Page 1: Divine Mercy Catholic · felt in a classroom setting. If you want to see a deer, you are unlikely to find him on Main

Divine Mercy Catholic Church

2231 Club Center Drive, Sacramento, CA 95835

Tel: (916) 256-3134

Office Hours: Monday-Friday 9:00 am-4:00 pm

MISSION STATEMENT ~ To establish a faith-filled community bonded by love. To

proclaim the good news, foster personal encounters with the living Christ and strengthen the

family by witnessing the gospel values of love, mercy, justice, forgiveness and service to all.

Saturday Vigil Mass 5:00 PM

Sunday Mass 7:30 AM

9:30 AM

12:30 PM

Youth Mass 5:00 PM

Every 1st Sunday of the Month followed by Eucharistic Adoration

Spanish Mass 5:00 PM

Every 2nd Sunday of the Month

Filipino Mass 5:00 PM Every 3rd Sunday of the month



Mon - Wed - Fri 6:30 PM

Tue - Thur - Sat 8:30 AM

Every Friday Holy Hour 3 - 6 PM

(Blessed Sacrament Exposed)

First Friday

Morning Mass 8:30 AM

Exposition* 9:00 AM

Benediction 5:45 PM

Evening Mass 6:30 PM

*Hourly Adorers needed during Exposition

Mass Schedule

Sacrament of Penance

Saturday 3:45 - 4:45 PM By Appointment Call the Parish Ofc Sacrament of Baptism

Every 3rd Saturday of the month at 10:00 AM or within the Mass (in some special cases to be determined by the Pastor). Please contact the Parish Office to talk with the Pastor 2 months before the Baptism day.

Sacrament of Matrimony

Please contact the Parish Office to talk with the Pastor 6 months before the wedding day.

Anointing of the Sick

Please call the Parish Office.


English: 30 mins before every Mass Spanish: Thursdays at 7:00 PM

Chaplet of Divine Mercy

Immediately after every Mass

PASTOR Rev. Soane Kaniseli [email protected]

Deacon Rick Morales [email protected]

Deacon James Ogbonna [email protected]

Sacraments and Rosaries Look Inside For

Feast of the Presentation of the Lord

Sunday, February 2, 2020

“My eyes have seen your salvation

which you prepared in sight of all the peoples“

Luke 2:30-31

First Friday

Adoration is

February 7th.

See page 2 for more




Children and




See pg 6

Join Us!

See Page 7 for details!

Page 2: Divine Mercy Catholic · felt in a classroom setting. If you want to see a deer, you are unlikely to find him on Main

Page 2 A Word From...

I was watching an interesting YouTube clip by a gentleman inter-

viewing two 19-year-old Mormon missionary boys. The interviewer revealed

that he was a lapsed Catholic who caused a lot of trouble while in Catholic

School as a child. Then, when one of the Mormon missionaries spoke of feel-

ing the love of God, the lapsed Catholic interviewer blurted, “feeling the love of

God? What is that? I heard about the love of God as a child, but honestly, I

never felt it or experienced it. When you say ‘feel the love of God’ what does

that mean?”

This confession, “I have never felt the love of God” jarred me. You

have a kid raised in the Church and going to Catholic School, receiving all his

sacraments, sitting through who knows how many hours of religious instruc-

tion and mass, saying his prayers with the rest of the kids, yet now he has left

the Catholic faith and confesses he never “felt the love of God!”

I have heard evangelical missionaries proclaim, “It doesn’t matter

how you feel, if you prayed this prayer and meant it, you are saved.” I have

heard Catholic teachers say, “It doesn’t matter how you feel, if you have valid-

ly received the sacraments, you are an adopted child of God, and have re-

ceived his grace.

Okay, theologically, I can accept that God acts according to His

promises and His plans regardless how we feel about it, but while emotions

can be fickle and untrustworthy, we are still beings who feel, and feeling is

important. Would the lapsed Catholic interviewer have left the faith if he had

ever experienced rather than just heard about the love of God?

How many wives leave their marriages, because they never felt the

love of their spouse regardless of words spoken or what was actually in the

spouse’s heart? How many kids grow up with emotional problems because

they never felt the love of the parents (even if the parents really did love

them.)? Emotional experience is very important to healthy spirituality.

