972 $115,582 FY 1972 $108,442

Funds Obligated(Section 142(d) Part D)

Projects Funded

Grantee orContractor Title of Project

(1) FY 70 $ 4,332 Robles Municipal Schools Vocational Guidance

(2) FY 70 $ 2,100 Cloudcraft Municipal Career SelectionSchool Program

(3) FY 70 $ 5,000 Los Lunas Schools Ornamental'Horticulture

(4) FY 70 $ 1,650 Pecos Independent Exemplary BusinessSchools Education Program

(5) FY 70 $ 5,000 Eastern New Mexico Pilot Data ProcessingUniversity Program

(6) FY 70 $ 3,000 Albuquerque Public Child Care TrainingSchools, WashingtonJunior High

(7) FY 70 $ 5,000 Albuquerque Public Ornamental HorticultureSchools, Valley HighSchool

(8) FY 70 $ 5,000 Helen Schools Ornamvital Horticulture

(9) FY 70 $ 5,000 Espanola High School Ornamental Horticulture

(10) FY 70 $ 5,000 Las Cruces School Ornamental Horticulture

(11) FY 70 $15,923 Portales High School Prevocational IndustrialEducation

(12) FY 71 $32,394 Krebbs and Jahn, Presto Training for IndustrialProducts, Bernalillo S.D. Education

(13) FY 71 $42,200 Albuquerque Technical - Vocational EnrichmentVocational Institute Program

(14) FY 71 $10,000 Aztec High Aztec Municipal Occupational PreparationSchool District #2


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NEW MEXICO (con't)

Funds Obligated(Section 142(d) Part D)

(15) FY 72 $ 999

(16) FY 72 $ 1,000

(17) FY 72 $ 1,000

(18) FY 72 $ 445

(19) FY 72 $ 425

(20) FY 72 $ 290

(21) FY 72 $ 145

(22) FY 72 $ 350

(23) FY 72 $ 315

(24) FY 72 $ 300

(25) FY 72 $ 300

(26) FY 72 $ 341

(27) FY 72 $ 301

(28) FY 72 $ 150

Grantee orContractor

Albuquerque PublicSchools

Eastern New MexicoUniversity

Research CoordinatingUnit

Las Cruces High School

New Mexico StateUniversity

New Mexico StateUniversity

New Mexico StateUniversity

Eastern New MexicoUniversity

Highland High

Los Alamos High School

Santa Fe HighVocational-Technical

University of New MexicoSecondary Education

University of New MexicoSecondary Education

Santa Fe High School


Title .of Project

A Testing Program toPredict Career Choices

To Research AppropriateCounseling and AdmissionTesting for Vocational-Technical Students

Student Placement Indices

Establishment of An Orchardand Development of aResource Unit

Migration Patterns ofVocational AgricultureGraduates in New Mexico

Relationship of StudentCharacteristics and Policiesin New Mexico FFAParticipation

A Teacher Resource Unit forEnvironmental Management

Trouble-Shooting the Two-Stage Air Conditioner

Pre-Vocational Exploration --A Mini-Course

Model Job Simulation of theLos Alamos ScientificLaboratory IndividualizedApproach

Office Simulation: Activitiesof a Federal Credit Union

Publication of Materialson Simulation

Vocational Office InternshipInservice Training for theExperienced Teacher

A Sound-Slide Presentationof Ceremonies Used in OEA

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NEW MEXICO (con't)

Funds Obligated(Section 142(d) Part D)

Grantee orContractor Title of Project

(29) FY 72

(30) FY 72

(31) FY 72

$ 500

$ 435

$ 400

University of New MexicoSecondary Education

Pojoaque High School

Wagon Mound PublicSchool

The Development ofDictation Materials

Small Gasoline Engines

Construction of a SmallBuilding

(32) FY 72 $ 450 Valley High School Crafts as a Vocation

(33) FY 72 $ 300 Edgewood Elementary Training Program in theSchool-Roswell Use of Manual Tools --


(34) FY 72 $ 250 Santa Rita-Bayard Woodworking, Sewing, Cooking

(35) FY 72 $ 500 Carlsbad Mid High Family Life Conference

(36) FY 72 $ 425 Coronado High-Gullina

Better Family Livingthrough Home-Economics

(37) FY 72 $ 160 Rio Grande High Marriage Enrichment ServicesAlbuquerque

(38) FY 72 $ 300 Rio Grande High Use of Visuals in EnrichingEarly Childhood Education

(39) FY 72 $ 300 Hagerman Municipal Home Arts and Crafts --Something-- Old - Something-


(40) Fy 72 $ 425 Portales High School Preparation for Child CareRelated Occupations

(41) Fy 72 $45,586 Bernalillo Public Schools Industrial DevelopementMarvel Engineering Training

(42) FY 72 $ 800 Alamogrodo Career Selection

(43) FY 72 $ 1,300 Cloudcraft Municipal school Career Selection

(44) Fy 72 $12,000 Hobbs Vocational Guidance

(45) FY 72 $ 8,500 Pecos ExemplaryProgram

(46) FY 72 $10,000 Taos TAOSCORE

(47) FY 72 $19,000 Albuquerque Career Development Mini-Grants


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Funds Obligated

(Section 142(d) Part D)

(48) FY 72 $ 450

NEW MEXICO (con't)

Grantee orContractor

Ncv Mexico StateUniversity


Title of Project

Occupational Opportunitiesfor Off-Farm AgriculturalEmployment in SelectedAreas of New Mexico

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State Allotment Total Funds ObligatedFY 19/0 $198,538 FY 1970 $233,597Fy. 1971 $317,519 FY 1971 $363,661FY 1972 $315,402 FY 1972 $321,470

(SectionFunds Obligated

142(d) Part D)

Projects Funded

Grantee or

Contractor Title of Project. .

(1) FY 70 $44,605 New York City Boardof Education

Park East High SchoolPlanning ExemplaryProject

(2) FY 70 $50,621 Syracuse City School Planning of ElementaryDistrict Occupational Orientation

(3) FY 70 $12,802 BOCES Exemplary Program Planningfur Distributive Education

(4) FY 70 $125,569 Nassau County BOCES A Joint Pilot ProgramFY 71 $22,000 for Training of Disadvant-FY 72 $ 8,800 aged High School Students

Leading to Full-timeEnrollment in the RetailManagement Program atNassau Community College

(5) FY 71 $67,469 White Plains Public Alpha TearLings - ProjectSchools SCORE

(6) FY 71 $97,972 Mineola Public Schools New Planning Project forK-12 Career Orientationand Development Program

(7) FY 71 $63,501 BOCES Exemplary Project forElectronics ExperimentalProgram - Secondary Level

(8) FY 71 $82,940 , New York City Exemplary Planning ProjectFY 72 $87,475 Board of Education In Occupational Education

Secondary Disadvantaged

(9) FY 71 $29,779 Nassau Community Exemplary DistributiveFY 72 $ 6,576 College Education Project

Articulated with NassauCounty BOCES


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Funds Obligated

(Section 142(d) Part D)

NEW YORK (con't)

Grantee orContractor Title of Project

(10) FY 72 $28,950 New York City Boardof Education

Secondary-ComprehensiveApproach to Individualized

Instruction in OccupationalEducation

(11) FY 72 $10,310 Syracuse City School Planning Project --CareerDistrict Education at the Elementary


(12) FY 72 $123,425 Mineola Public Schools Secondary Implementationof K-12 Career Orientationand Development Program

(13) FY 72 $55,934 Mineola Public Schools Career Education ProgramOrientation Developmentand Implementation ofCounty Wide Career ModelK-12

*These figures include monies from sources in addition to

Section 142(d) of Part D, P.L.90-576.


