
2017-2018 Seminars



Behavior Doctor

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Building Behavioral Expertise: Function Based Support (Six Month Seminar)

Objective: Learning how to build a behavior support team in your school


Pre-K through 12th grade General and Special Education Educators, Counselors, Psychologists, Administrators, Parents, Therapeutic Foster

Parents, Behavior Specialists, Support Staff


A presentation time of 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 for six days. Three people from each school will need to come for all six sessions (more can come if

possible. Suggested participants include administrator, general education representative and special education representative

A link will be sent for the booklet required for this training. You will need to print a booklet for each participant

Dr. Riffel will link the PowerPoint presentation the day of the training for participants. Classroom style setting for participants (they will be writing and participating in group

discussions.) If more than 50 participants, Dr. Riffel will need a lavaliere (lapel) microphone and the

ability to link to a sound system for video clips that illustrate specific points. (Dr. Riffel cannot hold a microphone for an extended period or stand in one place as she demonstrates with actual materials and through audience interaction.)

An extra table up front is required for demonstration materials.


This is a six-month course. Three or more participants from each school come to a central location once a month for six months. The participants will learn first how to collect a real functional behavior assessment by analyzing ten days of real data. After learning the secrets of good functional behavior assessment planning, Dr. Riffel will instruct the participants on how to collect data on one of their own students.

The second month, the participants will put the data from their own student into the FBA Data Tool. The FBA Data Tool is an easy to use graphing program which will show:

time of day day of the week setting event or context antecedent behavior (frequency and duration) consequences

Here are the two downloads for the FBA Data Tool (choose one to depend on the excel program you have):

FBA Data Tool   2003 and later versions of Excel (this is the newest version)o Directions for New FBA Data Tool  (This is a PowerPoint showing you how to

use the FBA Data Tool)

This tool also calculates baseline. Utilizing this information, each participant will develop a competing pathway chart and then develop a behavioral intervention plan based upon a multi-modal design including antecedent manipulations, replacement behavior teaching, and consequence modifications. Participants will also learn some tertiary level interventions for the classroom. Participants will choose a second student to collect baseline on utilizing the FBA Data Tool.

The third month of this course, the participants will bring back their data on their first and second students and data will be entered in to the baseline, intervention, and follow-up data chart to determine success. If the intervention needs tweaking, Dr. Riffel will help the participants modify their current plan. The participants will gain more training on tertiary level interventions for the classroom. Participants will choose a third student and will be able to use any data collection tool they like from a wide variety which have been shared over the past three sessions.

The fourth month of this course, the participants will bring back data on all three students. This information will be entered into the baseline, intervention, and follow-up data chart to determine success. Dr. Riffel will help the participants determine the need for tweaking any of the intervention plans. Dr. Riffel will share targeted group interventions. Specifically, she will focus on students with low self-esteem and an intervention plan which will help them be more successful. Participants will choose one student with low self-esteem and take baseline data and average academic grades. The interventions will be implemented for one month and prior to the fifth session, participants will collect intervention data and average grades again. Participants will enter the data in the Four P Graphing Tool.

The fifth month of this course, the participants will bring back data on all four students. Everyone will share their data on their Four P's student (the student with low self-esteem). Over 1000 students have made improvement using this intervention. Participants will enter their data for Students 1-4 on the baseline, intervention and follow-up data chart. Dr. Riffel will share a learning style survey paired with teaching styles in the afternoon of this session. For the last session, participants will choose one student and conduct the learning style survey, collect baseline data, and put the color coded interventions in place.

The sixth month of this course, the participants will share their own powerpoints of their students with the entire group. Dr. Riffel will share alphabet soup; which, is a hodgepodge of behavioral interventions based on topics found to be of need with the entire group.

In the end, each participant will have conducted five full functional behavior assessments on your own students.

Classroom Management Strategies: Tier Two Interventions (One Day Seminar)

Little has been published on the tier two level of PBIS. This training focuses on building a repository in your school for site-based interventions that are evidence based or research based strategies. Participants will learn generic strategies for:

Academic Struggles Aggression Anxiety Apathy Argumentative Bullying Disorganization Disruptive Outbursts Homework Issues Impulsiveness Inattentiveness Memory Issues Negativity Non-compliance Off-task behaviors Personal Space Issues Self-esteem (Lack of) Sensory Input sleepiness in Class Social Skills Deficit Stress talking Tantrums Tardies Transition difficulties

Participants will learn the Ten Rules that Govern Behavior along with a behavior planning tool that will help them develop an effective plan for each student. When planning for behavior change, we need to know the summary statement. We need to know the "when", "what", and "why". We developed a tool to help educators plan for this behavior change by creating the Triple T- Triple R Chart.


Participants will learn how to fill out this chart and ensure they have a multi-modal plan that will ameliorate the behaviors in the classroom.  This is best for a two-day seminar. If you choose the one-day seminar, we will be giving an overview of how to use the book with a few examples. If you choose the two-day seminar, we will go into deeper detail about how each intervention works in the classroom. Examples will be given for Pre-K through High School.