Once a friend of mine declared to me that “the Lord” revealed to him

that I wasn’t truly saved. I had previously really respected this friend’s ability to

hear the word of God, but this time I knew he was way off base. Why? Be-

cause I HAVE felt God’s love and God’s presence countless times over the

years. From time to time, I have been shaken by the question of whether God

is real, but my doubts are quickly put aside. Why? When my mind was caused

to doubt, my experience with the One, True, and Living God pushes those

doubts aside.

A true statistic is that 6 of 10 Catholic and Protestant children in

High School Youth groups will leave the faith when they enter college. Why?

Because the intellectually based facts of the bible and the truth of the morality

of the bible are directly challenged by their professors and society at large.

Which is more believable? Miracles told you as a child or “scientific facts”

taught as an adult? Morality which goes contrary to your hormone driven bodi-

ly desires, or live and let live attitudes that left everyone do as they desire and

cast no judgment? Slam dunk, no challenge. The real question is why do 4 out

of 10 keep their faith?

. For me, while I had a period of lapse from church and obedi-

ence to God’s word in college I never stopped believing in Him, because I

had EXPERIENCED God’s love and EXPERIENCED God’s presence

as a teen. There could be no doubt that God was real. The question was

simply, “Am I going to obey Him?”

For those teens who have NOT experienced God’s love or

God’s presence, what chance do they have? Have you ever experienced


A bulletin reflection submitted by Fr. Kiernan

God’s love or God’s presence? What does that feel like? What does it en-


For me, experiencing God’s love is often either a sensation or an

emotion. The first time I remember experiencing it was maybe at age 10 or

11, when we were doing communion at the Baptist church. Usually I just

played with the rubber communion cup holders taking them in and out of the

wood holes and putting them on my fingers, but for some reason I actually

started listening to the pastor, and his words brought me present to the Last

Supper, and I was there with Jesus when He was deciding to go to the cross

for me! It hit me and I just started to cry. Later, in Junior High, I was at

Church Camp up in Pilot Lake and the pastor talked about the love of Christ

and His call, and I felt the Spirit come on me, again tears flowing from my

eyes I went forward in Church. Later as a teen, I would be in prayer and feel

the Holy Spirit come upon me and I would speak in tongues. Sometimes in

prayer I would feel a warm sensation, or tingling, or hear within my mind the

external voice of the Lord speak to me. This could happen while reading my

Bible or singing praise and worship songs by myself or in a group. A warm

sensation of love enveloped my soul. Once, the sensation even caused me

to laugh. I have felt the Spirit come on me during Mass, during hikes in the

wilderness, or sitting alone while in contemplation.

Honestly, these “feelings of God’s love” or “His Presence” didn’t

become common until my teen years.

Here is the problem. We can teach children stories about God’s

love, and the spiritual facts of salvation, and the morality of the Bible, but

how can we lead them to experience God’s love personally, so that they can

be immunized against later attacks on their faith? The interviewer never felt

anything and took pride in acting up when religious instruction was occur-

ring. He was a prime candidate for later apostasy.

If we want our teens to experience God’s love, we must help them

into situations where they are likely to experience it. We can teach them

facts about God as little children, but experiential spirituality is unlikely to be

felt in a classroom setting. If you want to see a deer, you are unlikely to find

him on Main Street downtown. You need to go to the forest where deer are

commonly seen. Unfortunately, if you want your kids to see a deer, you can’t

just take a one time trip to the forest to a place you saw a deer once before

and expect that he will still be standing there waiting for you to come with

your kids at 3 p.m. If you want your kids to see a deer, you need to make a

practice of commonly going to the forest where deer are often seen, and

eventually, at a time and place of the deer’s choosing, he will be there for

you and your kids to see!

Where is God usually experienced? Not in a classroom. Not on

the sports field, or in dance class. Not while watching trash on TV or listen-

ing to pop rock, or while doing homework. He can be experienced at Mass (if

participating with the right attitude), but is more often experienced during

alone times of prayer and contemplation, while walking in nature daydream-

ing about creation, during extended times of praise and worship when one

can get lost in the music and focus on the words of praise. In other words,

God is rarely experienced in times of business and distraction but more

commonly experienced in sacred spaces where we make time for Him to

approach us and allow our thoughts to leave the cares of the world and rise

to Him.

