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Dishman’s contract research and manu acturing services are the verycore o our business. We o er a port olio o services rom process R&D,through kilo and pilot supply to ull scale & commercial manu acture

rom purpose built and dedicated acilities.

PROCESS R&DDishman o ers Process R&D with a specialisation in developing processesthat are truly scalable through to commercialisation, be this throughProcess Research, Process Development or Optimisation. We have 200sta operating in continuous three shi ts, 6 day R&D operations in stateo the art dedicated R&D centres. Our promise is sa e, e cient scale-upand problem solving delivering robust, economic processes.

Dishman en orces strict IP protection policies. We protect our customers’ interests as if they were our own .

ANALYTICAL SERVICES Analytical services support both process control and materialcharacterisation or R&D and manu acturing operations, rom initialraw material release through to the release o the nal APIs. The rangeo our equipment is necessarily extensive, mirroring that which onewould nd within an integrated pharmaceutical company.

Top image: R&D centre at Bavla, India

Bottom image: Kilo plant at Bavla, India


By o ering technical and manu acturing excellence in multiple locatiaround the globe, Dishman is THEglobal outsourcing partner or thpharmaceutical industry, providing innovative development to value-

or-money, long-term commercial supply.

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PILOT, FULL SCALE AND COMMERCIAL SUPPLYDishman o ers an extensive range o segregated, purpose built,kilo and pilot scale acilities or cGMP production o API. These

acilities are an integral part o our R&D centres to acilitatemaximum interaction and ensure seamless process trans er romlaboratory to plant.

At commercial scale, Dishman o ers a vast range o dedicatedand multipurpose acilities or the cGMP production o APIs andintermediates.

• 12 multi-purpose and dedicated production acilities• USFDA inspected acilities• >1125m 3 o reactor capacity• Comprehensive range o skills and capabilities encompassing

all routine chemistries and a wide range o sophisticated,

modern technologies• Multiple site, multiple country locations, all operating to

the highest international standards o quality, sa ety andenvironmental control

• An ongoing commitment to add services and expertise valuedby our customers.


Dishman – Global Partnership Solutions

CUSTOMER SERVICE• A relationship driven business model

that invests in pharmaceutical com-panies rather than competes withthem

• Transparency through open, respon-sive customer service and projectmanagement

• A continuum o services o ered under

fexible and innovative terms.

SECURITY OF SUPPLY• Technical and manu acturing excell-

ence in multiple-site, multiple countrylocations lever the best in costoptimisation and provide security osupply

• We protect our customers interests as ithey were our own

• Strong, tenured leadership at corporate

and local levels.

ADDING VALUE• Commitment to deliver cost com-

petitive, technical excellence• O ering the best o the New World as

a centre or commerce• Innovative development to competitive,

long term commercial supply

Top image: Reactors in chemical areUnit 8 at Bavla, India

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