This is a suggested agenda- it can be adjusted to suit your needs

One Day Training:

8:00-8:30- Registration

8:30-10:00- Ten Rules of Behavior

10:00-10:15- Break

10:15-10:30- Universal Screening

10:30-11:30- Braided Classroom Management

11:30-12:45- Lunch

12:45-2:00- Universal Classroom Management – Revising the Environment- Replacing the Behavior- and Reframing the Response

2:00-2:15- Break

2:15-3:30- Strategies and How to Build a Repository of Interventions

Classroom Management Strategies: Tier Two Interventions (Two Day Seminar)

Little has been published on the tier two level of PBIS. This two-day training focuses on building a repository in your school for site-based interventions that are evidence based or research based strategies. We will go into detail about interventions you can use in the classroom and why they work.  Participants will learn generic strategies for:

Academic Struggles Aggression Anxiety Apathy Argumentative Bullying Disorganization Disruptive Outbursts Homework Issues Impulsiveness Inattentiveness Memory Issues Negativity Non-compliance Off-task behaviors Personal Space Issues Self-esteem (Lack of) Sensory Input sleepiness in Class Social Skills Deficit Stress talking Tantrums Tardies Transition difficulties

Participants will learn the Ten Rules that Govern Behavior along with a behavior planning tool that will help them develop an effective plan for each student. When planning for behavior change, we need to know the summary statement. We need to know the "when", "what", and "why". We developed a tool to help educators plan for this behavior change by creating the Triple T- Triple R Chart.


Participants will learn how to fill out this chart and ensure they have a multi-modal plan that will ameliorate the behaviors in the classroom.  This is best for a two-day seminar. If you choose the one-day seminar, we will be giving an overview of how to use the book with a few examples. If you choose the two-day seminar, we will go into deeper detail about how each intervention works in the classroom. Examples will be given for Pre-K through High School.  

Here is a suggested agenda for a two-day training. It can be adjusted to suit your needs.

 First Day Training:

8:00-8:30- Registration8:30-10:00- Ten Rules of Behavior10:00-10:15- Break10:15-10:30- Universal Screening10:30-11:30- Braided Classroom Management11:30-12:45- Lunch12:45-2:00- Universal Classroom Management – Revising the Environment- Replacing the Behavior- and Reframing the Response2:00-2:15- Break2:15-3:30- Strategies and How to Build a Repository of Interventions Second Day Training:8:30-9:00- Using the Triple T- Triple R Chart9:00-10:00- Anxiety – Revising the Environment- Replacing the Behaviors- Reframing the Response10:00-10:15- Break10:15-11:30- Apathy, Argumentative, Bullying, Disorganization, Disruptive Outbursts11:30-12:45- Lunch12:45-2:00- Homework, Impulsiveness, Inattentiveness, Non-compliance, Off task Behavior, Self-Esteem, Sensory, Tantrums, Tardies2:00-2:15- Break2:15-3:30- Using Literature to teach Social Skills and Reinforcement


Evidence Based Interventions for Classroom Management

This is a brand-new booklet and seminar based on the twenty evidence based strategies in classroom management as determined by Simonsen, Fairbanks, Briesch, Myers, & Sugai (2008). We took their information and expanded on it with real examples from the field and included an interactive booklet so participants can leave with a plan for their own classrooms.

The expression classroom management conjures images of discipline and control for many in and out of the field of education.  If one were to take a universal approach, it is the creation of a supportive climate that has an environment set up for success, where replacement behaviors are taught, and responses are reframed to reinforce the replacement behavior rather than the use of a reactive approach which feeds the target behaviors. Brophy (1999) stated, “the most successful teachers approach management as a process of establishing and maintaining effective learning environments” (p.44). Teachers who are successful establish expectations for behavior and then teach, imprint by modeling, practice, and give behavior specific praise for those efforts throughout the year. Furthermore, successful educators monitor and pace their classroom lessons while proactively seeking to encourage appropriate behavior through design (Allen, 2010).

Student success has been directly linked to effective classroom management (Marquez et al.,2016). Professional development (PD) in classroom management has erroneously been assumed to have occurred in school-wide positive behavior support training (Sugai & Horner, 2002). School-wide positive behavior support (PBIS) training is given in all day seminars, covers copious amounts of information, and relies on educators to go back to their school redeliver the information and implement the strategies with fidelity and consistency. PBIS training is systemic training. It focuses on changing the systems in place rather than specific classroom management strategies (Barrett, Bradshaw, & Lewis-Palmer, 2008).

 What are some of the evidence based strategies for classroom management?