Modern child rearing militates against a child ever experiencing

God. We do not as a society make space for children to find God. Instead

we load up their days and weeks with school, sports, extracurricular activi-

ties, homework, and what little time they have left they fill with streaming

data from computers, I-pods, cell phones and social media. There is no time

Page 3: Divine Mercy Catholic · felt in a classroom setting. If you want to see a deer, you are unlikely to find him on Main

Page 3 “Pray without ceasing-”...I Thessalonians 5:17

Prayers of the Faithful, February 2nd, 2020


Sunday, Feb 2 St. Joan de Lestonnac

MAL 3:1-4; PS 24:7, 8, 9, 10; HEB 2:14-18; LK 2:32; LK 2:22-40 OR 2:22-32

Monday, Feb 3 St. Blaise

2 SM 15:13-14, 30; PS 16:5-13; 3:2-3, 4-5, 6-7; LK 7:16;MK 5:1-20

Tuesday, Feb 4 St. Joan of Valois

2 SM 18:9-10, 14B, 24-25A, 30–19:3; PS 86:1-2, 3-4, 5-6; MT 8:17; MK 5:21-43

Wednesday, Feb 5 St. Agatha

2 SM 24:2, 9-17; PS 32:1-2, 5, 6, 7; JN 10:27; MK 6:1-6

Thursday, Feb 6 St. Paul Miki

1 KGS 2:1-4, 10-12; 1 CHRONICLES 29:10, 11AB, 11D-12A, 12BCD;

MK 1:15; MK 6:7-13

Friday, Feb 7 St. Moses

SIR 47:2-11; PS 18:31, 47 AND 50, 51; LK 8:15; MK 6:14-29

Saturday, Feb 8 St. Jerome Emiliani

1 KGS 3:4-13; PS 119:9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14; JN 10:27; MK 6:30-34

Sunday Connection, February 2nd, 2020

Gospel Reading: Luke 2:22–40 (Shorter

F o r m : L u k e 2 : 2 2 – 3 2 )

Simeon recognizes the infant Jesus as the

promised Messiah.

Background on the Gospel: Today the

Church celebrates the Feast of the Presenta-

tion of Jesus in the temple. The Presentation,

which is celebrated 40 days after Christmas, is

not mentioned in the other Gospels. Only Luke tells the story, most likely

because he writes for Gentile Christians who are not familiar with the Jewish

rite of presentation and purification. In addition, the intent of Luke’s Gospel is

to show that God’s promise to Israel, fulfilled in Jesus, extends to Gentiles.

Luke recognizes Joseph and Mary as faithful Jews who bring Jesus to the

Temple in Jerusalem. Here they present their firstborn son to the Lord. Jesus

is thus consecrated as required by the Law of Moses. Present in the temple

at this time are Simeon and Anna. Both are awaiting the restoration of God’s

rule in Israel.

Simeon had been promised by the Holy Spirit that he would see Christ the

Lord, the Messiah, before he died. The holy man immediately recognized the

infant Jesus as the promised Savior, a “light for revelation to the Gentiles,

and glory for your people Israel.” Anna also recognized Jesus as the fulfill-

ment of the promise of redemption and spoke about him to all. +

As the child Jesus was presented in the Temple, so we now present

our needs before the throne of God.

That the Church may proclaim effectively the light of Christ to all na-

tions and bring to faith those who do not yet believe in Him.

For the priests serving in this Diocese, that they will persevere to the


For all those called to the priesthood or consecrated life in this Diocese,

that they will respond wholeheartedly.

That as Christian Stewards we will take our stewardship lessons to

heart and present our gifts and our young ones joyfully to the Lord.

For government officials, that they may come to the temple of the Lord

frequently to seek wisdom from his Word and grace from his sacra-


That we may look upon the unborn as children who belong to God, and

who deserve the same respect and protection as every other human


That those afflicted by poverty, war, or sickness may experience the

light of the Savior born to heal all nations.