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State Allotment Total Funds Obligated

FY 1970 $133,491 FY 1970 $128,014FY 1971 $173,930 FY 1971 $157,036

FY 1972 $173,003 FY 1972 $133,378

Funds Obligated(Section 142(d) Part D)

Projects Funded

Grantee orContractor Title of Project Alb

(1) FY 70 $18,563 East Carolina Universityat Greenville

Staff and Program Develop-ment for OccupationalExploration in MiddleSchools

(2) FY 70 $18,848 North CarolinaState University

Developing an Appreciationof theWorld of Work: AWorkshop for Teachers,Guidance Personnel, andCounselors

(3) FY 70 $ 9,945 Roanoke-Chowan Technical Vocational CurriculumInstitute Structure Using the Multi-

entry, Multi-level, Multi-exit Approach

(4) FY 70 $ 132 Sandhills Community New HorizonsCollege

(5) FY 70 $11,981 W.W. Holding Technical


Proposal for Developingand Implementing anOutreach Career GuidanceService

(6) FY 70 $ 7,716 Southwestern Technical Southwestern TechnicalInstitute Institute Mobile Education

Classroom Laboratory

(75 FY $ 4,181 Beaufort County Technical Project Home CraftsSchool

(8) FY 70 $ 4,833 Beaufort County Technical Minority Business SurveyInstitute

(9) FY 70 $ 1,987 Edgecombe County Technical A Program of Articulation:Institute Edgecombe County-Tarboro

Community and EdgecombeCounty TechnicalInstitute


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Funds Obligated

(Section 142(d) Part D)


Grantee orContractor Title of Project

(10) FY 70 $ 4,550 Wayne County Comprehensive 5 yearFollowup of Dropouts andGraduates

(11) FY 70 $27,235 Elizabeth City- Pre-Vocational EducationFY 71 $28, 742 Pasquotank Board of


(12) FY 70 $ 2,914 Gaston College Gaston College - DallasFY 71 $ 188 Youth Offenders Rehabilita-

tion Project

(13) FY 70 $ 1,072 Isothermal Community "Road-Back" (Assists LawFY 71 $ 601 College Offenders)

(14) FY 70 $ 5,291 Johnston Technical The Career Guidance BridgeFY 71 $ 5,452 Institute Project

(15) FY 71 $17,990 Graham County Boardof Education

Occupational Crafts

(16) FY 71 $54,972 Dare, Hyde, Tyrrell Career ExplorationCounty Boards of Laboratory on WheelsEducation

(17) FY 71 $ 1,985 Beaufort County An Analysis of theTechnical Institute Technical Institute


(18) FY, 71 $ 7,490 Roanoke-Chawan Technical Vocational EducationInstitute Curricula

(19) FY 71 $17,095 Southwest Technical Mobile Education ClassroomInstitute Laboratory

(20) FY 71 -$ 4,441 Vance County TechnicalInstitute

information Systemsational Decision-Making

(21) FY 71 $32,249 Hoke County Schools A Project to IncreaseFY 72 $19,253 Occupational Training and

Economic Earnings

(22) FY 71 $ 1,829 Central Piedmont Relevant Reading forFY 72 $16,171 Community College Vocational Students

(23) FY 71 $ 1,076 Washington County The Implementation of aFY 72 $118,486 Career Development Program


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Funds Obligated Grantee or(Section 142(d) Part D) Contractor

(24) FY 72 $ 4,431 Davidson County Community


(25) FY 72 $ 5,000

(26) FY 72 $ 7,500

(27) FY 72 $15,658

(28) FY 72 $ 5,757

Sampson Tech ical


Martin TechnicalInstitute

Rockingham CommunityCollege

Roanoke -ChowanTechnical Institute


Title of Project

Evaluation of ABE, GED,and High School DiplomaClasses with Emphasison Dropouts in thesePrograms

Simulation in Occupational

Prestige. and Choice

Introduction to VocationalCareer Opportunities forDisadvantaged Youth

Proposal for the Establish-ment of Diagnostic TestingClinic at RockinghamCommunity College

Electronics ServicingModular Program

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State Allotment Total Flonds ObligatedFY 1970 $104,270 FY 197er $104,270FY 1971 $109,426 FY 1971 $104,539FY 1972 $109,378 FY 1972 $ 93,826

Funds Obligated(Section 142(d) Part D)

Projects Funded

Grantee orContractor Title of Prpject

(1) FY 70 $28,538 North Dakota State A Statewide Program inBoard of Vocational Development VocationalEducation Guidance (K-12) and

Occupational Preparationfor the Changing World ofWork

(2) FY 70 $14,086 Fargo Public School A Project for theFY 71 $13,586 District and North Development of a ModelFY 72 $13,566 Dakota State Curriculum in Vocational

University Education for Off-FarmAgricultural OccupationsIn North Dakota

(3) FY 70 $22,434 University of North A Proposal to DevelopFY 71 $24,000 Dakota Teaching Units forFY 72 $16,000, Office Education Simulated

Programs for Use in theState of North Dakota

(4) FY 70 $11,555 Minot State College A Proposal for theFY 71 $11,500 Development of aFY 72 $11,000 Coordinator's Training

Manual for the Selectionand Placement of Studentsin Office Education WorkExperience Programs inNorth Dakota

(5) FY 70 $ 6,270 Lake Region Junior Planning Grant DevelopmentFY 71 $ 6,400 College of Vocational CurriculumsFY 72 $ 6,400 through Increased Usage

of Learning Resource Center


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Funds Obligated(Section 142(d) Part D)


Grantee orContractor

Titild of Project

(6) FY 70 $ 7,787 North Dakota State A Summer Institute inFY 71 $31,553 Board of Vocational Career DevelopmentFY 72 $13,860 Education

(7) FY 70 $13,600 Williston Public Career Awareness ProgramFY 71 $15,000 Schools (CAP)FY 72 $15,000

(8) FY 71 $ 2,500 The Fargo Public An Exemplary Proposal forFY 72 $ 2,500 School District Program Development in

Distributive Education

(9) FY 72 $ 8,500 Dickinson School Exemplary Program inDistrict #1 Career Education - Grade 10

(10) FY 72 $ 7,000 West Fargo Public Exemplary Program inSchools Implementing Career

Education Grades 7-12


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State AllotmentFY 1970 $165,180

FY 1971 $243,884

FY 1972 v $243,409

Total Funds ObligatedFY 1970 $159,276

FY 1971 $238,344.