There are 20 customary practices that met the criteria for evidence-based classroom management strategies (Simonsen et al., 2008). Within these 20 customary practices are five empirically-supported critical features (a) maximize structure, (b) post, teach, review, monitor, and reinforce expectations, (c) actively engage with students in observable ways, (d) use a continuum of strategies for responding to appropriate behaviors, and (e) use a continuum of strategies to respond to targeted behaviors (Simonsen et al., 2008). The 20 customary practices found by Simonsen et al. (2008) are listed below:

Each one of the categories on the right will be given through examples from the field. Stories to illustrate the effectiveness of strategies will be told. This is an interactive presentation and participants will leave with ideas they can use the next day. We will also make electronic files available to the school to begin their own online repository of evidence based strategies that are relevant to their grade levels and clientele.

Suggested Agenda. This can be modified to suit your needs.

8:30-9:15- Introduction and Beginning Your Plan for Using This Booklet9:15-10:00- Maximizing Structure10:00-10:15- Break10:15-11:30- Post, Teach, Review, Monitor, and Reinforce Expectations11:30-12:45- Lunch12:45-1:30- Actively Engage Students in Meaningful Ways1:30-2:15- Use a Continuum of Strategies to Acknowledge Appropriate Behavior2:15-2:30-Break2:30-3:15- Use a Continuum of Strategies to Respond to Targeted Behavior3:15-3:30- Building a Repository of Interventions for Your School

Functional Based Assessment to Behavioral Intervention Planning (One Day Seminar)

Writing an effective behavioral intervention plan (BIP) is nearly impossible if one does not know the parameters of the behavior. This training takes ten days of real data and takes participants through a session to learn how to analyze the data by hand to determine the following:

time of day triggers day of the week triggers setting event triggers antecedent triggers what specific target behaviors show up for each of the above what specific impact the student is gaining or escaping by engaging in these behaviors.

To do this, we need to do a functional behavior assessment (FBA). We have simplified the FBA process and developed a free tool that graphs the above information. Participants will learn how to read the tool in the one-day seminar and make decisions to build an effective BIP. Participants will learn how to fill in the Triple T-Triple R chart and then turn that into an effective plan.

Participants who sign up for the two-day seminar will learn how to use the tool and will need to bring a computer with Microsoft Excel for the second day of training.

Previous participants have commented that they now feel confident to develop effective plans and realize the importance of knowing the function behind the behavior prior to developing a plan.


Proposed Agenda: This Can Be Altered to Suit Your Needs

8:30-10:00- Ten Tenets of Behavior

10:00-10:15- Break

10:15-11:30- Understanding data collection and then beginning to analyze the data we are collecting

11:30-12:45- Lunch

12:45- 2:00- Data Analysis

2:00-2:15- Break

2:15-3:30- Data Analysis, Data Collection Tools, Synthesis and Evaluation


Learning Objectives:

Participants who attend this training will learn the ten tenets of behavior.  Understanding the tenets will help us understand where and why behavior appears in the classroom.  All behavior is communication. Afterward, participants will be able to take ten days of real data, plug it into an analysis tool, discuss with table mates and learn the functions and triggers of behavior.  After analysis of Scout’s data, the participants will learn how to plug this into the Triple T-Triple R Chart to build a behavioral intervention plan that is data-based decision making. This is the ABC’s of behavior in a simplified version.  Participants will leave with an understanding of FBA and BIP.

Functional Based Assessment to Behavioral Intervention Planning (Two Day Seminar)

Writing an effective behavioral intervention plan (BIP) is nearly impossible if one does not know the parameters of the behavior. This training takes ten days of real data and takes participants through a session to learn how to analyze the data by hand to determine the following:

time of day triggers day of the week triggers setting event triggers antecedent triggers what specific target behaviors show up for each of the above what specific impact the student is gaining or escaping by engaging in these behaviors.

To do this, we need to do a functional behavior assessment (FBA). We have simplified the FBA process and developed a free tool that graphs the above information. Participants will learn how to read the tool in the one-day seminar and make decisions to build an effective BIP. Participants will learn how to fill in the Triple T-Triple R chart and then turn that into an effective plan.

Participants who sign up for the two-day seminar will learn how to use the tool and will need to bring a computer with Microsoft Excel for the second day of training. We will add data from Ralph, a high school student into the FBA Data Tool and learn how to read the data, gain support from other classroom teachers in implementing the plan, and including everyone on the team.

Previous participants have commented that they now feel confident to develop effective plans and realize the importance of knowing the function behind the behavior prior to developing a plan.

This is a proposed Agenda. It can be altered to suit your needs.

Day One Agenda:

8:30-10:00- Ten Tenets of Behavior

10:00-10:15- Break

10:15-11:30- Understanding data collection and then beginning to analyze the data we are collecting

11:30-12:45- Lunch

12:45- 2:00- Data Analysis

2:00-2:15- Break

2:15-3:30- Data Analysis, Data Collection Tools, Synthesis and Evaluation

Day Two Agenda:

8:30-10:00- Data entry for Ralph Cunningham Data

10:00-10:15- Break

10:15-11:30- Writing a BIP for Ralph Cunningham based on Data Entry- Collecting Intervention Data

11:30-12:45- Lunch

12:45-2:00- Other data collection tools and techniques (When to use what data collection tool)

2:00-2:15- Break

2:15-3:30- Triple T- Triple R examples

   Learning Objectives:

Participants who attend this training will learn the ten tenets of behavior.  Understanding the tenets will help us understand where and why behavior appears in the classroom.  All behavior is communication. Afterward, participants will be able to take ten days of real data, plug it into an analysis tool, discuss with table mates and learn the functions and triggers of behavior.  After analysis of Scout’s data, the participants will learn how to plug this into the Triple T-Triple R Chart to build a behavioral intervention plan that is data-based decision making. This is the ABC’s of behavior in a simplified version.  Participants will leave with an understanding of FBA and BIP. Participants will also learn how to enter data into a free FBA Data Tool and use that information to write a data-based quality BIP.