That all who have died may behold face to face the Savior who came

for them.

First Friday Adoration is February 7th.

8:30 am Mass/Blessed Sacrament Exposed

3:00 pm Holy Hour Begins

4:00 pm Chaplet of the Sacred Heart

5:45 pm Benediction

6:30 pm Mass

Continued from page 2:

for contemplation, meditation, wandering through nature, imagination, and

prayer of being with God. Instead, busyness and productivity to pad little John-

ny’s resume so “he can get into a good college” is the order of the day. We

train our children to be successful productive materialists, and frankly, faith is

not needed to accomplish that goal. I have had the unpleasant experience,

several times of trying to organize youth activities at our parish only to face a

wall of indifference from parents who apologetically tell me little Suzie and

Johnny are far too busy with sports and school and lessons to take on even

one more activity. Yes, they punched their ticket, did their religious education

and got confirmed at age 13, but they are too busy to do any more.

As parents, if we want our children’s faith to survive childhood, we

need to do more than cram their little minds with religious education classes

when they are young children. We need to carve out sacred spaces in their

lives to be alone and to contemplate, to read their bible by themselves, to par-

ticipate in praise and worship and meditative prayer. We need to take them to

the Spiritual forest, so they have a chance to see a deer. We need to carve out

time in their lives so they have an opportunity to experience God, not just hear

about Him. What does this look like in the real world? Promote the practice of

individual devotions, prayer and bible reading in the morning or evening, where

devices are shut off, and kids are told to quietly read the bible and pray. We

need to ensure they are not so overbooked that they have time to participate in

Youth Activities at Church, and Camp in the Summer, where many teens come

home spiritually energized after mountain top experiences. Our children’s spir-

itual growth should take priority over resume building.

As Church leaders, we need to create opportunities for teens to have

the opportunity not just to play games and socialize with other teens, or fill their

minds with more spiritual lessons, but to experience God. Carve out times at

the adoration Chapel, organize retreats, do lectio divinas, set up evenings of

extended praise and worship, where the teen can take his or her eyes off the

world even for an hour, and look to God. We can’t schedule an experience with

God, but we can organize and schedule events where such an experience is at

least possible.

I have been talking about children, but if you haven’t experienced

these things yourself, you need to! Take time to go to the spiritual forest, and

encounter God. If you are persistent, you will find Him. +

Michael Faber/Michael Faber's Church-at-Home

Page 4: Divine Mercy Catholic · felt in a classroom setting. If you want to see a deer, you are unlikely to find him on Main

