Page 1: Dl d Dryland St Systems - Agropolis International€¦ · North Africa and West Asia: ¾Smallholder farmers must have a future throughout the ... Farm model typology Farm type FADN,

D l d D l d S t S t Dryland Dryland Systems Systems

Integrated Integrated and Sustainable Agricultural and Sustainable Agricultural Production Systems for Improved Food Production Systems for Improved Food Security and Livelihoods in Dry Security and Livelihoods in Dry Areas Areas y yy y


Sustainable Intensification in North Africa and Sustainable Intensification in North Africa and West AsiaWest AsiaWest AsiaWest Asia

R. Serraj and SRT3 team

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CRP1.1: CRP1.1: Integrated and Sustainable Integrated and Sustainable Agricultural Production Systems for Agricultural Production Systems for

Improved Food Security and Livelihoods Improved Food Security and Livelihoods in Dry Areas in Dry Areas

SRT1SRT1: : Effective & efficient R4D Effective & efficient R4D partnerships oriented to provide partnerships oriented to provide l ti l ti th t h ll ti l ti th t h llasting solutions that help ensure lasting solutions that help ensure impacts deliveryimpacts delivery

SRT2SRT2:: More resilient & sustainableMore resilient & sustainableSRT2SRT2: : More resilient & sustainable More resilient & sustainable drylanddryland agriculture that better agriculture that better manages risks & vulnerability. manages risks & vulnerability.

SRT3SRT3: More productive, : More productive, profitable, profitable, diversified & sustainably intensified diversified & sustainably intensified drylanddryland agriculture with wellagriculture with well--drylanddryland agriculture with wellagriculture with wellestablished market linkages . established market linkages .

SRO4SRO4: : Target, measure & maximize Target, measure & maximize ggR4D impacts in R4D impacts in drylanddryland agriculture. agriculture.

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Selection of Target areas & Action sitesSelection of Target areas & Action sites1. Reducing vulnerability (SRT2 type)

Circles/ovals indicate roughly the 1. Reducing vulnerability (SRT2 type)

2. Sustainable intensification (SRT3 type) indicate roughly the 5 Target Regions.

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NA&WA Target NA&WA Target AAreas and Action reas and Action SSitesites

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Livelihood strategies Key variables



Implementation programs


Institutions and policy network

Spatial Scale

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Location of the Location of the MeknèsMeknès--SaissSaiss Action Site Action Site area of about 1694 km2 in the north of Moroccoarea of about 1694 km2 in the north of Morocco

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Meknes Meknes –– SaissSaiss Action SiteAction Site

Major target region for Agricultural intensification and for the Greenintensification and for the Green Morocco Green: Agropole

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Crop diversification Cereals

Area in hectares89,400

PulsesForagesOilseed crops

13,5005,0005,600Oilseed crops

VegetablesFruit treesFallow


22,00011 400Fallow







TOTAL 138,900

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Opportunities for agricultural Opportunities for agricultural research research

Opportunities for R4D on:

pp gpp g

Opportunities for R4D on:- GMP- Pillar II (small holding farmers)- Diversification - land tenure policy, - soil and water management,

Agrobiodiversity conservation- Agrobiodiversity conservation, - Water harvesting, - drought-resistant varieties, othersdrought resistant varieties, others

Regional Capacity Research Programs : INRA, ENA, IAV Hassan II, University of Meknes, Schools for technicians, Private sector (Agribusiness value chains etc )Private sector (Agribusiness, value chains, etc.)

