Page 1: Division: Technology Chair (or primary author if not … Technology Chair (or primary author if not Chair): ... please explain why ... Life’s not always a bed of roses




Division: Technology

Chair (or primary author if not Chair): Nader Afzalan

1. Workplans and Budgets

We’re planners, so tell us what you planned to do this past year and what you’re planning for next

year. It’s easy…just attach your 2015-2016 and 2016-2017 workplans and budget as appendixes to

this report. Guidance on how to prepare your work plan and budget can be found here:

Performance Report Instructions.

2015-2016 work plan and budget (See Attachment)

2016-2017 work plan and budget (See Attachment)

2. Communications

So much of our time is communicating with members. How do you do it? Please identify how

often each tool was used to communicate with Division members (include weblinks for any posted

material and dates if available):

a. Newsletter (including hard copies, electronic versions, or other)

Summer and Fall 2016

Spring 2016

Newsletters can be downloaded at:

b. Website updates

Newsletters are posted on website

Publicized volunteer positions

Publicized call for submittals for Smart Cities Awards

Publicized call for submittals for “Planning App Competition” for 2016 National


c. e-blasts

Sending out periodic e-blasts to update the members about newsletter, events, or


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d. social media sites

Twitter (

Linkedin (

Facebook (

e. Membership surveys

Conducted a survey in 2013. We are developing a new survey to be send out in

Spring 2017.

f. Specific outreach for volunteer opportunities

Advertised for a newsletter layout editor. She started in February 2016.

Advertised for a newsletter editor. The new editor started in October 2016.

Advertised for judges for the Planning App competition. All positions filled.

Advertised for coronation of the Smart Cities Awards. Positions filled.

Advertised for finding sponsors for the Planning App competition. 3 sponsors

were found.

3. Annual National Planning Conference Activities

The Annual National Planning Conference is when everyone comes together. What did you

Division organize at the NPC? Please identify any and all of your Division’s-sponsored sessions at

the Annual Planning Conference:

a. General sessions, facilitated discussion, mobile workshops, or other

By right session: GeoDesign and Smart Cities

Facilitated Discussion session: Planning App Competition

b. Annual Business Meeting (provide date and time, include Business Meeting notes and

attendance list as an appendix)

Technology Division’s Business Meeting on 04/ 04/ 2016.

c. Staffing of the Divisions Council booth at the direction of the Divisions Council (provide

date, time, and name of Division members who staffed booth)

The booth was staffed by Kate McMahon and Nader Afzalan on 04/ 04/ 2016-

11:00 am – 12:00 pm.

4. All Other Events/Programs

What did you work on before and after the NPC? Please identify any events/programs sponsored

by your Division (other than those at the National Planning Conference), including the number of

participants, revenue generated (if applicable), and CM credits offered (if applicable):

a. Education programs (including webinars, events at local APA conferences, events co-

sponsored with other organizations, etc.)

Technology Division Webinar: Creating Smarter Cities: Augmenting the

Collaboration between Cities and Technology Industries

o The recorded webinar can be found here:

o About 150 people attended the webinar.

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b. Networking/social events (events at local APA conferences, events co-sponsored with

other organizations, etc.)

Organized a social event at the APA national conference, in collaboration with

Sustainability Division and International Division.

c. Recognition events/programs

Organized student app competition in 2016

Planned for a Smart Cities awards in 2017

d. Awards you give out (student papers, scholarships, diversity, etc.)

Student app competition awards and a plan for Smart Cities Awarads

e. Any Division management meetings/conference calls

Monthly calls with the Division’s board members

f. Other events

Coordinating a research on the technology capacity of planning organizations, in

collaboration with Billy Riggs (Cal Poly San louis Obispo) and Chris Steins

(Planetizen). The research is partially funded by Division Councils.

5. Membership

Who are your members and how many do you have? Please identify the number of Division

members at the start of FY 2016 and the end of FY 2016 by member type. (Note: This

information will be provided to you by APA National in October).

January 2016: 202 members

October 2016: 214 members

Also, does your Division have any committees, task forces, or other groups? If so, tell us the name

of the group, who’s on it, and what they’re working on.

Smart Cities and Sustainability Task Force involvement. Kate McMahon is the

Co-chair of the Task Force. Nader Afzalan is part of the advisory committee for

the Task Force.

Academic Task Force: Nader Afzalan is the co-chair of the APA Academic Task


6. Division Assistance Programs

What are your Division members doing for the community? Tell us all about it. Please identify

any assistance provided by your Division members:

Technology Division has provided in kind support for the following events:

o Owlized social networking event in Los Angeles, CA in June 2016.

o Annual conference for Urban e-Planning Research in Lisbon, Portugal in

April 2017.

