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DNA StructureWill FaganIB Biology 2011

Page 2: DNA  Structure

3.3 DNA Structure• DNA- Deoxyribonucleic acid• Each nucleotide of DNA is composed of a phosphate group, a sugar called deoxyribose and a molecule that is called a nitrogenous base.

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Nitrogenous Bases• Adenine • Thymine • Guanine • Cytosine• Note that all nucleotides are exactly the same except for the nitrogenous base.

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Linking DNA Nucleotides• DNA takes the shape of a double helix. • Double Helix- DNA is composed of two strands and each strand is shaped like a spiral staircase.

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Linking DNA Nucleotides Cont. • Complementary Base Pairs• Adenine bonds to Thymine• Cytosine bonds to Guanine.

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Adenine & Thymine• These two nitrogenous bases are bonded together using two hydrogen bonds. • Adenine and Guanine are relatively large so the only way that the strand maintains uniform length is through complimentary base pairing.

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Guanine and Cytosine• These two nitrogenous bases are held together by a triple hydrogen bond.

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7.1 DNA Structure HL• In order to understand bonding within DNA, one should understand the structure of a five carbon sugar.

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Chain Composition• Each strand is composed of a backbone alternating phosphate and deoxyribose molecules. • The two molecules are held together by a covalent bond known as a phosphodiester bond/linkage.

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Resulting Reaction• These linkages produce a chain of DNA. • The reaction between the phosphate group on the 5’ carbon and the hydroxyl group on the 3’ carbon is known as a condensation reaction. • At the end of this bonding, each 2 unit polymer still has a 5’ carbon free at one end and a 3’ carbon free at the other.

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Order of Nucleotides• Does the sequence of nucleotides matter? Absolutely. • As nucleotides are linked together with phosphodiester bonds, a definite sequence develops. • This sequence makes up the genetic code upon which life is based.

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Holding the Strands Together• The two chains run in opposite directions and are described as anti-parallel. • One strand has the 5’ carbon on the top and the 3’ carbon on the bottom.

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Interaction between Nitrogenous Bases• Adenine and Guanine are double-ring structures that are known as purines. • Cytosine and Thymine are single-ring structures known as pyrimidines. • A single ring always pairs with a double ring. (Complementary base pairing)

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DNA Packaging • The DNA molecules of eukaryotic cells are paired with a type of protein called a histone.• Nucleosomes consists of two molecules of each of four different histones. • The DNA wraps twice around these eight protein molecules.

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DNA Packaging• DNA is negatively charged and histones are positively charged, therefore they are naturally attracted to each other. • There is a fifth histone which leads to further wrapping (supercoiling) of the DNA molecule.

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DNA Packaging• When DNA is wrapped around the histones and into more elaborate structures, it is inaccessible to the transcription of enzymes. • This allows only certain areas to be involved in protein synthesis.

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Types of DNA Sequences• Some DNA consists of highly repetitive sequences, some code for genes, and some are structural.

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Highly Repetitive Sequences• These sequences account for between 5% and 45% of the total genome. • Composed of 5-300 base pairs per repetitive sequences. • Repetitive sequences that are in random areas are known as satellite DNA.

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Protein- Coding Genes• Within the DNA molecule, there is a single copy of genes that has a coding function. • They provide base sequences essential to produce proteins at the ribosome. • Base sequences are carried from the nucleus to the ribosome by mRNA. • Coding fragments are known as exons and non-coding fragments are introns.

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Structural DNA• Highly coiled DNA that does not have a coding function. • One also sees the presence of pseudogenes that likely do not have a function due to mutation. • Gene research is known as genomics.

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