
Do your employees truly love their job?

Not very likely according to facts


48% of employees globally dislike their jobs

80% of US workers feel stressed at work

Only 30% feel “engaged and inspired while

18% are actively disengaged

But what actually causes the disengagement?


Those disengaged employees might stay for a while and wade through

OR May choose to leave

for more independence

No confidence in company leadership

Once employees lose faith in company’s vision, then their loyalties fray and they cease to wholeheartedly follow

Lack of Recognition

When there is no recognition + there is no motivation = Employees set job on autopilot

Poor Communication

Self Actualization

55% of Gen X and Gen Y workers believe that a job that’s personally

fulfilling is worth sacrifices in salary

Investing in your people sets world class companies apart from their


Hallwaze can help you Create

a #Happy Workplace!

Hallwaze will help an Enterprise:

Improve communication

Nurture Employees



Social Recognition is much more valuable than the piece of paper or trophy

Recognize employees socially

You never know if your accountant is a trained risk analyst OR your admin is an ‘in the closet’ app developer

Discover Talent Internally

Get right people to work on right things

Holding on to info is power! Flip the switch & make knowledge sharing the new norm with Hallwaze!

Encourage Sharing and Eliminate Boredom

Hallwaze can massively help you to engage your employees and boost innovation and

productivity in your enterprise.

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