Page 4 Mark Your Calendars


Sunday, February 2 Valentine Gift Packs Sale /Daughters of the King

8:30 am (P7) RCIA Adapted Year II

8:30 am (P8) RCIA Adapted Year I

8:30 am (P9) RCIA I Adult Class

9:00 am (P1-4, 5, 7&8) Children's CFF:RCIA Adapted/Parent's

10:30 am (Rectory) RCIA Adult II

10:45 am (All Portables) Children's CFF Class

2:00 pm (P5) Women's Welcome Meeting Team 4

2:00 pm (P3) Men's Welcome Team 5 Meeting

4:00 pm (P7/8) Columbian Squires Planning Meeting

6:00 pm (Church) Youth Adoration

7:00 pm (Narthex) Youth Pot Luck

Monday, February 3

6:00 pm (All portables) Children CFF-Monday

7:30 pm (Narthex) 1st Corinthians Bible Study

Tuesday, February 4

9:00 am (P1,2, &3) CGS

9:30 am (Narthex) Psalms: The School of Prayer

9:30 am (P9) SHDM Core Group Meeting

11:00 am (P5) Inner Circle Prayer Circle

7:30 pm (P7/8) Knights of Columbus Council General Meeting

Wednesday, February 5

5:00 pm (P1) Children's Choir Practice

7:30 pm (Narthex) Baptism Prep Class

Thursday, February 6

9:00 am (Narthex) Altar Society - Flower Arrangement

5:00 pm (P5) Legion of Mary

7:00 pm (Narthex) Fundraising Committee Meeting

7:00 pm (Church) Spanish Rosary

7:30pm (P7 & 8) Knights of Columbus 4th Degree

Friday, February 7

4:00 pm (Church) Chaplet of the Sacred Heart

3:00 pm (Church) Holy Hour

5:45 pm (Church) Benediction

7:30 pm (Church) Adult Choir Practice

Saturday, February 8

10:00 am (Church, P1-3, P7-9)Children's CFF Eucharist 2

Parents' Retreat on the Eucharist (with the Euchar-

ist 2 children, including RCIA Adapted Parents and


3:45 pm (Church) Confession Fr Soane

Sunday, February 9

8:30 am (P7) RCIA Adapted Year II

8:30 am (P8) RCIA Adapted Year I

8:30 am (P9) RCIA I Adult Class

9:00 am (P1-4, 5, 7&8) Children's CFF:RCIA Adapted/Parent's

10:30 am (Rectory) RCIA Adult II

10:45 am (All Portables) Children's CFF Class

2:00 pm (P5) Women's Welcome Meeting Team 4

2:00 pm (P3) Men's Welcome Team 5 Meeting

Sunday, February 2

7:30 am Sol Joven + Fr Michael

Jose Jovy Samson +

Augustin Tulagan +

9:30 am Bess Dagcasin + Fr Soane

Jessica Stout (Speedy Recovery)

Jimmy Limson + (Death Anniversary)

12:30 pm Dominic Taitano + Fr Soane

Rufina Deleon Guerrero +

Humberto Aguilar +

5:00 pm YOUTH MASS Fr Memo

Rosalia & Gerardo Rosario +

Eugene Cacas +

Monday, February 3

6:30 pm Pedro & Ricardo Mendoza + Fr Michael

Tuesday, February 4

8:30 am Sylvia Booker + Fr Michael

Domingo Pineda +

Wednesday, February 5

6:30 pm Alfredo Matias + Fr Soane

Kaela Aflleje (Blessings)

Thursday, February 6

8:30 am Fr Soane

Friday, February 7 FIRST FRIDAY


6:30 pm Angel Escarcha + Fr Soane

Saturday, February 8

8:30 am Fr Michael

5:00 pm Fr Soane

Sunday, February 9

7:30 am Fr Soane

9:30 am Lucing Pelaez + Fr Soane

Gonzalo Gueco +

Bess Dagcasin +

12:30 pm Dominic Taitano + Fr Michael

Rufina Deleon Guerrero +

5:00 pm SPANISH MASS Fr Michael

CONFESSION: Saturdays at 3:45-4:45. Or make an appointment for Confession

by calling 916-256-3134.

The Annual Catholic Appeal is Coming!

February 22nd and 23rd!

Assisting People in Need



Page 5: Divine Mercy Catholic · felt in a classroom setting. If you want to see a deer, you are unlikely to find him on Main

Page 5 Giving is Worship


SHARING OUR TREASURE Fiscal Year July 2018- June 2019

2019 Tax Statement:

Your 2019 Contribution (Tax)

Statements will be ready elec-

tronically by Monday, Jan 13,

2020. Printed statements will be

available upon request. Please

call or drop by the parish office to

request a copy.

To download your statements, go to My Own Church and click on the My

Offering Tab then to Giving History , download where you see “Electronic

Statements” on the top right hand side of the page. If you haven’t registered

to My Own Church now is the best time to do so.

WHY? You can securely download your contribution statement and update

your information.

You help the church in so many ways by updating our data yourselves: less

misspelled information, current information if there’s a new addition to the

family or moved to a new home, new email address, etc.

We help save the environment by going paperless, Save a tree! Update

your info online.

We save $$$: paper forms with postage $500, data entry for 750 families

$350. Updating your own record in My Own Church: PRICELESS!

More accurate data for better planning.

HOW? Go to and click on My

Own Church (MOC), follow the prompts to register and be able to use My

Own Church from now on (even if you are already registered in the parish).

My Own Church is your online access to your information. +









For more information contact Mike David at:

[email protected]

The Mortgage Reduction Offering is THIS Weekend!

Please prayerfully consider what you can give to help

the Church’s efforts in reducing the balance on the

mortgage. We will be taking a second collection for

this all important offering.

