
Distributed Systems 2006

Styles of Client/Server Computing

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  Styles  Examples

– Distributed file systems– Databases

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Basic Client/Server Properties

  Often little communication among clients  Client to server ratio often high

– Need for caching to achieve performance

Primary server


Access objectsAccess files

Access relations

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  Storing shared state at both client and server– Requests may be handled


  State may become out-of-date if updated outside cache– Stale vs consistent

  Coherent caching– Guarantees that cache is not


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Stateless and Stateful

  Stateless architectures– Server does not track clients or ensure

that cached data is up-to-date; clients independently responsible

– Server may change state without notifying clients; thus shared state may become stale – caches as hints

– May take load off server, simplifies error recovery

– Distributed file systems

  Stateful architectures– Client make take actions, assuming

that local state is correct– Servers typically need to track clients– Mimic behavior of non-replicated/-

shared data – often locking of data– Transactional databases

Primary server


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Distributed File Systems

  Two major stateless examples– Sun NFS on Unix/Linux/...– Windows NTFS

  Emulate local file access interface– File access on remote

server using RPC– Caching to improve



Data Cache

Buffer Pool

File Store

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  Developed by Sun in the 1980’s to provide a file system for diskless clients– NFS Version 4 (2000) introduces part state as in NTFS...

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Unix File Systems

  Virtual file system allows the use of many actual file systems

  Unix files are described using inodes– Contain mode, ownership information, time stamps,

addresses of actual file blocks, ...

  A directory is a file containing list of names and inodes

  Commands– E.g., mount, create, open, read, write

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NFS Operations

  RPC is not reliable, retry until success  Mount

– Client issues mount RPC request– Server checks request for validity. Is file available and is user allowed to access?– Server returns handle– Client stores in remote mount table

  Create, open– Client file system sees that path maps to remotely mounted file system, sends request to

server– Server takes action, returns virtualized inode, vnode– Example of reliability problems: Create/delete used to create lock files vs timeouts

  Read, write– Uses vnodes– Cache vnodes and subset of blocks of files

• Freshness interval during which no cache validation is made• Otherwise validation based on timestamps of files

– Write-through cache policy• Client applications see own modifications, modifications written back to server eventually• Another source of problems: Even though cache is validated at client, server does not see complete


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Real-World File Access?

  [Baker et al., 1991]: Study of file access patterns– All file access is sequential– Little sharing of files between applications – one

application creates, other application reads– Files are either very short-lived or very long-lived

  Stateful distributed file systems– Andrew File System– Sprite file system– CODA– XFR

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Transactional Databases

  Assumptions– All stateful interaction client <-> server– Interaction through short sequences of

• begin -> {read, update}* ->{commit, abort}

issued at clients

  Structure interaction in transactions– Statefulness

• E.g., data read and written during transactions, ongoing transaction shared state

  80% of all reliable distributed computing is based on transactions– Just like 80% of all programming is done in Visual Basic– In this course, transactions is just one reliability technique

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Properties of Transactions

  The basic unit of interaction with a database server

  Guaranteed properties (ACID)– Atomicity

• Each transaction is executed to completion or not at all• Rollbacks may be necessary

– Concurrency• Transactions are minimized so as to maximize concurrency

– Independence/Isolation• Transactions execute independently on each other• Effects of interactions do not interleave

– Durability• Results of committed transactions are persistent

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  Isolation of concurrent transactions– Makes it easier to program database applications

  T1 and T2 executed concurrently/interleaved, effects will be as– T1 executed, then T2 executed, or– T2 executed, then T1 executed

  Simple, but slow approach: – Run transactions serially, i.e., no interleaving...

  The point here is that database server may optimize based on interleaved scheduling of transcation steps!

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Lost Update

  T1– salary1 = doctor1.getSalary()

– doctor1.setSalary(salary1 + bonus)

– salary2 = doctor2.getSalary()

– doctor2.setSalary(salary2 - bonus)


– salary1 = doctor1.getSalary()

– doctor1.setSalary(salary1 + bonus)

– salary3 = doctor3.getSalary()

– doctor3.setSalary(salary3 - bonus)

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A Serializable Transaction Interleaving

  T1– salary1 = doctor1.getSalary()

– doctor1.setSalary(salary1 + bonus)

– salary2 = doctor2.getSalary()

– doctor2.setSalary(salary2 - bonus)


– salary1 = doctor1.getSalary()

– doctor1.setSalary(salary1 + bonus)

– salary3 = doctor3.getSalary()

– doctor3.setSalary(salary3 - bonus)

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Inconsistent Retrievals

  T1– ward1.discharge(patient)

– ward2.admit(patient)


– sum += ward1.getNoPatients()

– sum += ward2.getNoPatients()

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Achieving Serializability

  Avoiding conflicts– Result of and T2.a.write depends on order

of execution– Result of T1.a.write and T2.a.write depends on order

of execution

  For all a, if access to a is in conflict:– T1 needs to make all accesses to a before T2

accesses a

  Or vice versa

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Concurrency Control

  Locking (1)– Use read/write locks on objects that are accessed

• Read locks non-exclusive• Write locks exclusive

– Take these locks before objects are accessed  Optimistic

– Operate on tentative version of objects– Check with overlapping transactions just before commit whether

there is a potential conflict on an object– If so, abort; otherwise commit

  Time-stamped– Timestamp transactions uniquely– Validate operations, e.g.,

• Write allowed on an object only if read and written last by earlier transaction

• Read allowed on an object only if written last by earlier transaction

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  T1– ward1.discharge(patient1)

– ward2.admit(patient1)


– ward2.discharge(patient2)

– ward1.admit(patient2)

Locking (2)

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Avoiding Deadlocks

  Deadlock prevention– E.g., requesting locks in a predefined order

  Deadlock detection– Cycles in wait-for graph


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Ensuring Serializability

  Two-phase locking – Growing phase

• During transaction– Acquire write lock on object if it will update– Acquire read lock on object if it will only read– Don’t release!

– Shrinking phase• At abort/commit

– Release locks when aborted or when updates are persistent

  Serializability?– Order of conflicting updates cannot change

• Reads commute • If T2 updates an object after T1 has read or updated, T2 will have to

wait• If T2 reads an object after T1 has updated, T2 will have to wait

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Two-Phase Locking Example

  T1– salary1 = doctor1.getSalary()

– doctor1.setSalary(salary1 + bonus)

– salary2 = doctor2.getSalary()

– doctor2.setSalary(salary2 - bonus)


– salary1 = doctor1.getSalary()

– doctor1.setSalary(salary1 + bonus)

– salary3 = doctor3.getSalary()

– doctor3.setSalary(salary3 - bonus)

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  Stateful and stateless client/server systems– Both use caching, difference is in whether it is

coherent or not

  NFT as example of stateless system  Databases as example of stateful system