Green Zone Strategies: How to Implement PBIS on a Shoestring Budget

We once visited a school that was implementing Universal PBIS and they were giving away two bicycles every nine weeks to a few students whose names were drawn from the gotcha pile. (Gotchas are a generic term for the behavior specific praise tickets we give to students to let them know they were exhibiting excellent behavior). This means eight students would earn a "prize" for exhibiting the appropriate behavior. I understood this was a low socioeconomic school and having a bike was a big deal but there are some problems with this concept. If you are a student who struggles with displaying appropriate behavior, you will just give up because you know you will never "win" a bike. The other students know they only have an eight out of how every many gotchas are in the barrel chance of winning a bike, so they will not be very motivated to try.  We had a challenging time trying to convince this school that tangibles are not what these students wanted or needed. Therefore, we started collecting data in 2004 on what really motivates students.  We have compiled all those ideas given to us in this booklet:   It's over 75 pages of ideas all generated by talking to students all over the world.

We do not believe in giving out tangibles to students. It’s not what they want or need.

We found what PALPATES a student’s heart with reinforcements was the following:

1. Privileges2. Attention3. Leadership4. Praise5. Assistance6. Touch7. Escape8. Supplies

We added the school supplies. None of the students asked for them. We work with many schools with low socioeconomic status and those students' parents are unable to take them to discount stores to buy school supplies when needed. Handouts do not feel very nice. The students feel much prouder when they can purchase the supplies themselves through their gotcha tickets. These are the only tangibles we put on the list.


This seminar will focus on ways to do the following:

1. Get your posters printed at little or no cost (Expectations and Matrix)2. Get your triplicate gotchas printed at little or no cost3. Get donated reinforcers for your staff4. Get donations for family reinforcers5. Print tickets for the gotcha reinforcers students want and run your gotcha store efficiently6. Share free tools that will graph your gotchas so you know who is giving and who is receiving7. Share free tools that help you monitor universal, tier two, and tier three support within the


We will share ideas on flex time and how to build in academic and behavioral labs for skill deficits.

We will share ideas on how to use your data to modify behavior in the school

day of the week the anticipation of holidays grade levels booster shots secret shoppers (spies in the school looking for good behavior)

We will also share group vs group contingencies and reinforcers as well as whole group reinforcers to get all students working together for a common goal.

This training is NOT how to do PBIS. This seminar is for schools that have already begun implementing and have had the initial two-day universal training. This is for schools that desire a booster shot in how to make PBIS more fun for the staff and students.

Proposed Agenda: This can be modified to suit your needs.

8:30-9:15- Free Resources for Posters, Printing, Reinforcers, and Donations

9:15-10:15- Ideas for Pre-K-12th grade from each of the categories for PALPATES

10:15-10:30- Break

10:30-11:30- Building Flex Groups into your Day and Where to Get Free Help

11:30-12:45- Lunch

12:45-2:00- More ideas on Contingencies and Reinforcements

2:00-2:15- Break

2:15-3:30- Motivating Staff, Parents, and Community

Non-medicated Interventions for Learners with ADHD: Classroom and Home Strategies

Objective: Classroom Interventions for Academic and Behavioral change for students with ADHD


Pre-K through 12th grade General and Special Education Educators, Counselors, Psychologists, Administrators, Parents, Therapeutic Foster

Parents, Behavior Specialists, Support Staff


A presentation time of 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. works best. A link will be sent for the booklet required for this training. You will need to print a

booklet for each participant Dr. Riffel will link the PowerPoint presentation the day of the training for participants. Classroom style setting for participants (they will be writing and participating in group

discussions.) If more than 50 participants, Dr. Riffel will need a lavaliere (lapel) microphone and the

ability to link to a sound system for video clips that illustrate specific points. (Dr. Riffel cannot hold a microphone for an extended period or stand in one place as she demonstrates with actual materials and through audience interaction.)

An extra table up front is required for demonstration materials.


Participants will learn how to diffuse impulsive outbursts by reading the student’s physical body language.

Maximize participant’s knowledge of proprioceptive input to assist the student to engage in on-task behavior for longer periods of time.

Increase knowledge of neurotransmitters in the brain for increasing learning potential Learning Disability is a hidden disorder.  Learn how famous people have coped with this

disability and turned their triumph into successful careers. Research indicates proven methods for teaching children to spell, read, and compute

using these strategies. Using the behavior analysis model, the participant will learn to explore the barriers to

learning for each individual child and develop an intervention plan based on the needs of that student.