FY 1972 $162,817

Funds Obligated(Section 142(d) Part D)

Projects Funded

Grantee orContractor Title of Project

(1) FY 70 $ 3,751 Lincoln HeightsLocal School District

Career Orientation Programfor 7th and 8th GradeStudents

(2) FY 70 $45,000 Dayton City Schools Career Orientation Programfor 7th and 8th GradeStudents

(3) FY 70 $57,822 Toledo Career Orientation Programfor 7th and 8th'GradeStudents

(4) FY 70 $35,361 Cincinnati CitySchools

Career Orientation Programfor 7th and 8th GradeStudents

(5) FY 70 $17,342 Meigs Local School Career Orientation Program

FY 72 $ 233 District for 7th and 8th Grade


(6) FY 71 $25,000 Parma Proposal for Continuationof Seventh and EighthGrade Career Orientation

(7) FY 71 $36,253 Akron Public Schools World of Work Program K-6

(8) FY 71 $25,923 Cincinnati Public Schools World 'ofwWoikrProgilimElementary

(9) FY 71 $ 6,434 Cleveland Public Schools World of Work Program

(10) FY 71 $20,989 Dayton Public Schools World of Work Program K-6

(11) FY 71 $ 7,500 Mad River Public Schools World-Qf Work-Tregram K-6

(12) FY 71 $ 8,434 Mansfield Public Schools Wo/ld of Work Program K-6


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Funds Obligated

(Section 142(d) Part D)

OHIO (conic)

Grantee orContractor

Title. tad Prdject

(13) FY 71 $ 7,500 Minford Public Schools World of Work Program

(14) FY 71 $17,477 Toledo Public Schools World ofvWork Program K-6

(15) FY 71 $29,500 Warren Public Schools World of Work Program

(16) FY 71 $33,294 Toledo Public Schools World of Work Program

(17) FY 71 $ 6,562 Mad River - Green Local Proposal to Conduct theBoard of Education World of Work Program in

Elementary Education forGrades K-6 (CE)

(18) FY 71 $13,478 Warren Public Schools Career Education (K-40)FY 72 $123,917

(19) FY 72 $28,750 Mansfield Board of Career Education (K-10)Education

(20) FY 72 $10,150 Minford Local Schools Continuous CareerDevelopment (CEK-10)

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State AllotmentFY 1970 $115,211

FY 1971 $133,578*

FY 1972 $133,472

Funds Obligated(Section 142(d) Part D)

(1) FY 70 $ 2,840

(2) FY 70 $ 751

(3) FY 70 $ 2,072

(4) FY 70 $ 1,372

(5) FY 70 $ 9,605

(6) FY 70 $22,025

(7) FY 70 $ 106

FY 71 $13,054

(8) FY 70 $ 2,225

FY 71 $15,000

FY 72 $15,940


Total FundsFY 19 70

FY 1971FY 1972

Projects Funded

Grantee orContractor

Central Oklahoma AreaVocational-TechnicalSchool

Indian Capitol AreaVocational TechnicalSchool

Caddo-Kiowa AreaVocational TechnicalSchool

Northeast OklahomaVocational-TechnicalSchool

Southern Oklahoma AreaVocational-TechnicalCenter

Midwest City School ofPractical Nursing

Oklahoma State Technical

State Department ofEducation



Title of Projkt

To Develop a Truck DriverTraining Course for theCentral Oklahoma AreaVocational-Technical School

Development of Criteria forSelection of Students for

in Indian Capitol AreaVocational-Technical School

Vocational Orientation forHigh School Students

Research Proposal forDistributive EducationProgram

Exemplary Summer SchoolProgram in OccupationalOrientation

idpportunity Made Availablefor Upgrading of HealthOccupations

The Development andImplementation of ExemplaryMedical and LegalSecretarial Options withinthe Secretarial ScienceCourse of Study

Core Curriculum Developmentfor Vocational AgricultureTraining Program

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Funds Obligated

(Section 142(d) Part D)

OKLAHOMA (con't)

Grantee co.

ContractorTitle of IiibSect

(9) FY 70

FY 71

FY 72

(10) FY 70

$11,640$ 8,995

$ 6,040

$ 3,700

Lawton Public Schools

Northeastern Oklahoma A&M

Multiple TeacherVocational AgricultureDepartment

Two-Year Post-secondary HomeFY 71 $ 8,700 College Economics ProgramFY 72 $20,000

(11) FY 70 $14,400 Stillwater Exemplary Program forFY 71 $17,116 Disadvantaged StudentsFY 72 $13,000

(12) FY 70 $23,020 Byng School 1-16 A High School CooperativeFY 71 $14,175 Vocational Education

Program for Services inHome Economics and HealthOccupations

(13) FY 70 $ 3,847 Oklahoma City Public Occupational OrientationFY 71 $ 1,400 Schools in the "World of Work"

(14) FY 70 $17,617 Tulsa Junior College Basic Skills DevelopmentFY 72 $ 4,950 Center

(15) FY 71 $ 2,270 Southern Oklahoma AVTS Employment of a JobPlacement Officer on aSix-Week-Per-Year Basis

(16) FY 71 $14,672 Northeastern State Portable Plastics ProgramCollege

(17) FY 71 $ 3,661 Curriculum and Shop Project DrawingsInstructional Materials Curriculum ProposalCenter, State Departmentof Vocational-TechnicalEducation

(18) FY 71 $10,000 Claremore Junior College Pre-Technical Program forStudents Who are Admissibleto College but Who areEducationally Handicapped

(19) FY 71 $17,270 State Department of Employment Opportunities andVocational Teacher Educational Needs in Off-Education Farm Agriculture Occupations

In Oklahoma


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Funds Obligated

(Section 142(d) Part D)

OKLAHOMA (con't)

Grantee orContractor Title of Project

(20) FY 71 $ 915 State Department of A Pilot Program to DetermineVocational Teacher Certain Aspects of VocationalEducation Image as Percieved by a

Public Categorized byOccupational Titles

(21) FY 71 $21,925 Bartlesville Public Distributive Education andSchools Career Exploration in the

Eighth and Ninth Graders

(22) FY 72 $13,590 Ponca City Public A Comprehensive-Exploratory-Schools Industrial Studies Project

(23) FY 72 $12,587 Oklahoma CityPublic Schools

Individualized Instructionand Industrial Coordination:a Means to Allow AdvancedPlacement of NursingAssistants in a PracticalNursing Program


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State AllotmentFY 1970 $112,476

FY 1971 $127,540

FY 1972 $127,845

Total Funds ObligatedFY 1970 $ 85,472

FY 1971 $ 94,349

FY 1972 $ 70,701

Funds Obligated(Section 142(d) Part D)

Projects Funded

Grantee orContractor Title of Project

(1) FY 70 $12,590 Clackamas Community


Pilot Program to Facilitatethe Articulation of HighSchool and Community CollegeOccupational EducationPrograms in Clackamas CountyArea Education District

(2) FY 70 $12,230 Portland Community Fashion Store Training

College Laboratory

(3) FY 70 $ 4,736 Lane Community College "Reach Out" for VocationalStudents

(e) FY 70 $ 4,895 Whiteaker Junior High


Video-Taped Interviews

and Observations ofEmployment Opportunitiesin the Salem Trade Area

(5) FY 70 $ 3,329 Cascade High School Development of OccupationalCurriculums to Enhance theCluster Concept of Education

(6) FY 70 $13,165 Portland High School PROJESSCO - CooperativeSchool - Business Programfor. the Disadvantaged

(7) FY 70 $13,514 Siuslaw High School Project CARE: A CreativeApproach to RealisticEducation

(8) Fl 70 $13,180 Linn-Benton Cdnomnity Implementing a Common Core

FY 71 $15,315 College of Related Training forApprentices

(9) FY 70 $ 280 Dufur High School Office Simulation

FY 71 $ 832

(10) FY 70 $ 7,553 Treasure Valley Community Occupational Exploration

FY 71 $ 7,337 College and Burnt River,Huntington High Schools

for Small High Schools


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Funds Obligated(Section 142(d) Part D)

OREGON (con't)

Grantee orContractor

Title_ of PrPiett(11) FY 71 $14,769 Clackamus Community Operation Exploration:

College Meaningful CareerSelection through theCommunity College

(12) FY 71 $17,955 Lane Community College Open Entry/Exist Planningand Implementation

(13) FY 71 $ 8,644 Cascade Union High Exploratory, Grades 7-10School District 4#5

