
2. DOCTOR WHO FROM 1969 TO OUR DAYS! Doctor Who is a BBC television programme that started in 1969 and tells the story of a man who is from a planet called Gallifrey. He travels around time and space saving people. 3. THE TARDIS This is the doctors time-travelling spaceship. He call it the TARDIS which means: Time And Relative Dimensions In Space. Its bigger on the inside and it has infinite rooms. 4. THE DOCTOR REGENERATES At the begining of the series the protagonist had to stop filming and the screenwriter decided make the doctor regenerable. In the time being it has been eleven doctors. 5. THE DOCTORS PRINCIPAL ENEMIES THE DALEKS THE CIBERMEN THE WEEPING ANGEL They are horrible creatures. Theyre only hate and they want to own the universe. These are human brains with robot bodies programmed to, as they say, delete people. Theyre probably the scariest ones. They are apparently statues, but when youre not looking at them, even when you blink, they can touch you and take you back in time and they feed of you temporal energy.