There is no boxed program that works for all children.  Some children, learn to read using sight vocabulary and learn well.  Other children must learn phonetically before they can decode.  How does the educator decipher the difference and determine the best mode for teaching all the children in the room?

It’s easy to assume the cure for ADHD lies in a little white pill; however, many interventions don’t come in a bottle and are quite effective.  Participants will learn how to utilize these.

Data are imperative when decoding how a child is doing on and off medication.  How can a teacher juggle three balls and throw in a shoe while collecting data on more than one student?

Effective ways to give students a break without disrupting the class.


Proposed Agenda for this Seminar: It can be modified to suit your needs.

8:30-8:45- What is ADHD?8:45-10:00- Environmental Changes10:00-10:15- Break10:15-11:30- Replacement Behaviors11:30-12:45- Lunch12:45-2:00- Reframing of Responses2:00-2:15- Break2:15-3:30- Synthesizing and Sharing with Parents3:30-4:00- Questions and Wrap-up


Learner Outcomes

Participants will leave with an understanding of:

The distinct types of ADHD The coexisting conditions that travel with an ADHD diagnosis Strategies to change the environment to make it more conducive to learning Strategies for teaching replacement behaviors Strategies for reframing your own responses to students with ADHD so the behavior is

not fed

Positive Behavior Support at the Targeted Group Level

A few schools have asked us to do presentations on our Corwin Books. This book focuses on evidence based interventions at the targeted group level. Participants would have a copy of this book which was purchased by the institution bringing in the speaker. Since Sage Publishing owns the copyright to this book, we cannot give away free copies of the booklet. This training is just for those groups who have purchased the book and desire to have one of the authors discuss the contents and delve into further detail behind each of the strategies. These are Tier Two Strategies in the book:

1. Increasing Structure and Predictability in the Classroom Through Behavior Management

2. Which Came First: The Behavior or the Academic Struggle?3. Which Students Need Booster Shots?4. What Do You do with the Students Swinging from the Chandeliers?5. Fail to Plan: Plan to Fail-What Are Your Lines of Defense?6. How Do You Get Students to Prefer Good Behavior?7. How Do You Engage and Connect with Students?8. How Do You Get Funk Sway in the Classroom?9. Why is Change So Hard?10. How Do We Change the Consequences?11. What Are Function Based Interventions?

12. How Do I Follow the Navigational Map?13. Sample Intervention Forms


This is for those who wish to purchase a copy of Positive Behavior Support at the Secondary "Targeted Group" Level by Riffel & Mitchiner.  Available at If you are purchasing a large quantity, you can contact Sage Publishing. Their email address [email protected] to send a PO or they may also call our 800-818-7243 to place a credit card order over the phone.


Proposed Agenda: This can be modified to suit your needs.

8:30-9:00- Increasing Structure9:00-9:15- Which Came First?9:15-9:45- Who Needs Booster Shots? How Do You Know?9:45-10:00- What Do You Do with the Students Hanging from the Chandeliers?10:00-10:15- Break10:15-10:45- Fail to Plan: Plan to Fail10:45-11:30-How Do You Get Students to Prefer Good Behavior?11:30-12:45- Lunch12:45-1:00-How Do You Engage and Connect with Students?1:00-1:20-How Do You Get Funk Sway in the Classroom?

1:20-1:40-Why is Change So Hard?1:40-2:00-How Do We Change the Consequences?2:00-2:15- Break2:15-2:45-What Are Function Based Interventions?2:45-2:55-How Do I Follow the Navigational Map?2:55-3:30- Sample Intervention Forms


Learner Outcomes:

Participants will leave this session with a better understanding of the function behind the behavior. First, participants will learn the triggers that possibly set off tier two behaviors and how to ameliorate those conditions. The most important task will be defining the behavior in measurable and observable terms and then determining the function behind the behavior that is being communicated. Once these are established, participants will leave with an understanding of revising the environment to set the students up for success, teaching replacement behaviors, and reframing our own responses so we feed the replacement behavior rather than the targeted behavior.


Positive Behavior Support at the Tertiary Level: Red Zone Strategies

This training is for those participants who want to purchase the Corwin Book of the same title and have the author present the key features and give further examples based on this book. This book is copyrighted by Sage Publications, so the author cannot send free electronic copies to participants. This seminar is only for those who wish to purchase the books from Corwin and have the participants use them in a training. If you wish to purchase a large quantity, Sage Publications offers discount prices. Their email address [email protected] to send a PO or they may also call our 800-818-7243 to place a credit card order over the phone.