(14) FY 71 $ 4,740 West Linn Public

Schools District #3Development of Communica-

tions Skills Program forVocational Students

(15) FY 71 $ 7,760 Portland Public Schools Resource Guide to ImplementFY 72 $ 7,385 Area IICareer Education: K-6

(16) FY 71 $ 3,040 Bethel School District Up-Date of World of v7orkFY 72 $ 330Program, Grades 1-12

(17) FY 71 $13,957 David Douglas School Guidance in OccupationalFY 72 $ 6,216 District #40 Activities for Learning

(18) FY 72 $ 2,947 Clackamas Intermediate Computer AssistedEducation District Occupational Exploration

(19) FY 72 $11,081 Eugene School District Integrated Approach to#4J Cal Young Junior High Junior High School Career


(20) FY 72 $ 6,440 T rk Rose School District Job Opportunities and Youth

(21) FY 72 $10,920 Oregon City School To Plan and Implement aDistrict #62 Self Understanding Through

Occupational Exploration(SUTOE) Program in anExisting Curriculum

(22) FY 72 $25,382 Lane Community College Individualizing Instructionto Implement the Open Entry/Exit Program in theCommunity College


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State AllotmentFY 1970 $168,049FY 1971 $250,216FY 1972 $248,459

Total Funds Obligated\\

,/7---FY 1970 $168,049FY 1971 $226,600FY 1972 $248,457

Funds Obligated(Section 142(d) Part D)

Projects f.onded.

Grantee orContractor Title of-Project

(1) FY i0 $ 4,133 Pennsylvania State evaluation Of SelectedUniver' tv Exemplary Projects

Designed to ImproveVocational Exploration

(2) FY 70 $28,101 Hazleton Area School Innovative Utilization ofFY 71 $23,240 District TelevisiolWor Di semina-

tion of OCcupatiowlInformation ThroughRegional IndustrialParticipation

(3) FY 70 $17,262 Greater Johnstown Model Career ResourceFY 71 $17,041 Area Vocational- Centers in Schools forFY 72 $13,372 Technical School and the Systematic Purposeful

Richland Township UE:e of Career informationJunior High School

(4) FY 70 $17,262 North Hills Area School Model Careet ResourceFY 71 $19,841 District Centers in SC :10°2s for theFY 72 $17,300 Systematic Purposeful Use

0C Career Information

(5) FY 70 $17,262 Springfield School Model Career ResourceFY 71 $26,848 District Centers in Schools for theFY 72 $16,275 Systematic Purposeful Use

of Career information

(6) FY 70 $17,262 State College Area Model Career ResourceFY 71 $18,700 School District Centers in Schools forFY 72 $ 6,842 the Systematic Purposeful

Use of Career Information

(7) FY 70 $17,262 York County Vocational Model Career ResourceFY 71 $18,415 School Centers in Schools for theFY 72 $ 9,297 Systematic Purposeful Use

of Career information

(8) FY 70 $49,500 Pennsylvania Personnel A State Agency for theFY 71 $25,000 and Guidance Association Preparation of CareerFY 71 ,$62,139 PENNscripts cProject Information for Use byFY 72 $96,229 VIEW) Students in Local Schools


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Funds Obligated(Section 142(d) Part D)


Grantee orContractor Title of Pyoj:eci

(9) FY 71 $15,376 University of Develop InstructionalPittsburgh Materials for

Distributive EducationProject Method ofInstruction

(10) FY 72 $16,950 Admiral Peary Area Development of ModularVocational-Technical Courses in the VocationalSchool Curriculum

(11) FY 72 $25,443 Berks County Area 'Developmental Research -District Vocational- AgricultureTechnical School

(121 FY 72 $46,749 Pennsylvania Vocational Establishment ofEducational Curriculum Pennsylvania StateCenter Vocational Education

Curriculum Center



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State Allotment Total Funds Obligated

FY 1970 $105,137 FY 1970 $105,137

FY 1971 $111,340 FY 1971 $111,252

FY 1972 $111,254 FY 1972 $111,254

Funds Obligated(Section 142(d) Part D)

Projects Funded

Crantee or

Contractor Titic of Project

(1) F"' 70

(2) FY 70

(3) FY 70

$ 4,055



'prth Kingston SchoolDeo:rt;rent

Scituate Junior andSenior High School.

Rhode Island Junior


Agriculture MarineStudies

Vocatiorai Education in

Environmental Conservation

and .1ev..=lopment

inmpntt-t-f-istedRe ?dial rction_Crorams

(4) FY 70 $ 5,389 North Kingston PublicSchools

Pro lee, to Develop aizntion of the Talents

Needed for Rilppousible

Adult Living I(DART)

(5) FY 70 $ 1,484 Salve Regina College,


EducacAonal-VocatiOnal-Industrial Data Enterprise

the Ncwport CountyElla..,,Lc,a; Systems

WIDENCF,S) _Phase f

(6) FY 70 $ 2,257 (,onventry Vocational J-Lioii,onmentni

FY 71 $ 2,974 Technical Facility v,i1L.Ion Controltonnician TrainingProgc,!m

(7) FY 70 $ 5,386 Couventry Middle ScLool, Plc-VoLAtional Program

FY 71 $ 7,896 Conventry

(8) FY 71 $ 2,008 Norn Scituate Senools i!,1:ellipIary Program

!ndependent Study

(9) FY 71 $ 7,588 North Kingston Schools Aquatic rcology andCohaercial Marine Studies

(10) FY 71 $1/,952 Conventry Middle School Regional Pre-VocationalProgram

(11) FY 71 $22,600 North Scituate Envired (EnvironmentalEducation)


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Funds Obligated

(Section 142(d) Part D)Grantee orContractor Title of Project

(12) FY 71 $ 2,962 Woonsocket Operation Prevent DropoutsPhase I

(13) FY 71 $ 7,834 Providence Production MachineOperator

(14) FY 71 $31,067 East Providence Career Education PilotProject

(15) FY 71 $ 8,372 Opportunities Industrial Secretarial Science ClusterFY 72 $38,710 Center of Rhode Island

(16) FY 72 $ 4,870 Narragansett School WINS (Working InvolvementNarragansett Students)

(17) FY 72 $37,958 East Providence Career Education

(18) FY 72 $ 2,975 B. F. Norton School,Cumberland

Career Awareness Program

(19) FY 72 $ 2,997 Scituate School Communications and Media


(20) FY 72 $ 2,987 Scituate School The World of Work in the

Department Natural Sciences

!21) FY 72 $ 2,999 Scituate School Vocations in Communications


(22) FY 72 $ 2,948 Scituate SthoolDepartment

Using Our Natural Resourcesin the World of Work

(23) FY 72 $ 3,000 Forest Park Elementary Career Awareness Requires

School, North Kingston Elementary Students (CARES)

School Department

(24) FY 72 $ 2,804 Cranston Survival '72

(25) FY 72 $ 3 006 Cranston Developing an Awarenessof Career Opportunities

(26) FY 72 $ 3,000 Lincoln Opening Doors to the Future

(27) FY 72 $ 3,000 Warwick Project All About

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State AllotmentFY 1970 $118,680FY 1971 $141,236FY 1972 $140,974

Funds Obligated(Section 142(d) Part D)

(1) FY 70

FY 71FY 72



Projects Funded

Grantee or


State Department of

Education, Office ofGeneral Education


Total Funds ObligatedFY 1970 $118,680FY 1971 $141,236FY 1972 $140,974

Title of Project

Project Succeed

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State Allotment Total Funds Obligated