Technology Division has provided recommendations for National

Telecommunications Information Administration regarding the national

broadband research agenda.

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Technology Division has supported the APA’s Smart Cities and Sustainability task

force by providing professional recommendations and guidance on how to move


7. Research and Publications

Are you conducting technical work or publishing? If so, please identify any Division-sponsored

research activities, and/or publications (provide a weblink for all publications)

McMahon, K. Smart City Challenge Winner Readies for Implementation. APA Blog Post,


Afzalan, N. Generative Data Centers for Smart Cities: Characteristics and Considerations,

APA Blog Post, 2016.

Piatkowski, D., Marshall, W. & Afzalan, N. (2016). Can Web-based Community

Engagement Inform Equitable Planning Outcomes? A Case Study of Bikesharing. Journal

of Urbanism: International Research on Placemaking and Urban Sustainability. DOI:

10.1080/17549175.2016.1254672 (In Print)

The research that is being conducted by Billy Riggs and Chris Stiens is still in progress. It

should be finished by February 2017.

8. Elections

Who’s going to write the FY 2017 Annual Report? It’s whoever your Division elected this year! If

your Division held an election this Fiscal Year, please tell us the names of your Nominating

Committee members, names of candidates by position, and final vote totals by position. (Note:

This information will be provided to you by APA National in October).

No elections were held this year.

9. Financial Report

Show us the money! As an appendix, please provide a final Financial Report for FY 2016 (make

sure to use the Financial Report template). In text, let us know if your Division met its FY 2016

financial plan in terms of revenues and expenses. If your end of year balance is less than your

start of year balance, please explain why (especially if this was planned). Please highlight any new

revenue generating programs initiated this year.

The division met its goals.

10. Bylaws

Did you make any changes to how you operate? Let us know. If your Division updated its bylaws

this Fiscal Year, please tell us the names of the review committee members, summarize the key

changes you adopted, and attach your updated bylaws as an appendix. Also, tell us if you updated

your bylaws based on the 2014 Model Divisions Bylaws.

We did not make new changes this year.

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11. Divisions Council Meetings

Who represented your Division at the Divisions Council meetings at the National Planning

Conference and Fall Leadership meetings? (Note: This information will be provided to you by

APA National in October).

Nader Afzalan

12. APA Development Plan

Let’s show how much Divisions contribute to APA. Please identify any specific efforts your

Division undertook to support the APA Development Plan and/or Divisions Council Initiatives.

Started a collaborative research with outside scholars and organizations

Contributed to APA Smart Cities and Sustainability Task Force

Enhance the visibility of APA by providing in-kind support for national and international

professional, educational, and social events.

Developed and organized a webinar in collaboration with APA and outside organizations

on smart cities.

13. Division Challenges

Life’s not always a bed of roses. Has your Division had any challenges this year? Don’t be shy,

we’ve all been there. Tell us what happened and let’s see how the Divisions Council or other

Divisions can help. Historically, Divisions have struggled with membership, finding active

volunteers, and limited funding. Tell us if your Division dealt with any of these, any other

emerging issues, and how you addressed them.

It is challenging to engage volunteers. We need to find opportunities for fund raising to tackle this


14. Shout it from the Mountains

You’ve told us so much already, we want to make sure we really hear the highlights. Even if

you’ve mentioned it above, please tell us about your Division's efforts from this year that you’re

most proud of, so we can tell everyone about (the answer to this question could be the start of

your application for a Divisions Council award!). Also, include any new initiatives you're

exploring that you’re excited to try and especially anything focused on growing your membership.

We provide this information to the APA Board – the more you tell us, the more you shine!

We have provided a learning and collaborative network for those who are interested in

dynamics of planning technology through:

o Engaging students through our planning app competition.

o Engaging industries and professionals through smart cities awards

o Engaging academics and professionals in writing educational articles for our


o Focusing on equity and social justice issues of smart cities projects, by discussing

these issues in our newsletter and webinar, and providing recommendations for

professional organizations.

o Supporting planning technology activities in national and international events.

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Fostering the collaboration between planning professionals, academics and industries:

o Providing a venue for fostering the interaction between APA and ACSP (planning

academics organization) through APA Academic Task Force

o Providing research funding for academics

o Engaging planning professionals and industries in the division’s activities.