This book covers the following topics:

1. Overview of Functional Behavior Assessment2. Function-Based Support-Mining the Data for Gold3. Indirect Methods for Determining Function of Behavior4. Direct Methods for Data Collection5. Observing and Recording Behavior6. Crisis Plans7. Data Don't Lie8. Analysis of the Data9. Behavioral Intervention Planning10. Antecedent Manipulations or Modifications11. Behavior Teaching12. Consequence Modification13. Sample Interventions Based on Function

1. Jumping Josh2. Tatiana Tantrum3. Roaming Reginald4. Polly Procrastinator5. Raleigh Raptor6. Henry the Hitter7. Blurting Bobby8. Grimacing Grace9. Cussing Claire10. Sleeping Sally11. Billy Biter12. Peer Seekers

14. Carrying Out the Plan and Following Up

Participants will leave with a clear plan for setting up functional behavior assessments that lead to effective behavioral intervention plans.


Proposed Agenda: This can be modified to suit your needs.

8:30-8:45-Overview of Functional Behavior Assessment8:45-9:00-Function-Based Support-Mining the Data for Gold9:00-9:20-Indirect Methods for Determining Function of Behavior

9:20-9:45-Direct Methods for Data Collection9:45-10:00-Observing and Recording Behavior10:00-10:15- Break10:15-10:30- Crisis Plans10:30-10:50-Data Don't Lie10:50-11:30-Analysis of the Data11:30-12:45- Lunch12:45-1:30-Behavioral Intervention Planning

Antecedent Manipulations or Modifications Behavior Teaching Consequence Modification

1:30-2:00-Sample Interventions Based on Function2:00-2:15- Break2:15-3:15- We will go through as many of these as possible:

1. Jumping Josh2. Tatiana Tantrum3. Roaming Reginald4. Polly Procrastinator5. Raleigh Raptor6. Henry the Hitter7. Blurting Bobby8. Grimacing Grace9. Cussing Claire10. Sleeping Sally11. Billy Biter12. Peer Seekers

3:15-3:30-Carrying Out the Plan and Following Up

Proven Reinforcers to Create a Climate of Success: PBIS Universal, Tier Two, and Tier Three (Breakout Session)

This is a breakout session on motivating students to engage in appropriate behavior through non-tangible reinforcers. It is based on research collected since 2004. We have been asking students this question, "What would mean the world to you? What could an adult give you, that would let you know you had done a respectable job? However, it cannot cost any money."  In all these years, only one student has broken the code and named something tangible. It was a little girl in Wyoming who said, "Food would be nice."  We found out her mother sold the weekend backpack for drugs and she didn't eat from Friday afternoon to Monday morning. The school was working with family services, but it never happens as fast as we would like in those situations.

Depending on the time for the breakout session, this training can focus on:

Universal Reinforcers Targeted Group Reinforcers Individual Reinforcers

We can also show classroom reinforcers and reinforcers for students with intensive needs.

This session can be anywhere from 1.5 hours to 4 hours depending on the time frame you have available.

The agenda will be generated once we agree on a time frame for this breakout session.

Quantum Secrets of Creating a Quality Life for Learners with Autism

Objective:Building a life of quality and substance takes careful planning for learners with autism


This presentation is appropriate for any educator or family member Pre-K through 12.


A presentation time of 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. works best. A link will be sent for the booklet required for this training. You will need to print a

booklet for each participant Dr. Riffel will link the PowerPoint presentation the day of the training for participants. Classroom style setting for participants (they will be writing and participating in group

discussions.) If more than 50 participants, Dr. Riffel will need a lavaliere (lapel) microphone and the

ability to link to a sound system for video clips that illustrate specific points. (Dr. Riffel cannot hold a microphone for an extended period or stand in one place as she demonstrates with actual materials and through audience interaction.)

An extra table up front is required for demonstration materials.


Overview of Autism, Asperger and PDD NOS. Autism Spectrum Disorders are now recognized by the Center for Disease Control to be

prevalent in one out of every 88 births. (1 in 54 boys) (2012) This translates to an increased need in understanding the spectrum for the regular classroom, special education classroom, and any other organization that has children for clients.

Provide information on interventions for access to sensory input and escape from sensory overload.

Maximize communication efforts by utilizing Picture Exchange Communication Symbols (PECS), Sign Language, Visual Schedules, Object Schedules, and Now/Then Schedules.

Social stories in a unique PowerPoint format with audio and visual output for the learner. Potty Training techniques for children with autism. Transition difficulties are one of the most frequently cited problems for children with

autism spectrum disorder.  Participants will learn techniques to make transitioning as easy as ABC.

Academic skills are often underplayed in children with autism.  This presentation will focus on ways to teach Spelling, Venn Diagrams, Math, and Reading at higher levels.

Calming activities for children with autism spectrum disorder; what works and what doesn’t.

Famous people with Asperger Syndrome…. you will be surprised.


Proposed Agenda: This can be modified to suit your needs.8:30-9:45- Ten Rules About Behavior with Autism in Mind9:45-10:00- What is Autism10:00-10:15- Break10:15-10:45- Using Data to Make Decisions10:45-11:30- Behavior11:30-12:45- Lunch12:45-1:00- Communication1:00-1:20- Power Point Relationship Narratives, Video Modeling, and Video Self-Modeling1:20-1:45- Transitions1:45-2:00- Social Skills Training2:00-2:15- Break2:15-2:30- Leisure Activities and Reinforcers2:30-2:45- Elopement2:45-3:00-Potty Training3:00-3:30- Other ideas for sensory, reading, music, sorting, behavior plan and odds and ends


Recharging Your Batteries: Classroom Management (One Day Seminar)

Objective:Recharging Your Classroom Management Batteries: Three Tiers of Support for the Classroom (Universal, Targeted, and Intensive)

This can be a one or two-day training. We will go into deeper details with the two-day training. The one-day training is more of an overview with information in the book to explore for yourself.


Pre-K through 12th Grade General and Special Education Educators, Counselors, Psychologists, Administrators, Parents, Therapeutic Foster

Parents, Behavior Specialists, Support Staff


A presentation time of 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. works best. A link will be sent for the booklet required for this training. You will need to print a

booklet for each participant Dr. Riffel will link the PowerPoint presentation the day of the training for participants. Classroom style setting for participants (they will be writing and participating in group

discussions.) If more than 50 participants, Dr. Riffel will need a lavaliere (lapel) microphone and the

ability to link to a sound system for video clips that illustrate specific points. (Dr. Riffel cannot hold a microphone for an extended period or stand in one place as she demonstrates with actual materials and through audience interaction.)

An extra table up front is required for demonstration materials.


Provides skills for basing interventions at three levels in the classroom:

Universal Level - for all students Targeted Group Level- for specific behaviors: non-compliance, blurting, disrespect, and

more Tertiary Level for functional behavior support

Maximizes research-based interventions that will work with many children in many settings in and out of the classroom.

Gives step-by-step instructions for implementing contingency and reinforcements for classroom support.

Rewires the Hardwire:  Proven strategies for overriding the reactive behaviors of adults – Frequently, we fall into the trap of reacting when a student has a behavior instead of thinking proactively first.

Interventions are applicable for preschool, elementary, middle school, and high school. Shares access to valuable resources: Participants will see visual examples of token

economy systems that work, sensory tools for children and learn why fidgeting is so important.

Participants will receive mnemonics to help them remember key points: (things to set on their desk to help them remember the key points)

Provides unique interventions that leave children with no chance to argue. Shares academic ideas for children who are struggling to keep up and children who are

struggling to stay focused.  (Frequently, behavior communication indicates children have too little to do more than too much to do.)

Supports Behavioral Competence in the Classroom:  Applying proactive research-based methods to increase applied behavior analysis and a continuum of supports for children with target behaviors.

Proposed Agenda: This can be adjusted to suit your needs.

8:30-8:45-  Introduction8:45-10:00- Three Levels of Support in the Classroom10:00-10:15- Break10:15-11:30- Three Levels of Support (Intensive) Ten Rules of Behavior11:30-12:45- Lunch12:45-2:00- Three Levels of Intervention in the Classroom2:00-2:15- Break2:15-3:15- Three Levels of Reinforcement in the Classroom3:15-3:30- Questions and Wrap-up

Recharging Your Batteries: Classroom Management (Two Day Seminar)

Objective:Recharging Your Classroom Management Batteries: Three Tiers of Support for the Classroom (Universal, Targeted, and Intensive)

In this two-day seminar, we will be able to give more explicit examples and share stories of these interventions in the field. We will also be able to spend more time building skills for the staff to understand where behavior originates and how to ameliorate.


Pre-K through 12th Grade General and Special Education Educators, Counselors, Psychologists, Administrators, Parents, Therapeutic Foster

Parents, Behavior Specialists, Support Staff


A presentation time of 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. works best. A link will be sent for the booklet required for this training. You will need to print a

booklet for each participant Dr. Riffel will link the PowerPoint presentation the day of the training for participants. Classroom style setting for participants (they will be writing and participating in group

discussions.) If more than 50 participants, Dr. Riffel will need a lavaliere (lapel) microphone and the

ability to link to a sound system for video clips that illustrate specific points. (Dr. Riffel cannot hold a microphone for an extended period or stand in one place as she demonstrates with actual materials and through audience interaction.)

An extra table up front is required for demonstration materials.


Provides skills for basing interventions at three levels in the classroom:

Universal Level - for all students Targeted Group Level- for specific behaviors: noncompliance, blurting, disrespect, and

more Tertiary Level for functional behavior support

Maximizes research-based interventions that will work with many children in many settings in and out of the classroom.

Gives step-by-step instructions for implementing contingency and reinforcements for classroom support.

Rewires the Hardwire:  Proven strategies for overriding the reactive behaviors of adults – Frequently, we fall into the trap of reacting when a student has a behavior instead of thinking proactively first.

Interventions are applicable for preschool, elementary, middle school, and high school. Shares access to valuable resources: Participants will see visual examples of token

economy systems that work, sensory tools for children and learn why fidgeting is so important.