FY 1970 $104,470 FY 1970 $104,007

FY 1971 $109,867 FY 1971 $107,135FY 1972 $109,811 FY 1972 $108,929

Funds Obligated(Section 142(d) Part D)

Projects Funded

Grantee orContractor Title of Project

(1) FY 70 $10,707 Souix Falls Schools Career Study Program

(2) FY 70 $ 8,300 Rapid City Schools Elementary CareerInformation

(3) FY 70 $45,000 University of South STOP -- SouthernFY 71 $45,000 Dakota Trajectory OccupationalFY 72 $ 8,120 Project

(4) FY 70 $10,000 Watertown Schools Multi-District CareerFY 71 $50,13L CenterFY 72 $100,000

(5) F11 70 $30,000 Aberdeen Schools Summer Safari -- CareerFY 71 $12,000 EducationFY 72 $ 809


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State Allotment Total Funds ObligatedFY 1970 $124,351 FY 1970 $124,351FY 1971 $153,754 FY 1971 $153,754FY 1972 $152,949 FY 1972 $152,949

Funds Obligated(Section 142(d) Part D)

Projects Funded

Grantee orContractor Title of Project

(1) FY 70 $124,351 Knox County Board of Contemporary CurriculumFY 71 $134,049 Education for Career DevelopmentFY 72 $120,389

(2) FY 71 $ 19,705 Nashville State Board Pre-Technical InstituteFY 72 $ 32,560 for Vocational Education Deficiency Program


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State AllotmentFY 1970 $169,450FY 1971 $253,309FY 1972 $256,827

Total Funds ObligatedFY 1970 $ 57,675FY 1971 $175,174FY 1972 $232,323

Funds Obligated(Section 142(d) Part D)

Projects Funded

Grantee orContractor Title of Project

(1) FY 70 $ 8,145 Texas A&M University,College of Education

A Professional ImprovementInstitute for Teachersof Phase I of an

Environmental TechnologiesCurriculum for High SchoolStudents

(2) FY 70 $23,497 Brownsville Independent The Proposal of a BilingualFY 71 $12,465 School District Office Occupations Pilot

Demonstation Program

(3) FY 70 $10,000 Construction Industry A System for Planning andFY 71 $45,455 COuncil Development of Occupational


(4) FY 70 $16,033 State Department of Exemplary Program forFY 71 $107,926 Education Environmental TechnologyFY 72 $154,606

(5) FY 71 $ 9,328 State Department of Environmental TechnologyEducation Instructional Training


(6) FY 72 $25,923 Grayson County College Coordinated Effort forCareer Education (CECE)Analysis of 15Occupational ClustersIdentified by the U.S.O.E.

(7) FY 72 $ 7,124 State Department ofEducation

Demonstration Project fora Career Guidance andInformation DisseminationCenter

(8) FY 72 $ 9,670 State Department of Career Education ProjectEducation

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Funds Obligated

(Section 142(d) Part D)

TEXAS (con't)

Grantee orContractor

(9) FY 72 $20,000 State Department ofEducation

(10) FY 72 $15,000 State Department ofEducation


Title-of Project

Occupational OrientationTeacher Education

Occupational OrientationTeacher Education

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State Allotment Total Funds ObligatedFY 1970 $107,005 FY 1970 $116,514FY 1971 $115,464 FY 1971 $108,541FY 1972 $115,582 FY 1972 $115,582

Funds Obligated

(Section 142(d) Part D)

Projects Funded

Grantee orContractor Title of Project

(1) FY 70 $ 3,905 State Sthool Office Research for Specialists

(2) FY 70 $ 1,750 Utah Technical College UTC Summer Program

(3) FY 70 $ 3,250 State School Office MACE

(4) FY 70 $ 7,150 Logan School District Logan TV Material

(5) FY 70 $ 596 Box Elder School District MOE Migrant Program

(6) FY 70 $ 37 State School Office Chemical ProcessOperation Survey

(7) FY 70 $ 371 Carbon School District IBM Machine Training

(8) FY 70 $ 3,045 Millard School District Millard District Program

(9) FY 70 $ 3,748 State School Office Followup Study

(10) FY 70 $53,108 Weber State College Project RESPECT

(11) FY 70 $ 225 State School Office RESPECT Evaluation

(12) FY 70 $40,000 Weber, Davis, and Project SUCCESSSalt Lake City SchoolDistricts

(13) FY 70 $ 150 State School Office SUCCESS Evaluation

(14) FY 71 $10,000 Granite Air Force Materials Project

(15) FY 71 $ 6,000 Utah State University Agriculture MechanicsAgriculture Education Teacher Training

(16) FY 71 $ 1,800 Kane District Integrated Shop Project

(17) FY 71 $ 7,500 Utah State University Measurable ObjectivesCurriculum


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Funds Obligated

(Section 142(d) Part D)

UTAH (con't)

Grantee orContractor

(18) FY 71 $ 5,000 Nebo School District

(19) FY 71 $10,000

(20) FY 71 $ 6,680

(21) FY 71 $ 700

(22) FY 71 $ 8,000

(23) FY 71 $ 3,120

(24) FY 71 $39,741

(25) FY 72 $50,732

(26) FY 72 $ 2,000

(27) FY 72 $ 1,350

(28) FY 72 $56,500

Utah State University

Grand School District

Alpine, Cache, Carbon,Davis, Grand, Granite,Millard, Nebo, SouthSanpete, Uintah, Weberand Piute Districts


Garfield, Nebo, SevereValley Tech, BridgerlandArea Vocational Center

Box Elder SchoolDistrict

Iron District, Kane,Washington, SouthSummit, Wayne, Beaver,Ogden, Duchesne, Piute,North Summit, NorthSanpete, Rich, Tintic,Emory .

Title of Project

Construction ContractorsProject

Agriculture MechanicsProgram

Mobile Assisted CareerInformation

VIEW Study

"Over the Shoulder" Project

Integrated Shop ProjectImplementation

Industrial Arts CurriculumProject

K-6 World of Work Project

Mobile Power Sewing Program

Office Simulation Workshop

Integrated Shop Project

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State Allotment Total Funds ObligatedFY 1970 $102,602 FY 19 70 $101,903FY 1971 $105,744 FY 1971 $104,130FY 1972 $105,627 FY 1972 $107,130

Funds Obligated

(Section 142(d) Part D)

Projects Funded

Grantee orContractor Title of Project

(1) FY 70 $ 375 Burlington High School A Capsulized Trainingand Employment Prbgramfor Moter Aides

(2) FY 70 $ 4,113 Burlington High School Child Care Assistantin a Day Care Program

(3) FY 70 $ 1,600 Lamoille Union High Building Trades SummerSchool Program

(4) FY 70 $ 1,527 University of Vermont An Inservice Workshopto Train VocationalEducation Personnel toPlan and Develop EffectiveExemplary Programs and toWrite Satisfactory LocalProposals

(5) FY 70 $ 100 St. Johnsburg Academy ABC Shorthand - PlanningGrant

(6) FY 70 $19,208 Bellows Free Academy A Diversified AgriculturalFY 71 $20,765 Vocational Center Occupations Program with

Specialization andInstruction in a Job Areafor Grades 11 and 12

(7) FY 70 $27,644 Bellows Free Academy Occupational OrientationFY 71 $ 8,141

(8) FY 70 $10,897 Division of Vocational- Contract Services toFY 71 $ 7,498 Technical Education Implement Programs for

Training Personnel forthe Pub72 ServicesOccupations


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Funds Obligated

(Section 11,2(d) Part D)

VFAMONT (con't)