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EgyptEgypt--Delta SiteDelta Site

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Karkheh RiverKarkheh RiverKarkheh River Karkheh River Basin SiteBasin Site

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CConstraints onstraints and opportunitiesand opportunities

Major production systems (Action Site)WheatWheat--based based system system Biophysical/technical• Low Soil fertility• L k f di ifi ti /

FruitFruit--tree tree system system • Low Input/technical use• Lack of technical package• M k t/ dd l ( l

VegetableVegetable--based systembased systemLow sustainability(water)

P t H t ( t )• Lack of diversification / rotation

• Low input use: seeds, fertilizers pesticides

• Market/add value (value chain)

• By product use/ environmental impacts

� Post Harvest (storage)� Price volatility� Market stability� Seed availabilityfertilizers, pesticides

• Post Harvest loss• Low rate of agronomic

packages adoption

environmental impacts• Product quality (Olive,

oil/processing/policy…)• Post Harvest loss

� Seed availability(Potato

packages adoption• Market/added value/

Insurance• Livestock: Insufficient

• Post Harvest loss• Low adoption rate of

agronomic packages• InsuranceLivestock: Insufficient

feed• Pricing policy (subsidies,

pricing, etc.)

Insurance• Livestock: Feed lack• Pricing policy (subsidies,

pricing etc.)pricing, etc.)Institutional constraints :(Enabling Environments

pricing etc.)

Same analysis for Egypt and Iran sites..

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CRP1.1 Objectives for sustainable intensification in North Africa and West Asia:

Smallholder farmers must have a future throughout the WANA region

Agro-ecosystems should be productive and sustainable

If progress is achieved it has to be gender equitable

A way must be found for smallholder farmers to benefitA way must be found for smallholder farmers to benefit from market access

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H1H1 Some form of farm aggregation (association/ organized farmers groups)

HypothesesHypothesesH1. H1. Some form of farm aggregation (association/ organized farmers groups) will lead to the realization of economies of size, thereby leading to increased access to innovations, improved market efficiencies, competitiveness and value addition;

H2. H2. Rainfed wheat-based system can be sustainably intensified and diversified through crop tree livestock integration agricultural innovations anddiversified through crop-tree-livestock integration, agricultural innovations, and institutional arrangements providing pathways out of poverty;

H3. H3. Irrigated production systems can be sustainably intensified through g p y y gpolicies and institutions that ensure efficient use of land and water resources;

H4. H4. Use of innovation systems perspective will enhance the adoption and utilization of improved technologies, markets and policies;

H5. H5. Equitable distribution of responsibilities and benefits along the value chain among men women and youth will enhance development of the target areas;among men, women and youth will enhance development of the target areas;

H6. H6. System analysis of production and market system performance will allow optimal intensification of the production and market systems and theallow optimal intensification of the production and market systems and the assessment of potential impact of innovations both in socioeconomic and ecological terms.

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OutputsOutputs1. Innovation platforms for technology transfer, access to market, credit and insurance are developed and operational for the implementation of farmer’s aggregation, associating small farmers with pilot progressive farmers and/or private investor in Meknès and Delta-Egypt sites

2. Rainfed mixed wheat-based system are profitably and sustainably intensified and diversified through integrated crop-vegetable-tree-livestock TIPOs in the action and satellite sites

3. Irrigated production systems sustainably intensified by optimizing water and land productivity3. Irrigated production systems sustainably intensified by optimizing water and land productivity while conserving and valorizing natural resources (land, water, biodiversity) in the Delta-Egypt and Karkheh River basin

4 Harvest and post-harvest practices improved and added-value options tested for better market4. Harvest and post harvest practices improved, and added value options tested for better market access in the three target sites

5. Policy and institutional options related to farmers’ aggregation, market and value chain integration land fragmentation water valuation and allocation evaluated in the 3 target sitesintegration, land fragmentation, water valuation and allocation evaluated in the 3 target sites

6. Effective mechanisms for rural women and youth empowerment developed and tested in the 3 sites, to equitably share benefits and responsibilities of aggregation and intensification

7. Models and knowledge management systems developed and applied for optimized systems design, and scaling up/out improved Integrated TIPOs

8 Trade-offs between systems intensification diversification and resource use and conservation8. Trade offs between systems intensification, diversification and resource use and conservation analyzed and sustainability scenarios developed in the target sites