Appendixes (attach all and submit with this report in 1 .pdf):

a. FY 2016 Work Plan with Approved Budget

b. FY 2017 Work Plan with Proposed Budget

c. Annual Business Meeting Notes and Attendance List

d. FY 2016 Financial Report

e. Updated bylaws (if applicable)

All are attached. Item e is not applicable.

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Appendix A Technology Division

FY2016 Work Plan

Policy/Goal Tasks Actions Parties

Responsible Budget

Communication & Outreach with membership

Publish an Electronic Newsletter

Solicit articles, compile and layout. Distribute to membership. Set fee structure and solicit ads. Three times a year

Newsletter editor produces newsletter. Secretary distributes to membership. Editor will coordinate with APA on new digital format.


Maintain Division web site On-going review and update as needed

Newsletter editor coordinates with APA Staff


Maintain social media sites Develop social media policies & strategies

Social media committee. $0

On-going updates to membership

E-blast to membership list-serves with updates on division activities. Three times a year and as needed.

Chair $0

Recruit Sponsors & partners Identify potential sponsors and partners for networking events

Exec. Committee $0

Provide professional development and networking opportunities at APA Conference

Organize by right session Proposal submitted and accepted for session on “GeoDesign and Smart Cities”

Kate McMahon & Nader Afazlan


Organize Facilitated discussion session Mobile App competition for young professionals

Proposal submitted and accepted for “Mobile app competition for young Professionals”

James Castenada $500+

$1000 sponsorship

Business meeting Arrange for business meeting. Attend conference and facilitate

Exec. Committee $200

Social event Contact other Divisions about holding a joint networking reception

Nader Afzalan Find sponsor for reception

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Policy/Goal Tasks Actions Parties

Responsible Budget

Enhance member services

Maintain existing membership records

Update list on monthly basis. Maintain list serve.

Secretary $120

Distribute informational flyer

Created flyer for 2015 APA conference. Print and distribute at future conferences

Exec. Committee $100

Recruit new members. Solicit new members from expired memberships. Compile list of potential members from attendees at conference sessions & affiliated organizations

Exec. Committee



Webinar Host webinar in 2016 to be coordinated with APA webinar series

Nader Afzalan $0

Smart City Task Force Co-Chair Task Force & on-going DC initiative. Call for proposals for research grant.

Kate McMahon – Co-chair task force. Research grant –TBD

Fund thru DC Research


Administrative Division leadership meetings Conduct monthly board/meetings – conference calls

Chair schedules and Board participates


Performance Report Compile performance report Exec. Committee $0

Budget Draft budget for performance report

Exec. Committee $0

Sponsors Identify sponsors & solicit sponsors for Division events

Exec. Committee $0

Attend leadership meetings. Attend at national conference & fall meeting in Washington DC

Chair $500 + $500 travel


Attend spring leadership Meeting

Chair attend meetings at National Conference in Phoenix

Chair $500 travel grant

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Policy/Goal Tasks Actions Parties

Responsible Budget

Exec Committee - national conference coordination

Exec Committee organize and attend business meetings and division events at national conference

Executive Committee $1000

Accounting – Financial Reporting

Record keeping treasurers report, disbursements

Secretary/Treasurer coordinates with APA staff


Survey Conduct Survey in Spring 2016 Exec Committee $0

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Appendix B [Technology Division]

FY2016-2017 Work Plan

Policy/Goal Tasks Actions Parties

Responsible Budget

Communication & Outreach with membership

Publish an Electronic Newsletter, with a stronger focus on smart cities and equity

Solicit articles, edit, compile and layout. Distribute to membership. Set fee structure and solicit ads. Three times a year

Newsletter editor produces newsletter. Secretary distributes to membership.


Maintain Division web site On-going review and update as needed

Newsletter editor and the Chair coordinates with APA Staff


Maintain social media sites On-going maintenance and use of Liked-In and Twitter

Exec. Committee $0

On-going updates to membership

E-blast to membership list-serves with updates on division activities. Three times a year

Past Chair $0

Recruit Sponsors & partners Identify potential sponsors and partners for networking events

Exec. Committee $0

Provide professional development and networking opportunities at APA Conference

Organize by right session Proposal submitted and accepted for session on “Greater Sustainability with Autonomous Vehicles?”