Grantee orContractor Title of Project

(9) FY 70 $ 4,425 VocationalTechnical Leadership and CitizenshipFY 71 $ 4,937 Education Conference for State

Officers and Local Officersof the Vocational YouthGroups

(10) FY 70 $ 5,675 Windson Public Schools The World of Work inFY 71 $ 5,366 Vocational Education forFY 72 $ 5,756 Grades 7 and 8

(11) FY 70 $ 9,356 Lamoille Union High Development of AnFY 71 $18,970 School Experimental CurriculumFY 72 $ 5,458 for Potential Dropouts

(12) FY 70 $16',574 North Country Area Evaluation of theFY 71 $ 592 Vocational Center, Development and UsageFY 72 $ 2,725 Newport of Vermont View Deck

(13) FY 70 $ 169 University of Vermont A Program to MotivateFY 71 $ 141 PostSecondary TechnicalFY 72 $ 120 Students Enrolled at

Vermont Technical Collegeto Enter the Professionof Teaching AgricultureEducation or Trades andIndustrial Education

(14) FY 70 $ 240 Craftsbury Academy Conservation andFY 71 $ 3,221 Outdoor RecreationFY 72 $ 2,540

(15) FY 71 $ 1,024 University of Vermont Exemplary Program ProposalWriters Guide to LocatingResearch Findings

(16) FY 71 $ 250 Rutland Windsor Planning GrantSupervisory Union

(17) FY 71 $ 4,205 Barre City Regional Career Office PracticeFY 72 $ 3,700 Vocational Center Through Simulation

(18) FY 71 $ 3,427 St. Johnsbury Academy A Design for theFY 72 $ 4,450 Randolph Union High School Development of A Program of

Individualized Instruction

(19) FY 71 $ 7,093 Randolph Union High A Design for theFY 72 $10,480 School Development of a Program

of IndividualizedInstruction



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Funds Obligated(Section 142(d) Part D)

VERMONT (con't)

Grantee orContractor

Title of Project

(20) FY 71 $ 20b City of Burlington Career Awareness, GradesFY 72 $13,051 School Department K-6

(21) FY 71 $18,300 Vocational-Technical Career Education ProposalsFY 72 $22,835 Education Department

of Education

(22) FY 72 $13,155 Randolph Union High Development of a TrainingSchool Program for Lieinold

Practice Nurses to beIntegrated into theCurriculum Plan of theVocational EducationDepartment of the RandolphUnion High School and theTeaching Facilities ofthe Gifford Memoriale *

Hospital .

(23) FY 72 $15,710 Morristown School Comprehensive CareerDistrict Planning and Placement

(24) FY 72 $ 7,150 Windom Southwest Project EnterpreneurSupervisory UnionWhitingham High School


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Sta g Allotment

FY 1970 $128,754FY 1971 $162,963FY 1972 $163,769


Total Funds ObligatedFY 1970 $116,754FY 1971 $130,760FY 1972 $169,965

Funds Obligated(Section 142(d) Part D)

Projects Funded

Grantee orContractor Title of rb-fect

(1) FY 70

FY 71

(2) FY 70

FY 71


$ 5,400

$ 5,400

Petersburg Public Schools

New Kent County SchoolBoard

Prevocational DevelopmentProgram for DisadvantagedYouths in 6th-7th Grades

Industrial Education forChildren in Rural Schools7th'and 8th Graders

(3) FY 70 $12,000 Richmond County Vocational Insights: AnFY 71 $ 6,000 School Board Exemplary Program of

Vocational Education

(4) FY 70 $29,000 Gloucester County Prevocational Program forFY 71 $13,800 School System Intermediate School Students

(5) FY 70 $ 2,354 Bristol City Exemplary Project for.FY 7i $ 1,896 Fifth and Sixth Grades

(6) FY 71 $21,31 Washington County Vocational Guidance for8th and 9th Grade Students

(7) FY 71 $ 9,867 Virginia Community Achievement Motivation)11ege De- :tment Training and Development

Program for Occupational-Technical Faculty andCounselors in the VirginiaCommunity College System

(8) FY 71 $32,203 Portsmouth Public A Central MachinesFY 72 $32,543 Schools, Hodges Laboratory Serving Two

Manor High School Block-Time Programs andIncorporating FlexibleScheduling with Independent

19 Study


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Funds Obligated(Section 142(d) Part D)

. VIRGINIA (con't)

Grantee orContractor

Title of Project

(9) FY 72 $24,492 New River Community Teaching Occupational/College Technical Students by

Modular InstructionMethods in the Areasof Related Materials

(10) FY 72 $ 5,200 Mountain Empire "Pump. Primer" -Community College(Facilities Used there)

(Vocational Career Guidance

for 18-30 age GroupCurrently Capable ofHolding Entry LevelPositions Only)

(11) FY 72 $ 1,200 Dabney S. Lancaster Vocational Counseling -Community College A One-Day Seminar for

Vocational GuidancePersonnel from CommunityCollege and Public Schools

(12) FY 72 $ 2,100 Danville Community Cafeteria ManagementCollege

(13) FY 72 $25,545 New River Community Teaching MachinistsCollege By Use of Programmed

Modular Instruction

(14) FY 72 $ 3,950 Virginia Highlands Development of a CassetteCommunity College Tape/Color Slide

Presentatior. for Use inVocational Counselingand Career Exploration forStudents in CertificatePrograms at Virginia

Highlands Community College

(15) FY 72 $ 2,513 Danville Community Creating a CommunityCollege Consortium for Vocational


(16) FY 72 $72,422 Petersburg Public Exemplary OccupationalSchools Orientation Program for

6th -7th Graders


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State Allotment Total Funds Obligated

FY 1970 $120,682 FY 1970 $125,643

FY 1971 $145,654 FY 1971 $133,179FY 1972 $146,024 FY 1972 $141,738

Projects Funded

Funds Obligated Grantee or(Section 142(d) Part D) Contractor Title of Project

(1) FY 30 $14,040 Spokane.Community College Project MOVE

(2) FY 70 $12,047 Columbia Basin College Occupational JobPlacement Service

(3) FY 70 $ 1,500 Skagit Valley College Occupational Counselingfor Military Personnel

(4) FY 70 $11,lop Aberdeen School Regional Direction

District #5

(5) FY 70 $ 4,776 Highline School You and the World of Work

District #401

(6) FY 70 $ 6,300 Kent School District Know and Care


(7)*FY 70 $16,500 Seattle ScLool Occupational Information

District #1 Service

(8) FY 70 $16,465 Vancouver School Approach to World of Work

District #37. Elementary

(9) FY 70 $13,215 Waputa School Regional Direction

District 41207

(10) -FY 70 $22,700 Yakima School District Occupational Counseling in

#7 Elementary Schools

(11) FY 71 $10,000 Hirer Yakima Valley Regional Direction


(12) FY 71 ,, 7,000 Mid Yakima Valley Coop. Regional Direction

(13) FY 71 $ 8,134 Clover Park Educational The Fixit Shop


(14) FY 71 $10,000 Lake Washington School World of Work -- Elementary .