9. Impact of the R4D monitored and future scenarios developed for the target sites

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The logical frameworkThe logical frameworkThe logical frameworkThe logical framework

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Agricultural Innovation SystemAgricultural Innovation SystemAgricultural Innovation SystemAgricultural Innovation System

From Ponniah Anandajayasekeram

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ICARDA CA Projects in CWANA ICARDA CA Projects in CWANA (On‐going and pipeline)

• Plus CRP 1.1, 3.1, 3.5, 3.6

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Component 1 Component 1 -- Modelling Modelling chain to assess farm decision chain to assess farm decision and impactsand impacts


MarketRegional model Prices

and impactsand impacts


Aggregated Indicators (Region, Vulnerable Zone)

PricesSocio-economic context: GDP, price,….

Farm type

Simple indicators

Farm typologyFarm model

Farm type

FADN, survey, MARS

Economic and policy dataAM data base: by

ti it d F tPolicy/environnemental measures:

Fi ld


Production, ExternalitiesAgro-


Agromanagement data

activity and Farm type ntal measures: WFW, prime….

Field (soil type)cropping



Crop model

TechnologicalTechnological innovation: no till, new rotations….From Hatem Belhouchette

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Component 2Component 2

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Dynamic of olive varietal diversity in the Syrian agroecosystems

Olive-growing areas in the Mediterranean basin (based on the map ofMorettini, 1950)., )

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Results & Outputs:Results & Outputs:

Importance of Olive trees in agrosystems characterized (North Syria sites);

Genetic diversity of olive trees assessed in several collections;

Enriched collections at GCSAR;

I th i l i t f l t d l t di ti tiIn the marginal environments farmers select and plant distinctive varieties for household consumption (varieties for table, varieties for oil, precocious varieties and late varieties). These varieties vary between different agro eco systemsdifferent agro eco-systems,

In traditional agro-ecosystems, the mixture and number of varieties used are essentially influenced by consumption preferences and environmentalare essentially influenced by consumption preferences and environmental adaptation. While in modern orchards, the criteria for variety selection are the final product related to market demand and also climate adaptation of varieties.varieties.

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Component Component 3 3

Biological Nitrogen Fixation for Increased Crop Biological Nitrogen Fixation for Increased Crop Productivity, Enhanced Human Health and Productivity, Enhanced Human Health and

Sustained Soil FertilitySustained Soil FertilityConcept Note approved by CGIAR Science Council for development of aConcept Note approved by CGIAR Science Council for development of a

Challenge Program Pre-proposal

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Ecological services of legumes for N & P, and C cycles in cerealcropping systems


WP6 M t d C di ti

FABATROPIMED From A Balboa & S Ridaura

EU FP5 Fyame & FP6 Aquarhiz&Microbe; FAO-IAEA N&P efficienciesWP6 Management and Coordination

WP5Innovation systems



and sustainability assessmentPedological &

microbialdiagnosis in

farmers fields

Sustainability andtechnology transfer

WP3Symbiotic Isolation of

diagnosis and ecologyfarmers fields

Mechanisms and processes

WP2N & P cycles

and C sequestration

Soil parameters

andN,Pand C

Symbiotic and

rhizospheric interactions

Isolation of beneficial

microorganismsNew symbioses N&P


WP4Physiological mechanisms

and candidategenes

sequestrationin soils

N,P and C modeling

Characterization ofefficicent symbioses

From JJ DrevonFrom JJ Drevon

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Genetic engineering

Changes in farming systemsLegume breeding & Rhizobium selection

N to


N to

Ag g g

I l t ti f i ti k l dFixe

d N


d N • Introduction of legumes to new areas

• Improvement of underutilized legume crops• Retaining legume residues

Implementation of existing knowledge

on o

f Fon

of F • Inoculation

• Amelioration of nutritional constrains • Crop management Biotechnology

Current level





Crop Improvement





ff (ff ( )

Policies and Markets


Research effort (TimeResearch effort (Time)From Peoples et al., 2001

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Thank you