Participants will receive mnemonics to help them remember key points: (things to set on their desk to help them remember the key points)

Provides unique interventions that leave children with no chance to argue. Shares academic ideas for children who are struggling to keep up and children who are

struggling to stay focused.  (Frequently, behavior communication indicates children have too little to do more than too much to do.)

Supports Behavioral Competence in the Classroom:  Applying proactive research-based methods to increase applied behavior analysis and a continuum of supports for children with target behaviors.

Proposed Agenda: This can be modified to suit your needs:8:30-9:00-Classroom Management Overview9:00-9:30-Universal Behavior Support9:30-10:00-Targeted Behavior Support10:00-10:15 Break10:15-10:45-Intensive Support10:45-11:30-Ten Rules of Behavior11:30-12:45- Lunch12:45-1:00- Ten Rules Continued1:00-2:00-Environmental Interventions2:00-2:15- Break2:15-3:15-Replacement Behavior Interventions3:15-3:30- QuestionsDay Two8:30-9:00- Questions from Yesterday?9:00-10:00-Using Literature to Teach Social Skills10:00-10:15-Break10:15-11:00-Reframe the Response11:00-11:30-Group Contingency-Group Reinforcement11:30-12:45- Lunch12:45-1:15-Group Contingency-Group Reinforcement1:15-2:00-Targeted Contingency-Targeted Reinforcement2:00-2:15- Break2:15-2:45-Individual Contingency- Individual Reinforcement2:45-3:30-Reinforcements

Struggling Learners: Tier Two Strategies Specifically for ADHD, LD, ODD, and ASD

Objective:Classroom Interventions for Behavioral and Academic Change for Learners with ADHD, LD, ODD, and ASD


Pre-K through 12th Grade General and Special Education Educators, Counselors, Psychologists, Administrators, Parents, Therapeutic Foster

Parents, Behavior Specialists, Support Staff


A presentation time of 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. works best. A link will be sent for the booklet required for this training. You will need to print a

booklet for each participant Dr. Riffel will link the PowerPoint presentation the day of the training for participants. Classroom style setting for participants (they will be writing and participating in group

discussions.) If more than 50 participants, Dr. Riffel will need a lavaliere (lapel) microphone and the

ability to link to a sound system for video clips that illustrate specific points. (Dr. Riffel cannot hold a microphone for an extended period or stand in one place as she demonstrates with actual materials and through audience interaction.)

An extra table up front is required for demonstration materials.


Provides skills for basing interventions on the function of the behavior rather than the emotional reactions that typically occur.

Maximizes research based interventions that will work with many children in many settings.

Provides step-by-step instructions for implementing the use of interventions for low self-esteem, oppositional defiant disorders, attention deficit hyperactive disorders, learning disabilities, class clowns, dress code violators, escape artists, and many others.

Rewires the Hardwire:  Proven strategies for overriding the reactive behaviors of adults to strategies which are more proactive.  Avoid falling into behaviors that feed target behaviors…Learn the necessary skills for working with children who use behavior for the functions identified.

Interventions include primary (classroom), secondary (targeted groups), and tertiary (intensive individual) interventions.

Gives access to valuable resources: Participants will see visual examples of token economy systems that work, sensory tools for children with ADHD, and many other hands on interventions.

Participants will receive mnemonic devices to help them remember two key components of this training (Controlled Control, and True North).

Provides unique interventions that leave children with no chance to argue. Demonstrates academic ideas for children who are struggling to keep up and children

who are struggling to stay focused.  (Frequently, behavior communication indicates children have too little to do more than too much to do.)

Shows supporting Behavioral Competence in the Classroom:  Applying proactive strategies and research-based methods to increase applied behavior analysis and a continuum of supports for children with target behaviors

Proposed Agenda: This can be modified to suit your needs

8:30-8:45 – Introduction8:45-10:00- Ten tenets of behavior with examples from the field10:00-10:15- Break10:15-11:30- ADHD interventions11:30-12:45- Lunch12:45-1:30- ADHD/LD1:30-2:00- ODD2:00-2:15- Break2:00-2:20- ODD2:20-3:15- Autism3:15-3:30- Questions and wrap-up

Keynote Addresses and Breakout Sessions:

We also have a variety of Keynote Addresses and Breakout Sessions:

The Ten Rules of Behavioro Filled with the top ten rules that govern behavior.o Filled with real world examples and stories to help learners remember the points

Positive Interventions and Effective Strategieso This can be focused on the following based on your needs:

Student/Teacher relationships Reinforcers FBA Data Tool Introduction Triple T- Triple R – Behavior Planning using a Guided Tool

Understanding Antecedent, Behavior, Consequence Universal Behavior Screening Having Fun with PBIS Group Contingencies-Group Reinforcers Quantum Secrets for Learners with Autism Non-Medicated Interventions for Learners with ADHD Oppositional Defiant Disorder Learning Disabilities Transition Cues

We can gear a breakout session or Keynote to suit your needs. This must be cleared with Dr. Riffel at least one month prior to the engagement. Many times, new materials must be written to suit the situation. This is not a problem, if we have notice.