(15) FY 71 $ 2,400 Renton School District Planned OccupationalAwareness Program


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Funds Obligated

(Section 142(d) Part D)


Grantee orContractor Title of Project


(16) FY 71 $11,575 South Kitsap SchoolDistrict

Occupational Opportunitiesfor Life (Elementary)

(17) FY 71 $ 2,732 Intermediate School Vocational GuidanceDistrict #103,Benton County

(18) FY 71 $ 5,800 Intermediate School Vocational GuidanceDistrict 004,Ephrata

(19) FY $ 6,465 Intermediate School Vocation ii Guidance

District #105,Yakima

(20) FY 71 $ 5,000 Intermediate School Vocational GuidanceDistrict #107,Okanogah

(21) FY 71 $ 500 Channel 9, Universityof Washington

People at Work

(22) FY 71 $ 5,231 Bellevue Community Vocational and CareerCollege Exploration for Community

College Districts

(23) FY 71 $ 8,325 Clark College Occupational InformationAccess System

(24) FY 71 $11,741 Edmonds Community Early Access to CareerCollege Guidance and Placement

(25) FY 71 $10,781 Peninsula College Vocational Counseling

(26) FY 71 $ 4,951 Shoreline Community Vocational GuidanceCollege Inf-rmation Center

(27) FY 71 $25,000 Spokane Community Curric, ',um Development


(28) FY 71 $ 5,000 Kent School District Project G.I.V.E.

FY 72 $10,000

(29) FY 71 $3,325 Yakima School District Project V.I.E.W.FY 72 $ 5,000

(30) FY 7: $20,000 Consortium: Clark College,Lower Columbia College

Develop Systematic PlacementProgram Cooperatively


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Funds Obligated

(Section 142(d) Part D)Grantee orContractor Tide of P-oiect

(31) FY 72 $40,000 Consortium: Big Bend,Columbia Basin, WallaWalla, Wenatchee Valley,and Yakima ValleyCommunity Colleges

A Regional PlacementProgram

(32) FY 72 11,1 3,050 Puyallup School District Vocational Awareness --Stewart LitIlentary

(33) FY 72 $12,800 Kenne.Ack Sciool District Devt-1,o:,

(34) FY 72 $ 1,700 Liberty .c.,-%.:Lool District ).0,[

in !Ale P Crdde.

(35) FY 72 S 7,500 Marysville School District

(36) FY 72 $10,000 Seattle School District ,idcaLion

(37) FY 72 $11,200 Seattle School District

(38) FY 72 $ 7,000 South Kitsap School Occtrpat


(39) FY 72 $12,250 Vancc,uver School DI,trict

(40) FY 72 $ 1,238 SBCCI



r ,L3LO

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State AllotmentFY 1970 $112,209FY 1971 $126,951FY 1972 $125,681


Funds Obligated

(Section 142(d) Part D)

(1) FY 70 S 3,448

(2) FY 70 $ 1,660

(3) FY 70 $ 9,500

(4) FY 70 $15,120

(5) FY 70 $ 2,241

(6) FY 70 $11,037


Projects Funded

Grantee orContractor

Cabell county Boardof Education

MonOngalia CountyBoard" of Education

McKinley Vocational-Technical Center

Kanawha County Boardof Education

Cabeli County Boardof Education

Cabell County Board

of Education

Total Funds ObligatedFY 19 70 $112,209

FY 1971 $126,951

FY 1972 $125,681

Title of Project

Planning Grant - A Program

for Disadvantaged Youth9th Grade through 12th,to Investigate the Worldof Work and to Make aVocational Choice,Accompanied by BasicTraining in Work Skillsand Job Entry Opportunities

lanning Grant -Development of anOccupational Orientation/Program for Grades K-6

A Vocational BuildingMaintenance Program forEducatable MencallyRetarded Students in OhioCounty

Vocational instructionalLearning Center to CreateBridge Between Schooland Earning a hiving forYoung People

Planning Grant --Vocational Planains; for

the Mentally Retarded

Development of VocationalEducation for MentallyRearded DOVE-MR

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Funds Obligated Grantee or(Section 142(d) Part D) Contractor Title of Project

:'(7? 7 70 $24,047 Barbour County Board Disadvartaged Job-

\tY 71 $26,195 of Education Oriented Learning

FY 72 $13,177 Experiences

(8) FY 70 $13,340 Monongalia County Development of an

FY 71 $14,141 Board of Education Occupational Orientation

FY 72 $12,635 Program for Grades 1-6

(9) FY -0 $35,816 Logan County Board Teenage Expectant Mothers

FY 72 $13,045 of hct. cation

(10) FY 71 y16,000 b(,ard

tire County or Preston ih

Counserin, Pircement,and

(11) FY 71 120,000 Kanawha County Board COUnS_!0:

of Education prozraill z' r- +.1cari,nal

EducaLiou (LiP)

(12) FY 71 $ 2,500 Monroe County Board

of Education

Developi,ri; Exliotatory

Prole,:t 1:1 a ;r1

County iu

(13) FY .71 $14,060- . WI. one County Bdard

of Education

A *Gareer.AwTE..

Progr'rrIr 1:

High ..r-me:. Area

(14) FY 71 $12,287 Berkley County Schools Dirdre Vtae.',S

FY 72 S 5,582 Mu i it


.1.1;"1:041 ton

of Ir-ap:,,ve:_ Job ".....euent

(15) FY 71 $12,287 Grant County Schools ImprovInc .:_r'ectiveuess of

Ff 72 $ 5,53 r. Mtdri-C,rantvThrough

th, rro.7,r;i-,11 if '!:proved

rob P1.7,ce;::Icut Services

(16) FY 71 S 4,481 UpshIrc County Schools r'ffectiyness of

iY 72 $12,067 MulLi--,thrt). Area

Pro3rams Throughth, Provisich of Improvediob Plauerheni Services


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Funds CbligatecGrantee or(Section 142(d) Part D)Contractor

alt:e of Project(17) FY 71 $ 5,000 Pocahontas County

Introduction to VocationsFY 72 $ 5,000 Board of Education

(18) FY 72 $25,327 Preston County SchoolsImproving a Rural AreaSchool Program in

Vocational Business andOffice Education byUtilizing an

Individualized Multi MediaInstructional Approach

(19) FY 72 $22,517 Raleigh CountyVocational Program for

Board of EducationOut-of-School Youth andAdults in Building

Maintenance, CommercialCooking and IndustrialHome Management

(20) FY 72 $10,867 Boone CountyBoard of Education

A Comprehensive Plan forthe Development of

Vocational Education inBoone County, West Virginia

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State AllotmentFY 1970 $126,152FY 1971 $157,730FY 1972 $157,566


Projects Funded

Funds Obligated Grantee or(Section 142(d) Part D) C'rntractor

(1) FY 70 $ 4,114 Area VocationalTechnical and AdultEducation District #4

(2) FY 70 $ 905

(2) FY 70 $ 1,338

(4) FY 70 $ 8,811

(5) FY 70 $ 1,401

(6) FY 70

(7) FY 70

$ 2,037

Area VocationalTechnical and AdultEducation District#5

Kenosha TechnicalInstitute

Milwaukee AreaTechnical College

Milwaukee ArcaTechnical College

Milwaukee AreaTechnical College

$ 710 Milwaukee AreaTechnical College

(8) FY 70 $ 2,639

(9) FY 70 $ 3,467

Milwaukee AreaTechnical College

North CentralTechnical Institute


Total Funds ObligoteaFY 1970 $ 95,579FY 1971 $126,294FY 1972 $155,589

Title of Project

Curriculum Project forDisadvantaged

Utilization of Cable T.V.

Development of Self-Paced InstructionalPackets for Eight BasicArc Welding Concepts

Audio-Tutorial Approachto Biological Sciences

Linguistic CompetenceThroughan Oral StructuralApproach

Qualifying WeldingCertificates UtilizingTraining Films

Dental Laboratory ClosedCircuit Television System

Commandos Project toEncourage Parolees toComplete ContinuationTraining

Instructional Packages forApprenticeship Math

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Funds Obligated

(Section 142(d) Part D)


Graatee orContractor Title of Project

(10) FY 70 $ 4,423 Shawano Vocational Guidance

(11) FY 70 $ 6,280 Racine Vocational Guidance

(12) FY 70 $ 3,602 Solon Springs Vocational Guidance

(13) FY 70 $ 1,818 Sheboygan -ocational Guidance

(14) FY 70 $ 532 Franklin Vocational EducationSpecialist

(15) FY 70 $ 2,976 Ar;a Vocational- Resource Listening Center

FY 71 $ 2,649 Technical and Adult ,

Education District #4

for Vocational-TechnicalStudents

(16) FY 70 $ 1,654 Kenosha Technical Development of a Self-Study

FY 71 $ 4,207 Institute Pre-Technical Math CourseUtilizing ExistingPublished Materials

(17) FY 70 $ 3,431 Area Vocational- Open Laboratory Concept

FY 71 $ 6,963 Technical and Adult for EducationalEducation District #11 Improvement

(18) FY 70 $ 3,418 Area Vocational- Multi-Media Career

FY 71 $ 5,299 Technical and AdultEducation District #11

Information Resour-e Center ,

(19) FY 70 $ 1,623 Area Vocational- Summer Fiald Experience in

FY 71 $ 2,138 Technical and Adult Auto Mechanics

FY 72 $ 902 Education District #1

(20) FY 70 $ 4,675 Area Vocational- Vocational Guidance T.V.

FY 71 $17,654 Technical and Adult Series

FY 72 $ 8,252 Education District: #8

(21) FY 70 $ 3,631 Milwaukee Area Nursing Skills Learning

FT 71 .$20,00 Technical College Laboratory

FY 72 $30,444

(22) FY 70 $ 1,014 Area Vocational - Educational AssistanceFY 71 $ 1,438 Technical and Adult Program for Students

FY 72 $ 1,962 Education District #12 Classified as Potential.Dropouts

(23) FY 70 $ 3,440 Area Vocational- Relevant Evaluation System

ry 71 $ 1,694 Technical and AdultFY 72 $ 2,138 Education District #12


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Funds Obligates(Section 142(d) Part D)


Grantee orContractor Title of Project

(24) FY 70 $ 8,370 Area Vocational- Regional CareerFY 71 $10,630 Technical and Adult Information CenterFY 72 $10,059 Education District #12

(25) FY 70 $12,620 Brillion Mobile VocationalFY 71 $11,730 GuidanceFY 72 $ 1,920-

(26) FY 70 $ 4,686 Oconamowac Vocational GuidanceFY 71 $16,643FY 72 $ 7,612

(27) FY 70 $ 1,864 Kenosha Technical Development of Multi-MediaFY 71 $ 1,389 Institute Materials to Augment the

Instructional Process inEconomics

(28) FY 71 $10,367 Blackhwk Vocational- Career Information OfficerTechrical and AdultEducation District

(29) FY 71 $ 1,851 Sheboygan Training Program

(30) FY 71 $ 5,949 CESA #9 Career Development

(31) FY 71 $ 3,945 Racine Career Information GuidanceFY 72 $ 6,500

(32) FY 71 $ 3,114 Shawano Career DevelopmentFY 72 $ 1,451

(33) FY 72 $ 5,100 District #1 Technical Audio Visual Aids forInstitute Certified Laboratory $

Assistant Program

(3g) FY 72 $ 7,944 Western Vocational- Mobile Career PlanningTechnical and Adult UnitEducation District

(35) FY 72 $ 9,871 Western Vocational- Providing a VocationalTechnical and Adult Counselor for Non-Education District Persisters at U.W. --


(36) FY 72 $ 693 Southwest Wisconsin Family Approach to CareerVocational-Technical EducationSchool

(37) FY 72 $ 8,165 Milwaukee Area . Auto - Tutorial Program forTechnical College Vocational-Technical



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Funds Obligated

(Section 142(d) Part D)


Grantee orContractor

(38) FY 72 $ 1,221 Wisconsin Board ofVocational-Technical


(39) FY 72 $ 4,638 Blackhawk Vocational


(40) FY 72 $ 2,099 Kenosha TechnicalInstitute

(41) FY 72 $ 6,455 Vocational-Technicaland Adult EducationDistrict #8

(42) FY 72 $ 3,843 Waupaca

(44 -FY 72 $ 6,750 CESA #4

(44) FY 72 $17,288 CESA #4

(45) FY 72 $ 8,837 CESA #5


Title of Project

Interahip Employment -- AModel for Associate Degree

Fashion MerchandisingPrograms

Career Information Service

Career Information Packet

Project Decision -- Phase I

Mobile Vocational GuidanceUnit

Mobile Guidance Resource Van

Career Orientation

Mobile Career DevelopmentResource Center

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State Allotment Total Funds Obligat,...aFY 1970 $102,202 FY 1970. $102,155FY 1971 $104,860 FY 1971 $104,860FY 19 72 $104,761 FY 1972 $104,761

Funds Obligated

(Section 142(d) Part D)


Projects Funded

Grantee orContractor Title of Project

(1) FY 70

(2) FY 70

(3) FY 70FY 71

(4) FY 71

(5) FY 71

(6) FY 71

(7) FY 71

(8) FY 71

(9) FY 72

(10) FY 72

(11) FY 72

$ 6,075



$ 1,497



$ 2,000

$ 3,000

$ 7,500

$ 2,500

$ 2,500

Caspar High School

Western Wyoming College

Riverton School District#25

Laramie Junior,High

Rawlins School District#1

Huntley High School

Cheyenne Junior High

Rock Springs SchoolDistrict #1

Sheridan P;-blic School


River':on School District

Riverton School District

Planetarium Technology

Western Wyoming Boara ofCooperative OccupationalServices

Comprehensive CareerEducation

Career Education Planning

Comprehasive CareerEducation

Cosmetology for aRural School

Career Orientation

World of Work Awarenessfor Elementary Students

Exemplary Farm Mechanics

A Proposal for a-Construction (Carpentry)Program at Riverton HighSchool in School District#25

A Proposal for a AutoMechanics Program atRiverton High School inSchool District 4125


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Funds Obligated

(Section 142(d) Part D)

WYOMING (con't)

Grantee orContractor Title of Project

(12) FY 72 $ 2,500 Riverton School District A Proposal for a GraphicsProgram at Riverton HighSchool in School District#25

(13) FY 72 $ 3,000 Cheyenne Junior High Food Service Orientationfor Special Needs Students

(14) FY 72 $ 6,000 Cody Junior High Schoolof School District #6

A Pre-CooperativeOccupational EducationProgram Involving aCommunity Resource Faculty

(15) FY 72 $15,000 Torrington Junior High Individualized CareerSchool Exploration

(16) FY 72 $ 2,000 School District 41 The Everyday World of WorkKemmeres, Wyoming

(17) FY 72 $10,000 'School District #1- ,Pinedale, Wyoming

Broadening Urban Exposureand Experience for Studentsin a Remote Area

(18) FY 72 $ 8,400 School District #3 Graphic CommunicationsLovell, Wyoming

(19) FY 72 $10,000 Carbon County School Graphic Arts (Printing)District #3, Rawlens,Wyoming


4(20) FY 72 $10,000 Platte County School Vocational GraphicDistrict #1 Wheatland,Wyoming

Communication and OffsetReprOduction

(21) FY 72 $18,000 Hot Springs County Comprehensive Vocational

District #1 Education Program

(22) FY 72 $ 7,361 Farson High School Career Home Economics