Week ending 01/26/20

OFFERTORY REQUIREMENTS (July 2019 - June 2020)

Average 4 week Month Requirement $ 60,000

Weekly Average Requirements $ 15,000

Week of: 5-Jan wk 1 $ 28,226

Week of: 12-Jan wk 2 $ 15,409

Week of: 19-Jan wk 3 $ 10,871

Week of: 26-Jan wk 4 $ 11,641

Total Collections This Month $ 66,147

Note: The Above Amounts Do Not Include Fundraising Donations


Mortgage Loan Balance 01/24/20 $ 2,098,925

This Week:

Weekend Mass attendance totaled 1,422

273 families gave 78.4% of our weekend offertory of $9,603

We are thankful to the 26 families who gave sacrificial gifts totaling $1,675 for our Mortgage Reduction collection.

Fundraising Donations MTD = 1,000

Monies collected for fundraising events have not been adjusted for costs. Net income will be reflected when the fundraising event ends.

Plan ahead, sign up for On Line Giving

God Bless You for Your Continuing Generosity

Have your gift recorded by using envelopes. We will provide you with a record of your tax-deductible donations every year. Don’t have enve-

lopes? Call Parish office to request – it’s easy!

Page 6: Divine Mercy Catholic · felt in a classroom setting. If you want to see a deer, you are unlikely to find him on Main

Page 6 Divine Mercy Catholic Church Ministries

To be added to the Parish’s Warrior Prayer Chain

email: [email protected]

Contact Sr Luz


If you have any questions.

The Atrium is a specially prepared envi-

ronment offering engaging interactive

materials like this model of the City of

Jerusalem. Catechesis of the Good

Shepherd is a unique Montessori based

method of faith formation that in-

vites children to learn about Jesus, and

come to know and love Him.





Saturday, February 8

9:30 am.-2:30 pm.

It's a potluck lunch.

CFF Schedule

February 2020

February 8 (Saturday)

10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. (P 1-3) / (P7-9) / Church

Eucharist 2 Parents’ Retreat on the Eucharist – (with the Eucharist 2 children) (including RCIA Adapted Parents & Children)

February 9/10 CFF Class

February 16/17 No CFF Class – Women’s Welcome Retreat (Feb.15-16)

February 23/24 CFF Class / Family Mass at 12:30

February 26 (Wednesday)

Ash Wednesday

February 29 (Saturday)

5:00 p.m. Mass (Church)

Rite of Sending/Rite of Election (Dena’s RCIA 2 class)

Day Date Event Time Place


Feb 6 Steubenville

Conference Plan-ning Meeting

6:00PM P9

Friday Feb 7 Daughters of the King Fundraiser

Prepping 7:30PM P9


Feb 8 Daughters of the King Valentine’s


After 5:00PM mass



Feb 9 Daughters of the King Valentine’s


After all mass times



Feb 9 Youth Choir

Valentine’s Party 3:00PM

(See Malou Sanchez)


Feb 9 Life Teen - NERF

WAR 6:00PM - 8:00PM

P1 ,P2, P3


Feb 12 Youth Ministry

Council Meeting 7:15PM - 8:30PM



Feb 13 Beloved Meeting - Young Adults



Feb 16

Squires/Daughters of The

King Business Meetings

6:30PM - 8:00PM



Feb 20 Beloved Meeting - Young Adults

6:00PM TBD


Feb 23 Life Teen Meet-

ing 6:00PM - 8:00PM

P2, P3

February 2020



Page 7: Divine Mercy Catholic · felt in a classroom setting. If you want to see a deer, you are unlikely to find him on Main

Page 7 Divine Mercy Catholic Church Ministries

Financial Peace University-



@ 7:30 PM in P-1

Your chance to become debt

free and be a great steward of God’s financial blessings.. Please visit our

table in the Narthex after Masses on 1/18, 1/19.

Please contact Michael Kemper –[email protected] for more infor-


“Just as the rich rule the poor, so the borrower

is servant to the lender.” Proverbs 22:7 NLT

January 25, 2020

Page 8: Divine Mercy Catholic · felt in a classroom setting. If you want to see a deer, you are unlikely to find him on Main

Call the

Church Office

at 916-256-3134

for a quote!