Thomas Coleman $0

Organize Facilitated discussion session on Smart Cities Awards

Proposal submitted and accepted for “2017 APA-Technology Division Technology Division Smart Cities Awards”

James Castenada & Nader Afzalan


Organize mobile workshop Proposal submitted and accepted for “Industry to Tech Hub, East Williamsburg/ Bushwick”

Thomas Coleman Workshop fee to cover


Business meeting Arrange for business meeting, advertise for it, and facilitate

Exec. Committee $200

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Policy/Goal Tasks Actions Parties

Responsible Budget

Social event Coordinate with Smart Cities Council on networking reception

Nader Afzalan $600

Enhance member services

Research Collaborate with researchers at Cal Poly and Planetizen on applying for and receiving a research grant from the Division Council

Nader Afzalan, Billy Riggs, Chris Steins


Maintain existing membership

Update list on monthly basis. Maintain list serve.

Secretary $0

Distribute informational flyers

Created flyer for 2016 APA conference. Update, print, and distribute at future conferences

Exec. Committee $150

Recruit new members Solicit new members from expired memberships. Compile list of potential members from attendees at conference sessions & affiliated organizations

Exec. Committee



Webinar Host webinar in October 2015 on Creating Smarter Cities

Thomas Coleman and Nader Afzalan

Free webinar,

Supported by APA

Regional events Coordinate with Broadband Communities on workshop for planners on Smart Cities and Broadband

Kathleen McMahon $0

Administrative Division leadership meetings Conduct monthly board/meetings – conference calls

Chair schedules and Board participates


By-laws updates No particular updates. Plans for discussing to add Newsletter editor as a formal board member

Exec. Committee $0

Performance Report Compile performance report Exec. Committee $0

Budget Draft budget for performance report

Exec. Committee $0

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Policy/Goal Tasks Actions Parties

Responsible Budget

Sponsors Identify sponsors & solicit sponsors for Division events

Exec. Committee $0

Attend leadership meetings. Attend spring meeting at national conference & fall meeting in Washington DC

Chair $1,000

Accounting – Financial Reporting

Record keeping treasurers report, disbursements

Secretary/Treasurer coordinates with APA staff


Elections Nominate Candidates Coordinate with APA consolidated elections in Fall


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Attendance list for the business meeting at the 2016 national conference in Phoenix: Location: 205 N Michigan Ave Ste 2640 Chicago IL 60601-5944 United States Discussion items in the business meeting:

Ensuring that all the board members and session organizers are ready for their sessions at the national conference.

Brainstorming ideas for the APA 2017 events

Discussing the budget and expenses for the following year

Ideas for attracting and increasing membership

Sharing ideas in regards to arranging regional social events.

Open conversation about the attendees professional activities related to planning technology and way in which these activities and contribute to the division’s growth.


Katie Cettie

Eric Fredrick

Thomas Coleman

Kate McMahon

Nader Afzalan

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Appendix D

10-1-15 Beginning Balance $4,465.15

9-30-16 Ending Balance $3,490.09 FY2016 Budget


Budget FY2017

REVENUE Description Subtotal REVENUE

Dues Q4 (trf in November) 450 520.00 450

Q1 (trf in February) 750 850.00 750

Q2 (trf May/June) 750 358.75 750

FY2012 Q3 (trf August) 450 552.50 450

Dues Revenue 2,400 2,281.25 2,400

[Add other Revenue categories in additional rows, as needed.]

Sponsorship 1500 1500 1500

Other Revenue 1,500 1500.00 1500

TOTAL REVENUE 3,900 3781.25 3900

EXPENSES Description Amount Subtotal EXPENSES

Communications/Newsletter Design 0 0.00 0

Printing 0 0.00 0

Handling 0 0.00 0

Postage 0 0.00 0

Newsletter Expense 0 0.00 0

Annual Business Meeting Refreshments 0 0.00 0

Printing 100 0.00 150

Postage 0 0.00 0

Social Event 0 1,125.93 600

Room Booking and other expenses 400 0.00 200

Annual Meeting Expense 500 1,125.93 950

Travel - Division Chair APA National Planning Conference 275 882.52 275

APA Fall Leadership Meetings 1000 0.00 1,000

Other 0 0.00 0

Travel Expense 1275 882.52 1,275

0 0.00Other Activities Awards (Paper / Mobile Apps) 1500 2,564.85 1,700

National Conference - Exec Cmttee Travel 275White Paper Support CostsWebinar CostPrinting (general) 150 183.01 175CM Provider Registration 100Workshop CM feesRegional Meetups 100

Other Expense 2125 2,747.86 1,875

TOTAL EXPENSES 3900 4,756.31 4,100

0 -975.06 -200

Technology Division

FY2016 Financial Report (10/01/2015 - 09/30/2016)

FY2017 Proposed Budget (10/01/2016 - 09/30/2017)

Submitted by:


FY2016 Actuals

as of 09/30/2016

Revenue over (under) Expenses for reporting period:
